Tuesday, September 07, 2010

President Obama announces new jobs program that will put Americans back to work and help to modernize our country's infrastructure.

Here is just a portion of President Obama's amazing Labor Day speech:

This is what the American people have been waiting for, a plan that will actually have the kind of long term impact we need to re-energize our economy and get our middle class back to work. 

Of course the Republicans will refuse to support it, so it falls to the Democrats to make sure that they explain to their constituents exactly WHAT that kind of obstructionism means for for their ability to support their families with the kinds of jobs that will help bring America into the 21st Century.

Damn I have to say that after listening to that speech I am "fired up, and ready to go!"

You can read the entire text of the speech over at the Huffington Post.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Thanks for posting this! Good to hear positive things. I fully respect the job President Obama is doing. Cleaning up the mess the Bush administration left is not an easy job... It's nice to have a smart president for a change who doesn't owe a lot of campaign promises to big corporations.

  2. I have family in the Milwaukee , WI area. They said the ABC affiliate, WISN Channel 12, dumped out of President Obama’s speech before he finished. When they called the station to find out why this was done, they were told that his speech was "too political".

    I believe that the sister radio station is WISN 1130, which is the home to conservative talk and yes Rush and Co.

    People were so angered they called the station to complain. WISN is owned by Hearst Corporation of the Randolph Hearst family. Possibly the father of "Yellow Journalism".

  3. Anonymous4:36 AM

    "Damn I have to say that after listening to that speech I am "fired up, and ready to go!"

    All fired up and nowhere to go.

  4. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Don't get too excited. This is going nowhere fast. The GOP will not vote for any legislation that will help Obama. Particularly just before an election. If they get any seats back, and it looks as if they will, it only gets worse from there on out. This has been the agenda from the beginning, Deny him ANY victories, impede him at ALL levels.

    They are masters of the "Big Lie" and the "scare" tactic. Time honored traditions for the GOP.

    Sadly, many Americans are too gullible or stupid to see through the B.S. to the truth.

  5. angela5:32 AM

    Anon 5:18
    Thanks for the concern trolling.
    But ultimately; it only takes a few minutes to vote.
    It seems you have bought the scare . . . . .

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I'm sure the right-wing has already decided how to spin this into a negative.

  7. KidShalleen7:18 AM

    I think it is about time to go viral.
    All of us who have our eyes,ears, and minds wide open know full well the dangers involved with a change of gavel in the House.
    In our collective travels around the internet it is our place to point this out emphatically and make the danger understood. Beyond that anything and everything we can do to confront and convince those in our daily lives of this peril, is also a necessity.
    If the Democratic leadership isn't going to do it, the responsibility then falls on us.

  8. Randall7:51 AM

    THIS is why Democrats need to get out and VOTE in November.

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    And, once again...yes, we can!

    While we still can.

    "When stuck in the river, it is best to dive and swim to the bank yourself before someone drops a large stone on your chest in an attempt to hoosh you there."
    Eeyore - Eeyore's Gloomy Little Instruction Book

    5:18 - Get off your arse and do somehing to make a difference rather then giving up and quitting like Scarah would do.

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Call your Congress-critters to express your support for the President's plan!

    themom, I wonder if what WISN did constitutes an illegal act. I would turn them into the FCC. When conservative-owned media are censuring what the President says because it doesn't conform to their world view, then why should they have access to bandwidth? Doesn't a TV station have some obligation to broadcast?

  11. KidShalleen10:51 AM

    As in many of the articles here on this site and others I've read on sites like HuffPo, I am so sick and tired of reading about all these political prognosticators saying how the Dems are going to get pummeled this November. I have to ask, "HOW?" How in the he// is this going to happen with people like Brewer, Miller in Alaska, Bachmann in Minnesota, Angle in Nevada, Vitter in Louisiana, Kyle, Boehner, MacConnell, and on, and on, and on.

    These people are all whack jobs and offer nothing. Are the people of this country so unaware that they see not the danger? Just the idea of Boehner and Cantor, Issa and King, in the House running around in control, makes my blood run cold.

    I don't know what, or who it will take, but someone in the Democratic Party needs to get on their horse and ride, pretty GD soon, or we'll all be speaking in tongues, and doing the Fundamentalist Frug, come next year.

    Just remember the phrase that Sinclair Lewis coined;
    "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    It is upon us now, if we allow it to happen. If ever the
    Democratic Party electorate should be inspired, it should be now.

    We have the time. We have the voting power. We just need to get it done.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.