Thursday, September 02, 2010

Rachel Maddow interviews Alaska's only hope for a Senator who will actually work for Alaskans and NOT Sarah Palin!

Scott needs to do some work on his delivery and his obvious nervousness on camera, that is a fact.

But if being a regular guy in touch with the needs of his fellow Alaskans (Something that Joe Miller only PRETENDS to be) is what the voters in this state are looking for, then Scott McAdams should be a shoo-in.


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    He's really not bad at all. Good message. He just needs to work on getting rid of the "you knows". I think if he hired a speech coach for a day or two of intensive practice, he'd be great. He should be getting huge DNC support, anything he needs.

  2. Rick Hill4:32 AM

    Just painting Miller as the front man for Palin should go a long way. Not even stretching the truth on that one.

  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    He did come across as a competent, likeable candidate who was just a tad nervous.

    I hope someone tells him he needs to cut-down on how often he uses the phrase "you know" (it became distracting).

    He did get off-topic a couple of times, going into stump-speech mode, but overall, he projects a much stronger and yet friendly image than does Joe Miller.

    Go McAdams! Sure hope you win!

  4. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Scott warmed up during the course of the interview which was a relief, but he almost lost me when he said Washington was broken. That was pandering to the fringe voters who catapulted this know-nothing bearded carpetbagger Miller into league.

    Aside from that, we knew Scott was intelligent. I liked that he carried Sarah's only qualifying banner as having executive experience in electoral public service. Great dig at Miller.

    Joe may have been Alaska's bible belt favorite of 47,000 voters abortion voters, but he is out of his depth and shows it in his platform.

  5. Anonymous4:52 AM

    When the Anchorage Daily News posted Senator Murkowski's concession to Miller the other day on Facebook, all the commenters that were posting in the positive were from 'Outside.'

    Yep, that's Joe's appeal, to Sarah's bots across the country. Alaskans? Beyond the single issue voters? Not so much.

  6. Anonymous5:02 AM

    LOL, a little off topic but all things being Sarah, it's so funny how the article reveals why she had three blackberries. . .

    Was it to brush up on domestic and international policy? Learn more about her running mate? Look up the First Amendment and a tutorial on the Constitution? Figure out just what exactly a Vice President does? Run the State of Alaska while pursuing her own interests?

    No, it was to read all those awesome cheerleadin' emails from bots across the country. And obsess over IM, Mudflats and Shannon Moore of course.

    I think Purdum's piece in VF (which I truly believe was the straw that broke the camel's back and reinforced Sarah's desire to cast off the Gubernatorial shackles to cash in on her fame) was a lot more respectable and influential than Gross' but I appreciate it just the same.

  7. Anonymous5:21 AM

    The "you knows" weren't too bad. I think the little "stump speech" at the end helped him get some support from the independents and undeclared voters- being inclusive. Also good stating his "reason" for running for Senate showed a sincere reason for being in public service that should resonate with people. However, the big deal, is getting people to find a babysitter and go out to vote!

  8. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Beck booked Dena'ina Center on Sept. 11 in Anchorage. Sarah is going to Iowa on the 17th. . .

    Sarah is going to announce her bid for President on 9/11 in Anchorage, nine years to the day America stood still and the discontent of isolationists, xenophobes and jingoists sowed the upward mobility of a know-nothing, do-nothing populist pig with lipstick.

    Chris Matthews said we need more Gatekeepers again. Gross said that there is no matter irrelevant or small enough that she will lie about.

    God help us.

  9. Anonymous5:31 AM

    In addition to the "you knows," he was also speaking way too fast. This is what happens when you unconsciously feel like you need to fill empty space (silence). You see a lot of this in remote interviews where there's some lag time.

    His nervousness was apparent, but then who wouldn't be when thrust pretty quickly on the national stage? When he started this race, Murkowski was the presumptive GOP winner, and thus there would have been little Outside attention. Now all that's changed.

    He does need some coaching. Isn't there a nice drama teacher down Homer way who can help him out?

  10. johnie2xs6:55 AM

    I agree with most of the posters here concerning Scott's delivery, and hope like they do that he can correct a bit of it, but ultimately, it makes no difference. What is going to make the difference is even in knowing he has these really insignificant foibles, he stands head and shoulders above Miller in authenticity and veracity.
    Now it is up to you, Alaska, to drive a stake into the heart of the vacuous vamp, and elect this man.
    No one in the lower 48 understands Palin and her maliciousness the way you people do. It is up to the citizens of your state to show the way. We need you to step up, and do it with gusto, in turning out for Scott in November.
    I've been monitoring Alaska blogs, (Gryph's being my favorite), and have been dully impressed with the fervor with which Palin has been dissected and explained. What has not been so impressive, however, is that certain of the populace in your State, seem to be laying low, with information that could finally rid us all, of this Palin virus, but don't. If what is being reported is correct, I can only imagine what it must be like to have to buck the tyranny, of this woman, but it must be taken on none the less, lest the entire country suffer for her ascendancy.
    I truly believe that info exists, and as a concerned citizen of this country, I hope you can find the strength, somehow, to rise up and get it done.
    I do not say this in the way of being accusatory, but rather in the hope of bolstering your resolve to spare your country further harm,
    as we are witnessing, by this spawn
    of the of the worst in mankind.
    I cannot imagine, as reviled as Palin is by so many of us down here, that she is not even more reviled by those of you who know her best.
    Please find a way to spare us all of any further damage to our country, and its political and social processes, which have already suffered enough.

    I wish you all, well.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    MAyor of Sitka Alaska, former commercial fisherman from Kodiak, his first interview on national television by a well-known polical commentator while at the Alaska Fair?

    Give the man a break! He did a FANTASTIC job. He actually had stuff to say....important for Alaska stuff to say. And I am sure that he will get better with time.

    I wish Democrats would quit being so damn critical. There is enough of that already.

  12. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I think she's going to announce on 9/11 as well. Yet another blight on my birthday...

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Re: Paylin announcing her bid for the presidency in Anchorage 9/11 - Glad to see other folks have picked up on this also.

    And being blessed by Saint Beck too!

    Congratulations, Alaska! (That is sarcasm.)


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