Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sarah Palin flexes her new political muscles and takes on Turdblossom himself on the Factor. Oh no she didn't!

It is amazing that Sarah is now so full of herself that she does not hesitate to take on Karl Rove, the man well known to be the brains behind both of George Bush's successful Presidential elections, and  relegate him to the status of "Good ole boy."

As O'Reilly makes his point about Rove's impressive political credentials, and concern that O'Donnell's inexperience makes her unlikely to be elected in the general, Sarah Palin essentially says "La, La, La, I CAN"T HEAR YOU!" and keeps right on spewing out her poorly concocted talking points.

Methinks Caribou Barbie better watch her ass.  Karl Rove has destroyed far more powerful and competent politicians than her for much, mucc less.

(BTW, why does she have an American flag colored wrist band on?  Is she getting ready to play a patriotic tennis match after the interview?)

And a few minutes later Palin essentially tells O'Donnell to ignore her advisers and do whatever the hell she wants to do, which of course explains a lot about the choices that Sarah Palin has made in her own roller coaster ride of a career.

Toward the middle of the video O'Reilly misidentifies the gender of Kelly Ayotte, and struggles to remember the name of the Palin endorsed New Hampshire candidate, Sarah just sits there staring ahead because apparently she can't remember who the hell she endorsed either! (You would think that she could have at least remembered enough to correct him on the gender.  After all isn't Ayotte is one of Palin's "Mama Grizzlies?")

At the end of the interview O'Reilly starts casting aspersions on Glenn Beck's masculinity, or possibly his  sexuality, and Palin is laughing right along with him while claiming to have recently murdered a caribou to illustrate how much more macho she is than Beck.  She even remarks that he is made of "Twinkies.".

Hmm that is an interesting snack cake for Palin to choose in describing Glenn Beck, especially considering what the word "Twinkie" is slang for in the gay community.

The other rather obvious thing that leapt out at me during this interview was how odd Palin's hair appeared.  I am pretty confident that was a wig, and it seems to be one that she just slapped on right before the interview.  Ladies, what do you think?


  1. angela2:22 AM

    I don't know about the wig, but I think Sarah smacking Karl Rove is either planned political theater--or Sarah has just jumped a shark that is going to come into her house on the dead lake and bite the hell out of her.

    She's acting invincible like she's on some sort of hallucinogen or like an over excited kid at a carnival who has eaten way too much sugary junk. So if this isn't all planned she is seriously going to be ratf****ed in some very ugly way we may or may not find out about. Karl believes in revenge best served cold and extremely dirty.

    Should be interesting. . . . .

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Strange. Palin vs Rove.

    Sarah was all wound up and the veins in her neck looked like they were gonna pop. I'm betting she's got yet another scandal brewing on the home front.

    Oh, and her hair didn't look styled. Maybe you're right - she was running late and just threw something on.

  3. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Gryphen, I don't think it's a wig. It looks like she didn't bother to wash her hair (for at least a week!). It amazes me how she fast her mean-girl side came out when talking about Beck. But actually it's OK, because someday it's going to come around and bite her in the butt! She may have been able to control and intimidate everyone, including politicians, in Alaska, but she's going to find it's not smart to make enemies like Carl Rove here in the lower 48.

  4. Irishgirl2:53 AM

    I'm really hoping she's finally pissed off the wrong person and he takes her down. She is absolutely full of herself, talking about the "good ole boys."

    I'm getting out the popcorn.

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Twinkies!!! haha the best yet. I don't think thats a wig. it's a little too natural looking. It looks like hair that hasnt been washed in about 3-4 (she has similar hair to mine so I know how it reacts). if you look at pics from when shes at ballgames, its the same hair and length (only comparison I could come up with). I've noticed when she does her own hair and makeup (searchlight, family events, select interviews) her hair and makeup leave much to be desired. not criticizing because hair is not everyones forte (esp a woman who's more masculine than feminine in personality). This is why I don't believe shes had plastic surgery. maybe botox or an equivalent but actually reconstruction, no. Makeup, either well executed or poorly, can make one look really bad and fake or hot

  6. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Sounds like Sarah is giving O'Donnell the same advice she gave herself to get elected by Alaskans. I remember a so-called debate where Palin basically told the audience facts didn't matter. You betcha, ya know, the winky, fake folksy bullshit. Face it, Alaskans fell for it. I guess Palin assumes those from Delaware will be equally ignorant and not paying attention. Palin is a cancer on this nation.

    It's her screw everybody, do what ya want. Ya don't need any facts, policies, actual common sense and ya damn well do NOT have to explain anything to the lamestream media. Seems to have worked for Palin so she spreads the ugly to others. Amazing what some women will do for power...makes me ill as a woman.

  7. As usual, what's most striking to me is the way she dodges the thrice-asked question. Palin could not (would not?) discuss why Rove does not support O'Donnell's candidacy, even though they all share a similar world view. She wouldn't even address the inexperience issue although that was her primary beef with Obama. Nope. She just encourages O'Donnell to escape her handlers and unleash her nuttiness on the poor independent voters. Monkey See, Monkey Do.

  8. Anonymous4:06 AM

    She looks like crap, but I don't think that's a wig... it looks like she fell out of bed, slapped her hair into a clip, and couldn't be bothered to style her bangs. They're just flopping about to the side of her face.

  9. Anonymous4:30 AM

    I'm not even going to watch. I can't anymore. Simply can't and won't.

    I will enjoy the magnificent display of the viscous power of the neocons attacking these inept and incomprehensible political neophytes with Sarah at the top of the list though. I may not be a fan of the 90's Republican Revolution leadership, but at least their intentions were obvious, money. Christine and Sarah may not be able to hold down a job, run a business or manage to pay their taxes, and they sure like to live off other people's money - but their motivations are arbitrarily biblical with their own convoluted interpretations making it impossible to 'govern least' when they want to micromanage how we normal American's live.

    Watching Christine O'Donnell on her whack-job advocacy interviews on MTV (S.A.L.T.) and with Bill Maher, you have to realize and fully appreciate how flat-out crazy and narcissistic these 'conservative feminists' are.

    Sharon Angle, Jan Brewer, Michelle Bachmann, Christine O'Donnell, we don't do worse with the traditional misogynistic, sexist and racist GOP men.

  10. Anonymous4:38 AM

    OMG, LMAO. She is toast in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. He will destroy her. He will do it covertly, i.e. Valery Plame. Watch for leaks in the next few months about her past. This also insures that her candidates won't win since Karl will make certain they are buried. The Tea Party is going rogue and isn't listening. Karl would rather lose a few senate seats than his ability to be the puppet master of the right wing.

    What the hell is she on?

  11. Looks to me like Sarah was having a bad hair day.....must have been humid!

    Power reference...did you see the smug/eyeroll look on her face...she's reveling...oh the rapture!

  12. Ho boy, this is going to call for industrial strength popcorn.

  13. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Glenn's a Twink?

    HA..who knew?

  14. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Her reference to who's in that "grassroots" (barf!) party. She made it sound like there are more independents there than rethuglians as she also made reference that there are "some hardcore".

    LMAO at her blank stare as to who was in New Hampshire. Like she's got so many she can't keep track of. Teachers have more students in a class and remember names than she does as to who she is endorsing.

    Her eyes appeared to me to have a glazed look.

    Rove I'm sure is searching the closet for all her many to find skeletons to take her down. He believes himself the kingmaker of the Rethug party and will not have any part of her destruction of that and most definitely, her causing the rethugs to loose once again.

  15. Anonymous5:42 AM

    It looked like Bill was totally dicusted with her through out the interview. He trys to contain himself for Fox but it shows through.

  16. Nan (aka roswellborn)5:46 AM

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that she unwittingly (how else - ha) backs up he own "handlers'" claims that she was uncontrollable. WTG Scarah.

    As for the hair, well, whether wig or not, it sure looked like she just caught it back, willy nilly.

    As for Rove, as soon as he realizes she really DID... Well, I'm stocking up on popcorn.

  17. Bill O'Reilly has become the reasonable guy on Fox News. Be afraid.

  18. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Rove blinked-- just walked his comments back. Video soon on TPM:

    I guess Limbaugh & Palin are more powerful now than Rove.

  19. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I like that pundits can have fun with the other pundits like that. Gleen certainly mocks himself and has lots of fun

  20. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Saw a report on a poll that said Americans want a third party...only question is what Caribou Barbie will call her new group. TEA Party seems to be their brand already. But I can't imagine she'd let this opportunity go without calling attention to herself...

  21. Anne In DC6:05 AM

    I hope this turns out to be Palin's Waterloo, and that at long last she'll be held accountable for her recklessly stupid statements. Of all the Republicans for her to antagonize, Rove is definitely not the one. As a poster said previously, he has destroyed others for far less.

    If it's true that the eyes are the window to one's soul, Palin has some goofy-looking eyes under her bumpit, or natural hair. It's obvious that she has gotten drunk on the undeserved adulation that has been directed her way. At the same time, it's poetic justice that one of Rove's Frankensteins is actually turning on him.

  22. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:06 AM


    Going thru her brain while she was being interviewed: "They didn't TELL me SHE was gonna be so much younger and cuter than I am!"


  23. imnofred6:13 AM

    It sounds to me that Sarah is not only taking on Carl Rove but is taking on the entire Republican Establishment. Not a wise move, but then again this is Sarah Palin.

    She manages to play the victim card again about her handlers and really thinks that Independents watch Fox News.

    I really believe that she thinks she can get to the White House through Fox News exclusively.

  24. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I am so tired of the buzz words, talking points that she repeats over and over and over. For two years it has been the same speeches, same buzz words. Frankly Sarah it was OLD before you and your running mate lost the general election and after two years of listening to this crap is has now passed to repulsion... "common sense solutions".... ONE time Sarah, just ONE time, can you PLEASE tell us what ONE of your "common sense solution" is??? Nope - no buzz words, give us something specific. It doesn't even have to be on a complex subject - you can even pick the subject...

  25. Anonymous6:17 AM

    PALIN IS A PHONY… this video shows Billo kept asking Palin the name of the person she endorsed in New Hampshire, she just sat there in silence. Does this mean someone else is telling Palin who to endorse because she has no idea who she endorsed !

    Another GOTCHA question? This is why Palin refuses interviews with the real Sunday talk shows and why she refuses to answer questions unless they are pre-selected!

  26. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Thanks for your humorous take on the further adventurous of your own Alaskan Nitwit of the North.

    I have despised O'Reilly since 2007 when he cut the microphone feed of Colonel Ann Wright, who was defending the Geneva Convention when she failed to be cowed by his bullying.

    So it is with some satisfaction I see his ego compete with someone else, just as full of herself, but far more ignorant, and O'Reilly knows it.

    Likewise her disregard of Rove, and his attempt to give some direction to the GOP. Both she and Rove like fighting in the gutter, so match on!

    Twenty years ago I was a staunch Republican; now I am cheering as the party tears itself apart.

    The Bush years and Mrs. Todd Palin ripped the blinders from my eyes.

  27. Anonymous6:29 AM

    i just want these people gone from the political landscape....they scare the crap out of me and after recent developments i don't trust the voters to do what is right anymore.

  28. GAWD!

    Where DOES she keep her crappy wigs? In the laundry hamper???

    If this isn't right wing theater, and by the look on Hannity's face it during the Rove interview IT ISN'T, $arah has bitten off more than she can chew.

    Karl wants serious candidates that are "controllable".

    I think Karl's biggest fear is $arah running for POTUS.

    If anyone is able to AND has the desire to take Queen Esther out, it's the darling little Turd Blossom and she will NEVER see it coming.

    It will be like the trap door in the cartoons...whoosh, she's gone!

    Listening to Karl go after O'Donnell, can you imagine him going after $arah like that?

    HE probably has more on the Tin Cup Grifter than

    Ever since the campaign, he has probably been listening in or privy to ALL her communications.

    It doesn't take much to know every thing on every computer, phone and cell phone $arah and her family own.

    Think about the connections Karl has made and maintained over the years, in and out of DC, the Pentagon, FBI, CIA and in these thousands upon thousands of unknown intelligence entities created for security after 9/11.

    It was reported that their office space is 6 times larger than the pentagon and no one knows who is who or what is what.

    They are for the most part unaccounted for and answer to no one.

    The Bush administration set these up and Rove had plenty to do with all of this.

    Their offices are in every state in the country, according to the map that has been repeatedly shown on TV.

    I would NEVER want to be on the wrong side of Karl Rove.

    I would NEVER want to be in HIS "cross-hairs".

  29. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Wig slapped on dirty hair.

    I don't think she's being reckless and over-confident tussling with Rove, I think she has political backing that is more powerful than Rove and she's sending a signal to the other Republicans that she's going to step up and start using that power. You might think she's just a joke Gryphen, and on her own she is, but she has the backing of the neo-cons, the Cheneys, Bill Kristol, Richard Perle, probably the Kochs. This makes her extremely dangerous. All the more reason to start revealing more of what you know and trying to get it to the mainstream.

  30. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I don't think this is theater. To what end? Sarah is crazy enough to believe she can take on the neocons.

    I mean, really, does anyone believe Sarah even knew much at all about national politics even while she was Governor? I'd be willing to bet she doesn't even grasp how powerful Karl Rove really is.

    The problem is that she poking the tiger in the name of taking on the GOP and her actions could likely cost the Republicans a take over at midterm elections.

    If that happens, I say Rove et al sacrifice her in 2012. If they don't think Obama can be beat, they'll get her the repub. nomination and help to discredit her while reminding everyone that she's not really a republican and that she' the reason democrats are in complete control.

    Wouldn't that be a sight to see? The full weight of Karl Rove bringing down Sarah Palin and everyone who supports her.

  31. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The Tea Party and S. Palin are manipulated and backed by some serious moneybags like Murdoch, Koch Brothers et al.--the TP is far from a real grass roots movement and has no real platform addressing the problems of the 21st century world.

    If enough of electorate fail to vote it's possible that the hysterial counter-rational elements being manipulated by the corporate elites for their own agenda can take some power and do some damage to the country.

    The Murdochs and corporatists can be stopped if enough voters get involved in each election cycle and put the time in to find candidates and elect those who have the interests of society at heart--not what's best for profit lines of corporations.

    Palin is too delusional to realize she is a tool of the elites. She is purely a demagogue with no skills in the art of governing. Her time on the national stage is coming to a close with the 2010 elections. Unless I am mistaken, a backlash against interference by Palin and her backers is taking place on the local level. If that's true it will show in the defeat of the Republicans she's endorsed.

    Karl Rove is a despicable player, a reactionary idealogue, He was ruthless and dishonest from the start of his unillustrious career. So it was rather gratifying to see Palin dismiss him lightly as an "old boy." (Her megolmania has so expanded that she can't see the seeds of her own political demise in trajectory as Rove's career.)

    Publicly humiliating Rove was not only stupid but unnecessary. I imagine Palin's backers will be seriously questioning the wisdom of keeping her in the forefront from hereon.

  32. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Sarah didn't know who she endorsed because she isn't the one picking them. Do you seriously think she would spend her valuable time READING up on these candidates positions on the issues??? Someone else is telling her who to endorse and what to say about them.

    Come on folks...SHE JUST AINT THAT SMART!!!

  33. Those "independents" she and billo are talking about? They are closet republicans. The tea party has made them embarrassed to admit their party affiliation.

  34. Erica from Texas6:52 AM

    I am almost speachless.
    I never thought that I would agree with Karl Rove.He is a breath of fresh air!haha. I am wishing for the good old days when we had nuts like President bush in office.
    Oh and thanks to the O'Donnell win in Delaware I know Texas doesn't have all the crazies.
    I think I will look up Rove's website and send him $20.just kidding

  35. I laughed my ass off at the Twinkie reference. Beck a good looking, fun, young gay man, with no substance?? I would agree with the no substance.
    I don't know if it was a wig, extensions, or a hair piece, but whatever it was, she looked bedraggled. Her voice was hoarse, too. I wonder if she's been having a major melt down....screaming and pulling her hair.

  36. Anonymous7:10 AM

    She must've done the interview in Tulsa OK, it looks like she has the same clothes on as in this interview:

  37. angela7:17 AM

    I have to say that everyone keeps thinking the next stupid, inappropriate or non-sensical thing Sarah says will bring her down. This is not the case. As she is backed by FAUX and billionaires. Also she makes stupid news for FAUX and she will NOT be taken off the air. She can Twitter and Facebook until she catches Rebecca Mansour wearing her underwear, going through her address book and asking Piper to call her mommy. Then she'll find someone else to do Rebecca's job.

    No. Sarah will not implode publicly. She has looked like an ass hundreds of times and that doesn't stop her. She just ups the meds and soldiers on. Someone of her own party will whisper in her ear that they will be outing her on one of the miraculously heinous things she has done and she will go semi-quietly away. Of course it will look like something else. It always does.

  38. Re: Anonymous@4:38. We can only hope Palin will be Plamed. It'll be good to watch.

  39. icstraights7:22 AM

    Never mind the wig (yes it is-a natural expensive wig made to look real) that makes her look like a crack-whore pretending to have a real job, her neck! Her age is showing. You can fix the face with surgery but you can't fix that ol' turkey neck...
    It look fine on women who are ok with aging gracefully. But I have noticed skin pulled tight on the face but the neck ALWAYS tells the truth.
    Sorry Scarah-CO'D is hotter than you.

    KR-let your hounds of hell lose and I will get out the popcorn. Too funny.

  40. Anonymous7:31 AM

    She really should remove her teeth-whitening trays from her mouth before she tries talking. What an amazing lisp!

  41. Anonymous7:33 AM

    The interesting thing about this is that rove was asking legitimate questions and was speaking the truth. She does have issues and she does have problems that she got away with not addressing in the campaign.
    So why are they turning on him?
    For speaking the truth?
    What is is about the tea party that the truth cannot be discussed?

    The fact that palin was confident enough to take on rove worries me.
    I bet she and others like beck, will break away from the republicans and have a third party, the tea party.
    They have a ton of money and it appears unlimited.
    Palin could run as a third party candidate.
    She is not intelligent or thoughtful enough to wonder who is behind this and for what reason.
    Is it a religious take over?
    Who is behind this?

  42. Anonymous7:41 AM

    One of those news/political blogs reported that Sarah is definitely going to run for president, and that she is assembling her team. So, when Sarah goes into her mean girl act, making fun of Beck (Twinkies) and insulting Rove, she is not helping her potential future campaign.

    As for Sarah's looks, not that looks should count, I see someone how is not in control, just looking at her body affect. She blinks. Her head shakes. She looks awful. Her face is so thin, and that hairdo makes her look worse. In judging Sarah's appearance, she gives the impression of crazy lady. Not as crazy as Jan Brewer freezing during her debate. Not as crazy as Sharon Angle running away from reporters, but this a woman with some really serious mental issues. I don't know how she would hold up for the two years required to run for president. She couldn't take the criticism in a fluffy Vanity Fair article. She will really be undone by some serious criticism. She wasn't prepared to talk with a friendly Fox associate.

  43. Anonymous7:42 AM

    She wears smug like syrup.

  44. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Did. She kill that thing on her head when she went huntin last week. What is she going to do when she stars hearing that Christine odonnell is younger and prettier than quitter granny and a real virgin not a born again virgin like Bristol.

  45. Anonymous7:55 AM

    NH resident here - Kelly Ayote is a weak candidate and if Palin's handlers did any background checks they would have found that most of her money is from Washington repubs already inside the beltway. The good ol' boy network got Kelly elected not because she was the most conservative but because she is an attractive woman. It was shown in poll after in state poll that Palin's endorsement did nothing to help her, it was all about the corrupt Sununu repub network. If she wins the general election she will be as weak as a wet noodle and the good ol' boys will have another puppet. She will not be different, or "clean up the mess" or represent what NH needs, she will be kissing the republican butts.

  46. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Her voice seems to be in a lower range in this interview which lets us hear the lisp even more. Has anyone figured out what the lisp is from??? It is really noticeable in this interview; so much so that I could only focus on the lisp and missed the words. I guess that is a blessing.

  47. Anonymous8:11 AM

    dear gryphen, nothing I write comes through.

    what am i doing wrong

  48. The Tea Party movement is over.

    Nobody disses Karl Rove and lives.

    This is going to be so fun to watch.

    Sarah can take all that mavericky giggly bravado and kiss it goodbye.

  49. I agree with "icstraights".
    Sarah's turkey neck shows her age.

    Her hands are gnarled, like an elderly woman, also, too.

  50. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I don't think it is a wig, I think it is just her own hair that needs to be shampooed and a few minutes of effort put into it. Those bangs always in her eyes drive me batty and I'm always reaching up to brush my own away.........and I don't even HAVE bangs!

    She is so nasty and smirky all the time. I hope Rove knocks her down a peg or two. I think it will take one of her own to put the brakes on her. Anything from the left/liberal/progressive side will only be disbelieved and scoffed at.

    Beck jumps all over Keith Olbermann for minor denigrating remarks. I can't bellieve he would sit by and allow Sarah and Billo to openly laugh at him and not retaliate!

    She obviously couldn't remember who she supported in NH - what a dunce!

  51. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Rove will take her down. We won't know where; we won't know how. It will be behind the scenes in leaked information that can never be traced to him. Think Valerie Plame's case but more directed at the complete demise of Palin. He could take her down publicly, but he knows it would cost him a great deal personally and also the Republican Party. He doesn't want to throw Republicans to the Palinbots or disenfranchise the Tea Party in the process so it will be covert. He may even leak the information to liberals so they can feel the heat of taking her down. The lesson to the nutcases like Palin is to behave yourself or we will bring you down.

    The conservatives have unleashed the Hounds from Hell by encouraging the Tea Party, and now they have no clue how to handle them. The Tea Party is getting cocky and controlling and Rove, the Architect, doesn't like it. Gosh, this is fun!

  52. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I finally steeled myself to watch the video clip. At the very end, O'Reilly says he knows what Glen Beck is made of - "pudding". SP grins, and says in a high-pitched girly voice "twinkies".

    So often she says mean and insulting things, while smiling and sounding cheerful.

    She just does not have any loyalty. Glen Beck all but worships her, and without his presence the 9/11 show would have been embarrassingly weak. Still, she mocks him at the slightest opportunity. From now on, I will refer to him as Glen "Twinkie" Beck.

  53. Anonymous11:23 AM

    She blithely uses the phrase "Tea-Party-Americans" as if it's a natural variant on the Junior Miss South Carolina's "U.S.-Americans" label that we all found so amusing a few years ago.

    It's her populist genius to aggressively tout her "know-nothing" contempt for all the elite (grown-up) institutions of government, academia, etc. Of course she advises O'Donnell to ignore the experts and do whatever the hell she feels like doing—that itself is the adolescent appeal of flouting authority.

    Unfortunately people don't give up that adolescent bravado until something goes terribly wrong, and they realize there are REASONS why grown-ups make the compromises they do.

    Unless the media call her repeatedly on her lack means to actually HANDLE the crises and compromises of governing like a grown-up, she won't be revealed as incompetent until she is in a position to take us all down with her.

    Will it be up to Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck to open people's eyes to what a fraud she is?

  54. Anonymous1:21 PM

    dirty hair, fer sure.

    anyone else think Billo was playing here?? Think he was told to ease up on $arah to get her on again. He loves to make her look stupid---as she does here. Note how long it takes her to figure out what he's doing with the NH candidate reference. She couldn't answer the next question, because she wasn't paying attention---she was fuming.. . . and the Beck nonsense. It's like he's trying to "pal" her into saying something stupid, which she does. Are Billo and Karl buds? The takedown may have begun already.

  55. Anonymous2:42 PM

    6:36, right on.

  56. Anonymous2:46 PM

    wig. bad wig.

    6:44, hope you are right, because 6:36 just scared me.

  57. Anonymous3:06 PM

    We can only hope and pray that Rove takes Sarah down. No one else seems to be able to!! I never thought I'd be rooting for Karl Rove!!

  58. I don't think it's a wig. I think she just didn't do her hair and makeup before this interview. She has not looked this poorly in a LONG time. It was shocking actually. But, whatever.

    I'm more interested in what Rove will do now. Her cajones grow by the day. So much so that her gait has GOT to be altered by now!

  59. Benito6:55 PM

    In the last four months Jan Brewer has been caught lying, three times and counting.

    The comments made on June 16, 2010, and June 27, 2010, clearly indicates that the Brewer says that immigrants are beheading people in the United States desert. She first ran away from the question and the press when confronted with the question. She finally when to FOX/ FAKE News to recant her lie.

    When Brewer was confronted with the fact the two of her top Advisors (Paul Senseman, Chuck Coughlin) are lobbyist for “Private Prisons” giant CCA she first ran away from the question and the press.

    In an attempt to gain sympathy, she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (which ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that her father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. Do you see a trend here?

    Brewer signed into law SB 1070 Bill (Did she even read it?), lied about the crime rates in AZ (even Janet Napolitano knows that all crimes rates went down), and now we find out that she is in the pockets of PRIVATE PRISONS who stand to benefit with the increase Federal jailing, and thus they will pay her back, I wonder if it has to do anything about the fact that her son was transferred to a brand new prison, he was convicted for rape and sexual assault, I guess the fruit does not fall far the tree.

    “Private Prisons Lie”

    “AZ Crime Rates”

    “Father Lie”

  60. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Wow, obviously couldn't remember her guy in New Hampshire!

    Everyone here seems to be focused on the hair........for me, it was the neck. Is it my imagination or is her neck getting kind of wrinkly and saggy? She seems to be engaging in extra tanning sessions in an attempt to disguise it. bt

    PS I make comments about her looks in case she still reads the comments on this blog.

  61. Anonymous11:34 PM

    definately a wig you can see where her hair is pulled back under it on front.... her forehead is too high... but an unkept wig at that it looked used and abused....but then so does she! Rode hard and put away wet....

    She is screwing with the wrong man with Rove he is gonna eat her nasty azz.......

  62. Randall6:05 AM

    Perhaps the next Palin/Beck amusement gathering should be billed as:

    Winky and Twinky


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