Friday, September 24, 2010

Sarah Palin to take to Facebook and "refudiate' Sharron Angle's attack on funding for special needs children in 1..2..3..yeah keep waiting suckers you KNOW it will never happen!

If this were Rahm Emanuel, or Nancy Pelosi, or President Obama, Palin would be banging her digits on her Blacberry as fast as she could sending texts demanding that RAM write up some vicious smackdown over their heartless attack on "our most precious Americans."

But Sharron Engle is one of her hand picked "Mama Grizzlies" so she will have to practice that famous brand of Palin hypocrisy and either ignore it altogether, or make up some lame excuse for why THIS is completely different than when Democrats do it.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Not just the autism, which she put in air quotes, but she's even against maternity leave because she personally won't have any more babies! lol. That's amazing.

    I was listing to Randi Rhodes, a jewel of progressive radio, and she just went off on her yesterday. A female caller on her show wondered out loud if there were any people in the audience at that tea party rally, because she said she's sure that many had to have children or relatives with autism, muscular dystrophy, juvenile diabetes, etc, and yet they just stood there and said nothing? "Were there people there? What was she talking to, trees and rocks?" the caller asked in exasperation.

    And yeah, I immediately though of Sarah and what would she say about this. Crickets, so far. Sarah has no problem twittering in the middle of a funeral, but can't find the time to respond to Angle's statements.

  2. Virginia Voter3:24 AM

    It's just like when she told Dr. Laura to reload the "n" will hear the sound of crickets.

    Sharron made a direct attack on Sarah's family, since she has a nephew with autism...wheres the rage, Sarah??

    Hey, Sharron, Sarah's family soaks up free government healthcare from the Native Medical center in Anchorage! Yup, even the toddler with Downs syndrome, or is the "autism"

  3. Anonymous3:59 AM

    she'll say it was satire?

  4. KidShalleen4:13 AM

    Proof that Angle will never have any more kids, besides her age, may be understood by all the circular impressions on her body from being poked with a ten foot pole.

  5. Anonymous4:53 AM

    When she campaigned in Colorado in 2008, the only state issue she really addressed was a ballot vote on a sales tax to raise money for the disabled. The tax was only for a few cents.

    She recommended that Coloradans not vote for it. And sadly, a majority didn't.

    I was always struck by how she chose to oppose that particular vote, especially considering all her talk about being an advocate for the disabled.

  6. Anonymous5:12 AM

    One of the three hard driven Blackberries are being held in Sarah's bony and spidery hands, her monstrously overworked thumbs must be poised over the keyboard, struck in dumb wonder.

    How could she, the Queen-Maker, be so betrayed by such a whack-job nobody who owes her elevation and standing to her? I mean, Sarah helped Sharon become a household name, celebrated by ril Americans across this great country? Who could ever do such a thing to their maker?

    Look in the mirror Sarah, you iconic representation of political backstabbery. John McCain can give you a few tips on how to swallow the anger, humiliation and gobsmackery of a know-nothing nobody making a mockery of you.

    Of course, this means that you would actually give a damn about anything or anybody but yourself and perhaps, to a small extent, your brood.

    You are a shame and a momentous let-down to the Special Needs community. You do NOTHING for the living, breathing, medical, educational, training and skill needs for this underrepresented segment of the population and their care-givers.

    If it were possible to strive to have more Trig's in this world, it'd be a painful reality for everyone, even those without servants hearts.

  7. Anonymous5:18 AM

    No Virginia Voter, it's not free government health care.

    Do you have any idea why Native Americans receive this benefit ?

    Do you understand Indian Law, and the unique status that Native American tribes have with the Federal government ?

    Read up on this, why don't you, before you spout any more of your ignorant rants.

  8. Anonymous5:24 AM

    If Sarah Palin and the Sharon Angle's of the world had their way at playing God by limiting Government social services and directing this care-giving community to seek assistance from all the Faith Based Groups filling the gap, they'd have to spin a charitable view of Faith Aid negligence.

    God help us all if we had to depend on "good neighbors" like these women for any help. Life Happens even with those that perhaps others might consider less than idil, not perfect babies, but when it does, you are at the mercy of the Servants Heart Death Panels.

  9. Aussie Blue Sky5:34 AM

    Does Sharon Angle think that having health insurance means you're insuring AGAINST having an autistic child?

  10. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Angle made a goof. Mama Grizzlies are supposed to say it is Obama who is against health care, spin he is making death panels to end children's lives and prevent them from getting any health care. Then Angle, Palin and the grizzlies actively seek to cancel health care for special needs.Angle's position can be dealt with by declaring the media is "makin' stuff up" to "attack". Or it's satire..don't retreat Sharon! Go reload!

  11. Chenagrrl6:08 AM

    Bravo/va for the NBC station that correctly framed the clip.

    Scary how she just bulldogs along with the stream-of-consciousness babble. Who is this they she keeps referring to?

  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    o/t. but whats up with the story in Star mag where Sadie claims Bristol had a breast reduction and plans to get more work done. She also mentions her around Dec 07 and why she wouldnt come inside the Johnston home.

    I dont believe Sadie actually contacted Star but the article is weird

    (We do know the Palins spent new years at the cabin via emails)

  13. Anonymous6:12 AM

    East Anchorage high has a great autism program

  14. Anonymous6:33 AM

    She'll do that just as soon as she calls her friend VA Gov. McDonnell to ask him to commute the sentence of the mentally disabled woman on death row.

    Oh wait. Maybe there was a blackberry outage yesterday?

    That story just made me ill. I have an aunt who is in the same range of mental acuity as the woman who was executed. I can totally see her being manipulated, trying to show off by admitting to setting the whole thing up. God bless her soul and forgive her for her sins. And let hellfire rain down on McDonnell, who is supposed to be such an uber-conservative Catholic.

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM


    I don't think Virginia Voter meant any insult. I read it as sarcasm... Palin equates government health care with death panels, heck any health care involving the government on any level, YET sees fit to have her own family load up on those benefits.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Does this mean she's pro-choice?

  17. nswfm7:10 AM

    Any commenters who think she cares about Tri-g as something other than a prop are deluding themselves.

  18. laprofesora7:49 AM

    Maybe it's sarcasm.

  19. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Wait... oh wait..... just wait.... Saint Sarah is waiting on Van Flea's strategic response to get her out of this quandary so she can still keep smelling like a rose. At least for $10k a month, I would expect Van Flea to be able to afford allot of roses for Saint Sarah for her smell is rather rancid these days.

  20. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Sarah is already on record as saying that parents of children with special needs should either pay for the care themselves or rely on their neighbors for help.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    ALL of these people need to be put in a mental ward!!!

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Anonymous 6:11 AM who cares about Bristol's breasts? Not even Sadie or IM are going to touch that one. The Star is a tabloid, pay no attention. I'm telling all of you, don't go near the one about the email hack and Obama operative, his sentence is today and they are already making stuff up. It will back fire if you try to go after any Palin child.

  23. JillinOH2:04 PM

    Honestly, people like SA suffer from lack of empathy at its most primal level and that is frightening to me. Does she think every family could afford to pay 100k/year for the myriad services needed to help an autistic child have a chance at a quality life? Really - does she not know ONE PERDSON whose life has been forever changed by a child with lifelong special needs? I have two children with special needs and for the first few years our insurance did not cover their many therapies - autism services were not covered at ALL unless they could be considered unrelated to the dx, and our insurance company even called me IN THE PICU when my daughter with DS was fighting for her life with RSV and pneumonia as a baby - they wanted to "blame" her RSV on her DS and therefore not approve her hospital stay (2 weeks in PICU!) Who the HELL can afford that kind of thing when it's guaranteed to be over their entire lifetime?
    When my husband changed jobs our new insurance covered/covers EVERYTHING related to autism, and they no longer care whether treatment is related to a DS dx - it's been a Godsend for us.
    When I hear people spout off such hateful, dismissive rhetoric using the "it doesn't affect ME, so why should *I* pay for it" excuse, I honestly pray that they will one day have the lifechanging, HUMBLING experience of intimately knowing what it is like to love a person with such a disability. They would be forever changed, and would be ashamed of themselves for ever holding such views, let alone spewing such vomitous disregard for those less fortunate.

  24. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Isn't Angle the one who just point out that allowing people with preconditions "pollutes" the insurance pool?

  25. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    No Virginia Voter, it's not free government health care.


    I don't think Va voter was criticising the program. Va voter was criticizig the Palins, who it should be pointed out are millionaires so why the hell should they be taking funds from a program that helps subsistence income individuals.

    Also too Sarah probably has life time coverage from the state as a Gov and even possibly from Wasilla.

    Maybe they should give back to Alaska, instead of grifting.

  26. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Shallow attack on Virginia voter,....really that was unnecessary. It's true that Sarah is taking native american money, when she can well afford to pay for things herself, and the kids have just a sliver of it anyway. But where there's a free buffet, Sarah will be there.

    Indian money and indian benefits are supposed to go to the tribe, period. That's what the original intention was all around the country, alaskan or not. Sarah's family may have some native blood, but so what, so does my sister. She has some blackfoot in her. But she's not collecting any checks.

  27. Maybe it... and the whole candidacy... are meant as satire?


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