Friday, September 24, 2010

Joe Miller, California's favorite candidate in the running to be the Senator for the great state of Alaska. Update!

As anybody who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention to Alaska politics knows, Joe Miller won the Republican nomination to run for the Senate by squeaking past incumbent Lisa Murkowski by a mere 2006 votes.  Now much of the credit for that successful run has been given to the California based Tea Party Express which gifted Joe Miller with nearly $600,000 to help him run negative campaign ads attacking Murkowski.

Now we learn that since Murkowski has decided to stage a write-in campaign to get her old job back that the Tea Party Express has decided to keep throwing money at our Alaska state elections in the hopes of ensuring a victory for THEIR chosen candidate.

The tea party group helping to upset the status quo in several races this election year is coming back to Alaska to fulfill a vow to do whatever it takes to beat U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

The Tea Party Express painted Alaska's senior senator as a liberal and Republican in name only, and it vowed to work twice as hard to defeat her if she mounted a write-in campaign, which she is doing.

(By the way the Tea Party Express is also responsible for financing the campaigns of national embarrassments to the Republican party Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle.)

Yep the Teabaggers have managed to buy their candidates victory in state, after state, after state.  And so far they have been successful in doing so up here in Alaska as well.  And in return their candidate has almost completely ignored the citizens of Alaska and focused his attention on sending a message, via Fox News (And filmed exclusively in Palin's home studio in Wasilla), that he represents the ideals of the Tea Party Express FAR more than the ideals of the hard working people of our great state.

And now Joe Miller is driving this point home by proving to the whole world that he is, now and forever, Sarah Palin's butt boy and tagging along with her to San Diego to address the Combat Veterans for Congress. (Gee I wonder how many Alaskans will be attending THAT gathering?)

(Does that banner say that Joe Miller is ALREADY the Senator from Alaska?  Arrogant son-of-a-bitch!)

Clearly the ONLY thing Alaskan about Joe Miller and his carpet/tea bagging campaign is that it happens to be taking place right here in our great state.  Essentially this exact campaign could be held in Delaware, or Nevada, or Florida, or Kentucky, and do you know what?  It is.

Look I am not exactly a fan of Lisa Murkowski either, the money for HER campaign is literally dripping with oil from the big energy companies.  And voting for her at this point is essentially a vote for Miller.

The only hope Alaska has to elect somebody who really understands what we stand for, what we need from our Federal government, and what we want them to keep their hands off of, is Scott McAdams. And if you want to make sure that Alaska is represented by a Senator who represents Alaska, and NOT California or the interests of big oil, then please take a moment to donate.  Every little bit helps.

Because, let's face it, if Miller wins than this really WILL be Sarah Palin's Alaska!

Update: I am sorry I forgot to mention that there is ONE group in Alaska who are big fans of Joe Miller, and that is the rapidly growing number of Militia members.

"It's safe to say that Joe Miller is a friend of patriots," Norm Olson, commander of the Alaska Citizens Militia, told Salon. "His beliefs and platform favor Second Amendment rights as well as the power of nullification when the federal government intrudes into the private lives of Alaskans."

Olson, who lives on the Kenai Peninsula, claims that his group has several hundred members and supporters, adding, "what fuels the militia is fear." The militia's ideology is outlined in a list of 17 "acts of war." The list includes "firearms restrictions or other disarmament," "mandatory medical anything," "federal patrols," "taking control of children under duress or threat," "federalization of law enforcement," and "surrender powers to a corporation or foreign government."

This comes from the Alaska Citizens Militia handbook:

What protection do the citizens of Alaska have as long as such immunities provide this possibility? What force exists to prevent the state or federal government from denying the citizens of their rights under the Constitution? In simple terms, "What force exists to prevent a state or federally orchestrated massacre like the one in Waco from occurring in Alaska?"

Can it be contested that the organized militia at all levels belongs to the government? It should be clear by now that ALL militia agencies established either by the federal government or the state constitute the ORGANIZED militia because they are organized by and for the established government. Since this is true, there exists no standing force able to keep the state's forces at bay should they desire to move against the citizens. Do we believe those patriot citizen soldiers at Lexington and Concord were part of the organized government at that time? Of course not! It was clear to the early patriots that the militia was independent of the organized government and made up of people who stood ready to repel a tyrannical government from denying their liberty under natural law and reflected later in the Constitution. It is equally clear to the members of the Alaska Citizens Militia today. Furthermore, the founders of our government believed that power should remain in the hands of the people to stop the usurpation of power by government. For this expressed reason they believed in the militia system where all citizens should keep and bear arms.

So there you have it.  Joe Miller is almost solely financed by out of state money and supported by the group who threatens to take up arms against the Federal government if they dare to move against a person who breaks the law in Alaska.

THAT is who is running to represent Alaska in the Senate.  Now do you get it?


  1. black336:57 AM

    To: The People of Alaska
    From: Joe "Toto" Miller and his California Tea Party Express Advisors
    Subject: Clarification of Our View on Federal Spending

    Due to concern about what appears to be ever-changing positions on federal spending, and rude statements to me like "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," I want to make my position perfectly clear.

    The Founding Fathers clearly sought to protect my right to pursue happiness. I am happy when I get federal funds for education, farm subsidies, and salaries. I am not happy when other Americans get the same benefits.

    Therefore, as a Sarah Palin "common sense constitutionalist," it is perfectly consistent with the Original Thinking of the Founding Fathers regarding the Pursuit of Happiness that I support getting as much federal money for myself as I can, while opposing it for all other Alaskans and Americans.

    I look forward to being your Senator and getting a large federal salary and great government medical benefits for my whole family again. That will make me happy indeed.

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Is this the same 'decorated' Joe Miller who refuses to release his military records?

    I'm a vet. I served longer and better than miller. Anyone want to see my records?

    Go Lisa! Show they you will represent ALAKSA, not the baggers at the baggers ball.

  3. Anjaak6:58 AM

    Does that sign for the event say that he is the senator already?


  4. Anonymous7:10 AM

    So Palin tells COD to go back to DE to campaign, but she's got Joe the Miller out in California?

    She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

  5. Molly7:12 AM

    ExCUSE me "Combat Veterans for....whatever":

    First of all, she is NOT the "Governor of Alaska", and

    Secondly, he is NOT Sen-R-Alaska. Yet. Hopefully never.

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If Scott McAdams is elected, he will be a Blue Dog just like Begich and it won't be any different than if Murkowski were there, except for her seniority on the Appropriations Committee. Better to have a Repug than to have a Blue Dog.

  7. emrysa7:21 AM

    gryphen what is up with the 2 boob jobs and mercede interview. if you can't talk about it, then please atleast say you can't talk about it.

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    God, I'm really getting worried about any and all upcoming elections. Repub's will do anything to regain the power the WH brings.

    (reposting my comment at Gates)

    They showed clips of PALIN on GMA this morning - her targeting Dems around the country and such. THIS was their NUMBER ONE STORY! I swear, if people don't come out against HER real soon, the Repub's will make sure she's put in office. They've got DIEBOLD everywhere now and with Americans in dire straights, how can we expect ANY ENERGY to fight it, from a country badly hurting in a DEPRESSION? Yes, my hub and I have called it that for a long time now. It's not a RECESSION! It's a depression, period.
    (saw a headline last week saying we're OUT of "the recession"! I say BULLSHIT!!)

    SPEAK UP ALASKANS! Do NOT let this woman get closer to the WH! Think about it...and ask yourself:
    Are you MICE or MEN?
    Are you a Patriot or are you going to be a Traitor to this country?

    THEN DO SOMETHING! The Queen needs to be brought down YESTERDAY!

    Gryphen, thank you for everything you do. Too bad Anti-Palin blogs are only voices in this wilderness. Maybe one day soon, you all will made FAMOUS for being the ONLY ones who exposed everything about Palin. After all, it's blogs like yours that point out all her lies and corruption. Anyone who can READ, can find all they need to know about this VILE, DISGUSTING WOMAN.
    Thanks again.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    You would have to look very hard to find greater excuses for presently living human beings than these two. Alaska doesn't deserve either one of them. John McCain never released his military records, so don't expect Joe the Blow to release his either.

    black 33, that sounds just like the way Joe must think.

  10. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I live in New Mexico, but I just gave $35 to Scott McAdams. GO ALASKA!

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    This 'Joe holding Saint Sarah's coattails' tour which is being promoted in California is probably just the beginning of his 48 state tour. The more exposure to the Media, the more the Media takes notice and gives coverage as in hopes of influencing elections.

    But(t) be careful what you wish for Joe, because that Media exposure only warrants more scrutiny and thus more documents and videos will come to life that tell Americans about the real Joe.

    P.S. You're acting quite pompous by promoting yourself as the already elected Senator from Alaska and that can most certainly backfire. Never was there a greater motivation tool for others to show someone their true place. And remember the National elections during the Bush era when the pompous and cocky Repubs were swept out of Congress? That could be your swan song too!

  12. Do all of these poor veterans know the TEA PARTY wants to take away their benefits? Or at the very least privatize it?

  13. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I just researched military medals. It would be interesting to know if Joe's Bronze Medal is one for Valor (4th highest award) or for Achievement and Service (9th highest medal). I'd bet it is for achievement and service, not valor. One of my brothers has a Navy Cross (second only to the Medal of Honor) and a Silver Star (the 3rd highest medal in the Marine Corps). Bronze Medals are given so often there is not even a listing of the recipients.

  14. Chenagrrl8:15 AM

    Gryphen. Please get on this guy and stay on him. His whole story stinks. To think he could end up in the Senate is a reason to be terrified. In the absence of being able to do anything, he would be a mark (and he doesn't seem to know how easy a mark he is) for the Jack Abrams of the world. His stand on federal aid to education is deplorable. Take Alaska back to the good old days when rich lawyers' children got scholarships marked for Alaska Natives. Never mind, he had all his education on my taxes. Please, please, lift the stinky blanket on this guy. His land holdings, his business in Fairbanks, his source of funding (as in this post) need to be revealed.

  15. Anonymous8:16 AM

    It's not that Sarah has some nerve judging the promotion and extraordinary career move of a competent Alaskan, it's that she is snarky about Rahm leaving his job.

    What a F'n B%&*#

    One Palin tweet: "(Rahm's the smart one...bailing before Nov) Now, check out possible COS Pete Rouse. His background, voter reg in AK,etc. It's a small world."

    And since she's the one to define what makes an American or an America, she also has to judge whether or not Rouse is an Alaskan. He's more Alaskan just flying over the State on his way to Asia than Sarah is in her whole bag of bones.

    "Alaska's Pete Rouse (@ least he claims to be "Alaska")finally comes out of the shadows; Obama looks to appt him COS;strange doings in the WH."

  16. Chenagrrl8:18 AM

    Also, I noticed that the ever-timid News-Miner just did a story on how the natives are going to offer support. The ADN seems to have lost its way up on reporting Alaska politics. It looks like it is up to the bloggers.

    I'd be surprised if the AFN swings support to McAdams. Could happen, but upstate has never really had a feeling for newbies from SE.

  17. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Miller and Parnell are serving hot dogs in Wasilla today. How anyone can have an appetite around them, I don't know.

    If Sarah rears her head, there's going to be a group orgasm by the Tea Baggers.

    Then Joe and Sarah will pat Sean on the head and say they are off to big boy and girl stuff in Left California, stickin it to the wee-wee Left by rakin in the hard earned dollars of corporate citizens.

  18. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I'd like for Joe also, to explain how he is 'severely handicapped' from his combat service in the Middle East.

    Does he pay for his own health care insurance or does he use the unconstitutional VA?

  19. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Saw Murkowski on CNN after she announced her write-in campaign and was publicly trashed by DeMented. Candy Crowley was not nice to her. Just curious for those of you in Alaska, it feels a bit in the lower 48 like Miller has some sort of a lock on this even though he doesn't poll especially high with the general population. Is that true or is it another example of an overnight medial darling being hyped beyond reality? What are your predictions about how this will play out? Not so much who SHOULD win, but who WILL.

  20. Anonymous8:31 AM

    OK, so I looked through the "Combat Veterans for Congress" list of approved candidates. Gee, what...a...surprise! Not ONE Democratic candidate. Apparently "Combat Veterans for Congress" would be off limits to veterans such as John Kerry, Daniel Inouye, Geogre McGovern (B-24 pilot), Marine Jim Webb, Navy SEAL Bob Kerry, Jack Murtha, Al Gore, well, you get the idea.
    Tom US Army field artillery veteran

  21. Anonymous8:36 AM

    'California TeaParty Express: Doing Our Best to Hasten Idiocracy.'

    Have to wonder if there is a cabal of evil geniuses using this organization as a front to get the stupidest and least qualified Americans into positions of power so they can control them or if they really are just incredibly dumb. I wouldn't put Christine O'Donnell or Sharron Angle in charge of toad licking much less give them access to the legislative process. I'm trying to understand what this group is hoping to accomplish. How does having really embarrassingly foolish and clearly incompetent people as their standard bearers help them? It either really is the beginning of idiocracy or there is some evil plan at work here we just don't see yet.

  22. Anonymous8:37 AM

    O?T but well worth the read!

  23. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Yep...that banner has declared him to be a Senator...and it also says that Sarah is still your Governor.

    Stop the insanity...please!

  24. If every militia crazy in the state of Alaska votes for Joe Miller, will that alone guarantee he'll win? How many are up there, anyway?

  25. Anonymous9:00 AM

    but in the end it is still the voter who fall for it and it just shows that some of the electorate is to lazy to do their own research and let fancy adds or whatever else money can buy make their decisions for them.

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM


    This piece is a great place to SPEAK OUT ABOUT PALIN. What a wonderful brave woman this writer is for speaking what we all KNOW to be true about Palin.
    (I'd comment but have been banned from HP)

    GO! GO! GO!! It's HOT now!

  27. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Look at Screech's new website, one minute she is mother of the year on ET for DWTS next she is putting shooting targets on candidates

  28. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I blame the very naive and foolish Alaskan liberals who pushed for Murkowski to lose thinking it would help Adams. Sorry but how irresponsible and naive could you be.
    Not talking about you Gryphen but some of your holier than thou "friends" who call us tinfoil hat wearers?! They should use common sense and statistics more often. Now Alaska will have Miller who is much more dangerous than Murkowski. Thanks a lot Alaskans. You hoisted psycho Palin on us and now we get scary selfish wingnut Miller.
    Great plan there. Alaska go blue?? Hardly!!!!!!

  29. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Mark Ballas taking his pants off in public doesn't seem to phase bristol, I guess she's seen men take their pants off before, Abstinence and modesty, yeah right.

  30. DootDiddyDoot9:54 AM

    Gryphen did you see this NY Times article about your state and the money coming from the outside to get what they want from your state?

  31. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I personally wish militia Alaska would seccede !
    Please please!! Form your own crazy redneck country and take all the Texans who are rewriting history for our children!

    Not a single tea nut running believes global warming is real and/ or caused by man.

    Not one of them believes in evolution.

    Not one of them believes in a woman/or young girls RIGHT to choose if she becomes pregnant even in cases of incest and rape.

    These are the same retards who blab about American exceptionalism and superiority!

    Sure! So advanced! So superior. Zero belief in science or individual human rights?

    Please please Alaska!! Seccede and start your end days planninig and may the rest of these backwards retarded "Americans" join you! Call your country
    "Sarahs world" or " we, the stupid ones" and get the fuck out of my America!!!! You know the one that believes America is for everyone??

  32. GO DANCE!10:20 AM

    Alaska is the same as other places that are financed by out of state money. That is how our system works now. Also the richest candidates have the money to run. Wouldn't you if your tax cuts were threatened? You might as well face it, the days of local politics are over. Local politics are meant to be manipulated by out side forces. Mama Grizzlys are sick of the old way and they are teaching their children the new.

    The entertainment business is doing a better job of getting the message out than so called news or blogs.

  33. Anonymous10:21 AM

    How does Sarah, Miller, the militia men and all the anti-legally-protected-abortion services candidates fight federal government intrusion of the private lives of Alaskans when they want to manage family, sex and reproductive decisions while telling law enforcement to go fuck themselves when you want to take their children out of harmful and dangerous situations and conditions?

    How are State / civic patrols preferable to "federal patrols?"

    Do the Militia mind that the Supreme Court ruling helps "surrender their powers to a corporation or foreign government?"

    These nutjobs think the Left is a threat to their liberties. . .Sarah, Joe and these people are emotionally stunted / arrested development in their schoolyard bully maturity.

    I want grown-ups involved in national discourse, not Acts of War / Soldiers of God / Prayer Warrior citizens.

    Our poor Indigenous folks, saddled with all these imported fear-driven Outsiders led by Ugly Alaskans like Sarah.

  34. Sigh. Alaska Citizens Militia - why don't you read up on the Hutaree Militia in Michigan. The Feds take a dim view of sedition and treason. Are you REALLY willing to risk what the colonials risked when they took up arms against Britain?

  35. Anonymous11:08 AM

    What is the big deal about militias? It is not like they are new. No one remembers our history? We owe a debt of gratitude to militias and those like Joe that serve. Combat Vetarens deserve more respect, not less.

    I am sick and tired of all the Palin bashing. What have they done to deserve any of it? Don't make things up, it is fine to not reveal sources, but don't use unrealed sources as facts you can't back up.

    After the recent storys about the Palins it is time to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT!
    Rumors of a romance between her and 28-year-old contestant Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino are 100-percent false. “Isn’t he like 30?” she asks, laughing. “We met for two seconds. I do not have a crush on him!”

  36. Anonymous11:11 AM

    10:01 AM Hear! Hear! I want my country back from these ASSHOLES!!

  37. sallyngarland,tx11:12 AM

    Palin jumped into TX politics recently with an endorsement of Stephen Broden for Congress in a district that went 82% for Obama. He has been on Fox and Beck many times, believes in eugenics, thinks Christians have the right to fire gays, is a Tea Party candidate. He is a pastor, so he speaks well -- but his beliefs are from Beckistan.Because he's black,pee bots say Palin is not racist. There are 100+ videos on YouTube. Palin has a lot of nerve jumping into Dallas politics-blue country.
    I wish the Tea Party & Palin wouldn't interfere.
    I read where Palin said in Going Rogue about Stein in the mayoral race that he was basically an outsider-not born and raised AKn. So why is Miller different.?

  38. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I so worry that you guys are going to push the vote to Lisa Murkowski with all that is being written in the negative about Miller.

    It needs to be written about her too. She is a huge part of the 'party of no' - is owned by the oil industry - money for her campaign is also coming from the outside as well as from lobbyist in Washington D.C. Plus, she has an ego that is larger than both her and Miller.

    I truly don't see McAdams winning even though I will vote for him.

  39. Anonymous11:18 AM

    You can find Miller's military records on his website.

    The Bronze Star was for Meritorious Achievement, not Valor.


  40. Anonymous11:38 AM

    emrysa 7:21 AM said "gryphen what is up with the 2 boob jobs and mercede interview. if you can't talk about it, then please atleast say you can't talk about it."

    1. This post is about Joe Miller. This is important to Alaskans. We want to discuss it.

    2. Please don't hijack this blog with yet another long tedious set of conversations between two or three of you, that no one else knows what the heck you're talking about and you don't want to say.
    It chases us away; we lose interest and stop coming here to read, since we don't know what you're talking about. Some of us have just barely started coming back here again.

    3. Perhaps a chatroom is more appropriate for a private conversation? That way, the owner of this blog has the option to join your private discussion if he's 'in the know'.

  41. Anonymous11:57 AM

    If you sign up for this webcast, you are directed to a web page (PDF) that gives you the opportunity to upgrade your Palin experience -- for a price, of course. You can continue to pay nothing and receive only “Brief Clips of the Exclusive Interviews With Governor Palin, Dick Morris, Mike Reagan, and the Entire Lineup of Important Guests” and “Limited Access to the ‘Make America Great Again’ Attendee Website.” Or you could pay $9.95 to be a “VIP Member” and receive “Unlimited Access to the Make America Great Again Campaign, PLUS” a copy of Palin’s forthcoming book.

  42. Buffalo, NY1:00 PM

    That advertising banner should be taken down immediately ! It has 2 lies on it, and is a total misrepresentation.

    Heck, why not just say President Sarah Palin and Vice President Joe Miler will be the keynote speakers ?

    A lie is a lie, might as well go for the gusto sarah !

  43. Anonymous1:04 PM

    If Miller refuses to release his military records, be warned, he is hiding something.

    It is no coincidence (because there are no coincidences!) that his endorser is another one who is always hiding something: her "pregnancy," her pregnant children, her college records, her state emails, her state emails hidden on Yahoo, her medical records, her AFT reporting, her campaign prop Trig, why her son Track isn't serving the multiple tours everybody else's child is required to perform, what she reads that informs her opinions, and, oh, yeah, the truth.

  44. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I live in Texas, but I've sent money to both Scott McAdams and Rodney Glassman.

    Funny thing I've noticed here... LOTS of "Republicans for BILL WHITE" signs (Dem candidate opposing the incumbent Palin-loving Rick Perry). Especially in the most affluent neighborhoods.


  45. Anonymous1:19 PM

    A vote for Murkowski is a vote for Miller.
    A vote for McAdams is a vote for Miller.

    So, where does that leave us?

  46. Anonymous1:20 PM

    11:08, OMG. You come here armed with a link to InTouch Weekly??? Holy cow! No wonder you don't know the Truth about $arah Palin. You're the targeted demographic. Sheesh!

  47. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I disagree with you that al vote for Lisa is a vote for Joke Miller. Fill in the oval, write her name in and keep him and Palin out of the race. I know I will be dong just that.

  48. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I don't agree with a vote for Lisa is really for Miller.
    Why did Shannyn & AKM tell people to vote for him Joe Miller? Why?
    Shannyn never had that dem on her show no one even heard of him until After Lisa "lost"(Diebold). I don't think she did, Joe was pretty antsy about having the votes counted he brought in palins butt boy van flea.
    I don't believe AK will vote McAdams in.If you get that teabagger you can thank
    Shannyn & Akm for that!

  49. Anonymous8:05 PM

    11:38a, I find these "side conversations" very interesting. If I don't feel like reading, I skip. However, I invariably find myself learning tidbits here and there just by keeping up with them over the long term. If I don't understand something, I file it away. My curiosity is usually satisfied sometime later.

    Gryphen will get to things when he gets to them and no sooner than that.

  50. Way back when, folks in Oregon invented the word "californicate," as in "don't californicate Oregon." I'm sure they wouldn't mind if Alaskans borrow it.


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