Monday, September 20, 2010

Uh oh! Something stinks in Teabag-ville!

From CREW:

"Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted," said Melanie Sloan, CREW Executive Director. "Ms. O'Donnell has spent years embezzling money from her campaign to cover her personal expenses. Republicans and Democrats don't agree on much these days, but both sides should agree on one point: thieves belong in jail not the United States Senate."

CREW's complaint is based, in part, on the affidavit of former campaign aide David Keegan. Mr. Keegan explained that in 2009, when Ms. O'Donnell was out of money, she paid her landlord, Brent Vasher, two months rent out of her campaign funds. On FEC forms, Ms. O'Donnell called the expenditures "expense reimbursements." Mr. Keegan also attested that Ms. O'Donnell routinely used campaign funds for meals and gas, and even a bowling outing. This is not surprising given that Ms. O'Donnell has not held a steady job or had a discernable source of income for many years.

"If you need money to pay the rent and eat, you get a job; you don't start a Senate campaign so unsuspecting donors can support you," said Sloan.

Well it sounds as if CREW is definitely not going to pull any punches just because O'Donnell has that whole cute thing going for her. Perhaps in the future Sarah Palin and her teabagging buddies might want to pick a candidate based on their integrity and abilities instead of their appearance and "wingnutiness". (By the way that is totally my word. But you can all borrow it if you want to.)

Update; You have got to go visit Think Progress and see the list they have put together on O'Donnell's positions on.....well on EVERYTHING.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I read last week that CREW was filing against Cupie Doll, aka the girl who dates witches. Meaning she dated at least one female Satanist, more than once.

    Maybe eventually the Repocons will realize they have been conned by - well, by themselves, by the likes of Dick Armey and Tom Delay, and Duhbya, and Whorehouse Perry.

    Hopefully they will start sliming their own real soon so they can get charge of their party again.

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    yep. they are going after her full-force.

    no touchey-touchey should of included touching other people's money to her list of evils as well!!!!!

    yeah...they see a wide-open target with her and they should. she is completely unfit to run anything. and how pathetic she got this far on so very little...

    yeah...she will become the symbol of the tea party 'act now and think later' ideals and she will be directly tied to Sarah.

    i say good. i love this country and i love different opinions...however, im not in favor of criminals or just plain idiots running it for me.

    i hope this will help put a nail in the coffin that is Sarah Palin. i believe it is....

    the end has started....

    btw...bristol is dancing to'Mama Told Me (Not To Come)' tonight....

    no comment!!!!!

  3. Fortunately, Melanie Sloan and the gang at CREW are numbers-crunchers and law-book-readers.

    They are not susceptible to what the Teabaggers might call "cute."

  4. Anon 10:51, I feel so sorry for Randy Newman, author of "Mama Told Me Not To Come" (the most famous version of which was recorded by Three Dog Night). My question is, will DWTS include the lyrics? Because they certainly are germane to the situation!

    "Want some whiskey in your water
    Sugar in your tea
    What's all these crazy questions they askin' me
    This is the craziest party there could ever be
    Don't turn on the lights, 'cause I don't want to see

    Mama told me not to come
    Mama told me not to come
    That ain't the way to have fun, no

    Open up the window
    Let some air into this room
    I think I'm almost chokin'
    From the smell of stale perfume

    And that cigarette you're smoking
    'Bout scared me half to death
    Open up the window, sucker
    Let me catch my breath

    Mama told me not to come
    Mama told me not to come
    She said, that ain't the way to have fun, son
    That ain't the way to have fun, son

    The radio is blastin'
    Someone's knocking at the door
    I'm lookin' at my girlfriend
    She's passed out on the floor

    I seen so many things
    I ain't never seen before
    Don't know what it is
    I don't wanna see no more


    Mama told me, mama told me, mama told me
    Told me, told me
    That ain't no way to have fun, whoah, yeah yeah
    Mama told me not to come
    Mama, mama, mama told me
    That ain't no way to have fun

    That ain't the way to have fun, no
    That ain't the way to have fun, son
    That ain't the way to have fun, no
    That ain't the way to have fun, son

    [Ad lib, repeat to fade]"

  5. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Palin & O'Donnell-two grifters in a pod.

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Dear Anonymous 10:46. Witches are not Satanists. Satanists are Satanists.

    There is widespread misunderstanding as to what constitutes a witch. The definition of a witch or warlock, sorcerer or sorceress differ according to the culture within which belief in magick (as distinguished from theatrical magic)occurs.

    Wicca is a neopagan religion dating FROM only the 19th century. Many male practitioner/believers call themselves witches. Covens can be coed.

    In Western European culture, what we think of as witches arose from a variety of traditions, mostly commonly that of wise woman, or herbalist and sometimes shaman. Midwives were also once mis- categorized as witches.

    When Christianity was trying to become a dominate religion in Europe it had to compete with magick (people would often go to the local wise woman for advice or medical treatment rather than a monk or priest) so it instituted, some say, the hierarchy of saints and rituals as it also incorporated pagan/ancient holidays as its own. Once dominant, the Church dispensed with much of the mystical/magical/theatrical aspects of worship.

    When people still clung to ancient beliefs, the Roman church began its persecution of witches, most of whom were female to convince the populace of its own power. The Roman Catholic church was rarely kind to women, being a patriarchal organization.

    Other cultures have different traditions and different treatment and perceptions of witches - not all of them evil.

    If you want to imply Christine, the TP's dumb dolly is lesbian, you need to look in a different direction than she simply "dated a witch." Sorry.

  7. Anonymous11:48 AM

    If I did it I'd be in jail, but Christine O'Donnell is too cute and bubbly to spend a night in the slammer.

    Justice is not blind.

    Sarah Palin's only a few notches above the corrupt bastards club but she knows she's teflon.

  8. "Do you believe in Magic" should be Christine's theme song! I'll bet she is a riot at a party!

  9. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Is there a competition in America for how wide you can open your mouth? I am sick of looking at their tongues. Maybe it is just me.

  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted," said Melanie Sloan, CREW Executive Director.

    I can't see how that can effect her in a negative way. She may be more rogue than Palin and McCain put together. "Clearly a criminal" means she is a perfect Republican candidate. This IS what the "Teabaggers might call 'cute'"

  11. Teabag hero Christine O'Donnell, to O'Reilly,
    "They are doing that here. American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans
    and animals and coming up with mice with FULLY FUNCTIONING human brains."

    Maybe COD and Sarah could check out those "American scientific companies" and get a couple of
    those FULLY FUNCTIONING mouse brains for transplants for themselves!!! ;O)

    One thing Sarah Palin has in comon with Republican women: “You have to lift their skirts to find out if they really are women”

    Oh yeah, there is a big internet sale on VIBRATORS for those "hard to reach places" ladies, better stock up while it is still legal!!! HAHAHAHA

  12. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I apologize. I left a comment about Christine on the wrong post thread.

    I will try to recreate it here now: Thank you for the link to the Think Progressive site that lists many of her statements. OMG, she really is bat shit crazy like Bachmann, and poorly informed like Palin.

    I hope her statement about never lying comes back to bite her on her plumb little butt because she lies like her mentor Palin.

  13. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Will you look at the MOUTH on that trout?

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I read the Think Progress article. I actually shivered and said "Oh, my God." COD couldn't be anymore simple-minded if she tried.

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    11:48 a.m.: "Sarah Palin's only a few notches above the corrupt bastards club but she knows she's teflon."

    Her teflon days are over if she declares. I believe she'll never run. Why would she? She can pick candidates and sway elections; command undeserved amounts of money for speaking to heterogeneous crowds who adore her; evade the MSM and control all questioning; and most of all, avoid the responsibilities and intimacies of being a parent and wife. I think she is incapable of intimacy--part of narcissism? So I say she ain't never gonna run. I'm off to picket DWTS!!

  16. Anonymous1:27 PM

    To anon 11.42...
    COD is the one who said she went out with a "satanist" on Politically Incorrect. As for the lesbian angle...I think she stated it was a dude.

  17. Chenagrrl1:38 PM

    Shortly after Sharron Angle was nominated, she rattled on and on about being allowed to solicit campaign donations. It almost sounded like she was more interested in the money than the job. I get the same weird vibes when I read about CO'D.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:05 PM

    Just heard there was a 4.5 quake in Anchorage today--hope all is OK.

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Well, at least Christine O'Donnell renounced her practice of witchcraft, unlike Sarah Palin.

    Palin's coven is obviously still hexing the hell out of Alaska. Some of her co-witches are Linda Menard, Kristan Cole, Franci Havemeister, and Meg Stapleton (my personal fav). I assume Rebecca Mansour is now part of the coven given that she excels at conjuring up Facebook posts.

    Read about them if you dare (eerie sound):

    I wonder if you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement in your own blood to join.

  20. KidShalleen2:17 PM

    That's right. You can't get into the Senate being a criminal,... you leave that way.

    That not withstanding, I hope they bury the biitch.

  21. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Just read the article linked showing all her statements. WOW--She really IS a nutcase. I keep thinking that something terrible must have happened to her sexually as a young girl for her to be so uptight and righteous about anything to do with sex. Even for a bible thumper, her comments are truly medieval. Sure would be nice for a family relative/friend to fill us all in on little Chrissy and what it was like for her growing up. I am guessing there are many, many skeletons.

  22. I'd like to know why the media has provided a platform for this self-appointed, uniformed, crazy morals policewoman.

  23. Facebook Lurker2:58 PM

    Don't know if this means anything, but Palinbot Jessica Steele, Wasilla hairstylist to Sarah Palin and owner of Beehive Salon, just stated on Facebook that shre's heading to Delaware today "for the biggest meeting of my career".

    Hmmm, who lives in Delaware and fancies herself a Sarah Palin wannabe? Look for Christine to be sporting a new wig and bumpit soon (of course at campaign expense)

  24. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Gee, she's even crazier than Palin if you read the list at Think Progress.

  25. Anonymous3:36 PM

    That picture is so strange. I can't decide if she looks like she won the lottery or like she's farting.

  26. Wiccans know NOTHING of satan, an imaginary entity invented by x-tians.

    And that is part of the problem here. Not knowing and assuming spreads FEAR and mistrust. the lame media, I hate that term since $arah uses it, isnt helping. And I am not a Wiccan.

  27. Linda Arizona4:02 PM

    Let this be the beginning of the end of Phalin's political influence.

    Hmmm. Makes me wonder now about Rove's clever suggestion that Paylin go to Delaware and campaign for O'Donnell.


  28. Anonymous4:06 PM

    This is what I want to know. Can O'Donnell drop out of the race and be replaced by Castle? If she were convicted of a crime, could the Republicans kick her out of the race and replace her with Castle? Could Castle run as a write in candidate like Lisa Murkowski? The Democrats are sitting pretty right now, but if Castle can get back in the race I would worry. Just asking.

  29. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Get real. Joe Biden used campaign money like he found it in the street. He paid for all his famous Amtrak tickets, had his family on the payroll, even paid for mowing his lawn.

  30. nikogriego4:09 PM

    Still mixing singular and plural pronouns (happens quite often in this blog):

    " pick a [singular] candidate based on their [plural] integrity and abilities instead of their [plural] appearance and 'wingnutiness'."

    Should be: "to pick a candidate based on her integrity and abilities instead of her appearance and wingnutiness." or,

    "to pick candidates on their..."

    I wrote to you before about this mangling of the English language. I don't mind "wingnutiness" if you can keep your pronouns straight. I thought you were a teacher.

  31. majii4:26 PM

    Some of the tea party members are pretty upset about Nathan Deal here in GA. It was revealed last week that he owes millions in personal and business debt that he can't pay. The tea party members are wondering why this wasn't revealed in the republican primary. Duh! Some of them are now saying they either won't vote at all next month, or they'll vote for Monds, the Libertarian candidate.

    The predicament that Deal and McDonnell now find themselves in is the fault of the tea party. The tea party wanted to show how serious it was by running a slate of candidates that it didn't vet properly. It just seems like they were looking for any warm body they could lay their hands on to run for office. They now have them and all of their baggage.

  32. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Will you look at the MOUTH on that trout?
    12:36 PM

    Why'd you insult a trout?

    I'd say it's more like a wide-mouthed bass!


  33. Anonymous @ 12:01 PM said...

    Is there a competition in America for how wide you can open your mouth? I am sick of looking at their tongues. Maybe it is just me.

    NOT just you, Anon! I don't get it either!

  34. can't remember password!5:03 PM

    Facebook Lurker @ 2:58 PM said...

    Don't know if this means anything, but Palinbot Jessica Steele, Wasilla hairstylist to Sarah Palin and owner of Beehive Salon, just stated on Facebook that shre's heading to Delaware today "for the biggest meeting of my career".

    Hmmm, who lives in Delaware and fancies herself a Sarah Palin wannabe? Look for Christine to be sporting a new wig and bumpit soon (of course at campaign expense)


    Wonder if she'll borrow the fake baby bump also too?

  35. Anonymous5:10 PM

    HELP!!!!!!!! My Eyes are bleeding!!!!
    Just watched Bristol dance, it was even worse than I thought it would be.

    You could hear the audience actually laughing in the background. BTW Why in the world is that young lady so fat and out of shape chasing around a toddler?????????

  36. Anonymous5:14 PM

    ALERT:Bristol got tremendous scores on DWTS...Quick...go to to vote against her. Vote for Margaret Cho, who has the lowest scores so far. You can vote 12 times.

  37. Anonymous5:18 PM

    is 666 an appropriate score?

  38. Anonymous5:32 PM

    4:06, you get real. amtrak trips for staff to attend campaign-related events and additional landscaping service in preparation for campaign events at the biden home are not the same as COD pilfering campaign funds over many years to pay her personal living expenses because she can't be bothered to GET A JOB.

  39. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I thought Bristol looked better than I thought she would, but, still she was stiff and didn't move very well. You can tell she was trying really hard and had none of the gracefulness of Cho (until her unfortunate attempt at dance humor).

    Considering the votes for Brandy were 778, and Brandy blew Bristol out of the water, the judges had no business giving Bristol anything better than straight 4s or even 5s.

    It was typical pandering to the Palins. Bending over backwards in fear that the Twitler will send out nasty tweets. Pathetic. This show could use a Simon. It desperately needs some backbone this season.

  40. I am so sick of this woman already! She is a fruitcake. Why is she getting so much national attention? Is being cute and stupid really that interesting? I don't think so, I think it's horrifying that anyone could actually vote for her!

    Give her a freakin' reality show already and keep her away from our government! Geesh.

  41. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Finally a Teabagger who is acceptable to reveal for her craziness and her sham of a senate candidacy. Hopefully the focus on her will highlight the commonality with the other teabagger whackjobs who spew their radical rhetoric of not allowing abortions for rape & incest victims, calling for a repeal of healthcare reform, and making homosexuality illegal, along with their other (fake) Christian BS.

    I hope Dems & Mod Repubs make it clear that people don't want politicians ruling their personal lives, they need solutions for the country's economy, environment, international affairs, etc. and what qualifies any of these idiots to show leadership on these issues?Now Huckabee is criticizing coverage for pre-existing conditions for God's sake! Let's see a middle aged man who gets downsized, gets a new job and has to enroll for that company's insurance olan. What are the odds someone like him may have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an enlarged prostrate, thyroid problems, kidney stones, diabetes, allergies? Good luck not getting approved for insurance due to very common problems, dumbass!

    BTW when Bristol was asked if her mom was in the audience she said no, and the audience was not scanned while she danced like it was to show other dancers' families, even though other shows advertised that Palin would be there.

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    We already know that Bristol will score lots of points. Nothing shocking. Brandy doesn't exploit her daughter and she has talent.

  43. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hahahaha. This story is all over the local news in Philadelphia, including the Fox News network. I love it!

  44. G Kerry @12:17 quoting Christine O'Donnell:

    "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with FULLY FUNCTIONING human brains."

    Has this sort of thing been going on long enough to explain O'Donnell? Good Lord, the party of No has become the party of Nuts.


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