Monday, September 13, 2010

The walruses of the Chukchi Sea would like to respectfully disagree with the Global Warming deniers.

From ADN:

Tens of thousands of walruses have come ashore in Northwest Alaska because the sea ice they normally rest on has melted.

Federal scientists say this massive move to shore by walruses is unusual. But it has happened at least twice before, in 2007 and 2009. In those years Arctic sea ice also was at or near record low levels.
The walruses "stretch out for one mile or more. This is just packed shoulder-to-shoulder," U.S. Geological Survey biologist Anthony Fischbach said in a telephone interview from Alaska. He estimated their number at tens of thousands.

Scientists with two federal agencies are most concerned about the one-ton female walruses stampeding and crushing each other and their smaller calves near Point Lay, on the Chukchi Sea. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to change airplane flight patterns to avoid spooking the animals. Officials have also asked locals to be judicious about hunting, said agency spokesman Bruce Woods.

The federal government is in a year-long process to determine if walruses should be put on the endangered species list.

In my opinion no REAL Alaskan would deny that Climate Change is, not only factually based, but that it IS caused by human beings.  The Native Alaskans have been talking about this since the late sixties/early seventies and the rest of the United States is just now playing catch up.

It will probably come as no surprise to most Alaskans that Joe "Palin butt boy" Miller, is one of those still playing catch up:

“We haven’t heard there’s man-made global warming,” he said. “Second, even if we proved that, we have not proven we have a solution that works. And third, even if we’ve proven that, we haven’t done a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the solutions like cap-and-trade that Sen. Murkowski has proposed are actually worth the cost to people.”

Perhaps you could explain that to the walrus Joe.  It does not appear that they received that memo


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    If human activity causes global climate change, how does one explain the ice ages eons ago? I blame the earth's fragility to begin with. I do believe we're causing the slow destruction of species but not in a huge way. Survival of the fittest

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Health Care Reform is undeniable proof of the unrelenting, imminent advent of godless communism.

    Global climate change? No need to panic! Relax-we'll cross that bridge later, when we're absolutely convinced beyond any reasonable doubt.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Anon 1:47 Where have you been? Frozen in ice? Yes, the earth has experienced numerous changes in climate without the help of human activity. The point is that human activity has had a major role in the current changes in our climate.Duh!

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    plus this change has been pretty rapid and I'm sorry , but i find it a little suspect that the biggest deniers lobbing (coal, oil etc.) against climate change are also the biggest polluters, but regardless we need to stop using this earth like a dump

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Anonymous 1:47 p.m. Please take a geology class. I really think you would enjoy it. As to survival of the fittest — well maybe an anthropology class would be up your alley! Each of these disciplines are fascinating! and community colleges usually have intro courses in each.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The plight of the walruses is horrible. And indeed it has happened a couple times the last few years. If this doesn't make a denier take notice nothing will. But increasingly I am convinced the deniers are in their own little hell and not really interested in solutions. They are willfully ignorant and, honestly, a drag on people in our country who are seeking solutions.

    Pay attention, there are ways to combat increasing greenhouse gases. First, demand the permits for coal extraction and coal plants in our communities be withdrawn. Demand clean power solutions.

  7. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This is in answer to this post and the one about whether or not Faux News hates Sarah Palin or thinks so lowly of its audience. Clearly, it is the latter. Faux News denies climate change but has announced it is going green. Faux News lets Palin blab whatever nonsense she wants without edit because they think that as long as the question is reasonable and her dimwit answers are simple enough, the viewer will somehow believe she made sense. Ask them to repeat or explain her answer, and they will be at a loss.

  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Gryphen, I feel like crying.

    I can't tell you how much I hate Alaska politicians.

  9. Anonymous3:33 PM

    You know, Joe, we won't have to do a cost-benefit analysis as to how this affect humans if we keep shoving our heads up our collective bottoms because we will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder like the walruses.

    With the way we are polluting the ocean, where the hell do you think we will get fresh water, Joe? Those glaciers that are melting fed a lot of rivers on a seasonal basis. When they're gone we will not only have to think of a new name for Glacier National Park (it has only a fraction of the original glaciers left and those are melting fast), we will have to figure out a way to ration water.

    Joe - get your head out of your rear and into some research. Hell, just go visit the places where you can actually see what's happening before you very own stuck-up nose. Your kids are going to suffer the consequences of your willful ignorance.

    Unfortunately, if you win the election, our kids will suffer as well.

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Terry Tempest Williams will be speaking tonight (at 7:30) in the Wendy Williamson Auditorium on the UAA Campus. She is a wonderful author and environmental advocate.

  11. Anonymous4:05 PM

    1:47, just because there was an ice age eons ago, it doesn't mean that humans are not causing global warming now. your logic is faulty.

    Survival of the fittest? A Darwin fan, are we?

  12. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I so wish I was in Anchorage tonight! Tempest-Williams is an incredible environmental advocate. Her writings about Utah are breathtaking and heartbreaking. I lived for a short time on the border of Utah and Nevada and can so relate to her writings about nuclear tests and their effects on people in that part of the world. I met so many people living with the scars of the post-WWII above ground testing.

    Wow, come to think of it, we in some parts of Alaska live with the effects of military waste. Get on to the talk Anchorage pals! There is much healing to be done!

    BTW, I honestly can't imagine MIller or Palin making their way to anything like this, but they sure made their way to the crap spooned up this weekend. Only because it accomplished their need for power and $$$. I can imagine the Begichs at such an event though. And the Berkowitzs and Garas etc. No doubt the whack jobs will make some derisive comments about environmentalists.

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    and the rest of Butt Boy's statement is ...."and I don't plan to get off my arse and do a damm thing about it. My job as your Senator is not to solve problems but to create them!"

  14. Anonymous4:56 PM

    If this becomes an annual event predators will figure it out and could take each years pups.

  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Why is it that only people who have never studied Darwin repeat this stupid fallacy. (see: ignorant)
    Survival of the fittest is not a scientific theory. It is not even a biological fact.
    It is a PR excuse for the wealthy to subjugate the poor and make sure they stay that way.

  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Okay, I finally give up and have to ask Gryphen: what is a butt boy? Does it mean he metaphorically wipes her butt? I don't think it refers to anal intercourse, 'cause, ick, the two of them together only bring thoughts of the missionary position. Can you help a naive girl out?
    I have to post as "anonymous" because I don't have one of those other accounts. sorry.

  17. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Just maybe I was wrong here ... anonymous 5:01 p.m. obviously you have not studied the evolution of the species and I might suggest you go for a physical anthropology class. It is amazing how every blog post about global warming has a nasty blogger spouting ignorance in the most venal way. What is your point? A little self reflection would really go a long way.

  18. CaliTex19908:01 PM

    "Anon 1:47 Where have you been? Frozen in ice? Yes, the earth has experienced numerous changes in climate without the help of human activity. The point is that human activity has had a major role in the current changes in our climate.Duh!

    2:19 PM"

    And if anybody wants proof of man made climate change, look at the Aral Sea, or parts of China and India.

    Here are the facts:

    1. Nature can and has, repaired itself, but that does NOT mean that human activity cannot affect it.
    2. Neither the deniers nor the doomsayers are correct{in fact, many of both camps are propped up by crooked interests.}.
    3. Human activity has not yet had a truly worldwide impact, but steps must be taken soon to stop this.
    4. If we don't, it will take Nature many years to fix the mess that we have created.

  19. Anonymous 7:34, "Butt boy" is a term that means Joe Miller is Sarah Palin's sycophant, minion, or toady. I first heard it used by Xander on the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and instantly loved it.

    The Joe Miller situation is actually the first which seemed to cry out for the use of the phrase.


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