Friday, October 01, 2010

The arrogant teabagging son-of-a-bitch is actually tweeting about going furniture and house shopping while he is fundraising in Washington.

 Courtesy of Mudflats.

Of course later the tweets disappeared and the Miller campaign claimed that they " came from a volunteer who will no longer have access to the account. (Miller spokesperson) DeSoto said the tweets were deleted because the campaign considered them inappropriate."  (In other words there was some blowback which alerted the incredibly arrogant candidate that his tweets would make him look like an asshole.)

Seriously WHO lets a "volunteer" have access to their twitter account?  This is the stupidest, most transparent attempt to cover up a gaffe that I have seen in some time.

One has to wonder if this is the same "volunteer" that tweeted this very special message last month?

I have no problem believing that both of these twitter mishaps came form the same "volunteer' and that said volunteer looks suspiciously like a smarmy little prick that we have all come to know as "Sarah Palin's butt boy."


  1. Buffalo, NY2:34 AM

    This Miller guy is about as scummy as you can get - oh wait ! Forgot about our (NY state) Tea Party candidate for Governor, Carl Paladino. After threatening (on camera) a NY Post (owned by Rupert Murdoch) reporter, and saying "Try me pal, I'll take you out" !; here's the latest on his claims that his opponent had extra-marital affairs:

    Carl Paladino now admits he really doesn't have any proof of Andrew Cuomo's 'paramours'

    Read more:

  2. Buffalo, NY2:35 AM

    The Tea Party, don't you just love them ! They provide more comic relief than an Abbott & Costello routine !

  3. Anonymous3:13 AM

    If Miller was in DC at the time of the tweets, was the "volunteer" on the trip with him?

    No matter but Palin and her endorsees are all tweet victims, crime victims, video victims, gotcha-media victims. Bless their little hearts.

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Way to take the voters for granted, Joe. *eyeroll*

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Yet another clue that they think "God" will hand them the political power they are seeking, so they can tell the rest of us how to conduct our sexual lives...

    (Well, that is my take on it anyway.)

  6. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Another advantage to tweeting versus live interviews: one can simply claim their volunteer did it or their dog ate their homework.

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    it's lame enough to use the "volunteer" or "intern" escape hatch once ... it's quite another to try to use it again a month later.

    the thing is, though, the teabaggers like arrogant ... they like mean ... they like angry ... they like liars ... as long as the pig is wearing a teaparty hat.

    so those people will gladly still vote for this clown, just like the teabaggers in NY will go vote for Carl Palladino and the teabaggers in NV will go vote for Sharron Angle.

    all that remains to be seen is just how many of them there are out there ... and how many sane people are willing to sit out an election in a snit and hand the keys over to the asylum residents.

    - kellygrrrl

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM

    That's what the Kansas non-FarmerAid TrooperGate fighting Carpeteabagger mofo thinks, just cause Fox Nation bestows pomp and circumstance throwing flowers in his wake, he thinks he's the chosen one.

    Wait til he gets to DWTS, they'll show him how America feels about him.

    Arrogant prick.

  9. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Miller needs to man up. It happened on his 'watch' therefore he's responsible. Of course, we all know he's the one who tweearted (what happens when you fart while tweeting) but hey, why not blame it on an un named 'volunteer' who went all the way to DC with the scum. why not?

  10. Teabaggers - making America dumber, 140 characters at a time.

    Oh, and you've got to love the accountability. Even if it was a volunteer, it was someone in his organization. Every Senator has a personal staff in DC and their home state. These are the kinds of people Miller would tap to work for him, so Alaska would end up with a whole batch of junior scumbags working on the Federal dime.

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    We are supposed to believe a volunteer was pretending to be Joe crowing about buying office furniture and looking for housing? Sorry Joe, no go.

    I hope every voter in Alaska see the screen captures from this dirtbag's latest spew.

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    So is the tweeter the same "volunteer" who made the sign for Miller's California trip that read "Senator from Alaska"?

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    If Joe Miller can't even control his Twitter account, he has no business in public office.

  14. That quote from Eisenhower is an interesting choice, given the huge proportion of tax money going to the department of defense.

    There's some fat we can cut when we let the tax breaks for the überwealthy expire.

  15. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Joe, own your drunk Tweeting. That's one of the first steps, right? Not very nice to blame it on people who are working for you for free.

  16. I'm sure it was an anonymous staffer who tweeted about the warm welcome from future colleagues, not to mention buying furniture, and shopping for a home. Why is it that a father of eight wants to leave his wife and kids and travel thousands of miles across the country to serve his state? I call b.s. on everything there is about Miller. Does he think he won't need to be in D.C. that often? I'm sure that's what Palin thought, too, when she was allegedly being considered for Murkowski's senate seat.

    Miller is lower than dirt. Now we hear about him trying to save Palin from being investigated during Troopergate. Was this endorsement a payback from Tawd and $arah?

  17. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I wonder if Butt-boy Joe is expecting the gov't to pay for his redecorating? I expect nothing less from this hypocrite wanting another gov't handout!

  18. The recent poll show Lisa alomost tie.... LOL


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