Friday, October 08, 2010

CBS News poll finds Sarah Palin viewed favorably by only 22% of Americans. What the hell is wrong with those people?

CBS News:

Sarah Palin is viewed unfavorably by nearly 50 percent of Americans, a new CBS News poll finds, a significant challenge for her to overcome should she enter the 2012 presidential race.

Palin is viewed favorably by just 22 percent of Americans, according to the poll - including less than half (44 percent) of Republicans. Twenty-one percent of independents and 6 percent of Democrats view her favorably.

Forty-eight percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Palin. That includes 73 percent of Democrats, 44 percent of independents and 22 percent of Republicans.

You know usually I would make some smart ass comments and have a great time at Palin's expense over this news.  Because as you all know I am just incredibly immature.

However this time I don't want to say anything which distracts from this article.

Because, if I may say so, this is fucking AWESOME!


  1. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I am stunned. 1 out of 5 people view this "give me the money" bimbo as favorable? Who the hell are they? Do they really think she has a brain? Do they really think she is religious? She was knocked up by God knows who and then allowed her daughter to follow her path. Her other kids have had trouble with the law, not to mention drugs. Is she really a good mother? Wtf! Who are these 1 out of 5 people.

  2. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Gryphen, again, with great appreciation that Sarah's been unable to progress her grasp of 'policies' and also too the determination of the American people judging the fitness of her ability to lead is never going to go mainstream - they've realized that her pro-life stance is the only thing going for her.

    That's why she's going back to that old standard that brought her 600 votes to change Wasilla's history from a backwaters yet solvent burg in the first place.

    Sarah's got nothing else going for her, except for her pro-life creds.

    And when the truth about Trig is exposed, that 22% is going to plummet to only that frightful fringiest fringe that wants a baby born at any cost. And that even if you perpetrated a fraud to pretend an "unwanted" child was yours?

    They'll love her ever more.

  3. Anonymous5:43 AM

    It was an incredibly offensive tactic to intimate to the public that 'perhaps some people out there would prefer that she abort a DS child, or simply terminate a pre-menopausal pregnancy [and] in light of her level of responsibility.'

    She was a first term Governor already ladened with young children, and not even a year into it she was irresponsible enough to get 'pregnant.'

    But it was a completely uncalled for rhetoric to paint citizens as abusive of a private and legally protected procedure.

    We wouldn't and couldn't make or ask her to do anything with her pregnancy except maybe entrust competent prenatal care to the medical profession (instead of just God) and not take risks that would harm the fetus.

    We did not demand she make that trip to Dallas. In fact, if we knew, Alaskans would have asked her to stay and just do her job at home.

    She was busy utilizing the State's highest office to promote the facade that she was a leading energy expert. Especially on an intangible project that was yet to be inked and brought into fruition.

    Snow gear, home stay per diems, Troopergate, hell, none of these stack up to her most egregious abuse - to use the high office and public money to pimp herself as qualified for anything, and predicate her rise to national prominence for a desperate party and the equally desperate measures they would perpetrate to keep the White House.

  4. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Off Topic but very important:

    People, do yourselves a favor and buy the 10/14 issue of Rolling Stone. Read the Obama interview. Read the Tea Party article. You'll be ready for election day, trust me.

  5. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Both Whitman and Fiorina are distancing themselves from her.

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    More proof that the "lamestream media" is guilty of perpetuating the lie of Palin as "political star". She should thank the dreaded lamestream media every chance she gets. This frothing-at-the-mouth idiot has an approval rating like GWB had at the end of his second term! She manages to beat Cheney's, but that's about as tough as beating fricking Hitler in a popularity contest.

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    My mother isn't politically savvy. She is 84 years old, from the old country. Her English is limited. She has great insights, and thinks the Palins are a bunch of idiots- just by watching family dynamics, body language and voice quality.

  8. Anonymous6:11 AM

    for all of time there have been the 20-percenters.

    the problem is not them ... the problem, IMO, is the media making it look like the 20-percenters are really a majority of Americans.

    one crazy loud person in a crowded mall of normal people can be the center of attention

    - kellygrrrl

  9. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Bristol (a telling tribute to her parents combined intelligence) keeps using the word "awesome," to describe everything serious to silly.

    Again, she sounds exactly like her mother also, in saying her hypocrisy makes her exceptionally qualified to speak to right to life and abstinence issues.

    She is so dumb. I would leave her alone if she'd just SDSU. And her Mama too.

    Also, she is so preggers. Take that LSM and Palin H8rs, trying to expose the great pink elephant in her belly.

  10. Sounds to me like that poll may be padded to give her some credibility and something to write about. I honestly cannot find that many people who think she is qualified to chew bubble gum let alone be President. After all if Scarah had a 0% point popularity rating there would be nothing to talk about in America. Right?

  11. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Gryphen, I think your mood has improved so much lately! You seem looser, happier etc. I love it!
    Keep smiling! And have a great time in D.C.! So glad your going!!

  12. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Sarah's approval ratings will sky rocket as soon as the public gets a load of the princess and the rose encased
    giant ice dildo.

    Wonkette: Bristol Palin’s Music Video Even Worse Than Levi’s Somehow

  13. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anon 5:43 Thank you for speaking up about Palins "incredibly offensive tactic". My jaw drops open when I have heard Palin go off to pro life attendees or at special needs groups assignating to condemn people wanted her to kill her unborn child. I find that repulsive and rephrehensible.
    I have also found her poor judgement and irresponsible actions in Texas leaking amniotic fluid disturbing as well as intentionally "hiding" her pregnancy to avoid responsiblity for her actions also.

    The so called "hit piece" as condemned by Palin and Todd McGinnis wrote about the gas pipeline did shoot down her lies presenting herself to the nation distinguishing her that she had built the largest gas pipeline, hence an energy expert,and the most knoweledgeable in the county. I had female friends smitten with Palin who gushed how awesome it was to have such a successful, powerful woman over the mythical pipleline. The fictional wonderous Palin character was shatered after they did fact checking discovering there is no gas pipleline Palin deceived people about. Nor did she tell congress No to the Bridge to Nowhere for government nixed funding the project.

    What we have experienced is that 75% of people do care about truth, reality and accuracy of facts. What I discovered about Palin is that shse can't tell the truth about herself, her record or even her family even when truth is ok or something to her credit. I learned late in life that people who habitually lie about their self will also lie about other people then justify their lies blaming people, shift blame in false assignating condemnations of others to divert their ethical and moral wrongdoing away from self.

    The repubs seem enamored with her perhaps focused on regaining power. With that comes increasing awareness of persons to think less of those candidates who are oblivious to the damage to theri party's reputation, their personal professional reputation nor the destruction Palin leaves in her wake.

    I truly believe that there are prsonalities who can't deal with the fact someone who appered safe and harmless, that Nice person, the charismatic neighbor or mother conned them, tricked them. It does suck to feel conned lose trust
    become aware so many people go along with gross deceit and don't give a darn about anyone but winning something. It can rock your world. I hope the 22% is in part due to psycholgical denial and not people being confirmed believers that sociopathy orpathalogical lying, abuse is christian, morally sound nor ethical.

  14. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Anon 5:43 Thank you for speaking up about Palins "incredibly offensive tactic". My jaw drops open when I have heard Palin go off to pro life attendees or at special needs groups assignating to condemn people wanted her to kill her unborn child. I find that repulsive and rephrehensible.
    I have also found her poor judgement and irresponsible actions in Texas leaking amniotic fluid disturbing as well as intentionally "hiding" her pregnancy to avoid responsiblity for her actions also.

    The so called "hit piece" as condemned by Palin and Todd McGinnis wrote about the gas pipeline did shoot down her lies presenting herself to the nation distinguishing her that she had built the largest gas pipeline, hence an energy expert,and the most knoweledgeable in the county. I had female friends smitten with Palin who gushed how awesome it was to have such a successful, powerful woman over the mythical pipleline. The fictional wonderous Palin character was shatered after they did fact checking discovering there is no gas pipleline Palin deceived people about. Nor did she tell congress No to the Bridge to Nowhere for government nixed funding the project.

    What we have experienced is that 75% of people do care about truth, reality and accuracy of facts. What I discovered about Palin is that shse can't tell the truth about herself, her record or even her family even when truth is ok or something to her credit. I learned late in life that people who habitually lie about their self will also lie about other people then justify their lies blaming people, shift blame in false assignating condemnations of others to divert their ethical and moral wrongdoing away from self.

    The repubs seem enamored with her perhaps focused on regaining power. With that comes increasing awareness of persons to think less of those candidates who are oblivious to the damage to theri party's reputation, their personal professional reputation nor the destruction Palin leaves in her wake.

    I truly believe that there are prsonalities who can't deal with the fact someone who appered safe and harmless, that Nice person, the charismatic neighbor or mother conned them, tricked them. It does suck to feel conned lose trust
    become aware so many people go along with gross deceit and don't give a darn about anyone but winning something. It can rock your world. I hope the 22% is in part due to psycholgical denial and not people being confirmed believers that sociopathy orpathalogical lying, abuse is christian, morally sound nor ethical.

  15. Anonymous6:47 AM

    "... the problem, IMO, is the media making it look like the 20-percenters are really a majority of Americans.

    one crazy loud person in a crowded mall of normal people can be the center of attention"

    - kellygrrrl


    You are completely and absolutely right. Now how do we do an intervention on the media to break the Palin addiction?

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Anon @ 6:42

    "[Palin] can't tell the truth about herself, her record or even her family even when truth is ok or something to her credit."

    Very true. She lies as the Alaska summer day is long. She lies for the sake of lying. They are odd lies and they are perplexing and inflammatory.

  17. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I was just looking up histrionic personality disorder in the dictionary...

  18. laprofesora8:07 AM

    So, would any sane person undertake a run for the presidency with a 22% favorable rating?

    I do hope she runs, though. It'll be so fun watching her self-destruct in front of the whole world.

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Her supporters don't want the truth, they just want to "believe" in her.

  20. emrysa9:14 AM

    well these are just the 20%-ers that still supported bush after running the country into the ground. sad to say, they will always be here. big country, lots of dumb shits.

    but it's not enough to win a presidential election.

    sarah, you're just not good enough for america and you never will be.

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Anon @ 8:15

    That's why they call it "Faith."

  22. Anonymous10:00 AM

    "Now how do we do an intervention on the media to break the Palin addiction?"

    Easy, STOP clicking on any Palin links on any website owned by a main stream media corporation. Stop buying anything that has any story about any of them in it. Change the subject when you hear someone else start talking about her, tell them you're sick to death of the swag hag and you will leave if they continue.
    The only thing the main stream media understands is $. Click and bought mags = cash, so stop clikcing and buying.

  23. Anonymous10:08 AM

    No Gryphen, this is not awesome. It's way to premature to be awesome. We need her to finally become the choice of the right for president and that's when it will start to become AWESOME!

    Way too soon to expose all her lies and her faked pregnancy now. We need to save it for when she's really going to appreciate it the most.

  24. Anonymous11:47 AM

    And with a 20 percent favorability rating you expect her to run?

    I'll believe it when I see it. Otherwise, I still maintain she won't run, and if she does it's with daddy GOP's approval with a backroom deal to drum up the press and then politely drop out at the appropriate time, so Romney or some other GOP guy can step up.

    As far as why certain people vote the way they do, I think we need to understand that we are not all "Americans" anymore than the germans were all one big happy family in 1938, or any of the other Axis powers. There are fascists, fanatics and destroyers of democracy in every country, living right alongside us. And even the "us" is split. Go ask a lot of democrats what they think about gay people having civil rights. Ask some others what they think about women's rights. Everyone has their own idea of what free is, and what rights and privileges other people should be entitled to. In that light, this group of 20 percenters are no different. They have their own (deeply held!) beliefs, and will defend them to the death, no matter who it hurts or offends.

    That's why there's law and a constitution. So everyone in a community understands what is right, and what is expected. Why would the founding fathers write about "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" What does that have to do with government? They were trying to form something grander, more fair and free than anything else on the planet. It was not about a tax on tea.

  25. imnofred11:56 AM

    It doesn't matter if she has a 10% approval--she is going to run. Her ego will not let her believe that everybody doesn't just love her. Besides, when you have been chosen by god, all you have to do is show up and say "I'm Sarah Palin" and the Presidency is hers.

  26. Bel Konehed2:24 PM

    Gryphen, maybe if you stopped selecting the ugliest Palin pics to illustrate your blog entries, she could - with hard work and determination - muscle those favorable numbers back up to 25% where they belong!

    My personal fave is the scrunched-up nose and mega-frown. Oh, you know the one!


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