Friday, October 08, 2010

Sarah Palin and the "Will campaign for cash" crowd.

THIS is why I believe that, despite her horrible poll numbers, Sarah Palin will run for President.

There are sheep to shear and running for office provides a very effective set of clippers to use.

Taking advantage of the ignorance and fear drummed into the average conservative voter by Fox News for profit may be one of the most hateful ways to make a buck in this country that I have ever seen. But Sarah Palin has shown them the way.

Selfishness in place of civil service, the needs of the candidate taking precedence over the needs of the voter, and the focus on the campaign and not on the job they are campaigning for, welcome to Sarah Palin brand politics in 2010.


  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    In my opinion, Palin will run in 2012. She has borderline personality disorder. She is power hungry, and thinks she is the Anointed One. She will never win, but she will create havoc.

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    This story needs to take legs and run. It's totally how so many of these GOP lifers have gotten rich (think Newt Gingrich). It's a giant con, and yet there are still sad fools who don't see it, and part with their utility bill money so Sarah Palin can de-ice her private plane (in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida!)

    What amazes me is how transparent this is, and for now, they seem to be getting away with it.

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    When Christine O'Donnell first showed up on the political radar, we also learned from her former campaign manager that O'Donnell made a profession out of running for office. In fact, she lived off of campaign donations, which turns out to be illegal.

    Sarah doesn't bother to read stories like that and learn from a bad example. She just sees the stream of cash that will pour into Sarah PAC. She remembers the beautiful outfits, the makeup and the whirlwind tour of applauding sheep, so she will take a fling at running.

    That also means that every detail of her personal life is fair game for investigative reporting. That includes Todd the Bully, Bristol and her questionable belly, Willow and Track's pranks, and Trig's paternity. Her financial records will be gone over with a fine tooth comb. I say Bring It On, because as much as Sarah loves the spotlight, I want to see the spotlight shown on Sarah's records.

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    How much is SarahPac paying Bristol's marketing company?

    Yeah... what a way to keep the money in the family

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Palin will not run.

    The money is easier made on Faux News and the fact remains that Palin would be personally eviscerated in the GOP primaries as well as in any potential Presidential debates.

    Potential POTUS's don't have reality TV shows.

    And quitting as Governor already establishes her as having no lasting cred for public service.

    She's the political equivalent of the page 6 gossip sheet.

    In Sarah's world it's better to be a wealthy king maker than a poor king.

    Palin will NOT run.

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Of course she's going to run, no matter what the polls say. There's a chunk of change burning a whole in a pocket she can't reach until she runs.She has to run for office to get her hands on the SarahPAC money. Right now all she can do is pay her friends and relatives and maybe syphon off a little for her expenses. But if she declares her candidacy for something, SarahPAC can start donating to her campaign. She can run around the country, live the high life she got used to in 2008 at someone else's expense. Buy food, clothing, computers, vehicles, all kinds of stuff that she can use after her campaign is over.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    So has PAYlin found a job that she will stick too? And by job I mean running for office as is the Christine Odonnell fashion.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    No Scarah will never actually run. THat would be work and require commitment. And she is nothing but a tease.

    For money of course...lots of money. But the drugs will get her.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I think you are right- she will run. Because of BPD and the monies and fame she can grift by doing it.

    Starting a run for president for her is like getting paid a lot of money to play the lottery.

    Paid by the $thousands per hour to scratch the tickets, and the money to buy the tickets -is donated by her foolowers.

    The best part( from her perspective) she still might even 'be chosen' for the jackpot!

    Its a long shot but there are millions who vote on hackable electronic machines.

    Paid to play- she and her whole famblie luurves it!


  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    you got to stop looking for reasons to make your beliefs come true.
    the scrutiny that comes from a presidential campaigne does not allow the candidate to skim funds.
    palin will never open herself to that scrutiny and she can not win over new fans by running.
    all the nuts already know who she is.
    only way she will run is IF she is told she HAS to for reasons i can not think of at this point.

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Joe is trying to gain a national name for himself and getting lots of kudos for his remarks to shut down the government. Please go to the Huffpo story and let them know what a duplicitous bagger he is....

  12. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Sarah Palin is Frank Murkowski on steroids. Frank II?

    The nice thing about Frank was that he stepped out of the spotlight when he knew everyone was sick of him. He'd made his money and he could laugh at us; lime him or not, he was better off than 99.5% of everyone. Frank II keeps wanting more.

  13. ManxMamma8:33 AM

    Somewhat O/T but WTF????

    "Mitch McConnell Open To A Government Shutdown, Joe Miller Says" from Huffington Post.

    Will someone charge this idiot with sedition?

  14. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Sad that people can't see her for the cartoon character she has turned into.

  15. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Anon 6:40 I agree Palin evidences traits of BPD. She has those cluster B traits and cognitive distortions. BPD and even pathalogical Narcissists also have comorbidity of bipolar. Palin habitually engages in "splitting" portraying hrself in one grandiose extreme while saying someone or a group is the opposite extreme. AKA cognitive distortions.

    My suspicion when she quit her governorship was so she'd start her Destruction Campaign of Obama but I did not anticipate her sick need to destroy all journalists, reporters, news anchors via ramping up her pathalogical lies.
    Once any person has been around such a personality or been targeted in a destruction and or escalation assassination campaign, the threats and acting upon the threats while lying they did these things projecting they are the victim when in rality the perpetrator...well you can't help but recognize the patterns of behavior.

    My concern is first the damage, destruction, and harm she will cause, havoc, chaos, dismantling of any trust she will wreak in a run even if she does not win. I am concerned about people I have see in person and on the news who live terrorized in fear by hr vile lies about other people. I am concerned and angry now at the effect her relentless and unethical (Imo also mentally depraved) means and the damage to the economy.

    Hell, it's not even presidentail for any man or woman to dress erratically, write on their hands, black out lettering on caps, say oen thing and secretly hide, withold or the clothing disappears or make public appearances dressed impersonating biker chicks then look like hired help or wear the range of often bizarre wigs.

    Jesus, if any man in politics got weaves, showed up in bad toupees..any of this stuff he'd be identified as unstable or erratic.
    Palin's bpd characteristic destruction campaigning has duped many unwitting fool more vulnerable now when people are conned to beliee and not trust anyone but her. This is what dissturbed people do. If I am corrct she will run for office for they can't stop and escalate.

    No, it is not presidential nor POTUS hopeful to star and feature one's "off limits" family in a reality show. Even at the SeeofPee they too know this and posted needing to convince theier group it would be a Discovery channel documentary in the finest artistic and educational sense.

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Man, I guess their supporters either a.) don't mind being taken advantage of by a bunch of grifters or b.) at least a small minority of Americans are really, really dumb.

  17. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Heads Up!
    A Gater:
    For kissing Mr. Newsmax full on the lips yesterday, Sarah gets ( wait for it..... ) another pseudo best seller, at the hands of Newsmax itself!

    You can send in your RSVP here-;g%3D172;m%3D967;

    Someone looks to be making a copycat companion event to compete with Stewart and Colbert.

    EPIC FAIL Sarah, you don'[t come close to either of these men's wit, or intelligence.

  18. Enjay in E MT8:50 AM

    100% Agreed @ 7:01

    Chrissy O'D is a professional campaigner - living off donations for her "ambitions"

    Now that she's won a primary - her finances are going to be more closely monitored by FEC. Paying rent, bowling, etc are not going to be allowed.

    After the failed election will be a ghosted book on todays Conservative Christian along with book tour & Faux pundit. If she's lucky - she has a few years before she'll have to actually punch a time clock like the rest of us.

    I just don't understand why they aren't dictating morality from a church pulpit rather than political soapbox!

  19. this is a very funny spoof on ODonnels' "I'm not a witch add...

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I think many here are giving Sarah too much credit for rational thinking.

    She thinks she can have it all. She will run for POTUS and thinks God will just pave the way. She also thinks the money will keep rolling her way. I doubt that she sees the limitations being in office would put on her and still envisions the millions of $$$'s still rolling by one means or another.

    Luckily though, she will never win. Also, I doubt that she realizes that a failed POTUS campaign combined with no significant accomplishments will lead to everyone losing interest (and the cash flow will dry up as a result).

    What will make this even more profound is if the teabaggers have any success this November. Their anger will temporarily subside and Sarah will have a far smaller crowd in order to incite their hatred and anger (and the speech money will dry up).

  21. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Did you see this:!

    Americans hate Sarah Palin

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee can all attest to the advantages of running a failed presidential campaign. The grifter has already reaped all those benefits (and more) with her failed VP bid.

    The Quitter's business model depends on her status as "a contender", but if she loses AGAIN her career as a celebrity agitator will be all washed up.

    Look for her to string along the faithful-and the bowling alley operators association-for as long as possible and then to keep her options open as "a contender" for 2016. That'll leave her plenty of time to cash-in before even the faithful lose faith.

  23. Joe is interested only in the national stage and, of course, the money! If Alaska elects him, they will only see him once every six years.

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    She knows if she doesn't run her 15 minutes are over. But, she knows if she does run it is over too. She is just ramping up her $$$$$ making until the repub's candidate decision is made for 2012. Or she will play possum until the last minute. Such a loser grifter.

  25. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I think she'll run even though there will be increased scrutiny of her actions and finances. It will be too lucrative to her and she won't care whether she makes it through the primaries or not. She'll take the cash and love every minute of the attention. By then, she will have learned to milk the system and not get caught - not that she's gotten caught so far.

    A "permanent candidate" - we've already got a few of those: Gingrich, Huckabee. Lucrative work.

    OTOH (I constantly argue with myself about Palin) I have a feeling that Palin may be history by primary time. Or maybe it's just futile hope. But there does seem to be more and more people finding the courage to speak out against her. The more that do speak out, the safer it is to do it.

    Interesting today that she tweeted a song about DS kids. Trying to stir up some positive attention since there's been so much negative attention? Had to remind everyone that poor little Sarah had a DS child.

  26. "Running for office is becoming a racket." -- Rachel Maddow

    If there's money in it, Sarah will run for office. She wants to lose and keep the money. She does not want the responsibility of the job. She will blame [the media, Obama operatives, the Devil] everyone else for her loss, thereby gaining sympathy from her followers.

  27. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You can still get filthy rich with little work or effort and no accountability off of 22% of the population.

    We aren't talking $12 million dollars in her bank account anymore, try doubling that. And she isn't even doing anything.

  28. Anonymous11:12 AM

    from another blog...
    Media insider here:

    The last time I posted, the latest intel I was getting from reporters and producers deep inside the TV and general media world was that Bristol wouldn't even compete the first week of DTWS. This turned out to be inaccurate. You know what really happened? The reason why she almost pulled the plug was that it was discovered she was pregnant, and insurers balked at having her compete on the show because the show's insurers and producer's insurers would be liable if anything happened to her if she was competing while pregnant. chapter:

    Many, many non-disclosure agreements, medical screenings, and heated discussions later, it was decided that 1) she could compete and she will make a total of about $200,000 for her "work" on the show (that's the standard amount the Palins like to throw around, $200,000, although they don't always get it. And 2) Every other competitor, judge, and audience members (!) were to be required to sign an agreement which basically says "You may not discuss what happens backstage at the show; you may not discuss internal goings-on at the show; you may not discuss or publically write about anything that happens.

    That brave blogger guy who wrote about the notorious "booing" incident when Sarah showed up and people complained in the audience by booing? There is debate going on now about whether the agreement he signed was stringent enough that he can be sued. It doesn't look like he can, because audience members sign an agreement which is much more open-ended (than what the judges and contestants sign). It didn't specifically say, "Audience members may not boo another audience member or write about other audience members," so he will probably get away with his reports. (Thank goodness.)

    Bristol is pregnant by someone she was seeing around the same time she was "getting back together with Levi." An Alaskan boy, by all accounts, some years her senior, product of the usual drunken hookup, which she is an expert in. Problem is, he is interested in being a public father to this child so there is a lot of weird stuff going on. One of my contacts works for the production company that sub-contracts a lot of services out to DTWS --- (think, Kraft services, etc.) --- and he tells me this guy has been SHOWING UP at DTWS demanding to see Bristol. She won't talk to him right now.

    He has legal rights, though, so I hope he fights for them as the father of this child. She is too far along to abort at this point.

    So! That's what I'm hearing from my friends in that crazy, mixed up, world known as TV production and publicity - (I also have an inside contact at one of the publicists the Palins use to do "reputation management," especially for Bristol, so she can keep pulling in as much money as possible for "abstinence advocacy" ---probably up until the time she pops out her next child.)

    Seriously F'ed up, that family is.

  29. Anonymous11:25 AM

    add'l info...
    Yeah, after it was discovered Bristol was pregnant and the producers tried to put their foot down and refuse to let her compete, Sarah's appearance was added to the agreement to grease the wheels and increase viewership, etc.

  30. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Off topic, but check out this photo of Bristol:

    Look at the belly. I wonder why she is trying to intimidate the photographer by taking his/her photo. Hmmm...


    WOW! The dam is starting to crumble.

  32. Anonymous12:04 PM

    add'l info...
    Yeah, after it was discovered Bristol was pregnant and the producers tried to put their foot down and refuse to let her compete, Sarah's appearance was added to the agreement to grease the wheels and increase viewership, etc.

  33. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Bristol just plain looks preggers in this one:

  34. I suspect that Bristol's pregnancy is the reason that she abandoned talk of abstinence in her last speech and focused on abortion instead. This week Sarah Palin herself said that she wanted to make abortion the focus of this campaign. It could well be because their handlers are trying to spin a redemption arc for Bristol.

  35. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Right, this may just be the thing that prevents her from being able to make even a half-hearted attempt at a run. Bristol has a whole lotta power over her mother, perhaps that's the ultimate poetic justice for the Palin family.

    I completely agree that Sarah likely has borderline personality disorder, and that she only cares about being a "contender" so she can cement her value to FOX and others for $$.

    Basically she just needs to get on TV whenever possible, whether as pundit, party cheerleader, political provacateur, or as possible candidate. The substance doesn't matter to her, only the financial rewards of celebrity.

    The only reason she caters to the religious right is that these days they are the only ones who will have her. Her star is falling, not rising.

  36. Anonymous2:19 PM

    And so now it comes out that it cost a Georgia governor candidate $92K to fly Palin in a private jet to campaign for her - and $13K for hotel expenses for Palin and her family. You should see how the "Common sense conservatives" over at Free Republic are trying to rationalize this one.

  37. emrysa3:10 PM

    I think that story from "media insider" is bullshit. the insurers of dwts would never let a pregnant woman on the show. never. they're not in the ratings business, they're in the insurance business.

    bristol is noticeably larger than when the show started. I think this might be the last week for her, then it's into hiding.

  38. Chenagrrl7:40 PM

    I have thought all along that this is Joe Miller's strategy, too. Make money campaigning. Now his filings show a man in a real tippy financial boat. I think it doesn't matter to him whether he wins or not. Of course, he'd like that $174,000 plus per annum, but hey.


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