Monday, October 25, 2010

Christine O'Donnell blames God for her decision to run. God's spokesperson says HE has no idea what that crazy witch is talking about!

According to this interview O'Donnell claims to have undergone a "complete dying of self" which I guess proves she is not a witch. She is a ghost!

Is anybody else starting to believe this ENTIRE campaign is some giant practical joke on the people of Delaware, Sarah Palin, and Fox News?  I keep expecting that, at any moment, she will reach up and tear off her wig, revealing herself to be Ashton Kutchner who will then announce a brand new season of "Punk'd."

Yeah go ahead and laugh, but would that really be any more bizarre than the things we have actually seen and heard coming out of this whackjob's mouth?

BTW, people can pray for this campaign until the cows come home, but it would be like giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to a three day old corpse.  Ain't nothing bringing that stiff back to life!

(Did you like how I kept a sort of Halloween theme running through this post? That is because I am a giver.  And you are welcome. BOO!)


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I've also been praying that the eyes of the voters be opened. Not to mention their ears and minds.

    Seriously, this year's crop of right wingers are about the worst I've seen in 30 years of voting. How can anybody take these folks seriously? For shame. For shame. For shame.

    If you love your country, you pick people who are a cut above, not all these crazy loons.

  2. SME1318:03 PM

    Like anon 7:26 said these are the strangest bunch of politicians or wanna be politicians I have ever seen. And yes I pray that none of them get in.

    I think what most people are missing is that they think they are voting for people just like them but they will end up with the money folks (corporations, and the koch brothers running this country. The crazies that end up getting elected are not smart enough to see they are merely puppets for those with money that want to turn this country back to the days where old white men ran everything and women and minorities had no say.

    We are doomed if these crazy ass tea baggers get elected.

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Very funny post, Gryphen.

  4. GrainneKathleen2:03 AM

    all the religious talk and imagery is very distracting coming from a candidate for secular office. has anyone told her the pope vacancy was filled years ago?

  5. Randall5:17 AM

    COD isn't running for the Senate, though... that's all for show.

    What she's doing is interviewing for FOX News.

    And ya know what? I'll betcha she'll have a FOX News contract before the year is out.

    Anybody wanna bet?

    And ya know what else? She's a perfect fit there too, also, as well.

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    This level of public display of sheer delusion is worrying... Can't someone find her a good home to take care of her for a few years??

  7. The God I believe in won't let this broad win!!! I find it invredible that anyone takes her seriously,

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    A "complete dying of self," you say? Seems that many politicians have that problem...nothing "divine" or "inspirational" about that, Linda Blair.

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    If her self died then she is the first zombie political candidate.

    Her biography will be titled "The Night of the living Brain Dead."


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