Monday, October 04, 2010

I am voting Republican because....

Get informed.

Get motivated.

Get involved.

And then get your ass out there and VOTE!


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Gross generalizations always work! Is there anything better than reducing a human being to a few sound-byte traits. Way to keep the politics classy. >.<

    This video is beneath you, Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    hmmm, interesting distortment of lies. I'm pretty sure I know why al quada (sp) is on a rampage and why Europe is under massive security surveillance. Doing everything DEMS wish to do will not make this country safe. Staying in battle and pulling out will not make this country safe. I'm pretty sure it's a DEM administration that expanded troops AND is continuing to feed Wall Street the little people's money. Also, I'm pretty sure it is the DEM admin that cares not for small business and only references the little guy in speeches when an election is near.But keep telling yourself that DEMS have all the answers. Because we all need to believe in something when terrorists blow up the entire country.

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Gryphen - it's Monday! We're all waiting for "the announcement!"

  5. The sad thing is, there are people so benighted, they will vote for the Party of Darkness (Pods-hey I like it) pretty much for the reasons given. If you get the kind of Government you deserve, and these ideas are pretty typical of what we're being presented, we don't deserve or get much. Wake up Majority! Bill Maher is so right in calling Republicans 'a deadly enemy.'

  6. On a related note, a friend sent me an email with the subject line, Vote Republican if:

    If you believe in the “just some” approach, then the Republican party should have your vote.
    If you believe that health care is a privilege and not a right, then vote GOP.
    If you believe in less regulation for Wall Street and corporations, vote GOP.
    If you believe in further erosion of the middle class, vote GOP.
    If you believe that science is a dirty word, vote GOP.
    If you believe that gays and lesbians are second class citizens not entitled to the same rights as the heterosexual community, vote GOP.
    If you believe in a theocratic state, vote GOP.
    If you believe that the eight years of fiscal and social policy set out by George W. Bush is the way to go, then vote GOP.
    The future of your country is at stake and your choices have never been clearer.

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I think my first post got lost...

    Heads are exploding so you have hit a nerve with this one. Republican values in "generalizations' they can understand. bwahahahah

    I think they are, also, too, going to be very surprised in November when they realize that most of us are just sitting quietly, waiting for the elections, to let them know that we are still committed to change. No matter how long it takes.

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM

    If you believe in the “just some” approach, then the Republican party should have your vote. ENTITLEMENT IS NOT BECOMING AS MANY LIBS SEEM TO THINK IT IS

    If you believe that health care is a privilege and not a right, then vote GOP. HMM, ENGLAND, GREECE, GERMANY...ARENT THEY HAVING MONEY PROBLEMS DUE TO DEBT AND SOCIALISM?

    If you believe in less regulation for Wall Street and corporations, vote GOP. IN THE LAAST YEAR AND A HALF, WHAT HAS PRES O DONE WITH THIS PROBLEM? HE IS MR WALLSTREET

    If you believe in further erosion of the middle class, vote GOP. LETS JUST RAISE TAXES ON THE 250K AND UP GROUP AND KILL ALL JOB CREATION, INCL THE MIDDLE CLASS

    If you believe that science is a dirty word, vote GOP. WHATS THE WEATHER GOING TO BE LIKE NEXT TUESDAY?

    If you believe that gays and lesbians are second class citizens not entitled to the same rights as the heterosexual community, vote GOP. AGAIN, LOOK AT THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OR REALLY ANY PUBLIC SERVICEMAN. SEE MUCH GAY RIGHTS SUPPORT?


    If you believe that the eight years of fiscal and social policy set out by George W. Bush is the way to go, then vote GOP. AND WHAT HAS DEFINITIVELY CHANGED SINCE JAN 2009?

    The future of your country is at stake and your choices have never been clearer. YES YES THEY ARE CRYSTAL CLEAR, FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT

  9. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Gross Generalizations????? More like fighting fire with Fire. At least those "gross generalizations" have some teeth/fact to them. This video is great and I hope it will be shown on reg TV. Will It? Anyone know?
    Anon5:15 AlQueda is getting rattled because Obama is actually starting to fight the war that should have been fought years ago, IN PAKASTAN. Their safe haven is finally being threatened. Notice how Bin Ladin was trying to win the hearts and minds of the Pakistanis by calling all muslims to help with the flooding in that country. Looked desperate to me. I don't like it, but if we really want to get those bastards, that is where the battle needs to be. Obama is probably going to give it a good college try before we actually pull out. At least he has the brains to take the fight where it needs to be instead of jerking off in Afganistan. PLZ excuse the spelling.

  10. Gryphen,

    One of the best in the history of anti Repubed advertisements.

    In Ohio today is the last day to register to vote for the mid term elections. We will be on the phone all day organizing rides to the registrars office for that purpose and daily to submit early ballots.

    Make sure you exercise your rights this election.

    Mark Sumpter

  11. On the contrary anon 5:06 and 5:15! This clip sums it up nicely!

  12. Lynne7:49 AM

    Gryphen, I don't know how you find all these things, but I really appreciate them. My Facebook page loves what you provide!

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Loved it! Four people sent me this today already. :-) It's going viral.

  14. emrysa8:37 AM

    apparently anon @ 5:06 am is willing to completely overlook the RECORD of the congressional republicans for the last 30 years in order to call this video a gross generalization. lmao. what's that saying? pull your head out of your ass.

  15. Anonymous9:03 AM

    This is Anon 5:06

    If you think "the other guy did it first" is justification for bad behavior, then bully for you. That excuse didn't work in 3rd grade; it's even more immature at this level.

    All generalizations have some truth to them, however, generalizations are the last bastion of those who refuse to deal with people as individuals, to see the humanity in the person beside them. I think what disappoints me most is how generalizations and smears are always a good idea if they serve your purpose. As someone who constantly searches for the higher ground, it amazes me how happy people are to trod the level or even lower ground provided it validates their world view.

  16. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Anon 5:06 and 9:03

    I am so tired of people saying negative things about the democrats. When they take the high road they have no spines. When they point out the ludicrous policies of the republicans they are 'sinking' to their level.

    Give me a f*@#king break. If they can do it so can we. And I think it's way past time to stop being this polite, say nothing that offends, group of people.

    I am offended DAILY by the idiotic cr@p that comes from the right. And I'm tired of being polite and intellectual. I could care less if you are disappointed.
    And I could care less if I'm starting to sound like I'm in grade school....I've felt that way since Bush took office. Maybe it's time to act like the rest of the country and start throwing temper tantrums.

    bwahahaha Jesus, I NEVER cuss. Guess you pushed My buttons. good for you. And good luck up on that pedestal you sit on.

  17. G.
    You might enjoy this little video:



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