Monday, October 04, 2010

Joe Miller did not always want to be a Senator. No, what he REALLY wanted to be was a LUMBERJACK!

But sadly Joe Miller sold his dreams of cutting down trees, and living a life filled with fresh air and flapjacks, to be Sarah Palin's butt boy.

But it is not too late Joe!  Make a break for it, you can do it! You don't have to jump through Sarah's hoops and go down in history as one of her "Mama Grizzlies." Man up!

Then grab your chainsaw, your Timberlake boots, and your Pendleton shirts, and run toward the freedom of the great Alaska wilderness. Where a man can be a man, and the only high pitched screaching they hear is the sweet sound of the chainsaw cutting through another western red cedar in the Tongass National Forest.

And hey, take Todd with you too.  The poor bastard looks like he hates the world and everything in it these days.  I guess even 20 million dollars will not buy happiness in the Palin compound.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Timberland.....not Timberlake.

    Timberlake is a performer, Timberland makes boots. Crappy ones at that too.

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    He's dressed like the Brawny Paper Towel dude. Brawny is owned by Koch Industries, the largest privately owned company in the US. The Koch brothers are Sarah Palin supporters and Tea-baggers (oh, yeah, they are fightin' for real Americans, 'cause they are fed up).

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    The Miller is all about the wood and timber, he could be the next Raygun. Todd don't leave wifey alone with the brawny hunk.

    Levi does have all the makings of a politician.

    Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston: Is This the Video That Broke Them Up?

    Is this contributing to Bristol's weight? Why she is she not looking more trim like Margaret Cho who is working hard for the competion on DWTS?

    Will the judges give Mommy Dearests little cub another pass and remain true to the DWTS fix?

    Brittani Senser is Bristol Palin's real competion. More seething than Miss Piggy...

    Bristol Palin, Mark Ballas, Levi Johnston, Brittani Senser

    Everyone has expectation that Levi will spill beans or he should be what others imagine he could have been. Go on and wank on the dude. He is doing what he can and it is not that important that everybody get it. He only has to carve out a nitch for himself and deal with his family issues as he sees fit.

  4. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Gryphen, what a hilarious post! You are making mincemeat of Joe Miller these days, please don't stop until you grind him into dust. Thanks for brightening my gloomy Monday.

    PS 6:58 -- Joe Miller the Brawny Paper Towel dude?! Fabulous observation! SNORT!


    Embarrasment again, sent a minute ago not sure it went through.

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM


    You know the 20 million dollar rumor is a big fat lie. You must not care about your credibility or have any desire to ever be taken seriously in the media.

    There is a reason your stories never gain traction! Look in the mirror.

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    @9:07 - why bother Gryphen about this? Why don't you call American Media Corporation in Boca Raton, Florida, with your complaint? The National Examiner is running the $20 million story this week on their front page.

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I wonder how that other Palin chap feels about Joe being a lumberjack?

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    @10:24, because he is repeating it.

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM

    @12:12 - So? Millions of people are repeating it. It's published in a tabloid with a huge readership around the world. People on other continents are repeating it.

  11. Did you read this

    Joe Miller on minimum wages, unemployment... He want to take everybody back to the dark age. LOL


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