Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is this Joe Miller's new ad? You have GOT to be kidding me!

Three questions:

  • Was this ad put together by grade school children?
  • Has Christine O'Donnell seen this?
  • Am I high right now?
I understand that Miller and his campaign might be having a very visible nervous breakdown, but surely there was somebody on staff who could see how completely childish and pathetic this ad would look to the Alaska voters.  Wasn't there?

I guess not.

Don't forget to vote for the grown up Alaska!  Because lord knows we need one!


  1. Quiet17:04 AM

    LOL, "don't be scared by "she who must not be named." Maybe it's code for Sarah Palin! :)

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Game Changer Alert!

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Epic Fail!

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    What a stupid commercial! This is going to insult everyone's intelligence (except the one's w/o brains, and we know who they are).

    That last CNN article you posted needs to be added by someone on the ADN blogs. I have to get ready for work.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Wow -- that was lame. Could this man possibly embarrass himself further?

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Even Christine herself said that ad was a bad idea. Don't vote for anyone that makes COD look smart!

  7. SME1317:39 AM

    That's pretty pathetic. But have you seen his McMurkski commercial? That is beyond tacky as well.

  8. This ad is supposed to be aimed at ALASKAN voters, right?

    Do the Miller campaign strategists really think everyone in Alaska has been avidly following the "I am not a witch" saga of Christine O'Donnell?

    Geez, a good percentage of Alaska voters probably have no idea where Delaware is on a map, or even that there IS someplace called Delaware.

    Then again, maybe Joe Miller thinks the election will be held on October 31st...

  9. Anonymous7:47 AM

    His poll numbers are totally tanking. McAdams is ahead by 6 points and the write in only gained a very small percentage.

  10. I don't know what to say. This immature effort from a West Point graduate and lawyer? After watching the Rachel Maddow video of her "interview" as he raced to his car and this...whatever it is...should be aired daily on Alaskan TV.

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    WOW!!!! that was horrendous.

    i expected nothing less with teabaggers money.

    i just wanna know who is running the dollar stores whilst they are filming these ads???

    also..on a personal note. i cannot STAND his mouth. its goofy and sideways and is shaped like he wants to suck on a baby bottle 24/7. so grody!!!!

    sorry gryph. i got all personal on his hitler ass.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Look closely... it appears to be Joe Miller in the boiling pot.

    Bloggers hopefully have cooked his ass.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    WOW!!!! that was horrendous.

    i expected nothing less with teabaggers money.

    i just wanna know who is running the dollar stores whilst they are filming these ads???

    also..on a personal note. i cannot STAND his mouth. its goofy and sideways and is shaped like he wants to suck on a baby bottle 24/7. so grody!!!!

    sorry gryph. i got all personal on his hitler ass. you really REALLY think its a good idea to slam christine o'donnell who is in the SAME PARTY AS YOU?!?!?! and endorsed by Scarah???

    again. dollar store.

  14. GrainneKathleen7:58 AM

    has everyone seen akm's new post about miller's PRE-"i lied" personnel file revelation numbers? they are hopeful!
    maybe miller is angling for the zombie and vampire vote with this one. do you have many in alaska?

  15. GrainneKathleen7:59 AM

    whoops! here is the link to akm post on huffpo:

  16. Wow- that's just...sad.

    I'm heading to the Rally in DC in the morning and hope to see you there!

  17. GrainneKathleen8:00 AM

    oh, and one more comment. i plan on watching that ad high later on today. i will write in if i have a revelation.

  18. Just read that McAdams has pulled ahead of Miller? Someone posted it on the Rally's homepage- is it true and where can I find the info?

  19. The barely-barbered one wants to show he's Alaskan by reverting to the ad techniques of yore, 30 years past, by the purveyors of Mafia Mike's Pizza.

  20. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I thought it was funny.

  21. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Pathetic. But what did you expect?
    I'm sure he really did not want to stand up and say "Hi, Vote for me.
    Like my sponsor, sarah palin, I am an accomplished liar, I know how to use computers and I am proud of my ethics, because the end does really justify the means.I will fight for all those who are wealthy and get rid of all those programs, which by the way, my family and I have used, that enables people to stay home, do nothing or get health care for free."
    "I don't really have any set plans except to not accept federal monies, cut the deficit and fight the federal government to take our land back that we gave them when we became a state."
    "I'm a lawyer, not a witch."

  22. Pat in MA8:16 AM

    What a jackass. Leave Harry Potter out of this thank you very much. Recent poll shows 8% of Alaskans feel somewhat negative and SIXTY percent feel VERY negative about candidate Miller.

    About. Freakin. Time.

    Safe travels to DC Gryph, have a great time!

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    While Murkowski isn't someone deserving of my vote, I found this commercial sexist and nasty.

    Furthermore, why in the world would his campaign want to make any ties to the campaign of Christine O'Donnell.

  24. Molly8:20 AM

    No no no, Joe; SWMNBN is the GINO, not Senator Murkowski.


  25. It's amazing how Christine O'Donnell has enough time on her hands to help Joe with his ads.

  26. Molly8:21 AM

    Mudflats has the latest approval ratings for JM.

    It does NOT look good for him.

    Too bad, so sad.

  27. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Every time I see Miller I can't get the thought out of my head that there's something more between him and Sister Sarah that everyone is missing.

  28. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Semi funny looking at from outside Alaska. I don't know how it will play in state. Good luck hope he does not win.

  29. Enjay in E MT8:27 AM

    Too bad these candidates won't get unmasked BEFORE the election.

  30. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Way to improve your favorability with women voters, Joe.

    Now, looking forward to McAdams or Murkowski putting out a "Problem Employee" ad out about Joe!

  31. Anonymous8:35 AM

    At election time we're subjected to pundits and politicians going on about how the intelligence of voters should not be underestimated.

    Republicans, however, seem utterly convinced that the majority of voters are indeed morans.

    Perhaps Republicans are right.

  32. AKM is up on HP with a new poll. Joe now has a 68% unfavorable rating. Get out and vote for Scott. Alaska deserves someone like him.

  33. Anonymous8:39 AM

    King James Version, John 8:31-32
    31 ¶ Then said Jesus to those which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
    32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    Come on Skuzzy Joe, and all your bible thumping christionist hypocrite teabagging supporters and enablers, PRACTICE WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BELIEVE AND WANT TO FORCE ON THE REST OF US.

  34. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Oh my goddess! That looks more like a SNL skit than a political ad.

    Alaska, please get out there and VOTE for McAdams.


  35. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Is that Todd doing the voice over?

  36. Anonymous8:45 AM

    and what is happening with the Mudflats? Page will not load, is the server crashed?

  37. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Uh...was it mean as a "Happy Halloween" card?

    Seriously, how can anyone take this candidate seriously?

  38. Anonymous8:53 AM

    DUDE! Maybe it's the goth in me, but if I lived in Alaska and knew nothing about the candidates, I would totally vote for Joe Miller based on this ad.

    Considering, however, that my entire life has been an object lesson in how few people react to things the way I do, I doubt you have to worry that Alaska voters will be influenced this way! ;) In fact, it's possible he will turn off some of his extreme religious-right supporters who think Halloween is the devil's holiday. Or is the religious right over that stupidity now?

  39. Anonymous9:03 AM

    What's really funny about this ad is that to most Alaskans, "she who must not be named" refers to his mentor, Sarah Palin. Get with the program, Joe. If you insist on dodging your own record while running negative and not necessarily truthful ads about your opponent, at least use euphemisms that we can recognize. Then, why don't you provide us with a well-articulated plan somewhere as to how you are going to fix this mess instead of just criticizing what others are doing?

  40. Is there a meeting place and time at the rally?

  41. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Cone on Gryphen, don't you know why vaguely bearded one held up a letter from a 10 year old at his infamous "I won't talk anymore" press conference. They are the only ones who like him. He had to pander to his base.

    I get it, I do. If you have more than a 7th grade education, you are pulling for Jackass Joe. I really love the high-tech FX.

  42. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This is the worst political ad I have ever seen. Ever. Pathetic.

  43. I thought that christians like the overbreeding Mr. Miller were not part of the Harry Potter Fan Club, yet they build a commercial stolen from the Potter playbook?

    I guess since Harry Potter scares the christian fundies so badly they figure it'll get the rest of us riled up too.

  44. Anonymous9:27 AM

    They aren't true believers. The truth will set the rest of us free, make no mistake about that.

  45. Anonymous9:42 AM

    That was humourous, imaginative, and quite refreshing for a change. Too bad Lisa Murkowski didn't think of it to play on Miller.

  46. Wow. I mean, wow. That was mind-numbingly bad. It was so bad, I am now making up words to describe it.

  47. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Does Joe think he is still in the primary? There just isn't a "she" as an opponent. Is he really just brushing off McAdams as a non-threat?

    Joe apparently needs to go back to grade school and practice reciting daily current events because he is out-of-the-loop. McAdams is gaining on both Lisa and Joe. Poor Joe, he doesn't even know he is failing big time.

    Miss Sarah may be kiss of doom today. With her low favorability numbers, I'd just say "birds of a feather."

  48. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Guess Joe doesn't know Sarah endorsed Christine.

    Should make some interesting pre- or post-event chat today as she drops by to try to boost his bottom-dragging numbers.

    Goodness, are we really, really sure this man went to and graduated from Yale Law? If so, shame on that institution for having such low standards for matriculation.

  49. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Have fun in D.C. Gryphen!

  50. Won't the bots be confused into thinking Joe thinks he's running against Christine?

  51. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I vote for #3, because that's the same response I had. My second-grader could do a more effective job at preparing an ad. Yale and West Point must be proud.

    Cannot wait for the SNL skit this inspires.

  52. Virginia Voter10:37 AM

    Tomorrow's payday, and I will send some $$ to Scott McAdams ;)

    Happy Halloween !

  53. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Christine + Joe
    Lovely Christine pictures! I barely knew Christine when she turned up at my door at around eight o'clock on the night of Halloween.
    Is this is a joke or does Sarah Palin really know how to pick 'em? LADY BUG

  54. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Please try and make even a slightly negative comment directly on the YouTube site for this Miller video.

    Miller is removing comments and blocking users. Make him look like the hypocrite that he is with a bunch of "comment removed" messages for his video!

  55. This is pretty funny actually.

  56. WalterNeff10:52 AM

    Best news of the day:

  57. Anonymous11:08 AM

    OT....Just announced, The Roots will be performing prior to the start of the rally. Hopefully Legend will join them and sign, Wake Up, America!!! Perfect!!

  58. Anonymous11:13 AM

    This week David Brock, founder and CEO of Media Matters for America and Michael B. Keegan, president of People for the American Way, wrote a piece for the Huffington Post urging Sarah Palin, as a leading figure in the conservative movement, to condemn Glenn Beck's reckless and extreme rhetoric. Brock later appeared on MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and said, "Bill Buckley, back in the `60s..."

    Sarah Palin must be speed tweeting as I type!

    The incredible shrinking man.

  59. Anonymous11:27 AM

    from Bebe on Gawker:

    !! Joe the Plummeter !!

  60. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The ad shows their is big-time money in Joe Miller's campaign war chest. HA!

    Maybe Joe had money and national backing at one time, but this halloween ad is showing how little he has to spend. Even the "I am not a witch" ad showed more expensive technical aspects than Joe's ad.

    The demented sheep ad is still the far and away winner in this year's competition for pathetic political ads.

  61. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Let me tell you...the children minding the pee pee farm for their queen is up in arms today! They are now trying to cheat by having everyone sign up to be a write in candidate!!!

    Joey must be really sinking (or i that slinking?)

  62. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Why, as a bagged Bagger would Joe want to associate himself with Chrissie's Witchcraft problems?

    Is there anybody in Alaska who doesn't know who Lisa is and what she has supported?

    Assuming that, why run against a known by reminding people of what is known about her and waste the time and money that could be spent telling them more about yourself? So that you are better known.

  63. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What is up with the AK Courts. AK Supreme Court blocked the lower Court decision about write-in list being provided.

    Assistant Attorney General Margaret Paton-Walsh said lists of write-in names were only intended as voter assistance and were not forms of advocacy. She said other states routinely post such information at polling places.

    Why have friggin primaries.

  64. I got a good laugh from it. Hmm? That wasn't the intent? Ohhh....

  65. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Was this ad put together by grade school children?

    Yes, there is some speculation that The Miller Campaign paid the Joe Miller spawn trust $50K for producing the ad.

    ha, ha

  66. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Anonymous Craig said...
    I don't know what to say. This immature effort from a West Point graduate and lawyer?"

    He weenied out of the military academy early.

    Based on his ethical behavior there in Alaska I'd guess he was invited to leave after being caught cheating and lying.

    Probably his "serious" injury that he gets Vet benefits for was when his fellow students caught him cheating and beat the )#*( out of him.

  67. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Safe travel Mr.G:)) Absorb all the sane hilarity and hope that you can,looking fwd to your pix & reports!
    I will be hitting the donate tab to help a wee bit..wish it could be more, times be tough in our hut.
    It could cover a cab fare, maybe.
    I am signing me posts,bcuz the google ID only works for me a fraction of the time*~~~

  68. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anon 8:10
    "I don't really have any set plans except to not accept federal monies,"

    You left out "except for myself and my family."

  69. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Re: New poll numbers...for those keeping track at home, if the McAdams numbers hold up, this will be two -- TWO -- for-sure, in-the-bag, wouldn't-even-have-to-spend-party-money-on-them Senate seats that Sarah Palin will have lost for the GOP. Just for those keeping track. And the projected Senate make up is 51 Dems, 49 Repubs...
    Yeah, she's "golden" alright, golden like a golden shower.

  70. angela12:16 PM

    Uuuuummmmm. What the hell was that?

  71. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Looking for a use for those old
    "Miller" signs? Paint LIAR across
    them, and show up at the De'nina
    Center Thurs. at 6:00 pm... KTVA will
    have live coverage.....
    A real tea party!!

  72. Anonymous12:43 PM

    My 11 year old nephew could have produced a better advert than that...

    wow... i see a big fat L for LOSER on that forehead...

  73. Anonymous12:49 PM

    When he comes down from the glue he's sniffing, what kind of an excuse will he have?

  74. Joe is toast. Looking forward to them finishing off Palin. It won't be much longer.

  75. Anonymous1:03 PM

    have you seen this?

  76. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Well, Gryphen, I just watch Chris Matthews salivate all over the idea of Sarah running for President in 2012. He already handed her the first three important primaries: Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, so I guess they had better start printing the posters and stamping out the buttons.

    Karl Rove doesn't think that Sarah has the "gravitas" to run. Her reality show is not a recommendation. She would rather be out there in Alaska than in any old stuffy political office.

    So, Gryphen, it's finally time to take one for your country. We cannot let Chris Matthews get his wet dream. He is already energized at the thought of a Palin candidacy and presidency. Please, if you have any card left to play, any people who still need a couple of drinks, anything, we're counting on you to save the USA!

    P.S. Is Bristol fat or pregnant on Dancing with the Stars?

  77. Kimosabe1:57 PM

    Actually that's the first thing I have seen from the Miller camp that even hints at a sense if humor.

  78. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Q. If Joe was a beer, what it be called?

    A. Miller Low Lite LOL

    OK... I got the joke from a comment from Huffington Post... I wonder if this big cry baby is still looking for furnitures for his new office... He down to 23% today and going further tomorrow... Well... somebody been praying...

  79. cute as a lady bug2:14 PM

    Sarah with the American flag and the adorable Mary Hart ( video )

    Proud mother Sarah says Bristol will kick her butt in their TV competition. She will run for prez if no one else is up to doing public service.

  80. hauksdottir2:21 PM

    It even uses the piano music! SNL will have fun indeed. :snicker:

    The production values are horribly immature and clumsy. How much do these campaigns pay for ads? I'm disabled, but I could do a better job!

    Linking himself to a wanna-be witchipoo? Why???

    5 days to go, and we still don't know what his disability is. Hallucinations?

  81. Unbelievable. What a bunch of newbs! The only thing I can figure is they're trying to give him a few seconds of looking sane in comparison to something, but the something is the rest of his own stupid ad. Good lord.

  82. PALIN: Well these silly and ironic men. This is ironic, that they're the same folks that are insisting that, you know, that I should be ignored because I am the irrelevant hockey mom--

    Where is the proof of leadership? She led Bristol to pump for a reality show, she led Track to hide, where is she leading Willow? Piper?

    Brock's answer to Palin/Beck.

    silly and ironic this is ironic

  83. a little more rope and she's done2:46 PM

    Why is she still a hockey mom? Who played hockey after Track's injury? That was years ago. Now she is a dancey mom. Bristol is the star athlete in the family, not Track. He was hurt and obviously can't play. Palinbots, get her out of the past and into the present. Thank you. Palin calls in her big gun to help save poor Joe from attacks.

  84. London Bridges2:55 PM


    What does this look like?

  85. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Jesus H. Christ! I have seen it all. The quitter and liar have clearly gone to the lowest of the lowest. Stupd asses!

  86. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Ironically, while watching the Senatorial debate last night on KAKM, all I could think was how scary Joe Miller looked. I mean, seriously, without snark, if I saw him outside my house, I'd be keeping a close eye on him, with thoughts of keeping the police on speed-dial. He is pale, greasy, unkempt, has deep bags under his eyes this week, and everything about him just emanates extreme stress and anger. He honestly looks like a bit of a sociopath. I'm sure some of it is knowing that he probably IS one, but still.... can't somebody clean him up? There's some obvious emotional instability going on there. And it only gets exacerbated when he opens his mouth.

  87. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "don't get scared by she"? What kind of grammar is that?

    Answer: it's the kind of grammar Anita Loos spoofed when she had her daffy striving-to-sound-smart heroine Lorelei Lee use the phrase "a girl like I" a lot. (Lorelei was played by Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.") -- Amy1

  88. aj weishar8:42 PM

    So where is this haunted house? They didn't give the hours and location. That was a Halloween ad, not a political ad, no. If it is political, look for the "Tuesday, Tuesday, at Fairbanks Raceway, she who must not be mentioned in her injected Dodge Ram 4 by 4. In lane two, Moose Miller in a borrowed government van.

  89. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This should be Joe's new ad instead:

  90. Anonymous10:47 PM

    11:55, you are confused about primaries. they are only the race to decide who will represent the recognized political parties. that's all. because this is the USA, people have the right to run on their own ticket, so to speak, and register as a write-in.

  91. Anonymous4:49 AM

    well, that's pretty offensive to someone like me, an actual Witch. What a jackass.


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