Saturday, October 16, 2010

Joe Miller and the criminal use of North Star borough computers to oust Republican chairman Rudy Reuderich. Did he, or didn't he?

Now I am sure all of you have heard the story from ex-Fairbanks Mayor Jim Whitaker about Joe Miller's use of multiple computers in a failed attempt to replace Randy Reuderich as head of the Alaska GOP.

Whitaker said Miller was caught using multiple computers to try to oust Ruedrich as party chairman. He said he was under the impression that Miller was trying to get himself elected to the position. Whitaker said he wasn't sure why Miller was using different computers.

Whitaker said the borough employees whose computers Miller used didn't know he was doing so. He said one of them "informed the acting borough attorney that something was amiss with her computer." He said borough technicians investigated and found that the computers had been used to send information to the Republican Party.

So you would think, well that is it!  Stick a fork in Miller! Right?

Unless of course in the an effort to save face the Alaska Republican party circles their wagons and covers for him. Which is EXACTLY what they have done.

"That dog just don't hunt," Ruedrich said Thursday.

In interviews Thursday, Ruedrich, Ralph Seekins (the party's national committee man) and Steve Colligan (the party's vice chairman) all said Whitaker's claims that Miller was sending out "proxy votes" to install himself as chair simply couldn't have happened.

For his part, Seekins can't figure out why Miller would have bothered to use the borough offices to send out anything political, let alone use other people's equipment. Miller had a great technological set-up with fast computers at his private office in Fairbanks' old federal courthouse building, Seekins said.

Like Ruedrich, he questions Whitaker's version of events. If the ethics breach was truly that serious, Miller should have been fired -- not "nearly fired," he said.

Plus, Joe was never someone to operate in the dark, Seekins said. "He was always upfront with everything he tried to do," he said. "I smell a rat."

Well there you have it.  According to the Republicans in charge (And EVERYBODY knows what a truthful lot they are!), Miller had perfectly good computers at his office where he could have performed such an unethical act, so WHY would he have tried to hide it by using the borough's computers?  It just makes absolutely all of the sense in the world, so of course , according to the leaders of the Alaska GOP, it could NOT have happened.  Oh, and by the way, Jim Whitaker is a rat!

Joe Miller has the GOP stamp of approval, and that is that, case closed!

Or perhaps not.

What if, say Joe told somebody in his family, who may have accidentally told somebody else, who might sometimes write a column for a local Alaska newspaper?  Might that keep the case from being completely "closed?"

Because THAT is exactly what happened.

Mike Rostad, a longtime freelance religion and personalities columnist for the Kodiak Daily Mirror and a Republican and Tea Party activist in Kodiak, sent an e-mail to 10 people late Thursday in which he details a call he said he received from Rex Miller, the father of the Republican Senate nominee. A recipient then widely redistributed the e-mail, which was later obtained by the News-Miner.

According to Rostad’s e-mail, Rex Miller contends his son was never in danger of losing his job as a part-time attorney after it came to light that he had used borough computers to boost support for ousting Randy Ruedrich as chairman of the Republican Party of Alaska.

“One noon hour, on his own time at the borough, Joe participated in an online poll voting against Randy,” Rostad wrote in the e-mail, recounting the Thursday morning conversation he said he had with Rex Miller. “He used four office computers in the office to do it, thinking this was his chance to boost numbers to get rid of Randy. He emptied the cache files on the computers so the users wouldn’t know what he had done.”

"He emptied the cache files so the users wouldn't know what he had done?"  Does THAT seem like the actions of a man who does not think what he is doing is wrong? Who does not KNOW that if he is discovered he might get into trouble?

Well you know it seems to me that if the Miller campaign REALLY wants to clear up this potentially damaging allegation of improper, and potentially illegal, behavior all they have to do is allow the media full access to his personnel file so that the Alaska voters can put their fears to rest.

Is that too much to ask?

Miller, who told reporters earlier this week that he would no longer answer questions about his background, has so far declined to allow the borough to release the full contents of his personnel file or to sign a waiver to allow the borough to release that and other documents related to his time at the borough. The Daily News-Miner, Anchorage Daily News and online publication Alaska Dispatch have filed lawsuits against the borough to gain access to portions of the file related to Miller’s use of borough computers.

Yes, I guess it is.

BTW, while we are on the subject of Joe Miller, and possible skeletons in his closet, can SOMEBODY please explain to me how a person gets out of serving five years of mandatory military service after graduating form West Point, and what being discharged from active service on an FND - Misc reasons (Unqualified resignation) means? (Check boxes 26 & 28) Of all of the separation codes listed by the military I swear this is the most vague, and I have no idea what to make of it.

(H/T to Wickersham's Conscience.)


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Sounds more and more like he failed promotion more than twice.

    Unless you're close to retirement, you get bounced.

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    here's wishing Rex & Chuck have a nice,long,loud sit down together defending their offsprings' actions. (or MIAs)

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Maybe his superiors denied him leave for an Elk hunting trip...oh wait that was the FNSB. Maybe he was denied leave to go turkey hunting but quit instead...

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Yeah, but would that really matter if you are a West Point grad who we, as taxpayers, paid a huge fortune to educate? Seems to me that the army would keep you on till you'd fulfilled your time obligation, no matter whether you were promoted on time or not.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    2:56 The chaff is always being removed from the wheat.

    Once chaff, twice chaff- gone.

    They don't want lame ducks with possibly bad attitudes about being lame ducks getting in the way.

  6. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Rudy Reuderich has come out in defense of Miller...why isn't that being emphasized more in the press?

    I honestly think the huge amount of 'going after Miller' will actually backfire and Murkowski might well win this election and continue being a part of that 'horrid party of no'!

    And, should Palin run for President, I hope the press and bloggers go after her as they have Miller and actually are able to prove some of the horrid stuff she supposedly has gotten away with!

    For the record - I am for McAdams and have already voted for him - absentee.

  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Full disclosure: I'm a Navy vet from the 80's, so a lot of what covered Joe later in the Army is a little foreign to me. The Army regulation I was able to find was modified this year, so I'm not sure how to find the older version which would have been in effect at the time of his resignation. However, here is what I was able to glean.

    The "FND" code just means that the officer resigned voluntarily. This is the way I would expect most officers to resign prior to retirement.

    The Army regulation covering these appears to be . Go paragraph 3.5 (on printed page 44 or PDF sheet 56). It appears that the only way to avoid serving your full ADSO (active duty service obligation) is
    3-5 b(1) "Graduates of fully funded commissioning programs must complete the ADSO incurred by participation in such programs. However, this obligation may be waived if the monies are recouped." -- Translation: Maybe that's why Joe has been so indigent--he bought his way out of the Army.
    3.5 b(3) "Service academy graduates and ROTC DMGs who are released/separated from active duty before completing
    their ADSO will complete the remaining portion of their ADSO in the Selected Reserve. This requirement may only be
    waived by the ASA (M&RA) or delegate. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 or their delegate will determine if unit
    positions are available for these officers." Translation -- he served the remainder of his time in the reserves (either active or inactive), or someone higher cut him a sweetheart deal.

  8. Anonymous4:24 PM

    You don't really "fail" promotion as an officer. Usually, promotions are "gimmes" up to Capt.

    I'll ask my AD AF hubby.

  9. Anonymous4:31 PM

    What is going on here?

    Are the facts being slowly released by the Republican party and by Joe's dad through a game of telephone? Maybe.

    Maybe what is going on is inking the waters- just like an escaping squid does.

    Maybe what is going on is floating trial balloon explanations- in case this does not go away.

    Hangout? Limited Hangout?

    Modified Limited Hangout? That's familiar.

    Here is a previous transcript that may make for interesting reading:

    "MARCH 22, 1973 FROM 1:57 TO 3:43 P.M. 59
    EHRLICHMAN: Self-certified. That's a Constitutional expert--
    PRESIDENT: Well, anyway--
    EHRLICHMAN: While you do that--
    PRESIDENT: The, uh--Now, uh, we could--Have you considered any other poss--, have you considered the other, all other possibilities you see here, John? You, you're the one who is supposed to--
    DEAN: That's right. I think we,
    PRESIDENT: You know the bodies.
    DEAN: I think we've had a good go-round on--
    PRESIDENT: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the--let it hang out, so to speak?
    DEAN: Well, it's, it isn't really that--
    HALDEMAN: It's a limited hang out.
    DEAN: It's a limited hang out.
    EHRLICHMAN: It's a modified limited hang out.
    PRESIDENT: Well, it's only the questions of the thing hanging out publicly or privately.
    DEAN: What it's doing, Mr. President, is getting you up above and away from it. And that's the most important thing.
    PRESIDENT: Oh, I know. But I suggested that the other day and we all came down on, uh, remember we came down on, uh, on the negative on it. Now what's changed our mind?
    DEAN: The lack of alternatives, or a body. (Laughter)
    EHRLICHMAN: We, we went down every alley. (Laughter) Let it go over.

    MARCH 22, 1973 FROM 1:57 TO 3:43 P.M. 60

    PRESIDENT: Well, I feel that at, uh, I [eel that this is, that, uh, I feel that at the very minimum we`ve got to have the statement and, uh, let`s look at it, whatever the hell it is. If, uh, if it opens up doors, it opens up .doors, you know.
    EHRLICHMAN: John says he's sorry he sent those burglars in there, and that helps a lot.
    PRESIDENT: That's right.
    MITCHELL: You are very welcome, sir. (Laughter)
    HALDEMAN: Just glad the others didn't get caught.
    PRESIDENT: Yeah, the ones we sent to Muskie and all the rest; Jackson, and Hubert, and, uh (unintelligible, with tape noise)
    EHRLICHMAN: I get a little chill sitting over there in that part of the table there."


    Warning- getting caught while hangingout in any way can be really embarrassing. Will it happen to Joe and his helpers?

  10. My husband said there was RIF for FY93, so maybe he was "let go", but if I looked at that list of codes correctly, a reduction in force discharge is JCC.

  11. Anonymous4:39 PM

    It means that he was unable to get promoted on the military's established timeline. He was passed over for promotion, not selected for promotion.

  12. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I am guessing he requested discharge for a medical reason.

  13. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Here's someone trying to track down the same info:

  14. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Is the only thing redacted the mailing address?

    The regulations are very complex. 635-120, chapter 3 can be used by the Army to offer an officer an opportunity to resign after misconduct or unsuitability has been discovered. I don't know whether it can be used to request resignation for other reasons, like, "I don't like the Army and want out."

    Can FND be used if they don't want to brand the officer with a more precise separation code?

    It appears that Miller was only promoted once in three years. Is that right? Is that normal? It says he received a Bronze Star.

    But wait. Didn't Miller go to Yale Law while in the Army? Didn't the army pay for that education? Did I read that? I may be wrong. But the rank of a "professional" is always at least Captain, one grade higher than his separation grade. Yale Law takes three years to complete. Miller was only in the service 3 years and 3 months .. presumably counted from the time he left West Point.

    Did he go to law school while in the Army?

    He should explain this early separation. He is a quitter, just like Sarah ...

  15. WakeUpAmerica5:00 PM

    This is what I found on a military lawyer site when I googled "army unqualified resignation."

    Unqualified resignation means you are asking to be released from your remaining service obligation.

    The site is :

    I think it can happen when a reduction in force is in effect, such as that after the Gulf War.

  16. I would be even funnier if he was outed on DADT...

    Now that would be rich.

  17. WakeUpAmerica5:03 PM

    As near as I can tell, unqualified resignation is at the request of the soldier and not due to lack of promotion or any other reason generated by the Army. Kind of a "I don't really want to play any more. May I please go home now?" There are certain penalties to pay if the soldier became an officer on the military's dime and didn't fulfill the service contract.

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    @4:39pm: He was only an O-2 with less than 4 years of service. Someone passed over for promotion to O-3 would have had to have been in deep (read: criminal) trouble or something. In that case, they wouldn't get an honorable discharge like Joe did. And even if he was passed over for promotion to O-3, he would not be discharged that quickly. Generally, you have to be passed over twice, then hit a "high year tenure" date (i.e. you've been in too long without being promoted) to be discharged. This certainly doesn't happen to an O-2 with less than 4 years in.

  19. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Ralph Seekins attempted defense of Joe Miller.

    Examined and found- lame.

    "For his part, Seekins can't figure out why Miller would have bothered to use the borough offices to send out anything political, let alone use other people's equipment. Miller had a great technological set-up with fast computers at his private office in Fairbanks' old federal courthouse building, Seekins said.

    Seekins can't figure out why- so it didn't happen.
    Is this a version of the stupid crook defense? No-one would be that stupid...

    "Like Ruedrich, he questions Whitaker's version of events.If the ethics breach was truly that serious, Miller should have been fired -- not "nearly fired," he said."

    Two things mixed in attempt to confuse the argument.

    First- What did Joe actually do? What could the borough prove?
    This would be known- except Joe Miller has blocked the release of much of this information. The reason why he has done this?

    Second- Should the borough have fired him? The information that Joe is hiding prevents an answer. Convenient. Could the borough have felt that termination would lead to litigation? Did the borough decide that whatever legal work Joe was involved in was worth too much; and made a lesser of two evils decision? It is impossible to know without knowing the results of the investigation(s).Release ALL the records Joe.

    In any case- why has Joe not informed the voters of the important legal work he did as an employee of the borough? Was it because he was involved in INCREASING TAXES on a CORPORATION?

    Taxes that THE GOVERNMENT would then SPEND?

    Maybe he thought the taxes were unconstitutional and..

    "Plus, Joe was never someone to operate in the dark, Seekins said. "He was always upfront with everything he tried to do," he said. "I smell a rat."

    Well you are not the only one who smells a rat Ralph.

    "This is the dirty side of politics that I don't like," Seekins said. "I have been around politics long enough to know that your friends aren't going to believe anything bad about you and your enemies aren't going to believe anything good. I'm not sure George Washington would choose to run for office if he was alive today."

    Founding fathers reference? Check.

    Dirty politics allegation? Check.

    Claim to be very experienced in this? Check.

    Claim to not like dirty politics? Check.

    Has Ralph Seekins been involved in politics long enough to remember the Corrupt Bastards Club? Yes he has.

    "If he were Miller, Seekins says, he, too, would be ready to move beyond the controversy in favor of concentrating on the issues, but with a caveat.

    "I probably would have said I don't have anything to hide -- just go ahead and look," Seekins said."

    I am sure Joe is ready to move on. SO WHAT.

    If Ralph Seekins was Joe Miller- Or if he knew what Joe knew?- THEN
    He would say he has nothing to hide. Just go ahead and look.

    Good advice for Joe- Release all the investigation documents.

    Bonus- Ralph Seekins video From the 2008 Republican National Convention "Sarah Palin will soon be a grandmother. Here's former state senator Ralph Seekins' take on the matter."

    "Future son in law to be... "

  20. This blurb says he graduated from Yale in '95, BUT it also says he was an Army captain! IF he was, then he may have busted back to 1st Lt. for some reason.

  21. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Gryph -

    I'm sure you already know this, but:
    Town Hall Meeting with Joe Miller
    Sunday, October 17th at 3pm
    Central Middle School, 1405 E St, Anchorage, AK 99501
    Your friends, colleges, family, acquaintances, neighbors, need to be informed and hear Joe Miller speak for himself. Don't let the media skew your views. Make the decision for yourself. Help send Joe to DC! Joe is standing in the gap, restoring liberty to our state and nation. Help us get his message out directly to the people by coming to the event.
    Hopefully you guys can make the worm squirm. :)

  22. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Pay grade O-2? How many months of foreign service? 4? Give me a break. An E-8 combat vet in today's military with 3 or more tours under them has more honor and experience than anything this slacker did. Another quitter. Great.

  23. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Let me get this straight. He stole from taxpayers to get his top notch 100K plus education only to quit? Man, he is the ultimate hypocrite!

  24. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Couple of comments mentioned Reduction in Force as a possible reason for release from the Academy. But does RIF apply to the Students?

    I am guessing not. Reduction in Force usually means early outs being made available to enlistees and junior officers (like ROTC), but not future high ranking officers that the Academy students are training to become.

  25. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Its a good thing that people who understabd military records are looking at Joes.

    I can't begin to understand what that means. Answers are needed thank you for checking it out.

    No thanks to Joe who hides it all.

    Where did Joe Miller come from?

    Prior to college?

    Parents, siblings?

    What about the wife?

    I guess if I prayed at the right church I'd have all the secret info.

  26. Anon at 5:12 wrote:

    "For his part, Seekins can't figure out why Miller would have bothered to use the borough offices to send out anything political, let alone use other people's equipment. Miller had a great technological set-up with fast computers at his private office in Fairbanks' old federal courthouse building, Seekins said.

    Seekins can't figure out why- so it didn't happen.
    Is this a version of the stupid crook defense? No-one would be that stupid...

    Not stupid crook, stupid cop (or faking it). Surely the computer recording the poll/vote was programmed to block blocks multiple votes from the same internet address to prevent stuffing the ballot box. That's why Miller used multiple computers with separate addresses at his workplace, which he wouldn't have had in his private office.

    Classy to make a point of doing it on his lunch hour -- of course, except at lunch, his co-employees would have been at their computers and might not have let him use them.

  27. Anon 4:51 may have it...Joe was in the Army 3yrs 3mos. Date of service starts with boot camp the summer before the first year at the academy (at least in the Coast Guard). I think you can resign at the end of the first semester your senior year without incurring the obligation of service. Its a game a very few play. They don't graduate, but they get 3 1/2 years of college+ books+ room and board+ allowance free from the taxpayers. So the question becomes, DID JOE GRADUATE? from West Point or did he soak the taxpayer for most of his college education and has the gall to brag about his West Point experience?

  28. Anonymous7:17 PM

    one thing interesting: he separated back in KS, not far from home of record. which is odd.
    his separation date = 92-09-01
    the separation code 'FND' = unqualified resignation; misc.

    the re-entry code says "NA",
    from 1990 forward it appears he did nothing...after returning from the ME.

    RA means regular army.
    it also says 'AR' but zero's for army reserve time obligation.

    My questions is: how could he be 'air assault' in '87 and 'airborne' in '88 when he wasnt on active duty til '89.
    At which point he did 'armor officer basic' course in '89.
    If he went in as 2LT, he made 1LT exactly 3yrs to the date of entry. Then languished at that rank.

  29. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Well Ralph Seekins is one snake in the grass standing up for another snake in the grass both hiding behind religion,or should I say using religion for their own getting ahead...

  30. Anonymous7:24 PM

    3:54 PM:
    3-5 b(1) "Graduates of fully funded commissioning programs must complete the ADSO incurred by participation in such programs. However, this obligation may be waived if the monies are recouped." -- Translation: Maybe that's why Joe has been so indigent--he bought his way out of the Army.

    Im thinking thats it.

  31. hauksdottir7:24 PM

    Joe Miller (being paranoid AND computer savvy) certainly knew what he was doing by using everybody's computers. He was muddying his tracks. Either those Republicans are ignorant and non-technical or being willfully obtuse!

    He was voting for himself. Multiple times. Online poll. CHEATING, not to put too fine a point upon it. Anything you do online leaves a trail. Anything. If 3 dozen votes came from a single IP address, whoever was checking the logged votes would have seen it and tracked that IP address back to little Joey. Then the snickering would begin.

    By using different computers, there'd be different signatures on the electronic trail. I'm willing to bet that he used every computer he could get his hands on, not just the borough computers.

    He was careful, but not careful enough.

    As for Rudy Reuderich not wanting to harm Little Joey? Easy. Palin hacked into HIS computer and not only found enough dirt in his files to use then, but probably has a lot more. Even the possibility of blackmail is a leash that is never relaxed.

  32. Anonymous7:28 PM

    if he was med retired at even 30% the DD214 should read 'retirement'.

    if he is a disabled vet that would mean he went to the VA for a rating, post service.

  33. SME1317:36 PM

    It means he asked to get out early. The real issue is under what conditions it was granted since he attended west point which requires a mandatory 5 year commitment. Generally if you've signed on under west point conditions you can't ask to get out early.

    What is listed in box #27 would be enlightening since that is the re entry code and would say under what (if any) conditions he could ever rejoin the military.

    Any idea what is listed in Box 27?

  34. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Joe Miller's father is now a part of the explanation of what went on with the borough computers.

    Has he been interviewed before?

    Has his name been mentioned by the campaign?

    I don't even remember seeing his name before.

    I tried to find it a while back and could not find it.

    From what I find now he is not an Alaskan.

    So just asking- has his father's name been known before the Daily News-Miner story that Gryphen linked to in the original story?

  35. Anonymous8:06 PM

    His MOS reads 12A5P.
    12A = Pioneer.
    5P = parachutist.

    Was he one of the floating targets dropped in.
    He did not receive a 'field promotion', and if he had it wouldve been to 1LT during that 4mos of kuwait.
    Not 91-5-24.

  36. Anonymous8:12 PM


    Why should anyone believe it was all about the votes as described by THE LATEST VERSION which is PRESENTED BY OTHERS.

    All this effort at misleading and obscuring because Joe tried to troll a poll?

    This seems too much like the least worst explanation possible- and Joe's Justifiers are busy calling everyone liars while making his most recent excuse.

    Not that Joe would admit any wrong doing, or even that an innocent mistake had been made.

    It would be embarrassing to troll a poll and be caught. Even more embarrassing to admit to it before or during a Senate race.

    Perhaps the borough nearly fired him for accessing the coworkers computers to troll the poll; or perhaps someone wanted to fire him and was overruled by higher ups.

    There is the obvious accessing computers without the users or owners permission issue- and by the way- was there a password needed? When does that slip into hacking?

    If he did anything more than vote repeatedly in a poll, or on more than one occasion, would Joe's Justifiers be doing anything differently? Would they be saying anything more substantial?

    Credibility issue= more proof needed for this latest excuse to be accepted. No evidence yet that this version is credible.

    What was the amount of tax revenue that Joe Miller collected from the TAPS for the borough? Knowing that number would be useful in analyzing the borough decision not to fire Joe.

  37. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Line 20: member requests copy 6 be sent to CT...director of Vet affairs is checked yes.

    that indicates he wanted the DD sent to CT...Connecticut.

  38. Anonymous9:08 PM

    He asked for his DD214 to be sent to Connecticut because he was headed to Yale. It makes sense to send it to that state's veterans affairs office.

    Also, he wasn't "in" air assault or airborne. He just had that training while at West Point, maybe in the summers. He wasn't on active duty until 1989.

    When he graduated from Yale in 1995, he was still in the Army IRR, and while in the IRR he was promoted to Captain. That explains the blurb stating he was a Captain. He was most likely promoted to Captain on 5/24/93, exactly four years after the date he entered active duty. Since this happened while he was in the IRR, and he received an honorable discharge from active duty in 1992, it's safe to say that he wasn't in any kind of trouble or anything. He just didn't want to be in the Army, and somehow got out of his active duty obligation. Nothing scandalous, but nothing for Joe to brag about either!

  39. Anonymous9:21 PM

    From a distance, there appears to be something very wrong with Miller. He is "eerie", strange, doesn't appear to be all here. Very odd.

  40. SME1319:54 PM

    The military would never put NA in box 27 which leads me to believe he is not eligible for re-entry to the military. That comes back to being unfit for duty - which leads us back to why.

  41. Anonymous10:48 PM

    He could have been discharged under this: MPC-SEP.

    But, in the end, AR 635-120= Officer Resignations and Discharges.
    (1) All commissioned or warrant officers with a service obligation due to education or training will be separated only by appropriate authority. This is after a review by the Committee for Review of Accommodation of Religious Practices within the U.S. Army and the appropriate Army Staff agencies. All commissioned or warrant officers who request separation for reasons of religious accommodations will follow the application procedure for a release from active duty as prescribed in AR 635-100 (for other than Regular Army [OTRA]), or apply for an unqualified resignation as outlined in AR 635-120 (for Regular Army [RA]).

  42. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hasn't he said he is a disabled veteran? What was his disability? If he is truly a disabled veteran, he is receiving disability payments? It is possible that they were discontinued, but when he was determined to be disabled, he qualified. My husband had a veteran's disability. The Va (government) paid every penny of his college education and he also receives to this day a monthly disability check. He does, however, have to report to a VA hospital for physicals every so often, to maintain his disabled status. What is Joe's status?

  43. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I just LOVE emails!!!!

  44. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Regarding box #27 - Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition Codes (ERUP)
    (11) Lifecycle manning requirement not met. (N/A)
    (10) No disqualification. Fully eligible for immediate reenlistment. (N/A)

    From what I read, here's the salient points:
    * From earlier: "Unqualified resignation means you are asking to be released from your remaining service obligation."
    * It is not the same as a typical "Honorable Discharge".
    * It is not granted to someone with a service obligation except under very specific criteria and extenuating circumstances.
    * Law school is not one of the criteria. Nor does it sound like it would be critically necessary to separate in order to attend law school.

    Excerpt, Paul Connors, Senior Editor, DefenseWatch:
    "Many officers with whom I have spoken or corresponded say they have been told informally that a resignation request will most likely be disapproved and they are encouraged to withdraw the paperwork.
    Of course, there are other factors that work to keep a reserve officer bound to the military and government. Some were officers who elected to take severance packages and leave active duty during the force level drawdowns of the 1990s. Those who elected to take lump-sum buyouts were permitted to resign and leave the military (with no obligations) shortly thereafter. Others, who elected to receive annuities over a specified period of time, retained their commitment(s) to the government and were required to remain in the IRR until their 60th birthdays (the statutory age for reservists and Guardsmen to retire).
    One young captain recently returned from Iraq informed me that he had attempted to resign his commission after more than nine years of service. This captain pointed out that he was not critical of U.S. efforts or the war itself, he simply felt he had met the obligation he committed to as an ROTC cadet and wanted to move on with his life.
    The captain had researched the procedure to submit an “unqualified” resignation (i.e. one not submitted based on hardship), completed the requisite paperwork and submitted it up through his chain of command. He later received word from human resources at HQ, U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC) that all unqualified resignations were automatically being disapproved. He added that he was informed that headquarters USARC was the sole determining authority on what constituted a “hardship.”"

    If he got out because of force reduction in the 90s, there was money involved. He would have received a nice chunk of change.
    I wonder if that's how he was able to buy the farm in Kansas?

  45. London Bridges5:00 AM

    Upon further study, it appears that in March 1992, Miller was accepted into Yale Law School for the fall of 1992 which corresponds with his 9/1/1992 discharge date. So Joe may have simply requested to be discharged so he could attend law school or he could have deliberately committed a minor infraction which he knew would cause him to be discharged, upon request, but with an honorable discharge.

    On the issue of firing or not firing, it is simple. If a person agrees to resign, it would be rare to fire that person, as firing offers appeal rights which could drag on and use valuable resources.

  46. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I also find it very strange that Miller left the military before his commitment was up. The U.S. government doesn't let you slide on your commitment. Back in the 80's, my husband received a scholarship from the U.S. Government Public Health Service that paid for his medical school tuition, fees and a monthly stipend. Not the same as going to West Point, but similar in that the government paid for the schooling and required service in return for paying for the schooling. After completing medical school, my husband served 1 and a half years in the Public Heath Service paying back half his commitment to the U.S. tax payers. He then decided he wanted to go into a specialty school. The U.S. government said NO, he had to repay his 3 year commitment by working in a public health clinic OR paying back the amount of money they had spent on my husbands schooling. With interest. At that time, it was several hundred thousands of dollars. We did not have that money. Husband still decided to go to school, but sent registered letters stating he would honor his original commitment and finish serving his time after he completed specialty school. The U.S. government sent a monthly letter threatening legal action for the next several years. In the end, husband finished school, and finished serving his time in the Public Health Service.
    I highly doubt that a graduate of West Point would be able to decide he didn't want to serve any more, and be let go without some sort of penalty. That education is worth hundred of thousands of dollars, and paid for by tax dollars. If the U.S. government wouldn't allow a medical student to continue on in schooling, do you really think they would allow Miller to quit his commission and go to law school without any repercussions? There is something definitely off with Millers discharge from the military.


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