Saturday, October 16, 2010

Murkowski unleashes the Big Dog!

Many political observers agree that if Ted Stevens had lived, and campaigned strenuously for Murkowski, that Joe Miller would have had NO chance of winning the Republican nomination.

Miller stands in direct contrast to the man who helped build Alaska's infrastructure by bringing home buckets of federal dollars. And believe me, an endorsement by "Uncle Ted" beats a Sarah Palin endorsement in a Republican primary every time.

However that ship has sailed, and it is VERY unlikely that even if Ted Stevens were to miraculously rise from the dead that it would be enough to help Lisa win this election as a write-in candidate.

Really the only hope Alaskans have of stopping Joe Miller, the teabagger agenda, and Sarah Palin's aspirations, is to vote Scott McAdams.


  1. My sentiments today for Joe and Sarah...

    ...................../..../ /
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    As I commented at the Daily News, I wonder why Lisa hasn't aired an endorsement by that other former Alaskan senator, Frank Murkowski, who, after all, gave her the job in the first place. I understand why Lisa is airing the Ted ad, but I think it's rather tasteless.


  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    A dead crook vouching for for a live one with "seniority"-what a disgrace!

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    It is utter nonsense to suggest that it is tasteless--the family approved it. They are the people with standing to decide what is and is not appropriate.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I just read in the ADN comments section that Shannon Moore endorsed
    Miller on her radio show. True? If
    so, she's probably a part of what I read elsewhere as being a member of the 'controlled opposition,' the
    right wing employs to make things
    'appear' balanced. I understand too,
    that she refuses to discuss Palin's
    phoney Trig birth story. There's always someone you can't trust in any

    Sharon TN

  6. No Shannyn did NOT endorse Joe Miller.

    That is a bullshit trick by an ADN troll and is so ridiculous that I can't believe anybody would buy it for one second.

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    In case you didn't see it, Scott McAdams was on MSNBC - The Ed Show on Friday!!!

  8. angela10:30 AM


    All I know is -- whether Uncle Ted endorsed her or not, Lisa is still with the Party of No. She sleeps with big oil every time. The only thing palatable about her politics is that she's pro-choice. No need to even comment on Joke Miller. . . . .

    As far as the taste of the ad is concerned--the Stevens family is the arbiter of that.

    Elect McAdams!

  9. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Shannon seems pro McAdams if you listen to her radio show. I just voted absentee for McAdams and it felt wonderful.

    I am somewhat worried that due to all the negative being said and written about Miller, that it will backfire and Murkowski might pull it out in her write-in.

    Agreed - tongue in cheek - 'why is she afraid to use her Dad's endorsement?' Wish she would, but she is very aware it would be a killer!

    Yea, McAdams!!! Mark that little oval next to his name when you vote!

  10. I was looking over the numbers for this election and I think the chances for McAdams just improved drastically over what the poll numbers reflect.

    I say this because as I stated before his biggest chance is that Murkowski can split the Republican vote. With this ad from Stevens I think it will do just that. It is now feasible that Scott can win with as little as a 40% majority. With the difficulties in polling this type of a contest having a write in candidate and wide use of cell phones rather than land lines He might just pull the cat out of the bag.

    The best thing that can happen now is that someone digs a sizable nugget of dirt up on Joe and / or he simply keeps opening his mouth and Lisa fires another broadside at his midsection.

  11. Anonymous11:40 AM


    I'm loathe to point out the physical foibles of politicians, especially women politicians...But can we talk about Sarah's most recent hair? It is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

  12. London Bridges12:12 PM

    The site Progressive Alaska has a post by Phil Munger which talks about Joe Miller's military service. He also note that Joe's DD-214, his discharge papers are posted on Miller's website. This is not exactly true. A DD-214 is a detailed record of a serviceman's entire service, including all dates etc. What Joe has posted is a certificate which shows he was discharged from active duty on September 1, 1992. There is also another certificate which indicates without any detail that he was discharged from the reservess on May 30, 1997. So Joe's active duty discharge was note as honorable, as opposed to dishonorable or less than honorable. I believe it is possible to leave the military and to have negotiated an honorable discharge despite some questionable activity.

    Here is a link to the records. Spend some time looking at them.

    In addition to the certificates indicating the 2 discharges, there are three performance evaluations, and three awards. This is what can be gleaned from thses items. What may be more important are the time periods which aren't covered or provided on Joe's website.

    Evaluation #1: 11/23/1989 - 11/22/90.
    Evaluation #2 6/22/91 - 11/25/91
    Evaluation #3 11/26/91 - 3/22/92

    Was there service prior to 11/23/1989?
    What about 11/23/90 - 6/21/91
    What about 3/23/92- 9/1/92, the period before Joe's discharge from active duty?
    Could Joe have been AWOL and negotiated an honorable discharge due to his combat?

    The awards covered:
    1/17/91 - 3/6/91 (Bronze Star)
    10/22/91 - 11-6/91
    1/28/90 - 3/22/92

    Most were routine commendations.
    Were these his only awards for his entire service?

    Alaskans should demand his complete, detailed DD-214's be made available. The fact that they were not indicates Joe has something to hide!

  13. OT - Levi is going to be on Bill Maher next Week!!!! Maher is going to be in his glory.

    And you were right this week's episode with the teabagger guest was a good show

  14. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Stevens was a party guy and would not have endorsed Lisa's write-in.

    He would not endorse Hickel's write-in or his 3rd party effort and Hickel was the one who appointed him to the Senate.

  15. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I just got an actual push poll from the Scott McAdams camp!

    I thought it was awesome. It mentioned Lisa's voting record, so maybe people will wake up to the fact that over the last two years she's been voting the same as Crazy Joe Miller plans to vote!

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Re: Palin's hair.

    It's not that bad, however it is rather granny-ish from the side. I'm not sure how she managed to look like a granny in a mini skirt and four inch heels, but she kinda did.

    And she does indeed look like she's shrinking. I think the three degrees darker tan is somehow leading to an optical illusion of shrinkage. Or perhaps she really is getting smaller? Osteoporosis? Anorexia? I don't know, but if she runs for president and stands next to Obama in a debate, she's going to look as substantial as an annoying gnat that he needs to swat away.

  17. I got a poll call this morning about whether I was going to vote and who I was going to vote for. McAdams all the way!

    Gryph- can he do it? I don't think I could bear seeing Miller in the Senate. And if he wins, does that help Palin in '12?

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    If I believed in Gawd I would say that he got Stevens for his evil and criminal activity. I don't but I still wonder why anyone would want to summon up his miserable rotting corpse for political purposes.

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    There has also been no distinction made whether or not he earned the Bronze Star in actual combat or not. That is not clear from his records. It is my understanding that there are two distinct bases for being awarded the Bronze Star. Why has no one asked him this question point blank?

    And why has no reporter asked him about the military disability?


  20. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I think Lisa can pull it off. she's so close to it now - if not ahead of Miller by now.

  21. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I got a call today for a Murkowski poll...didn't give them a chance to say much and indicated I'd already voted for McAdams absentee.
    Felt good!

  22. Lynne6:48 PM

    Another absentee vote went in the mail today for Scott...mine. You're right. It felt GREAT!

  23. Anonymous7:04 PM

    No Shannyn did NOT endorse Joe Miller.

    That is a bullshit trick by an ADN troll and is so ridiculous that I can't believe anybody would buy it for one second.
    9:16 AM
    No wrong Gryphen it was posted on her facebook Election eve:
    Shannyn Moore is less surprised than Lisa Murkowski tonight. I guess the Mudflats endorsement helped Joe Miller out a bit.
    xxxxxxxxxxx Too close to call. If Miller loses, it's pretty much over for Palin, at least nationally.

    xxxxxxxxxxxx If Miller wins, won't Dems have a better chance of picking up that seat?
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- Yes! @Carl - We certainly hope so.

    xxxxxxxxxxx Grrrrrrr....!!!!

    xxxxxxxxxxxxx ‎@Walter Isn't that how Palin became governor in the first place?

    xxxxxxxxxxx Vote Scott McAdams in November!

    xxxxxxxxxxx I hope McAdams can pull it off (maybe he'll pick up some Murkowski supporters?), but Miller winning the GOP nomination has me uneasy. With Lisa there was at least the hope that she'd put away her tea bags after the general election -- if Miller wins we'll have a full on crazy in the United States Senate. Democrats (national but especially state Dems) better fight for this seat harder than they've ever fought for any seat.

    Unfortunately the tactic of independents taking the republican ballot and voting for the one they think has a better chance of losing to the democrat in the primary generally backfires in Alaska, case in POINT...Sarah Palin. And as great a...s the democratic candidate might be in Alaska, he is an unknown unfortunately. Alaska being predominately Republican won´t vote for him. Its disgusting and sad but its the way we roll in Alaska Politics. There aren´t enough democratic votes to get in an unknown candidate. That is the truth. I am seriously disapointed in AK Mudflats for propagating this theory. IT will backfire.See

    xxxxxxxxxxx I'm with Julie on this one, guys! I can't believe this was actually a tactic! AAARRRGGH! You people need to get more Republican friends or at least learn to keep your ears open in the right places. Miller is a F&%$ing HERO to Tea Party conservatives right now! Dumb move. Major dumb move.
    tes his success to the help of Sarah Palin.
    k you have a winner!
    Shannyn & AKM encouraged voters to vote 4 Miller! This is from her facebook page!

  24. Anonymous7:09 PM

    From Shannyn's FB election eve:
    Shannyn Moore is less surprised than Lisa Murkowski tonight. I guess the Mudflats endorsement helped Joe Miller out a bit.
    ---@Walter Isn't that how Palin became governor in the first place?
    ----Unfortunately the tactic of independents taking the republican ballot and voting for the one they think has a better chance of losing to the democrat in the primary generally backfires in Alaska, case in POINT...Sarah Palin. And as great a...s the democratic candidate might be in Alaska, he is an unknown unfortunately. Alaska being predominately Republican won´t vote for him. Its disgusting and sad but its the way we roll in Alaska Politics. There aren´t enough democratic votes to get in an unknown candidate. That is the truth. I am seriously disapointed in AK Mudflats for propagating this theory. IT will backfire.See More
    -----I'm with Julie on this one, guys! I can't believe this was actually a tactic! AAARRRGGH! You people need to get more Republican friends or at least learn to keep your ears open in the right places. Miller is a F&%$ing HERO to Tea Party conservatives right now! Dumb move. Major dumb move.
    -----Horrible tactic!!! We NP's and Indies NEEDED to vote on the Repug ballot FOR Murkowsk in order to keep the teabagger OUT of D.C. You *#%*&#'s that did the opposite...say hello to your next Senator from AK- Joey Miller. I love McAdams but he stands ZERO chance of beating any Repug in a statewide general election. Fricking stupid-ass Dems in this state will never flippin learn. Progressives CAN NOT win statewide....and I dare anyone to toss Begich at me in a retort.
    ----Unfortunately the tactic of independents taking the republican ballot and voting for the one they think has a better chance of losing to the democrat in the primary generally backfires in Alaska, case in POINT...Sarah Palin. And as great a...s the democratic candidate might be in Alaska, he is an unknown unfortunately. Alaska being predominately Republican won´t vote for him. Its disgusting and sad but its the way we roll in Alaska Politics. There aren´t enough democratic votes to get in an unknown candidate. That is the truth. I am seriously disapointed in AK Mudflats for propagating this theory. IT will backfire.

    Shannyn & AKM encouraged people to vote for Miller!

  25. Anonymous7:42 PM

    709, what are you talking about?

    Why are you making things up about Shannyn and Mudflats? They never endorsed Joey. Are you a troll?

  26. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Go look at her facebook post for election night. I think U are the troll here.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.