Saturday, October 16, 2010

Last night's Real Time with Bill Maher was amazing!

Last night Maher had Markos Moulitsas, John Legend, and Teabagger Dana Loesch on the panel. He also had Al Sharpton on for the interview at the beginning of the show and automotive critic Dan Neil came out part way into the panel discussion.

This was one of the BEST "Real Time" shows I have ever seen!

The discussion about WHY Obama really spent the money to stimulate the economy, why the Teabagges will never identify which programs they want cut, and how the conservatives lie about the numbers were all discussed.  It was extremely informative and very entertaining.

In my opinion a show like this needs to be seen by as many people as possible and I wish that HBO would stop worrying about making a buck and put the whole damn thing on You Tube immediately.

If you have HBO make sure to watch this episode.  If you have a friend with HBO then go to their house. And if you have a teabagger friend TAKE THEM WITH YOU!  It really was that good.

(I had a clip of the panel discussion but it has already been removed.)

Here is this week's Christine O'Donnell clip. I guess HBO does not care as much about these being seen for free.


  1. Ripley in CT6:34 AM

    I heart Steven Wright.

  2. I don't get HBO, but the episodes are available on iTunes, usually after a couple of days at the most. I'll be watching for this one for sure!

  3. EXCELLENT! Bill Maher is EXCELLENT!

  4. Anonymous6:53 AM

    This was a great episode. What was fascinating, was it was the first time a tea bagger was put on the spot in a civil discussion. Dana Loesch "talking points" were listened to in full, then debunked. I always thought that woman was one of the smarter tea baggers, but she couldn't expand on any of her talking points and had no evidence whatsoever when pressed to go beyond her talking points. I foolishly hope she learned something last night, because she was given an eye opening education and I learned a few things myself! The facts were strong and plentiful! Isn't it crazy that it takes some wild guy like Bill Maher to teach us how to have a civil conversation?!

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Dan Neil was brilliant! The glazed over look on the Teabagger Dana's face when he tried to explain facts with real numbers reminded me of the look on a cult members face.

    these teabaggers are just like cult members, and according to German scholars, theTeaparty overlords are just like the early elitists of the Nazi party.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Did Joe text a picture of his penis to Sarah?

    or was it to Bernadette?

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Good lord. Why is it that the people with the least to actually say always insist on dominating the conversation? So she's not just dumb and intolerant, she's rude and has never learned basic manners, either!

  8. Virginia Voter7:15 AM

    I watched it live last night, and you're right, it was amazing. To see that self righteous Teabagger chic get confronted with facts about the stimulus and car industry bailouts was priceless. She had no comeback for ANYTHING.

  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    trying to explain reality with facts and numbers to a Teabagger is like trying to tell a fundamentalist Evangelical that the Bible is not literal

    - kellygrrrl

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I wonder if Palin is going to go after Bill comments on Bristol and calling her a whore

  11. MC30319:12 AM

    Yep, when Dan Neil came out with his numbers breaking down the stimulus, she was definitely taken aback. (I expected something like that from Markos but he was no help at all, alas).

    Dana wasn't awful - she appeared somewhat rational (although people, please stop saying you're an independent. 'baggers are NOT independent) - and Bill's comment back to her that Obama espouses much of what the 'baggers want was quite good.

    Definitely a better show than the previous week with PJ "Drunk off my ass and blathering bullshit" O'Rourke.

  12. Roger9:15 AM

    When you watch someone like O'Donnell spewing out her absurdities, with such desperation, and while interrupting others to do so, it no doubt makes you think the worst of her.

    I'm really hoping that I'm never like that...but will take away from this viewing of her montage, what is hopefully a lesson to listen to myself closely enough, to make SURE I never come off anything like that.

    I've been proven wrong, recently, after I'd repeated something I thought was well as to have recently been hit with a total barrage of new facts from a mindblowing book.

    I think if you remind yourself every now and again, that this CAN HAPPEN (that is, if you haven't allowed your mind to completely cement itself in place)--it will cause a certain amount of humility to guide you to not look like such a buffoon, as this.

  13. Facebook Lurker9:33 AM

    The best part of the show was at the end when Bill Maher direct line from Brett Favre's sexting his penis to the rise of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Christine O' Donnell.

    This coven of three represents everything wrong in politics

    If only white middle aged men could vote, Sarah Palin would be president.

  14. Anonymous10:20 AM

    COD has been a slacker all her life.

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I watched the show too and thought it absolutely outstanding!

    It seems to me that HBO will rerun it sometime during the upcoming week...know that I've seen Maher's out shows run more than once.

    I especially liked the segment on the 'white guys'!

    Humor works every time in getting points across. A must to see!!!

  16. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Bill Maher Uses Brett Favre's Penis Sexting To Bash Sarah Palin and White Men:

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    It's just amazing to me that we're even talking about Christine O'Donnell. I mean, this was just another weird chick on a panel from his old show - and now she has political credibility? How?

    What more proof do you need that everything we see is a media invention. Created by corporate media and special interests. And since those entities tend to be conservative and religious, the candidates shoved upon us are in Republican garb. You all know, with 100 percent certainty, that if these gaggle of women were liberals instead of right-wingers, they'd be literally laughed out of politics.

  18. I think this is an interesting idea to streak naked past Sarah......paybacks are hell!

    From CNBC: A website that pays people to commit public pranks is offering $50,000 to anybody who will run naked past Sarah Palin. Palin must see the streaker for him or her to win the cash, and the event must be videotaped, says the wealthy owner of A New York City man on Sunday tried to win a $1 million dare to streak past President Obama in Philadelphia, but Obama didn't see him and he didn't get the cash. See video from that incident here.


    Give it a read and check out the links in the article for details.

  19. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Agree. It was a great show. Bill hit the nail on the head in his closing statements. HBO does run the show again at various times through out the week before the new show airs the following Friday, well, at least here in VA. A must see and lots of quotable facts/opinions to remind the teabaggers they are full of dead leaves.

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I had never heard of Dan O'Neil before, but he sure as heck schooled Dana Loesch! It was a joy to behold.

    I love her stock answer anytime she's confronted with a rebuttal of her assertions with FACTS - "that's been disputed."

    Yes, indeed, missy, it's been disputed like gravity has been disputed. By fools, liars and idiots.


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