Thursday, October 07, 2010

Newsmax rep can't seem to find Sarah Palin's "off" button.

Holy crap!

She is rattling on like a seven year old after a three hour cake, candy,  and ice cream fueled birthday party!

Did you see her bouncing on her toes when this guy tried to end the interview? (NOBODY puts Caribou Barbie in a corner!)

Look at his face.  "Please shut up Sarah, please stop talking, please don't embarrass Newsmax magazine.  Oh God where is that dart gun Todd lent me for when she got too wound up?"

However I must say that Palin DID get the Thomas Paine quote right, so five points and an "atta girl" for that.

I would also like somebody to explain to me what is going on with that hair.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    What's going on with her hair? Well now we know why the McCain camp had to spend 22K a week on a hair dresser/cosmetologist.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    LOL at Micheal Reagan's face! She was bound and determined to get her little quote in for the day!

  3. Caribou Barbie on Crack?

  4. linda4:49 PM

    LOL! this is EXACTLY how i am when i've had too much to drink. my husband cannot stop me from talking and i am SO smart when i am drunk! even the looks on her face are reminiscent of watching a drunk talk. i wonder what the heck she is on? whatever it is, she should try not to use it/drink it/smoke it just before going on camera! so glad there is no film footage of me out there making an ass of myself!!

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    What a rube.

    And, I guess Paine will be re-written as a Dominionist now?

    Those will be some amazing contortions...

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Damn that woman loves to hear herself talk doesn't she? He handlers knew the minute she started talking they were in for a lecture. Wow is all I can say.

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Bullshit artist extraordinaire!
    Mrs. case you're reading have a voice that would make a dog howl.

  8. I apologize for earlier mistakenly identifying this guy in the video as Michael Reagan. The site that I found the video said that she was with Reagan so I assumed that was him.

    It is especially embarrassing because I actually sat through a Michael Reagan speech a little over a year ago, and should have recognized that was not him.

    My bad, I will strive to do better in the future.

  9. Anonymous5:04 PM

    But why does she have a lump on her face again, near her mouth on the lower right side? Is she ill? It's like during her book tour.

  10. Virginia Voter5:09 PM

    Sarah had her "Lee Press On Hair" again today...obviously. She loves her some pageant hair .

    I am always amazed how Sarah is able to string so many words together that mean absolutely nothing, and the media just laps it up like good little dogs.

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    She looks out of her FU*&ING mind!!!
    In more ways then one!!

    She looks horribly ugly - sorry!!
    She looks WIRED beyond belief.
    She makes absolutely no sense and is completely inappropriate..

    That is the oddest video I have seen for her.

    To be honest, after a lot of thought, I think she is BI POLAR.
    I would bet she is..

  12. Anonymous 5:04 thank you for pointing out that lump too. I saw it but was not sure enough that it was not a trick of the light, or a bad make up job to say anything.

    When that swelling happened before I had an expert e-mail me and say it was probably a sign of infection.

  13. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Something has to be done to shut her up!

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Speed kills.

  15. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Ohhh Myyy. All those people around her seem to be thinking, "What am I doing here? Is this where my career has taken me? Babysitting a nutjob?"

  16. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Dude's left lookin' like a goldfish with the open and shut mouth.

    ANd $carah's looking very, very too much, too young makeup (that pale lip gloss is pretty - on a twentysomething, on a forty soemthing - a bit clueless, at fiftysomething - it changes to desperate.

    ANd her nose seems to be getting bigger all the time + that run on mouth - reminds me of a 1980's coke using MBA.

  17. Anonymous5:30 PM

    She has dyed her hair darker, has extensions in and ooo eee.....that lump to the right of her mouth is nasty. That areas seems kindof frozen when she talks.... She is morphing into some kind of weird caracature. Her spray tan did not reach her ears...they are white. I notice she spoke about someone's "tan" just so we will notice her fake tan as well?

  18. Anonymous5:31 PM

    She looks wired and _gaunt_. Look how loosely the clothes hang. Without the fake boobies they would be practically falling off.

  19. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Her hair is dirty and greasy. We have all heard the stories about Palin's poor personal hygiene and here's video evidence.

  20. Anonymous5:34 PM

    did she have a nose job, also too....
    damn she's got some BIG ears.

  21. Facebook Lurker5:35 PM

    O/T, but holy shit, get a look at Bristol, the plump pistol in this interview from North Dakota today:

    Her stomach looks bigger than her boobs, and I will leave it at that. She oozes hypocrisy...enjoy. You can thank me later.

  22. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Wow can you say augmentation? Her face! Her face has been stretched so much, shot up so badly with the botox AND she's clearly not eating again. Makes her nose look enormous! Palin, you look awful honey. And the hair just screams "Jiffy Bob" hair.

  23. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Good thing some one else is raising Trig!

  24. Anonymous5:40 PM

    stop the vid at .16-.17seconds.
    the large implanted fat injection?...implant only?..
    left cheek bulges out and is quite obvious.
    along of course with the right side bulge near her lip.

  25. Wild Tortoise5:43 PM

    Another mispronounced phrase (sigh).
    It's not "Double Edge. Ed. Sword."

  26. Wild Tortoise5:43 PM

    Another mispronounced phrase (sigh).
    It's not "Double Edge. Ed. Sword."

  27. Beldar Koanhedde5:48 PM

    Just a quick tip for the Sarah Hate-ahs out there: she's a lot easier to take with the sound on mute.

  28. igettit25:55 PM

    I turned the sound off before playing, so I'm commenting on the visual effect only.

    My first thought: Man, she looks three sheets to the wind.

    It is funny watching the expressions on that man's face.

  29. OK...this child NEEDS a mirror that fits her big ol' fat head...then she just may smooth out those awful makeup blendings so it blends into/through to the hair line in ONE thickness or shade. Love that color easement between her hairline and the face, neck and near the collafr area.


  30. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I had a bad dream last night - actually it was a nightmare...

    President Palin of the RNC (Red Neck Party) was addressing Americans in front of the newly constructed White Supremacy Monument in Washington. The crowd of Joe Six-Packs and Hockey Moms, anxious to listen to their leader, were grilling moose burgers, filling cups of Budweiser from 18 gallon kegs on the lawn, and holding signs demanding the immediate deportation of all Muslims. Queen Sarah, with baby Trig on her hip, waved her .44 in the air as she spoke about the issues dear to American’s hearts - spending taxpayer money on redecorating the White House, banning books deemed inappropriate by James Dobson from all public libraries, spending taxpayer money on Palin family trips, and taking constitutional rights away from those Non-Americans (real Americans are white, protestant republicans.) In closing, Palin winks at the crowd and demonstrates some fancy pageant walking as she leaves the podium.

    I hope this isn't a vision of the future!

  31. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Two questions:

    1) Re: the Paine quote, exactly what is she sacrificing to give her children a better life? Certainly not the chance to spend less time with them in order to make more money than they will ever need and shred their privacy.

    2) Why do her followers still call her the "governor"? She isn't, by her own choice. Would they still refer to GW Bush as "the president"?

  32. Anonymous6:06 PM

    first of all..i cannot stand sarah palin...

    but i gotta admit that she looks absolutely stunning here...

    i HATE THAT!!!!! but the bitch looks fine...

    but again, the minute she opens her mouth and has nothing to say but the same bullshit...its all gone.

    but back to her looks...when she first came on the screen back during mccain days...she was absolutely adorable. now, she is like a drag queen.

    its taken her pretty far, but at the end of the day, shes a man baby!!!!

  33. Chenagrrl6:06 PM

    Love the grab at 2:04. A real keeper

  34. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Bad fake & bake, even worse wig. Christ, with all her money, you would think she could buy one that doesn't look like roadkill.

  35. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Okay, so all her 'girls' are on duty with BP and Todd is at home..she is forced to do her own hair or not ....

    She is higher then a kite. Could be booze coule be drugs. Regardless of the source, she seems to be in the zone where she is semi-coherent.

    She is driving that poor guy nuts! I'd bet money he knows what she is on.

  36. Anonymous6:33 PM

    So is that lump really a plug??? I could not see it so I can't say.

  37. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I don't believe I even heard a question on off shore drilling.

    What is wrong with her? She has no self control. Does she think the world hangs on the balance, waiting for her views?

    Maybe those parts of the WORLD mesmerized by South Florida politics.

    The hair is fine. If you are a senior in high school attending the prom. Or a Jr Miss contestant. The youthfulness of the hair only accentuates her aging.

  38. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I bet she reads one Founding Fathers quote a day and she can't wait to use it!

    No wonder Miller is tired of her ass.

  39. Anonymous6:39 PM

    No wait! I have seen that look before! The Queen of Pee channeling that Michele Bachman!

  40. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Hey Sarah, you didn't "allude" to the uniqueness of Florida politics. You made a direct comment about it.

    So painful.

    She talks endlessly but says nothing. One waits for the point, the fact, the remedy, the idea, but, alas, it's only another adjective.

    How many nights must Todd fantasized about jamming a stick in his ear?

  41. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Who was the guy with the chesie cat grin? and in the end he couldn't get her to shut up..It wasn't Micheal Reagan..OMG the hair, what can you wig maybe, longer to look younger???

  42. More information about her meeting in Florida with leading conservatives: "Sarah Palin told a small studio audience during the recording of a webcast Wednesday in Palm Beach that she would run for president in 2012 if 'the American people' want her to." The link has more information about her presentation and an online poll asking if we want her to run.

    The poll has 62% "yes" (wanting her to run) and 38% "no" - - but the comments are mostly against her. The positive comments (few) use the same language: "a breath of fresh air" and "she is HOT."

    PLEASE - let her know we do NOT want her!

  43. Anonymous6:47 PM

    She reminds me of the characters that Catherine O'Hara plays in those movies..."Waiting For Guffman" "Best in Show" "For Your Consideration"...caricatures of real people. And the hair????

  44. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Does anyone remember the Chatty Cathy dolls? You pulled a string and the doll would randomly say one of about 5 or 6 recorded sentences.

    Sarah reminds me of that doll. She keeps saying the same things over and over. You would think that a journalism major had been taught to use a more expansive vocabulary.

    So I have an idea. Gryph - you could start a new section on the sidebar for your readers to submit the words or phrases they remember hearing the most - the ones that make you want to pull out your hair. I'll start.

    common sense conservatives
    progress (as a verb, no less)

  45. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Re: the hair.

    This is why you should not let your grade school child do your highlights.

  46. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Anon@5:13 AM, for people who have lived with a bi, I think you have many who will agree with you.

  47. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Nice fake news conference, Sarah. Good thing they didn't ask you what newspapers you read, darlin'. "

  48. Anonymous7:08 PM

    They did just have a business meeting no doubt. My business meetings are over drinks. I'd imagine politico's are as well.

    I've always thought she should go back to her natural color, sans highlights. Her hair is naturally really dark and she works it well. I've noticed Bristol's straying from her naturally dark hair as well.

    I don't mind the greasy look in the video. I once traveled a lot for work and it's a huge ordeal to remain your most fresh at every stop. She doesn't look that bad.

  49. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Should be ANON@5:13 PM.

  50. Anonymous7:12 PM

    @Facebook Lurker:

    Holy cow. I'm about 90 pounds overweight, and I don't look that preggers when I sit down.

  51. Anonymous7:18 PM

    She does think she is just the cutest little thing doesn't she? The bobbing and smirking is a good performance for a proud six year old.

    She'd practiced real hard on that Paine quote and she was determined to rattle it out whether the reporters questions warranted it or not.

    Sarah Palin as "Chatty Cathy" on steriods. The drugs are making it possible for her to keep talking, but the words still betray her ignorance.

  52. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck7:22 PM

    at the 3:00 minute mark she does some fancy pageant walking with her tongue (while that guy is trying to plug the show and book).

    flirty and ridiculous

  53. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Whooooooooooo, did you see how long her hair grew in just a week, hahahaha. Looks like crap and she probably spent a sh#tload of cash for that roadkill she slapped on her noggin. Or was that one of those 'Ricky Hollywood" hair extension thingies?

    She sounds more are more like a high school teenager who cant' get a date.
    OK, now I got that out of the way.

    She will never speak out for anything that is good for the common people. And that's cool, cause the common people will NEVER EVER, EVER vote for a common grifter.

    Hasta la vista gramma grizzle. I can honestly say I will never wish harm upon you, I only pray you get what you deserve!

    Figure that one out Eienstein!!!

    Love your posts Gryph, can't wait for the big reveal!!!

  54. emrysa7:30 PM

    adjust the meds! adjust the meds!

    good gawd how does someone like this have a following?

  55. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The right side (as you look at her) of her face looks swollen and unnatural from the cheekbone to the chin. Weird. Yes she does have giant ears. Don't all wolves?

  56. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Assume the preggers comment is about Bristol's Hennen interview? Whether it's baby or blubber, she can barely breathe because of the girdle which still can't hold it in. Just like her dancing, the guy does all the work and she just sits there - no wonder Levi left, imagine how awful that sex was?

  57. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Bristol is such a bitch! She says she wants to share her story with other girls and is so blessed to have a platform to speak to these young girls about abstinence and being an unwed, single mother, but when Hennen asks her about having pre-marital sex, she won't talk about it.

    Bristol is either pregnant or she swallowed a whole watermelon! Her stomach is huge!

  58. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The hair - The fundies don't cut their hair but they pin it up in a weird sort of way. I guess she gets a pass from them so she can try to fit in. Anybody who lives in Wasilla and knows the AofG cult knows what I mean.

  59. Anonymous8:05 PM

    WTH? I want some of what she is on ..... Holy Crap what died on her head?

    That woman can use more words to say NOTHING than anyone I have ever heard the words of KO... THAT woman is an IDIOT!!!!

  60. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Good article on her meeting... Here is the link... Wonder if Sarah has seen her report card?
    good article.

    As Sarah Palin continues to make political headlines, the mania surrounding her future and potential GOP presidential primary candidacy is heating up. Some think she'll start a conservative think tank, but many hope she runs for the highest office in the land.
    So would she make a good president or not? To answer this, we quizzed our large group of political insiders on whether she would make a good or bad president. Following are the 10 reasons Sarah Palin would make a good president.
    1) Unbending Conservative - Palin is a long-time, unbending Reagan conservative who has committed to cutting taxes, eliminating some regulations, and generally shrinking the government.
    2) Military Hawk - The mother of a soldier in Iraq, Palin is becoming a military hawk. She has repeatedly threatened Iran with sharp language, and some think threats work. And don't forget that she can shoot an elk at 400 yards, so she can back up those threats.
    3) Oil Drilling Advocate - The former governor of Alaska is a strong advocate for an energy policy. She wants to produce more domestic energy and buy less overseas. Democrats see her as tough on that issue.
    4) Respect of Governors - As governor, she had the respect of other governors and worked well with the state legislature. She might bring a new bipartisan approach to Washington.
    5) Revive Saturday Night Live - Let's face it: Palin impersonators are funny, and her presidency would certainly help revive Saturday Night Live if Tina Fey returned to play Palin.
    6) Friend of the Working Class - She identifies with working class Americans more than more wealthy candidates and presidents. It's not uncommon to see her working with her husband on his fishing boat. Or hunting and fishing for that matter.
    7)Advocate for Disabled - Her last child was born with Downs Syndrome and that has made her a passionate advocate for disabled children, a job that presidents normally pass off to the first lady.
    8) First Woman President - Just being the first woman president would likely bring massive changes to how the Oval Office is handled and how foreign leaders view the United States.
    9) Boost Conservative Media - As a foe of the liberal media, she might boost conservative bloggers and center-right media like Fox News to mainstream media levels.
    10) Fashion Statement - She would likely spark a whole new fashion sense in the nation with Carhartt and Cabela's taking over from J. Crew and Gap.

  61. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The man next to her looks like he is about to throw up.

  62. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Oh my. Finally we get to see what her hair really looks like. My question is what is wrong with that face. Holy Yikes. I don't like to comment on looks but I will rationalize this comment with the fact that her face doesn't even look like it did before. She looks ghastly!

  63. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Wow, the hair is over the top yet attention getting but not in a good way. The hair style is more suitable for prom or a red carpet formal attire style.

    What was the spouting off at the end gushing forth that made no sense except a palinista spechifying she was so giddy about. Agreed she appeared she may have had too much liquor to drink. I'll bet money she has Thomas Paine quoted in her book. lol she suddenly in a book adopts others values she no doubt knew nothing about before.

  64. 10catsinMD8:17 PM

    In that North Dakota interview, Bristol Palin called Tina Fey an "airhead". She said that her mother is the smartest person out there.

    I think she just placed herself at the bottom rung of the ladder. Her stomach is bursting the spanx!

  65. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I was going to say something then realized that I have nothing original to say. But then, neither does Sarah.

  66. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I dont' think her handlers were too happy with her. Gryphen, I tried to paste the link to the article about the meeting and it won't paste... But, the article is good, but what is better is the "team" provides a list of 10 - why she would be a good president and 10 - why she would be a bad president... I think in the video she just demonstrated a couple of the negatives...

  67. Her pupils seem large compared to the man next to her. I think the lady needs a long rest away from stress of any kind.

  68. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Is it just me or does she come off as starved to look like a leading presidential candidate?

    I think her mindset is such that she is on the road to announcing her candidacy and now wants the public attention as much as possible. Look for more of her "impromptu photo ops" to pontificate her weary sound bites in front of gullible reporters.

    Sarah seemed to be "busting out" to keep talking against the better judgement of her handlers.
    The cringeworthy reaction as her handler was trying to shut her up was pure comedy gold.

  69. Anonymous8:43 PM

    OMG....can that woman prattle on about nothing or what? Hilarious reactions from the Newsmax guy trying to shut her up but she was on a prattling roll and not to be shushed any time soon.

    I'm not one to focus on her appearance but she really looked odd looked as though she had on 2 or 3 different hair pieces and the makeup was over the top.

    This woman and her family just keep getting more bizarre by the week.

  70. Anonymous8:48 PM

    She was trying so hard (too hard) to impress the NewsMax team. She had her talking points and she was determined she was going to get them all said; even if she wasn't asked about a specific topic... She is an idiot!

  71. OT-Anyone watching Art Robinson on Rachel Maddow's show? What the heck is going on? He keeps bullying Maddow, refuses to answer or comment on questions and he repeats the same statements she is "lying", "smearing him" "smear campaign" "throwing mud". He is projecting his behavior onto her.

    Is this Robinson trying to control Rachel so he can say what he wants to say? or did he come on the show to abuse her, destroy her reputation, call her names, misuse words and tear her a new one? I was crazymaking!

  72. Anonymous9:03 PM

    GenieO, brilliant idea! I have one:

    "get America back on track" (said with that funky side-to-side wiggle)

    I'm bipolar, and I wouldn't say SP is, at least not based on this clip. To be honest, she didn't talk as rapidly or as much on this clip as I expected from Gryphen's brilliantly funny writeup. When I'm manic, I could talk circles around her, both in speed and in sheer amount of jabber (although I'd like to believe there'd be more substance in what I said!). I think she's just an attention whore, quite possibly with a personality disorder and/or drug or alcohol issues.

  73. It's gotta be the new drugs.

  74. Anonymous9:48 PM

    definitely off her meds

  75. Anonymous9:49 PM

    It's not over until Sarah says it over.

  76. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Bristol Palin in a music video

  77. The crazy-ass look on her face is all you need to see. No need to even click the 'play' button.

  78. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Her body language is screaming. She looks so odd and inappropriate.

  79. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Her hair - no more bumpit on top, now it is in the back - I think she's tring to emulate COD and Bachmann, and the others who's hair actually look GOOD down. Palin's doesn't - looks like she hasn't done anything to it and makes her look like an old lady trying to look young. O'Donnell is only 4 or 5 years younger than Palin, but (to me) she looks a good 10 years younger, or more. I think Sarah is jealous, hence her copycat hairstyle.

    Furthermore, it emphasizes her too-high eyebrows and the too-heavy eye make-up. She looks best when she has her hair pulled up and off her face and neck. I'll even take back those awful bangs that continually hung in her eyes, over this latest stringy mess!

    Her *skunk* streaks are not attractive IMO.

    Who's the lady in the background all smiles, carrying a blackberry? Sarah's aide-de-camp? After all, thinking she's Presidential material requires staffers to do all sorts of mundane things like guarding her communications system.

    Lastly - her expressions and smiles are so dang phony and put-on... what an awful person she truly is!

  80. Anonymous11:57 PM

    I tried but I couldn't watch. I can't stand that bitch.

    Off Topic: Young Turks blast Joe Miller's latest hypocrisy:

  81. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I think she disconnected her "off" button. She went in there with a plan to look important, informed and she was going to let them know her thoughts on what she wanted to say regardless of what question was asked or not asked...

  82. Anonymous1:08 AM

    They left her in the tanning bed WAY too long, she is burned! Now her skin is fried along with her brain.

  83. Anonymous2:56 AM

    If looks could kill. The way she looked at that dude who was trying to end the "interview." That poor woman in the background. She was soooo embarrassed. She looked down, repasted the smile on her face, and even pinched her nose to try to block Sarah's stench.

    This is what Americans want as president? Amazing. Imagine President Obama being as clueless as a brick. Only in America can someone like Sarah Palin be presented as a legitimate presidential choice. No, she's not beautiful, as one poster gushed. I know, in America, the European definition of beauty prevails, but that lady is shot to the gills with Botox.

    Unfortunately, Sarah isn't going anywhere because clearly nothing will derail her, even rumors of faked pregnancies. She's here for the duration. Who knows, she just may be president one day. What a sad nation this is.

  84. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:03 AM

    What is the second flag in the double-flag pin she's wearing? Alaska or the Gaston flag? I'm sorry, I can only take a few seconds of her pointless, hopped-up yapping. Maybe I'll try the mute button.

    And, BTW Sarah, just LOVE the hair. Someone must have made a trip to Frederick's of Hollywood while in LA!

  85. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Sarah Palin thinks she's doing a mini-press conference her. She thinks she's handling the reporter's questions just like a president would.

    A real press conference with serious reporters expecting in-depth responses is as far from Sarah as her first "Charlie" interview. She has gotten no better in 2 years - actually she's worse.

  86. Wilderness Lover3:22 AM

    God she's wired! I have a co-worker who is bi-polar. Some days she is depressed and sullen. She gets angry easily and can be down right mean to people around her. On other days, she is full of energy, "on top of the world" happy, talking nonstop all day long. Reminds me a lot of Sarah.

    Gryphen, weren't there rumors going around that Sarah had had some sort of mental breakdown before she ran for VP? That information would be a good find!! Not many people would want a bi-polar or mentally impaired person in the White House! The president, who controls the nuclear codes, could forget to take her meds and go into a major mental-health meltdown. Pretty scary!

    Her hair looks dirty. When she makes a major appearance, a stylist does her hair. It appears that Sarah does not shampoo her own hair regularly, so it looks greasy and limp. I guess good personal hygiene isn't required in order to run for president.

  87. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Sarah, the AMerican people in poll after poll have told you they don't think you are qualified and that means America does not need you.

    Now, many of us want you to run because you would be a gift to DEMS but that doesn't mean we want you to be president, just run so we can win again.

  88. $arah is a puss filled nightmare. get the fuck out of my state and dont talk about drilling anywhere NEAR my beaches. and also too, fuck you.

  89. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Ok, you know what this was all about? She was trying to look PRESIDENTIAL. She wants to look like she is well-versed in all policy matters. I will say this about her: she was pulling out ALL the tapes in her squirrely little brain and popping them in sequentially, trying to get out ALL her talking points, while the Newsmax guy was trying to end it before she made a huge gaffe. If anything, she looked less like Obama than a hopped-up-on-screamers version of Joe Biden. Gotta give her props for that--hahaha.

  90. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Did anyone actually ask her a question about off-shore drilling there at the end? I have to believe someone did, but it wasn't picked up on the mic. If no one did, THAT would be weird. Maybe the voices in her head asked her. Looked as though she was just tryin' to spew out ALL her memorized talkin' points for that day. Tryin' to look all presidential and pageanty at the same time.

  91. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Anonymous @ l0:04 PM

    I'm getting 'the page you requested is not available' message for that link. Have they taken it down?

  92. Anonymous4:43 AM

    She just doing her cutsie act. Although it has gotten her this far, really doesn't cut it in Washington where government is serious business. She thinks she can get by being flirtatious.

  93. Anonymous4:45 AM

    That lump is too much wrinkle filler.

  94. Ripley in CT4:46 AM

    I tried. I tried to watch. Began with the sound off, as usual, and tried to listen in a couple of times. I felt my ears start to bleed and had to turn it off. I made it about half way. Then quit. ;)

    That woman's forehead does not move. That's not natural. Even when she gives a look of disdain, there's barely a furrow betwixt her brows. I guess they did the botox thing to the max so that she wouldn't get caught scowling ever gain.

    Please. Get her off the lamestream media. I thought she hated them. Why interview?

  95. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Bristol could have minimized the appearance of her large midsection by sitting correctly.

    My mother always told me not to be lazy: to sit straight up in a chair (back not touching), ankles crossed and pulled back, hands in the lap.

    Of course, she is no lady and her mother didn't teach her fancy-smanzy stuff like how to sit correctly.

    And she's lazy.

  96. Anonymous5:44 AM

    "Double edge-ED sword"??

    What a fucking dumbass.

  97. Anonymous5:47 AM

    That's a femullet if I ever saw one!!

    She paid good money for that???

  98. Anonymous5:52 AM

    The woman behind her looks much better than Sarah--a bit heavier, but Sarah is way too thin.

    The woman has nice hair and skin. And she is dressed appropriatly. She looks sane, she isn't bouncing all over the place. She seems in control of herself.

    I tell ya, the differences between a wack-a-doo and a "normal" person are striking.

  99. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Someone really has to study her speech patterns. I am simply dumbfounded each and every time that I hear her speak. Name one adult in a higher office who talks like this. She reminds me of a pageant contestant who isn't really accustomed to public speaking.

  100. Anonymous5:54 AM

    To anonymous at 5:30. Your description of the coke head MBA from the 80s was a blast from the past. You are exactly right.

  101. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Clearly whoever wrote the Washington Whispers article that anon 8:06 posted has been living in a hole. SP had the "respect of Governors" while she was Governor. Uh, that's debatable but.... newsflash! she quit halfway through!

    She's a "passionate advocate for disabled children"? LMAO. How exactly has this passion been displayed? By making paid speeches to not-for-profits? Adopting a special needs baby doesn't count. What a joke our media is. Research not required!

  102. Anonymous6:13 AM

    That was like watching a ferret on crack.

  103. London Bridges6:23 AM

    Watch the video and focus 100% on her jaw. If this is the same video as the one posted on WTF, her jaw looks EXACTLY like the jaw of a puppet, e.g. Mortimer Snerd.

    So who is her ventriloquist?

    Also, too, I noticed the road kill on her head, but what sort of critter was it? A sloth?

  104. Anonymous6:23 AM

    RE: the lump near her mouth. Unfortunately, I can tell you what that probably is, from my own recent experience with "injectables" such as Restylane and Radiesse. OK, so I'm 56 and last summer went in for Botox for terrible frown lines and got talked into a little filler to finish the job... This stuff behaves in unpredictable ways once it's injected. I had a lump just like this one; returned to the plastic surgeon, who manually flattened and moved it around. He said I was lucky that I had no inflammation, which many people do, beyond the normal swelling, and that sometimes this stuff just clumps and shifts later. No more for me (even though it made a remarkable difference, I have to say), but there's no question in my mind that's what's going on with Scarah's face.

  105. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I've seen five year-olds with more poise...and intelligence for that matter.

  106. Anonymous7:49 AM

    When Edward VIII abdicated, he had to give the title. Why doesn't this apply to Govenors who quit?

  107. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I was actually thinking of going to see her Wednesday because it was only 25 dollars. I wanted to see what happens at these things, and then let you know later, but I didn't feel well. Plus the idea of being surrounded by all those repubs kind of unnerved me. Still...this is MY house and I shouldn't have worried about it.

    In any case, I think she actually looks pretty good, cause that bumpit is gone, and I like the darker hair. She probably wanted to go more natural/nude since she was coming to Florida, it's so hot she did her hair differently to go with that style. Other than the ridiculous length in the back, and a little too heavy a foundation, I think she pulled it together and looks great. She would fit in here well.

    However this is Sarah we're talking about, and as usual she was babbling away, talking absolute nonsense, and making sh*t up as she went along. A bunch of BS fit between a few one liners.

    Anyway honey...welcome to Florida! You might as well visit cause all forms of debauchery and tomfoolery end up here. Here you either get rich, get shot, or get busted. (Or all three.)

  108. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I thought this about the DWTS Week 2 pre-dance segment too - why is her voice getting so weird? She is sounding more and more like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets, it sounds like she could end any sentence with "bork bork bork!" It's like she is becoming a caricature of herself... if that is possible. So over the top.

  109. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Saint Sarah behaves as if she just was stroked or maybe had a toke....
    definitely in la-la land. Wasn't the private dinner with the Florida 'elistist' last night?

    She seemed to hesitate then stumble when naming the current Floridian candidates which came across as being uneducated regarding the Florida races. She also kept repeating the same talking point about "getting back on track". Gears in her head definitely were not clicking and that tape recorder might have jammed. I suspect that her handlers have statement templates which would make it easy for her to use on these visits, but that would require preparation and we all know how intellectual lazy the Saint is. I suspect that one of her paid 'consultants' was stationed behind the TV crew, holding up place cards with the Florida candidate names on them so she wouldn't have to resort to palm 1 and palm 2 (plan 1 and plan 2)!

    I think the EPA should look into the air and noise pollution she generates and deal with her accordingly. An orange jumpsuit would be welcoming.

  110. Anonymous9:49 AM

    What a babbling idiot..

    No wonder most Americans HATE HER..!!

  111. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Again no specifics, just pat phrases and now a new quote from Thomas Paine.
    Also, she has serious malformed fucked up ears.
    She looks like Mr. Spock.
    If she is FAS person, it explains alot about her learning disabilties and mental illnesses.

  112. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I'm so glad that she explained that what Thomas Paine meant was that we need to leave our private sector alone so it can create jobs. (BTW, do you suppose she read that Thomas Paine quote on her Starbucks cup that morning?)

  113. Anonymous11:47 AM

    She was behaving like she is high on drugs, and high on pretending to be the president giving an impromptu press conference prior to getting on the heli to Camp David for the weekend.
    Her poor imparied delusional mind is in for such a shock if she runs. She will be greeeted in every whistle stop with people confronting her about Tri_g and all er lies. It will be a blast. She'ss crack majorly and it will be just like the movie Network.

  114. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Screw her hair, WTF is up with her skin? It looks like a funny color to me. Like that spray-on tanning crap.

  115. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Facial bumps?

  116. Anonymous4:53 PM

    8:54 AM Anonymous

    You win the prize! Swedish Chef!

    Actually she is saying "BORK BORK BORK" but the media is so infiltrated with Palin poison that all video clips and sound bytes are pre-processed so you only here the actual "bork" occasionaly.

  117. Anonymous5:00 PM


  118. Anonymous8:43 PM

    That poor, poor Newsmax guy. Listen to it with the sound turned off and concentrate on him. His expressions hilariously flip from polite smile to deadpan. He stays with deadpan most of the time, with a few flickers of polite smiles. Then he tries to get her to stop, and the cycle starts over.

  119. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I didn't know that before Sarah had her speaking gig in Miami, she had a dinner at the Breakers (1,200 a nite) in Palm Beach. Let me say that again - Palm Beach, not West Palm Beach. That's old money. I understand that Dick Morris flew down, as well as 50 other monied guests.

    Only the elites live in, or vacation in Palm Beach. The Kennedys had an estate on this island, for example.

    This is as far away as you can be from being a hockey mom. This is the real reason she came to Florida, not to speak at some grubby convention. There are plenty of places to stay in Miami, and lots of rich people. But the fact that she came to Palm Beach, two counties away, and had to drive all the way down to the convention, speaks volumes. This is no tea party.


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