Monday, October 11, 2010

My friend Mel has determined that, without a doubt, Scott McAdams is THE choice of candidate for the LGBT community in Alaska.

From Henkima:

Yesterday I attended the Alaska Pride Conference, an annual event sponsored by Identity, Inc. My main reason for attending this year came out of my involvement with the Alaska LGBT Community Survey; but I also got the opportunity to hear firsthand from two of the candidates for U.S. Senate, Frederick David Haase of the Alaska Libertarian Party and Scott McAdams of the Alaska Democratic Party. Conference organizers invited all U.S. Senate candidates, but neither Republican Party of Alaska candidate — official candidate Joe Miller and incumbent and write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski — accepted the invitation.

Which fit in pretty well with what has become obvious: Republican officials and candidates care little about the the issues of concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens. Whereas Democrats, despite sometimes spotty records, do. Thus, this year’s Pride march in Anchorage saw the enthusiastic participation of two Democratic gubernatorial candidates (Hollis French and eventual primary winner Ethan Berkowitz) and Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Diane Benson… but nary a Republican candidate was to be seen. (No Libertarians that I can recall, either.)

Mel describes listening to the presentation by the Libertarian candidate, Fred Haase, before having her heart stolen by Scott McAdams.

One that especially stood out for me. One audience member noted that the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world — what does McAdams think we should we do about it? McAdams’ answer: invest more in early childhood education as well as drug treatment for drug/alcohol-involved offenders. His answer squares completely with all I’ve learned over 20 years at the UAA Justice Center creating I don’t know how many tables & charts on the U.S.’s ever-expanding correctional populations — increased largely fueled since the mid-1980s by the Reagan-initiated “War on Drugs.” Simultaneously, we’ve been failing our teachers and educational system &, ultimately, our children, letting too many of them instead grow up into lives of desperation in which they turn to alcohol, drugs, and crime. I’ve long since concluded that many Americans would rather spend large chunks of state & federal budgets on putting people in prison, than by paying more than simple lip service to the importance of children by fully funding schools and otherwise helping children develop skills & self-confidence & providing them with opportunities so that they don’t turn to — guess what — drugs, alcohol, & crime. And helping people who do get mixed up with drugs & alcohol to throw off their addictions before they go too far. When McAdams said what he said, I knew he understood this too. His answers also fit with with what justice practitioners are increasingly saying & trying to convince lawmakers to permit them to do — including the Alaska Court System with its increasing use of drug and alcohol and other therapeutic courts.

What sealed it for me was when McAdams said “Sovereignty begins with the individual. Freedom begins with the individual.” Most LGBT people spend a good part of their lives fending off the violative behavior of those who insist that we are supposed to be something other than who and what we are: attacking our sovereignty and freedom at our very cores. When McAdams said that, I knew that he & I see eye-to-eye: & that he respects, in a way I’ve seldom seen expressed by any non-LGBT political candidate, the integrity of who we are as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

So there you have it.  The more that people actually get to meet and listen to Scott McAdams, the more they are adamant in their support for his campaign.

Hey to be honest I was one of those that was lukewarm on his candidacy as well.  But after I went and saw him a couple of times and watched him speak, and felt saw how genuine the guy is, the more determined I became that THIS GUY is the best person to represent us in Washington D.C.. Without a doubt.

Please go over and read the rest of Mel's post.  She does a very good job of describing why he is the ONLY choice for the LGBT community.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    It would be a tragedy if Alaska chose anyone else than McAdams. He is generating enthusiasm across the country because people who read the Alaskan blogs wish they had someone of his character and vision running as their Senatorial candidate!

    If Alaskans want to wash away the taint generated by Sarah Palin & family, all they have to do is elect Scott McAdams. The rest of the 49 states will begin reassessing the wisdom of the average Alaskan - thinking if they are sending McAdams to the Senate, they must have finally wised-up and begun to respect themselves and their state.

    More tourists will visit the state if they feel Alaskans care about the state and want to cherish its wildlife, environment and people. Electing McAdams would clearly send that message.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Go LGBT community! Go McAdams!

  3. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Certainly. It was and with me. Let's discuss this question.


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