Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rolling Stone magazine makes "The Case for Obama."

Rolling Stone:

Less than halfway through his first term, Obama has compiled a remarkable track record. As president, he has rewritten America's social contract to make health care accessible for all citizens. He has brought 100,000 troops home from war and forged a once-unthinkable consensus around the endgame for the Bush administration's $3 trillion blunder in Iraq. He has secured sweeping financial reforms that elevate the rights of consumers over Wall Street bankers and give regulators powerful new tools to prevent another collapse. And most important of all, he has achieved all of this while moving boldly to ward off another Great Depression and put the country back on a halting path to recovery.

Along the way, Obama delivered record tax cuts to the middle class and slashed nearly $200 billion in corporate welfare — reinvesting that money to make college more accessible and Medicare more solvent. He single-handedly prevented the collapse of the Big Three automakers — saving more than 1 million jobs — and brought Big Tobacco, at last, under the yoke of federal regulation. Even in the face of congressional intransigence on climate change, he has fought to constrain carbon pollution by executive fiat and to invest $200 billion in clean energy — an initiative bigger than John F. Kennedy's moonshot and one that's on track to double America's capacity to generate renewable energy by the end of Obama's first term.

On the social front, he has improved pay parity for women and hate-crime protections for gays and lesbians. He has brought a measure of sanity to the drug war, reducing the sentencing disparity for crack cocaine while granting states wide latitude to experiment with marijuana laws. And he has installed two young, female justices on the Supreme Court, creating what Brinkley calls "an Obama imprint on the court for generations."

What's even more impressive about Obama's accomplishments, historians say, is the fractious political coalition he had to marshal to victory. "He didn't have the majority that LBJ had," says Goodwin. Indeed, Johnson could count on 68 Democratic senators to pass Medicare, Medicaid and the Voting Rights Act. For his part, Franklin Roosevelt had the backing of 69 Senate Democrats when he passed Social Security in 1935. At its zenith, Obama's governing coalition in the Senate comprised 57 Democrats, a socialist, a Republican turncoat — and Joe Lieberman.

The Republican party, the Teabaggers, and the billionaires that back them, are all gunning for our President. And every time a progressive bitches that change is not happening fast enough, or a Democratic politician says "Barack who?", they gain a little bit more ground.

Am I completely satisfied?  Hell no!  But so what!  I am NEVER completely satisfied!

If I was completely satisfied this blog would not exist.

But I recognize when we are moving forward, and I certainly know that there is probably not another politician in the country who could have made the kind of progress that President Obama has made in such a short period of time.  Go ahead, imagine who ELSE could even have come close to what this man has accomplished.

I am not a child.  I do not believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or a President who can snap his fingers and make all of the country's ills disappear overnight.  I wanted Obama to make progress, and he is doing that.

So if you voted for Obama and now sit at home bitching because things are not happening fast enough for you, well then fuck you!  And if you are planning to skip these mid-term elections because you are no longer inspired, then fuck you twice!

We once had a President, maybe you have heard of him, who said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country."  Well my friends what YOU can do for your country is to show the Republicans that the progressives are not a bunch of pussies who always snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  And that we will NOT abandon the man who has fought every day of his Presidency to do the things that we elected him to do,

Has he done everything EXACTLY the way we had hoped? No.

Has he accomplished more than ANY OTHER President during his first two years in office?  Yes.

Can he continue making that kind of progress if the Republicans take over the Congress? Probably not.

Is there anything we can do to help him to finally do EVERYTHING we wanted him to do? Yes.

We can VOTE!  Because if we do not give HIM what he desperately needs from us, we have no right to be disappointed when he does not give US what we wanted from him!

(Do yourself a favor and click the Rolling Stone link, it may help you to gain a little perspective on this administration.  And you never know, it just might remind you of why you were so anxious to cast your vote in 2008.)

Namaste my friends.


  1. ManxMamma3:02 AM

    It is about time journalist start giving President Obama his due. We need much more of this type of reporting!

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    YEAH! I think progressive wins at the midterms will give hope to those Americans that are bemoaning the "news reports" that teabaggers are the majority and have lost faith in our country.

    VOTE! Thanks Gryphen.


  3. angela3:50 AM

    It amazes me how many times I've personally run through a litany of all this president has done with other Democrats. Sometimes its like mass hypnosis---Tea party whining, GOP idiocy, Democratic crapping of the pants, Blue Dogs and basic Progressive pissing.

    Sadly I think many were more happy whining about GWB than getting on board and helping this administration.

    Excellent post Gryphen!

  4. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Great post, Gryphen. Very well and forcibly said. Thank you!

  5. I'll read the article, but I'm an Obama voter who would vote for him every Tuesday from now on if I could. There aren't enough good things to say about how he's so far managed to salvage some of the wreckage of 30 years of deregulated capitalism.

  6. Anonymous5:02 AM

    The abandonment of our President by some disgruntled Democrats has baffled me from the beginning. If EVER there were a need to vote DEMOCRAT, where every single vote will have meaning, it is during THIS election.If it means standing in line all day on November 2nd, tough. DO IT, or we all will wake up with a headache that may never go away.

  7. GrainneKathleen5:15 AM

    that's a lovely pic of our prez.
    let's vote all! and take along a democratic granny or two who might need rides ;o)

  8. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Even as my horrid ex-Governor has caused trouble around the world in two years - I have always known that Barack Obama could take care of himself.

    Whether the man was a frontrunner or Chief Executive (of this country that he is of) the RW is slobberingly maniacal in taking him down.

    Anytime Sarah's qualifications or ethics are questioned, the bots bring in Obama as some sort of counter to distract from Sarah's glaring deficiencies. It remains pathetic.

    The same way people keep bringing up Lisa Murkowski's appointment to the Senate (forget the subsequent validation through voters - twice) and her sweetheart land deal (she still should have admitted it was too good to be true) but she did give it back when called on it.

    None of Lisa's record is surprising, we know who she is. The level of redmeat dialog she threw in at a meeting here and there was surprising (and unnecessary) but she's not out to shoot Alaska in the foot and bite the hand that feeds. At least she spreads the wealth she's able to deliver across the whole State.

    Joe Miller. . .you shudder, I shudder, we all shudder at this carpetbagging grifter back-stabbing two-faced flip-flopping son of a bitch. He'd make Frank's 22 years in the U.S. Senate look competent.

    I don't have to defend our President, he can do it himself, but I realize I can be more vocal in my support of him. I join Gryphen in calling out the crybabies, you want the eight years before Obama back? The Family and the neocons have the patience of glaciers, we need to progress like cheetah's. And the President's accomplishments in two years is astounding.

    I love Barack Obama. Here's to another six years.

  9. Aunt Snow5:34 AM


  10. Anonymous5:43 AM

    68 Dem senators.....I hear people say, LBJ did this or that, why isn't Obama strong enough....well I had no idea the huge majority he had then.

    And our majority is full of fake dems that ruin even a good sized majority.

  11. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Obama is related to both Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, according to

    Someone should start a rumor that they're related through Obama's father's side.

  12. anon @ 5:48, yes, i had no idea that rush and sarah are both kenyan. who'da thunk!?!?

  13. VOTE!!!!6:06 AM

    Amen! Obama 2012 & let's VOTE on 11/2/10!!!

  14. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Great post !

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:36 AM

    After listening to radio pundits going off on President O and the current administration this morning, I've about had it. I recognize the current pattern is to imply that he's wonderful one day and a huge disappointment the next. The cynical side of me thinks that the entire media (even the so-called "left") are trying to cloud the issues, confuse the voters, and ultimately try to keep the "whiny" Democrats home on November 2nd. Let's face it, if the nutsoid Tea Party is somehow victorious, most routine Progressive pundits would have more than enough material to rant about for the next two years, not to mention ratings gold for their companies.

    I support our President 100%, knowing that he's careful and thorough in his decisions. Yes, there are some things I disagree with, but there are many factors he has to overcome in pushing change through. Can you imagine dealing with the wreckage left behind by Cheney, Bush and Co., as well as everything else tossed his way in the past two years--including the insane accusations of the Right? It's amazing anything has gotten done at all. How would McPain and Twitchy handle it? Oh, yeah--they'd be too busy holding the country under water...

    One scenario that crossed my mind was the President deciding NOT to run in 2012. He's had it with the constant bashing by the media and the Tealiban; he's tried his best to implement change. He's human, right? OK, so the Neocons slither back into power, with (worst case scenario) Ms. Dunderhead Puppetpants at the helm. After a few years of a negative economy (except for the "elite chosen few"), widespread oppression, confusion and misery--not to mention a few unresolved natural disasters--Mr. Obama gives a press conference. He looks out over a divided, fearful, unhealthy, impoverished, undereducated, depressed populace with impaired hearing from being forced to listen to their "Queen" on a daily basis and asks:

    "Hey! How's that theocratic, no-healthcare, no-public education, no-social security, no-social services, sweatshop-job, no-unemployment, crumbling infrastructure, no-FEMA, no-FDA, anti-choice, must-be-the-right-brand-of-Christian, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority, living-under-a-nuclear-threat, tenth-rate possession of the Fundies and the Koch Brothers thingy workin' out for ya?"

    And, of course, we'd BEG him to come back.

    Please support this man and his vision for change. VOTE!

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen. It always helps my low-simmering depression to read words like that.

    V.O.T.E. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anonymous7:26 AM

    It's up to the Dems to trumpet this, not Rolling Stone.

    Yet you have Dems on the campaign trail promoting how often they've voted against Obama's policies.

    Come on!

  18. Anonymous7:50 AM

    No coffee yet, so my cynicism hasn't been restrained for the day...
    but...Sumner, Leitner, DADT, GITMO Torture, forgiveness for war criminals.....yeah, I voted for him and probably will again, but I'm holding my nose....often think we (Dems etc) and O are an awful lot like teabaggers and the Koch Brothers...we hear what we want to hear and the rich and powerful continue to call the shots...remember, the first one to break any election pattern is always the one most like those who have held power...masculine and hawklike M. Thatcher and passing corporatist O. Once again, it seems my choice for president will be between evil and eviler or between the one who will fuck over everything I believe right away and the one who will do it being nibbled to death by ducks.
    Can't help myself...I cannot get wildly excited about O's passivity when he was handed a huge opportunity to make things right...and his lack of movement on DADT says way more about his attitude than it does about any obstacles he faced...Truman integrated the military with a stroke of the pen...Obama should grow a pair...his rhetoric is getting tiresome. Rant over... guess I'll go have coffee now.

    oh,yeah, I'm a straight, white, over-50, female veteran who was serving when the WACs became regular Army.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    You know what? I'm not giving Obama a pass for anything I wouldn't have given Bush a pass on.

    The truth is, the Obama administration has aided and abetted BP in one of the worst marine environmental disasters in history. The health care "reform" that I exerted so much of my time and energy defending has turned out to be...what, exactly? I still can't afford insurance, not for me, not for my child! My credit card company still charges me almost 30% interest. I don't see any real push towards renewable energy infrastructure, even while I see on the US Trade and Development Agency's website that the US is funding grants to China, Africa, and other countries for all sorts of such projects! Finally, we still have tens of thousands of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the same corrupt private contractors are still being awarded lucrative contracts.

    And on top of all that, after decades of campaign finance reform, the corporate floodgates have been opened on Obama's watch! He didn't make a peep about the Citizen's United case until right before it came to court, completely wasting the power of his bully pulpit on this issue.

    So, go ahead, tell voters like me to fuck off. Personally, I think too many of you are in denial about just how far right the Democrats themselves are sliding.

  20. Posted to my facebook page...even here in Georgia some people understand.

  21. Gryphen,
    Generally I agree with 99% of everything you say on this blog but today after much soul searching and reading this article and the one from Rolling Stone I have to say that I just cannot stand with a blanket agreement for our Presidents performance.

    I do agree that Mr Obama came into a terrible economy with two wars on his plate and a very steep road to climb to maintain his unusually high public opinion. I also concur that for the most part his administration has caused some very progressive legislation to be brought up for debate and while I do like that some of it has passed it is far weaker than I had hoped for.

    Let me say that I am a 50 yr old white male and straight. I spent several years in the military and served with many fine officers there that some of knew were homosexual.

    This latest conflict with reason over DADT and this administrations tentative (By the accounts of Robert Gibbs) appeay to the federal court ruling is simply an echo of many of the faults I see in Mr Obamas strengths.

    My favorite Journalist and probably the most fair of all of the talking heads Rachael Maddo about fully summed it up last night when she basically told the President to "Shit or get off of the pot".

    This has been his theme all along from the debate of health care to DADT. I would love to see how Harry Truman, LBJ, JFK or any other of the influential Dems of the last century would have handled passing on blackmailed appeasements to his own party members to pass a bill when they were in control of the House and Senate. You and I both know he would have told them where party loyalties lie and if they wanted to keep their job the DAMN well better vote with the White House.

    Is this good government? Probably not the best but at least it was strong Presidential leadership.

    Today I found this comment on a Gay Teen Blog:

    MTV asks for "Light" questions for Presidential interview.

    I find it abhorrent that MTV and the other organizations sponsoring today's 4 PM ET Teen Town Hall would want "Light Questions".

    No wonder all too many Dems are distancing themselves from the accomplishment of the last couple of years. They have been achieved through weakness rather than strength.

    I will support my President because he is my leader until someone comes along more in line with the strengths America embodies.

  22. phoebes in santa fe1:21 PM

    Great article. I think he's doing a great job. Is he perfect? No, but he's damn good. I had buttons made up, "Obama 2012" that I wear every now and again.

  23. Wow. You now have fan for life. I just found your blog, and have been liking it, but this blog makes me LOVE it and you for saying this.
    Thanks for taking the time to put this out there.

  24. I have just discovered your blog and find it very refreshing. I, for one, often wonder if people really are willing to admit what this man has achieved in just 2 years. The President is doing nicely,given the anti-everything, the NO party, the restraints, the slime, the viciousness,the spin and the propaganda.
    P.S Do keep up the substance on this blog.

  25. Anne In DC10:39 PM

    Gryphen, you have summed up exactly my point of view on this issue. While I don't agree with everything this administration has done (they need to just go ahead and repeal DADT, and there is no need to try bipartisanship with a party that won't cooperate), on balance, I am happy with this president.

    Those of us who voted for him need to keep in mind that every election is important. The more people in Congress to support his agenda, the less power the Party of No will have to take us back to a place we don't need to go. See, the GOP is counting on short memories and the American penchant for instant gratification, even when it comes to economic solutions. Those are what they hope will help to return control of Congress to them. They have used wedge issues like guns and abortion, as well as illegal immigration, to stir up fear and even further divide Americans. These things have nothing to do with economic well-being. They also count on the jingoism among some of us that prompts jingoists to complacently brag about us being #1 in the world, as other countries outperform us in terms of quality of life issues like health care, education, and protection from the predatory practices of some Wall Street institutions. Voting for people like Angle, Miller, Rand Paul, or O'Donnell is suicidal and will slow if not halt the progress this president has made.


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