Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sarah Palin has a short, and selective, memory.

Sister Sarah prodded her indentured servant Facebook writer to post the following in response to news that local radio jerkwad, and Joe Miller supporter, Dan "Are you going to finish that dessert" Fagan had been taken off of the air because of complaints that he was engaging in election fraud :

Individuals like Dan Fagan have a fundamental right to speak their minds without threats from the incumbent Senator from Alaska. It is hard to find a constitutional right Americans cherish more than the right to free speech. This was a right Joe Miller, as a decorated combat veteran – a tank commander tested in battle, was willing to die to defend. Dan Fagan has not always agreed with me, but I will gladly defend his right to speak freely on his radio show, which he has often used to criticize me. In fact, Fagan has actually used his radio show to attack and insult me, my husband, my children, and my family in just about every way possible. He was especially insulting to my son, who left for a war zone to defend Fagan’s right to attack our family. But when I was his governor, I never would have dreamed of threatening his right to free speech. I support him in this fight because this D.C. Beltway thuggery, as exemplified by Lisa Murkowski’s latest threat, is ruining our country. The powers that be want ordinary Americans to sit down and shut up and let the ruling class ride us right off the debt cliff we’re heading towards with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid steering the nation’s car. We can’t let them. Now is the time to put aside our past differences and stand up to the establishment powers.

Okay well encouraging people to fraudulently attempt to cause mayhem at polling places in order to benefit your candidate may not exactly fall under the protection of the First Amendment, but I do agree with Palin that people's right to free speech MUST be protected!

However unlike Palin I also believed that back in December of 2009, when she had ME and my friend  Dennis Zaki ejected from an "open to the public" book signing by the Wasilla police.

The woman who once called on the press to "quit makin' things up" took it a step further yesterday by allegedly banning four members of the media from a book event in Wasilla, Alaska.

So let me see if I have this clear.  Free speech is protected when it might keep a radio host who supports your candidate from being suspended, but not when it means that bloggers and news people who have been critical of you might ask you an embarrassing question in front of your fans Ms. Palin?

You know the Constitution is not a spigot you can turn on and off at will.  Either it protects free speech or it doesn't.  

Hypocrisy thy name is Palin!


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Sarah's an ass and a festering canker sore on the GOP and Tea Party. Everything she touches ultimately rots.

    If the L48 adores her so much, why doesn't she move there? Leave us alone, Sarah. Alaskans are sick of you.

  2. Why the victim libs?2:17 AM

    Aw poor gryphen. Sledges the victim. Why do all libs play this stance? Why can't you be happy with what you've got? I can tell you one thing. Sarah spends no time and energy thinking about you. She has a life. And a good one at that.

  3. Not to mention, this paragon of 'free speech' on Facebook not only deleted the three comments I left on her FB page, but also has now blocked me, so I can't leave any more.

    Maybe she's shut me down, because her dreams are much more vivid and imaginative now.....

  4. Sarah "Death Panel" Palin, is in the "PINK ZONE" now!

    Refusing to speak to the "American Free Press" is not the way "anyone" will EVER win any Federal American Elections!

    To cite John Dewey:

    ‘Talk of democracy has little content when big business rules the life of the country through its control of the means of production, exchange, the press and other means of publicity, propaganda and communication’.

    VOTE DEMOCRAT for Democracy and REAL American Freedoms!

  5. Ugh. Isn't this the same person who suggested NPR should be "defunded" because they fired Juan Williams? What a hypocrite!

  6. angela4:06 AM

    Wtvl 2:17. Is that you Todd?
    I believe Todd "get a life" Palin might be in the house. But its probably just some mini-him wanna be. But who would want to be poor Todd?

    Interestingly enough Sarah thinks about Gryphen and other bloggers--a lot. She's fairly obsessed. The bloggers are who Sarah considers the MSM because she knows the big news media isn't doing their job. She now needs two blackberries to keep up. They are who drives her mad when she's counting her money. They are the ones she listens to when they remind her that hair looks crazy, she's too drugged up or she's propped up poor Trig too much.

    Sarah has money--but not a good life. Too many secrets. She has a house of cards and a whole lot more to lose than she had a year ago. But slow and steady wins the race Wtvl 2:17. Sarah is a hypocrite.
    A huge hypocrite. But everyone knows that, and fakebook posts from Becky are not going to change that.

  7. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Tank commander?

    That's not what I got from his military records, but maybe I am wrong. Doesn't that mean he was driving the tank?

    And do we still not know whether or not he got the Bronze for actual combat or just a general award received by all of his unit?


  8. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Is this the same woman who wanted Letterman canned?

  9. Anonymous5:28 AM

    What Sarah doesn't get, despite her being a self-proclaimed Commonsense Constitutional Conservative,is that the First Amendment protects citizens and the media against any effort by the GOVERNMENT to suppress our free speech.

    It has absolutely NOTHING to do with one individual (or employer) calling out another individual for sounding like a flaming a*hole.

    If Fagan's station pulls him off the air it is perfectly within their right. Let him file a grievance. If Juan Williams behavior runs contrary to NPR's code of conduct, it's their right to drop him.

    The protections of First Amendment have nothing to do with these kinds of examples. Sarah Palin is a willfully ignorant, childish, petulant attention whore.

    And most everybody is catching on.

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Joe Miller was willing to die to protect Alaska Dispatch's right to transparency with candidates hiding a shady military and work history?

    Is that why he had his militiamen execute false arrest and imprisonment on Mr. Hopfinger?

    You are too stupid to speak or twit/FB/give $100,000 speeches.

  11. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Hey! She stole Obama's car-cliff metaphor! Sarah, get your own freaking metaphors. Stop stealing from the president, bitch.

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Is this the same woman who wanted Ram Emmanual fired for saying retarded? When is someone going to take away her twitter and FB accounts and tell her to find a frickin' hobby? She is ruining any shred of credibility she's ever had and is becoming the queen of the political cartoon characters.

  13. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sarah must really be jealous of Lisa.

  14. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah loves quotes, but she needs to get them right. The hobgoblin of little minds is not ALL consistency, Sarah! Non-foolish consistency is a good thing.

    Your posts about Miller and Fagan do show a consistency, though, Gryphen. She can't speak (or have RM write) in favor of anyone without digging in the knife simultaneously: calling Miller a "lost cause;" listing every slight by Fagan against her that she can think of.

    "Why the victim?" indeed. -B

  15. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I'm still waiting for Sarah to defend Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas for posting a cruelly insensitive Facebook rant on wearing purple to show support for bullied children and stem the tide of teen suicide.

    Unlike Juan Williams, Eddie Burke, Dan Fagan, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Minnery, Bill O'Rielly, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Jerry Prevo, KBFX-FM DJ's Woody and Wilcox, Joe Miller, that F&G chairman that joked about Native attendee's making beer runs, this man seems to appreciate the horror of his remarks.

    Not just because he's suffered backlash, but because he's finally looked in the mirror at the cruel words being thrown at him and how it must feel to vulnerable, social outcasts. Maybe. Or he's just shaken to the core at how this episode has shown him to be perceived. This is a daunting hurdle to overcome.

    I wish Mr. McCance some peace and personal growth along with his sense of responsibility for all people he ostensibly serves as an elected official.

    If only the individuals listed above were capable of such introspection.

    Oh, and not only should Sarah SDSFU, she can sit on something sharp. Only, it would have to compete with her bony ass.

  16. Virginia Voter6:18 AM

    Why the victim apparently has selective memory just like Sarah and the rest of her panty sniffing army of morons.

    Becky MANsour deletes every negative comment on facebook, for her and Bristol. I left a message on Bristol's wall about donating her speaking fees to charity, and it was deleted within minutes, and I too am blocked from further comments.

    Forget this?

    Sarah is only about free speech when it applies to her...BTW, what about the "combat vet" delinquent son of hers? I'd like to see his military records.

  17. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Anon @ 4:26 am: Excellent point!

    Also, this blog post should have come with a warning not to be sipping your coffee when you read it. :)

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Oh, silly Why the Victim...: "I can tell you one thing. Sarah spends no time and energy thinking about you. She has a life. And a good one at that."

    She spends mucho time thinking about G. The life you say she has? It's devoted to thinking about people like G and Palingates and Andrew Sullivan and all other SANE people who reveal her lies every day. When your life is one big cover story, you have to think about truth tellers every day. Melly

  19. pursang7:17 AM

    To have all the money that Palin has, well it's come at a price. She is so filled with bile and venom that he life revolves solely around screeching at her foes 24/7.

    That isn't a good life unless your only measure of value is money and you're willing to do anything and everything to get it. She can't even enjoy nature without it being about what monetary gain it can provide her and that includes the destruction of it as well. "Gee I love this beautiful lake but if I allow this mining company to ruin it forever I stand to gain a million dollars, well let's ruin it then"!!. That's her thinking, everything for money.

    I would feel sorry for her and her family if it wasn't for the fact she's attempting a coup against my country. She represents a small group of small minded people yet is using the media to fuel a coup. It isn't a coup with guns and troops (yet) but with words, thoughts, and the ever present spectre of fear.

    Of it all the fact that she uses the military as a shield is what offends me the most. I spent 23 years in the military protecting the true values of this country. Mrs. Palin, what have you done for the country other than make yourself rich and taken step after step to turn this country into a theocracy? And please, don't tell you bore a battle tested veteran in Track Palin. I don't know what that young man did in the military but it was his contribution and not yours. So don't co-op his contribution to promote your own agenda.

    Sorry for the length of this post, I'm just so tired of Palin's act and yearn for the day when she's no longer relevant.

  20. laprofesora7:18 AM

    If the 'bots were capable of critical thinking, they would see how obvious the discrepancies are between their idolized version of $P and the deeply flawed, ignorant, hypocritical, uneducated and mean girl $P really is. It's sad, really, because it's staring them in the face but they refuse to see it. Soon enough reality will hit hard.

  21. Molly7:20 AM

    Did I miss something? What did Dan Fagan say about Track Palin that Sarah didn't like?

  22. "... Joe Miller, as a decorated combat veteran – a tank commander tested in battle, was willing to die to defend.

    Really? Keep talking, we're learning more about him from you than we learn from him.

    You mean his willing before he Quit...remember?

  23. yukonark7:41 AM

    "are you going to finish that dessert?" Best line of the post, Gryphen!

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    She has a selective memory- and sometimes she just makes shit up.

    On Fox News Sunday- she said and she'd better be ready to back this up..because she claims to have a tape- And Breitbart is mentioned in this- so it must be true.

    "PALIN: I am saying, and we have it on tape, that CBS reporters of -- in the affiliate up there in Alaska, on tape, are saying let's find a child molester in the crowd as supporter of Joe Miller, let's blast that. Let's concoct a Ron Paul moment there. Let's find any kind of chaos so that we can tweet an alert saying, "Ooh, there's chaos. Joe miller got punched." That's sick. Those are corrupt bastards, Chris. That's what is wrong with the media today, when they have their chosen one, and nine times out of ten -- heck ten times out of ten in the liberal media, it's going to be the liberal as the chosen one. "

    This is Sarah- flailing to save her sinking Miller boat.

    Got flotation device also too?

  25. As soon as I heard about this silly prank, I remembered that Rush Limbaugh called for a similar prank during the 2008 primaries which he called "Operation Chaos".

    According to news reports at that time, some Limbaugh fans were in danger of violating state laws because Limbaugh failed to check whether his prank was even legal in all states.

    I doubt that Sarah, Rush, or Dan Fagan cares if people are fined or jailed for election tampering.

    The people who march off a cliff like lemmings whenever a politician or radio host tells them to do something ridiculous deserve a dose of reality.

  26. Anonymous9:42 AM

    @ 7:47, they aired the voice mail and to me, the voice sounds like Scarahs voice. That's just me, just sayin.....

  27. It's a little late.

    All of those people Fagan encouraged to run as write in candidates are already registered as write in candidates and will be on the write in list.

  28. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Too 2:09A.M.

    so is the l 48, believe me. Not all think of her as even a reliable human..let alone someone anynwhere close to the White H. So Sarah, please go some where else.....try the Alaska outback. Get lost..fall into an ice crevice,become grizzly food.

  29. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Angela @4:06 LOVE LOVE your remarks.....

  30. "He was especially insulting to my son, who left for a war zone to defend Fagan’s right to attack our family."

    Does anyone know what she's referring too here? I don't recall ever hearing about criticism directed at young Track Curtis Junior Menard.

    Gryphen? Anyone?

  31. I heard that some of the people filing for write in used fake names, and they are going through the lists to get those out. Seems to me, that would be illegal (?) and certainly amounts to election tampering. As for Fagan, he's a long time woman hating fool.

  32. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Dear Why the victim: Again, an overpaid associate of a PR firm paid to write positive things about the Quitter Queen. If you were a real critic, you would know that there is no bigger PROFESSIONAL VICTIM than Palin, and that she logs on hourly to this blog to see what is said about her and then changes her behavior accordingly.

    Ms. Palin, consider hiring some other firm.

  33. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Dear Why the victim: Again, an overpaid associate of a PR firm paid to write positive things about the Quitter Queen. If you were a real critic, you would know that there is no bigger PROFESSIONAL VICTIM than Palin, and that she logs on hourly to this blog to see what is said about her and then changes her behavior accordingly.

    Ms. Palin, consider hiring some other firm.

  34. Anonymous7:03 PM

    What should we call you Van Fleabags threat to sue Shannyn Moore? Oh that's right, free speech is only something YOU have the right to. psssssHHHHHH!

  35. JenniferinVA7:19 PM

    OK, can we just get this straight one more time: Track Palin did not go to Iraq to secure Dan Fagan's right to be an asshole. Sarah thinks she's being so generous and selfless when she says that the thousands and millions of insults her poor family endured` are nothing compared to Fagan's God-given right to say them and that oh yeah, Track provided him that right.
    Every single soldier in Iraq is/was there for many, many reasons - defending free speech in America isn't one of them.
    She does this shit all the time. When she gets heckled she'll say "You can thank my son for your right to say that."
    Someone in her inner circle needs to tell her that she sounds like an uneducated twit everytime she says that.
    She is shameless. And colossally stupid.

  36. "Hypocrisy thy name is Palin!"

    Joe Miller has been trying to usurp that title, and it's one race he might be able to win. Don't be too confident, Gryph.

  37. Does anyone else wish that Sarah had gone off to war and Track bragged about it?


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