Friday, October 29, 2010

Sarah Palin's Facebook page hacked.

From the Daily Beast:

The vertical message that ran down the left side on Glenn Beck's Facebook page the night of October 14 read clear as that evening's sky: "K-E-E-P F-E-A-R A-L-I-V-E." It was a reference to Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive, a gathering organized in faux-competition with this weekend’s Rally to Restore Sanity, headlined by Jon Stewart.

Minutes after the first message appeared, the same letters, in the same order, began turning up on the fan pages of FOX News', Sarah Palin, and hilariously, Justin Bieber. Each letter was displayed in the space where a profile picture would normally be, next to a posted comment. As each Facebook user posted their comments in the right order, the message came to life.

Seeing the unauthorized messages pop up on their feeds, the page administrators began furiously scrubbing the pages. Palin's message lasted almost an hour. Beck's was gone in just one minute.

You know I am not usually a fan of sabotage or hacking people's webpages, but I have to admit THAT is pretty funny!  I think it is especially funny that the professionals working on Beck's page handled the problem in minutes, where as Palin's bunch of amateurs took the better part of an hour.


  1. angela5:03 AM

    . . . . . . snigger

  2. Franci5:17 AM

    I don't think the sites were "hacked" in the sense that someone fraudulently accessed the sites. I believe they just posted comments from fake names in a particular order to have the profile letters show up as they did. Very clever, but not malicious or even illegal if it was done the way I suspect. Though, I'm sure Facebook deleted the fake memberships immediately.

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    fwiw, that wasn't a hack in the computer-hacker sense of the word - nobody bypassed any passwords, compromised any security, or did anything even slightly wrong or illegal.

    This was a "hack" in the wonderful MIT-style prankster sense of the word - clever, harmless, and with the result of making lots of people smile until the blustering, scrambling establishment managed to take it down. Bravo!

  4. Facebook Lurker5:27 AM

    Here's Bristol talking about who she's an athlete who's never "not been in shape". WhaaaaaT?

    Priceless when the interviewer asks about what she's hiding under the costume:

  5. 10catsinMD5:36 AM


    Where is everyone meeting for the march tomorrow? I will be coming down on Metro. They often close the Smithsonian station for large gatherings on the mall.

  6. kejia5:38 AM

    how long did it stay on bieber's page? :)

  7. this is hilarious ;)

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:53 AM

    Wonderful. Bet Countess Grifter almost had a cow when she was informed by her peons. Just shows that the majority of the public has had enough of these fearmongering corporate shills and get the irony of half of the rally's theme. Howz about something simpler and easier for the ignorant Palin and Beckbots to understand next time, like S-A-R-A-H / G-L-E-N-N Y-O-U S-U-C-K ?

  9. Anonymous6:02 AM

    oh noez! not the Beeeeeeebs! poor kid

    - kellygrrrl

  10. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Keeping Fear Alive is what keeps Sarah relevant.

    She's gotta shake her money maker.

  11. Anonymous6:11 AM

    You mean RAM's facebook page, don't you?

    Snigger more...

  12. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I agree with other posters--'hacked' is not the right word for this. No one had to access private info--all they had to do was sign up to the site and create a letter avatar. It took some clever coordination, but it was not hacking.

  13. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Oh, god, the little brat is probably going to make a HUGE deal about this and insist she get even more security, now.

  14. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Almost an hour LOL!

    Well Quitter Spice also took a whole morning to make up a Facebook post for Joe the Dumber.

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I agree with several others here... it wasn't hacked. Each user changed their profile photo to a letter -- and quite smartly posted a note on her wall. Very clever, indeed!

    Bravo, to whomever you guys are that pulled this off! Cos you didn't nothing illegal!!! Bwaaahahahahaa!

    Screw you, Sarah!!

  16. GrainneKathleen7:08 AM

    brilliant!!! we know they have no hope at the sanity part.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Bahahahaha! That's okay: Palin has been hacking away at America like some made tyrant since she arrived on the political scene.

  18. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Better sharpen the pitchforks ... someone "hacked" Palin again lol

  19. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I wonder who's going to jail over this?

  20. emrysa7:42 AM

    rofl!!! PERFECT! wow if I knew that person I would have to buy them some beers.

  21. Anonymous8:09 AM

    OMG that was brilliant...just e-mailed that picture to everyone I know...

  22. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Bought my fare cards for tomorrow! Met a couple from Boston and two guys from Denmark in town for the Rally! The Metro will be opening at 6am tomorrow. I am optimistically planning on getting downtown at 10:45. Anyone want to meet up at the American Indian Museum entrance at 11?

  23. imnofred8:42 AM

    I'm sure Palin will blame liberals, maybe even Barack Obama.

  24. Not hacking in any sense of the word, but very, very well coordinated Facebook posting. Fortunately for us, WGE can't attract these types to her campaign. They are the exact opposite off the thugs and bullies hired by her and her tea bagger devotees.

  25. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Anyone planning to meet up for the Rally tomorrow? It's a bit windy and cool in DC today, so dress in layers

  26. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The "mock comments" are the funniest part;

    you rock!
    Sarah for Pres.
    sarah palin 4 life!
    You know what's cool...Sarah Palin!
    You are like mom to the country

  27. Buffalo, NY9:38 AM

    My God, are you kidding me with that Youtube video ! Didn't Bristol look in a mirror before she went out on stage ? She looks like a clown with all that make-up on. Did they use a trowel to apply it !

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I see the one comment you are America's mom....

    Holy crap... my mom wasn't great but damn she was a better mother than Scerror.... we were married before we had kids! we did not do drugs.....we never were involved in acts of vandalism

    This is funnier than hell!!!

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Nothing about this was a "hack". It was simply people working together and changing their own pictures then posting on her site.

  30. I didn't know Levy had such mad skills...

  31. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Oh sure, get all outraged about some little lib getting curb-stomped by a patriot, but no sympathy for Sarah being virtually violated.

  32. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Oh Good Grief! What those lib marxists did is very much illegal. They violated the interFACEBOOK Terms of Conditions (TOC) while flaunting their Sacred intergoogle privileges. Worse, they exposed a weakness in intergoogle security that blood thirsty muslim-banditos are sure to notice and attempt to march right through carrying explosive-laden packages on donkey trains and so forth. This was not a "cute MIT stunt" but an effort by an undisciplined mob of elitists to undermine the sanctity of the 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights embodied in our Jeffersonian Constitutionalist Constitution, and to sew the seeds of communist-inspired anarchy especially that part of the intergoogles frequented by xGov Mother xMama Griz Sarah Palin!

    In short, it was a Venezuelan-like stunt we might expect from Jugo Chavez or one of his assassins.

    Shame on them and shame on you!
    Award Winning interblogger
    (numerous sanctions, numerous categories, numerous years)

  33. If if the idiot would use a password other than Maverick2012 it wouldn't be so easy to sign in under her name. America is in the middle of an anti-intellectual movement and she is the poster child of those lacking intellect. Stupid biatch.

  34. Anonymous2:24 AM

    You are joking surely. Hacked?! I think you need to do some reading...


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