Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Court case over Miller records has been expedited. Could be resolved as early as this weekend.

When is the court case?
From Alaska Dispatch:

Joe Miller has been added as an intervenor in a court case filed by Alaska media outlets seeking documents related to his employment as an attorney with the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

In hearings Tuesday in Fairbanks, attorneys for Alaska Dispatch, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and the Anchorage Daily News asked for expedited consideration of Alaska Dispatch LLC et al v. Fairbanks North Star Borough so the issue can be resolved prior to Election Day, Nov. 2.

Attorneys for Miller opposed the request, arguing that errors could be made and Miller's rights could be violated if the process is rushed through the court system. Judge Douglas Blankenship agreed to hear the case on an expedited basis, however, and scheduled a special hearing for Saturday, meaning some or all of the case issues could be resolved as early as this weekend.

Now THAT is some very good news!

Well geez I wonder what Sarah Palin will do if she needs any legal help while her attorney is busy desperately trying to keep Teabagger Joe's damaging employment records from being opened to public scrutiny?


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Lolly Symbol was just on the Ed Show (last few minutes). Has completely changed her story to where now reporter was in the wrong, and Joe is still her man.

  2. DebinWI3:39 PM

    Yeah, Lolly said on her Facebook that Joe Miller himself called her. I didn't see the show, but have it recorded. Wouldn't this be witness tampering? I hope someone can screen shot Facebook because if her story changed AFTER she spoke to Joe 16 hours ago, then that's exactly what it was.

  3. Virginia Voter3:44 PM

    The Republican party needs to salvage any credibility it has left and tell Joe to pull a Scozzafava. This is getting more embarrassing and outrageous by the hour. There is the revelation of Joe's potential tax scandal looming...

  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Anon @ 3:02 PM:

    Yeah if you check her FB page - Joe called her today.

    She's one of those bitter gun-clingers.

    Actual quote: "When your enemies hurt you, pray for them!
    Me and my kids prayed for Joe tonight and lookie there, it worked!"

    So. Um. Hey dingbat! What worked? Oh that he called you personally? Your 'enemy', as you say?

    Asshats Unite!

    The teatards were all over her all day. Whatever. Her boy is going down HARD!

    Borough scandal
    Tax scandal
    Goon scandal
    Now if we can just get his disability revealed...

  5. London Bridges4:16 PM

    The assault thing is actually working well for Joe. No one is asking about his military service or military disability pension. Didn't someone ask him on /sunday about his military record and why he left abruptly?

    Is he off the hook for this now?

  6. "Now if we can just get his disability revealed..."

    Isn't it obvious!? -:)

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

    THANK YOU Judge Blankenship for not being afraid of the Palin mafia and the AK militia!

    Be careful Judge - ask Judge Christianson about needing extra security when the bots found out she would NOT seal the custody/support case of Levi and Bristol.

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Lolly Symbol I hope you really take the Jesus thingy seriously because Jesus really frowns on lying.

  9. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This "lawyer" should be disbarred. He is one shady, sleazy character. I have a feeling we've just scratched the surface of the skeletons in his closet.

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    What are the chances that Mrs.Palin is involved in any way in this idiot's financial debacle? If her name comes up, you can bet Tard will be knockin' on someone's door with a shotgun.

  11. Bear Woman5:13 PM

    Don't get too happy over Judge Blankenship..... He was deputy AG under Charlie Cole during the last Hickel governorship.

    Charlie Cole is a staunch Republican and had the ear of Murkowski and Palin. Murkowski appointed Blankenship to the judgeship in 2006.

  12. Anonymous5:45 PM

    It's not Blankenship--it's Burbank. Miller substituted against Blankenship. Any intelligence on Burbank?

  13. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Fuck Palin. Period.

  14. Anonymous6:14 PM

    If you have not heard, ABC will keep Palin 2 on for another week. She was 'safe'.

    This show is rigged.

  15. Anonymous6:14 PM


    Info on upcoming court case

    Don't forget to read the comments also.

  16. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Joe Miller "“I’m probably the most disclosed candidate in Alaskan history,” Miller said."

    Here is hoping for some more disclosure.

    It took you a long time to finally admit that you were fooling around with computers not apparently belonging to or normally operated by you.

    There must be something there- otherwise the denial and spinning about this would not be so continuous. Having your father offer 'explanations' kinda priceless. Did you bring a note to show us also too?

    By some accounts the caches were cleared- maybe a twinge of regret there? Or just being efficient in covering your tracks?

    Sometimes that can be a decision that is ill advised- destruction of evidence? But IOKIYAR. New acronym? IOKIYATB?

    I want to know if you offered the 'it was on my lunch break excuse' when the Borough was investigating.
    It will be in the records if you did- the records you don't want released.

    That seems to be a curious excuse-
    for a part time attorney.

  17. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Florence Henderson ROCKS .... she may not have had hundreds of Palin bots voting for her, but anyone watching the DWS drama KNOWS that she out danced the monkey! And Florence was in her seventies!

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Are Joe's and Sarah's fathers related? They both seem to have a problem with disclosure... Sarah basically cut Chuck off; will Joe distance his father too?

  19. Anonymous7:43 PM

    America is all fucked up right now. We are at a low point and better get a jolt and get out of this funk. Bush put us in it and we can't get out. Amazing what one asshole can do to the world. We are letting the Palin clan now bring the U.S. to it's knees.

  20. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Anon @ 7:43PM:


    OT: Is the entire right-wing becoming unhinged?!?!

    Just read about Clarence Thomas' wife 'reaching out' to Anita Hill for a belated apology.

    Holy fuck. You can't make this shit up.

    Hahahaha. Priceless.

  21. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Thomas' wife is a tea party crack pot. She claimed to be extending an olive branch by asking Anita Hill come to terms with what she did to her husband and apologize for it. I guess in tea party logic, extending an olive branch means that you admit you're wrong and I will agree.

    Anita Hill did the right thing. Rather than engaging with this irrational woman, she alerted public safety officials at the University, who then contacted the FBI and provided them with a copy of the voice mail. Ms. Hill has always been a class act.

  22. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Who thinks this will be a fair hearing? This is where PArnell flips the people of Alaska off. The judge will back the TP Express, not the rights of theo people and the press will be set back in what they can and cannot ask. Count on it, and if Parnell gets reelected which he will, it will get worse. The Republicans are wanting this.

  23. Ted Powell9:32 PM

    "Just read about Clarence Thomas' wife 'reaching out' to Anita Hill for a belated apology."


    "ABC News reported that Thomas left a voice mail earlier this month seeking an apology from Hill, now a professor at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts."

    That's an apology FROM Hill, not the other way around.

  24. Anonymous10:46 PM

    A very interesting first hand account of something else that happened at the Sunday Town Hall meeting at Central Middle School.

    This is bizarre even for Joe Miller.

    And everyone that was recording the town hall probably has it.

    "Sen. Fred Dyson introduced Joe Miller to the audience. As part of the introduction, Dyson said he knew the Joe Miller was a great guy because he was married to Hugh "Bud" Fate's daughter."

    Except Joe Miller IS NOT married to Hugh Fate's Daughter. At least according to Hugh Fate.

    It is all at What Do I Know?

    There is no wiggle room here for Joe. WTF?

  25. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Breaking!..Does Miller have a tax problem?


  26. Anonymous4:07 AM

    When I heard allegations that Joe used borough equipment for personal business I imagined he swiped a front-end loader to clear his driveway. But using an office computer on his lunch hour? Penny-ante crap that everyone does, who cares. Gonna take more than that to bring this sleezeball down.

  27. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Joe's been a busy boy today, or his lawyers have. Not only has he filed a lawsuit over PAC funding for Murkowski, but now he wants the borough of Fairbanks to pay his legal bills for the lawsuit over disclosing his records!



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