Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Uh oh! It looks like somebody is about to get a poorly spelled, yet vaguely threatening e-mail from Todd Palin!

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

Sen. John McCain is calling Sarah Palin an "outstanding candidate" for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, but says it's too early to endorse her.

McCain told CBS's "The Early Show" Tuesday that "I don't think Sarah would want me to, before she's even able to make a decision" about running. (Oh yes she would! Who is this old fart trying to fool?)

Too late Dr. Frankenstein!  You created the monster and now you are forever tied to the monster.

Damn!  McCain has done such a complete 180 I am surprised his seventy four year old back did not snap under the strain!  I wonder if when he looks in the mirror he hates himself as much as many of his constituents in Arizona have come to hate him?

But of all of the slimy, underhanded things that John McCain has done in his political career, inflicting Sarah Palin on the voters of America will be the one that will forever damn him the most.


  1. Virginia Voter12:09 PM

    F crusty old John McCain...may he die a slow, painful death (not prematurely, of course) for cursing this country with the scourge of Sarah Palin

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Gryphen wrote: "inflicting Sarah Palin on the voters of America will be the one that will forever damn him the most." Well said, and I agree completely. His punishment will be that she will forever overshadow his public service career. History will not be kind to those two (if they even rate a mention).

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    McCain's shameless pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate will be in the first paragraph of his obituary, along with U.S. Senator and POW. He had a pretty sparkling reputation (at least the media thought so) before that. But he has forever tainted his legacy irreperably by that jack ass, cynical move.

    As it should be.

  4. OMG! This headline made me laugh out loud. Nice work.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    The Monster has now become the Master. Suck it, McCain!

    Did you read the Vanity Fair article about McCain. It is sooo freakin true. McCain is all about McCain. He doesn't give a sh*t about this country.

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Yes, with elections next week, it certainly is "way too early" to endorse the noxious grifter!

    That's the way you do it- a lesson from a slippery career politician to a know-it-all like teabagger Joe.

    The Queen of mean won't take it too personally- she dispatched Ted Stevens in much the same way.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    McCain may retain his pathetic Senate seat, but the scarlet letters of SP will forever brand his cryptic and irresponsible decision in 2008 forever. Erasing his carefully orchestrated narrative (as careful as Sarah's) but exposed in McCain's Folly that is Sarah Palin and her brand of politics and the Rolling Stone hit piece from earlier this month.

    Sorry for the word salad. Been reading a lot of Tea Party emails today.


  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Gryphen, put yourself in his shoe's, sometimes its' just the punctuation thats' off a bit off.

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Love the title of the post, and your prediction.

    He damned himself.

    However, least we forget, his real first choice was Lie-berman, emphasis on the lie (yes, I know it's not pronounced like that but I feel it expresses his character).

    Gosh, two for two - both losers, both unfit, both creepy. I never understood how Lieberman got on the ticket with Gore. I sometimes wonder if good old Joe L. didn't lie his way in there as well.

    All in all, McCain's entire career has been a lie - since having his dad and granddad get him into officer training and covering his ass when he got in trouble and graduated at the bottom of his class, then crashing numerous planes. Made me wonder if that's how he really came to be a POW - his own ineptness.

    Anyway, he's toast, burnt toast, as far as history goes. Hope he doesn't believe he has any honor or legacy worth remembering 'cause Palin has turned it into dust.

  10. Anonymous1:15 PM

    He won't endorse her until he knows for sure she is getting the Rep. nomimation, and if that happens, he will take all the credit.

    John and Sarah really are two peas in a pod, aren't they now?

    If the definition of a maverick is: self-serving, egotistical, two-faced liar...then they are mavericks to the core!

  11. Randall1:15 PM

    Sometimes I agree with crusty old McCain...

    for example; when he says he finds it amusing when the media attacks Sarah.

    I, too, find that most amusing.

  12. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I'm looking forward to the day in the far future when visit Arlington Cemetery (where I presume the Senator will someday rest-in-peace) (if that is possible).

    I'll have a little sign to lay at the grave:

    Here lies the SOB who elevated Sarah Palin from obscurity, at our country's great expense.

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Tail wagging the dog---perfect example.
    Rabid as well.

  14. Alaska Dave1:26 PM

    Sarah sure has spent a lot of time away from AK, I hope someone has been counting the days and thinking PFD.

  15. Anonymous1:30 PM

    John .... dry up and just blow away with the tumbleweeds.

    After picking Sarah you are not part of the human race any more.. you are a lizard with forked tongue

  16. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I sense a lot of "angry sex" tonight at the Palin residence...

  17. Anonymous1:42 PM

    If it took Sarah all morning to write something on Facebook (LOL), then Toad will be tied up all day writing emails to McCain and now her BFF TWIN Carl Paladino


    I'm seeking medical attention for 'shock' in that I am agreeing with Carl on something!! Carl trashed Sarah, McCain, Newt, Gov Christie. WOW!

    I'd love to be the fly on the wall if Paladino and Toad ever met in person!! Who's the 'meaner' mean boy? LOL But then, Toad would send Sarah in to do his work as he hides behind her skirts. He's in it for the free $$ ride.

  18. Anonymous1:44 PM


    During the last couple of days, Maria Shriver (1st lady of California) has been hosting this HUGE gathering of women from all over the world to discuss, argue, plan, and decide some issues that effect both women and men in the environment we find ourselves.. The issues being covered are all over the board and a TON of people have attended and spoken.

    WHY isn't your ex-semi-guv here?? HA!

    Just odd she wouldn't try to use a forum like this to actually interact with people that share opinions with her and one's that don't. Kinda would be good to see a real world example of what others ere struggling with around the world..!!


  19. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Go die of cancer already you f ing loser McCain. Pathetic excuse for a human.

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Didn't you get the tweet, McShame, $arah "George Washington" Palin is waiting for the citizens of these United States to call her into service, so please, endorse away!

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    12:18, I disagree in part. What's worse, is that after the election, when the ugliness of Palin's national presence is apparent to all but the most determinedly blind, he refuses to admit his error, and instead, continues to praise her.

    Unless he's just waiting until after Nov 2 when the votes of her blind followers are safely in his grasp.

  22. Anonymous2:00 PM

    12:36 Another great McCain article is in Rolling Stone titled "Make Believe Maverick."

  23. Enjay in E MT2:09 PM

    he did say "Candidate" not President and "Entertaining"

    Thanks John - for bringing such an "entertaining" wing-nut to the steps of White House. We really appreciate your sacrifice and honor while spewing "country first" when you added Palin to your ticket.

    Am just wondering John - have you already decide to be buried in Arlington? Just want to know where to deliver my personal gratitude for SP

  24. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Why was McCain's pick of Palin a stupid pick? Here's a quote from


    If you’re running on “the country’s security is too important to be run by neophytes,” you can’t have one as next in line.

    McCain torpedo'd himself. He destroyed nearly the only plausible reason why he deserved the presidency. And now McCain is determined to destroy any hope of a "legacy". He cannot cling to Palin without expecting the scorn of history.

    Do yourself a favor, John, and "man up".

  25. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The cynical Palin pick in '08 was good in one way at least: it helped shed his pseudo-patriot facade and reveal his true colors to America. I'm glad he's stuck with the association as long as she remains in any spotlight, though. Suck on it, McCain.

  26. Anonymous4:17 PM

    John "get off my lawn" McCain has lost all credibility, so anything he says is clearly seen as a total lie. When he was recently asked about repealing DADT, he argued and interrupted the interviewers like a condescending crabby old fart, just repeating the same words, and not even discussing the topic.

    His ridiculous, out-of-touch views and statements will create an even wider wedge between he and Meghan, who becomes more vocal every time her dad says stupid stuff she disagrees with, highlighting his hypocricy even more.

  27. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The second most slimy thing was ordering the US attorney from New York to hijack ALASKAN SOVERIEGNTY in taking over its judicial ethics investigation of Sarah Palin, remanding it to the oh-so-compliant Personnel Board.

    Didn't seen to bother the AIP, or the Republican Party, one whit


  28. Anonymous4:32 PM

    If it hadn't been McCain, it would have been someone else. Sarah has had the ambition for a long time, the AIP was backing her, and she was already snowing certain "journalists." She would have found a way without McCain although he certainly gave her a big boost. The theory about AIP infiltrating government seems valid to me; I always wondered why Mark Chryson cared to help her be Wasilla's mayor. She was spotted. Within the context of the puppet masters behind her, her rise makes sense and would have happened without McCain. She is a very effective tool and we are seeing the gradual unfolding of the whole plan with Miller and his thugs, Rand and his thugs, and COD, Angle, and the others. I think they are part of a larger plan that McCain isn't part of. He was just stupid, careless of the country, and selfish. Palin's masters - beyond AIP - are not stupid.

  29. emrysa4:39 PM

    mccain is a piece of shit who will never admit he was wrong to make famous this angry bitter nasty vindictive quitter.

    you suck mccain! you haven't done a damn bit of good for this country in all your years. even your cfr bill sucks.

  30. Anonymous4:51 PM

    OT but hopefully of interest. The emails which were finally released about Miller are quite something. They prove he repeatedly lied. They also prove that he did things like request FMLA leave when he was really going hunting with his kids (of course, the FMLA is one of those "unconstitional" progams of which he happily takes advantage). It's a clear picture--in his own words--of a vindictive, dishonest, unstable person who took advantage of his employer and co-workers and did so while he was working in a public position.

  31. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Gryphen! I've seen the future, and Sarah Palin will be president and she'll declare superwar against Norway and Ultrawar against The Shire and the Pacific Ocean! You've all got to watch this. Seriously, you're in the video. Apparently, only we can stop her...


  32. Anonymous5:33 PM

    OT-I am loving the Maddow show tonight. I am glad those who wished she'd bring to light to the Senate got their wish.

    I'll give Miller credit he did not have Rachel handcuffed.

    I respect Rachel was purposeful to speak to the candidates about what they stand for and validate she understood them accurately.

    It seems the Republicans suffer delusions that picking someone unqualified from relative obscurity is a winning strategy lol. I think it will come back and haunt them. I also think Palin's ability to keep herself in the spotlight has conned people she is adored by most people.

  33. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Love Harry Reid's guffaw of disbelief when McCain says he doesn't think Sarah would want his endorsement yet. Old creepy fart.

  34. Anonymous6:25 PM

    God save us all...if there is a god...

    Rachael Maddow comes to Alaska - to Anchorage - interviews TANK JONES as some sort of political expert?????

    AND then to have Mr. Jones on the same level as Vic Fisher? Excuse me while I vomit.

    No offense Mr. Jones. But working for Rex Butler and herding Levi does not really qualify you to be an expert on Alaska politics....well outside of the Palin political fantasy show.

    ANd then to hear Tank say that there were NO GAY ISSUES in Alaska? Oh, really? THAT is MAJOR DENIAL. And te same view pused by te current Anchorage's cuurent Mayor Sullivan.

    My head hurts from the spin...

    And Ms.Maddow I am really really disappointed.

  35. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Considering the kind of temper McCain has I would love to be there if the Dud raised his twitty voice to him.

  36. And yet the people of Arizona voted for the slimy bastard AGAIN.

  37. Check out The Daily Show. Awesome McCain retrospective on corruption in D.C.

  38. "Uh oh! It looks like somebody is about to get a poorly spelled, yet vaguely threatening e-mail from Todd Palin!"

    What would it matter if Toad emailed McCain or not? By his own admission he is a computer illiterate...

    It would be like sending a telegram to a person that has been dead for ten years they will never read it...

  39. Anonymous8:46 AM

    How many times will skreeching Sarah have to kick old man Methuselah McCain in the balls before he finally realizes (after all her campaign prick teasing) that he is NOT EVER GOING TO GET ANY!

  40. Anonymous11:45 AM

    interviewer mentions SP..JM bites his lip briefly
    interviewer asks about support for SP..JM SAYS he is proud but shakes his head NO!!!


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