Thursday, November 04, 2010

Alvin Greene's bizarre and confusing campaign comes to an odd and confusing end.

Yeah I know that Alvin's elevator does not quite make it to the top floor but I still think he would have been better for South Carolina than Jim Demint.

At least Mr. Greene is not an arrogant homophobic misogynist.


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Alvin and Christine will have enough left over donations to pay rent for several years...

    He is smarter than Bachmann

  2. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Greene had to have been a Republican plant. Of course, some people might argue he was just a plant, but that would be mean. The poor man needs some counseling. He really comes across as seriously mentally challenged perhaps as a result of his service. Why isn't anyone trying to get him some help?

  3. GrainneKathleen3:29 AM

    alvin would have been worlds better than demint, whose ambition and hypocrisy meters are off the charts.

    i am in the midst of watching the series "the tudors" ( i know a little late; we don't have a tv' at least i don't know how it ends or anything ;o) and the protestant reformation, with all its zealotry about bringing a paersonal relationship with god to the people, and reforming the abuses of the catholic church so reminds me of the tea party, with its "constitutional purism" (more like poor reading comprehension) and desire to remove everyone from office who is not a teabagger, and to take the country back, in this case often to "the people" and to god. it doesn't work out too well for a lot of them in the end - let' hope history repeats itself.

  4. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Yeah, I still think he was a plant. A very well calculated republican plan that worked beautifully.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    (unable to log in)

  5. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I would take Greene over DeMint any day. Perhaps he is a low IQ pervert flashing porn to students on campuses, but he doesn't seem hateful, misogynistic and destructive.

    The Dems in SC were asleep at the wheel, didn't even put up a unified front for a laudable candidate. Shame on them.

  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I STILL want to know who registered him to run, paid his fees and financed his candidacy.

    (Obviously he was able to pay for his own election night party.)

  7. That is just so sad.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Grainne, millions of non catholic Christians would beg to differ with you. While it didn't do much to rehab the catholic church, it spawned hundreds (eventually) of other denominations AND allowed those on no or non Christian faith the ability to (eventually) worship their god (or not) without being burnt at the stake.

  9. Lynne7:52 AM

    I guess the only redeeming factor for Alvin Greene is that he's pretty much clueless about how he's been used and made a fool of. I hope his 15 minutes of fame stays in his memory as a positive time and a highlight in his life.

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I just found it strange that in news stories on election night, reports kept using words such as 'oddball,' and 'bizarre,' when referring to this man.

    Yet, none of those adjectives were ever used (at least that I saw in the MSM) to describe Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell or any of the other weirdo candidates that were on the scene and propped up as legitimate.


  11. I was disappointed that DeMint was reelected. I had forgotten who was running against him.

  12. Rick Hill11:43 AM

    The reason for this has all become clear. Demented would have won regardless but this way he was able to use hi war chest to help other candidates and get some who are now indebted to him. Thus ends the mystery of Mr greene.

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    If I lived in SC, I would have voted for Alvin...because he's NOT DeMint.


  14. Anonymous3:22 AM

    First of all Alvin used his own money. The Dems wondered too, where he got the $10,000 fee to run. They investigated & found he used his own money he saved from when he was in the service, & in Iraq, I think.

    I also think Alvin is a plant, and may not even know it.

    I believe he is an honorable man; and probably would remain loyal if you told him a secret.

    Imagine someone befriending him, & discussing the state of affairs regarding the economy & inequities of the poor man. Imagine building him up to feel confident enough in himself to run for office.

    Imagine telling him to run as a Democrat to kick DeMint out of office - especially since "DeMint is the cause of the recession." (Each time I've heard him talk he always - always claimed DeMint is the cause of the recession - even when asked something entirely different, that is how he answered).

    Imagine someone having access to some of the voting machines during the Democratic primary. Imagine a bunch of Republicans switching parties to vote in that primary. Neither scenario is far-fetched. It's been done before.

    Imagine honorable & honest Alvin never revealing who his good friend is - because he doesn't know he has been had. And if he does figure it out, it may be hard to admit it to himself, let alone publicly.

    I believe this scenario more than I believe he decided to run on his own. And as someone here mentioned, having Alvin as opposition, DeMint was able to save his war-chest for himself & use for others.

    DeMint is a slime-ball. He thinks of himself the potential leader of teabaggers. McConnell will slap him down for the embarrassment of all the nasty teabaggery stuff.

    I hate the Republicans and their "America has spoken loud & clear" bullshit.

    The Chamber of Commerce and private big money spoke loud & clear, and America will be hurt by it because they are Republican masters and will want their payoff. Already, the House has told the bankers to ignore the Volstead act. You know the act that protects us from FDIC banks waging in risky tricks.

    Arrghhh .......

    The worse thing the President did was replace Gov. Dean with Tim Kaine. Of course, I see Rahm's hand in that. Dean gave us the 50-state strategy, and it worked & was working.

    I am so angry the Dems left Michigan to fend for themselves. We had the most wonderful liberal candidate, Virg Benero. Instead we now have a businessman who outsourced jobs, and had Chamber of Commerce, & Karl Rove money. I'm so mad I could spit!

    Sorry to rattle on so long ...



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