Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Raise your hand if this, in any way, surprises you.

From the Vaguely Bearded (Or something like that):

The campaign remains optimistic that Joe Miller will be the next U.S. Senator from the state of Alaska.

Previous write-in campaigns in Alaska have demonstrated that as much as 5 to 6% of returned ballots have not met the standard to be counted as a valid vote.

As with any write-in campaign, the burden of execution rests with the candidate whose name is not on the ballot. Candidates who mount a write-in campaign opt for an uphill battle. At this point, without a single write-in ballot counted, Lisa Murkowski has no claim on a victory.

(She is NOT the winner yet dammit!  Stop saying she is!)

To complicate the matter, the Division of Elections has yet to adequately explain how a ballot will be marked in favor of a candidate. The current standards are extraordinarily ambiguous.

We trust that officials will conduct the hand count with propriety and consistency.

(Our hired goons from Drop Zone will make sure of that!)

In short, this campaign is not over!

Yeah if anybody really thought Miller would accept the election results and concede like a grown up then you have REALLY not been paying attention.

Just check out this Q&A with Jeanne Devon, of Mudflats fame, over at the Washington Post:

Q. Joe Miller's absence of a election night speech.

Mr. Miller did not show up at Alaska's election night headquarters to address his supporters. How did that go over at election central?

A.Jeanne Devon writes:

It was awkward. Both Murkowski and McAdams were present with a large number of supporters waving signs as they entered the hall to a flurry of media, and cameras. When a small group with Miller signs came in, everyone flocked over to see Miller, but he wasn't there. We learned that he had refused to talk to the press, ushered his family out, and stated he would not be coming to Election Central. I saw a Miller staffer who was asked, "Where's Joe?" His answer was, "Probably in bed."

It's no real surprise he avoided the media, but it made for awkwardness in the event.

So, in other words, Joe Miller was so upset as to how his big night turned out that he went home, put on his jammies, and went right to bed.  Just exactly how you would expect any grown up to react when they did not get their way.

My understanding is that Joe Miller has lawyers ready to contest virtually EVERY write in ballot that they come across, which is even REMOTELY questionable, so this thing is by no means over.

Just picture Florida in 2000, only in a much more frigid environment.

You know what they say, "It ain't over until the bearded lady sings!" (Wait, is that how that goes?)


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Careful, those of the "Brooks Brothers" Riot at the Florida recount were actually Alaskan Republican staffers bussed down in a show of support for W.

    These GQ staffers and consultants may be shucking their K Street and Capitol Hill offices and coming back for a long, cold winter spell to litigate every single fucking ballot.

  2. IMHO Joke Miller is definitely a bearded lady.

    You said, "At this point, without a single write-in ballot counted, Lisa Murkowski has no claim on a victory. (She is NOT the winner yet dammit! Stop saying she is!)"

    Ah, but with all due respect, you forget that Campbell and Parnell will be in charge of the vote counting and they will insure that she does, indeed, win.

  3. Counting write-in votes gives everyone time to dig up more dirt on Joe Miller.

    Time is not on Joe's side.

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Since receiving many disgusting and profane email messages designed, I believe, to intimidating me into changing my support to the D-endorsed candidate, I willingly and with delight wrote in my US Senate candidate as Senator Lisa Murkowski (the best choice for me in this race). Your efforts were ineffective D-mouthpiecesl

    If anyone disallows my vote, then that person is illiterate.

  5. I cannot tell you how much it pains me to defend the creepy Joe Miller, but let us suppose (for just a moment) that a progressive Democrat lost this race in the same manner.

    Absentee ballots are not in, write-in votes not yet looked at to confirm they are for Lisa.

    I would want ALL the votes counted and looked at. That said, I think Lisa will prevail (Thank Dog, ANYONE but Miller).

    But I have no problem with counting all of the votes and confirming the write-ins. When Miller DOES concede, there should be no doubt about the winner - and he should not concede until then.

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    We're going through something a bit like that here in Illinois where the Governor's race is still undecided. The incumbent Democrat leads by about 19,000 votes, out of 3.6 million cast. There are several thousand still out in absentees, military ballots, provisional votes, etc.

    Both sides are being gracious. Both have spoken publically and given interviews. No one has been arrested by thugs. No one has hacked the other's computers. Or demeaned the other's motives. Or questioned anyone's integrity.

    Both look like they have shaved and washed their hair in the last month. I could go on.

    This is supposed to be the way it works in a democracy. I'm proud of my state.

    Lots of things I've read in the past several months refer to Alaska as "A Young State." And all the growing pains that come with it.

    Here's a little unsolicited advice: Grow Up!

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM

    This is exactly what I meant in an earlier post. He will drag this out ala Coleman v. Franken and pull out every trick in the book to win. Sadly, this is likely to come down to grammar and spelling--the intent of the voter be damned.

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Good Luck Joe,

    The Alaska Supreme Court is so obviously Team Lisa that this is pointless.

    The US Supreme Court will only get involved if you are losing to a Democrat.

    Hope you don't lose your DC rental deposit Joe.

  9. Anonymous6:32 PM

    What can we say? The guy has no class. And, his ball was flat anyway. SO, good-bye Joe!

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Okay, come Spring thaw, maybe we will know. Maybe not.

    As to Democrats trying to intimidate voters, recent history goes against that claim unless you go back to Mayor D of Chicago or the Southern segregationists of the 60's. Since then, it has been the Republicans leading the charge of corruption and intimidation.

    Every side has a few crazies, and some sides are just crazy (like the Tea Party), but to have someone say liberals engage in bad behavior is simply projection. As a group, liberals are the ones who stand against bullying. (Maybe that's why they have such a tough time.)

  11. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sarah sings too?

  12. Let me be clear that I, in no way, believe that Miller should concede before the votes have all been counted.

    My point in writing this was to highlight the obvious sense of entitlement that is apparent in Miller's post and how obvious it is that he will NEVER really accept the fact that Murkowski might beat him.

    Like Palin, Miller is clearly a spoiled child who cannot stand to not get his way.

    Could you imagine how McAdams would handle this same situation if it had happened to him? He would simply have said, "Let's see what the votes tell us." Once they were counted you can bet that, if there was no foul play, he would have given his concession speech and gone back to Sitka a better man for the experience.

    Just keep your eyes on the drama that will surely surround this vote count if you have any doubt about my predictions.

  13. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Looks like we will be keeping each other company in recount hell. Our governor's race is heading for recount and, as everyone knows, we tend not to be real quick about those here in MN. At least Murkowski has big guns from the Republican establishment supporting her. Dayton will be fighting the heinous Emmer (2 DUIs, but sponsored a bill to reduce drunk driving penalties, so it's okay to kill someone behind the wheel, but heaven forbid women have an abortion under any circumstances) pretty much on his own.

  14. DebinWI7:10 PM

    This is interesting -- Parnell looks like he might be getting rid of Sarah's staff and starting new:

  15. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Those people will never leave the stage until they are hauled off to prison. Sarah and Joe are the same type of asshats.

    Isn't it Ivy Frye's job to make sure that Bristol signs an absentee ballot for her to put in the mail or what not. I would never expect an elitist to vote on her own, I do believe that would be Ivy's job to get it done. Bristol's brand is as an activist. Don't real activist vote? Pretend activists should vote as well or she fails at pretensious activism. Ivy and Bristol what will God and everyone think about shirking on that one? Isn't it your mother that is all about being patriotic? Ivy is a rotten baby sitter, SarahPac needs to fire her.

    I find it disgusting Bristol made an excuse instead of honoring her freedom to stand up and be counted. What a wuss and that really is vile from a so-called political daughter and one who is an example for young people. I doubt she will even be called out on that to any great degree. The Palins get by with everything.

  16. DetroitSam7:33 PM

    Ok Alaskans, help me out here.

    Why is there so much concern that the Murkowski name will not be spelled correctly? By people who live in AK and who want to vote for her?

    This is not a trick question.

    And even if a letter were left off, the name is still Murkowski.

    I don't get it.

  17. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I am shocked I tell you SHOCKED!

    What rude behavior!

    On the topic of since this vote count might take a while- but there is no need to be bored-

    Do readers here have pictures of the Miller campaign? Pictures of him and any private plane that he flew on? Maybe you don't have pictures, but Joe's supporters do on various internet pages and so on. Those pictures should be collected now. The tailnumber is nice but not necessary- there are experts in aircraft identification waiting to help. From a press release dated November 1, 2010.

    "Anchorage, Alaska: A complaint about the Joe Miller campaign has been filed with the Federal Election Commission by registered Republican Andrée McLeod. It addresses Miller’s flying around Alaska on private aircraft for his campaign and paying only for fuel, which is a clear violation of FEC regulations.

    “For an attorney with a law degree from Yale who claims to have mastered the law in less than three years, Joe Miller has shown a consistent pattern of cutting legal corners,” McLeod said.

    US Senate candidates flying on private aircraft in connection with campaign activities must pay the equivalent charter rate for the type of airplane used. Miller has been flying on a plane owned by Fairbanks lawyer Tom Wickwire. But, According to Miller’s July FEC report, although he flew at least three times on Wickwire’s plane, Miller only paid for the fuel and not the full charter price for comparable trips."

    The above is from

    A link to the complaint and further info are there. This complaint was filed by Andree McLeod!

    If there are other airplane trips not property reported on the campaign finance filings (TAKING BETS ON THIS ONE!!)OR not properly reimbursed to the aircraft owner...WELL THEN
    MR. DISCLOSURE Joe Miller can have some free help in correcting his 'oversights'.

  18. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Right now Joe is freaking out. He's trying to figure out how he is going to pay himself back the loan to his campaign, he's trying to figure out how he's going to pay Van Flint, not to mention wondering if he can take the new office furniture and furnishings back. Then he's probably going to have to cough up some money for his part in the great handcuffing incident, not to mention hiring operatives to break in and scrub those Northstar Borough computers so the kiddy porn won't be found. His world is crumbling around him and the fix he thought he'd get by being elected is not forthcoming. Poor asshat.

    Too bad Sarah didn't go down so easily.


  19. Anonymous7:51 PM


    That reads like a general housecleaning-removal of the deadwood.
    Maybe he will clean up some spilled milk?

    At Halcro yesterday...The dairy is 90 days late on the Palin GOVERNMINT loans.

    AS you said- this will be interesting.

  20. Anonymous7:59 PM

    What a jerk! There is something really wrong about this guy.

    Her highness Queen icebitch of the north was on Hannity talking about the people who want to " take her town"
    She said they dont know her very well and she has spent the past 2 decades fighting the status quo and boys club.
    She is INSANE!! Maybe Gryphen you could report on it. I turned it off. She looks REALLY plastic. What is wrong with her mouth?????

  21. Anonymous8:05 PM

    He really is Palin with a 5 o'clock shadow.

  22. Anonymous8:13 PM

    DebinWI...actually Sarah
    s Pet dairy has had 9 months with no payments. When they got their last loan for over $200,000, (the loand was secured with 40,000 lbs of cheese they have not been able to sell) the Board of Agriculture gave them an immediate 6 month moratorium on starting their payments. The end of the 6 months was in August(when they should have started making payments) and now have gone an additional 3 months. Let's face it folks...they are not surviving. They have burned through all of the Federal grants and State loans.

    I say Sean Parnell clean out the Division of Ag from top to bottom! The corruption continues. The Director of Ag is making sure her father in law, Bob Havemeister is kept in milk money. The Division of AG is nothing more than a personal piggie bank for friends and family. Who would take cheese as collateral?

    Got bankruptcy?

  23. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Thank you Ms. McLeod! @ 7:34 pm.

    This has been a hard day for me. I should rent a comedy movie, and get some comfort food.

    Take care everyone.

  24. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I'd love to see one nationally prominent news organization pay attention here and ask Sarah some serious and hard questions about the dairy. No doubt she'd duck them, but I'd like to see someone with clout go after her on the dairy. I always figured that would be her downfall.


  25. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Got Bankruptcy?

    How about Got Prosecutors and Investigators?

    Well- never mind about that.

    Got bad press on this Diary thing again Governor? It starts to be a problem that happened on his watch, and not the quitter's watch.

  26. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Sarah Palin's upcoming TV show, the creatively named Sarah Palin's Alaska, launched its website today – It's called Spalaska!

  27. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I totally agree with the writings of the person at 6:12. Murkowski has attorneys covering this counting as will Miller (and, I would too!) Plus, the Div. of Elections - State of Alaska - has moved up the counting date, which was mentioned by Miller and it was obvious it came as a surprise to them.

    Both sides need to be watched - I don't trust Murkowski at all. Taking credit that she has won when not even one ballot has been processed. What a friggin ego that woman has!

  28. Anonymous8:54 PM


    OT: Have you heard anything reliable about Bristol moving to Az? Tempe, is it?
    She is also crying to go home to the compound. Az would be a quick drive in the Tripp mobile. Great party life. It's hard to believe Sarah would really go for that. Plenty of Alaskan hockey studs for Bristol to do. I can't imagine her handlers would want to watch her there. Somebody would have to be on guard 24/7. How sad for Tripp.

    Did Sheriff "Pinky" Joe Arpaio Misappropriate $80M Meant To Be Spent On Jails?

    The longer Miller drags things out the worst he and Palin will be in the end.

  29. KiheiKat8:58 PM

    Parnell endorsed Miller, I'm assuming Campbell is supporting him (under the table) too since he is one of Palin's appointees. Get out the popcorn, prepare the brooms to sweep out the spider webs as we wait - and wait and wait.

    Given Joe's habit of hiding, maybe (we should be so lucky) he'll just sneak out of Alaska in the dark of night, tail between his legs & never be heard from again.

    Thanks Gryph!

  30. SME1319:05 PM

    I hate to say it but Miller could still end up being the winner. As I mentioned earlier today once you take away all the writes in that aren't Lisa it is anyone's guess how many she actually got. Fagan stacked the deck by getting so many people to register (over 150) not to mention all the people who wrote in Joe Miller (again his idiots weren't smart enough to see his name on the ballot) and those are lost votes as well.

    There was an article on huff post earlier where Miller said he was confident that the RNC would take charge of the count. He is that stupid to think the RNC will get involved. Then again if they did we'd know for sure there was something hinky with this election.

    Get ready for a recall if he wins. There is no way in hell Alaska can allow that fool to represent us.

  31. Anonymous9:32 PM

    There is no need need for Miller to concede at this point. One absentee ballot hasn't even been counted as yet and she is already declaring herself the winner. Makes me want to barf! I think Murkowski, Miller and Palin are all in the same category...all are a pain in the ====!

    I was very sorry to see that McAdams fell so far behind in the initial count. I supported him.

  32. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Why is Miller any different than Murkowski - neither or them would believe the other could or would beat them. Remember how Murkowski was after the primary...huge ego showing total disbelief.

    Did anyone notice how Murkowski put down Palin on TV last night? She does not like her. Pierces her lips and her eyes sqint when she talks about her. Believe that Mayor McAdams even mentioned on national TV that Palin had a lower negative rating in Alaska than did President Obama.

  33. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I'm going to say it again: if Joe Miller is elected then for whatever reason gets recalled, with Parnell in office, Palin would probably be named to take Joe's Senate seat. Then she'd run for POTUS as an acting Senator. (Who would appoint Miller's replacement if that scenario happened? The Governor?)

    Alaskans, please, PlEASE do everything you can (legally of course) to keep Palin away from the WH. Don't say "she could never be elected". Who would have thought Rand Paul would ever win? Or Allen West (FL)?

  34. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Anon 9:42

    Parnell cannot appoint Palin to anything. After Murkowski appointed Lisa to his seat, the legislature changed the rules. A special election must now take place.

  35. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I think Alaska deserves Joe Miller. You people need a good six years from this lunatic and you will come running back to the Dems who actually care about people.

  36. Anonymous10:41 PM



  37. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "I'm going to say it again: if Joe Miller is elected then for whatever reason gets recalled, with Parnell in office, Palin would probably be named to take Joe's Senate seat."

    Doesn't work that way. Used to, but they changed it............thank God.

  38. Anonymous11:35 PM


    I believe that AK now requires a special election to fill a vacated senate seat, due in part to the outrage over Frank's nepotism.

  39. It appears that voters do not have to spell Murkowski's name correctly; intent counts:

    From HuffPo:

    "As for the tally next week, ballot counters will use discretion in determining voter intent but all counters must agree on whether a ballot counts, said Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell, who oversees Alaska elections. If a disagreement emerges, a state attorney will be asked for an opinion.

    Ballots will be separated into piles: those completed precisely, those counted based on workers' determination of voter intent, and those not counted based on unclear voter intent.

    The last word may not come until well into December, since Dec. 4 is the deadline to request a recount; Dec. 9 is the deadline for an election contest to be filed in state court."

    I did some number crunching. Hopefully I did the math correctly!

    As of 1:00 am Pacific time:

    Miller is 6.61% points behind of "write-in" (now to be called Murkowsi). Miller stated that typically 5-6% of write-in ballots are invalid. I think that in this election, fewer write-in votes will be invalidated; because of the addition 159 write-in candidates, voters should have been given a list of write-in candidates which would give them the correct spelling of Murkowski's name. And who would write in Mickey Mouse when there is a viable write-in candidate?

    Currently, Murkowski is 13,439 votes ahead of Miller.

    There are still 30,000 absentee ballots to be counted; Alaska will begin counting of those ballots begins on Nov 9th. If the %ages stay the same (there is no reason to believe that the %ages would change significantly), Murkowski should end up with another 14,850 votes from the absentee ballots and Miller should gain another 10,302 votes.

    The additional votes from absentee ballots should give Murkowski 17,987 more votes than Miller.

    If 5% of all of Murkowski's votes are invalidated (total after absentee ballots counted is 98,051), Murkowski will still win with an easy lead of almost 13,084 votes.

    Murkowski would have to lose 18% of the total write-in votes (98,051) to lose to Miller. That 18% would be due to invalidated ballots (ballot errors) and votes to other write-in candidates.

    That isn't going to happen. Even if spelling counted, Murkowski isn't going to lose 18% of her projected votes.

    Miller is delusional. This election is decided.

  40. hauksdottir12:27 AM

    I seem to remember reading recently that Ivy Frye was point in Joe Miller's security detail (Ivy, Joe, goons leaving an elevator or something, back in 2008???) but now I can't find it.

    At 20, Bristol is showing definite signs of rebellion against being a prop... yet she isn't willing to walk away from an inheritance worth millions. If Ivy nagged her about voting, a passive aggressive way out would be to "forget". She has time for clubbing, but not for signing a ballot filled out for her.

  41. People keep talking about recalling Joe Miller if he turns out to be the winner. A U.S. Senator is not a state official. There is no provision in the US Constitution permitting a state's voters to recall a Senator or Representative. How could Miller be recalled?

  42. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Sounds more like the protracted Franken/Coleman recount, where every single absentee ballot represented a fight in court. In the end, Franken had more, and Coleman looked like a bigger ass fighting over ballots that clearly were cast for Franken.

  43. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Hey Grypen, isn't it about time the guy who got the email ( and leaked it, leaked the others that were sent to him as well? He said he would do it after the election.

  44. London Bridges3:59 AM

    The pressure on Joe and his lack of ethics should be increased and kept up until the count is complete.

  45. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Check out his campaign finance reports for "Washington Intelligence Bureau" entries, well known Republican 'vote cagers.'

    Miller was prepared for this long before the election.

    Them's yer 'goons.'


  46. Anon @ 9:42: Because of Murkowski senior, the law in Alaska was changed to require a special election in case of a Senate vacancy. This requirement has been pointed out on this and other blogs many, many, many times.

  47. Anonymous4:45 AM

    I agree it's too early for Joe to concede, however, I think it's very probable virtually all those write-in votes were cast for Lisa.

    The idea of having extra write-in candidates was to cause confusion on the list, not to take votes away from Joe himself, which is what would have happened had anyone voted for any of Fagan's last minute candidates.

    I too doubt that any Alaskan can't spell "Murkowski" by now. Her dad was in government for years, including governor, and she herself was in government for years. Alaskans have been looking at "Murkowski" a long time. Frankly, anyone who can't spell it by now should not be voting. LOL

    It should be interesting to see the ballots that wind up challenged by Joe's team. Will they be legitimate challenges or nit-picking over un-dotted "i's"?

  48. London Bridges5:17 AM

    I think it is time to resurect the Crivella West email file of Palin's emails that were released. In the past we were not looking for Joe Miller stuff, so some juicy things may have been released.

    Gryphen: what are some of the key days during Sarah's aborted governor's term that coincided with some of Joe Miller's ethics violations??


    Bristol not voting, more correct Ivy Frye not taking care of business, may seem insignificant in Alaska. Around here we think it is huge. No Heath or Palin were in communication about something they are to have such high regard? All those Dance Bristol Dance gals that are 24/7 cheerleaders and close friends and not a word about voting? How could it escape so many who claim to care so much about what makes our country great? The whole group are frauds.

    How many officials do you have who would flip off our nation like that? If your Mayor's son or daughter was big on self promoting and voting but used an excuse like being in a hockey game and sorry folks, I forgot to vote. Bristol asserted that she was doing the game to demonstrate her ethics. How she is a single Mother that can handle it all. Bristol had at least two handlers to assist her and not one could take care of business? Voting is more than business and it is a shame no one values it. You wouldn't care if your elected officials had a disconnected family and workers like that?

    Children aren't too important in this culture but that family and Bristol's example is egregious to any American that cares about our country.

    hauksdottir, That is certainly interesting.

  50. Anonymous7:01 AM

    It would seem to me that if Joe Miller broke the law with his non-disclosure of the house while he was a judge then that would certainly sink his chances of becoming a sitting Senator. Realizing of course that the wheels of justice move slow or in Palin's multi law breaking occations, the law doesn't matter, Alaska has got to nail Miller and Palin with justice. Why do they continue to break the law and get away with it???

  51. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Of course Miller should not concede at this point. However, it is beyond his capability to show even an ounce of class. We've already got one boor in Congress (Don Young), but Miller wants to make it two.

    We can look forward to Miller, Palin, and her minions to keep things classy (not) for the entire month of November. Gonna have to buy my popcorn at CostCo.

  52. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Bristol may not care for voting but Joe Miller certainly does. Sarah will be all over votes, voting and voters and what is going on with her butt boy. Her daughter? Well, kids will be kids, who cares? The great hockey mom goes to all the games what more can she do to prove herself? Isn't pride in her athletic family enough?

  53. I just looked at Miller's site for the first time. He is still begging for $$$. He did update the site with his latest "it's not over" page.

    Miller appears to be fund-raising so he can pay to fight Murkowski in the write-in count.

    This is going to get nasty.

    What an ass. I agree that the write-in vote needs to be counted before Murkowski can be officially declared the winner. But she has won. 18% of the write-in votes have to either be invalid or the name of a different candidate had to be written in. 18%!

    The likelihood that Murkowski won't keep her lead is impossible.

    Joe needs to STFU and wait for the count.

    This is going to be bad.

  54. Murkowski has also started to fund-raise for a legal fund.

    "Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Wednesday she's confident that she's won Alaska's contentious Senate race but is starting a legal fund and bringing up election lawyers to fight an expected battle over the results. Joe Miller isn't conceding defeat, and his campaign claimed to "remain optimistic" that he'll win.


    Elections has received 26,306 absentee ballots so far that still need to be counted and has 10,645 questioned ballots. State elections officials also need to open the write-in ballots and count them by hand to see how many of the voters actually wrote in Murkowski's name."

    Good lord.

    Question. Had Murkowski and Miller both been formally on the ballot and the results were the same as they are now, would Miller have asked for a recount? He is almost 7% behind "write-in". Miller seems like the kind of guy that would sue over this election no matter how much he lost by.

  55. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Isn't it just convenient to be a commonsense conservative constitutionalist?

    When Lisa loses the Primary, she's ignoring the will of the people by running a write-in campaign and is shouted from the rooftop as being the biggest sore loser.

    But when Alaska voters wake up and have a chance to correct this ignominious Palin-backed candidate, he's going to challenge every single write-in discrepancy and litigate this to End Times.

    Once again Sarah and the baggers, you can't have it both ways, all ways, all the time.

    Stick to the private sector, declare yourselves a religious movement. That way you are exempt from those heathen taxes, don't abort and pray away illness and debt as common-sense policy. See how that works out for ya.

  56. Ignia6:49 PM

    I'm so bummed that McAdams didn't get elected.

    And I don't even live in Alaska. :(

  57. Anonymous1:29 AM

    My bet is the GOP will send in their heavy guns to battle Palin's, er, I mean Miller's hired guns. Good luck on that.

    What fun, maybe the GOP will bring in Blackwater to battle it out with the wannabe jackboots. rofl After peeing their pants they'll prob try to get hired by Blackwater.



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