Monday, November 08, 2010

Climate Scientists plan to speak out against skeptics.

From the LA Times:

Faced with rising political attacks, hundreds of climate scientists are joining a broad campaign to push back against congressional conservatives who have threatened prominent researchers with investigations and vowed to kill regulations to rein in man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

The still-evolving efforts reveal a shift among climate scientists, many of whom have traditionally stayed out of politics and avoided the news media. Many now say they are willing to go toe-to-toe with their critics, some of whom gained new power after the Republicans won control of the House in Tuesday's election.

On Monday, the American Geophysical Union, the country's largest association of climate scientists, plans to announce that 700 climate scientists have agreed to speak out as experts on questions about global warming and the role of man-made air pollution.

Well for God's sake it is about time! 

The only question is have they waited too long?

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the incoming head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has pledged to hold hearings on the "Politicization of Science," which will consist of a rehashing of the so-called ClimateGate "scandal." He's also called for greater oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency's coming regulations of greenhouse gases. With Issa in charge, the oversight committee will devote a good deal of time to hauling government and university climate scientists before Congress.

Last November's release of thousands of emails stolen from a web server at University of East Anglia in the UK only added fuel to the fire. The emails showed climate scientists on the defensive about attacks from climate deniers, and sometimes acting a bit catty. But selected portions of them were spun in the denialist world as evidence that climate change is actually a giant hoax perpetrated by evil scientists.

For the past year, the story has been blown up by deniers inside and outside of Congress, despite numerous investigations on the part of universities and independent commissions that found no evidence of wrongdoing or fraud. And nothing said in the emails could change the fact that thousands of studies have validated the fact that carbon emissions from human activity are causing the planet to warm. If climate change were a hoax, that would mean that more than 97 percent of scientists in the world who agree with the consensus are party to the conspiracy.

Issa says he just wants a "careful relook" at the science. But that's hardly the tack that he's likely to take, given that he's argued that it's "very clear that [climate scientists] played fast and loose with both the truth and our money." He also indicated that he plans to trot out the same climate deniers that the Republicans have relied on for years—most of whom aren't scientists at all and have been widely discredited. "I think science should always be filled with skeptics, and I want to make sure the skeptics are heard," Issa told The Hill in September.

Of course now that the American people, in their vast ignorance, have put the corporate whores back in power, it means that the energy companies are back in the drivers seat and they can keep fighting to bring in those truckloads of money while actively destroying the planet that we all share.

And sad to say, but our very own write-in candidate Lisa Murkowski will undoubtedly be standing right along with them while they push forward policies that result in the melting of the permafrost that supports Native Alaska villages all over our state, and reduces the sea ice that sustains many of our magnificent Arctic inhabitants.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Please check out this website.

    Military veterans unite for climate change.

  2. I am a regular here...and I have a little blog that features info on the GOP climate change deniers today...won't you pop in and check it out?

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    When will the people of Alaska give a damn about the beautiful land on which they live?

    When will the people of Alaska give a damn about the animals and wilderness that bring in millions of dollars as tourists flock to see that?

    When will the people of Alaska get this heads out of the big money interests butts and start thinking for themselves?

    Will it be when the rest of the country has to rush in and save their asses due to disasters they brought upon themselves by voting for disasters such as Lisa Murkowski?

    Sorry - but Scott McAdams was such a stellar candidate that it makes us all crazy to see Alaskans turn their backs on him and vote against their best long-term interests.

  4. Anonymous8:01 AM

    A Climate Change Kangaroo Court could be the best thing possible for science (Eeww), and the worst thing possible for the Koch Bros.

    Just imagine that nimrod Inhofe expertly explaining that while God did allow the Oklahoma dust bowl, God would never abide by climate change (we're God's favorites).

  5. Anonymous8:26 AM

    funny how the biggest climate change deniers are also the biggest polluters

  6. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Bristle is on The Ellen Degeneres Show today with her dance partner.

    The Ellen Show has a short video online where she talks of Levi running as mayor.

    She's still using Levi as a punching ball/butt joke by denigrating him.

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I read about the 'Congressional hearings' on climate change the day after the election. Someone should keep a tally of what this farce to thrill the base costs the American taxpayer. We're drowning in debt, can't find jobs for our people and crumbling from the inside and these clowns are going to stage a kangaroo court to discredit 97% of the scientific community? If we don't do a better job of exposing every single fiscally irresponsible thing this group does, we deserve to have our asses handed to us.

  8. Virginia Voter9:42 AM

    If it were not for Alaska Native support, Murkowski would be out of a job. I hope she can break free of her party and do what is right for the people that got her elected.

    Here in VA, we have a nutcase for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who was trying to sue the University of Virginia over climate change research done several years ago by former professor Micheal Mann. Mind you UVA is a state university, so technically Cooch is suing his own client. SO not is the state wasting taxpayer dollars on this fools errand, but more taxpayer dollars for the university to hire it's own attorneys. Gotta love those fiscal conservatives, right? Cooch has already been struck down in court, yet he keeps on the fight...

  9. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Maybe if we can tie "Pro Lifers" movement into the debate. Prove that man made pollution is killing unborn babies, kids, adults, and Tea Baggers. We don't really need to prove anything to anybody as long as we create a media campaign and **** some stuff up!

    Pro Lifer's for Pro Climate!

  10. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Love that Issa is going to hold a political investigation of climate change and accuse the scientists of politicizing climate change.

    Good that scientists in various fields that have been used and bused by the RepoTaliban (medical field in helping torture, marine and toxicology after BP) are banding together to support one another and speak out.

  11. Anonymous10:32 AM

    DiAnne Excellent Video Thanks

    My two cents
    1) the climate is changing what are we doing to deal with the changes? Mostly argue about the cause.
    If it is man caused we can change the cause, if not the change is foreordained. Question remains, what are we doing to adapt to it?

    2) The climate gate problem arose for ignorance and propaganda. Rationalizing data collected under differing circumstances and criteria with differing instrumentation so it can be complied and compared requires justifying the data so that the data from each different source is balanced. Basically its cheating, except that it's not.
    If I report 32 deg and you report 42 deg but I am using F and you are using C, those numbers have to be justified to find the average.
    That is what had been done but the Nazicons are accidentally on purpose forgetting to tell their brainless rabble that necessary fact.
    How do we educate the rabble?

  12. Anonymous10:45 AM

    What did Murkowski say the night of the election? "I'll remember who voted for me", implying that she understood it was the undeclared, independent voters who wrote in for her. (not me)

    And just last week, before any of the write-in votes have been counted, she affirmed that she would be caucusing with the GOP and that she is still on that "get EPA off our backs" bandwagon.

    I feel like this state is a bunch of meth addicts; they know darn well sucking on that pipe is going to destroy their bodies and lives, yet they just can't stop their hand from reaching for the lighter.

  13. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anon 10:45 am
    Agonizingly apt.

    Thx to DiAnne and anon 7:20 for the hopeful link.


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