Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ed Schultz pokes fun at Gretchen Carlson's dippy defense of Sarah Palin.


  1. angela3:32 AM

    Just goes to prove it doesn't matter what kind of education you have-- If you are a defender of Sarah Palin, you always end up looking like a fool.

  2. michele bachmann was gretchen's babysitter. for real. that explains a lot.

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Why does the dippy defense include the idea that all women should support Palin because she is a woman.

    Palin is anti any values that "real" women have and practise - that she is getting others to accept and promote her anti women values is quite frightening, given that women have had to fight for their rights since the beginning of civilisation. I had thought this fight was over - and then we get Palin.

  4. Anonymous5:04 AM

    "I'm tired of women attacking women" says woman Gretchen Carlson attacking woman Lisa Murkowski.

    What a dipstick.

  5. Just Sayin' . . .5:19 AM

    This is quite interesting, when this 'Dippy Byotch' claims how awful it is for 'females to be attacking other females -- especially when they are both repugs!!'

    Yep -- that certainly is 'awful' -- not really unlike the very same thing she is doing toward Lisa, hmm?

    What a boring, self-righteous, etc., jerk she (Gretchen) is!!! **UGH**

  6. Anonymous5:22 AM

    This is quite interesting, when this 'Dippy Byotch' claims how awful it is for 'females to be attacking other females -- especially when they are both repugs!!'

    Yep -- that certainly is 'awful' -- not really unlike the very same thing she is doing toward Lisa, hmm?

    What a boring, self-righteous, etc., jerk she (Gretchen) is!!! **UGH**

    Just Sayin' -- LOL

  7. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Nice cleavage, Gretchen!

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Let us get this straight Gretchen, it's okay for Sarah, as a woman, to attack our female senior Senator - but it isn't okay to say the obvious about Sarah Palin?

    And getting inside someone's head is not fair? Gretchen, your job on Fox News wouldn't last long if it weren't for your ability to go around and tarnish real leaders for what they are doing, thinking and representing of their constituents and movements.

    It must be nice to live in these Neocon bubbles where everyone else has it so wrong and only people like Sarah Palin have it right. And Willow. And Bristol.

  9. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Ms. Carlson has always reminded me of a cross-eyed retarded cat I once had. Minus the intellect.

  10. Anonymous6:02 AM

    How did this bitch ever win a beauty contest?

  11. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Glad to see Ed call b.s. on Gretchen.

    I think Lisa M. was EXTREMELY tactful in her comments about SP. She could have mentioned half a dozen occasions that Quitty bungled up/was pathetically clueless.

    I still think Lisa is a shill for oil companies, but nice to see her behave with some class; what a contrast to sore loser Joe M.

    (I think he will choose to throw a big tantrum and demand a recount, because that's how infantile asshats handle life's challenges.)

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Carlson would make a bigger contribution to humanity starring amateur porn...oh, wait a minute, she already is.

  13. Librul Dipstick11:26 AM

    I found it telling that the blonde bimbo uttered what she did about how one should not be critical of another who is in the same party.

    Boy, does THAT speak volumes about how "partisanship" has taken such a stranglehold among Fox viewers.

    So, Palin could dismember a live, screaming infant onstage, and Gretchy feels she should remain SILENT about it, just because they are both Republicans?

    (I can just imagine her smarmy-voiced justification of that: "Well, COPS do it!")

  14. Dipsey-doodles like this woman are one of the many reasons I stopped bleaching my hair. I was afraid the toxic chemicals were killing brain cells.


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