Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facebook provides a peek into the true personality of Sarah Palin's "Golden Child."

Everything you need to know about the Palin kids, and  Mama Grizzly's parenting skills, you can learn by reading this Facebook rant from Bristol and Willow directed at a schoolmate who dared to suggest that "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is not exactly great television.

Just a warning, if you have are a person of delicate sensibilities, or believe with all of your heart that Sarah Palin's children are little angels delivered directly from heaven, reading this may cause you some some distress.

If you are, like me, somebody who has always believed that Snowdrift Snooki's mythology about her family was always a bunch of Moosepoop, you will probably enjoy reading this and having it confirmed that you were right all along.

Ah, they have mouth's like little angels don't they? Little angels that learned to talk by watching reruns of the Soprano's and listening to old Richard Pryor records that is.
H/T tip goes to TMZ which seems to have themselves a little Facebook spy.  Much like our very own Facebook Lurker.

P.S. Huffington Post has screenshots.

P.P.S. I originally had this scheduled to post tomorrow, but obviously you people are very impatient. I guess  I can't really blame you.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Thanks for posting!

  2. Did anyone else notice that Bristol was also commenting? By the way...they had to bleep out Bristols F word last night on DWTS! AND why isn't something being done about the cheating. They have it out of the mouths of those fools and in print so something needs to be done by ABC!

  3. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I read TMZ's pdf and that was tame compared to other Bristol that I'd read. She goes much lower. April Morlock is also a low down dirty mean girl when she goes after Levi or trolls to defend Bristol. I can't wait until more comes out about them all. And those two TV shows get what they have coming.

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Faux Gretchen Carlson went after Lisa M from her Couric interview. MSNBC Ed had tape on his show:


    Gretchen thinks women should vote/support with their uterus. That women support other women thing - Major BS.

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The mouths on these kids. The self-importance. The thin-skin. . .The superiority complex of such unexceptional people. . .

    Does this mean Willow gets the Publicist job at Bristol's PR company?

  6. Harry8:12 PM

    Exposing the golden child is just beginning. There is a fortune to be made. Not by the Palins next time.

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I just want to say that I think what Sarah approved for her show, how it depicts her family, proves she doesn't depict her family as perfect. If that didnt make sense, Sorry. it's late. Kids will be kids. And it's sad that her daughters have to go to such lengths of defense to prove to their haters they are in fact still a family.

    I also cannot believe people blame voters for Bristol's success. It takes more people than "palinbots" to keep someone on DWTS. Mark has fans. Bristol has garnered a number of fb fans in a short timespan. I want to say to you all, grow up. This is not the first complete shocker on dwts and it wont be the last. People still talk about Sabrina. DWTS has always had an older viewer base. Bristol has many older fans, as evidenced by who invites her to speak.

    Grow up

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Willow is a big revelation here (beyond being a bitchy and disrespectful side-kick to Mama Grizzly confronting the WGE lady) but Bristol sure stepped on her carefully crafted sweet, normal and innocent act here so precariously close to winning the mirrored ball through minimal effort.

  9. Holy guacamole!

    Those girls need a mouth full of soap.

    Well, so do I. But seriously, the timing of this is hilarious! Just 2 days after seeing the wholesome American family in the arctic, we get to see the real Palins.

    This is going to make me giggle all night.

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Two of the boys sold the story to TMZ. Snoop around Willows friends pages and see for yourself. They're standing by her

  11. Anonymous8:19 PM

    How come people can come here and trash the family with no shame (and no personal experience meeting them) yet these girls cant stand up and defend their mother? THAT is fucked up

  12. Sounds like low information class teen-agers to me. They have a limited vocabulary and world experience.

  13. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Don't they know this all goes public or maybe they don't care or know any better. Well, they have a hellava trailer trash role model in mommy.


  14. Cue breathless rage filled press release from La Palin claiming LIBERALS hacked her angel's facebook accounts to start the flame wars! HAHAHAHHHA!

    Sadly - I've heard the same if not worse when I was their age. Hey - cussin' is a part of everyone's life.

    But not everyone makes a living telling fibs about their oh so perfect Christian Wholesome Family Values family! Suck it, Palin - the truth can not be suppressed for much longer.

  15. Anonymous8:28 PM

    TMZ shows a 'spokesperson' comment, saying willow doesnt usually talk like this (or some shit like that).
    of course she does, so does the entire Gristle family including golden child
    bristle gristle.

    screen shots of the FB pages.

  16. Anonymous8:30 PM

    @8:17 PM

    Next they'll start playing with their own poop.


  17. meena8:31 PM

    The Colbert Report this eve. was hilarious -Sarah Palin Alaska ;)

  18. Anonymous8:31 PM

    aw, I'm proud that Brooke Burke is defending Bristol. The hosts and judges know America makes the final decisions.

  19. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Anon at 8:15, why do you call a kid who says a TV show is lame--when it actually is seriously beyond lame--a "hater"? I looove my freeeedom, and that means I think the kid has a right to express his opinion--which he managed to do without a potty mouth and without making homophobic slurs.

    The Palin girls have shown themselves to be poorly raised trash. Accept it. As for the Buffalo, take a look around the web--people are aghast. NOTHING like this has happened on DWTS before. The girl dances like a klutzy clown with three chins. She's made the show a joke.

  20. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I'm a big DWTS fan and I've got to say, the audience's reaction tonight didn't even come close to when Sabrina was eliminated. The only reason it seems more controversial now is because politics are being thrown in unfairly.

    America will always root for the underdog. There's no mistake here in my opinion. As a fervent fan, I knew Bristol would go far. If some of you don't vote fro your favorite, why are you complaining? Every talent show has huge upsets.

  21. linda8:35 PM

    i was reading some comments on HP and on C4P about how "kids will be kids" and "all kids do this" and etc. there is some truth to that, but it shows wildly bad judgment for Willow and (especially) Bristol (who is older and should be wiser) to let loose like this on facebook. how could they think this would NOT get out? and i do wonder what SP's reaction will be. a normal parent would apologize to the world and let everyone know that his/her child(ren) had been given a good talking to about the language, the disrespect, and the proper/improper things to say on facebook. my children (now 25 and 30) were not perfect and i am certain they cursed outside my presence quite a lot but they were not allowed to do it in their parents' earshot. and god forbid we ever heard them say anything intolerant of any other human being. currently i read my 16 year old nephew's facebook page. he curses, uses the f word liberally, but never do i see him say hurtful things about others. stuff such as what willow posted would hurt the job/college prospects for any normal teenager. ok -- enough said. i just can't believe these girls are so darn stupid, i guess.

  22. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Oh, Willows "friends are standing by her?" Thank you Clarence Darrow for that remarkable evidence of Willow's innocence and righteousness.

  23. Gasman8:38 PM

    Damn Gryphen, that’s the second time recently that I damn near coughed up my spleen laughing at one of your new Palin tags. Snowdrift Snooki is perfect, except the real Snooki seems more well versed about our current geopolitical situation, Keynesian economics, and is just plain more intellectual than Brainless Spice.

    The very small amount of Willow’s oeuvre which I could manage to read was exceedingly vulgar, bigoted, and rather pathetically moronic. Kind of a modern day Shakespeare-cum-meth-capital-of-Alaska-semi-literate-white-trash sort of dialogue. I’d be willing to bet that the chip off the old blockhead picked up much of her salty vocabulary at home, with more than a fair share coming from Mommy Dearest.

    No matter how hard they try, the Palins simply look like an exceedingly vain, mean, and vindictive version of the Clampetts, but without any of their folksy style or earthy charm. Totally classless nouveau riche white trash who are on a mission from God to get even with anyone and everyone that has ever crossed them, even thought about crossing them, or just didn’t praise them loudly enough.

    God, why won’t these people just shut the hell up and leave us alone! I am so sick of the entire brainless tribe! Don’t y’all have an ice floe up there that could hold that feckless clan?

  24. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dude, guys, it's a television show designed to entertain. it's set up as a competition based on 50% judges scores, 50% audience vote. People are obviously voting for Bristol, too many people than to just be bots. Chill out and go about your lives.

  25. I guess Mommie Dearest never taught her darlings about the high road.

  26. Anonymous8:40 PM

    This is what happens when Ivy Frye isn't baby sitting the girls. Yes, Bristol does still need a baby sitter and not for Tripp.

  27. Anonymous8:42 PM


    The fact that these people exist on both sides is a sad fact we must embrace.

    And yes, I believe Sarah was justified in saying Obama was not vetted properly as a presidential candidate. Because obviously he wasn't. He and her share that description well

  28. Anonymous8:44 PM

    and yes, this has happened on DWTS before. KAte G made it pretty far based on nothing. and SHE was a worse dancer

  29. Anonymous8:52 PM

    This family are a bunch of racist garbage and it's about time America Wakes up and put the Palin Freak Show Klan members in the dumpster!!

  30. Sarah and Todd should be ashamed.

  31. I thought Sarah Alaska was stupid also.Not Alaska but the Sarah part.It was political.That is something she cannot deny.

  32. Hey, 8:19pm,
    I live in the same town as this family and this family has misbehaved in many ways for many years. Be it Sarah, who when Mayor spent thousands to redecorate her office then hired a city manager to do her job and cost our city an extra salary.

    Then Sarah the Governor decided not to show up to work in Juneau, the State Capital, for the majority of her limited term and cost us extra money because she charged us for working at home and commuting to her Anchorage office.

    Add to that the embarrassment that we as Wasillans and Alaskans have had to bear being represented by this family that does nothing more worthwhile than race snowmachines and have a bunch of children that are constantly in the news for either having children out of wedlock and feuding with the paternal family, or vandalizing one thing or another.

    Really, these people take the cake and I grew up in the South amongst some hard living people that I thought pretty much represented the worst that America had to offer. Little did I know that the "First Family of Wasilla" could up the ante so much more!!

    It's like Appalachia Squared with these people! Do they have no shame? Do they have no respect or drive to better themselves? I know people like the Palins, uneducated parents that managed to get the next generation through college and these people are proud that their children and grandchildren will succeed beyond their wildest dreams. The Palins? Well, to them education seems to be secondary to whatever goals they have set for themselves. Being a good citizen actually seems to not be something that they would instruct their children how to be.

  33. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree........

    Of COURSE every one MUST be JEALOUS of them, because they can do no wrong.

    The ONLY reasons anyone would criticize them is because they are

    1: envious

    2: are going NOWHERE in their own lives.

    NONE of the critisizm has any merit of course and anyone who dares is a @#$$^^&^&*$$@#!!.

    SO THERE!!

    How many times have we heard $arah and Toad speak like this, use the same words, with the exception of the profanity, in public.

    Funny though , this perverse sexual meme of creepy peepers, pedophiles and now faggots and gay.

    What a superiority complex these two have and what terrible prejudice.

    All I can think of when I read this, is how ignorant, feeble minded, malevolent, neurotic and delusional this entire family is.

    It all started with this terrible "attack"

    "Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now."

    Oh WHAT a vicious 'ATTACK" indeed!

    From TMZ:

    Sources connected to the Palin family tell us ... Willow normally doesn't use this type of language, but she felt like she was being attacked along with her family. The source added it was the baby bear defending Mama Grizzly.


    I was waiting for this.......lol they are SOOO predictable and unoriginal AND they just cannot stop lying.

    All in all, there is one word that sums up the Palin family................. pathetic.


  34. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I actually watched the Jersey Shore show- a few episodes. The big detail the Palins missed- Jersey Shore characters are acting. The Palins are not acting. Neither are their friends.

    Snowbilly Snooki and the older girls remind you of the saying trash is as trash does.

  35. emrysa9:15 PM

    palin defenders are hilarious!

    "defending their family" - no the kid said THE SHOW SUCKS and bristol & willow came to his page and trashed him. that is not defending the family. spin it however you want, this is never going to look good for them. funny shit tho, I must admit. sarah tries so hard to craft and control their image, to put forward these myths, and the lazy entitled kids just blow it all up on facebook. LMAO

  36. Sarah doesn't raise her kids, the extended family and whoever does that for her. So you really can't blame Sarah alone for their ill behaviors. Blame her for abandoning them and yes, they do learn from her example. She would encourage any oneupmanship. There must have been many enablers around to teach them the crudeness and entitlement. No one is helping them with school work.

    This particular talk from Bristol stood out to me because she sounds like she is reading from the same old script and adding a little of her personality. They are both brainwashed and it shows.

  37. emrysa9:20 PM

    sarah loves her some facebook... wonder what she thinks of it tonite, lol

    yeah I'll be laughing about this for a while...

  38. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "aw, I'm proud that Brooke Burke is defending Bristol. The hosts and judges know America makes the final decisions. 8:31 PM"

    What do you expect Brooke to say, ABC fucked up?

  39. Anonymous9:24 PM


    You are so missing the point. You are clueless to even compare Sabrina Bryan to Bristol Palin! Sabrina Bryan was a great dancer who got kicked off. Bristol Palin is a shitty dancer who has lasted longer than Sabrina Bryan did! Sabrina Bryan deserved to be in the finals, Bristol Palin does not! YOU need to grow up and accept the fact that if it were'nt for the Palinbots she wouldn't still be on the show! She sucks, and better dancers got kicked because of her! She should have been kicked off weeks ago! If I didn't know any better, I think some of these trolls may be the Palins!

  40. Anonymous9:24 PM

    BRistol apologized via her fan page

  41. Sue B.9:25 PM

    8:15 PM

    Sarah's daughters did not have to go to someones Facebook and defend Sarah. There are millions of Facebook that say worse. This was someone with an opinion. They are not the only person on Facebook that had an opinion and didn't like the show. Why did Willow and Bristol pick this guy? If they are going to someones Facebook that didn't like the show why not try another approach? Willow and Bristol only exposed who they really are. That reflects on Sarah a thousands of times worse then a strangers opinion of her.

  42. SME1319:28 PM

    More proof the apples don't fall far from the Palin tree.

  43. Aussie Blue Sky9:32 PM

    Isn't it typical of the bot trolls to attempt to persuade us that all kids behave this way.

    The trolls are wrong, naturally. Most kids don't want to embarrass their parents in public .... so, to do it on a national scale is SOME acting-out.

  44. Anonymous9:32 PM

    You have to understand, for every person who likes Brandy, there's one who doesn't. That goes for all the contestants.

  45. Anonymous9:34 PM

    wow 9:24, who needs to grow up?

  46. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Blogger 2emptynest said...

    "Sarah and Todd should be ashamed." 9:03 PM

    Sarah and Todd are not ashamed. They are grifters, punking their followers for all their money.

  47. Anonymous9:35 PM

    @8:19 p.m.

    Meeting them? Are you serious? So fucking what? Their mother does nothing BUT trash talk other people without meeting them! I doubt Sasha and Malia (Obama's kids) would get away with that kind of shit if they were "defending" their father. And Palin's show does suck! Freedom of speech! Or, is that just for those Palin people?

  48. Anonymous9:37 PM

    We've had a Bot Infestation!!

    It's hilarious reading them defend them and tell us how bad we are and we're afraid of them. Afraid - NOT.

    Just think what the PeeBots would be posting if this had been one of the Obama kids saying it - Hell, they'd be calling the Obama kids nazis, etc. You know, those Rethugs that have all those family values (I'm gonna bust my gut laughing on that as they wouldn't know a family value if it smacked 'em upside the head!!)

    Afraid of Palin - yea right - hell, the bitches would be an appetizer for me.

  49. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I think that it is interesting that there was a public pushback by a few kids. Why did Bristol and Willow respond? Because to keep the reputation up they had to. And reputation means reputation just like a street gang or bully that they are feared because of the rep they have.

    Disrespect must be dealt with each and every time or they will loose rep and be attacked more. The worst thing someone can do in this type of social environment is 'diss' you. The kid knowingly did it.

    It was an open and public challenge.

  50. Anonymous9:40 PM

    @8:31 p.m.

    Mentally unstable teabaggers will make the final decision. And Bristol Palin still sucks, and should not not be in the final! Screw Brooke Burke, and the judges. She and the judges have their "marching orders."

  51. Anonymous9:43 PM

    From TMZ:

    Sources connected to the Palin family tell us ... Willow normally doesn't use this type of language, but she felt like she was being attacked along with her family. The source added it was the baby bear defending Mama Grizzly

    Yea - we all know Willow - Drunk it up with a bunch of friends and then destroy the Morlock house. Yea -- the kind of daughter everyone wants. Yea - to smack her head upside a wall. They've all needed some of that.

  52. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Sure kids are kids and young people make mistakes. Some live in a small town and have well connected parents and happen to be just under legal age , so they get away scott free.

    Other young people make mistakes and the person who has been wronged does not cut the young person any slack. She wants them to be punished because being a victim and calling attention to her victim-hood is how she keeps the money coming in.

    The Palin children should have at least one grownup parent or grandparent that cares enough and is smart enough to know that these young people should be kept out of the fray. They are repeatedly put in the position of defending their mother. Instead of a mother who protects them, because they are not yet ready to deal with the mean, angry hate filled politics their mother embodies they are thrust into the spotlight.

    How sad is that?

  53. Anonymous9:46 PM

    @8:34 p.m.

    Bullshit. There is no comparison to Sabrian Bryan, and Bristol Palin. The hell with the "audience reaction." Sabrina Bryan being kicked off, did not cause this big a PUBLIC outrage, as the untalented Bristol has.

  54. Anonymous9:53 PM

    @8:39 p.m.

    It's obvious most of those people are Palinbots. Why didn't the other crappy dancers make it to the final???? What's so special about Bristol Palin? If it wasn't for her mother, she wouldn't even be on the show.

  55. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I forgot to say thank you for posting this. Thank you.

    Sarah has not twitted about BFF Militia/PollTroll/Joe Miller has she?

    Hoping that is quickly forgotten?

    Well it looks like HE LOST.

    He'll need some fundraising help to pay back that poor investment (his campaign) he made. May be needing a legal fund too. Van Fleen is not working for free is he?

  56. Anonymous10:00 PM

    @8:42 p.m.

    I, and many others LAUGH in Palin's botoxed face! Because most people KNOW Palin wasn't vetted properly! Who is she to even be talking? I guess she think's we forgot about her? Has Palin seen the recent polls saying most people STILL believe that SHE is not qualified to be president? Or, what about the hypothetical 2012 polls that say Barack Obama would crush her if the election were held today, despite the fact that he wasn't "properly vetted?" How did we end up talking about Obama? Trying to change subject?

  57. Anonymous10:03 PM

    @8:44 p.m.

    Kate G. didn't make it to the final. She was kicked off before the final. The excuses keep on coming. Still trying to justify BP still being on the show. Nice try, though.

  58. i went to Bristol's facebook page and she did apologize. it could have been more heartfelt, but i'm glad she apologized. it's on her public facebook page, btw, NOT her fan page. unfortunately, most people are commenting to her that she didn't need to apologize. how anyone can say that i don't know. it is obvious that YES SHE DID need to apologize! and even if it wasn't the sincerest apology,i'm glad she is smart enough to realize (or had an advisor who was smart enough to tell her)that an apology was in order. if her mother doesn't follow suit then she is dumber than dumber than dumb.

  59. Anonymous10:08 PM

    @9:24 p.m.

    So. What? They're still trash.

  60. What's new?10:11 PM

    Lisa Murkowski's kids seem like they are wonderful people. When will people start looking at Lisa and asking what she is doing right? Does she make sure she is home each night to have dinner at a certain time with her boys (LOL "boys" including her husband who seems like a nice guy, not to mention funny AND handsome.)

    When will the public start paying attention to people with class?

    Young people are supposed to challenge the previous generation, but we-- THEY-- have to draw the line. What's next for the Palin girls? They swear and are trashy and I am not going to be shocked to read of one of them getting out of a limo a la Paris Hilton.

  61. Anonymous10:14 PM

    @9:34 p.m.

    "Um, wow." The Palins and their defenders need to "grow up." If the Palins and their family and friends really didn't care what other people think, they (yes, they) wouldn't keep coming here to defend them. They most certainly do care what we think. Liberal bloggers own the Palins! HAHAHAHA! They are so thin-skinned.

  62. Anonymous10:15 PM

    This is very presidential family behavior don't you think? Those kids are out of control. Good Christian family my ass.

  63. Anonymous10:17 PM

    @9:32 p.m.

    It doesn't matter. Brandy was still better than Bristol. Bristol should not be there. Try again.

  64. scarlet/oregon10:17 PM

    I read a lot of the Facebook garbage and weirdly felt sorry for $arah's daughters who have lost their childhood to sacrificing themselves for their 'narcissistic mother'.

    Children of politicians are groomed from a young age to adjust to that lifestyle, but in $arah's case her children are merely props and a means to her own personal end. These kids don't know how to protect themselves from the 'fallout' $arah causes.

    Bristol & Willow's angry, sassy reactions are so classic textbook & I'm curious how many therapists out there are sad about this family from Wasilla?

  65. Anonymous10:19 PM

    @9:32 p.m.

    You have to understand that Brandy is still a better dancer than Bristol, and that Bristol should not even be there.

  66. Anonymous10:27 PM

    @9:56 p.m.

    Of course Palin wants it to be forgotten. Same way she threw Christine O'donnell under the bus, when it was clear she was a loser. Joe Miller losing in $arah Palin's own backyard (to a write-in candidate no less)reflects more on her than some stupid "reality" t.v. show.

  67. Anonymous10:33 PM

    This is how the Palins operate: they're bullies. We saw it at Homer and at elsewhere. Is this how they managed to subdue virtually the entire population of Alaska? Disgusting people.

    And I have to laugh at all the Republican defenders saying, "This is how all kids act!" or "This is how kids talk!" Well, no; this may be how Republican kids act and talk, but it is not how ALL kids act. The Palins are ill-mannered trash to the core as are, obviously, their supporters. Which I guess is why they don't realize just how sick this family is.

  68. Andrea10:38 PM

    Not surprising at all, because this entire family is fractured to the nth degree.

    Dear Auntie Diana, the meth-head (who has now disappeared from Brisket's FB friends list), lists among her own friends the infamous killer-stripper, Mechele Linehan. Apparently dear, sweet Mechele is back living in Alaska, having had her murder charge overturned.

    But Auntie Diana is a friend! Were they cellies at one time?

    If you lie with dogs you get fleas, but who got bitten worse?

  69. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I cant believe people's negativity. If ABC's true intentions were to award the trophy to the best dancer, judges votes would count more and online voting probably wouldnt exist. and to those that think DWTS is solely for people looking to restart their careers, thats crazy. The reason the past and current contestants are on it (and not more prominent and relevant stars) is because those other stars are currently working. Many many people are asked each season if they'd like to compete. Many established performers have said Heck no!!! DWTS takes a lot of courage for anyone. THAT is why I and the rest of America who continues to vote for her feel Bristol is just as deserving as anyone to make the final 3. Just because there are people who take a tv show too seriously doesn't detract from that.

  70. Anonymous10:51 PM

    So Juicey was able to sweep her trailer trash daughter's breaking and entering charges under the rug. How is she going to explain this. Will Juicey go out to her cement slab and write a facebook response or tweet a response?

  71. moose pucky10:56 PM

    WOW, this is a regular poster at peezoo (c4p - cult 4 palin), and so far, his posts are allowed to stay up!

    "May I make a a suggestion? How about this: If your last name is "Palin", and your first name is something other than "Sarah", "Todd", or "Michael (of Monty Python fame)", please, --*PLEASE*-- STFU, keep your head down, and at least make an honest effort to avoid embarrassing your mother and her supporters. She's the only member of the family who has accomplished anything of note, and the rest are "famous for being famous" (like Paris Hilton Kim Kardashian, and Lindsey Lohan) and deserve no further platform from which to beclown themselves. I swear, her worst enemy is the stupidity of her kids (Track nothwithstanding.). Bristol and Willow: sit down, STFU and go away before you start making MeggieMac look classy. You're both one step away from being extras on Trailer Park Boys, and it's time to stop.

    This latest fiasco is proof enough that Sarah and Todd are the only ones that belong in front of a mic or a keyboard."

    "BTW, I've avoided talking about Bristol. This latest inanity she's engaged in with her "PSA" with "The Situation" (the only guy on earth who could make Levi look classy) is a bridge too far. BRISTOL: PLEAE SIT THE F#$K DOWN AND STFU ALREADY."

    "Yep, JeanA. All the better reason for Bristol and Willow to STFU immediately. Willow would do well to follow in her in her brother's footsteps and enlist, and Bristol needs to act like an adult if she wishes to be treated like one. I'm sick to death of both of their antics.

    Mark my words, Bristol and Willow will be the final nail in the coffin of the Palin 2012 campaign if they aren't reigned in, put in their place, and told to STFU."

  72. sallyngarland,tx10:56 PM

    "sources close to the family"--Oh my(sarcasm), are these some of those anonymous sources Palin gripes about allllllll
    the time?? Hypocritical, isn't she?

    I've heard her called "Snowball Snooki", too.

    I saw tonight where someone said "Bristol winning DWTS would be like William Hung winning American Idol."

  73. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Willow, you're a slag (or "your" as she might have it).

    Time for some grammar lessons you stupid little tramp.

  74. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Bristol apologizes for reacting to someone making negative comments about their family. Sorry, Bristol. He didn't say anything about your family, just the show.

  75. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Do the Palin children go to school? In addition to the dreadful swearing and the anti-gay pejoratives, their use of the English language is illiterate!

  76. Anonymous11:33 PM


  77. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Official Bristol Palin: Willow and I shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family. We apologize. On a nicer note, thank you for supporting the great competition in Dancing with the Stars!

    That sounds like she is doing what she was told. What depth of sincerity are the words "We apologize" ? The Tea Bags will love it!


  78. Erica from Dallas11:57 PM

    I don't remember such ill-behaved children of any President in my life.Not what I would call wholesome!
    All have kept a pretty low profile.
    Won't any of them consider college?I guess education isn't important to the Palin family.
    We will hear the Palin's sad paranoid stories and their offspring's sad paranoid stories for the rest of our life.

  79. Anonymous11:58 PM

    TMZ repeatedly kisses Palin's ass. For them to post something so unflattering says something. Things that make you say, "Hmmm."

  80. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I don't understand why the Palin girls would use words that are offensive to the Gay community when their father seems to be a little sweet himself with his new designer glasses and his voice is not too manly either?

  81. I suppose there's no reason to expect the girls to act more grown up or show more intelligence than their parents.

    We've seen the arrogance and self-importance before from Bristol when she used April's page to lash out at Mercede and when she continually sets herself so much above Levi (also, too, elevating her job position from receptionist to office manager). We've seen it all from Sarah and Todd over and over. It's really, really getting old.

    Blow ye mighty winds!

  82. Ted Powell12:13 AM

    I hope ABC saved all the emailed votes, so they can count how many originated from each IP address, despite the use of multiple email addresses.
    Many webmail services include the sender's address in a "X-Originating-IP:" header.
    Perhaps somebody will take the initiative and do some analysis.

  83. Anonymous12:14 AM

    A little OT but worth the read. The original was posted by someone who goes by the name Sickandtiredof Palin. The article is from the Washington Post.

    Look who is neck in neck with Sarah--SpongeBob. I kid you not!!

    l "Sarah Palin's Alaska." The newest star in the reality-TV firmament is Palin - just like her daughter Bristol, only with about 15 million fewer viewers. Mama Palin's TLC show debut attracted an average of 5 million viewers. Which, in one of those incredible coincidences that make covering the television industry so rewarding, is virtually identical to the number of people who watched the unveiling of AMC's new zombie show, "The Walking Dead."

    And if that's not enough of a coincidence for you, try this on for size: Both show debuts delivered their network's biggest ever series-launch crowd. On the other hand, the zombie audience was very young, while more than 62 percent of the audience for Palin's debut had seen at least their 50th birthday. That would get Palin canceled on AMC - just ask the producers of "Rubicon" (see: Losers).

    l"SpongeBob SquarePants." Everyone's all Palin this and zombies that in their TV coverage these days. But truth is, last week's most watched non-sports cable show was not "Sarah Palin's Alaska" or "The Walking Dead." It was an episode of "SpongeBob SquarePants" in which Plankton tries to steal the Krabby Patty recipe again and Mr. Krabs sends the formula to a faraway vault for safekeeping, only Mr. Krabs forgets the recipe and gives the key to the vault to SpongeBob and sends him on a journey across the ocean to retrieve it - only the key goes missing aboard the Oceanic Express. Will SpongeBob identify the culprit and reclaim the key before the Krabby Patty recipe is lost forever? Gak! More than 6 million tuned in to find out - more viewers than Palin or zombies attracted that week. "SpongeBob" also delivered more 18-to-49-year-olds - who are to advertisers what tea partiers are to Sarah Palin - than "Conan" did that day.


  84. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Ah Jeez, this is priceless!

    Tre makes the following comment where he actually uses the word "your" correctly (see Huffpo for the whole hilarious Facebook rant):

    we all can't get lucky and have our mom's be the gov. and you getting on talk shows because your pre-marital sex.

    Bristol responds:Because I'm pre-marital sex? Right. That doesn't even make sense you dumb ass.

    Hey B Palin, "your" does not mean "you are." It's because OF your pre-marital sex. Make sense now? Who's the dumb ass?

  85. Anonymous12:40 AM

    White Trash is higher up the food chain than these people... what a bunch of losers...

    after watching Willows beau sneak into her bedroom on the previews should we start a baby pool for her too???? I figure Briskit is due in February/March

  86. Anonymous12:50 AM

    So the Palins went after people who used the word "RETARDED" and tried to destroy their careers, but it is okay for the retarded Palin family to use the word "FAGGOT".

  87. Anonymous1:07 AM

    snowbilly snookie!!!!!

    love you gryph!!!!

    straight trash. this family is straight trash. and i love it. makes me feel better about myself. its a personality disorder i know...

    but not nearly NEARLY as big as a personality disorder THAT ENTIRE FAMILY HAS....

    love it.

    and oh yeah, Sarah loosing the all precious Alaska vote to Murkowski is SUCH a bitch slap!!!! America gets to watch sarah on this show knowing that the entire scenery DIDNT VOTE HER WAY and HATES HER and WENT WITH A WRITE IN VOTE TO SHUT HER UP.


  88. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Not all teens behave or speak like Bristol and Willow and their peers. Not all women are like Sarah Palin - self-absorbed, materialistic and offensively ignorant.

    These young women are only partly to blame for their wild sides. Sarah and Todd bear most of the responsibility for how their children are behaving.

    Everyone understands how children will usually come to the defense of their parents, but abused children often have a combativeness uniquely their own. I am not suggesting that Bristol and Willow have been physically abused by their parents, but they have been abused nonetheless by inattention. I suspect they know all too well what we as observers can see: Sarah puts her ambition, her career, her needs before those of her children. She seemingly also rides roughshod over her husband. Everything must revolve around Sarah.

    Kids need and deserve more than that. They support (physical, economic, moral, and spiritual support). They need attention - not just "quality" time that is scheduled per the convenience of the parent. They need monitoring, observing, listening to during the everyday moments. Parents who love their children provide this, sacrificing their own desires, their own ambitions, even their own self-care time. If you are good parent, you know you even give up sleep for the good of your child and you do it without begrudging them because you love them.

    Sarah and Todd seem to love themselves more than they do their children. I am not saying they don't love their children, but the acting-out of all their children speaks clearly to the idea that the kids feel that their parents care more about themselves than they do the kids.

    Whenever you see kids getting into trouble like the Palin kids have, you have to consider the reasons they need such negative attention. Just saying, people ought to look to the source of the kids' problems: Sarah and Todd.

  89. Anonymous1:50 AM

    8:11 #3, LOL!

    8:11 #2, so I suppose that Gretchen also cried when Palin trashed Lisa?

  90. Anonymous1:51 AM

    One daughter might be an unruly, disrespectful, filthy-mouthed, but two? Possibly three, considering what Piper has been rumored to say upon occasion, apparently simply repeating something she heard her elder siblings or parents say.

    Attentive loving parents might have one of several children act out, but to have several children act out repeatedly is not an accident. It is evidence of poor parenting and angry, unguided children.

    This is not a cause of rebellion and frustration with being in the spotlight like the Bush girls went through. They were underage drinkers, and Jena went through a brief rude, crude phase where she chose not to comply with her mother's wishes and even had that infamous incident where she stuck out her tongue at photographers. All that was shocking, but once we learned the back story that the girls had begged George not to run for President, their acting out made more sense.

    No, with the Palins, this is a pattern and practice syndrome that traces back to Track's vandalism, manifests in Bristol's pregnancy and Willow's vandalism and now their unseemly rants on Facebook. There are other instances of the kids acting out to get attention, even negative attention. No one seems to have taught them self-restraint, anger management, or basic common courtesy.

    Sarah and Todd are simply inattentive and self-absorbed parents who do not want to invest the time and energy into raising well-adjusted, self-sufficient children. The kids seem to sense or know this and overreact to situations in defense of parents they must be reluctant to accept as having failed them. Is tough to accept that your parents don't love you enough to care about how you grow up or the kind of person you will become.

  91. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Brooke Burke is just trying to save her job. When DWTS goes, she goes.

    Lie down with Palins, you wake up with your wallet empty.

  92. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Terrific spelling/grammar (not sure which of these they're not understanding), also, too.

    I mean, if "your" not going to see those rants as highly intelligent, then "your" just jealous (like the rest of the world). And I saw a picture of you and "your" disgusting.

    The wisdom of Willow, sage of Wasilla.


  93. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Wow, these people are just ghetto white trash, and NOT because of the profanity like "effin." Profanity is common. What's uncalled for is all the n*gger and faggot references, and the way they called those kids losers cause they aren't a Palin.

    Ha ha...I loved how that one black chick said she's gonna meet Willow one of these days. Love to be there when that happens. Maybe we can get Brandy in a room with Bristol! lol. I would pay tickets to see that.

    Some of those kids said they're going to college, one was gonna be a dentist another one a fire fighter. But of course they're all losers to the Palin girls.

    I expect trash from Willow, cause I believe she was the one in Homer, but "America's Sweetheart" really surprised me with her sick need to put other people down, and she even called Levi her loser baby-daddy...lol. Levi was good enuff to get horizontal with though, right honey? Trailer trash with money, that's what these girls are.

    Hilarious that she said she was working hard. Haahaha! Yeah, while she's got a nanny for her kid, hanging out in clubs and stuffing her face with Micky Dees, the other dancers on the show were actually working.

    I hope people who read this FB stuff understand that they're all cut from the same cloth. Bristol actually started the fight and brought her sister in for backup. That was nasty.

    Well, I suppose for Bristol and Willow, it's good that their mother is famous, otherwise they'd be pregnant high school dropouts on welfare. Can't blame luck, they got lucky. But I have no idea why she expects people to admire her for it.

    The kid on FB put up a relatively bland post about a tv show on HIS facebook page, and Bristol should have shut her mouth about it.

  94. Facebook Lurker2:59 AM

    He, he...thanks for the mention. To be honest, I have never found the Palin girls' Facebook pages to be that full of vitriol before this incident.

    This guy Matt innocently posted on HIS OWN page, that he thought the show was a "fail". Kids say that all the time, no biggie, right. This was not directed at anyone in particular.Willow and Bristol must have snapped, and totally went off on this guy for absolutely no reason, and in later posts, even their friends threatened to beat this guy up. Those girls obviously have learned these tactics from their mother. Seems like WIllows boyfriend was the lone voice of reason, begging her to lay off. Mind you, Willow has been out of school for over 10 days now, so she was not even in Alaska when this all happened. I would think she would have better things to do with her time, like making up missed schoolwork, right. She will be dropping out when she gets back....

    Looks like Britta Hanson and some other chick Whitney were trying to tell them to delete the posts, but no one did as of last night.

    The big problem here is going to be Sarah's new book which rails on Hollywood, Levi Johnston, and praises Bristol as the near virgin who works, goes to college, and raises her little angel all by herself. Check out Palingates.

  95. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Well, I started being a language cop with my daughter at an early age. I let her know that in public she would hear some words that, as a lady, she shouldn't use. When I hear an inappropriate term she has picked up in public, I let her know not to use it. The only repeat offender so far has been the word "butt." It's probably easier on her since she doesn't hear inappropriate words at home.

  96. Anonymous4:03 AM

    How proud Sarah must be!

    She has been a success in raising two FOUL mouthed, self absorbed idiots.

    Good job Sarah. Make sure to screw up Track and Piper also.

  97. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I feel sorry for the Palin kids, They have obviously been neglected and exposed to a great deal of anger, lying, cheating, manipulation, and meanness. It's all they know. The entire family is ugly, grasping, and cruel. Their mantra is "Win at any cost! Lie, cheat, steal to get to the top, as long as you get there." This family wouldn't know ethics or morality if it slapped them square in the face. Talk about a family of puppy-kickers and baby-stompers! They have no redeeming social value whatsoever.

  98. Anonymous4:22 AM

    While cussing is regular to most teens, a lot of them are smart enough to know that what is on the internet is out there for everyone. My daughter, who is about the same age as Bristol, has known since she was allowed to use the internet that you NEVER put anything up there you would not want your grandmother to read. As a student counselor, I have told hundreds of teens this. What is on line is there for potential employers, colleges, and enemies to see and use.
    This blatant stupidity of the Palin girls is just more proof that their parents epically FAILED at raising them. I don't care of "other kids do it". Their mother's supposed position in the world should make them even more cautious than anyone else.

  99. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Can't wait to see Sarah's Facebook response to this! Mama Grisly is going to be slapping her bloody, fishy paws all over the Blackberry over this! If she DOES respond to this stupid teenage nonsense, more proof she's the mental midget we all know her to be. But she WILL, we know she WILL.

  100. Anonymous4:26 AM

    If a person expresses his or her opinion on their own Facebook page, and Willow Palin comes a bustin' in to start a fight, that does not make the person who expressed his opinion a "hater." "Hater" is the word Palins use for anyone that is not a submissive, salivating fan of theirs.

  101. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Please, Gryphen, please. Put together a bio on mean, misbehaving Bristol to counter the "she's so sweet," "she's just like us," "her only mistake was Levi" utterances. -B

  102. Anonymous4:33 AM

    EVERYBODY who reads this blog and others like it should all post on their Facebook pages, this vicious "attack:"

    "Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now."

    Wonder what would happen. That would probably crash Facebook, if the Palin sisters saw it.

  103. Anonymous4:40 AM

    So when will Willow post her Facebook apology?

    Bristol had to, to look good for the DWTS crowd. But she didn't really have to--the fix is in. Just covering the bases, though.

    As for Willow...I know the answer: never. Because Mommy is going to defend her baby cub. Can't wait for the next house-trashing!

  104. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Kids will be kids? I have at least one relative out of a job he trained years for because hr looked into his facebook page. I pound this into my students: keep it classy and clean, whether you approve or not your online personality IS part of your job interview. And my students are looking for technician jobs, it's not like their mom wants to be POTUS.

  105. 10catsinMD4:56 AM

    Interesting. Sadies facebook page does not have language like this that I have seen. She always shows herself to be a lady.

    Lovely person, Sadie. I would love to meet her give her a hug.

  106. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I love it when the trolls hyperventilate. So satisfying.

  107. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I bet Sasha and Malia are not/will not be allowed on FB. Just sayin'


  108. Anonymous5:39 AM

    They picked this guy because they're bullies and they didn't think anyone would find out because they think they control everyone in their podunk little town. They were taught to bully by their parents. Remember how the family fanned out to surround the teacher with the WGE sign? They have the same thin skin and inability to not react as their mother and father.

  109. Anonymous5:41 AM

    To be fair, yes, kids will be kids. Facebook is full of this kind of crap.

    However, I think the Palin children's reaction to the criticism of the TV show to be way, way beyond the pale. It's a TV SHOW. Not everyone is going to like it. Criticizing the show for being lame is not "hating" the Palin family anymore than criticizing "Seven Years in Tibet" is "hating" Brad Pitt.

    Sadly, the Palin children seem to have inherited their mother's wafer-thin skin and persecution complex. What amazes me is after years in the public eye, none of them have learned to suffer with grace and dignity the scrutiny of the fickle and sometimes cruel media. Indeed, the type of behavior exhibited here feeds it, which makes me think the Palins throw tantrums the way a small child does to get attention.

    As Oscar Wilde once said, "The only thing worse than being talked about is *not* being talked about." I think the Palins believe this in spades.

  110. Anonymous5:50 AM

    My kids aren't perfect, but I can guarantee they would NEVER use words like the Palin girls used. My kiddos were brought up to NOT use those types of bigoted slurs - no, not even in anger. The excuse that they were just defending the family is beyond lame. There are other words that could have been used. Those girls are old enough to be held responsible for how they act. They acted irresponsible and mean. Willow and Bristol do not exhibit good family values IMO

  111. Anonymous5:50 AM

    What's different (and extra infuriating) about Bristol's sticking around vs. Kate G and other previous no-talents is the fact that

    a) there is MASSIVE and co-ordinated voting by NON-WATCHERS of the show. It's one thing to watch DWTS and give all you votes to your fav but, encouraged by c4pee and other sites, many, many bots are just dialing/texting/emailing their votes w/out ever tuning in to the actual dancing. ABC must be damn-well aware of this b/c the number of votes cast must be a significant order of magnitude beyond the small multiple each viewer is "allowed."

    and b) the JUDGES are going MUCH easier on Bristol than they did on Kate G. and others who just couldn't cut it. The fact that Carrie Ann HUGGED Bristol after her paso was disgusting. Any other year, she would have ripped a dancer a new one for that walk-pose-walk-pose crapfest.

    It's the COMBINATION of huge over-voting AND the judges giving her a pass that have allowed talentless Bristol to waddle into the finals.

    Hope you enjoyed those ratings, ABC, b/c Bristol the buffalo just trampled your show into dust.

  112. Anonymous5:50 AM

    My kids aren't perfect, but I can guarantee they would NEVER use words like the Palin girls used. My kiddos were brought up to NOT use those types of bigoted slurs - no, not even in anger. The excuse that they were just defending the family is beyond lame. There are other words that could have been used. Those girls are old enough to be held responsible for how they act. They acted irresponsible and mean. Willow and Bristol do not exhibit good family values IMO

  113. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Willow (in response to someone calling Bristol fat) says:

    "Hahah your (sic) so gay. I have no idea who your are. But what I've seen pictures of, your (sic) disgusting... My sister had a kid and is still hot."

    This is soooo wrong for so many reasons. First off, calling somebody gay.

    Second: calling her own sister hot?????

    How totally weird is that???

  114. Aunt Snow6:07 AM

    Sources connected to the Palin family tell us ... Willow normally doesn't use this type of language, but she felt like she was being attacked along with her family.

    Yes, and doesn't that give us a little preview of the way a Palin presidency would conduct its diplomacy and negotiations with foreign powers we might differ with? Over-react, dirty and low-down, and refuse to take responsibility when called on for it.

  115. BAustin6:17 AM

    angry and ugly....very sad family life for these two girls.

    So Willow isn't in school either? so a total of 3 high school drop outs in one family? Wow!!!

  116. imnofred6:25 AM

    Children are a reflection of their parents. This kind of language comes as no surprise because Sarah has already used the words limp, impotent, and bastards on TV. If she says that on air, one can only imagine her mouth when no cameras are around.

    As far as any apology goes, that was Sarah just doing some damage control.

  117. Anonymous6:33 AM

    There is a healthy way to "defend" one's self or someone else by to stand up for your self or someone else making factual and reasonable statements. In this case the unfavorable comment was about the reality show.

    The Palin children need guidance to speak up to state their opinion of the reality show. It is dysfunctional if a comment about the show is perceived as calling them personal failures. Bristol and Willow launching a counter attack, verbally abusive name calling, defining other people as losers, future failures, future life failures while declaring they are the high success, spewing rage is dysfunctional and evidence of extreme toxicity.

    If my understanding is correct that this did not start with someone writing this on Bristol's facebook page this exchange is further evidence of more serious issues of entitlement to praise and skewed perceptions that any disapproval of a behavior is all about the self inciting rage reactions to portray another person in extremes with the cherry on top they are "jealous and envious". The "defending" done by Bristol and Willow are destructive and dysfunctional defense mechanisms.

  118. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I have reached the conclusion that the Palins could shoot puppies and kitties from planes and kick children with special needs, and their rabid fans would simply double down. I haven't seen this type of rabid fan base since the stories about Mel Gibson. These people are crazy and as far from Christ like in their behavior as anything I've seen. When will this madness end!

  119. Anonymous7:28 AM

    You know, I don't mind them using the f-bomb or sh*t so much. What's very telling, though, is when Willow uses f@ggot. Generally, a young person has such a viewpoint when he/she has learned it from the parents, or the parent has failed to discourage it. But then again, we all know Mama Grizzly's opinion on education and empathy, don't we?

    John McCain, may you rot in h3ll for releasing $arah and her trailer park family onto us.

  120. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Is it negativity to want a transparent and clear voting system for a popular show?

    Bristol did not win my heart at all. She must confront and be a good celebrity about why she is getting so huge as she is claiming to rehearse and all. I am fine whether she wins or not because this is so cheesy and anyone can see she is an awful dancer.

    I would like to see the whole television industry cleaned up. No more passing off politics as entertainment. Bristol is replacing Britney Spears and it makes sense that she will gain fans. Controversy is always good for that. She has earned her own reality show.

    Was it a coincidence that Anna Nicole's pal was the next celebrity to come on scene? Bristol can be the next Anna Nicole type reality show. She can pretend she is a hard working single hockey mom that is decorating her new house in Scottsdate. We all want to see where the Mirror Ball Trophy ends up. That is what is important. Let her mean girl self corrupt our children it is worth it for that trophy. Just ask the Tea Party. Win at any cost.

  121. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Anonymous at 8:19 PM said...

    How come people can come here and trash the family with no shame (and no personal experience meeting them) yet these girls cant stand up and defend their mother? THAT is fucked up


    Hey Anonymous, they can stand up and defend their mother all they want. But they DON'T have to call people hateful names.

  122. Louanna7:43 AM

    This may be how Republican and Tea Party kids act. AIP kids are trained this way also. They would pass laws to allow bullying if they can. They also want to be able to cover up their crimes. It is no surprise they repeat things like 'kids will be kids.'

    'Dear Auntie Diana, the meth-head (who has now disappeared from Brisket's FB friends list)'
    Someone does try to clean up Bristol's FB. I have not seen much of her ugly attitudes on FB pages. She is semi-illiterate at best and her limited education shows up big time. Now and then she would leave ugly comments on other people's FB. April and others also do the bully things for her. She is working on her acting and playing the sweet girl. She needs her back up to the dirty work.

  123. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Wonkette has the full screen shot AND really funny comments!

  124. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sources connected to the Palin family tells us ...

    "Willow normally doesn't use this type of language. Willow is more of a breaking and entering kinda girl."

  125. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Your sister is "HOT"? Before or after she got her gut and fat ass?

    What is Brisket now, the Paris Hilton of the all you can eat buffets?

  126. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Thin skinned are we? Brisket should be practicing, but instead she goes to Cheesecake Factory and McDonalds between trailer park fighting on FB.

  127. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Brisket should dance to Dueling Banjos. Maybe she would get 10s.

  128. Anonymous8:06 AM

    BRistol apologized via her fan page

    9:24 PM THAT WAS NOT A REAL APOLOGY. Bristol was obeying. There was no humanity in some words that were on her page. It was more crap especially if you read all the robot crap that followed.

  129. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Its not so much what they said, tho terms they used are highly bigoted...It is more that they have NO decorum. NO sense of propriety. NO self awareness other than gimme gimme and playing victims.
    All of them; this is a family trait, characteristic, a learned behavior.

  130. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Bristol walked into the elavator with a bag of cheesecakes, I wonder if she finished them before she got to her floor?

  131. Anonymous8:23 AM

    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. ~Palin Proverb

  132. Anonymous8:28 AM

    By TMZ putting this statement in their article, 'Willow normally doesn't use this type of language...'
    I believe they have thrown down the gauntlet! Thus we can expect part2, part3, part4, ... hell, it may even outlast the 8 episodes of the Tundra Trash show and be more popular and 'enlightening'! Van Flea has really gotten himself a cash cow! Bwahahahahaha!

  133. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Alright, let's clear something up.

    To the Palin defenders (Or, im sorry, defender's, since none of you seem to understand apostrophes, and im starting to wonder if the Alaska school system has skipped them entirely. "your" not representing your state schools well): Think a moment, which I know is hard for you to do. Did you ever extend think to extend the same courteousy to our president. Because some bs crap has been said about him, primarily by YOUR people, and especially by Sarah. She implied he wasn't born in the US, indicated he might be a terrorist, smiled while people suggested he be killed, said his wife was unpatriotic, and that he wants to kill your grandma. SHE is a vile, disgusting woman and deserves to have no one defend her. So...eff you. And her.

    I try to keep an open mind about the kids, but reading through those comments, two things become clear, that her kids are ignorant with a sense of entitlement a mile wide. Oh, Bristol's doing something with her life...She is? Because it seems to me all she's doing is shaking her tits on national tv for a few grand a week. She's not working her ass off, like she says. If she were, SHE WOULDN'T BE SUCH A FAT COW RIGHT NOW. Other competitors on the show have performed better than her -- while working full time. Like Donny Osmond, an undeserving winner, in my opinion, but at least he had an excuse, like the fact that he's 60. Bristol is 20 and dances with all the grace of a cow in heat. She's not even looking after her son. All she has to do for 24 hours a day is practice. Obviously, she's not.

    Oh, and I know "your" so proud of the cow for apologizing. I went to her FB fan site to see this bestowment of grace and saw that she's all whining about the "haters" -- ie, people who care about fair play...

    To people shocked that Sarah would allow her kids to do this: Are you kidding? Think of all the crap Sarah and her family has gotten away with? If you got away with stealing from the city and faking a pregnancy, you'd feel invincible, too. She doesn't give a rats ass how her kids are perceived. She does think we're all stupid, typical for a narcissist. I feel slightly bad for Bristol though, all this bluster about how it's her talent. You know big fatty's momma grizzly won't stand for that. You know Sarah'll be rubbing it in her face in no time: You only won because of me. Sad.

  134. Gasman8:45 AM

    Anon @ 8:42:

    “And yes, I believe Sarah was justified in saying Obama was not vetted properly as a presidential candidate. Because obviously he wasn't. He and her share that description well [sic]”

    Seriously? THAT kind of comment is one of the reasons the charge of “racist” gets hurled at you teabaggers. Let’s consider the pre presidential résumé of Barack Obama:

    - Director, Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes on Chicago's far South Side.

    - Editor, President, Harvard Law Review

    - Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School

    - Senior Lecturer, Constitutional Law, University of Chicago Law School

    - Director, Illinois's Project Vote, a voter registration drive with ten staffers and seven hundred volunteer registrars

    - Civil Rights Attorney with the firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 13-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development

    - Illinois State Senator

    - United States Senator

    Are you telling me that you would claim that any WHITE candidate with a résumé that impressive WAS NOT QUALIFIED!? If those credentials don’t SCREAM qualification, what constitutes “qualification” in your book? I would really like some specifics from you, because to me you simply appear to be another racist teabagger that objects to President Obama simply because of the color of his skin and not because of his record or his accomplishments.

    Please feel free to prove me wrong.

  135. Anonymous8:47 AM

    This comment on Bristol's official apology is amazing in its stupidity:
    "I've had to reword my comments several times over the last few weeks because I've gotten angry with the hateful words spoken against you and your family. I understand what you're going thru. You are a Christian and the persecution against y...ou is of the enemy. Put on the armor of God found in Philippians 6:10-16 each day. It will help deflect the poisonous arrows from the verbal stonings. Ask your mom what the pastor told her in Ohio back in 2008 when she leaned over to talk to the woman who lost her son in the Mideast. I got a copy of that from a brother in the Lord the day my letter to the editor was printed in the local paper. I supported your mom and called her a modern day Esther. Last night I got a virus on my laptop after I had made a couple comments on Facebook uplifting you and defending you and Mark. We are in a spiritual battle for our nation! You and your family are in the midst of it because of what you represent. I pray extra angels around you and your loved ones during this season of competition. PEACE that passes all understanding be upon you and yours and Mark."

    DWTS is a Christian pursuit now?

    Also, my sister and I are about the same ages as Willow and Bristol, and if either one of us said anything like that out loud or on Facebook or anything, we'd have our butts chewed out. Just saying.

  136. Anonymous8:49 AM


    You never, ever heard of anything like this coming from Cheslea or the Gore kids. Even the Bush twins, with their partying, never did anything trashy like this.

    And this from a family that says they are Christian. Humph. Yeah, right.

    What a bunch of whiney, bratty losers.

  137. Anonymous8:51 AM


    You should have given us a spit warning

    The Paris Hilton of the all you can eat buffet!!!


  138. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Gee, poor RINO-Hunter. What will they do if they find out the Palin kids have a stage mother that is pushing them to be REALITY TV STARS. Heh, this is good news for Sarah as a mother. They will spin this into how valuable they are to the media market. This is good for ratings. Nothing else matters. I'm just waiting to find out what they will call the next show and who are the sponsors.

    Bristol has low self esteem and this crap is what will motivate her until she has a crash. That will never be filmed. They will just do another makeover.

  139. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Willow and Bristol were trolling. They did not do that on their own FB page.

    These are typical bullies except they usually have others do the dirty jobs. As for the faux apology. That sucks BIG AS BRISTOL'S BLOATING FACE! Will you please continue to ignore that ,mama bears, so she will explode and you can wonder why poor Bristol cracked. How are they able to deny the blubber with a straight face? Willow is trained to say that is HOT! You can see the brainwashing from the South Pole.

    This is how a Presidential Tea Party family. Now Republican Party Presidential. This is what the Palins are doing for the Republican Party. Give them more reality show rope.

  140. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I am astonished at the loyalty of these kids to her mother. We've heard leaks of how she talks to them. They know how much of her mother's story is a lie.
    I think I'd keep a low profile.
    If I did want to defend someone, I would probably use King's English (or college English), not gutter words - the gutter words kind of hurting the message in addition to failing to address any issue.
    It boggles my mind she can get that much loyalty from her kids whom (I think it's whom, not sure) she has thrown under the bus more than once.

  141. Anne In DC9:39 AM


    PRESIDENT Obama was in the political spotlight for 622 days before November 4, 2008. During that time, the media went up one side of him and down the other. So, saying he wasn't "vetted" is utter nonsense. Palin, who was in the spotlight only 67 days before 11-04-08, is in absolutely NO position to comment on whether anyone else was vetted. Even so, she has proven during the 2-year period since that time that she is just as clueless and unqualified as she was in 2008.

  142. Interesting that BRISTOL was the first responder, the ADULT single mother, role model and "Star" that she is. Behavior quite unbecoming for a DWTS contestant. In any case this whole thing is an example of how the Palins perceive every negative opinion as an "attack". This kid didn't attack anybody personally, he only gave his opinion on a TeeVee show. And, just like their mother, these girls start foaming at the mouth and do the REAL attacking. Mama Grizzly must be proud.

  143. Anonymous10:45 AM

    So, this is American exceptionalism!

  144. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "...You never heard of anything like this coming from Cheslea or the Gore kids. Even the Bush twins, with their partying, never did anything trashy like this."

    That's because the Clintons and Gores are not trailer trash. And yes, even the Bush girls knew how to act. The Bush girls come from a decent northeastern family, even if it is republican. They didn't hang around people with meth labs, start reality shows, fight with people in airports and at marinas, or get pregnant at 16 or 17 years of age. And trolling on FB would not be in their league, either. Look at McCain's daughter, even she knows the Palins are trash.

  145. Anonymous12:13 PM

    ..."Donny Osmond, an undeserving winner, in my opinion, but at least he had an excuse, like the fact that he's 60. Bristol is 20 and dances with all the grace of a cow in heat."

    That's something I couldn't figure out either, what 20 year old girl can't move on a dance floor? I mean, I wasn't a great dancer either when I was in my 20's, I was tomboyish and a little shy, but I definitely could move and if someone showed me steps I could pick them up. This girl could not, or would not move, or learn her steps. And like clapping seals the judges applauded her anyway. And I think I understand a little more of why she was SOOOO bad in the beginning weeks, though. She set the bar so low that no matter what she did in the last week, she could bitch about "improvement" and demand a higher score than she earned.

    I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. If you're a kid in school who gets "F's" because you refuse to do your homework, and then when you finally crack open a book you get a "C," don't expect a parade.

  146. It's actually P.P.S, not P.S.S.

    You wrote post script script. PSS

    It would be post post script. PPS

  147. All I keep thinking is how stupid these chicks are to not have their Facebook pages set at private with friends only seeing them

    I checked my son's page, and got on his friends with open profiles for being ignorant of internet security

    Willows FB page is now gone

  148. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Let's face it they learned to talk that way at home.

    White trash with trashy mouths and the manners of wart hogs.

    Do they not realize that this type of situation is going to be spread literally around the world?

    Are they that dumb or do they just not care because God opens doors for Mommie Dearest?

    I wonder what the members of their church congregation are thinking about these little sweeties.

  149. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Compare the two bit of trash to LBJ's daughters who stayed out of the press and out of trouble, Carter's daughter, Clinton's daughter and look at the quality people they grew into.

    If Sarah runs some body is going to have to put a muzzle on the rest of the family.
    Real Christians don't let they children talk like that, and loving parents don't let their children talk and act like Sarah's do.
    These kids are just children gone feral, they won't survive in the DC establishment, especially the two still in school.

  150. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Since I just mentioned Willow and Piper in school in DC, if they were sent to the high security private schools that most President's kids go to they will be in classes with the highly educated, multilingual, very socially sophisticated children of ambassadors etc.

    That will be a hoot.

  151. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I don't tweet or face book but these girls are easily baited.

    These could become a regular nightly feature on the tweeter net.

    Just saying.

  152. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Again: A female Bear is a "Sow" not a "Mama".

  153. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The girls were trolling and were on a friends FB page when it went to a flame war. There was something about sensitive about a pregnancy or fat and they claim they had to defend the family. Virtual mafia. The person didn't attack the Palins as much as it was an opinion about the TV program on Discovery. Willow and Bristol don't want an honest opinion about the show. Only people that say what they want.

    Ivy Frye was off duty and the girls were unsupervised or who ever watches them failed. Bristol is 20 and she is treated like a 2 year old. They only play like she has her own life.

  154. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Lucy 9:17 AM

    The kids pretty much get what they want within their cocoon. They are raised by the extended family of baby sitters and staff. Very blurred lines and very slack on boundaries. They have it drilled in them about family loyalty. Think of gangs or a cult. The mythical mama bear image is central for keeping this show together. I wish Sadie could open up about all this facebook action. What they did here is not unusual for them. Internet flame wars are sport, they were on a high. Bristol and Willow didn't do this on their own site where they are aware it could get out. Two of them went to anothers site. Someone they thought of as obscure. The Palins are actual hicks. Not smart only Wasilla street crude smarts, it is all a very Colony Girl gang type of thing that they did. It was on the internet and not in person.

    The film in Homer caught another glimpse of how they are. Also Willow at the military base on the book tour. There are a growing number of Palin thug examples.

  155. Anonymous4:21 PM

    3:14 PM

    Never going to happen. They are home school material only. Bristol "graduated" from an on-line GED. You can see she didn't do that herself. No language skills at all.

  156. Brenda4:32 PM

    Bristol and Willow don't represent STATE SCHOOLS. They represent home school. I hope someone will do an extensive expose on the Mat-Su Valley and home schools, non-profits and religion in the area. It is a racket but legal. The children and the future is sacrificed but it works for parents like the Palins. Bristol and Willow are home school victims. Sarah and her hired help or volunteers are their teachers. Check out Ivy Frye and all her connections to understand what is going on here.

  157. Anonymous10:32 PM

    funny, the obama girls don't facebook, neither did Bush's girls (then myspace). When you are serious about running the country you, at some point, clue your family in. You can take the girl out of Wasilla....

  158. Anonymous2:37 AM

    .."Bristol "graduated" from an on-line GED. You can see she didn't do that herself. No language skills at all."

    That's astonishing. I did not realize Bristol was homeschooled and got her certificate online. Why didn't they just let the kids go to school? No wonder she's so backwards and has zero confidence except when she's attacking someone. I know for a fact that you can cheat on these online tests because people do it all the time for college exams!

    Bristol has the language skills, social skills, and maturity of, I'd say, a child about 10 or 11. Yet she's 20. It's amazing. And it's so weird that everyone treats her that way too...like she's a baby, or she's in the special olympics, and it's fabulous if she can just tie her shoes!

    And the sexuality is very strange as well. It's so uncomfortable to see a full grown 20 year old woman be treated by Ballas like a girl, a virgin, an inexperienced young girl who would giggle at the very mention of naughty things. So he can tease her and so forth and that's fun for him. And it goes without saying that the rest of the dancers are whores in comparison, when you play that game. Bristol the Innocent, in Sodom!

    But I have to keep telling myself - no, this woman started having sex in high school, if not before, dated several men, carried a baby to term, went through motherhood, and now has a toddler! That is an amazing amount of experience to behave the way so does.

  159. Anonymous3:52 AM

    We don't need no education. The real needs of these "kids" is not a priority.


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