Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hey look, Willow has her own ghostwriter now!

From E Online:

In an exclusive statement to E! News, the younger Palin touches on the Facebook haters, scandalous allegations in Life & Style and, of course, Bristol's surprise run to the Dancing With the Stars finale.

"Today I am focusing on a special event—Bristol and [partner] Mark [Ballas]'s appearance in the Dancing With the Stars finals. Nothing said today will take away how proud we are of Bristol and her grit and determination that got her this far," says Willow before turning her attention to the "ridiculous" reports, including the Life & Style story in which a former classmate dishes about her supposed partying habits.

"It is disappointing to see people who claim they know me to sell stories. As for people accusing me of being at a party over a year ago, the accusations are ridiculous. The same people saying this were also the ones attacking my family on Facebook. Unfortunately some people have learned that there are publications that will pay money for stories, no matter how misleading.

Somebody might need to tell Willow's ghostwriter that calling the reports "ridiculous" is not quite the same as calling them "false."

It should come as now surprise that Sister Sarah paid somebody to cover for Willow, but sadly no matter how many publicists and ghostwriters the Grizzled Mama hires the girls own Facebook rants will still tell the tale.

I wonder when Palin will spring for somebody to write E Online a handy dandy excuse for Willow's racist boyfriend?


  1. Olivia4:30 PM

    Wow, a miracle has happened! Willow can now spell and construct a proper sentence.

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Those diva kids are expensive, demanding their own ghost writers and all.

    How will Fox News keep holding her together?
    'Alaska' packs bad news for the Palins

    Palin’s daughters, Willow and Bristol, erupted in homophobic slurs and curses recently on Facebook. But rather than take any responsibility for their behavior, Palin blamed it on others saying “very, very hateful things about the family and saying mean things about her little brother, Trig.” Palin added, “Willow finally responded and she used a bad word when she responded in defense of her family and her response became national news. So that’s ridiculous.”

    Actually, Willow used quite a bit more than one bad word but again Hannity gave Mama Palin a pass.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It would be more believable if Willow had ever written anything that well before or even been heard speaking that well.

    Poor Sarah. She doesn't get it.If you are going to lie, make it sound feasible. Use the vernacular your teenage daughter would use. Insist the that ghostwriter spend some time around Willow so he or she can successfully imitate the speech or writing style of your daughter.

    Close, but no cigar, Sarah, though you might look exceedingly lovely sucking on one.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Nice try Rebecca!

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I cannot believe that Sarah and now Willow (though not her exact words) continue to lie when everything can be proven otherwise.

    They are absolute valley idiots!

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I think I'm more qualified to "channel" Willow than this ghostwriter:

    sorry that everybody is just jealous of my family but we dont care hahahahahahahaha. your ugly and your not going to do anything in life. suck it. ps my sister is hot even though she had a baby and is fat now. but not bc of tripp. im so confused. gonna be focusing on the h8rs instead of trying to figure it out. your just jealous!

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The Bush twins had the cajones to man up when they stepped in shit. When will the Palin girls get the hint?


  8. emrysa4:52 PM

    man, karma is going to kick this family in the ass HARD.

    I hope sullivan adds the "some kid was saying bad things about her little brother" line to the list of lies. I swear those people lie like rugs.

    okay GO KYLE!!!

  9. Ripley in CT4:53 PM


    The photo from last August, showing Willow Palin chugging vodka. Why are they acting like this is new?

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Oh please. Anyone would know Willow didn't write that. If she HAD written it, it would be short and mean and misspelled More like:

    Stop trashing my familie. Your just jealous Bristol and Mark will win so eat it bitchez.

    Now THAT I would believe Willow the whipper wrote! }: >~~~

  11. Scruffy4:55 PM

    Oh Olivia - really? Are you that easily fooled??
    Do you really think that Willow would say "Nothing said today will take away how proud we are of Bristol and her grit and determination that got her this far" without the word fuck or fuckin' in it???
    Do you really, I mean REALLY, think that Willow said this and/or feels this way???

    Sweetie, wake up.
    This is Sarah=publicist=lawyer speak.
    NOTHING of this statement is genuinely personal.
    Nothing genuine about it. Nothing genuine about the family.
    Sure, just wait for the 'detox with the stars'...and even then, nothing will be real.
    Except the realization that Sarah is ruining her family.

  12. 99-er5:02 PM

    Really, 'grit and determination' ...that's the EXACT language I'd use as a 60 year old, oh sorry, 16 year old. Snark!

    I know nobody who uses that kind of language. Except, of course, publicists.

    Willow has been put on a generous allowance (and/or black mail) apparently.

    I can't wait for that little shit to grow up and put out a book about disfunction and, sadly, addiction.

  13. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I'm beginning to wonder if Sarah is Delilah to Rupert's Fox Samson.

    Wouldn't that be delicious?

    foul/labile bringing down fair/balanced

    "A rose by any other name..."

  14. laprofesora5:09 PM

    People are going to get sick and tired of these Paylins constantly defending "baseless" allegations. Pretty soon folks are bound to realize that where there's smoke there's fire.

  15. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Scruffy, it seems to me like Olivia was using sarcasm....

  16. Olivia5:11 PM

    Oh, Scruffy,darling...have you never encountered sarcasm and snark?

  17. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Just saw on the news that Bristol could be killed should she win DWTS tonight. Any guesses as to who put that type drama out there? Sarah's group probably mailed the talcum powder to the set to the attention of Bristol for the press drama. Would not surprise me one bit! God, do they bring drama to whatever they touch!

  18. Anonymous5:13 PM

    OT, but a clip of Bristol was just shown. She was first whining about their low scores on the second dance. Are you kidding me? She received much higher scores than were deserved. The real story was when she said, "Winning tonight would be a big middle finger to the people who hate my mother and hate me!" Keep it classy, Bristol!!

  19. > Unfortunately some people have learned that there are publications that will pay money for stories, no matter how misleading.

    Er, yeah -- if by "somebody", you mean the Palins.

  20. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Palin: Ghost President

  21. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Have you seen this story: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201011230026

    Ghostwriter for SP may be Jessica Gavora.

  22. If Ms. Palin believe she has been publicly maligned she is free to sue those who may have falsely characterized her presence and actions at various drug and alcolhol parties.

  23. Facebook Lurker5:17 PM

    Holy shit, in the beginning of tonights DWTS show Bristol just said, "Winning this trophy will be like giving the middle finger to everyone who hates me and hates my mom"

    Way to be positive Butterball!

    She is again wearing the red fringe dress

  24. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Nice photo Willow.

    As long as Sarah lies on Fox channel it is alright. News Corp went to court for the right to lie to the public. Keep lying Fox, Republicans and Sarah. You are all in it together.

  25. Scruffy5:20 PM

    Oh Olivia, Sweet-Pea, I have encountered (although mostly DELIVERED) sarcasm and snark many many times.

    I'm sorry if my snark-radar failed me this time.
    My apologies.....

  26. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Jen Grey will have my undying admiration if she pulls this off tonight with a ruptured disc. I swear TB's preface tonight was his way of prepping us from a middle finger from a knocked up young diva.

  27. Anonymous5:25 PM

    DWTS is on here and Bristol is already whining about all the people who hate her mom and her. I don't hate Bristol until she opens her mouth. And start whining about hard her life is...wouldn't we all like our lives to be full of money, fame, and nannies.

  28. 10catsinMD5:32 PM

    Have you noticed in the clips that I have seen, Bristol is doing the talking and Mark just stands there and kinds of looks around.

    All of her snarky comments must make him feel that he has earned where he is.

    Ha Ha! Hope he gets what he deserves.

  29. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Well, Purple Pregnant Palin is now dancing in her maternity Sgt. Pepper's outfit. And she still sucks. Practice footage still show the hefty one with something going on underneath the hoodie.

  30. Olivia5:33 PM

    Oh, Scruffy, sugar pooh,honey bear, no need to apologize at all. We are on the same side after all.
    I hope you aren't diabetic.

  31. TMZ RULES!5:33 PM

    DWTS is going for a record ratings bonanza! Bristol Palin is more popular than Sarah!

    TMZ: Release the hounds.
    Harvey is the best reporter of the century. There is no stone that he doesn't turn to get his facts straight.

    I love TMZ and how fast Harv gets the facts out.

  32. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Olivia and Scruffy, thanks for the laughs...need to take my blood sugar now.

  33. Scruffy5:50 PM

    Bristol seemed, to me at least, to be a rather shy and decent young woman. It seemed to me that even the McCain people left her mostly alone.
    What I saw is that her OWN MOTHER started to put her in the lime light, much as she did with her 'little retard' Tri-G.
    But Tri-G is no longer in Sarah's live it seems. Nor is her Hubby, I might add (what's his name again?)

    Here's my view of what's happening in that family.
    Everyone was more or less trailer trash...until this McCain/VP thing.

    She willingly threw herself onto the national stage, her own family be damned.
    She liked the glamour, she liked the lime-light, she liked the attention. Mostly she liked the money.

    Sarah is NOT a family person. She throws her kids in the spotlight without hesitation. MONEY is the goal, and if the kids don't do what she demands...well...consider yourself cut off, kids!
    Bristol learned her lesson - all she wants is to be able to take care of her (soon to be) two children.
    Willow is not so sure yet. She may still fall into line though.

    The one to watch is little Piper.
    She's the one to be most damaged and either turns out to be a huge diva or a wicked wicked young woman.
    Or...a decent woman who recognizes how destructive her Mom was to her.

    Go figure. All Palin kids are fucked up and have NO PARENTAL GUIDANCE.

  34. Unfortunately some people have learned that there are publications that will pay money for stories, no matter how misleading.

    Yup. How much did Willow get for that misleading story?

    Jeez Louise - this family!! They're like the Kardashians.

  35. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Willow has had an overnight transformation, from mean girl with a potty mouth to an articulate writer who exhibits grit and determination. Yeah, and she's going to be a journalist just like her mother.

    As for the classy remark Bristol made about giving the middle finger to people who hate her mother, that shouldn't be the basis for voting. Seriously, Bristol, it really is supposed to be about who is the best dancer, not who has the best mother. We don't know too much about the parents of some of the other dancers, except for Jennifer Gray's father, Joel, who was also a talented dancer, singer and actor. But, we don't vote for her because we liked him in "Cabaret."

    When Bristol and Willow issued their quasi-apology, it was for responding to comments made about Alaska's Sarah Palin show. No, no girls. It should have been for using such nasty language. It does reflect badly on your mother, because it puts her parenting skills on real display, as opposed to that so called reality show on TLC.

  36. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Well, why wouldn't the Pay-lin sue? ???She has the names...

  37. Anonymous6:01 PM

    This obviously not Ms. Snotty-Pants voice. Furthermore, no one attacked your family. You, Ms. Snotty Pants attacked everyone else, backed up by the prego Ms. Whiney Pants.

  38. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I'm syruprised that somebody hasn't dredged this one up

    3PA-10-02547CR State of Alaska vs. Almon, Andrew Ryan
    Plaintiff Defendant
    State of Alaska Almon, Andrew Ryan

    Attorney(s) Attorney(s)
    Full Name


    Full Name


    Charge Dscr AS04.16.050(b): Minor Consuming Alcohol Degree of Offense Underage Consuming

    Case Judge
    Assigned Judge Zwink, David L

    Case Attributes
    Number 3PA-10-02547CR
    Status Open
    Filed 09/16/2010

  39. Scruffy6:02 PM

    Olivia, my sweet angel, my star-in-the-sky, thank you for caring about my health. I so love you for it!!

    And yes, my darling, we are indeed on the same side.
    And that's why I so admire your 'wit and determination'..haha, get it?

    Hey, seriously, I'm sorry I interpreted your post in the wrong way.

    Other than that, my Heart, keep it coming. I like the Bear reference..so so sexy!

    Oh, btw, I'm a (married) Lesbian, but surely that won't matter to you, will it? Chouchou? (that's French)

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    This obviously not Ms. Snotty-Pants voice. Furthermore, no one attacked your family. You, Ms. Snotty Pants attacked everyone else, backed up by the prego Ms. Whiney Pants.

  41. Scruffy6:08 PM

    Anon @5:47 PM

    Thank you. I'm waiting for my latest response to be posted.

    I hope Olivia will still be my virtual Alaskan wolfie...I don't know...grrrrr, Olivia???

  42. Olivia6:08 PM

    Yo Scruffy...Bingo!

  43. So thin skinned. So defensive. Saying that a TeeVee show is failing is not the same as an attack. It's AN OPINION. Oh yes, I forgot. Only Republicans are entitled to an OPINION. I'm so sick of these tacky people.

  44. Anonymous6:15 PM

    The proof is in the lack of lawsuits. I saw a photo of Willow sucking on a bottle of vodka in the National Enquirer some time ago. Not a peep from the Palin camp.

  45. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I'm with Olivia. We are supposed to believe that Sarah, Willow and Gristle can spell or construct proper sentences?

    And what 16 year old focuses on grit and determination? The RAM / Stapleton spin on exaggeration and bolstering the piss and vinegar in the Palin veins that they pass off as grit and determination.

  46. Scruffy6:19 PM


    I fear to love thee, Sweet, because
    Love's the ambassador of loss

    (by Francis Thompson)

  47. Anonymous6:25 PM

    And no offense to Mercede, but we've seen samples of her writing and thought bubbles that ring true. Valley girls with poor grammar, spelling and construction, but her meanings are clear and with very small effort to malign the Palin name. Whoever helps her write her postings (ahem, Gryph?) bless you.

    As for Willow and Bristol defending their family, it was a bullshit insertion into some consumer's opinion on a product that the Palin's are selling, themselves.

    They are pissing all over the power of Reagan's Free Market!

  48. Scruffy6:28 PM

    To Olivia
    (by Francis Thompson, although it might have well been by Scruffy!!)

    I fear to love thee, Sweet, because
    Love's the ambassador of loss;
    White flake of childhood, clinging so
    To my soiled raiment, thy shy snow
    At tenderest touch will shrink and go.
    Love me not, delightful child.
    My heart, by many snares beguiled,
    Has grown timorous and wild.
    It would fear thee not at all,
    Wert thou not so harmless-small.
    Because thy arrows, not yet dire,
    Are still unbarbed with destined fire,
    I fear thee more than hadst thou stood
    Full-panoplied in womanhood.

    (Forgive me, my chou, there's many phrases in this poem I do not understand. Like:
    "To my soiled raiment, thy shy snow"

    I don't understand, just know, my Alaskan grizzly woman, I'm on your side, I'm with you all the way.

  49. Anonymous6:35 PM

    This sounds oddly similar to the language that Levi used in his apologia for his youthful indiscretions in besmirching the Palin name.

    Boy, these Valley kids sure sound a lot different in the filter of the media instead of directly to the people. . .

  50. Anonymous6:37 PM


    So now the Palins are pretending the kids on Facebook were saying mean things about Trig????!!!!

    Holy cow! Do the Palins have no shame? I read the whole damn Facebook flame war and no where did Trig come up.

    Hell, the Palins can't even be bothered to take him on the Alaska sight-seeing tour, but now they see it useful to drag him out? Disgusting people, these Palins!

  51. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Scruffy, Olivia, let's not fight. It's only that the Palins put everyone in a foul mood.

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Today Palin starts her 14 state book tour, leaving these wild kids on their own again, since we know Todd doesn't give a crap even when they're on FB spewing horrific, sexually explicit garbage, as he simpily posts "nice".

    Sarah will get another round of the adoring and idiotic tea baggers lovin' on her, and all that adoration will (hopefully) push her over the cliff to insanity! The media is discussing that her book will be on the best seller's list by Christmas (ya if SarahPAC buys hundreds of copies).

    Good God when is this torture going to end with this family dominating the media and getting constant attention from the news?

    Even after describing her horrible, mean-spirited book they discuss how Palin is poised to be the front runner for POTUS, and the GOP commentators still rehash that she has more experience than Obama. Well even if her ass was in an office chair longer than his she obvioulsy didn't learn a damn thing about the laws, governing, and bringing people together for policy making!

  53. Anonymous6:42 PM

    5:13, I haven't kept up with the talcum scare, but my first thought was that the Palins or their fans were responsible. It sounds like the sort of attention-seeking action that is trademark Palin.

  54. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Wow, Bristol, you have lost all sympathy you might have gained as the victim of your mother's manipulations.

    Next year, you reach the age of majority in most jurisdictions and in most areas of the law (both categories have some areas where you already are deemed to be adult), and you should be advised that you will be held legally accountable for your words and deeds.

    I'd recommend cleaning up your act.
    Fewer people than you might expect will give you the benefit of the doubt because you are proving yourself to be little more than a two-bit slut who got knocked up and is trying to profit from it the expense of your child's welfare.

    You are young enough that people may give you another chance if you clean up your language, tidy up your life, stop bad-mouthing everyone and start school. You want to get some real respect, Bristol, go to college, earn a degree. (hint: pick a school and stay there for at least two years - otherwise you'll just be said to be sad copy of your mother).

    Make an effort to learn, Bristol. Don't settle for the easy and tawdry path. Want to prove us all wrong - hie thee to a college (or even a tech school) and put in the hard work it takes to earn a degree. Then, maybe you can be taken seriously. If not, then, baby, middle finger right back at you because that's all you understand.

  55. Anonymous6:47 PM

    laprofesora @ 5:09, good grief, no kidding. i wonder when it will start dawning on people that it always seems to be a "baseless" attack.

    Come on. Always?

  56. Our long nightmare is over! Bristol landed third.

  57. Anonymous6:52 PM

    What is it your daughter say's ? Epic FAIL! "Whew" DWTS is redeemed!

  58. Janet in Texas6:54 PM

    Bristol the elephant is GONE BABY GONE !! Screw the baggers and Sarah Palin too.

  59. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Brisket #3 !!!! There is some justice in this world!!! We will always have the shining memory of her gracious "middle finger" to all those who hate her and her mother...

  60. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Ha, ha! The world is where it should be, a Palin loses. On the topic Bristol said she was kind of nervous that Marc was her size.//!!!!WTF!!!!!!!!?

    Some one needs to give her a reality check.

  61. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I hope the photograph on this post is not typical of or representative of who Willow is because she comes across as unhappy, defensive and imperious. There is a coldness in her expression that cannot be explained away by boredom or minor aggravation. She seems seriously unpleasant.

    I hope it is just a photo that caught her on a bad day and does not convey who she is or will be.

  62. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Mamma and the Diva went down!Run Sarah! Run! Now lift all your fingers!

  63. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I'd wager that when the C4Pers jammed the phones and web last night and crashed the voting capabilities, they actually were responsible for Bristol's demise.

    Karma is a bitch!

  64. Anonymous7:07 PM

    DWTS Results

    Thank God......(vague spoiler)

  65. Facebook Lurker7:08 PM

    Wow, 6:01, thanks, so Willows dating a criminal too, they are quite a cute couple, huh?

    Anyway, I hope my Tea Party voting helped Jennifer, suck it Bitchol!

    How's that middle finger thing working out for ya?

  66. Anonymous7:11 PM

    The one thing I'll say is that I believe her when she says this was a life-changing experience for her.

    She was around some nice, honest, hard-working people who knew how to have fun and probably accepted her for herself, alone. (Most of them probably do not like her mother.) No real strings attached.

    She probably felt independent when she was away from her handlers and just working on those dances.

    It was scary watching her get into this us vs. them thing with her mother, and at times she truly reminded me of Sarah. Not a good thing, not a good thing at all.

    She has responsibilities ahead and like the poster above says, she needs to straighten up.

    Education is key for the kids in this family, as it is for so many at-risk youth. Might seem strange to characterize them that way, but that is exactly what they are, $$$ aside.

  67. Anonymous7:13 PM

    My take is that Bristol knew (by contract or otherwise) that she would be going home tonight, so her middle finger comment was deliberate. Yep. She's just like her mom.

    If people don't sit up and take notice that this girl does not live up to the myth, well, they deserve to have the Palins clean out their pockets.

  68. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Willow should stick to her sister's line of trite phrases: "it sucks", "big middle finger", "haters".

    It's really rude to dude up your press release and try to outshine your sister who (she tells us repeatedly) is working her butt off.

  69. Anonymous7:19 PM

    7:11, Bristol probably did meet a lot of people who showed her a different way to be and who accepted her for herself. And yet, she still managed to finish off the show with a middle finger for Not-Rill America.

    How sweet.

    Opportunity wasted.

    The Palins only recognize an opportunity if it has cash attached to it. They don't realize the benefit of Integrity.

  70. Anonymous7:20 PM

    So WTF was all that about bomb sniffing dogs, Bristol having her own bodyguard, tight security death threats to Brisket and Mark, etc ??? What are we expected to buy into... was it the black threat because, you know, Brandy and Kyle? Or it those notoriously threatening libruls? The unreal Americans? Democrats? Katie Couric's minions? Hard to know who was the most hysterical-for-effect: DWTS or Palenmentia!

  71. Scruffy7:20 PM

    Anon @6:39 PM

    You don't get it.
    Olivia and I are NOT fighting!
    We're agreeing and (mostly Olivia, I admit) are using the most creative language in a fun way!

    Right, Olivia?

  72. The chief judge's comment about Bristol cracked me up:

    "The story of her growth throughout this competition is amazing."

    Bristol wanted to win to get back at the Haters. Well, the Haters won. (Actually, no one hates you, Bristol. They hate dishonesty and hypocrisy and undeserving winners.)

  73. Anonymous7:24 PM

    When Bristol gets back to the Compound in Wasill, Sarah needs to show Bristol proper laundering techniques. Based on the clips of early season and late season, you can see that the Golden Child shrunk all her hoodies while she's been in Lalaland.

  74. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Anon 7:20

    So many suspects and so little time!

    You got it right; when everyone is the enemy, it's hard to figure out who's out to get you.

  75. Olivia7:28 PM

    LOL! Scruffy, seriously, love you dearly. No hard feelings. Married also,43 years, not lesbian, but I think my husband might be.

  76. Scruffy7:32 PM

    Anon 6:39 PM

    Mind you, I don't need any Palin to put me in a foul mood. they just add to it.
    I've been out of a job for over two years, my wife is coming to that same amount.
    My savings have been depleted, I'm about to dip into my 401k. So is my wife.
    The Palins simply piss me off so much more because they are the EPITOME of low-achievements/expectations, yet high income.
    It's disgusting, but these days acceptable apparently.

    These days, money trumps EVERYTHING.
    Especially those family loving, family values, hypocritical so-called Christians.
    Yes, like the Sarah Palin family. They're all of the above, yet still claim to be morally above most other Americans.
    Trailor trash.

  77. Olivia7:40 PM

    DAMN! I really wanted to see how big that belly got before someone collapsed under the weight of it all! Now will she disaappear into oblivion or do we have to see lawsuits dragging it on for months?

  78. Scruffy7:40 PM

    anon @7:19 PM

    Integrity is what it is.
    Opportunity has nothing to do with integrity.

    You either take advantage of opportunities or you stick to your integrity.
    Sometimes they're the same (see Michael Moore's 'Sicko')

    In case of Bristol, there's no integrity, there's no talent. There's only her mother.

    And she's a fake through and through.
    And people are learning/seeing that through all this so-called 'Reality' shit.

  79. aj weishar7:41 PM

    I saw that man's name and wondered how long it would take for one of the folks at the Palin compound to go racist.

  80. Anonymous7:45 PM

    It's so much easier to hire a ghostwriter for your daughter than to teach her any values. Oh, darn, I forgot it is SP we're talking about.

  81. Anonymous7:50 PM

    the obvious clue that this is not written by a teen aged girl, and no offense meant to teen aged girls, is the statement, "[n]othing said today will take away how proud WE are of ..." (emphasis mine). no teen aged girl would say "we", it would be "I". simple reality, according to my wife who is a teacher at an all girls high school, is that women this age do not generally view the world from a 'we' perspective but rather from an 'I' perspective. not only is there a ghost writer, but the at writer is pretty bad at their job.

  82. Scruffy7:52 PM

    Olivia!! My snookums! you're still here and you still love me!!
    I think my heart just did a little dance!! (Of course that may also be a sign of some serious heart disease, but since I don't have any health insurance, I just rather think that my thump-THUMP...then nothing..,) well that that it has to do with my JOY to learn that you love me and that your husband may be a Lesbian.
    Just between me and you, Lesbians and (many) straight men do have somthing in common, you know.
    We both love women! Plus that most men like lesbian porn! (not that YOUR husband does, of course)

    Anyway, my Sweet Potato Pie (ooh, and I do love me some of those!! we don't have those in the Netherlands where I grew up!!), it's been a sweet oh so sweet pleasure.
    Grrr... (isn't it that what 'you people' do in Alaska??) Hahahahahaha!!!

    Seriously, I like you, you little sprout (brussel's or not!)

  83. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I was flipping channels during the commercials of another show and happened to hit DWTS for the last ten seconds of her dance in the fringy red outfit. I have refused to watch any of the show, even online clips, because I am so offended by the whole situation. I was amazed at how awful she was, even after all these weeks with daily rehearsals lasting several hours, being coached by professionals. I believe it's a combination of having her torso being tightly squeezed into undustrial-strength Spanx, and the fact that the girl does not have a graceful molecule in her body.

    How sad that she should have been placed in the position of humiliating herself every week by the producers, her mother and the TPers who were so anxious to prove a point to us eeevil libruls.

    If she wasn't such a thoroughly unpleasant and unlikeable young woman, I would feel terribly sorry for her.

  84. Olivia7:59 PM

    @Scruffy 7:20. Righteo!

  85. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Who's surprised by these girls' bigotry and racism. The apples don't fall far from the tree.

    Robert F.Kennedy, Jr.
    Huffington Post 9/2008

    Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies."

    It might be worth asking Governor Palin for a tally of the other favorites from her reading list

  86. Aussie Blue Sky8:11 PM

    haha "ridiculous but true" kinda sums up the entire Palin family.

  87. Olivia8:18 PM

    @ Scruffy
    LOL! Soon people are going to demand that we get a room.
    I am not in AK but in MN and it's time to quit all this hilarity for now. Gots to get up early for work and am posting from a nookcolor...not very efficient. Blessings to you and your spouse. I hope your situation improves quickly and I look forward to seeing more brilliant insight from you.

  88. I'm gonna take a partial Pollyanna approach. I don't think the DWTS producers fix the fan votes. I do think they can and do influence the outcome with the judges scores.

    After Brandy left, her fans apparently didn't quit on the show but switched their votes to either Kyle or Jennifer. The bots don't understand because most aren't DWTS fans and don't get the concept of fans voting for a DANCER. It's nuts that they talked themselves into thinking this was a political race. As there were fewer and fewer dancers, the Palinbot votes had less influence.

    What was confirmed for us tonight is that there aren't as many avid Palin fans as they and the media have pretended.

    Be prepared for her book tour to be underwhelming.

  89. Anonymous12:11 AM

    curiouser .... The producers influenced the judges, actually, they seemed to be following orders or doing their job. That part had to be a fix. Republican techies helped to skew the votes by helping the tea party ladies, friends of Ivy with cookies and so on. Techies know how to reach large numbers of people and they are trained to move people in lock step. The votes were virtual, it's a computer game they take very serious. They are out to beat the Obama campaign staff for the last election results. There will be more stealth campaign opportunities. The Palins are on a role.

  90. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Scuffy, I'm reconsidering my sexual orientation. Thanks for making me smile this morning,

    Inside the Beltway

  91. womanwithsardinecan5:42 AM

    Looking at the sentence construction(I've graded lots of papers), my guess is that they had Willow write out a few sentences on her own, and then they cleaned them up a little. The words are normal (not teenager talk), but the construction is slightly odd. Reminds me of when my students would attempt to plagiarize something by changing around a few words and positions. They probably fed her what to say, had her write it down in her own way, then cleaned it up enough to not make her sound so utterly uneducated and potty-mouthed.

  92. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Anon@12:11 wrote: "he Palins are on a role [sic]." I agree with you. They are false, playing roles on TV, trying to act like a "rill family" instead of the dysfunctional militia members they are.

    Let them join up with all the GOP techies they can find. Her TV show only has 3 million fans this week. Let's see what the attrition rate is next Sunday. You can't win an election with only 1.5 mil. "true fans." She should be at the peak of her popularity right about now, with so much media saturation. But luckily for us, the Palins, her fan club and the GOP techies don't know how to persuade ANYONE.

    Palin's whole "populist" thing is a lie. She hardly has any fans at all. What is it: about 1% of the population? And she is the most famous GOP candidate? LOSER

  93. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The Bush twins had a good mother and a grandmother that would kick their butts if they ever got too much out of line.

    The Palin brats have......

  94. Anonymous6:47 AM

    These are people who believe that a question like 'what magazines and newspapers do you read' is an attack on the state of Alaska.

    Deep thinkers not.

  95. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I don't know if this has been said yet but I just saw a copy of Life & Style at the store and at the top of the front cover is a picture of Sarah & Willow with a story about Willow getting busted for a drug deal! I didn't have time to read it but there's a 2 page spread on page 38 about "Sarah's heartbreak" as she dealt with this ordeal!


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