Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bristol comes in third! Tonight everywhere Palin-bots are crying themselves to sleep whispering "We were so close, so close. We have failed you oh great frosty Queen of the North!"

From The Wall Street Journal:

6:57 pm  It's between Kyle and Jennifer. And the winner is....Jennifer

6:50 pm  Bristol places third. In line with the judges' scores.

6:44 pm Scores: Kyle (28); Jennifer (28); Bristol (27)

They cheated their evil little hearts out, but Sarah Palin's flying monkeys could not quite manage to secure a win for her extremely untalented daughter.

Yes I know it was just a dance contest, but still doesn't it feel good to know that those who refuse to follow the rules did not win the day?

And now it is time for Bristol to fade away and take care of her little...problem.

Update: You knew it was coming.  Sarah Palin tweets:

Congrats Jen,Kyle,Bristol,et al, for proving competition is GOOD! Remember: "They're going to criticize anyway, so you might as well dance!"

25 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Perhaps somebody needs to remind this idiot that NOBODY was criticizing Jennifer and Kyle  because they actually earned their success through hard work and perseverance.

The criticism came because contestants who deserved to remain in the competition were not given that opportunity because the Grizzled Mama's "hounds of hell" spent hours of their life gaming the system at the bidding of their queen.


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    What I find scary is that I feel the producers might have decided themselves who was going to win, just to save face. For Bristol to make it this far we all thought that the palin teaparty was behind it, but don't forget this stupid show goes for the ratings and what attracts people. Just look at the stupid bad mother Kate Gosselin and how far she went! It was insane!
    It's all Hollywood folks. It isn't like an election where people can contest the vote. These producers can do what ever they want.
    Quite frankly, I would have loved to see the pistol win, then she would have had to show her pregnant ass for awhile more. I wonder if she will go into hiding now?

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Vindication! The best contestant won! This shouldn't even be news, except in Palinworld where up is down and down is in the stratosphere. W00t!

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    That picture of Bristol is thin but healthy. And mostly sad. Hope she gets some time away from from the lights and gets her physical problems under control.

    She rode the horse as long as it could carry her and now she's been thrown.

    Kiddo, take a break, see a doctor, spend time with your kid, lose the asshole attitude, get some distance from your crazy family and move on.

    And while I'm at it, it wouldn't hurt to at least get your GED. Down the line when the cheering stops, you're gonna need it.

  4. Why look. It's like a big middle finger to Sarah & Bristol Palin and all their cheating fans. heheheh

  5. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I was following the live blog here in California (cannot stand to watch it this season), hoping for the best but fully prepared for the worst. I'm frankly surprised that the right person won. I guess the mounting bad press and impending backlash against DWTS wised them up, the fools. How relieved her partner must be that it's finally over!

    I could not believe how Bristol squandered an opportunity to appear gracious with that "big middle finger" line. Gah. Plainly she gets her class from her mother. Just. Go. Away.

  6. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Why does such a young attractive girl have such ''dead''eyes. Even tonight on the show she has the droopiest eyes. Sarah sucks the life out of everyone.


  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I'm thinking when the interview was done by Greta that Bristol and Mark already knew the results and that was why they both appeared so glum. It could also have been the reason for Bristol's outbursts this week. Poor deluded entitled golden child.


  8. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The show is still PATHETIC! The fact the retard took other orthy dancers place in the finals lost my interest.

  9. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The best part is, she will have to do interviews tomorrow and be reminded she sucks over and over again. Hahahahaha! It's like a big middle finger from all of America to her and her nasty mother.

  10. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Another Palin beaten by an African American man. What's going on in this country?

    That was my try at irony folks.



  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Flying monkeys, so perfect!

  12. We have something extra to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. We also have the Palin-saves-a-turkey video to savor over the holiday. And a big fat, pregnant middle finger to you, Sarah Palin - and your knocked-up brat of a daughter too!

  13. Anonymous7:21 PM

    ...and now she will not be able to give "the middle finger" to all of her "haters" since she did not win. Aww....poor little smart-mouth-brat. She showed her true colors the last few days via Facebook rants and snarky LIVE TV comments on DWTS. Go home and take care of your son Bristol.

  14. Janet in Texas7:22 PM

    LMAO, Gryphen. Her little "problem". You've got THAT right. Damn she looked more preggers than ever in that ugly-ass red get-up. There is a GOD.

  15. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Her comments about giving the finger does not show well for her or her Mom.

  16. Jessica7:24 PM

    Oh, my God, years ago, I was involved in a family wedding (groom side) where the bride's mother showed up for the rehearsal dinner in a red sweater dress, black leggings, and a BLACK BELT! She was of Latino descent with dark coloring and long dark hair, she looked like a cherry tomato cinched in the middle. A plump! juicy cherry tomato. My kids now think I'm nuts, cause when Bristol came onstage in that red get-up, I LOST IT LAUGHING and they had no idea why. Viva la tomato!

  17. There is a god! Oh wait. It's just a dancing show.

  18. She was looking extremely pregnant tonight? How long ago was that fake engagement to Levi?

  19. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Unfortunately, Gristle won't fade away. In classic Palin style, they'll leverage this outrage into a whole new realm of victimhood.

    Her book / PR / Life Choosing womb will be the next featurette on our computer and television screens for the next few quarters.

  20. Anonymous7:26 PM

    It would be nicer if the entire family disappeared from the public eye. They are so hateful and divisive. Middle finger indeed!

    On the other hand, that was just priceless, though. Those of us who saw right through this woman from the beginning are vindicated.

    I feel the most sorry for Tripp and Levi and the rest of the Johnstons. from what I've witnessed over the last two years, existing with the Palins is to constantly dodge the ball. The drama! The games! Tripp will never be allowed a normal relationship with his dad's family unless Bristol grows up.

  21. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Phew! So happy it came out with Jennifer in first and Kyle second. (And Bristol a far off third.) All's well that ends well.

    This goes to your post earlier today with the link to that fantastic photo comparison of Bristol from weeks 5 and 10. I have gone back on forth on what is going on there, but that photo comparison is astounding.

    I saw this interview with Kyle that I think is from yesterday where he says he has lost twenty pounds:

    I have gone back and forth on exactly what is causing Bristol's issue here, but I have to say that tonight she looked particularly roly-poly.

  22. Anonymous7:27 PM

    7:15, you said it all!

  23. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Though I am happy for Jennifer (this is a major push for her career if ever one needed one) I am tickled with Kyle's success. Outside his base, he was unknown, who cared? He was an overweight clown.

    That boy shined. He won us over. He blossomed and executed and overcame. His mother sacrificed. He and his brother succeed.

    They are ril Americans and ril hard workers. They are the success story by heart. Sorry, can't help but channel that insipid Sarah. . .

  24. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I see parallels to the upcoming 2012 election should Sarah run. She has enough of a core group of brain dead minions that altho I don't think she could win the Republican primary, she may try to out Lisa, Lisa Murkowski and run as an independent. But in the general election, she'd be a distant third.

    But I still don't think she's running. I think she's being a prick tease because she gets what she wants by making people think she'll run......money and attention. In the Hannity propaganda "interview", she appears to be waffling to me. She uses a lot of weasel words that give her a chance to "decide" she isn't running after she wrings every last cent she can from the Tea baggers.



  25. Anonymous7:29 PM

    This is a good day. First the news that the ratings for $arah Palin's Alaska'plummeted 40% after just one episode, and now Bristle Palin and her pudgy middle-finger come in third on DWTS! Ha-ha, LOSERS!

  26. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I wanted Kyle to win and he didn't so I'm sorry about that.

    But you know what, Sarah?

    Kyle still beat Bristol.


  27. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Hahahahaha! America gave the Palins the middle-finger!

  28. Anonymous7:34 PM

    @ Anon 7:14 PM

    What I find scary is that I feel the producers might have decided themselves who was going to win, just to save face.

    They sacrificed a few contestants in order to milk the ratings and them stopped short of having a terrible dancer win in order to save the show for next season.

  29. emrysa7:35 PM

    near the beginning of the show when they showed the clip of bristol saying that winning "will be like a big middle finger to the people who hate my mom and me" I knew she would not be the winner. that's not winner speak. that's a good example of why the palins are trash.

    good thing mark only has a few days left... he looks pretty rough. his entire demeanor has changed.

    the best dancer won and the best entertainer came in 2nd. so it ends well.

  30. Anonymous7:36 PM

    She wasn't the worst dancer they ever had on but she was definitely not as good as Brandi, and she certainly should never in a million years have aspired to that trophy. The fact that she did is just bizarre. She and her mother thought they could change the entire precedent of the show, where the best dancer usually wins and yes sometimes they have had previous dance experience! Bristol and her mother wanted it to be most "popular" (or the one with a mob of people voting for you in slavish homage to your mother), and "most improved". Sorry, ladies. The world doesn't, in fact, revolve around you and everything you wish were so.

    Most of her smiling was completely forced tonight. The mean girl stuff came very naturally to her, sorry to say. You have done a poor job with her, Sarah, for she should know better than to behave like that. I guess she learned from a master. She tried to be a gracious loser, but the damage was already done.

    Self control. Try it sometime.

  31. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Not really fools anon@7:18. The producers got what they wanted - lots of watching this season, and just enough redemption with this deserved Palin loss/Grey win to prevent total alienation of dance fan watchers next season.

  32. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Here's the middle finger back at ya Princess Dumbass!!

    Most Americans reject you!

  33. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Ah, a little something to put in our Thanksgiving bouquet - a reminder that karma works, justice prevails, and the Big Fickle Finger of Fate has written and moved on.

    So relieved. Bristol, honey, reread the comments of Anonymous 7:15 and follow the advice therein. You won't get anything that honest or that wise from your parents. You need to print if off, and force yourself to read everyday until you see the love in it.

    We liberals are not monsters. We really do care and guess what, we will hope you find your way to happiness, so embrace what 7:15 is saying and you will be well on your way to finding true happiness and peace.

  34. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Before the final judging, the other dancers would say things like, "the fans brought us this far, so we want to give them all we got tonight and hopefully win this for them". Not Bristol. She wanted to win so she could "give a big middle finger to everyone who hates her and her mom."

    True to Palin form, so no surprise there. But, come on! They can never show any class.

    Sure, under the lead of a polished professional, you can make a wet rag look like a passable dancer, but she should have been gone long ago.

    So how's that middle finger thingy workin' out there for ya' Bristol?

    Ha HAAA!!!!

    A good night. Inside, you know Palin is FUMING!

  35. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Didn't you love it when Brooke said to Bristol at the end " we really saw you grow". Gotta love that Brooke for saying that.

    I'm happy for Jen, she deserved it, BUT yes, snark part of me wanted to see Bristol tortured longer.

    Where's she delivering now?

  36. Anonymous @ 7:157:41 PM

    "Kiddo, take a break, see a doctor, spend time with your kid, lose the asshole attitude, get some distance from your crazy family and move on.

    And while I'm at it, it wouldn't hurt to at least get your GED. Down the line when the cheering stops, you're gonna need it."

    You say it best.

    I still think that everyone who was competing got screwed because Bristol's presence knocked them all out early.

  37. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Gryphen, can you run a poll about naming her little yeasty confection that she has in the oven?

    How did Ms. Abstinence look tonight? I refused to watch the show.

  38. Anonymous7:45 PM

    You lose, Bristol! You nasty brat!

  39. Enjay in E MT7:47 PM

    I have to admit - Bristol looked happy in that final cha cha - she looked like she was finally having fun.

    But she looked quite "visible" in the purple Sgt Pepper outfit again. And the fingied RED (heaven forbid they put BLUE on her)she still looked chunky.

  40. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "Flying monkeys..." Bahahahahahahaha!

  41. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Nice that Jen won and B the P got third, but the producers game with the Palins, and the Palins gaming the system have soured me on DWTS forever.

  42. Anonymous7:51 PM

    No one's shocked Jen won. The most anticlimactic finale ever. The best dancer always wins. It was exciting to think for a moment that a real person couldve won.

  43. Anonymous7:52 PM

    "I have so many good memories from this competition," Bristol said after stepping aside. "It's definitely been such a life-changing experience. I've definitely had the time of my life."

    The writer said it was ironic, her sentiment, given who won.

    Gristle is not ironic, clever or witty enough to play that famous song title into this scenario.

    But good on Jennifer, an aging woman who worked past her chronic pain to dazzle us week after week.

    Kyle, you won my heart and I wish you nothing but the best in your continued fitness and insurmountable pizazz. Build a career beyond the class clown, you have shown yourself worthy of Forest Whitaker status.

    I wish I could wish Alaska's own, Bristol the best in her future too, but from what she's revealed about herself is as disconcerting as her mother and father. I just want her to go home and quit making herself the butt of our jokes.

  44. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I didn't see Bristol at the end of the show congratulating Derek and Jennifer. I saw Kyle, Mark, Lacey, and whole bunch of other folk, but no Bristol. Or maybe I just missed her.

    The same way she didn't go speak to Brandy when she and Maks got eliminated. She shows no class, but she's young so there is hope.

  45. Anonymous7:54 PM

    It sure was shocking watching Bristol and Mark dry humping on national TV.

  46. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Stay classy, Bristle. A big middle finger to ya!

  47. I still think the show was fixed. Bristol had very little talent, to say the least, so she could never win. But she drove the ratings up because each week people expected her to be eliminated. However, when the story broke about the massive voting fraud, the show's producers must have cringed. All over the blogosphere, people were announcing that they would never watch the show again. So, Bristol is third. Perhaps, this was all decided a long time ago. She couldn't win but she would place in the top 3 and be part of the post show publicity. Her mama will be happy. She can portray her daughter as the underdog who had death threats made against her and Bristol showed America her true patriotic spirit and carried on despite the threats to her life. (Gag me)
    This,too, might have worked until Bristol opened up her stupid mouth and stated that she would be saluting her haters with her middle finger. How classy!
    The Palin family are such trash. It would be so much better if Sarah encouraged Bristol to attend college and earn a degree rather than making an ass out of herself on this dance show.
    Remember, Sarah, every child of a President has attended or graduated from college since Margaret Truman. Look at the last trio:
    Chelsea Clinton- Stanford
    Barbara and Jenna Bush- Yale and U.of Texas
    Should you ever be elected in 2012, God forbid, how would your children match up?
    Track- Army
    Bristol- 3rd place DWTS
    Willow- HS dropout
    Piper- Middle school drop out
    Yeah, real classy!

  48. kdusmdd7:56 PM

    The show ended just right.....Jennifer #1....Kyle #2...EXCEPT....Bufalo should not have even been there.
    Did you notice that Bufalo and her partner did not even stay to congratulate the WINNERS? She's a loser all the way around.

  49. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Didn't you love it when Brooke said to Bristol at the end 'we really saw you grow'."

    I loved Len's comment even more:
    "The story of her growth throughout this competition is amazing." -B

  50. Lynne8:01 PM

    Thank God it's OVER, and I never have to watch it...and all the commercials, fillers, idiots babbling about nothing and obnoxious Palins...ever again! I did love Kyle and Jennifer though and faithfully voted (not cheated) for Jennifer every week. Brandi got robbed!

  51. "Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me,"...said Brisket as she was planning a victory GALUMPH around the stage .

    What's she going to do with her middle finger now??

    She can get back to her prenatal regime.

    Third time's a charm!

  52. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I just want to say:


  53. Now Brisket can write a book, just like her Momma!

    "Galumphing With The Stars", how I almost made the Librul's heads explode, and they didn't even catch on I was pregnant!

  54. WalterNeff8:05 PM

    My favorite angle on these grifters; these Travelers: If she had won it would have been hilarious. That she placed third is hilarious. It was guaranteed hilarity.

    The middle finger comment? The entire family has no idea how to comport themselves in public. Their cluelessness takes my breath away.

    I quote Cosmo Kramer:

    "Poise! Poise!"

  55. Anonymous8:06 PM

    That is hilarious. You know she just loved that little quote of hers when she was trying to get Bristol to buck up, so she thought she should do a shout out to Jen and Kyle, too!

    Right, Gryphen, no one was uttering even a word of criticism toward Jennifer or Kyle. They were working hard and minding their own business.

    She just had to create an equivalence where there was none, and never will be. Typical.

  56. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "Though I am happy for Jennifer (this is a major push for her career if ever one needed one) I am tickled with Kyle's success. Outside his base, he was unknown, who cared? He was an overweight clown.

    That boy shined. He won us over. He blossomed and executed and overcame. His mother sacrificed. He and his brother succeed."

    ITA. Kyle was so joyful, it was contagious.
    He was having so much fun, I hoped he'd
    win, but I'm glad for Jennifer, she seems
    like a very nice person. They both deserved
    it, it is a shame they couldn't have a tie.

  57. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I'm from Illinois and the only other political idiots in the news with big hair, besides Blago, is the Palin clan. I can't believe sarah pimps her kid out for this stupid dancing show and actually makes her stay when she is saying 'I just want to go home'. I'm sorry Alaska has to put up with this putz.

  58. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I'm from Illinois and the only other political idiots in the news with big hair, besides Blago, is the Palin clan. I can't believe sarah pimps her kid out for this stupid dancing show and actually makes her stay when she is saying 'I just want to go home'. I'm sorry Alaska has to put up with this putz.

  59. hauksdottir8:09 PM

    anon@7:41 PM:

    Every contestant who was kicked off while Bristol continued, was deprived of hard-earned money! They worked their tails and feet off. They didn't even get the opportunity to continue.

    Meanwhile, Bristol couldn't be bothered to pick her feet up... or put them down with the music. Throwing off your clothes or sitting in a chair pouting is NOT dancing.

    Whether pro or star, if I was robbed of $10K, $20K, $50K by this lazy famewhore, I'd be angry enough to bring the show down. It is rigged, just like gambling and just like the old game shows. With that much money at stake, I hope that RICO laws apply.

    Meanwhile, the audience is also robbed of their IRREPLACEABLE time. They wanted to see people dancing their very best. What they got was a political ad for foul-mouthed skanks.

    I actually wanted the other dancers to just hand Bristol the mirrored ball, so she could hang it above her bed. They could go on and dance, while she could do what she does best.

  60. Anonymous8:10 PM

    America is saving the big middle finger for Sarah Palin.

  61. Anonymous8:10 PM


    Well, if a "real person" should have won, it should have been Kyle Massey, not the pregnant Palin brat.

  62. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I bet there is a segment of the DWTS audience that will judge Bristol harshly for her use of the word suck numerous times. Just like her mentioning giving the finger to the haters will be seen as bad manners by many in the audience. I predict that DWTS and the reality show both will reflect badly on grandma Palin and her family. More people will like her less after getting to know grandmother quitter.

  63. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Now now now, give Bristol a break for not being there at the end to congratulate the winners. She was running back to the dressing room to get that damn girdle off finally and head down to Dunkin' Donuts for some sustenance. She's eating for two you know.


  64. meena8:24 PM


    Google News Politics: Anti Sarah Palin Post Gets Google Censorship

  65. I would have become a christian if I knew you could dance/fk to "GET IT UP GET IT UP GET IT UP." (Christine Ag) lol i lie

    So that's what Jesus meant by ball-room dancing.

    Mary Daly said it 18 years ago - in Anchorage. In the BALL
    Room at the Hilton. I saw her. With my (then) two year old daughter (same age as Bristol).

    Gods rest Mary Daly's Holy Soul.

    I sure wish she hadn't died in January.

    She would have had some decent input on THIS debacle.

    At least the $Palins didn't totally fuck up this day.

  66. meena8:25 PM

    America comes to its senses again. Another Palin is out!

  67. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I know you haters think it's over but guess what?? Track is on next season, they're already planning it salute to the military and what not.

  68. Anonymous8:26 PM


  69. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "They're going to criticize anyway, so you might as well dance!"

    $arah Palin is nuts. She is always whining about being "criticized."

    Palin is pretending to be a good sport. But it must really tear her up inside that her daughter is a loser like her. There was no outrage over Jennifer Grey and Kyle Massey making it week, after week, because they deserved to get as far as they did, unlike her talentless daughter.

  70. But it was certainly all decided in advance since Mark is already committed to that other gig starting within a week.

  71. Anonymous8:35 PM

    $arah Palin's tweet is just more snarkiness. Bitch.

  72. Okay.

    $arah Heath gets beat for Miss Alaska by an African-American woman, in Alaska, in the 1980's no less.

    $arah Heath Palin gets beat for governance of the USA by an African-American man in 2008.

    In 2010, an African-American woman comes in as the most powerful woman in the world, as well as a gay woman more powerful than $owah PayMe.

    Even though the Palinbot Haters managed to get the very talented African-American Brandy kicked off the DWTS, now a very young African-American man, Kyle Massey, has come above the $Paylin's spawn, their Golden Child.

    Hee Hee, Ho Ho, Haw Haw. I am happy for this outcome.

    ...and OMG Bristol is not even trying to hold that belly in.

  73. Anonymous8:38 PM

    If DWTS is fixed, then they fixed it perfectly so that they would get maximum views and voters for their final episode. It will be interesting to see the numbers. And, that means that they will pick someone just as polarizing and untalented for the next show, maybe Christine O'Donnell. She needs the money and she's not busy right now.

    As for that apology that Bristol gave the other day about the face book posts, I don't think that she really meant it. The apology shouldn't have been about reacting, but the poor choice of language. And, then she gives all of us haters the finger.

    Bristol, people were judging you on your lack of real dancing talent, not on your mother. But, she and you have blended the two. Sarah's fans were proud of scamming the voting to vote for you. That didn't reflect well on any of you. People don't hate you Bristol, but we do resent the fact that you are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for giving abstinence speeches about not having sex and babies while you have had sex and you have a baby. It also looks awful when you and your mother insult the child's father. Don't you care about Tripp's feelings?

    So, Bristol, we don't hate you, but I do believe that you are enjoying undeserved good fortune. You had a child when you were a teen, and now you are famous for that. You really have to accomplish something on your own. DWTS doesn't count; you didn't really do that great a job, even though you claimed that you were working hard. So was everyone else, but they were more talented.

  74. Anonymous8:39 PM

    7:51 - How do you know Jennifer Grey is not a "real person"? Is it because she knows how to show some decorum? Or is it because she's a star (as in "Dancing With The") because she starred in 2 very popular movies some 25 years ago and not because she got knocked up at 17?

    Maybe you think Bristol is more "real" because she doesn't hide the offensive, self-entitled snob she is.

  75. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Karma's a bitch.

  76. GrainneKathleen8:55 PM

    did anyone catch this?
    in this article, bristol says:
    Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me.
    Did anyone who watched the show see whether she said this during the second part of the show?
    That's some class there.

  77. Anonymous9:01 PM


    "I know you haters think it's over but guess what?? Track is on next season, they're already planning it salute to the military and what not."

    Ooooooh! We're so scared. I get it. So anyone who doesn't vote for him, can be seen as "unpatriotic." We know it's not over, because the Palins will never go away, and STFU! Those fame-whores always have another scam up their sleeves! BRING IT! He'll suck too, and overstay his welcome, just like Brisket! There will be more outrage and backlash against the Palins. Rinse, repeat. And what happened with Bristol Palin's truck?

  78. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Just saw the clip of Bristol's miIddle finger to the haters comment... What a snot!
    Just goes to show that class is definitely lacking in that family.

  79. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I am quite relieved that Bristol did not win this competition. Yeah I know it is only a dance contest with a stupid mirrored ball trophy. However, Palin is not having a good couple of weeks!

    TOO BAD!!

  80. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Does this scumbag complain and bitch and try to be the victim in every thing she does?? WHAT a low-life... WHY-O-WHY are we wasting our time??

  81. Bristol's 'middle finger to the haters' comment is hitting the media.


    The Boston Herald felt the need to clean it up a bit by replacing 'hate' with 'dislike'.


    Her comment has distressed me...perhaps more than it should...but this type of thinking is beyond destructive.

    We really need to get this family exposed for what they are and shut them up. When Bristol realizes her mother is not God's chosen one, she may actually be able to change and find out who she is.

    Pay attention bots -- we want the truth out. We're not the ones 'makin' stuff up'.

  82. Anonymous9:15 PM


    "I know you haters think it's over but guess what?? Track is on next season, they're already planning it salute to the military and what not."

    Oh, no! The Palinbots are gonna get us! They're going to make us pay! The horror, the horror! What have we done? I'm scared! Track Palin on DWTS is a bigger "threat" than World War 3, you betcha! It's the End of Days!!!

  83. @8:25pm
    I'm sorry but based on Track's recent history I do not believe he will be on DWTS - especially to placate his insane mother.

    Sorry. He won't be on.

    You're just trying to be provocative.


    Epic JWM-type FAIL.

  84. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hey Bristol: We're all giving you the middle finger now.

  85. I cried just now watching Brandy.

    What a class act.

    I still think she was the best - even though I didn't care for Maks at the beginning, he has become a class act, to me, too.

    What a beautiful couple.

    Very talented, very gracious.
    They are everything I think should represent the USA.

    (Even though I know this isn't really what this is all about.)

    Really. I know that. $P should be so astute.

  86. Anonymous9:36 PM


    So Palin thinks people won't vote against Track Palin because he's in the army? Well, I don't know. America voted against John McCain in 2008, and he actually fought in a war, unlike Track Palin, who only joined the army to stay out of jail!

  87. that picture of Bristol reminds me of how her mom looked the night McCain lost the election.

    I love that face.

  88. Ratfish9:57 PM

    "Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me," Sarah Palin's daughter said during Tuesday's show."

    Like mother, like daughter.

    "nuff said.

  89. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Boo-frickin' hoo, Peebots!

  90. What's up with Sarah Palin's hair in the video clip below?


    If Palin's hair gets any higher, she's gonna have a Marge Simpson hair-do !!!

  91. She wasn't ever going to win. I believe that the producers manipulated the situation to manufacture controversy and boost the ratings. Almost 3 weeks ago, Mark Ballas issued a press release that he was signed to a show called "Burn The Floor". It would have been difficult, if not impossible, to do that and the DWTS tour as well.

    The producers of BURN THE FLOOR, Broadway’s Latin and Ballroom dance spectacular, announced today that Mark Ballas of TV’s “Dancing with the Stars” will join the touring company of BURN THE FLOOR for a limited engagement beginning November 30 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Ballas will perform with dance partner Giselle Peacock in three cities only: Raleigh, NC (November 30-December 5); Houston, TX (December 14-19) and Pittsburgh, PA (December 28-January 2).

    Press Release

    Maybe he knew that Bristol's "condition" would preclude her participating in the usual post-DWTS tours.

  92. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Sarah Palin's tweet is 'as usual' showing what an absolute horrible example of a woman she is. Another statement in the negative, Sarah. You idiot! I so wish she would fall off the face of this earth and assuredly stay out of Alaska!

  93. Anonymous10:42 PM

    My Karma ran over her dogma.

  94. Anonymous10:48 PM

    So Butterball got beat by a sexy 50 year young hot mama.

  95. Mrs. Ricky Hollywood: #3!10:49 PM

    The will criticize anyway, but does she have to give them the material so readily? Bristol makes a reference to giving people the finger? She has been gaining weight and getting clumsier and her performances have never been good, yet she thinks she deserves to be there. I don't get it.

    A real princess wouldn't know what "the finger" is and would make no reference to anything other than to wish Jenn a great time touring, maybe make a reference to Kyle's weight loss and natural talent and pretend she has been a fan of Dirty Dancing since she saw it when she was 4 years old-- or something. Bristol knows nothing of being gracious and kind for the sake of faking it and leaving so "they" can't say anything bad about her.

  96. Anonymous10:50 PM


    That must burn Juicy's hide.

  97. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Palin and her two daughters are certainly cut from the same cloth. Ugly is as ugly does and no amount of plastic surgery will be able to hide it.

  98. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Ur glee is akin to a 16 yr old girl see her team win ...... hop scotch ... keep kids out of this

  99. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Sarah Palin's Flying Monkeys.....Gold Jerry, I mean Gryphen, FREAKING GOLD ;) hahahahha

  100. Anonymous10:55 PM


  101. And now Sarah thinks she's a producer on the show

    From HuffPo:

    Sarah Palin Reportedly Lobbying To Get Christine O'Donnell On 'Dancing With The Stars'


  102. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Hey Sarah, now that DWTS is over, ya might want to find a seamstress who can sew butterball's Barney costume. I don't know if it was just me, but her gut was popping out after her first dance. You could see her gut squeeeeezzzing out of her costume right after the judges gave her their comments.

  103. Anonymous11:14 PM

    @8:25 PM

    Are you out of your fucking mind? I can think of nothing more insulting to the men and women who gave their lives for that travesty in Iraq than to dedicate a season of so-called "reality TV"-be it DWTS or whatever-to their cause. Track Palin is NOT the face patriotism...or any other member of that rat's nest in Wasilla.

    Kindly un-fuck yourself.

  104. Anonymous11:18 PM


    All you can eat buffets in Los Angeles have boarded their windows and doors in anticipation of Bristol Palin showing up after the finales tonight.

  105. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Bristol said she gave the middle finger to the people who hate her and her mom. Bristol what about the people who hate your entire family?

    Don't they deserve a finger too?

  106. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Is there a vid clip of this little snot saying the middle finger comment?...or did dwts vanish it?

  107. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Jennifer was amazing and gorgeous. Kyle worked his tail off. Great to see the difference in his dance and his body. He and Lacy did really great. Mark's pallor looked off and he looked miserable like he's had the life sucked out of him. What a whimp. I mean come on, Bristol can't be that bad!

  108. So much has been said, I am sort of surprized that Brisket said her middle finger comment on TV, but we all know that kids use the language of the house.
    did anyone notice that when Tom was talking one time, everyone was fake clapping and in the background, Bruno seemed to be studying his script.
    Then I noticed that Scarah seemed to be sitting in the audience and when Gristle was announced as 3rd, they cut to her chair and there was Piper. lol
    Bristle has no filter, I heard her say she is 'raw and untouched', huh, I believe the raw part but untouched?
    I really enjoyed the comments at the link below, half are palinbots with the most ridiculous excuses mixed really funny comments, sites like this are really the 'raw America'.


  109. I didn't watch this show but there was nothing on tonight so I watched it anyway. I got a chance to see all of the other dancers who had gotten the boot dance.

    Cho wasn't that bad. Henderson was pretty good considering her age. And Brandy was quite graceful and accomplished.

    Did Bristol deserve to stay? My feelin is....no. Based on the clips I've seen here she can't dance and didn't improve that much. Her partner did a lot of flash and jive to misdirect, draw attention to himself and make it appear she was doing more than she actually was. He covered for her beautifully. For that he deserves a medal, but not a trophy.

    In the end with those three to choose from, the rankings were just. Jennifer deserved to win. Kyle deserved to be second (I saw he's lost weight and toned up since the first episode clip they showed) and he dancing was great for a male who has to learn to lead. Bristol and Mark deserved third simply because there wasn't anything lower with only three people.

    With so many perfect 10s there is no way they could justify Jennifer not winning. And with Kyle outscoring Bristol all along, they really couldn't have her beat him either.

    In the end it was a dance competition, not a popularity contest. And the producers could have anyone win that they want. So whether the votes went this way or not doesn't matter. They saved face by showing the show is about dancing, not gaming the voting system. (Which I'm sure they'll fix for next season.)

    I'll bet Sarah is giving her daughter a dressing down for losing (not even making 1st loser I.E. 2nd place) and probably listing every mistake she ever made on the show episode by episode. If Mark is smart, he'll avoid them all so he doesn't get the same treatment for failing to get that trophy for the golden child. Because you know it will be all his fault.

  110. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Perhaps if Sarah would quit dragging her kids all over the country, pushing them in front of the camera, people would stop talking about them and bothering the precious little darlings.

    The face book fiasco did not mention Trig so Sarah, stop using that as an excuse for Willow's delightful vocabulary.

  111. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Could you imagine the ratings DWTS would have had if Buttterball Palin had never been a contestant, or had been booted in the first couple of rounds, as she should have been ?

    A final with Jennifer, Kyle and Brandy would have shot ratings through the roof ! And there would have been none of the negative backlash that DWTS has sufferd all season.

    DWTS might even have opened the 2011 season as the #1 realith show on television.

    All for naught now; everything the Palin clowns touch turns to sh*t!

  112. Anonymous1:04 AM

    OH THANK GOD !!!
    I was afraid to read any blogs or news for fear she won...we would have never heard the end of it.

  113. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Apropos quote from Dirty Dancing:

    "Nobody puts Baby in a corner".

    (Especially a trailer-trash Palin;-)

  114. Anonymous1:34 AM

    How long before Paylin pimps Piper out next?

  115. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Mark seemed to become less of a dancer as the season wore on,becoming petty and mean spirited after spending so much Palin time.He still danced with forcefulness and skill,but something seemed missing,maybe the sheer joy of dancing that was so evident in Derek and Lacy,Jennifer and Kyle.Eeyore Bristol sucked the life out of his dancing.

  116. Anonymous2:01 AM

    What a setup. Even Mommie Dearest wasn't there to share the defeat, which she obviously knew in advance. (Is she ever there for any defeat--such as Miller, et al, that she endorsed but abandoned?).

    And Twitler only had 150 show up for her "book signing" in Phoenix...

    Is it about over yet? Huge Christmas present, anyone?

  117. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Bristol, we don't hate you or your mom. Where did you get that from?

    We hate your entire trailer trash snowbilly family!

  118. Anon @ 8:25 pm:

    "I know you haters think it's over but guess what?? Track is on next season, they're already planning it salute to the military and what not."

    It appears you missed the ending comments on the show tonight. They announced that there will be a new twist to the scoring/voting system next season.

    Oh, and you are full of crap about Track being on next season.


    Did y'all notice that Palin's blue dance dress didn't fit tonight? Last time the baby bump was pushed down to the lower abdomen, but now that the baby is growing larger, the bump is moving up. Palin's blue gown puckered at the navel because it no longer fits. The bodice of the gown was trying to move up to accommodate the bump. If you look at the dress at the end of the dance, you can see that the chest area from breast to neck had ridden up, giving a puffy look to the top of the gown.

    That dress didn't have these issues 3 weeks ago. Three weeks ago, the bodice was tight and very fitted. It wasn't budging.

    Bristol popped this week. The baby is moving into the mid-abdominal area instead of lower-abdominal area and Bristol is up 2 cups sizes in the breasts.

    I was surprised that the seamstress didn't make the gown to be let out later in the season. The entire tummy area needs to be let out.

    I believe that the producers, judges, costume dept, Bristol's partner and everyone else at DWTS knew about Bristol's pregnancy when she showed up for the first week. This explains why Bristol had everyone at DWTS, including fellow dancers, fill out a confidentiality agreement.

  119. Bristol Palin has been thoroughly used by every single important person in her life.

  120. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Willow: My sister is HOT!

    Hey Willow did you see your sister's cheesecake belly hanging out of her purple costume after the judges talked to her after her first dance?

    Her 3rd baby was crying to get out. You could actually see her skin, how gross.

  121. Anonymous2:47 AM

    All that dancing and practicing and Bristol is still getting bigger and bigger. Good thing she brought her truck down from Alaska. She can put her gut and ass in the bed of the truck for the return trip.

  122. Anonymous2:49 AM

    "They're going to criticize anyway, so you might as well eat cheese cake!"

  123. Anonymous3:00 AM

    The Palin clan better be careful about putting Track out there. A lot of what he's done in Alaska will come to the surface and most of it isn't pretty.

  124. Anonymous3:03 AM

    This woman (Sarah Palin) will never be President. She is far too negative of a person. Who mentions something like "they're going to criticize anyway" in a CONGRATULATIONS message? She's like the Debbie Downer of congratulations. Pathetic woman.

    Also, too, if this is her credo, why isn't Sarah Palin dancing, 24/7?

  125. Aussie Blue Sky3:41 AM

    I expect in the future DWTS is going to be careful about whom they invite to take part. They came out of this smelling bad.

  126. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Another Palin is a runner up to a black man....LOL

    Another Palin fail.

  127. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I just had a terrible thought. Just read the racist comment from Willow Palin's boyfriend. What if the mysterious white powder sent to the DWTS was sent to Kyle? Palin's followers seem to be rabid racists, and having their untalented princess about to be bested by an African American man would be repugnant to them. The producers would be reluctant to expose the racism, so made the Palin girl the "target" also that would gin up votes.

  128. Anonymous4:17 AM

    DWTS is exactly how the election is going to go, the peebots are correct!

    Miss Wasilla will be allowed to compete all the way, aided by the bots, and then lose the final primaries.

  129. Anonymous4:19 AM

    There are a lot of drugs in Wasilla, but if Track spends time in LA, it is River Phoenix time.

  130. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Here it comes.....the nervous breakdown, the mysterious medical condition that caused the, at least, 20lb weight gain, will be the excuse she won't do the tour. No more money in it. Bristol was huge last night and it is astonishing. I have missed most of the last half of the season so I was shocked when they showed the beginning pictures of her and now, last night. What a mess. She could not get off that stage fast enough last night. Mark is likely drunk and will be for the next week just trying to get his life back. I cannot believe what I witnessed last night. I agree that ABC rigged the whole show and to either keep her there as long as possible and not let her win, or save their ass from the doings of the "flying monkeys"(loved that Gryphen) I am going to steal it. Wonder what the next few days are going to bring.....pop the corn, get your fluffies on, and make some room on the couch, OH, don't forget the stiff drink!!!!!

  131. Anonymous4:24 AM

    There is a demographic out -- Red State types, Tea Party types -- there that views our "Hollywood culture" as deeply depraved. And sometimes one has to admit that they have a point. An young, educated, fairly secular Egyptian once told me that Egyptians' view of American women is that they will have sex anywhere, any time, with any one...because that's what they see in the movies. Anyway, maybe none of these types watch DWTS, but if they did tune in out of loyalty to SP, you gotta believe they were taken aback by Bristol's slutty dances. Not to mention the crass behavior.

  132. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I wonder if Juicy is going to demand a DWTS recount for Brisket?

    Has Brisket conceded yet?

    Did DWTS turn off the microphone and lights so that Brisket would not give a farewell speech and just go away? She's done enough dame to the shows credability.

  133. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Sarah's tweet was to drag jennifer and Kyle down to Bristol's level. Kyle and Jennifer consistently were "real" and articulate their goal was to master the dances,work on their technique and showmanship.

    The top three dance teams are on tv now. Bristol is grinning, laughing and her eyes twinkling after they play the clip of giving haters the middle finger.

    It is sad that Bristol had no internal motivation or could apply dance critiques to herself (It sucks!), demonstrated lack of sportsmanship. What got her motivated was a Fu-K You attitude of anger when people spoke up she is not entitled to be number one.

    I found the other contestents to be authentic unlike Bristol who grossly exaggerates her true self. I found it "reasl" to not opportunisticly exploit the competition to promote Sarah and the Palin family as an opportunity to put them in the white house.

    It may be "real" to some people to have a foul mouth publicly, verbally abuse people, engage in habitual lies, derogatory name calling, boast of cheating, one up people to win at their expense. Or to play games, control, orchestrate them while deceiving people you are a devout christian while breaking God's commandments.

    The work ethic demonsstrated for weeks oozed of the least effort, air of entitlement, engaging in sensationalism tricks (monkey suits), exploiting ties to mommy dearest. It took most of the season for Bristol to buckle down and she sent her child away.

    The "real" Bristol is the person in the WGE video, the F U "haters", the one on facebook, the young woman who lies about her job position...i.e. the one in public view. Yes, people shall find these behaviors, hostile attitudes objectionable, Not because they hate Bristol, but becuase they understand the damaging effects of those behaviors.

    I could comend her improvement yet can't overlook the low class, negative, frequent lying, dishonest and entitled behaviors.

  134. I notice that Sara didn't list Mark's name (the et al portion- reserved for writers when citing authors in books)

    I guess they are done with him. He looked like crap to be honest.


  135. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I am not really shocked. After all it is TV and I know that DWTS knew that if Bristol won with that dancing then no one would ever watch their show again.

    On another note, on the way into work my radio people were discussing DWTS and they were so glad that Jen won. They mentioned that they wanted to like Bristol but the way she talked and acted it was just so hard to like her.

    Sounds just like her mother. All I can say is that I am soooooo glad they saw the girl that we (unfortunately) have seen all along. I say unfortunately because I really really feel sorry for her kids.

  136. Anonymous4:57 AM

    So now Bristol will sneak off and birth the little bundle then it's time for her to shine on The Biggest Loser! Fear not, the media blitz has many options to keep her in the spotlight, there's always a Jenny Craig spokesmodel option. Or maybe a show created just for her called "Secrets of Single Moms" where she can wow us with her parenting tips and have special guests stop by, like the multiple baby daddies!

  137. Emily Peacock5:00 AM

    No, Gryphen, she didn't come in third, she came in LAST. There were only three couples and she came in LAST.

    Maybe you want to amend the title of your post. Just sayin'

  138. Anonymous5:01 AM

    A young coworker of mine said she wanted Bristol to win because she is a "regular" person. I sense people can vicariously imagine or fantasize that they also could dance if another "regular" person could do it. I assume "regular" means a nonprofessional or non career person.

    Most people have the potential and if they took 30 hours or more of private dance lessons they could dance also. It is not about being special or chosen but about signing up, taking lessons, practicing, diligence and an eye on a goal.

    Bristol on GMA after DWTS: she culd not get the lead out while Mark danced like a maniac except for the chest shimmy. The contrast was Kyle and Jen danced in equal energy to their partners. Bristol is immature for her age.

  139. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I hope Track does compete. It will give us all an excuse to bring to the attention of the media the Palins' affiliation with the AIP, and the AIP's belief that the US troops stationed in Alaska are "occupying forces."

    I've been on & off the pregnancy fence for a while, but the photo & video of Bristol early in the season provides a very stark contrast to her current appearance. Last night there was a clip of her practicing in the black hoodie and it was actually loose.

    I almost feel badly for Bristol. Wasilla is going to be mighty pokey after LA, and Mama is going to give her an incredibly hard time about losing the mirror ball.

  140. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I too take exception to the idea that Bristol was the only "real person" in the competition. They were all "real people."

    The Palins are no more "real" than anyone else. Bristol Palin has gotten as much of a "free ride" through her famous parent as Joel Grey's daughter.

  141. Anonymous5:06 AM

    FUCK Sarah and her devil spawn Bristol...

  142. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck5:13 AM

    i am trying to imagine the level of anger needed to say "give the middle finger" outloud on national television.

    at 20 years old.


  143. OT, but you'll love this:
    Obama doesn't think about Palin

    I can see her head spinning in her anger....

  144. KiheiKat5:42 AM

    I just watched SP's interview with Greta at Progressive Alaska. My Gawd, she just gets worse & worse. Talked quite a bit about all the bad, bad people pickin' on her kids. Defended Willow's rant and totally lied (big surprise) about why she said "a bad word." Slammed "libural wimen" who claim to be feminists but rilly aren't. Ad nauseum.

    Lots of class Bristol. The comments on the article at ADN are so good. She has no friends there either. Some 84 pages of slams. The article quoted her "middle finger" remark. General consensus - same as here - no class.

  145. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Something I noticed last night. There was Piper sitting alone when she is usually attached to her mother's hip. She was not at the show alone. Where was Sarah? Did she stay in the Green Room only to come out if Bristol won? Moms usually have unconditional love for their children - win or lose. Apparently Sarah does not want to be seen with a loser, even if it is her own daughter. Only to come out if daughter won.

  146. Anonymous6:07 AM

    That's an OLD picture.

  147. My husband's response to Bristol's middle finger comment may be a peek into the mindset of a majority of folks (those who are not obsessed with all things Palin for good or bad)...they just don't care

    When I first told him, he did not believe me... he literaly said that can't be true, no one would say that and show wouldn't have allowed it to be aired if they did, and told me to not believe everything I read about on the web (he thinks I'm definitely a tin foil hat wearing over the top Palin obsessed blog reader when it comes to all things Palin) -- so I said ok, do you trust the Washington Post - he said yes...

    I showed him the WP article where they quoted her...

    he paused, and said "well that was definitely in poor taste, but I'm still going to look it up for myself to confirm the report" (though I doubt he will bother taking the time...because he truly doesn't care what any Palin says or does)

    Hubby thinks Palin is a joke, with no clout, and will not run for President - she may try but will not get nominated - so he dismisses everything about her as just crazy blog\tabloid fodder and 99.9% of anything that can be proved he doesn't care - he says there is too many other things to focus on including our life, taking care of our family and broader more important state and national issues.

    Although I agree with him on priorities - I think Palin needs to be held accountable - not because she is Sarah Palin but because those backing her are rich enough to try and destroy this country using her as their front person.

    There are days I get frustrated with him that he doesn't get more upset by the hate and lies she spreads ... but at least I'm comforted knowing he just plain and simply dismisses her - and I bet the majority of the Americans do also.

    However, I truly believe that folks like Gryphen and others, and those of us who keep on top of the nasty details and search for truth need to keep at it - so we can inform others who for now don't care - so that there is NO WAY possible she could some how slink in the WH by some loophole, stolen election trick.

  148. Anonymous6:12 AM

    You know, every reality show (Real World, America's Next Top Model, Survivor, etc.) has somebody on that EVERYBODY hates and nobody can understand why they stick around for so very long.

    I guess that Bristol was that someone this season.

  149. Anonymous6:13 AM

    They should invite Mark Ballas back next season, and give him a "real' celebrity partner, to make up for what he had to endure this season.

    Also, only 150 showed up for the latest book signing ? How many were expected ? Is this 2nd book going to go the same way the 2nd episode of SPA did, down the tubes ?!?

  150. Anonymous6:18 AM

    OMG! I watched the GMA bit this morning, even though I'm a Today Show person.

    I have to find it and watch again, though, because I swear when mention was made of "Baby" (Jennifer's character in Dirty Dancing)...Bristol flinched??

  151. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I came to dislike Jennifer, having given her the benefit of the doubt about the long ago stories of her ugliness to Patrick Swayze on set and particularly her comments after production was done on "Dirty Dancing"... because she did the one thing that she should not have: she used poor, dead Patrick for her own ends. I laughed out loud when she first cried, remembering that song with Patrick. She was awful to him! He must be shaking his head, politely, in his grave!

    I wanted to Kyle to win because he showed such heart, danced so well and so joyously!

    BUT who cares now because what matters most is that they BOTH beat out that sullen lump of spoiled Brisket!

  152. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Even Paris Hilton wouldn't have said the middle finger comment on TV.

  153. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I guess it was God's will that she didn't win, right?

  154. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The DWTS costume stylists strike again! First, they COULD have added a little fabric, let out a seam or two on the purple outfit, but NO! We got to see by comparison how much more huge she looked in the belly area. It was eye-popping! People who didn't notice the first time surely saw it!

    But their special revenge on Miss Mean Girl Nasty Brat was dressing her in a fringed pants outfit so similar to Miss Petite Slim Real Dancer (50 years old!) so that the comparison was unavoidable! Brisket looked HUGE, ungainly, just really really awful. Deserved it.

  155. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Media Insider here -

    Bristol is too thick (around the head as well as the middle) to realize that lots of media folk have been carefully watching how she presents herself. And after all the gaffes, the nastiness toward other contestants, and the poorly chosen languag, nobody is going to be interested in her next attempt to sell a reality show, magazine shoot, or anything, really. What are they going to get for their money? A verbally abusive KID with major entitlement attitude who is attractive to NOBODY. (You should hear how she was treating Mark the past few weeks. More awful than you can imagine. No wonder the poor guy looks so harried.)

    So those $200,000 paydays are over.

    At the same time, I'm hearing from the speakers bureau world that her bureau is about ready to drop her. So when her contract with Candies runs out she won't be speaking about "abstinence" to anybody anymore. (She's signed both with Candies and with a speakers bureau at the moment.)

    The conservative base who once supported this "poor, single mom who was misused by her man" are now seeing that she's basically a nasty cow. NOT someone they want coaching their young daughters about abstinence. She's like the antimatter role model - the complete inverse to anything you'd actually want your daughter to be.

    So Bristol, honey -- hold on to that money! Don't blow it all on designer clothes and purses and expensive cards because you'll have nothing left for your child's college education. Or for rent money. Or for, you know, FOOD when you're living out of the back of your truck.

  156. Anonymous6:44 AM

    After reading that twit message, it dawned on me: Sarah Palin is Cliff Clavin from "Cheers." A total idiot (who doesn't realize it) but thinks they are smart. And doesn't mind displaying it for the world on a daily basis.

    What's up with that?

  157. Ratfish6:49 AM

    "They're going to criticize anyway, so you might as well dance!"

    "They're going to criticize anyway, so you might as well run for President!"

    You betcha!

  158. Ripley in CT6:50 AM

    @ 4:57 am: I'm sort of thinking that Linda McMahon will call her to be on the WWE tour. She has a chance there. And that would get McMahon out of our hair here in CT.

    Go Bristle! WWE superstar!

  159. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "They're gonna criticize you anyway" Sarah does always take the negative, victim approach. She is the spoiler and the mean girl. It would have been far more gracious to say what a wonderful time it was for Bristol to have made it to the finals, and she was so proud of her daughter. No, Bristol wanted to give the middle finger to the haters, and Sarah made sure to give the middle finger to any and all of them.

  160. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:32 AM

    Miller said-I still think the show was fixed. Bristol had very little talent, to say the least, so she could never win. But she drove the ratings up because each week people expected her to be eliminated. However, when the story broke about the massive voting fraud, the show's producers must have cringed. All over the blogosphere, people were announcing that they would never watch the show again. So, Bristol is third. Perhaps, this was all decided a long time ago. She couldn't win but she would place in the top 3 and be part of the post show publicity. Her mama will be happy. She can portray her daughter as the underdog who had death threats made against her and Bristol showed America her true patriotic spirit and carried on despite the threats to her life. (Gag me)
    This,too, might have worked until Bristol opened up her stupid mouth and stated that she would be saluting her haters with her middle finger. How classy!
    The Palin family are such trash. It would be so much better if Sarah encouraged Bristol to attend college and earn a degree rather than making an ass out of herself on this dance show.
    Remember, Sarah, every child of a President has attended or graduated from college since Margaret Truman. Look at the last trio:
    Chelsea Clinton- Stanford
    Barbara and Jenna Bush- Yale and U.of Texas
    Should you ever be elected in 2012, God forbid, how would your children match up?
    Track- Army
    Bristol- 3rd place DWTS
    Willow- HS dropout
    Piper- Middle school drop out
    Yeah, real classy!

    7:56 PM

    Most presidential kids have gone to college starting with Lincoln. However Reagans kids either didn't go to college or dropped out.

    Patti-dropped out of Northwestern after a year to live with a member of the Eagles
    Ron-dropped out of Yale to do ballet

    Guess Sarah wants to be just like Reagan. Doesn't give a shit about education, and was in the family way when she got married, and has kids that are an embarassment to the family, just like dear Saint Ronnie. Fortunately the Reagan blood lines are dried up. Maureen had no biological
    kids of her own (she adopted a girl for Uganda), Michael was adopted by Ronnie and Jane, Patti is past menopause and will not have kids, and Ron isn't going to have kids. Unfortunately the Palins will keep procreating.

  161. Anonymous7:38 AM

    There is a God! The best dancer won!

    Now Brisdtol can go back to the security of the Palin Coumpound and take care of HER family.

    Anybody know who cares for all those kids? I mean who are the nannies?

  162. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:39 AM

    I still think the show was fixed. Bristol had very little talent, to say the least, so she could never win. But she drove the ratings up because each week people expected her to be eliminated. However, when the story broke about the massive voting fraud, the show's producers must have cringed. All over the blogosphere, people were announcing that they would never watch the show again. So, Bristol is third. Perhaps, this was all decided a long time ago. She couldn't win but she would place in the top 3 and be part of the post show publicity. Her mama will be happy. She can portray her daughter as the underdog who had death threats made against her and Bristol showed America her true patriotic spirit and carried on despite the threats to her life. (Gag me)
    This,too, might have worked until Bristol opened up her stupid mouth and stated that she would be saluting her haters with her middle finger. How classy!
    The Palin family are such trash. It would be so much better if Sarah encouraged Bristol to attend college and earn a degree rather than making an ass out of herself on this dance show.
    Remember, Sarah, every child of a President has attended or graduated from college since Margaret Truman. Look at the last trio:
    Chelsea Clinton- Stanford
    Barbara and Jenna Bush- Yale and U.of Texas
    Should you ever be elected in 2012, God forbid, how would your children match up?
    Track- Army
    Bristol- 3rd place DWTS
    Willow- HS dropout
    Piper- Middle school drop out
    Yeah, real classy!

    7:56 PM

    Most presidential kids starting with Lincoln went to college, with the exception of Reagan. She doesn't give a shit about education, was in the family way when she got married, wants to be a celebrity, and doesn't care about her kids. Guess she really is emulating ole Saint Ronnie! Fortunately the Reagan blood lines have pretty muched ceased to exist cuz Maureen did not have any biological kids of her own (she adopted a girl from Uganda, Michael was adopted by Ronnie and Jane, and Patti and Ron will not have kids of their own. Also Ronnie's brother Neil had no kids either. Unfortunately the Palins and Heaths will keep procreating.

  163. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Did she really make the "middle-finger" comment?

    How vulgar.

    And What a poor looser. She knew very well it was way past time for her and her little "problem" to go hide, so what is her issue?

  164. Anonymous8:07 AM

    7:32, no need to trash Ron Reagan to make a point. He's actually a decent guy and, incidentally, the exception proving the rule.

    He didn't quit school to live off the family. He did it to pursue his dream .... leading him to the Joffrey Ballet. No slacker here.

  165. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Jennifer in first and Kyle second. (And Bristol a far off third. LAST PLACE!)

    To quote Sarah Palin after the run off for Democratic POTUS between Obama and Hillary,
    "Sambo beat the bitch!"

    How's that Sambo/bitchy thingy workin out for ya now GRANNY? YEEHAWWWWW
    (and pissie Brissie couldn't even win Miss Congeniality like her white trash mom from hell did!)

    Don't fret and whine Brissie, mommie dearest will buy you a mirror ball, twice as big as that lil old ball on DWTS!

    Is Brissie going to wait until her water breaks and duplicate her mommie's fake story of her
    "WILD RIDE" back to Wasilla while in labor and give birth to "Lil Banana"?

  166. Anonymous8:25 AM

    What the Palins don't realize that people don't hate them. It's the "lying" and "misrepresentation" that people hate. It's the whining about critics, and throwing their perceiving victimhood in people's faces all the time. It's the idea they make a great living off the land, yet show no appreciation for the good things. It's the fact they always look at the negative. They always have a bone to pick.

    That's what people hate.

  167. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "I know you haters think it's over but guess what?? Track is on next season, they're already planning it salute to the military and what not."

    Ya, there is another Palin quitter/loser/bum/mooch. Why is
    he even out of the military to dance?
    Why did he only serve one year, if that?
    Says a lot, he is out & he is GONNA
    DANCE!1!! Yew HATERZ!! while other
    men & women are dying in service
    for our country.

  168. Anonymous9:37 AM

    If you can get a video of Bristol dancing with Mark on The View today, you will see what she looks like without the costuming genius of DWTS and no choking spanx! I would bet $100.00 that she is with child!

  169. bettestreep, wrote to me:

    Bristol wants to give all the haters the middle finger, Meghan McCain wants to kick Obama's ass and Willow Palin goes on Facebook and attacks someone as a faggot!

    With such outstanding children like these - how on earth did McCain and Palin lose in 2008???

    Whatever next? Rush Limbaugh demanding that Obama's daughter's be physically violated?
    You can ALWAYS count on Rush:

    Rush suggests Obama should "take his daughter to the airport and have a TSA grope her" to show it's safe


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  170. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Wow - Anon 9:37 You are right about how she looks on the View. Check out at 1:43 when her vest rides up over her pregnant belly, and she suddenly stops and turns around

  171. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Bristol is just like Sarah. They both finished behind a black man. Believe me when I say that this is what Sarah hates most. LMAO!!!!!

  172. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Bristol wants to give all the haters the middle finger, Meghan McCain wants to kick Obama's ass and Willow Palin goes on Facebook and attacks someone as a faggot! ---

    After being ignored Sarah allows cute Andy Almon upstairs. He was a full on racists in his FB rants and no Palin has a problem with that. They don't even acknowledge the pain of cyber-bullying and the fact that this is part of their lives. They do it as a gang. That was not a little incident where only Willow was defending Trig and said a bad word. No one should ignore the cyber-bully part of this and the fact they do it as a gang. That is serious stuff for them to get by with.

  173. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I hope the troll talking about Track is right. It is time he is featured and people get some real answers. He can spin but that is not a win for that sucker.

  174. camille12:53 PM

    The Reagan kids were not home schooled or parented by a Palin. The ones he had with Nancy turned out alright in spite of Patty's public differences with her mother. Ron is a class act and intelligent. What happened with Jane Wyman's kids is a shame. They were nuts but they aren't as total dumb as any Palin. Maureen Reagan had possibility but very sad about Michael. Nancy would have preferred Maureen to be the one to live.

  175. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Gyalist said She wasn't ever going to win. I believe that the producers manipulated the situation to manufacture controversy and boost the ratings.

    YOU ARE RIGHT ON. She was not going to win. This was the fix from the beginning. Sarah may have tried to get her first place but the executives prevailed with a more believable scenario. One that wouldn't cause more outrage. Now the show can look honorable although they are not. They still cheated those that earned and deserved and the public. Using entertainment programing for political propaganda or tests is never good. It degrades democracy and what our great country once stood for.

  176. Anonymous1:07 PM

    For the last 7 weeks, NONE of my attempts to phone in votes worked - repeatedly heard"all circuits are busy, please try again" and a few times were "the number you have reached has been disconnected".

    These calls were tried during the opening minutes of the show and from 2 different personal phone #'s I have.

    Just sayin' that TPTB at ABC are full of $hyt in saying every one was equally affected by the problems they had this week. No, only 2 people were affected, and neither of them were Bristol.

  177. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Gotta say it, so bear (ahem - not of the grizzly type) with me:

    Bristol just got refudiated by rill Amerikanz.

    Sorry of someone beat me to it - there's so many comments!

    PMom (GA)

  178. Anonymous3:55 PM

    So what week does Trig start?

    His partner can drag him around the stage just as well as Bristol.

    We've gotta get the whole family in on it, cause they've all gone Hollywood, now. I can't believe there's actually a post from Gryph about an interview with Willow. Willow??? WTF?? Who gives a rats arse what she thinks about ANYTHING.

  179. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I didn't see the last show or the clip, but I see that Jennifer won, as she deserves. But really, it should have been Brandy and Jennifer battling it out. Women with talent and class, not trailer trash like Bristol.

    I have no idea why Bristol didn't win. DWTS propelled her forward every week. And the rest of us are not voting (because really, who cares?). Why didn't her numbers come out on top? Because it would destroy the last shred of credibility the producers had left?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.