Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It gets worse. Jon Stewart delivers the ultimate smackdown to John McCain over DADT.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
It Gets Worse PSA
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Seriously, I wonder if he has Alzheimer's. I know it's a nasty thing to say, but I wonder. Especially given the "I never said I was a Maverick" thing. And the bad thing is that no one will ever find out about it because his staff and family will just cover it up for him.

  2. GrainneKathleen5:56 AM

    that felt just right. thank you jon stewart. and thanks be for film and video!

  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    McCain has been an a$$ his whole life. Nothing new here. He will say and do whatever he needs to 'win' at anything.

    He has some serious flaws and I don't understand how he's been able to stay elected as long as he has. He is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    FYI--the absolute best piece on "Sarah Palin's Alaska" from The New Republic. LOL funny.


  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    John and Sarah can go jump off the bridge to nowhere. And take their equally vile spouses with them.

  6. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The "It Gets Worse" video at the end was a scream!

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    John McCain is, and has ALWAYS been, scum. The sooner that old turd kicks the bucket, the better.

    The "It Gets Worse" parody was genius and I wish they'd run it as an actual ad.

  8. MC30317:59 AM

    That was beyond sad.

    And Anon@5:51 - he doesn't have Alzheimers. He's a republican - whoever pays him the most gets his support. Or not. You know. Whatever he feels like saying. Now get off my lawn, you kids.

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM


  10. John McCain is such a turd in every way. Watching him talk makes me sick. I cannot understand why people vote for him. He is a shitty, shitty man.

  11. pursang2:32 PM

    McCain/Palin, a national embarrassment.

    Yet McCain is a regular guest on Sunday pundit shows where he is treated like a wisened elder statesmen instead of someone who believes in nothing, who only believes in whatever will keep him elected and in power.

    Yet Palin is treated with odd respect because she commands a small but vocal band of syncophants. Treated with odd respect even though she refuses to interact with potential voters except through her Facebook/Twitter echo chamber.

    These two will be infamous when people write about this period of our countries history. Like Bush, historians won't be kind to these two and rightfully so. These two helped to bring a period of unabashed and unashamed lying to politics and for that they should both be held forever accountable.


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