Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Signs we would like to see.

Kind of hard to argue with that logic.


  1. Oh for crying out loud. Just spewed my coffee on that one. Please don't give her that much power it just feeds into her God complex. imjs

  2. AKLynne7:57 AM

    And, worse, I suppose they mean that in a good way....

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Absolutely, Gryphen.

    No, the meaning of this is quite clear, Lynn D. Sarah would know what they are trying to say, if she truly has any familiarity with her purported religions's holy book.

    She is a false prophet. She is empty. She is the opposite of what she pretends to be.

    Real Christians should hold a cross up to her and see what she does, haha! Let's see her sit in a church and act sincerely humble before God. Let's see that. (She'd be on her Blackberry the entire time.)


  4. Liberal Dipshidt8:04 AM

    Had a thought as I woke up this morning: just MAYBE some good can come out of Palin's political fundraising event on The Learning Channel show, being her latest scam of the public.

    I keep hearing others say something along these lines: "If the Tea Party types get just a TINY bit smarter, they are going to see through the wool over their eyes, and all their "anger" just may be aimed in the proper direction."

    So, just possibly, with their televisions tuned to TLC (for the "Sarah for Prez Hour,") they may accidentally LEAVE them on that station, and actually learn something from some of the other shows being aired...leading to that slight shift in I.Q. level.

    And then, LOOK OUT!

  5. Anonymous8:22 AM

    And there are segments of the population that rejoice at this development also. Too.

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I'm confused, was this really posted at the Wasilla church, or is this a joke?

  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I don't think that anything will change the tea baggers minds.
    Any criticism of sister sarah will just anger them and make their resolve stronger.

    It is the semi rational republicans that cannot stand the tea party insanity they may change their minds when palin has to play by the rules and gets challenged by the republican candidates. They will not just stick with fox news and she will have to respond to questions and have intelligent answers.

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    @ 8:45am
    I agree:
    Anything that comes "from the gut"
    as opposed from the rational mind
    is immune to logic.
    This is why we, with all our appellations to reason, do not win.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I would like to see Bristol's friend that was "Pimping for Jesus" speak up for her Bristol. That was the way they talk about fishing for men to convert. They are also into drinking games and other unsavory Christianist tricks. Some of the knocked up girls do marry but they are all young and of like mind. Bristol must show us more of her life and friends around Wasilla. Did everyone know Bristol as the Golden Child while growing up or is that a new one?

    I've read Bristol when she writes to her friends. She is an atrocious writer. She did not attend school, it is clear that she was home schooled by Sarah people and on-line. Her denial about the Tea Party is going to make her stand out as a liar. It is not going to change the facts.

    How Palin Conservatives Are Cheating The DWTS Voting System
    "...there's no denying that conservatives have been pushing for votes for Bristol, using blogs and Twitter to start a movement. But what isn't widely known is the evidence—via message board comments on some conservative sites—that this mobilization involves fixing this (albeit meaningless) election through a technical snafu on ABC's website, which allows Palin's supporters to cast an infinite number of email votes..."

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I'm confused too by this sign.Are they serious or joking. Sorry ti be so dense.


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