Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meghan McCain on Sarah Palin: "She’s either brilliant or insane." Hard to argue with that.

I don't always agree with the "man who unleashed the beast's" daughter on everything, but this time she is way ahead of the other pundits in realizing what Palin's strategy is concerning her run for 2012.

From the Daily Beast:

Wanna run for president? Quit your job, find a hot Hollywood reality-show producer, make sure your children also appear on hit reality shows, saturate every entity with tweets and Facebook updates on every conceivable subject. I dare anyone in the news to not report on one of her tweets. She doesn’t do interviews because she doesn’t need to. She can Twitter and Facebook away and then the press goes and reports on her tweets. It is so monopolized at this point that for me it steps dangerously into the realm of some strange science-fiction movie from the '60s. Saturate the American public until we forget that anything or anyone else exists or is even an option in 2012. There are no other choices, because, can’t you see, she is the only choice.

This is her strategy, and yes, she is running for president.

I have been saying much the same thing for weeks now, and am very gratified to see others starting to catch on.

However as frightening as the idea that Sarah Palin actually has a plan to get to the White House might be, the reality of how well that plan is working should ease any fears of its ultimate success.

First there is the reaction to her new reality show, the ratings for which set a fairly high watermark with its first episode, but then quickly plummeted once people got the chance to see the trainwreck up close and personal.

The second episode of the show also upset animal activists who did not view Sarah Palin playing with the still beating heart of a dead halibut as terribly Presidential, or even terribly human.

Palin's plan to garner support from Bristol's appearance on DWTS also did not quite work out as planned when her sycophants kept cheating the system to keep the oddly expanding, and completely undeserving young woman on week, after week in the place of far more deserving contestants.

In fact it became so obvious that ABC finally had to admit that their voting system was flawed and they might even have to revamp it for next season.  (Actually if they simply keep the Palins away they might be able to leave it like it is without any further problems.  I mean really, who else has fans this ethically challenged?)

Then we have the Grizzled Mama's new book.

The book quickly goes to Palin's comfort zone, the low road, by attacking Levi Johnston, President and Michele Obama, the "Lamestream"media, and American Idol?

And already the book has created a legal drama after Harper Collins filed suit against Gawker for posting pages from the book on its website ahead of publication.

"How's that First Amendment-y thing working for ya?"

So like Meghan McCain says, Sarah Palin has herself a plan.

Could it be a successful plan?

Successful? Really? What part of its "Sarah Palin's plan" don't you understand?

So to answer the question posed in the headline, I am going to go with "insane."


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    In keeping with the theme "not a good week for the Wasilla hillbillies," I went through a check-out line early this morning and noticed one of the front-page Enquirer headline stories: Willow pregnant (she's only 16!).

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The more America sees of Palin, the less we like her. Once you've become a recurring character on Saturday Night Live or David Letterman's "Top Ten List," you're pretty much toast.

    In the meantime, the Wasillabillies will continue to rake in the cash as fast as they can.

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    There is nothing "brilliant" about Sarah Palin. Period.

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I agree: insane. Her followers: also insane. How many are there? Possibly 1.5 million. Will there be more? No.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    But she is raking in money. Isn't this what matters most?

    I think the real lesson from DWTS is that 'a real person' can't just win something. It's nice, but it's a fairytale. Real people need to get trained and put in hard work and BE THE MOST QUALIFIED to get in and be effective.

    The pros know that the job getting done well is the thing, they know they can loose in the world they are in, and that someone better qualified (or not) can take their place in an instant.

    We hope that Palin's plan doesn't work, but she is holding herself out there for people whose god is about hype and a happy feeling du jour, a god of instant gratification. As a nation, we lost our moral compas decades ago and Sarah Palin is exploiting this.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    What is insane is that Sarah Palin is a household name. And Todd. And Bristol. And Willow. And all the rest of em.

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    When will the GOP look back in foolish embarrassment at the elevation and stature the know-nothing, destructive, low-brow Sarah Palin captured in her flame-out national political flirtation?

  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    So Cinderella married the prince, but before she lived happily ever after, she had to learn to run the castle. She had to quit playing with the household rodents and learn to entertain dignitaries from other kingdoms. The LANGUAGE she heard the gardeners using, she had to eliminate from her vocabulary.

    The forgot to tell Sarah this.

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    What are the advance sales on Going Rouge Part II: The People I Missed Trashing the First Time Around?

    I'm reading here that there were only 150 at the signing in Phoenix. Ouch. Considering the median (or average, I forget which) age of the crowd tuning into the second episode of Sarah Sees Alaska, Finally! was 67, Phoenix should have been a hot spot for the Palinator.

    I think her brand of crazy just ain't selling anymore.

  10. I have to put Palin in Jim Jones territory with her ability to mislead people into believing that she is the female messiah. And she certainly has her rabid followers drinking the Kool-Aid. She is brilliantly demented.

  11. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Maybe the TLC season about the Palins was a good thing afterall. The general public can see how stupid and idiotic the Palins are. I have read some comments from her supporters, saying how they love the way it shows a real family interacting-only tells me the commentor has a dysfunctional family also.

    Palin must have been in "control" of the filming and narrative, because a sane producer would have made it much more interesting/educational. Another producer should run with the theme/popularity, and have a real Alaskan narrative with real footage of our pristine, vast, state... with real Alaskans.

    If Sarah Palin were intelligent/brilliant, she isn't showing it. I vote for -insane.

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Here's my concern: that Juicy can succeed or fail on these projects--book, reality show, dwts--and still 'win' by sheer saturation. It's the complicity of Scarah and the media and entities we don't even know about that seems to have made manchurian candidates out of millions of people. A truly frightening thing to witness, and you wonder how you can ever stop it from spreading. In the end I think the reality of her political track record--losing in 08, quitting, backing losing candidates, ruining the senate mid-terms for Rethugs--will be what stops her from being prez. But she'll still command her masses unless and until we reveal her lies about Trig. Sarah, don't think for a nano that we aren't ready to come for the truth hard and heavy the minute you declare.

  13. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:46 AM

    Meghan will register as a Democrat after her father dies. Count on it. And she won't be the first political child to do so

    Kermit son of Theodore became a Democrat
    John son of FDR became a Republican
    Ronald Reagan Jr became a Democrat

  14. Anonymous7:47 AM

    @7:25 - KRAP! I just realized I know the names of the entire insane crew from Wasilla!! I don't think I could name either of the President's children. Something is very wrong with this 'palinration' of the media.

  15. Hannah7:49 AM

    Has anyone else wondered what they put in the Conservative women's water? Watch Palin's eyes, Michele Bachmann's eyes, that Malkin woman's eyes, that' blonde ditzy Fox host's eyes> etc. Either they are "on something" or someone has taught them that opening your eyes REALLY WIDE makes you look "more smarter". Yeah, not working, ladies. Truly intelligent people pay far more attention to what you are saying and doing than how you look. Think about it.

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Did Sarah really tell Greta that Willow and Bristol behaved badly on Facebook because a comment was made about Trig? And Greta didn't correct her? Wow. Anyone who has read all the screen shots (see Wonkette, Huffpo) knows that Trig was not mentioned. Even while it's obvious Trig has been a convenient campaign prop, Sarah has reached a new low with this fresh lie.

    Greta should have also asked Sarah why the Mama Grizzly didn't prevent the Facebook fiasco. Didn't Sarah herself tell us that a Mama Grizzly "just knows when something isn't right?"

    I don't think it's crazy as much as it is malignant narcissism, if there is such a thing.

    In Sarah's mind, the more "unfiltered" she is, the more she connects with people outside of the "lamestream" media, the more they will LOVE her. As the polls consistently tell us, that ain't so.

    Maybe the Media did us a favor by highlighting every inane tweet and ill-conceived Facebook rant. They got clicks and we got wise. Even the faithful started saying "enough!"

    Sarah should have played hard to get. She overexposed herself, and not having anything of substance to actually expose, well, we've all gotten to see that the myth just doesn't hold up.

    Worse, she's used her own family to create that mythology and, in the process, has made them all look foolish.

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Oops! Should be Going Rogue...

  18. emrysa8:12 AM

    meghan mccain is another one that needs to GO AWAY.

  19. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Looks like Sarah has achieved the perfect end for her fairy tale rise: an unflattering, cartoonish image of trashy, thuggish hillbilly (apologies to real hillbillies) grifters, too stupid and greedy to stop themselves from over-reaching. Not even bottom-feeding Republicans will stay with losers. And she has just turned the corner into loser status. AND she has cankles to go with those turkey neck wrinkles - both of which only get worse with age! She's also turned the corner, heading toward the big 5 0 ... and can you imagine how mean ol' menopause is going to affect how she behaves and what she says? OMG

  20. Perhaps she's campaigning to be bribed not to run.

  21. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I gave up all things Palin for Lent. I'm thinking I might do the same thing for Advent. Sure would make the season a lot holier.

  22. Anonymous9:06 AM

    DWTS was a trial balloon--can you take someone with no talent and no work ethic and game the system in order to win? What if you took someone with limited knowledge, no talent for governance, and the work ethic and attention span of a 5 yr old and ran that person for president? How would you do it? You would limit her contact with informed and intelligent people (because they make her uncomfortable and might expose the truth) and have her communicate (mostly via ghost writers) in a largely one-sided fashion with everyone else. I hesitate to call it brilliant, but it is an innovative approach. Can it work? It might if the "candidate" was not nasty POS with a dysfunctional family and a closet full of skeletons. Nixon was a nasty POS, but he never attacked a President's wife or mother. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton had family issues, but who doesn't? (Bush I's family issue would later become Bush II). Put it all together and it is not an attractive package, even in a pencil skirt and Naughty Monkey pumps.

  23. Anonymous9:20 AM

    $arah's niche is being on the Shopping Channel! With her 'communication' skills and constant need to ham it up for the camera, she would satisfy her narcissist needs as well as her attention envy. Perhaps the Wasillibilly clan participate as well and get in a few glamor shots and gum smacking presentations. Ratings and sales will probably rise due to the bots participation and it keeps these folks out of our Nation's hair. Her fans and those old-repubs geezers would get their daily eye-candy fix. But the dilemma of course would be that the bots may have to forgo their $arah-PAC contributions if they are to maintain $arah's sales numbers to keep her on the show. One can only dream for we all know that $arah is work ethnic challenged and would quit the show within a week.
    Shopping Channel come and get her!

  24. TechRepubs RULE!9:49 AM

    Meghan shows no respect for her War Hero Father. This isnt over till the fat lady sings! You can't beat getting rich the American way. This is brilliant. 2012 2016 2020 DANCE BRISTOL DANCE. Libs won't know what hit them.

    Sarah Palin's publisher says Gawker settled

  25. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Too funny! Palin is playing all the worn out cards. I saw the part of the show where she is shooting skeet and she makes the comment a baby shower was held for her there and this should get the liberals all worked up. Well, Sarah I have news for you: My whole family is liberal and we have been shooting skeet together every Thanksgiving since I was a kid — and we all know how to shoot — and nobody thinks it is a liberal or conservative issue. You are a retro John Bircher. The worst kind of sickness.

  26. JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!10:27 AM

    7:25 AM - Do you or anyone remember the hit show Queen for a Day? Jerry Springer is now a hit in Britain. The heart of American culture is what it is and the world is fascinated. If PT Barnum resurrects he can still pull another one off with his formula. Aimee Semple McPherson or Jim Jones? PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! PALIN! is as American as APPLE PIE! Saturation and reloading.

  27. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Many Vietnam vets do not consider McCain to be a war hero.Many consider him to have been a collaborator.My DH just feels that whatever his level of cooperation with the VC was,war hero should only apply to someone who saves lives,not someone who merely survives by doing what ever he can to do so.

  28. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I was at first nauseous that the Palins would be getting so much TV time this fall, but now I love it. The Palins just can't help but to be their low class selves, and these shows are getting this message out to more and more Americans. I want more shows to follow. The more exposure they get, the more they are exposed.

    Sarah will never get close to the White House unless she's taking a tour.

  29. Anonymous11:15 AM

    She's all over the place, mentally speaking. There is an article in today's Boston Globe about her lack of presence in New Hampshire. The state's First in the Nation Primaries have launched many candidates and saved John McCain's backside.

  30. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "She's either brilliant or insane"

    She's functionally insane as far as being fit to govern anything more more complicated than a homeschool school.

    Just because this is true does not mean she thought it up all by herself.

    This past week shows how poorly she executes a plan no matter whose plan it is. Either the plan failed to explain to the kids how not to screw up- or they can't do it even when told to. Coordinating all the exposures to peak at the same time= stupid unless it's just before you announce something really big.

    Meghan McCain conveniently forgets to mention Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Roger Ailes and NewsCorp just to mention a few.

    Without this group Palin could be quietly insane or brilliant without 24/7 coverage. And these shows that she and her family are on would not be happening.

    I can't remember how it was that McCain ended up with Palin on the ticket -was it a come to Jayzsus meeting John had with Roger and Rupert that convinced him?

  31. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I have an idea.

    We can help Sarah and her deluded followers fulfill the dream.

    The cheapest and safest way is to have a fundraiser to help her paint one of her houses or cabins white.

    Then she can play whitehouse safely.

    Just get the paint bought- they know lots of contractor friends- the labor can be done just like at Ted's.

  32. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Apparently a recent tweet from Palin tells us how she's approaching the sellin in Iowa:
    Sellin that 'failin hard' show also too:

    "Like family farms, our Bristol Bay commercial fish business works the same way," she writes. "Watch Sunday on TLC; see work ethic rewarded out on the water!"

    Link to Howard Fineman on this at HuffingtonPost.

    Oh and where is that book tour on Saturday?? Desmoines Iowa !

    She's runnin.

  33. Anonymous12:25 PM

    my husband was in viet nam doing the same stuff as mccain. He sees him as a collaborator not a hero.

    i agree re: overexposed. This is a good thing. Now people will understand. I am starting to really enjoy her antics.

    And, pretty soon she will be competing with the new Princess. How does Wm's fiance meassure up to Palin--makes Palin look OLD.

    Dont the republicans have a nice, smart pretty girl that they can bring forward? I agree with Rove--no gravitas with Palin.

  34. Anonymous12:31 PM

    DWTS may be another object lesson in how badly Sarah Palin deals with other people's feelings and dignity.
    Every person who voted for another more deserving dancer only to see them fall prey to the Palinistas, is likely to be a lost vote, as are the dancers who unjustly lost and all their family and friends.
    No foresight, no insight, no sense of the feelings of others, no respect for others's feelings, and digity.

    There is a big difference in Sarah's version of defeating people and in winning their vote.

    Apparently she hasn't figured that out yet. And I doubt she is mechanically able to. She says her self she is a mavwreak.

    Actually a better example is her last legislative session in Alaska. Talk about making enemies out of your allies!

  35. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Meghan, you are darling, bright and I agree with you 100%. Don Imus was right last week. You deserve you own show. But, please not Fox. Would love for you to have a radio talk show.

  36. Anonymous4:47 AM

    SP said in one of her video interviews that "poplar culture" is the key.

    She is right. While we face staggering problems, DWTS gets lots of air time and lots of heartfelt comments here and at other blogs. The NYTimes front page is no longer "all the NEWS that's fit to print": a good half of the stories are turkey recipes, real estate chat, SP updates (today's is "Gawker settles suit re SP book pages"), and fluff -- er, I mean "popular culture."

    I was so glad to see President Obama answer that "he does not think about SP."

  37. Anonymous5:21 AM

    How about "insane AND brilliant"? The worst combination there could be.

    Keeping us all talking about SP's looks, her gaffes, her children, her life, congratulating each other in blogs like this on how idiotic she is -- it's exactly the ticket to keep her in the news, and it has.

    SP herself said "popular culture" is the way to get to the White House, and so far no one has proved her wrong.

    In fact, here's a statement of how right she is, a terrifying summing up:


  38. Montana7:46 PM

    The half term governor is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. Since we already had an idiot “W” that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust in fools who think they are brilliant. One of the reason for “W” failure was his drinking, Palin just has bad genes.


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