Tuesday, November 30, 2010

MSNBC did not spare either Sarah or Bristol last night.

First up Lawrence O'Donnell let Palin have it over her ridiculous comparison of her leaked book pages on Gawker to the WikiLeaks dissemination of classified documents.

Now that was a thing of beauty.

Next Keith Olbermann chooses abstinence spokesperson Bristol Palin as his (not really) Worst Person in the World.

I usually find myself in agreement with Keith, but this time I thought he was a little harsh.

Bristol is simply following the direction of her manipulative mother and pimping herself out in the most hypocritical way possible.  It is, after all, how the Palin family rolls.


  1. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Lawrence is suggesting at the end what this community has been doing all along: Come on people that have been trod on by the Palins and have the inside scoop,LEAK, LEAK,LEAK!

  2. Anonymous2:51 AM

    This Morning Joe Scarborough went after Palin...cue the popcorn!
    Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and attack Sarah Palin


  3. Seriously you thought that was harsh about Bristol? Are you frickin kidding me? That was nothing and I wish more people would point out how much this 20 year old is making on her hypocrisy. Gosh if you thought that was harsh....I'm a bit concerned about any truth ever coming out of Alaska ...from anyone!

  4. Anonymous3:03 AM

    And Sarah continues to get exactly what she wants. Publicity. She doesn't care a rat's ass if it's good publicity or bad publicity, as long as people are talking about her. THE MEDIA NEEDS TO COMPLETELY IGNORE HER. That would hurt her way more than harsh words would.

  5. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Th half term governor whose Yahoo account, she was using for state biz, got hacked and now she think she's an expert on cyber security? LOL!

    Bill Clinton, Rhode Scholar

    Sarah Palin, Rube Scholar

  6. Anonymous3:23 AM

    I don't feel Keith was harsh on Bristol. Either she's a young adult or not. Funny how when Republican kids either get in trouble or pimp themselves out suddenly they become "little tiny children" again. It's BS. Repubs play this game all the time, particularly with women that may harm a Dem. Witness Monica Lewinsky who suddenly became a poor defenseless kid so much so that Clinton got called a pedophile by moron Repubs.

    I don't care if Momma snow dolt is telling Bristol anything. She has options and choices just like all the rest of us. So if Sarah or Bristol don't like the commentary I would say to them "MAN UP". Yeah, use their own remarks against them. I will never defend anyone in that family...ever. As long as we expect nothing from young adults and continue to blame their parents for their snottiness/poor choices they never grow up. Low expectations may be the norm in the Palin family but that doesn't mean it should be a blueprint for the rest of the nation. Plus the minute the Palins get hit with what they demand of others they suddenly become victims. Well, no more. That door is closed as fas as I'm concerned.

  7. You honestly feel Keith was to harsh on Bristol? Do you not think it is the height of hypocrisy for her to preach abstinence? Does she not have a baby already and was she not captured shortly after delivering saying that abstinence is just not realistic? I think Keith has it bang on and I think Bristol will go on making money where she can regardless of how hypocritical she is being and she opens herself to criticism. She found the money tree and changed her message to cash in.

  8. Anonymous3:47 AM

    The Palins are a family of political Travelers, pop culture grifters, with a dark side: Dominionist, racist, fascististic. And they are successfully re-setting the norms: no lie is too obscene, no distortion too outrageous, no statement too outrageous. They do so at a time and in a context when some of us are outraged and/or amused by their antics, some of us are irritated by the distraction, but too many of us need to believe their populist dreck.

    Bristol is an adult who could have - and has not - made choices which would have separated her from that tribe. Her behavior in Homer was shocking, and her "middle finger" DWTS comment also showed her true colors.

  9. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Keith may have been over the top (nothing new) but adults who present themselves as "spokesperson" of anything invite a little extra scrutiny.

  10. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I have to agree with Keith's remarks (although not crazy about the "Worst Person" title). And Bristol is responsible for her own actions, now. She needs to be held accountable as much as any adult. I don't buy "Mom made me do it" excuses except in severely abusive relationships, which hers is not.

  11. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Wow, just wow. The beginning of the end for her.

  12. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Not too harsh. Bristol has shown herself to be a mean girl too and she could have said no to the abstinence crap, knowing quite obviously that it is "not realistic."

  13. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I haven't watched KO, but I do wonder why he would go after Bristol. She may be obnoxious, but in the big picture she really is unimportant. This was not a good idea.

  14. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I don't know if I agree with you on Bristol's following her mother's way. I think she say opportunities way back, was offered many things, and took them. It's usually that simple. She's always expressed interest in making a mint for her son's future (fB)

  15. Anonymous4:38 AM

    No, Bristol deserves as good as she gets...Keith was just giving her the "middle finger." She deserves to be called out for being the over-inflated hypocrite that she is.

  16. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Do you get the impression that the "Palins" act like they are stars, and the rest of you, just get out of our way!If we say we can dance,you betcha!.....Lawrence was the model of intellect,wit and FACTS, that's how it is done Sarah!The more we see of Sarah, the uglier she looks, it's time we all rise up and not allow Palin to destroy what is good in this country, MCain has become just as ugly, each day I say, thank God they are not in the White House! While The lamestream media fawns, the world is laughing at Sarah Palin and us.

  17. angela4:48 AM

    He was not harsh Gryphen. Bristol is TWENTY years old with a child and has had much sex since her abstinence lie and pony show with Candies and her mother. She has money of her own and needs to buck up to any criticism dished out to a hypocrite.

    I didn't think Olbermann was harsh enough. These grifters are shameless. After a while you can't blame Sarah for the actions of her grown children. Bristol is old enough to dig out of the Palin basement with a spoon, escape and take her licks. Goodness knows she can dish it out.

  18. Saw this in the comments on another blog - doing my part to spread the idea far and wide (here, twitter, facebook) - pass it along and if you can donate

    Don't buy Palin's Book instead donate amount of the cost of the book to a Down's syndrome charity, and let the publisher know - address: HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

  19. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Bless his heart, I've signed up to become a Lawrence O'Donnell Twitter Follower.

    You have to admit, Sarah Palin is a fascinating case study of how to become a Real Exceptional American, by raising the bar of intelligence, knowledge and worldliness above her threshold - you look positively Presidential.

  20. Too harsh? All he did, really, was point out the undeniable fact--Tripp Palin--which contradicts any claim to abstinence made by his mother.

    But agreed, motherhood doesn't necessarily equal worst person ever. . .oh. . .wait a minute. . .

  21. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Agreed@3:23. When it was Henry Hyde having an affair as a 40 y o , it was a youthful indiscretion, as if he'd been caught handholding on the swings at the school playground. But if it's a minority 12 y o - holy crap, try them as an adult and throw away the key.

    Typical, hypocritical = reTHUG= Teabagger

  22. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Gryphen, you aren't going to make any brownie points in saying anything said about a Palin was too harsh. You are already tagged as a h8r and on their shit list. I'm sure you are on the pamphlet somewhere for a nation of Prayer Warriors using their shield to keep you from God and Jesus's healing and loving light.

    Wow. Fox News executive Roger Ailes and Bristol Palin on the same docket? I guess Red Meat belong on the same podium no matter how seemingly inconsequential they are.

    Now, Bristol has gone from being sexually active as a young teen, admitting that abstinence is not realistic, to pledging abstinence until marriage, to performing a 12 week high endurance (with little endurance) television program (while appearing pregnant) to filming a commercial with the gruging acknowledgement that safe sex is a step up from the unrealistic abstinence (Willow's Sex is Bad may snag her some Fundy spokesmodel gig) crap.

    When she announces she's pregnant, having chose 'life' again for another 'joy' to join her first 'joy' in the shape of Tripp, how's she gonna spin this so that the bots' heads don't explode?

    I love how their response to our labeling Bristol or any Palin as a hypocrite is responded with maturity like - "I'll bet you just want her to get abortions!"

    No we don't. Life happens, babies happen, but they've been making political capital on their bogus Family Values bullshit for over a decade. They don't walk the walk. I wish I were a fundy, it must be nice to keep saying God or Jesus speaks to me and when I stumble I can always be saved again and have my slights forgiven.

  23. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Ok, now that I've watched the KO bit, it wasn't really that bad, or that harsh, but still, I wish he would have just ignored Bristol. Makes him look petty.

  24. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I really wish Olbermann had not chosen Bristol Palin for Worst Person, if only because it makes her seem like she is more relevant than she really is and will evoke sympathy for the Palins in general. I know that she is an adult, but she really doesn't have influence independent of her mother so why go after her?

  25. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Throughout history there have been other Narcissists whose illness is to the extreme as Sarah's -- whose circle of influence is as large and delusioned as Sarah's.

    we should all take note of the danger and destruction and havoc they wreaked, the lives they destroyed.

    - kellygrrrl

  26. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I think Bristol is a little young to have achieved 'WPIW' status. Surely someone like Kim Jong Il or any one of dozens of incoming Congressional freshmen would be more deserving. I don't watch Keith any more. I don't agree that he's as off base as Fox News folks are and often he has good analysis, but I don't like the nastiness when it comes from either side. Just because he's 'not as bad' doesn't make it right.

  27. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I think Bristol is a little young to have achieved 'WPIW' status. Surely someone like Kim Jong Il or any one of dozens of incoming Congressional freshmen would be more deserving. I don't watch Keith any more. I don't agree that he's as off base as Fox News folks are and often he has good analysis, but I don't like the nastiness when it comes from either side. Just because he's 'not as bad' doesn't make it right.

  28. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Boy Gryphen, you BLEW IT BIG TIME by saying KO was harsh on Bristol. Now I wonder WTH is wrong with YOU.


  29. Anonymous6:23 AM

    2:51a- wow, Joe S. said a mouthful. I only wish he'd been the better person and pointed out Palin's nasty, and unnecessary, attacks on the POTUS and his wife. But, I guess he would have lost his intended audience. Judging from the comments to his article, he is viewed as Repub Lite.

  30. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Considering Keith didn't mention the current pregnancy or any other except for Tripp, I thought he was being easy on Bristol.


  31. newmom6:29 AM

    I've read the comments here and I can't say I disagree with them. I've been way too easy on Bristol!

  32. Anonymous6:37 AM


    Sarah should engage press:


  33. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anon @ 2:51 AM,

    Joe had me until he said......Sarah Palin is not a stupid woman. Because yes, she is a stupid woman. Someone else is backing her and making the decisions that made her rich. She is just along for the ride.

    But the second page of his put down of Paling is right on! (except for the stupid comment)


  34. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Anon 2:51AM - that is an awesome article. However, the bots are so mesmerized by their twit that they are slamming Joe. He actually quit politics because he needed to be more of a presence at home because his teenage son was acting up. Not a Scarborough fan, but I admire him for putting his son before his political career.


  35. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Too harsh? Man up Gryphen!

    Bristol did once show a backbone, but that was short lived. She too has been blinded like her mother by $$$$$. She was pissed at her mother and refused to be at the 'Quitter Speech' on the beach.

    Am I happy with the message she sends to teens - Not one friggin' word. She glorifies it. She's running the old do as I say scam 'cause she can earn hundreds of thousands cause she dropped one'. Add the fact, she's uneducated, shows low verbal skills and truthfully, she is not taking care of her child. That's being done by others.

    Can I compliment her on anything - sure - I like her hair. Beyond that she's encouraging teens to get pregnant. She won't speak to groups unless there is a 'check' waiting for her and those groups are the adults, the parents -- she is not speaking to teens so there is no message going to them as they can't pay enough to talk to them. That shows how truly concerned she is about the problem - NOT ONE BIT. She's helped promote pregnancy - Look at AK - it's on the rise. The kids see and think they have a way out. Add the issue, that like her mother - facts don't get in her way. She too spews more BS than facts.

    One of the recent comments made on DWTS mentioned -- she's moved back home. The 'Condo' was short lived and reveals it too was BS.

    Add all the flames throwing at Levi for seeking fame. Bristle the Hypocrite.

    May have been a Today show comment or ??? - The idea of a reality show, Bristle did not want to do it.

    This family speaks out of both sides of their mouths and deserve every flame thrown their way. If she was volunteering to speak and not dance her ass and tits around, she wouldn't get the flames.

  36. Anonymous7:05 AM

    How can you think that was harsh? This young woman is being paid huge bucks to be a lying hypocrite. But worse, she is advocating a twisted sin-based approach to sexuality that will result in more teenage pregnancies, more STD, and, ultimately, more deaths (STDs kill). She's a hideous person.

  37. Anonymous7:07 AM


    B. Palin having a baby as a teen might implicitly seem to be a success story to many troubled girls, since she has gone on to fame and fortune. The difference is B. Palin's money and privelege have made it possible for her to insulate herself from many of the harsh consequences regarding teen motherhood and single parenthood.
    Life would not be as cushy for most teen girls who have babies as it is for B. Palin.

    And B. Palin does not practice what she preaches--a behavior that should not be encouraged, especially to the young and impressionable.

    B. Palin is not a good role model for young girls. I'm glad Olbermann addressed this: he was setting some boundaries about ethical behvior and "common sense" values, IMO.

  38. Forever Anonymous7:42 AM

    Noooooo, Keith wasn't harsh. Someone has to, officially, unmistakeably, tell Bristol that her message is flawed or she'll never grasp the extent of her mother's abuse of her circumstances.

    Worse than Sarah are those paying Bristol to be mute "spokesperson".
    Was that an ad paid by Candie's or by Trojan?

    Maybe it was just a free community service provided by Bristol and The situation. For real, for real, for real.

  39. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Accepting money to be a spokesperson for abstinence is the difference between being a private person with a private life or a public hypocrite.

    No, KO was not too harsh.

  40. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:56 AM

    Gyphen I have to respectfully disagree with ya on this one.

    Bristol is a carbon copy of $arah. And she is 20 years old so that makes her an ADULT. If her mother is controlling her she needs to "man up" and tell her mother to fuck off. But she won't because she is like $arah. She loves the attention, money, and fame. And that makes her the WPIW.

  41. scarlet/oregon8:08 AM

    Gryphen .. I disagree with you about Olbermann being too harsh. If anything he barely touched the surface of that ridiculous Situation Ad.

    'Harsh' is when you bad mouth your child's father on national television, when you foul-mouth someone on Facebook or when you threaten people who won't vote for you with the 'middle finger'.

    Sorry, but this young woman is the voice of hypocrisy.

  42. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I have mixed feelings about Bristol. She was young when all of this started and obviously she made some poor decisions (birth-control anyone). However, as the mother of an extremely strong daughter who, by the way, drove me crazy as a teen and as a young adult, I have a hard time relating to someone like Bristol.

    The love between a parent and child is to grow toward a physical and mental separation. I never felt that I owned my child. I did feel the responsibility to raise her to be a fully functioning, loving adult.

    I have always held firmly to the belief that it is not only the two-year old child that needs constant supervision but also TEENAGERS. Both age groups relate to separation from parent and learning to make decisions on their own. Teenage, poor choices lead to more dire consequences (drug abuse, school drop-out, low self esteem, suicide, unwanted pregnancy, etc.).

    All that said, the Palin family seems to be a freak show. Palin carts some of her kids around and others she leaves at home. For someone who spouts family values, where are her priorities? She brought these five kids into the world and yet she is an absentee parent.

    It does not appear that education is number one in their lives. Adults who glory in stupidity are those who set their children up for any smooth talking “charlatan” that comes along. Unfortunately for the Palin “Klan” their mother is the smooth talking charlatan.

  43. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Don't agree with you, Gryphen.

    Bristol Palin was "harsh" when she inappropriately spewed garbage on national TV about her motives for winning DWTS -- "giving a big middle finger to everyone" who criticized her and her mother.

    Keith was actually pretty gentle with this hypocritical and crude young woman.

  44. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Bristol absolutely deserves Olbermann's scorn. She is lying to an entire generation for money. Teen pregnancy and STDs are in the rise not only in AK, but everywhere else because of this BS abstinence-only sex education push by the Evangelical Right and the failure to fund comprehensive sex ed in our schools. And now we have Bristol making oodles of money by serving as a role model for impressionable kids. She is helping, along with the fluff magazines and TV shows that promote her and others like her that teen pregnancy can make you famous/glamorous/admired. I felt sorry for her when her mom outed her during the campaign. But now she is making these decisions as an adult and it is criminal. I have 2 teens/young adults, aged 13 & 19. Both think Bristol is disgusting and stupid for her behavior and hypocrisy. Thank goodness they see through her, but others won't.

  45. Lidia9:12 AM

    " He actually quit politics because he needed to be more of a presence at home because his teenage son was acting up."

    Cheryl, I thought Joe S. quit politics because a dead intern was found in his office.

  46. dancingthroughlife9:19 AM

    Gryphen- I'll agree with you. "Worst Person In the World?" A little over the top for a 'celebutante." Beyond that? I agree with everything KO said- and someone needed to say it.

    I was looking at the still that's there until you click on the video to start it. How would Bristol's DWTS gig turned out had THAT been the Bristol that showed up to dance for 3 months? What would it have been like had she NOT been pregnant? Of course, that's not the Palin way. Pregnant? Oh, the costume dept will cover that up for you- and all the other contestants (supposedly) aren't allowed to say anything about it, so don't worry. No one will cross me.

  47. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Lawrence O'Donnell piece was a hoot.. It's a complete study of how one can jam a 12" letter opener into your hand and have it hurt like a MoFo every time you do it again and again..!!

    As Olbermann continues to remind us " "This woman is an idiot !"....

  48. I didn't think Lawrence O'Donnell was good enough on the $Hitler PayMe. Mother Jones magazine made a much better smackdown and explanation I could understand. O'Donnell was too gentle with $PAz and the subject.

  49. There is is clear research evidence that "abstinence-only" habits delay the onset of sexual intercourse only 1.5 years. The problem after that is this philosophy is based upon preaching that condoms are completely unreliable in preventing pregnancy and STDs. Once the teen becomes sexually active after practicing abstinence, they do not use condoms and therefore engage in the riskiest sexual behavior. This in turn makes them more susceptible to teen pregnancy and the spread of STDs.

    In the end, abstinence only makes the various problems worse. Even the Pope is acknowledging this, but not enough so to help people!

  50. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I also don't think Keith was too harsh on Bristol. She is an adult, had a child as a teenager (perhaps more than one), appears to be PG again or horribly overweight or wearing a thing to entice the commentary we are seeing. She is making money hand over fist...she is not a good example for young adults her age. And, she is following exactly in her Mom's footsteps...evil, evil, evil.

    I so wish the Palin family would fall off the face of the media. I'm sick of them and especially idiot Sarah.

  51. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I'm sorry Gryphen, I don't think what KO said was harsh in the least bit. It is ridiculous that Bristol pimps herself out as a person who practices abstinence. She's pregnant again for Christ's sake. She could stop the madness, and go her own way if she wanted to, but alas, the apple don't fall far from the tree...liars, liars, pants on fires!!

  52. Keith is absolutely correct about Brisket and WE all know that she is pregnant AGAIN!

    It's about time her FARCE was exposed.

    What other unwed mother would/could EVER be a "role model for abstinence"?

    The premise is patently ridiculous.

    All the while she is CONSTANTLY, very publicly, mocking Levi, the father of her bastard spawn.

    Brisket has developed a sense of arrogance and entitlement the will supersede her mother's one day.

    She needs to be "vetted" before that happens, so I think Olberman is doing her a favor.

    Olberman harsh?

    I don't thinks so.

    I would also remind you Gryphen, that it was Brisket who started the cyber stalking/bullying of the young man who dared to criticize her mother's TV debacle....ON HIS OWN FB PAGE!

    AND like her mother, made it about HER and DWTS.

    It was vicious, and pathetically like the $arah/Todd mentality.

    I don't need to point out to you that this is how monsters are created, but I will remind you.

    The sooner Briskets false celebrity is stopped the better, because we all know the Palin's are as addicted to power as they are celebrity.

    The LAST thing the public needs is for this pathetic,fecund, star struck, power hungry girl to be promoted to the political arena one day.

  53. Anonymous3:30 PM

    And I thought the right had their loonies...

    The best part of the Palins is they drive the left loonier...

  54. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Hmmmm... Was KO's rant actually calling Bristle out about her current "pregnancy'?

  55. Truth is not what I consider harshness.

  56. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I've posted twice over a fairly long piece of time on your commentary and you have yet to show my posts. Why?
    I don't regularly comment is that why? I really would like to know.
    Thank you.


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