Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Margaret Cho on "Bristol the Pistol."

From Margaret Cho's Official Site:

Why did Bristol do Dancing with the Stars? I heard from someone who really should know (really should seriously know the dirt really really) that the only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it. Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election, and so she told Bristol she “owed” it to her to do DWTS so that “America would fall in love with her again” and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way. Instead of being supposedly “handicapped” by the presence of her teen mom daughter, now Bristol is going to be an “asset” – a celebrity beloved for her dancing. I am sure the show wasn’t in on this (but who knows anything really).

Although I don’t agree with the family’s politics at all, I really like Bristol as a person. She’s warm and incredibly supportive, and I think that she looks beautiful out on the dance floor. It’s heartbreaking that people are so awful to her about her weight. I think she looks fantastic, and why does everybody think they have a right to comment on our bodies? What are young girls going to take away from that? If people call her fat what kind of impact does that have on women who have similar body types – which is most of us??!! Still, it is a dance competition, and so I am sure that people feel they have the right to judge bodies and not just ability. That’s just wrong.

Bristol is learning. She improved a lot, in my opinion. Her tango was fierce and really the best dance she did. You really do learn to dance in this competition! I am proud of her for shaking her ass! But keep in mind there are other forces at work here and it’s not just for the love of dance.

Now I am scared I am going to wake up with a decapitated moose head in my bed.

Now do you understand why I thought Olbermann was a little harsh to identify Bristol as the WPIW?

I don't know if Margaret is aware of the reason for Bristol's unusual weight gain and cannot say because of a confidentiality agreement, or if she really has no idea, but it is perfectly understandable that she would be a little sensitive about that topic considering her own struggles with weight.

However her description of the relationship between Sarah and Bristol sounds very much like what I have heard from sources who are in the know. 

Can you believe that Palin would blame Bristol for her defeat and public ridicule in 2008?  Was it Bristol's fault the moron could not name any magazine or newspapers that she read?  Or that Sarah had no idea what the "Bush Doctrine" was? 

No, but it WAS the Grizzled Mama's fault that the young woman was so desperate to be loved that she purposefully got pregnant so that at least SOMEBODY would love her unconditionally.


  1. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Nope.. still feel someone needs to make her accountable. And I thought the the comments left on Margaret Cho's website were just as good as the post itself.

  2. newmom5:42 AM

    IMO, Bristol could be just who Cho describes on a one-to-one basis, but having been brought up by a paranoid, hateful and painfully insecure mother has created major trust issues leading to that GIANT chip on Bristol's shoulder.

    Unless Bristol was just pretending to be nice to Cho and others, there's no other explanation for the big finger public face of BP, versus the warm, supportive friend to insiders.

    Oh, how I long for the days of a 12 hour, 3 channel media, when the hours were not filled by such useless people and useless information.

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Margaret Cho hasn't had a baby herself, and she wouldn't recognize early pregnancy. She wasn't around much as Bristol "grew," as the judges said.

    Bristol on DWTS probably created as many Palin opponents as supporters. Sarah, wrong again.

    If Sarah really thinks she lost to Obama because Bristol was pregnant, that would support the theory that Bristol had Trig and Sarah hid it and was willing to fake a pregnancy to cover it. That would also support the theory that Bristol got pregnant knowing she would be doing abstinence speeches and DWTS, so she could give that "proverbial" big middle finger to her mom.

    The saddest part of all to me is that after all those years of taking care of siblings and the house, sort of co-parenting with Todd, Bristol may have wanted just to settle down with Levi and have babies for a while. Not what I'd hope my daughter would choose, at least not until she finished college, but not a horrible choice either. Then in 5-7 years she and Levi might or might not divorce and her "big, strong, supportive family" would be able to afford to help her go back to school before she was even 30.

    What would have been so wrong with that, Sarah? Not bad family values, not criminal behavior, not more drinking and drugs. Bristol could be somewhat happy instead of showing her immaturity and newest pregnancy on a national stage. -B

  4. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I have a really hard time telling when you stop quoting people in articles and where your commentary begins. Could use a different font or text color? This has happened in several posts now.

  5. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Let's don't lose sight of one simple truth: victims go on to victimize. Yes, Bristol has been raised by a mother who, it would appear, by turns neglected, used, abused and blamed her in ways that are horrific to contemplate. But like any other adult, she must be held accountable, even if with empathy.

    Let's also not forget the lessons she has surely learned as well: be nice, charm, smile UNTIL you don't get what you want OR it's payback time.

    No surprise she's thought to be so sweet one-on-one by people who have not crossed her, or with whom she has no (perceived) conflict.

    Also no surprise that she shows us the mean, vindictive, smug girl obviously feeling so entitled.

    She is her mother's daughter, and the product of what can only be described as a severely dysfunctional family.

  6. Anonymous6:04 AM

    actually, I take Margaret at her word. She may not know all the details, but it sounds like she does know what she's talking about here.

    I get a sense that she feels sorry for Bristol.

    I think any of us would feel sorry for any of Sarah's kids after spending a little time with them.

    - kellygrrrl

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Is Bristol launching a clothing line of huge goth death moth maternity mumus for Middle Americans to buy?

  8. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Explains why daughter is so stressed. Mommy put the blame on her for McCain losing the election.That is just completely whacked.

  9. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I hope that the explanation Cho heard for Bristol's appearance on DWTS is not true because that is extremely cruel and I don't want to think that a person who is capable of doing that to her own daughter is running for president.
    But, I can't help but think of Levi Johnston's claim that Sarah Palin was pressuring them to let her adopt Trip. That claim made me wonder if he was really talking about Trigg and Sarah Palin blindsided Levi and Bristol by announcing her "pregnancy" to the world and giving them no choice but to go along with it. That would fit with the m.o. that Cho's insider described.

  10. Anonymous6:14 AM

    It's never Sarah's fault. Ergo - it had to be someone's.

    That poor girl.

  11. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I'm not surprised that the Palins come off as warm in person. Hi, they are master phonies. It probably just feeds into their belief that they're smarter than everyone else. I have relatives like this, they're so nice...to people's face...and then they trash them behind their backs.

    I remember hearing about Sarah offering to have Bristol babysit for Tina Fey when she did SNL...Pretty nice offer, right? But, you just KNOW that Sarah SEETHES every time she sees Tina Fey do anything...and if she ever does become president the first one up against the wall will be the nasty lady who did the spot-on and therefore unforgivable impression of her...

  12. angela6:19 AM

    Still doesn't matter--Bristol is allowing the nut to use her, and is making money doing it.

    Cho's statement is no surprise and just cements everyone's belief that Sarah Palin is a nasty sociopathic narcissist. Bristol has known who her mother is for twenty years. She's a mother now. It is her job to protect herself and her child from crazy.

    Let's face it---all Bristol had to do was look at the taped interviews her mother did during the campaign. Anyone with half a brain would know that Sarah Palin almost solely through her ignorance tanked the campaign. Bristol's pregnancy had nothing to do with it. I actually hated Palin for dragging her poor daughter into the fray. She should have been allowed to stay home out of the spotlight.

    Now all the celebrity whoredom must be shared--especially since "sweet" Bristol demonizes her child's father any time she can. Parental war crimes are easier to get over I guess when you are getting paid.

    Until Bristol tells Sarah to kiss her ass--I do not feel sorry for this public train wreck.

  13. Anonymous6:21 AM

    One comment on this site has stayed with me, because it does increasingly make sense. An alternate explanation of Bristol's weight gain AND lack of effort (and affect!) on DWTS could just well be the side effects of prescription mood elevators, which were needed to deal with her mother's blaming plus anxiety about performing. Sad, but plausible.

  14. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Sarah blamed someone else for losing the 2008 election? Who woulda thunk it?
    I truly think Sarah is a narcissist. I do feel sorry for the Palin children because that's a tough row to hoe.

  15. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Wow and WOW. Thank you Margaret Cho. What a shame, but are we really surprised? I would not have believed this 8 weeks ago, but after the last couple of weeks of spaylin's behavior, I don't put anything past this women. She is self-destructing right before our eyes and this post by Margaret-------it is going to be very interesting to watch her response. I am sure she is foaming at the mouth as we type. I wonder why child protective services has not been called on this women. Bristol better make as much money as she can, she is going to need it for therapy for many, many years to come.

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Perhaps Margaret Cho was not familiar with Bristol's shape and weight prior to meeting her in DWTS. Sarah Palin is manipulative and would say anything to control her daughter to do what serves her sick needs.

    Without Cho's information it was apparent Sarah seized the spotlight to be featured and it was opportunism to get mark to AK featuring mama grizzly. I thought less of Sarah. C4peeers share the delusional belief the country shall adore Bristol, worship her and then Sarah will be the future President. Wow, the burden was on Bristol to dance and Sarah maintain her self aggrandizing ignorance lying and making stuff up. Sarah had an agenda which was using and abusing her daughter for her own ambitions. Not Bristol's human needs nor that of her child.
    Levi needed to be disposed of for he was not to be controlled to serve Sarah and Todd's quest for the white house.

    This TLC fake program is not for AK and for one purpose to uses to advance Sarah and Todd to the white house.

    The irony that the Obamas were raised in blue collar homes, are evidence of the American dream and opportunities for all is twisted and degraded as 'elitist".

    What the reality shows have demonstrated to me is the Palin family is envious, want it all, believe they are entitled and oblivious to actually earning and deserving anything. They will rip people who earned and deserved to shreds and anyone who does not award them approval for their despicable means to their ends.

    Both shows were purposeful to convince the public the Palin family members are something they are not including an extraordianary gifted dancer who went to college and was an office manager with no money and no help.
    Lie, lie lie to get what you want and lie about other people too. Gain twenty pounds then lie you have been curvy and full figure.There are parents who'd eat their young for personal gain.

    Then Sarah will lay blame elsewhere for the humiliating position Bristol was put in by her repeatedly. She has conned Bristol it is others, the "haters" are the abusers and bad people.

    It would not surprise me to learn Sarah deceived Bristol and steered her to eat high caloric food to sabbotage her personally distorting physical reality all to Sarah's advantage.

    The tremendous weight gain makes no sense. When things make no sense I have found it is due to a liar in the midst.

  17. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Ms. Cho must not have seen the FaceBook rant or heard the middle finger comment if she thinks Bristol Palin is a sweet girl.

  18. Anonymous6:35 AM

    If this is true, it is simply hideous. First, this young teenager had to endure a unwed teen pregnancy in the spotlight of the presidential campaign. I can't imagine a harsher spotlight. Bristol wasn't to blame for Palin's loss. In fact, it increased Palin's street cred with the right to lifers.

    When will these girls understand what a terrible price they have paid for their mother's ambitions.

  19. Anonymous6:35 AM


    Sarah Palin showing up at Little Rock Sam's Club for book signing. Wow!!! She has fallen hard. Can you say epic fail???



  20. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Why does Bristol wear those scarves like her mom did when she hid her pregnancy?

  21. Anonymous6:37 AM

    5:55, quoted material is in italics, but yes, at the end of the day, when my eyes are tired the text sometimes blurs and I can't tell the difference unless I blink several times.

    G, how about indenting too?

    (gosh, we are a picky bunch!)

  22. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Nope, she still doesn't get a free pass, Keith was spot on. Bristol is an adult, she has spent enormous energy being just as vindictive as her mother publicly insulting her son's father and his family all the while lying to the public about her "abstinence". If she wants sympathy she needs to "man up" and stop acting like her mother's daughter with her ignorance, nastiness, and dishonesty. Until then she deserves every insult heaped on her, she can consider it a "middle finger" from the "haters" who don't think "entitled whiners" deserve to be lauded for being mean, ignorant liars.

  23. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I've read this shit site for a couple years now.

    Palin & You are both a couple rubes.

  24. Chenagrrl6:46 AM

    If any of this is true, child services should be visiting the Palin household. SP is right up there with that Anchorage troll who was force-feeding her kid hot sauce as discipline.

  25. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Bristol is responsible for losing the election?

    Where to begin.
    Does she know she was only the VP candidate (which actually is no small accomplishment)?

    Ignoring her many deficiencies as a candiate, and ignoring Obamas skills as a campaigner:

    What about McCain's schizophrenic and weird campaign. Canceling campaigning cuz of the economic meltdown?

    What about McCAin's flip-flops?

    What about McCain's pandering?

    What about McCain's strategy decisions?

    Does she think the election was all about her? (answer: probably)


  26. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Miss "Big Middle Finger" is a "warm" and "supportive" person? Margeret Cho is stupid. The Palins can be totally intolerent of others by using racist, and homophobic slurs, and bashing different religions, but don't say anything about BP's weight! Bullshit.

  27. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Bristol Palin is an adult, now. She can do what she wants. She is no "victim." I don't feel sorry for her, or any of the Palins.

  28. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath. She inhabits a world that she re-defines incessantly. The people around her (the survivors) modify their thinking in order to dodge Sarah Palin's wrath.

    Consequently, what Bristol "thinks, thought, will think" changes constantly. Margaret Cho is probably reporting a true account of a snapshot of Bristol's thinking on a given day.

    The next story, probably from another DWTS insider, will be a completely angle on Bristol's reasons for being on DWTS. And both accounts will be TRUE for the moment.

    Given the "big middle finger" from Bristol, I think that Bristol is an unpleasant young woman with a huge ego. But she rolling in cash, nonetheless, so there will be plenty of people attempting to butter her up with positive stories to the press.

    In summary:
    I call BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

  29. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Personally, I hope the people at the IRS have already red-flagged all 2010 tax returns they expect to receive from this family. With all the lieing they do, and the wads of income they have this year, I guarantee the Palins are already looking for ways to cheat the tax man.

  30. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I don't believe it. Bristol was on DWTS because she wants to be a star. This was just her excuse for not working very hard.

    And while she may have been victimized by Sarah, Bristol in now 20 and a real nasty piece of work herself. Not all children of psychopaths turn out ugly; some break free and go on to lead exemplary lives. Bristol has made the choice to go over to the dark side, with visions of dollar signs dancing in her head.

    Why the sudden sympathy for her, Gryphen? Reread her Facebook rants to Tre and Mercede. Listen to the Big Middle Finger line. Don't go all soft on us!

  31. Anonymous7:25 AM

    It is hard to believe Margaret saying that Bristol was so sweet when we heard Bristol say "That sucks," when she didn't get the high score that she wanted, or giving American the middle finger comment.

    As for Bristol causing Sarah to lose the election, the only way that could be faintly possible would be if Sarah covered for Bristol's first pregnancy, claiming that Trig was Sarah's child. That DS kid turned out to be quite a prop. Then, if Bristol became pregnant again quickly, either by accident or to get even with her mother, I can hear Sarah screaming, "I covered for you once. Now, you're gonna cost me the election!" Bristol must have been out of the room when Sarah's interviews were played on the TV, showing that Sarah could not answer questions posed by Gibson and Couric.

  32. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Anonymous 5:55 said...

    "I have a really hard time telling when you stop quoting people in articles and where your commentary begins. Could use a different font or text color? This has happened in several posts now."

    I think this would be great too, also!

  33. Levi said Sarah changed toward him after the election. This explains it. If Sarah blamed Bristol, imagine the anger and hate directed toward Levi.

    Does anyone believe it was Bristol's idea to become an abstinence spokesperson? Her mother obviously arranged that as an image-enhancer. Bristol wouldn't have been as compelling had she been happily married with a husband working on the slope and providing comfortably for his family. And Sarah couldn't stand Levi's face.

    It makes sense that DWTS would be a continuation of payback from Bristol and it also fits, in an even more deviant way, if there's a new dilemma. (I'm still not 100% convinced about a current pregnancy.)

    On Sept 14, Bristol was in LA preparing for the season premiere the next week and letting the public know she'd be wearing conservative (think camouflage) costumes. Sarah was in Waco introducing a new twist to her speech about the pregnancy and birth of her DS son. For the first time, she talked about adding layers and layers of clothes to hide her pregnancy and for the first time she brought up the 'Trig Truthers'.

    In her inimitable way, she described her plan for Bristol to fool the public: layers of clothes, talk about abstinence, a weight issue. Who would dare suspect such an in-your-face approach? And meanwhile, the public falls in love with Bristol and enhances Sarah's prospects for 2012. (This was the reason the bots turned DWTS into a political event.) And Bristol got to dance, make a lot of money and be emotionally damaged, perhaps, for the rest of her life.

  34. emrysa7:31 AM

    so if her mother pushed her to be on dwts, why did bristol agree to it? she was almost 20 when that show started, she could have given her mother the big middle finger.

    she agreed because she's just like sarah. a nasty lying grifter who puts on a false front to make people believe she's something she's not. she can't complain about her mother's treatment of her if she's not willing to BE AN ADULT and get the fuck away from her mother.

    I agree with the poster who wrote about "the truth on any given day." that's exactly the same thing that sarah does.

  35. emrysa7:35 AM

    okay now I realized what this is.

    bristol was playing the same game as her mother - "I'm a victim." I bet she told this story to all the people on dwts so they would feel sorry for her.

    just. like. her. mother.

  36. Anonymous7:54 AM

    6:35, rest assured, the Palin machine will count every person in the store to boost the lame book tour numbers in other states, even if they are only there to buy 500 count diapers and 100 oz cans of pork n beans.

  37. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sorry Margaret, I don't buy it. You were given the sweet acting of a bitch playing nice. My sister used to do the same thing and got away with it forever. I used to be horrified at how she'd talk about those people she bullshitted when she was out of their presence. If they'd only known what she really thought of them, they'd have beat the shit out of her. How I ended up not being that way I will never know. My mom was a copy of Palin (without the power) and my dad a copy of Todd (without the goatee or whatever the fuck he sports on his chin). Sadly for my sister she did end up exactly like Bristol (without the cash) and is now married to a lame husband with three kids who can't stand her. As much as money does change things, in a family dynamic like this it will only make it worse.

  38. Anon at 6:45

    You think this is "a shit site"?Then why read it for two years? Sounds like you're the real rube here

  39. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The line about "severed moosehead" is a give-away to me that M. Cho knows and fears the zealot voters whose efforts pushed B.P. to number three when she had two left feet and walked through most of her routines.

    Of course Brisket can appear "warm" and "supportive". She has learned at the feet of a master how to fake being "sweet".

    P.S. Hat tip to Chenagrrl for mentioning the Anchorage Hot Sauce woman. Please let us know if you hear anything about that sad situation.

  40. jadez8:34 AM

    bristol is in just as deep as her mother.
    you forget her comments about the haters out to get her?
    you forget how she trashes the father of the kid she doesnt raise?

    she is just a big a fraud as her mother and just because bristol does not have the social skills to interact like a normal human being that doesnt maske her a nice kid who is just quiet.
    the real bristol is the drinking pot smoking scerew any guy then talk trash about everyone.
    wake up.
    and btw...if you keep telling us all that you have heard all the stuff others are saying why the hell arent you telling us on the page?
    isnt that the idea of the site???
    how about an answer??????

  41. Eunice8:45 AM

    I can't get past this "Bristol is overweight so she must be pregnant" assertion. It's just stupid.

    Why is it so hard to believe that a young woman in a stressful position is capable of overeating? Speaking from personal experience, if I was in her position I'd probably weigh 1/4 ton by now.

    The idea that she couldn't possibly gain weight while rehearsing for DWTS is just not accurate. Maybe you can't eat 6,000 calories a day, but lots of people can. It's not like calorie loaded food is hard to find-- it's hard to find anything but. A couple of Cinnabons (@730 calories each) will provide the caloric RDA for most people. What happens if you eat 10? For all we know she eats 5 pounds of cheesecake before going to bed.

    My point is not that she might be a pig, my point is that weight gain is about equilibrium. It's always possible to eat more than you burn.

    If she has an eating disorder, that should be left alone, IMO.

    Also, most woman gain weight in their lower bodies, but not all. For a few unfortunate women all extra pounds go to their bellies. I knew a woman for whom all fat accumulated above the waist. At 20 pounds over weight she looked pregnant. One day a total stranger asked her when the baby was due--she was devastated.

    Seriously, I don't like these people any more than you do, I wish Sarah would just go away, but ya'll should really back off the secret pregnancy crap. You're only adding credibility to her persecution claims -- just another "thorn in her crown", to use the vernacular of her nut job followers.

  42. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Someone above noted: “The tremendous weight gain makes no sense. “

    It does make sense if Bristol has an eating disorder.

    A family member developed anorexia. She was under constant pressure to perform (especially academically). She was taught to be a “parent” pleaser.

    To make a long story short, in her first year at USC she stopped eating. After years of therapy, hospitalization, etc. she is back on track. Diagnosis: The ONLY THING she had control of in her life was her weight! It was her silent “fu…you” to her parents.

  43. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I read somewhere yesterday that it was Todd that was supposed to go on the show, but Bristol went instead cause he was unable to.. will post link if i can find it again

  44. Anonymous9:01 AM

    ok, here is a link


  45. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I still cannot get over Bristol's very honest, candid response to Greta

    "So I take it this wasnt planned?"
    "No not at all"

    Also, because Bristol has stated on friends fb pages indirectly that she regrets Tripp, I have a feeling she was following her friends paths. She was by far not the first teen mom in the valley and she has a cousin who was also a teen mom. its fucked up peer pressure.

    Im pretty sure if Sarah vocalized (to anyone) that she blames Bristol (which I very seriously doubt), we would have witnessed a huge familial breakdown. I was in Wasilla last summer. Pleasant place with friendly people.

    Bristol enjoys what she's doing now (fact). She may have underestimated how much work dwts was, but I believe she enjoyed herself.

  46. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "Can you believe that Palin would blame Bristol for her defeat and public ridicule in 2008?"

    I do think that could be Sarah's view to the extent that she has convinced herself the she was the major candidate and that McCain was only the secondary candidate.
    So she takes his defeat on his failings (her nomination being one) as her defeat.
    That speaks to her world class level of self worship.

    SHE was THE candidate that EVERYONE looked at, talked about, talked to, listened to and wanted so badly they had wet dreams about her.

    So if SHE wasn't elected, and EVERYBODY loved her, it must be someone else's fault.
    And like any abusive person she blames and abuses the ones closest to her, the weakest ones, the ones who are dependent on her.

    Narcissist on a world class level and abusive.
    And the RepoTaliban laugh at us because we are afraid of what she would be like as POTUS.

    Rule #1 in the Plain household is that it is never Sarah's fault.

  47. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This is a girl who went from joking about being pregnant in june 07 to (as you believe) wished to get pregnant just months later. Yeah, because THAT makes sense. Dont you find it odd that the people who are ACTUALLY close to this family and Sarah avoid journalists because of the word-twisting and your sources (who you claim are close to her) swear to you they know intimate details? That should send a red flag right there.

  48. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Of course it was Bristol's fault that Sarah did not win in 2008. It's never the fault of Sarah....ever! She must have someone else to blame for everything.

    Pass the barf bag please.

  49. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Ms. Cho sounds like she's primarily defending herself and her own weight issues by proxy.

    Bristol Palin demonstrated to the whole nation that she is a whiny, coarse-mouthed, no-talent sore loser, regardless of the motivations for doing the show in the first place.

  50. Anonymous9:14 AM

    What is WPIW?

  51. Anonymous9:14 AM

    This is a comedienne who goes on talk shows and says things like "I wouldnt vote for her but you cant tell me that every person in this room wouldn't bone sarah palin. id do it. youd all do it"

    To use common sense, there's no way Margaret would know any details such as the ones she blogged about. And those details don't mesh with the fact that Bristol left dwts still friends with most of the crew and producers and other performers. I'm glad she said she likes BRistol because Bristol is a sweet girl but I strongly doubt that excerpt is much more than rhetoric

  52. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Unbelievable that Palin would blame Bristol for losing in 2008. The woman is horrible. I've always felt sorry for Bristol up until the time that she ranted at Mercede, the FB fiasco and the middle finger remark. Never dawned on me that her own mother would blame the kid for what she herself is 100% guilty of and responsible for. There's no limit to what SP will do.

    If Sarah is that sick and I'm sure that she is, then even though Bristol's 20 years old, she's suffered at the hands of her mother for years and it's not going to be easy to break away. I know she's a mother but she and the other children are in deep trouble in that family. Clearly their father is worthless to not step in and protect them. So is the rest of Sarah's family - sisters, parents.

    All I can say is I hope Bristol has been paid in her own name - hope mama & daddy can't touch her money. She's going to need it.

  53. Anonymous9:27 AM

    BRistol will pretty much never like Mercede (again, if she ever did). She hated when theJohnstons went on their early 09 PR stunt.

    I am also in the boat that it was ALL Bristol. Remember, Ben Barber said he thought the fame had gone to Bristol's head. Small town girl with a babydaddy she hates and probably never liked is given huge opportunities. No one in that position would say no, Palin or not. We know now from Levi and Sarah that Sarah was in the delivery room. If she truly resented her daughter or BRistol truly hated her mother, Sarah wouldnt have been ANYWHERE NEAR the inside of that room. I don't hate my mother and I wouldn't want her in my delivery room. That speaks volumes to me.

    It's simple. Bristol quickly realized postpartem that she definitely wasn't ready for EVERYTHING motherhood entails. Shes recently stated this on FB to a friend. Young girls who grow up in small towns have the "ooo babies are cute, Im gonna be stuck here forever anyway" mentality so they find some loser to impregnate them and voila, a lifetime of hell.

    Luckily, Bristol got herself out of hell.

  54. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "But, I can't help but think of Levi Johnston's claim that Sarah Palin was pressuring them to let her adopt Trip."

    That could be control and punishment Your baby is mine, I make the decisions, you clean up the mess. I get to hold your baby as ransom to make you subservient and obedient, basically forever.

    My dad was somewhat like that, he used money to control, he went to the local loan company, and without my knowledge paid out my house. So it was his house, in his eyes, and he could hold that over me.

    If Sarah did what Levi said it would fit with Margaret's claim that Sarah blamed her lose on Bristol and Bristol "owed" her.

  55. Anonymous9:33 AM

    No one in this family likes Levi. The parents especially. I can believe Todd would bribe with a car because my dad tried everything to get me away from my HS boyfriend. Sarah may have helped BRistol get her candies start, but as of Jan 1, 2010, it was all Bristol. She was uber-enthused in May and feels delighted when she gets hired for a speech. If you would turn down big money to work for 15/hr in a drs office, you are insanely stupid. Bristol's trying very hard to remake her image herself. There may be a bit of Sarah in that, but most of it's her. Remember, she's not a good actress. I believe her

  56. dancingthroughlife9:37 AM

    When I read this, I felt a twinge of pity for Bristol. It's the articles like this that make you wonder what life with Sarah is like behind closed doors.

    Pity for her, however, doesn't change my opinion of her. She's a mini-Sarah, a mean girl on her own (FB comments, 'this sucks,' messages to Sadie). The most intelligent thing that girl can do now is to take her DWTS $$$, and whatever contracts come her way that don't require her mother's appearance to boost her, and go to AZ or wherever her mother is NOT, buy her own place, and start her own life. We said this before, when she made money for her pics of Tripp from graduation or whenever. This paycheck is much bigger, and if she does have opportunities, take them and run far, far away. Don't campaign for mom- use the excuse you're too busy with your own career. If Sarah thinks Bristol's pregnancy lost her the election last time, let's see how she does with no interference- or help- from her kids. And if Trig truly is Bristol's, and we know they most likely didn't make that adoption official, take him, too- see how Mommy Dearest does without her biggest prop.

  57. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You've heard from sources in the know? Are you trying to invent another iceberg you lying cocksucker?

  58. Anonymous9:40 AM

    wow, G, I do believe you're projecting all your hatred for Sarah onto what you want to believe. Even when there's evidence to the contrary

  59. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Man, People have taken creative license to a whole new unjustified level.

  60. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Bristol needs to be held to account (she is learning that lesson...slowly but surely).

    And if it is Palin Sr.'s intention to take America back to the dark ages, then I can see at least one dragon set to be slayed...

  61. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Margaret doesn't understand WHY we comment on her weight and only the blogs did, not media anyway.

  62. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What I find strange is that so many appear to be believing what Margaret Cho is saying that she heard from a nameless person who's supposed to be in the know. Who knows who fed that info to that person.

    Do you seriously believe everything you read??

    Reading Cho's blog is no different than reading the National Enquirer. She is someone who got sucked in by meeting the Palin's as many have done.

  63. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thisis random but I find it weird that the 3 Palin women who can share clothes share pretty much everything. I've seen the same shirts, hoodies, shoes, jackets, pants on Sarah, Willow and Bristol - even going back to like 2006. My mom and I share shoes occasionally but I've never considered borrowing her clothes.

  64. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I have to disagree with you G about KO. I might have agreed had she not opened her big mouth about the middle finger to the haters. I think between that and her raking in all the dough telling other impressionable young girls to "do as I say and not as I do" is irresponsible and hypocritcal.

    She is fair game in my opinion since she is most likely pregnant again. If she had not put herself out there as a spokesperson, she wouldn't be getting called out on it.

    Cho may like Bristol and that's just fine. But from I what I have seen of her, she is a foul mouthed bully. I have yet to see any redeeming qualities.

  65. Anonymous10:46 AM


    They may cause a weight gain, but I doubt the weight would be primarily in her stomach. Her gut looks exactly like mine did when I was about six months pregnant. If drugs were to blame, she would be big all over.

  66. Anonymous10:49 AM


    Language like that is usually reserved for the Clampetts or their faithfull doggies. I'm guessing you're a Palin or a bot.

    Haha, call 'em names when you can't fight the truth.

    Pittiful and pathetic.

  67. Anonymous10:52 AM


    I'm guessing you're not too bright if you read a site you don't like. I tend to read blogs that reflect my opinions, not go crap on one's that I don't agree with.

    You're a real brainiac aren't you. If you don't like what you read, no one is forcing you to come here. Unless you are related to a Palin that is. Then I guess it's your duty.

  68. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Woo hoo! The bots are coming undone!

  69. Anonymous11:18 AM

    If Margaret's source is correct that Sarah blames Bristol for losing in the '08 election, then my view of Sarah has not changed the slightest bit. In her view, she is flawless. It couldn't have been that she came across as way out of her league. Couldn't have been that she gave the impression that she's an opportunist willing to leverage hate for her own gain. Couldn't have had anything to do with the primary candidate on the ticket.

    But - ah ha - does Sarah's preference to not showcase a pregnant daughter imply anything else about her past actions on a perhaps related matter? *cough cough*

  70. Anonymous11:51 AM

    You know, lots of people have said that Sarah comes across as very warm and charming when you meet her. And that makes sense. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as the old saying has it, and acting like a four-alarm nonstop bitch isn't going to persuade them to send you money, is it?

    I can believe that Bristol can present as friendly and nice. Doesn't meant that's how she really is.


  71. Really? Some of you are having trouble believing that anybody close to Bristol would divulge this information to Margaret?

    Do you know who the first person I thought of was?

    "But please Margaret, don't ever let my mom know I told you."

  72. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "Why does Bristol wear those scarves like her mom did when she hid her pregnancy?"

    Her mom didn't hide her pregnancy. Her mom didn't HAVE the Trig pregnancy. Her mom was hiding the fact that she WASN'T pregnant.

    I think somebody suggested that a scarf attracts attention to the neckline sort of balances her outline. Doesn't work. If you look under her left arm, you can see how the outline of her body curves in under her bustline, and out over her obviously pregnant belly.


  73. Gryphen - I was thinking Ivy Frye.

  74. gryphen:
    Grey: "feels damn good" to beat a Palin‎


  75. Anonymous12:52 PM

    What if this is how it went down? Bristol and Levi did say no to Sarah's offer to adopt their baby, but then when the baby was born and the DS was discovered, Sarah gained new bargaining power: you don't want to be saddled with a special needs child, think of the expenses and extra care for 18 years, here just let me take this one, and later on you can have a normal healthy baby to love and raise, meanwhile we have the resources to raise this one and he'll still be in the family but he won't know the difference anyway... Imagine Sarah's Red Bull-fueled plotting on how she could turn this to her advantage... all she had to do is pull off the fake pregnancy. Then when Bristol immediately got pregnant again, she could make the case that now Bristol REALLy owed her, since the campaign was underway. It also would explain Levi's half-hearted attempts at visitation.

    Wild, I know, but plausible. We're talking about a tribe of dysfunctional grifters here.

  76. Anonymous12:56 PM

    9:02, whether the Tripp pregnancy was planned, well who knows. What we do know is that Levi said last year that it was planned. Didn't Mercede corraborate this account?

    They didn't have any motive other than to say Tripp wasn't a mistake. Why not believe them instead of Bristol who actually does have a vested interest in lying?

    In my mind, Bristol having regrets about Tripp speaks to a deliberate action. As does your point about "fucked up peer pressure." Levi and Bristol tried to get pregnant because that's what their peer group was into.

    As for a"familial breakdown," what makes you think there wasn't one? I don't think it necessarily follows that there has to have been one.

  77. Anonymous12:58 PM

    (maybe) Sarah also forced Bristol to get obese in an affort to (in Sarah's "mind") undermine Michelle Obama's UnAmerican anti-obesity campaign.

  78. Anonymous1:01 PM

    9:14 WPIW is Keith Olbermann's segment
    In the

  79. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Anon 9:14 said:
    And those details don't mesh with the fact that Bristol left dwts stil friends with most of the crew and producers and other performers.

    What does Sarah having blamed Bristol for losing the election and forcing her to do DWTS have to do with how friendly Bristol was with folks from DWTS?

    One has nothing to do with the other.

  80. emrysa1:13 PM

    gryphen sez:

    "But please Margaret, don't ever let my mom know I told you."

    that's exactly what I thought gryphen. the only person that margaret knows who would be "in the know" is bristol.

    I swear I think she told this to all the dwts people to make them feel sorry for her. so instead of them talking about how bristol was lazy and couldn't dance, they'd all think "poor poor bristol" and praise her shitty dancing because they felt sorry for her - she, the victim of her mother's blame. she effectively neutralized her competition by giving them that sob story. and looked how it worked! look at the people on this post as well as margarets post feeling sorry for bristol.

    suckers. it's classic manipulation technique, and feeling sorry for bristol is only enforcing that behavior.

  81. Anonymous1:35 PM

    OK um so who the 'ell is Margaret Cho?

  82. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Levi has never said Tripp was planned. Mercede first said through this blog

  83. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I don't know about the notion that Sarah MADE Bristol go on DWTS. Bristol was pretty excited at summer's end about that adventure she spoke of. (travel)

  84. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I can always tell a Bot comment because they have a tendency to explain their points via parentheticals (see 2:06pm)

  85. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Gryphen - have you seen this (I'm sure you have, just thought it was FAB) http://www.itgetsbetter.org/.

  86. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Sorry, Mag, but it isn't her weight. It's her weight GAIN in the midst of so much physical exercise. Cho wasn't on the show long enough to really get to see or know BP either.

  87. Anonymous4:57 PM

    1:42 - On 6/16/10 Mercede posted on her own blog that Levi and Bristol had been trying to conceive.

    Why did Bristol comment on Johnny Chandler’s MySpace page claiming her mother thought she was pregnant?
    During that time period she and Levi were sexually active and trying to conceive a child. As hard as it is for many of you to believe, they were indeed TRYING. It was NOT an accident! Also there were a number of rumors circulating around that she was already pregnant.

    On 7/7/10, Mercede posted that Levi told her that Bristol wanted her to shut down the blog and threatened to never speak to her (Mercede) again.

    I don't remember Levi denying that it was true. And there doesn't seem to be any reason, other than that it was true, for Mercede to make such a statement.


  88. I googled daughter of narcissistic mother and found an article on Associated Content called " Growing Up the Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother. It sounds like a description of Paylin.

  89. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Margaret Cho and Tom Bergeron have both defended Bristol Palin, despite the fact that they are liberals and she's an ignorant ass teabagger who's against everything they believe in.

    Can you imagine an ignorant ass teabagger like Bristol or the woman who whelped her ever defending a liberal for any reason whatsoever?

    You can't, because they are utterly classless.

  90. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I've known some similar cases to Sarah and daughter. They can be your best friend and totally convincing of warmth and charm. Bristol's job was to be "sweet" and have a team spirit. She would defeat everything if she didn't play the part. The public doesn't know the half of it with her. There is only public knowledge going back to how she treated Lanesia Garcia, Mercede Johnston and when she should have been in school. It is all there to see that her character is deeply flawed. She testified in the court case of David Kernel and lied big time. I betcha her demeanor was sweet as all those cookies and cakes she eats. One day she will be effecting Tripp's life and his wives and women, she'll be as controlling as Sarah. Have you read Ann Rule when she wrote about knowing Ted Bundy while they were both working on a Crisis Center Hotline? He was a caring man. This is about "the truth on any given day."

    If she was a decent human being she would not treat Tripp by demeaning his father and stealing their life together from him. If Bristol woke up tomorrow and did what is best for Tripp that would not change the first two years of his life. There is not much more important to his foundation than early bonding and Tripp was robbed by his very own mother. That does not say Bristol is the "sweet" girl her handlers are trying to sell.

    If Bristol's whole life story is told there will be room to pity her. If we knew Sarah's whole life story there would be room for pity. That does not negate the fact they must "man up" about transgressions and be accountable adults.


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