Saturday, November 13, 2010

Now for something completely different...and possibly insane!

Yes I know what you are thinking.. "Holy crap!  This MUST be a parody!"

Nope.  These devout dingleberries are completely serious and have their very own You Tube channel dedicated to their..."inspirational" videos. And yes, they LOVES them some Sarah Palin!

And before you mock them, and get all dismissive like, keep in mind that crazy people get to vote in Presidential elections too.  I did not say it was fair, but it IS a fact!

And it may come as a shocker but these two music geniuses are Teabaggers (I know, right?), and they wrote themselves a little ditty about that too!

Now just try and get THAT catchy tune out of your head today.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    thanks! my gotdam ears are bleedin!

    bill in belize

  2. Hooray for Tina Fey11:22 AM

    To counteract the devastation to your psyche for watching these, I recommend Tina Fey's latest:

    Oh yeah. Her brilliant show took satirical aim at the Tea Party this week. If you have 22 mins., definitely worth it. And the final credits are the best.

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I'm not listening this morning. I'll just read other's comments. Maybe, I'll have the guts to later on.

  4. TNbluedot11:31 AM

    Oy vey!
    Crazy is right, and bad music on top of it!!

  5. Sad and ridiculous. I just voted "Thumbs Down" on all their YouTube videos. I'm all for discouraging stupidity.

  6. GrainneKathleen12:12 PM

    ahhhhhh! you can't put these up gryph without something to counteract the damage you are doing to our souls by prompting us to watch this heinous assault on the senses.
    i need to hang out with some peter gabriel tunes for an hour or so....

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    bill in belize... don't say that...
    not for the music..

    These guys are usurping, for better or worse, the "PetShopBoys".
    Their sound was, and in some aspect still is, iconic for the gay community and beyond... which makes it even more ironic for this sound to have been hijacked...

    ... and no, I am neither gay nor young! Just a forward looking ancient 70... fromthediagonal

  8. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Rather like Sarah herself -- repetitive, derivative, tone deaf and tiresome!

    If you really want to worry about insanity in power, how about the potential leader of the House on environmental policy believing global warming can't happen because God won't let it:

  9. I'm speechless - and that doesn't happen often

  10. Eunice12:41 PM

    One consolation, that last video was up for a year and had only 3 comments, "God bless America, God Smite the fascist left", being one of them LOL.

    Damn those socialist fascist liberal Marxist gay-loving Islamic leftists!

  11. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Lighten your hearts with this precious video.


  12. Forever Anonymous12:47 PM

    Holy crap. I can envision the congregation is asked to stand and look up to the altar where the ball descends and the chant begins, slowly everyone begins to chant and sway with the music, hallelujah! bodies begin to convulse, those few who try to leave are encircled by chanting faithfuls until the join the chant.......

    Well I don't know how to end this F#$%^4g nightmare.

    I do know that the evangelicals have been angry at sinners for a very long time. Ripe for a cynical politician to help with their reckoning.

  13. Thoughts to ponder:

    I've suspected for a while that Jeb Bush is waiting in the wings to run in 2012 -- as the GOP's saviour! They'll run a campaign emphasizing his first name--Vote for JEB etc...(shh... bush) BUT... how about Lisa Murkowski as the VP??!!?!? She could be the strong Alaskan woman -- the UN-Palin. I am not "infavor" of this, I am simply stating that I have a feeling this is already in the works. OR--even better- maybe run Murkowski at the front of the ticket and JEB as a powerful VP. Remember, Lisa was not afraid to take on Joe Miller -- she'd make minced meat out of Queen Quitty Pants in the debates.

  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Truly grade-school level video making. I don't think they'll be getting any awards soon.

  15. Anonymous1:20 PM

    O/T. I checked the regulations for homeschooling in Alaska. Apparently any parent can do it, or say they are. no need to show a curriculum or have the kids tested.

  16. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I hope Mother God, comes in and gives them the spanking they deserve, and long overdue.

  17. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Something to make you really laugh today: Bill Maher's great parody of the Tea Bagger RomComs (romantic comedies)...his two on $arah and Bri$tle are priceless!

  18. Chenagrrl1:28 PM

    I say, let 'em run. Sarah Palin in 20-12. Yes, Yes Yessss!

    As Bristol told that wacky old teacher in Homer, "She belongs to the United States, now!"

    Run Sarah, Ruunn!

    Are those song writers on ludes?

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Forever Anonymous: So, you've seen the Anchorage Badtaste Temple whoopdedos?

  20. MC30311:55 PM

    That. was. horrendous. I felt like I had gone to hell for a moment. Seriously. Talk about yer kool-aid drinkers. Yeeps.

    Never do that to us again, Gryphen.

  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Yes, crazy people get to vote, but they get only ONE vote, not 120 like on "Dancing With the Stars".

    Well if that robotic, repetitive tune and cheesy lyrics are the best they can do to worship their queen, then I guess play-dough sculptures can't be far behind.

    And busts made of paper-mache, and paint-by-numbers portraits.

    It's time to pull out that picture of the large woman with the horrifying picture of Quitty on her T-shirt, for this is the artistic equivalent of the music on the video.

    (Shakes head sadly.)

  22. Anonymous2:49 PM

    off-topic, but here's a very grating Bristol and Mark video interview from

    bump's still there, despite the outfit's attempts to attract attention elsewhere.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    insane. No question about that.

  24. I'm not even tempted to press 'Play'.

    Not too long ago, I would have eagerly watched and joined in the communal pain. I'm not sure what it means but I think it's a good sign.

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM


    George W. Bush and Dick Cheney thought in terms of expanding American conventional military weapons stockpiles and bases, occupying countries when necessary, and so ensuring that the U.S. would dominate key planetary resources for decades to come. Their worldview, however, was mired in mid-twentieth-century power politics.

    If they thought they were placing a marker down on another American century, they were actually gambling away the very houses we live in and reducing us to a debtor nation struggling to retain its once commanding superiority in the world economy. In the meantime, the multi-millionaires and billionaires created by neoliberal policies and tax cuts in the West will be as happy to invest in (and perhaps live in) Asia as in the United States.

    Bristol has her work cut out for her.


  26. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Bad - so very, very badly done. Should never have watched this so close to having had a meal.

    I hope someone with the copyright to some of the images used gets ticked-off enough to sue these folks.

    Goodness, with friends like, Sarah Palin is in deeper dodo than I thought. Who needs enemies, Sarah. Support like this discredits you.

    The only source that discredits Sarah's ability to govern more than this is Sarah herself.

    Arrghh - need to swallow some bicarb to keep my tummy tame. I thought two years of Palin had made it stronger - but not strong enough for this awful stuff.

  27. ManxMamma4:06 PM

    What the heck???

  28. All I can say is - if they do have day jobs, they shouldn't be quittin' them anytime soon.
    My poor hurtin' ears, also too!

  29. Anonymous4:29 PM


    surely you jest

  30. Ted Powell4:48 PM

    I just got reminded that the First Prophet, Nehemiah Scudder, in Robert Heinlein's future history series, was elected in 2012. (There were no further elections until after the revoution in 2100.)

  31. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Fucking retarded.

  32. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Here's an even catchier tune.

    Hey Sarah Palin? MADtv called from a decade ago. They'd like their slogans and talking points back.

  33. Musicians?

    Amateur hour.

    I could produce something more professional using garage band.

    I have a BA in music and these two are certainly no threat.

    YouTube is totally democratic. Any yahoo can upload pretty much anything. Even stuff with copyrighted images.

    Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Brownson. Don't quit your day job.

    I will say it looks typical teabagger.

  34. Anonymous4:30 AM

    So when is the last time SP has been seen in a church of any kind (not counting Nordstroms)? Didn't think so.

  35. imnofred5:29 PM

    Like the Republican party actually reads her FaceBook page or that they really give a crap about what she has to say.


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