Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Grizzled Mama identifies the enemies of America, and you might want to check it out, because there is a good chance that YOU made it on the list.

In yesterday's heavily ghostwritten Facebook Post, Palin/RAM congratulates all of the new Republicans coming into the Congress and attempts to co-opt them before they have a chance to start thinking about how to best serve their districts and the people who elected them.

The first thing that Palin attempts is to convince them to ignore their long term memory.

The task before you is daunting because so much damage has been done in the last two years, but I believe you have the chance to achieve great things.

If they accept the invitation to join Sister Sarah in her stilted view of history they will discover that ALL of the ills of our country have only been around since that Barack Obama character stole the election from her and that old guy she allowed to share the ticket with her.

It had NOTHING to do with the starting of two unnecessary wars costing an incredible three trillion dollars, most of which we borrowed from, and still owe to, China. NOTHING to do with the fact that George W. Bush was the biggest spender since LBJ. And of course NOTHING to do with the fact that Bush refused to adequately tax Americans to pay for his out of control spending.

So just what does this "economic guru" suggest would be the best way to cut the deficit?

We need to start by cutting non-essential spending. That includes stopping earmarks (because abuse of the earmark process created the "gateway-drug" that allowed backroom deals and bloated budgets), ( I always like to remind people whenever Sarah Palin brings up "earmarks" what her policy on them used to be when she was the mayor of Wasilla.) canceling all further spending on the failed Stimulus program, and rolling back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels. You can do more, but this would be a good start.

As most intelligent people realize earmarks only account for a small sliver of government spending, but if Palin wants to highlight the need to cut them then she is in good company because apparently President Obama agrees.  As for "rolling back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels" that would do very little to impact the deficit since 2008 is right when Bush was driving the economy off of the cliff.

Of course as we know Sarah Palin is not serious about cutting the deficit.  It is just another of her Teabagger talking points and means next to nothing, which she proves later on in the post RAM, and her team of ghostwriters, wrote for her.

The last thing our small businesses need is tax hikes. It falls to the current Democrat-controlled Congress to decide on the future of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. If it does not permanently renew all of them, you should move quickly to do so in the new Congress.

If Palin was even remotely serious about cutting the deficit she would NOT encourage new members of Congress to fight to keep the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 a year.

The rest of Palin's outsourced Facebook post is full of ridiculous Teabagger talking points and should come as no real surprise to anybody, but at the end she gives the coup de grâce, in the form of the most damaging bit of advice for the future of this country imaginable.

In all this, you should extend a hand to President Obama and Democrats in Congress. After this election, they may finally be prepared to work with Republicans on some of these issues for the good of the country.(In other words if they agree with your broken conservative policies then you can reward them by agreeing to let them work with you.  But if not....) And if not, we will all be looking forward to 2012.

Remember that some in the media will love you when you stray from the time-tested truths that built America into the most exceptional nation on earth. When the Left in the media pat you on the back, quickly reassess where you are and readjust, for the liberals' praise is a warning bell you must heed. Trust me on that.

Essentially what Sister Sarah is doing is taking a huge steaming dump on the very idea lf bi-partisanship, and indicating that ANY idea which meets with approval from the Democrats, or the "Lamestream" media, is immediately suspect.

In Palin's world the liberals are the enemy of America, and only the REAL conservatives can "take back the country" from those she sees as the "other."  Who are led of course by the man who almost ALL conservatives believe is a socialist Muslim who wants to take way the greatness of America.

We are the most powerful country on earth and the world is better off because of it. Our president does not seem to understand this.

She may be trying to redefine her image with that soft focus reality show of hers but THIS is what Sarah Palin is really all about.  She wants to start a civil war based on ideology and could not care less how damaging that might be to the American people, or the future of the nation.

If she and her myopic followers were serious about getting the spending and government growth under control they would advocate for the ending of the wars, the end of the Bush tax cuts, and dramatically cutting the out of control spending on our defense budget.

But they aren't serious about ANYTHING except shutting down the Democrats and getting that black man out of the White House. I am so tired of hearing that the Teabaggers are not racist, of COURSE they are racist!  If not then why did they stay silent during the eight years that George Bush trashed the economy and screwed up their country?  Why did they not notice how deeply in debt the country was and how poorly the government functioned until AFTER the black guy was available to blame?

The beginning of the Teabagger movement was NOT after President Obama's inauguration.  It started during Sarah Palin's racially charged rallies and it behooves all of us not to forget that fact


  1. Great Post Gryphen,
    We have got to get her and her family off the stage. We can start by boycotting her Ak. show tomorrow night. Please don't watch, the next step is everyone has to vote on DWTS on Monday night, vote for anyone except Bristol (To hell with watching her belly grow) just get her out of the spotlight along with her mother. Then we have to go after the lamestream madia, and make them stop promoting her and Bristol. How many other stars from DWTS, do you see promoted on MSNBC,CNN, and the networks?

  2. nswfm4:12 PM

    I heard this on the radio and could only think of the former half-governor/her dud/family:

    “In Schenectady, NY, a school maintenance man named Steve Raucci works his way up the ranks for 30 years, until finally he’s in charge of the maintenance department. That’s when he starts messing with his employees. Teasing them at meetings. Punishing them with crummy work assignments. Or worse things, like secretly slashing their tires in the middle of the night.”

    Put an end to this, group hunters.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    What people don't understand is the total funding in spending bills is already in the bill. For example, a spending bill has $100 B for infrastructure spending. Earmarks dedicate a fixed amount of funds to a specific activity in a specific state or district e.g. an earmark could tag $X of the infrastructure spending for a bridge in Alaska. If the money already included in the spending bill is not earmarked or dedicated, then the executive decides where it is spent. Ending earmarks doesn't stop the spending, it simply means Pres Obama and the departments in his administration will decide where the money will be spent. I like it, I hope they go for it. Sarah Palin and RAM don't understand how money is spent by our government. Anyone who doesn't understand it has no business talking about running for President. Everyone Good for RAM, she just stood up and showed the king makers her queen is not qualified to run for President.

  4. ManxMamma4:20 PM

    Gryphen this may be your best post yet!

  5. MC30314:25 PM

    Seriously, what kind of moron takes advice on economic policy from her (and her ghostwriter)? I mean, really. All she's interested in is her $$ and her name. She could give two shits about anyone or anything else much less the economy or those people who are suffering in this big ass mess.

    What will it take, Peebots, for you to understand that her *ONLY* concern is herself? That's it. Not you. Your money? Well, that's another thing altogether. That she'll take.

    (SIGH x 100000)

  6. ManxMamma4:35 PM

    Gryphen this may be your best post yet!

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM

    You nailed it, Gryphen. Great post!

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Best post and most accurate image of Palin yet!

  9. FJDANDY5:24 PM

    anon 4:16: Shhhhhhh...don't let Quittypants in on the surprise!
    She thinks she knows exactly what it takes to be president: fancy pageant walking and mean girl, middle school snark, towards anyone who is smarter than her (which is just about everyone - excluding her minions and family, of course).

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM

    First, I like the fact that you use photos of her that show her as she really is, ugly with globs of makeup. How thick do you think that base makeup is? is she lying about her age too? How does a person who originally had freckles, now have a dark complexion?

    Please advise on on the commodities being marketed during her show and that of dancing with the stars so that we can boycott.

  11. Anonymous5:44 PM

    My only comment is you're dead wrong about the tax cuts. Who creates jobs? If people were forced to give more of their income to the govt, that very notion stiffles what jobs they create and growth they experience. Plus, higher taxes isn't going to decrease the deficit. It's too high and growing higher everyday

  12. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Gryphen, Great post - you nailed her to the wall! Does she really think she can dictate to congress how to think and to do what she wants. I wonder how the mainstream (what few there are) Republicans think of her trying to hijack congress.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I say we get a 100,000 or so of us together, register new Facebook accounts and bombard her page at a certain time (they can't stop all of us!).

  14. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I cannot see her winning Independents with this. I am so turned off. I feel the unfavorables notching up a bit.

  15. Anonymous5:59 PM

    She is such a bitch! She's acting like she's been elected a leader. Nobody really cares about her stupid facebook posts. Oh well her delusional followers do but does anyone else give a rats ass.

    Sarah the more polarizing you are, the higher your u favorable numbers go. You are such a stupid dense fool - you just don't get it yet! Someone who truly had common sense would be able to objectively analyze why the majority of Americans can't stand her. Not Our Sarah.
    She's too much of a sick mean mentally deranged narcissist. Someone like this is not qualified to be president. For all of Bush's faults, he tried to be respectful to all Americans. I never heard him bashing liberals like Sarah does. We ARE as American as she is and she will go to hell for this civil war she is so proud of. A mentally deranged vindictive person like Sarah Palin is not worthy of any position in our government.

    Read the polls much Sarah? Our wonderful president is much much much more popular than you! You aren't fit to wipe his boots!!! Go away and shut up!!

    Thanks G and everyone for letting me vent.

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I second 4:11. Please resist the urge to pick apart her TLC show a la Dancing with the Stars. Don't give these attention whores what they're looking for (attention).

  17. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "In all this, you should extend a hand to President Obama and Democrats in Congress. After this election, they may finally be prepared to work with Republicans on some of these issues for the good of the country. And if not, we will all be looking forward to 2012."

    I didn't and won't read her "Social Networking" products.
    "Looking forward to 2012." Did she actually say that?
    If she did, that's her 2012 presidential campaign announcement.

  18. Olivia6:50 PM

    Here is something I found on a local paper in MN. Did you know that Democrats are responsible for SP quitting her gov job? Not money, not fame but Democrats! Pay particular attention to point #5

    The election is being analyzed by hundreds, so rather than rehash what they’re saying, here’s a few other things.

    1.) I love Michele Bachmann, but her “Jim the Election Guy” ads were awful. However, I knew she’d win when I saw Tarryl Clark’s ads in response were even worse!

    2.) Seeing Nancy Pelosi lose her title of Speaker of the House was unbelievably satisfying.

    3.) I would’ve loved to have seen Harry Reid defeated, but he’s so unpopular nationwide that having him as the face of congressional Democrats in front of TV cameras can only be good for Republicans. And the pick-up of Republican seats in the Senate has pretty much neutered him.

    4.) Rush Limbaugh recalled James Carville’s comment that after the 2008 elections, Democrats would be running things for 40 years. Ooops!

    5.) With her support of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin comes out of the last two years looking like a genius! Those Democrats who forced her to resign the Alaska governorship (See pp. 343-381 in Going Rogue) thought they destroyed a rising Republican star. Instead, they created their worst nightmare.

    6.) The Democrats have 25 senators up for election in two years. Republicans should keep passing bills to repeal Obamacare. Every time a Democratic senator votes against it, he or she is driving a nail into his or her political coffin.

    7.) If Republicans elect a president in 2012, maintain a solid majority in the House, but don’t quite have 60 seats in the Senate, what’s to keep them from repealing Obamacare by using the so-called nuclear option? I don’t think the Democrats have a leg to stand on since they basically threw out congressional rules to get Obamacare passed in the first place.

    8.) Note to mainstream media, Democrats and moderate Republicans: The Tea Party isn’t going away, and it isn’t going into hibernation for two years.

    Sam Smith

    This is from the Jackson County Pilot. This guy is one of the many southern Minnesota folks who think they have a handle on the world even though they never leave their little piece of the county. All they need to know comes from Rush and Glenn.

  19. WakeUpAmerica6:58 PM

    Great article. Love that picture of her. She looks like a bipolar gopher in the manic phase.

  20. Anonymous7:10 PM

    What a FUNNY photo of the GRIFTER! What is she doing in this pic--- gargling? Or holding something in her mouth? Or did she just realize what a fool she was revealed herself to be earlier this week by the Wall Street Journal (reckon she knew WSJ is owned by News Corp also. Murdoch has a sense of humor, too! lol You know, debate of the cause/effect relationships regarding GDP, monetary policy, trade deficits and inflationary forces used to be a lot drier subject between the proponents of different economic schools of thought. Now that Sarah's schizophrenia has expanded to include an "renowned economist personality", her stand-up comedy act can keep us all in stitches until the next election she loses by a landslide. Thanks, Sarah, all for the laughs! Haha

  21. What cracks me up is she still thinks that America is the most exceptional country on Earth. She hasn't quite gotten the message that we squandered our opportunity and others now hold that mantle.

    The problem with America is that there are too many Palin types and not enough thinkers and doers. We just buy cheap shit from China now and are addicted to it and try as he may, Obama is having a hard time convincing anyone else to buy anything that America is selling.

  22. Anonymous7:33 PM

    McCain must be just so very proud of his little VEEP pick. He'll haunt the offices of Congress sternly demanding obedience to the oracle of Alaska, Sarah Palin.

    Or maybe little Johnny McCain is already on Sarah's enemies list. If not, it won't be long.

  23. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Princess Sarah can pretend to offer some helpful advice and they can pretend they have never heard of her!
    There is not a single one of them who would ever admit to taking advice from the governor who quit halfway through her term.

  24. Anonymous7:42 PM

    5:44PM Have you looked at the history of tax cuts by the government? Obviously not! Do you know the amount the tax cuts for the wealthy amount to, if continued? Do you know how much of the deficit Bush2 handed us with the tax cuts and other unfunded policies, like prescriptions drugs and No Child Left Behind?

    I cringed every time he went after more money for his two wars BECAUSE he ALWAYS refused to allow that money to be included in the budget and went after Emergency funding. Do you know what the amount of money was that Bush2 needed in his 8 years above what the government's borrowing limit was when he took office? Lastly, do you know how many times that "debt ceiling" was raised to accommodate his expenditures?

    LBJ may have been the bigger spender until Bush 2 came along but Ronald Reagan left us with the biggest deficit ever until Bush2 came along.

    For those who are hoping for a 2012Rethuglican administration, it would be wise to remember what Reagan (with his "voodoo economics" he labeled "supply side") and Bush with his economic collapse (and 911 that might well have been prevented with his "intelligence information") did for our country.

    Whatever happens to anyone's lifestyle, or that of their family and friends, who votes for, campaigns for, or endorses as financially unsavvy politicians as those espousing idiocy like Paylin will be well deserved.

  25. Anonymous7:43 PM

    It is interesting reading the different views/philosophy's on tax cuts. Tax cuts reduce the amount being paid in. The amount we pay in funds our government. Some say that lower taxes mean that business/people will create more jobs. Did Bush's tax cuts create jobs? Not hardly! The stimulus had something like 40% tax cuts. Just how much money to we have to give to the wealthy before we admit this is not the answer.

    There is a difference between tax cuts and tax incentives for businesses to grow & expand. They are specific targets and unlike tax cuts, they don't make it so
    businesses just take the money and put it in the bank.

  26. Tyroanee7:48 PM

    OMGoodness... I'm on the list!

  27. sallyngarland,tx7:56 PM

    I knew Palin would do this--try to govern from Facebook. She is an idiot. She says "Welcome" like she is in Washington.

    She said for them not to do anything about the new Start treaty. And yet, the Pentagon brass is supposed to testify that without ratification of the treaty, our national security will be undermined. Even The League of Women Voters have chimed in in favor. So now, she thinks she knows more than those at the Pentagon. (Of course, she is taking the same stance as her Fox news buddy, John Bolton. Guess they want to make us less safe so they can start another war.)

    Palin is sickening and so mentally deranged that she assumes she knows more than the experts whether it be doctors with healthcare reform all the way to the miliatary with the Pentagon. Unfortunately, it looks like she'll try to chime in for years and the MSM will be reporting it so she'll be in our faces for a looong time.

  28. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I overheard a person who seemed to be in the middle of the political spectrum utter something today, that made me laugh out loud:

    "If only the Tea Partiers were just a TINY bit smarter, they'd realize how completely STUPID it is, to be urging for the continuance of the tax cuts for the rich, beyond the $250,000 mark, that everyone will still get.

    They've been brainwashed into believing that SOMEHOW, giving the fatcats another year or two of their version of federal welfare, will have them breaking their necks to create new jobs.

    What a laugh...they haven't done so in ten years, so far, so what kind of idiot expects them to change their minds, NOW?"

    Boy, that sure summed it up. Also, someone I saw on tv was turning all red in the face with rage, saying that after all the bullshit about reducing the deficit that Republican candidates spewed forth, their FIRST MOVE is to vote for spending an ENORMOUS amount to continue funding that welfare to the million/billionaires...which will add humongously to the deficit!

    So: will the Tea Partiers even take NOTE of this? Or are they hopelessly mired in the avalanche of misinformation, and unwilling to open their minds to any new facts?

  29. Thank you, thank you! I am so glad you mentioned that the Teabaggers began at Sarah Palin's hateful rallies. The protests started the summer after the election and they were practically carrying the same signs.

  30. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Any one who is even remotely serious about cutting spending and the deficit has to take the biggest bite out of the biggest non-self funded portion of the annual budged. Defense accounts for almost 50% of the non-self funded budget.

    Also too, think what it would do the consumer spending, and government savings if the Military which uses 50% of the gasoline and other fuels that Americans use, was no longer competing against and out bidding Americans in the fuel markets and freed a huge chunk of that 50% to the national and world market to lower fuel prices.

  31. aj weishar8:35 PM

    I guess BS wasn't sitting on her porch when the Chinese sub launched a missile near the coast of California. She probably missed the lamestream media report about the Chinese sub surfacing next to the USS Kitty Hawk. A dozen security ships and sub never detected it. So BS is OK with the trillions we spend fighting them over there. Should we tell her the Chinese are Asians?

  32. I knew I was on her enemies list the day she gave her speech at the 2008 RNC. That's why I'm here.

  33. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Sarah Palin accused of breaking countryside rules in TV nature show

    The former Alaska governor was filmed fishing too close to protected bears, claims environmentalist

  34. pursang9:11 PM

    These Tea Party candidates that were elected can not and will not represent their constituents. They represent and are beholden to Dick Armey and Freedom Works, the Koch Brothers, Palin, Demint, and any other shadowy figures that dominate this supposed movement.

    I can only hope that the people that elected these frauds begin to pay attention. That they realize they are now exactly like the original Tea Partiers, they are now taxed without representation.

    Ironic isn't it?

  35. @8:02: Thanks for the link!

    Reminds me of a joke:

    Why do some scientists prefer to experiment on lawyers instead of rats?
    1. Because they don't get attached to the the lawyers
    2. There are some things even rats won't do

  36. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Ignoring the Palins and not giving them the attention they crave will solve nothing. They will just become more and more powerful by collecting idiot fans who don't realize that what they are selling isn't real.

    No, scrutinize every single detail of every TV appearance. Analyze them into the ground. Don't let these grifters get away with anything.

    They would love it if we would just leave them to their devices. But we aren't going to do that. If they get off on the attention, so be it. It's a small price to pay for putting relentless pressure on these people.

    Paying full attention to them and their every move is the only chance we have. We ignore them at our own peril, make no mistake about that.

  37. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I hope that a civil war between the GOP and Tea-hadist destorys them all. Palin is a cancer that keeps spreading no matter how hard we try to stop it, it just wont go away. We need more than a two party system but the Repukes have lost their right to govern and should just disappear.
    OT It looks like our last President took a page out of SP's playbook and just copy and pasted his shitty book o'lies.

  38. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Old but worth reading. What Europe thinks.

    "Hosted by the self-effacing former vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin's Alaska will be a highly personalised documentary and travelogue around the last frontier – so stand by for Sarah pointing at melting ice and explaining that this is just a natural trend, or a direct result of hopey changey liberal extremism. Please God her performance isn't overlooked by the Emmy committee – I don't think I could bear it if some degenerate such as Ryan Seacrest beat her to the prize."

  39. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Does Palin even know ha 40% of the Stimulus bill was TAX CUTS? ...which not only DID NOT create jobs, but also watered down the stimulus so that it wasn't as effective as it could have been.

    I suppose by advocating for a cut-off of the Stimulus, Palin is advocating for a tax increase?

    Oh, and Sam Smith in Jackson, MN is a complete and utter tool. Facts are not his friend.

  40. I just love that pic of her. She looks so piggy I am expecting her to OINK. And that chicken skin neck of hers...eeeewwww

  41. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Amanda Coyne,Friday 24 July 2009
    Sarah Palin's frozen dreams

    "This state is littered with the carcasses of unfinished jobs: hundreds of cabins with tarps for roofs, a shuttered dairy farm, a never-used grain terminal, a massive and lonely experimental clean coal plant.

    Sarah Palin had big dreams for Alaska before she had big dreams for the country. She said she wanted to unite us, to drive a wedge through a Republican party here that was notorious for its nepotism and shady deal-making. She wanted to usher in the Alaska gas line, one of the largest public projects in history that has been in the works, unfinished of course, for decades.

    She wanted to show us that politics could be done with a smile, and she did so for a while. She met with reporters and with the public, made cookies for lawmakers, laughed off criticism. We were proud of her. The potential was so huge in this moose slaying, snow-machine ridding, fish-catching, mother-of-five political pulchritude.

    But then she became a national figure, and fresh eyes said the equivalent of: "Are you kidding?" (Well. Not really. But now that you mention it. ...)

    Like the rest of the country, we began to examine her more closely, and the more we did, the more she protested. The more she protested, the more the critics knew they had her, and the more they dug, and so on. The bigger she got, the smaller she became.

    She is indeed Alaska's first big celebrity. But being the next Fox News host, or being the star in the first political reality television series doesn't have the same cachet here as it might elsewhere. The search for fame in the bright lights and big cities in not Alaska's narrative.

    I teach some of Alaska's best and brightest at a private university in Anchorage. My students have wanted to be diplomats and writers. Some of them have wanted to build the best bridges and head up the next big gold mine. They dream of being Olympic athletes and owning fishing fleets. Some of them want to make movies. But I have never had one that wanted to be a movie star.

    They dream of finishing something that they started, which is novel enough in Alaska to make you not only famous, but beloved.

    No matter how she spins it, Sarah Palin is just like so many others who came before her, those who dreamed big and then something happened and they just gave up. They left defeated.

    She's told us and herself that she is off to better things. But we know differently, and she will too when she leaves. We all know that that she's leaving a little something of herself, something that could have been so much more if she had finished the job."

  42. Anonymous11:19 PM

    With Sarah's newfound expertise on economics, I think she should immediately be booked on a Sunday morning talk show where she can answer questions and expand on her views. Share them with the world Sarah !

    Could you just imagine watching that ? It would be the funniest thing on TV !

    Glad I have some stock in the Orville Redenbacher company !!

  43. Anonymous11:26 PM

    From the "Lawyers Depart Alaska" article:

    But he appears far from ready to give up at this point. While some lawyers paid for by the senatorial committee were leaving, Mr. Miller sent an email to potential supporters seeking donations to keep up the fight.

    “We need your help in this fight. We’re going up against state bureaucrats, the media and powerful insiders to keep Murkowski entrenched in D.C.,” the letter said.

    “Click here to donate $100, $75, $50, or $25 today to the Joe Miller for U.S. Senate Recount Fund.”

    ROFLMAO !!

    It should be called: "Joe Miller - Grifter, Part Deux" Fund !!

  44. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Gryphen, Thank you for saying:
    "I am so tired of hearing that the Teabaggers are not racist, of COURSE they are racist!"

    I've been saying that to the point I'm sounding like a broken record. My opinion was based on talking to Teabaggers, asking questions when they threw out a talking point and it would all boil down to "I hate that so n' so in the WH". Clearly racist.

    Every time I see a tweet from Palin or read one of her ghostwritten rants, I get furious. Will she ever be stopped?

    Oh and what mmboucher said @ 4:llpm


  45. Anonymous3:06 AM

    She is disgusting. Really. I come here every day, but I think I might need to take a break from her hate spewing. Ugh.

    Sign the petition:


  46. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Right on Anon 4:16!

  47. Anonymous4:22 AM

    she looks like a braying jackass in that photo!! Perfect.

  48. Anonymous4:37 AM

    godamnit Gryphen - Take her down

  49. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Fantastic Post.

    And I just CANNOT BELIEVE she admits this:

    "quickly reassess where you are and readjust, for the liberals' praise is a warning bell you must heed. Trust me on that."

    Isn't this just like Leiberman going along with the Medicare expansion and then saying, oh when I saw how happy it made the democrats I changed my mind. Pieces of shit, all of them. Once again, it's the same old news. Nothing "rogue" about Palin, she's lock stock and barrel the worst of the Republican base. All they want to do is beat up liberals, democrats and feminists.

    It's not enough they lead this country off a cliff for 8 years. They want to take a fight to the liberals because they dare to vote? It's not even as if Obama is liberal, he's not, he's conservative. But just the fact that there is a liberal somewhere on earth, they need to be hunted down and destroyed.

    Do they want to reenact the Civil War? Because if they do, they just need to tell us. We all know how well the first civil war turned out for them.

  50. Anonymous4:59 AM

    That picture is what Tawd, Rush, and Rupert must see when they look down.

  51. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Also, what makes me sick about Palin's loathing of liberals, is how people like Tammy Bruce fawn all over her, just because she wants to f*ck her. Same with Greta, probably. And I don't think Tammy is even pro life, I think she's pro choice. How on earth do you go on record supporting a woman like that?

    I'm a lesbian, and I would never giver her a dime, much less vote for her.

    Sarah Palin just gets worse by the day. She was not even this bad during the campaign or shortly thereafter. But she's really earning her right wing merit badge lately.

  52. Anonymous5:22 AM

    "I knew Palin would do this--try to govern from Facebook. She is an idiot. She says "Welcome" like she is in Washington."

    Exactly. And that's the point I've been making for a while, that this is where she is happy and comfortable. No way in hell does she want anything to do with elected office again.

    Go watch that turkey slaughter video again. She's rail thin, stressed out, her hair falling out. That's what the campaign did to her. You think she wants to go through that again? And keep in mind, she'll be 4 years older from when she ran last and she's already in her late 40's.

    Sarah Palin is a little snappy lap dog snipping at Obama's heals.

    She'll string everybody along and milk this for all it's worth and then back out. Loser!

  53. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Anon @ 4:16

    Good point. Kasich is squashing the passenger rail project here in Ohio but still wants the money appropriated for it. It's going to go bye bye. Thanks for nothing Teapubs!

  54. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Palin did not write this, too coherent. It has her nasty style though.

    Keep talking palin, you are burying yourself. The more you reveal and try to buy "street cred" the more your past will come back to bite you.
    Her past as Mayor and Governor will show how she abused that system. She thought it was more important to be popular with the people then to be a fiscal conservative.
    She wasn't even a compassionate conservative when that was popular.

  55. Virginia Voter5:39 AM

    Thank you for the excellent post Gryphen. The Bush tax cuts, two wars and unfunded programs, coupled with the financial/housing/credit bubbles are what caused the huge deficits and disaster we are in now. Sarah and most Republicans refuse to admit this. They were brilliant to co-opt the white fear and rage to get middle class folks to vote against their own self interests. Sarah is still trying to capitalize on it, which may not work so well this time.

    The Democrats must turn this argument against the Republicans and advocate for keeping the tax cuts for all levels except those who make over $1 million a year. That reduces the deficit by $610 billion a year...only about $80 billion shy of the full tax burden that would be added by people making $250K . The rest should be taken directly out of the bloated defense budget. True Teabaggers like Rand Paul should have no problem with cutting defense.

    Anyway, wanna know how many tabloid covers Sarah and her family have been on in the past two years? Google Sarah Palin tabloid cover and you get 147,000 entries, Bristol gets 61,400. In the past year alone these women have racked up over 40 covers on People, US Weekly, In Touch, and OK. That doesn't even scratch the surface of articles online. Sarah and Bristol have surpassed John Edwards in the tabloid media.

    My point is she and Becky can write all the bullshit they want on Facebook, but Sarah Palin and her family are nothing more than trashy media whores who use their kids to make money.

  56. Anonymous5:40 AM


  57. Speaking of "Enemies Lists," back in the day, one of funniest column's that Art Buchwald ever wrote came out the week the Nixon White House release its "Enemies List."

    Buchwald was incensed by the fact that 1) he WASN'T on the list, and 2) MANY of the enemies were just zeros that NO ONE cared about. Paul Newman? ARE YOU KIDDING?

    Buchwald calls LA Times Cartoonist, Paul Conrad. "HERBLOCK? HERBLOCK?" Conrad is screaming (Herblock was the Washington Post cartoonist). Buchwald is similarly furious over Dan Schorr (at least, that's how I remember it).

    The column ends with both of them REALLY DETERMINED stick to the White House, but serious. Then, they start to think about the list...and pedestrian most of the names are....So, they finally decide that the list is a FAKE, with Liddy, Colson et al DELIBERATELY releasing a fake list, with the goal being to EMBARRASS the heck out of Nixon's "real" enemies.....

  58. Anne In DC6:13 AM

    I would have no problem being on that nitwit's enemies list. At this point, it's probably a LONG one. In any case, she's given another instance as to how she shoots off at the mouth without thinking or researching. She is tiresomely and pointlessly confrontational, which is one of the main reasons she should NEVER be anywhere near the White House.

    Another aspect people who are serious about solving the economic crisis should think about is the outsourcing of American jobs by these same companies and individuals who do not need those deficit-increasing tax cuts for the wealthy. Of course, that all escapes Palin as she runs her mouth and spews even more jingoistic nonsense about this country's so-called exceptionalism.
    Because she has such a low opinion of intellect, as well as expertise, she relies on that good old "conservative common sense" that she has never possessed.

    At any rate, it gives me great pleasure to know that her equally stupid and ignorant endorsee, AKA
    Joe Miller, will NOT be an Alaskan senator. In addition to her well-earned reputation as a quitter, this will give her yet another black eye. I would have liked for Scott McAdams to prevail, but hopefully seeing her bomb in her own state is a good start in consigning her to the irrelevance she deserves.

  59. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Regular people do not create jobs with extra tax money. My rich neighbor who is moving back to Hong Kong for his high=paying finance job, is not going to start a business if we give him a tax break. Now his wife, who is addicted to designer shoes will help some store clerk with a commission, but they will save it, since they don't need the money, or she will spend it on clothes and shoes.

    Only 3% of the people in this bracket actually have a small business that MIGHT have some kind of impact, but DEMAND drives hiring, not extra money laying around.

    Right now, corporations have tons of cash BUT NO DEMAND.

  60. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "We are the most powerful country on earth and the world is better off because of it. Our president does not seem to understand this."
    That's the line that makes me want to slap her, hard!
    These "folks" that keep burying their hand in the sand, insisting how powerful we are, and assuming we always will be, are so UNinformed about the REAL world, it's embarrassing.

  61. Anonymous6:44 AM

    On Sunday's Chris Matthews morning show they said that Romney had claimed to be a hunter in the past but when it was revealed that he had not gotten a hunting license in years, that soured his image.

    Then they played clips of Palin connecting with her audiences when discussing hunting, guns, and her outdoorsy lifestyle.

    Didn't someone say that Palin hasn't had a hunting license in years and what about a fishing license? If so, get that info out since she claims to be the Mama Grizzly of the world, that ingo could help to discredit her.

    Is anyone else gagging on the constant coverage of Palin and now they're all discussing her reality show? I bet she's in narcissist heaven!

  62. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Anonymous @ 4:22 said...
    "she looks like a braying jackass in that photo!! Perfect."

    Correction - she IS a braying jackass. Period.

    Gryphen, as usual, great post! We're getting to the point, however, where pointing out what a stupid idiot Palin is will not be enough to stop her. She needs to be discredited in the eyes of the public. And it will have to be up to people like you.

    Please don't wait too long...our future depends on it.

  63. Anonymous6:50 AM

    One of the morning shows showed a old clip of Bush talking at a black tie dinner and (jokingly) saying "There are Haves and Have Mores, some call you elitists, I call you my base"!

    We know who the GOP aims to please by keeping the Bush tax cuts intact, and by doing so the cash & support will keep flowing into their PACs.

  64. Anonymous6:50 AM

    5:22 said: "Go watch that turkey slaughter video again. She's rail thin, stressed out, her hair falling out. That's what the campaign did to her. You think she wants to go through that again?"

    The thing is, in the fantasy land that is her life, SP thinks that the McCain campaign held her back, screwed her, kept her from winning.

    However, if you believe Michael Gross's Vanity Fair article (and I do), she did have a rare moment of clarity right after the campaign, telling her kids that the family was "not good enough for America"! Truer words were never spoken, Sarah, and don't you forget them!

    I agree with 5:22, though, in that I don't think she'll make a serious attempt at running. It's all about the $ with her. She's a con artist.

  65. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Over on another website, they are revealing Palin's latest quarterly financials. Lo and behold, it's because women don't like Little Miss Snowshine that she tried the whole "Mama Grizzlies" ad thing. What genius told her that would work? Hilarious! Her consultants are such amateurs and can't deliver. But 'bots keep the money a'runnin'.

    Yep, women don't like you, $owa. And they still don't. Only old angry white racist men like ya, old gal.

  66. Anonymous8:51 AM

    anon @ 5:22

    Nailed it.

  67. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Check this I just voted

    Poll Results
    Thank you for voting.

    Will you be watching 'Sarah Palin's Real Alaska'?

    Yes. I'm interested to see Sarah Palin's home life. 20%
    No, I have no interest in giving her more publicity. 75%
    I'm not sure. Maybe if there's nothing else on. 5%

  68. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Who is the powerful and rich person behind her? Most people in the tabloids are more interesting than SP or BP yet story after story is published. Who is behind the fix on DWTS? Who is behind the fake TV program which is below most TLC programs in believability?
    Put her quitting speech or the one where she plagarized Gingrich in front of any competent English teacher and ask if the slam against Bernake was written by the same person.Who is behind the articles and tweets that are clearly nor written by her? Who is she the smokescreen for? This as an old magicians trick to get our attention away from what is really happening.As long as the public is focused on her inane comments, her daughter's weight,Trig birth stories and other such trifles, the one pulling the strings is advancing their agenda to make her President and control the government.

  69. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The Rich Person behind Sarah Palin's success is Rupert Murdock an immigrant from Australia.
    This guy became a US citizen in 1985, because he wanted to dominate the media since he was not allowed as a permenent resident. So for him to caputre the entire American Media market he had to get his citizenship.It is evident that he did the same thing when he was in Austrialia, he controlled pollitis, and backed candidates who were seen as a great product to his media business. in 2007 he supported Hillary and Obama, because at that time they were good products to his media outlet business. As a business man, he had to find another product.. Sarah Palin became the best product, and yes she is giving him good ratings. It is all the fault of many Americans who cannot google and fact check their political figures.
    He owns Fox news, and most of the media outlets in USA Europe and Austrialia. He owns Newyork times too. And yet Americans credit Fox News as the reliable news outlet. Murdock must be laughing his lungs out.
    Yeah Sarah is a selling Product for Murdock. She is giving good ratings, and now tapped in Bristol. You wonder why those judges can't have a say on Bristol. I am sure they have been instructed,by their boss, who needs ratings for that show. If it means keeping Bristol on the show do it, or else you are all fired. LOL..just my opinion
    He own TLTC too. Check Rupert Murdock's wikepidia.

  70. Chenagrrl1:32 PM

    Ah yes. George W. Bush who loved, as SarahP does, to talk about tax-and-spend Democrats. Of course, he himself, and she herself, are more of the spend-and-spend Republican ilk. They have never had to buy their own lunch! In Sarah's case she probably hasn't bought her own lunch since she ran for Wasilla mayor.

  71. Anonymous4:05 PM

    A Female bear is a SOW, not a "mama".



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