Sunday, November 07, 2010

Palin labels critics "Neanderthals" and attempts to blame sexism as the reason that she came under such scrutiny in 2008.

Feminist Republican Sarah Palin on "Neanderthals" who must "evolve" and mothers of small children working outside the home. from Vision Forum on Vimeo.

First off if any group deserves the label of "Neanderthal" it is those men who support Sarah Palin simply because she is "purty" and serves as inspiration for their masturbatory fantasies.  But somehow I don't believe she is talking about that portion of her minimally evolved fan base.

As far as her critics on the liberal side go, MANY of them are women themselves, so they could hardly be labeled "Neanderthals" (And yes I know that there were female Neanderthals. I understand biology.)  As for the liberal men I feel pretty confident in saying that her gender was way down the list of reasons they did not like, or support her campaign.

Palin's attempts to hide behind sexism, and recruit the shameful support of Geraldine Ferraro, is brilliant. If she is truly able to get women, and those with a liberal bent, to feel sympathy for her due to a perceived notion that her problems stem solely from the fact that she has a vagina, that might provide enough ambiguity for her to gain their support.

Of course for those of us who have been paying close attention that tactic is as transparent as Palin's attempts to portray her family as the Alaskan example of the Waltons.

We know that the reason she is judged concerning her looks is because that is what she uses to attract most of her positive attention from the voters. 

We know that the reason people discuss her parenting is because, more than any other candidate before her, SHE uses her kids as political props to garner support and sympathy.

We know that while she hides behind her gender, she also supports policies that are almost universally anti-woman.

And we know that virtually everything that we see about her is false.

In fact IF Palin were to become this nation's first female President it would damage the credibility of women to handle important leadership roles all over this country. (I can tell you right now it may be another twenty or thirty years before we elect our next female Governor in Alaska. And the fault for that rests solely on Palin's tiny shoulders.)

She may label her critics "Neanderthals" and attempt to smear us with charges of sexism, but we know better. And I believe that the majority of Americans will not be fooled by those obvious attempts to hide her multiple faults behind a veil of victimhood either.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "Sarah Palin, Feminist Republican" is an oxymoron. "Feminist" and "Republican" should never appear together in the same sentence except in showing that Republicans are traditionally not feminists. Palin has co-opted every term useful in her grab for the White House and the press lets these kinds of terms slip into the narrative. She is the antithesis of a feminist.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Let me get this straight.
    Sexism - bad
    Racism - funny

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    As in all things Palin says about her "opponents" turn the mirror back on her. She used her sex to get where she is. As everyone has blatantly pointed out, if she looked like Sara Boyle, she'd be no where.
    What a fucking tool.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    When will all this tiresome BS stop? I can't wait for her & co. to go away. Forever.
    I can't wait until the word "Palin" is only uttered in psychology classes to study a truly successful SOCIOPATH!!!

  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

    St. Sarah the Willfully Ignorant speaks again. Neanderthals lived more than 6000 years ago and are evolutionary cousins of Homo sapiens.

    Therefore Neanderthanls never existed because nothing existed more than 6000 and there is no such thing as evolution that would create Homo sapiens cousins.

    However they are HOMO nenderthalinsis, and created by God, so can St. Sarah prove that she is not a Neanderthal?

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    My father is a sexist Republican -- according to him Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are lesbians, which, if they are, so what, but I'm pretty sure they're not, and you get my point -- complained n 2008 that NOW didn't support Palin. If he didn't have such a thick skull, it might eventually sink in that the National Organization of Women might look down on a candidate who thinks little girls raped by their daddies and get pregnant need to give birth and that women who get raped need to pay for their rape kits. Kind of not so much a pro-woman platform so much as a "Neanderthal" one. Plus, if I remember correctly her official reason for firing the head of the state police was because he went to Washington to get more funding to investigate rapes...Yeah, she's sooooo pro-woman.

    At the same time that my father complained about NOW not supporting the only woman on the presidential ticket, he complained about black people voting for Barack Obama and supporting him just because he's black. See, people of this persuasion really have no ability to think -- AT ALL. Remember, when speaking to Republicans, try to use small words and speak slowly because they be DUMB.

  7. Pat in MA7:05 AM

    Dear God, what planet does this woman live on???? Oh, right, unfortunately - OURS.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Get busy tweeters! Look at this precious gem courtesy of Gloria Steinem:

    Gloria Steinem tells Collins that the real mama grizzlies “are famous for their reproductive freedom,” mating later, producing fewer cubs, and the kicker: "If winter is hard or their health is not good or the food supply is uncertain, they re-absorb the embryo into their body.”

    So the Mama Grizzlies appear to be PRO-CHOICE!

    Damn, Sarah Palin truly can't do anything right! Ha! ha! Spread the good word!

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Ummm, so, umm... Peggy Noonan is sexist?

    Ha, ha, ha, ha ha!

    This is almost too sad to watch.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    No, no, no, no, nooooooooo

    She was picked to be McLame's runing mate because of sexism. McLame though it would bring in the female vote.

    And Sarah uses Sexism as a weapon. She flaunts her sex to garner the dirty old rich guy support.


  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    she is the one that runs on gender comparisons...mama grizzle, pit bull with lipstick etc.
    She is an idiot, simple as that. I'm a woman and i dislike her nastiness, her believes when it comes to the environment and wanting women to go back to the age of coat hanger, and so much more. I couldn't care less about gender. I truly dislike Bush too and not because he is a guy. There are a lot of females worthy of respect and admiration, she is not one of them !

  12. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Gryphen I agree with your comments or rationale about matters of Palin. Palin is the one who uses sexism to her advantage. Heck, it takes women way back in the professional world to wear four inch heels and a biker jacket with nipple zippers for a professional event. It takes women farther back or diminishes them as intelligent human beings when Palin espouses having a womb and bearing children is THE qualification void of knoweldge, rational judgment, well rounded education, learning and personal growth.

    Palin blaming sexism is yet another smoke screen for her entitlement issues that she, her family is beyond reproach, exemspt from all rules, are so exceptional per her lying lips that the world must believe her lies. Palin is the first politician to advance herself using her offspring, uterus, wink, tease and trot her children like ponies. She yells about her privacy then puts herself and family on exhibit.

    I pity people who believe her words that she does the impossible. Palin is an opportunist and used the McGinniss situation to blame someone as a smokescreen for what the Palins do and don't as a family, rarely and the grandiosity gap of Palin's webs of deception.

    It gives me chills this so called woman is exemplifying, modeling to use female charms to get ahead and be as dumb as a door knob, lie, connive and digger personality. The Mama Grizzly campaign is dehumanizing, denigrating for women in general.

    Labeling me, people collectively neandathrals is another last straw with this despicable fraud Sarah Palin. The abusive name calling, con artistry, conniving calculations tearing people down is despicable. Meanwhile the rest of the population does sreal work, seeks eduction, actual knoweledge to do jobs so our society can function. Palin is an example of how not to be. She talks a good talk but in real life it is hype, smoke and mirrors. No male politician puts his show of parading his kids above them receiving an education, nor female politician. It is not a viable campaign for president to stage a contrived tv show to use as proof, blame McGinnis, assignate the characters of others as contemptible liars spinning webs of deception. I can't comprehend the lack of conscience by the Discovery Channel considering the stakes to our nation to provide this smoke and mirror venue for a pathalogical liar and opportunist.

  13. Anonymous7:31 AM

    So how does Sarah explain conservative women like Peggy Noonan that think Sarah is a nincompoop?

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    And when did Sarah Palin start believing in evolution?


  15. Wrong, Sarah. Those "neanderthals" are your base, as it's the "starbursts" you give men that have gotten you where you are.

    Women see your too-low necklines, too-short skirts, too-high heels, too-heavy makeup and know EXACTLY what you are.

  16. Like Anonymous, I didn't think that Sarah believed in evolution.

  17. Anonymous7:50 AM


    Palin gives me the chills also. I am worried that she has succeeded in silencing Mercede. In her last post Mercede wrote, "I will include the infamous photos and the inside details to everything I can remember from the day I went to the Palin home and first met baby Trig" and since then there has been no new posts on her blog.

  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    It absolutely floors me every time I hear a man say Sarah Palin would garner the votes of women. I always wonder what women they are thinking of? Nobody I know would vote for her. But, then the men who think this are republican. There is a serious disconnect here.

    Sarah is obviously listening to republican men.

  19. Anonymous7:53 AM

    7:04, I feel for you concerning your parent. My dad was just like your dad, and sad to say, I am glad he died before President Obama was elected. I would have had to disown him and never speak to him again as long as he continued to live. At least my family was spared such hateful, ignorant narrative.

  20. Anonymous7:53 AM

    It's not that she has a vagina that prevents us from voting for her. It is that she lacks an educated brain. In fact, she seems to celebrate her ignorance.

    While there are many undereducated Americans, it is often because they did not have the means or opportunity to continue past high school. What would most of them have done to have the opportunity to attend not one but 5 or 6 colleges. How sad that she not only squandered so many chances but also that she did not impress upon her children the value of achieving an education. Did any of her children actually graduate from high school? Is Piper even allowed to attend grade school. Here comes yet another generation of ignorant Americans.

    In her WGE video, her daughter claims her mother "represents the United States" while failing to grasp that her mother ATTEMPTED to represent the United States and the United States responded with not just "NO" but "HELL NO". She did for a short time represent Alaska however she basically ran screaming from the job because SHE CAN'T HANDLE THE JOB! She represents no one and nothing except her own bank account.

    "Neanderthals" are not her problem... the mirror is. She needs to stop adoring herself.

    As a Christian Conservative she would be best served by remembering that lying is considered so abhorrent that it made the "Top 10" list.

  21. Anonymous7:58 AM

    And what kind of a Neanderthal charges rape victims for the rape kit used to gather evidence? A Sarah Palin kind of Neanderthal.

    Now name me another crime where the victim has to pay the police to DO THEIR JOB and investigate?

    How well do you think it would go over if Palin and her police chief told bankers or business owners that they would have to pay to have robberies or burglaries investigated? Using Palin's and Fanning's logic, why should taxpayers get stuck with the bill?


  22. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah is a sham, a fraud and an embarrassment. He is the female equivalent of George W. Bush, but without the saving grace of a Laura Bush who could smooth off the most egregious rough edges. Todd is not a saving grace, is her equal in ignorance, meanness, and self-absorption.

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Where did Mrs. Palin come up with the word Neanderthal? Well, she didn't, of course.

    I believe someone such as: Rebecca Mansour happened to see The Neanderthal Code or and advertisement for it this past week and voila, a new meme was born.

    I just finished watching my DVR version of this, yesterday.

    Palin NEVER, NEVER, NEVER says anything that she hasn't cribbed from somewhere else.

    ... and w/ that I will enjoy a nice sunny positive day in my neck of the woods. (grin)

  24. London Bridges8:10 AM

    Sarah got her big start by, in her own words. "working" her way through college, and she has been using the same strategy ever since. It took 5 colleges to find professors who had that same "working girl" philosophy. This also explains why none of her college professors "Remember her." Ethical issues = poor memory = job security & tenure.

  25. Anonymous8:10 AM

    My brother-in-law said to me "you must be glad there is a women on the ticket" in Sept. 2008.

    Guys can say such an insanely stupid thing to women because they have been coddled from childhood to believe their opinions are invariably better than any female's opinion.

    When I responded "are you CRAZY?", my brother-in-law acted surprised. He expected me to evaluate a candidate solely on sex. He ASSUMED my brain was non-existant BECAUSE I am female.

    His behavior is what I think of as "Neanderthal". He is a scientist and manager of scientists in a large corportation. He can make and break peoples' careers. And he serenely assumes that he is "modern" with regard to women. He has absolutely no idea that his real opinions are blatantly obvious.

  26. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Mark my words: if Palin does decide to run for President, the campaign will have a subtext that exploits the fear of "black man rapes white woman."

  27. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It's interesting to me because I (through interests which are completely unrelated to politics) often visit a blog which is extremely religious in focus. These women have NO use for Palin because of what they perceive as her abandonment of her family, her coarse language and attitudes, etc. I think her support is white men, since she deliberately plays to their fantasy of what a woman "should" be. But that group is limited in its number and power.

  28. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Sarah Palin did NOT get scrutinized in 2008. Remember that she did not give many interviews and NO press conferences. She dodged the questions in her sole debate.

    Sarah Palin was given a startlingly generous handling by the press corp and the electorate in 2008 BECAUSE she played the sexism card to the maximum.

    Sarah, you had picnic in 2008. If after your prayerful consideration, you choose to enter the next presidential race, you will get the real scrutiny you have so fully earned by your arrogant and stupid behavior. Sarah, you have not yet a CLUE what real scrutiny is.

  29. emrysa8:18 AM

    lol sarah will use any excuse in the book so she doesn't have to take responsibility. it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. "I'm a victim! I'm a victim!"

    so predictable.

  30. I read on PG that Sarah tweeted something about someone "Beclowning" themselves?

    Now that is frickin funny

  31. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Does she really want us to believe that she believes in Neanderthals?

    What next...Mormon Pixies?

  32. ManxMamma8:33 AM

    This is one of your best posts yet! Go Gryphen.

  33. Randall8:38 AM

    Sarah - you dress slutty and then screech "sexism" ??? Bitch, please...

    You came under scrutiny because you're an idiot! ...not because you're pretty.

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...

    Take off the makeup and the bumpit/wig and dress in conservative clothes and see just how far it gets you.

    And remember - if it weren't for progressives you wouldn't even have the right to VOTE.

  34. Palin's Geraldine Love-Fest, replete as it is with such obvious pandering, is magnificently nauseating.

    Sarah really doesn't get it. No one likes smug, snarky, self-absorbed people like Palin in the real world; her own staff can't stomach working with her on a day-to-day basis for long, before high-tailing for greener pastures (anywhere she isn't). And that's if she doesn't throw them under the bus first. It's not a matter of gender - or evolution - it's just that most "rill" Americans don't like her, or trust her.

    Oh, and the lip-smacking thingie, when Ferraro hints at a "hypothetical" Palin presidential run? Priceless. Such carriage, such grace!

  35. I'm telling you, Sarah has been reading "Clan of the Cave Bear"...
    She envisions herself as "Ayla"..

    I've read the whole series so I look forward to Sarah's next chapter!

  36. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Feminism argues for the abolishment of oppression no matter is source or target (i.e., women or men). Palin represents oppression at every turn: religious, fiscal, and social. She is no-less the anti-Christ she rails against and, were it in her power to do so, rape, plunder, and destroy the rights of every living being on the planet-especially women. I truly believe this. There are no boundaries to her ill-will and hypocrisy.

    If she thinks that she as a problem with privacy and sexism now, just wait until she announces her candidacy. I assure anyone reading this that her competitors-Republican and Democrat-will be going over that slimy, fetid, and well-worn orifice of hers with a scrub brush. All of those "Tweets" and inane Facebook entries will eat her from the inside out and I would not be too surprised if her parting gift to her "mama grizzlies" was to storm out of a debate proclaiming how badly she had been mistreated, setting the cause of feminism back 100 years all the while.

    Christ, I would love to see Gloria Steinem take her out in a boxing match.

  37. Anonymous9:14 AM

    She can't have it both ways. This from the same woman who stated she couldn't support Hillary Clinton because she "didn't like her whining". OMG, stove meet kettle!

  38. Anonymous9:18 AM

    In one of the recent posts, you said something along the lines that AK women are tough, but the lack of anyone really coming forward and exposing this fraud and liar tells me you might be tough from a hardship standpoint, but there are a lot of scardy cats who have info on these Palins, but are too scared to stand up to these thugs. The world is watching, AK. You all say you have info, yet you never reveal it. PG is taunting the Palins to sue them, yet the Palins don't. That says something, yet people there in AK won't.

  39. Anonymous9:23 AM

    She's just building a platform for victimization to be deployed when her own party goes after her. It will be hard to counter their criticisms with any rational argument, because she has none. She needs to firmly establish that she has been victimized by sexism now so she can say 'see what I mean?' when the inevitable attacks start. She's intellectually shallow, but she knows her base. They will eat this up.

    I am trying not to be snarky here, but seriously, how can the 'be-bumpited' one talk about being a feminist with a straight face. She uses gimmicks (biggified hair, naughty pumps) to enhance her sex appeal and then complains that people are discriminating against her based on her sex?

  40. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I am convinced that we are dealing with a purty sociopath. She does not see her faults and lies easily. However, the victims card is a must to play the sympathy line.
    Of course she is not a feminist, she is the opposite of the values she shouts for others to have.
    I have steeled into the fact that she is not going to go away. She has the spotlight in her teeth and shaking it hard. sooo I think we are going to have to actually actively do our part to get truth out and educate concerning facts.
    Poopy I'll have to exert myself!

  41. Gryphen, you should add this video to remind everyone what Palin had to say about the "perceived whine" of sexism:


  42. "Neanderthals" and "sexism?" Uh oh. SOMEbody's been out on her concrete slab researching and studying 70s feminism on Wikipedia.

  43. Anonymous10:06 AM

    These tools! The right wing kicked Hillary around for years, and Palin didn't like her whining! SHUT UP!

  44. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "Sexism" is pretending she is qualified for any office because she should have a lower bar for education and experience because she is a "busy mother" or some such hooey.

    And maybe women can have it all, but in succession ---- raise good kids THEN go into politics, which is a 24/7 job on most levels.

  45. Anonymous10:15 AM

    This clip with Geraldine Ferraro reminded me of something else. Wasn't Palin planning a visit with Margaret Thatcher?

    Being seen with senile dementia-patient female former politicians will surely give her the credibility that she craves.

  46. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Wait a second - isn't $carah a believer in a 6000 y o earth? Neaderthals existed 130,000 years ago. an $carah explain this discrepancy in her language use?

  47. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Pot, meet kettle Stupid Sarah!

    It's a wonder this woman's knuckles don't bleed when she walks...

  48. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This Neanderthal-ette wonders: when, exactly she thinks we lived?

    Was it with the dinosaurs (so recently, in her history) currently, or when i really DID roam the earth!

  49. Anonymous11:00 AM

    You know, I'm fair enough to concede that sexism plays a part in the perception of Sarah Palin. Frankly, it's always an issue with women.

    One of my favorite expressions is "feminism is the belief that women are people." Most of the time, we aren't that. We're WOMEN first, then we get to be people.

    However, Sarah seems to think that people expecting her to do her job in an ethical manner, be competent and knowledgeable, be responsible for her actions and comments are somehow tied to the fact she has ovaries. That is simply not so. I would say that it would be sexist to think a woman should *not* be expected to exhibit those qualities.

    Funny, the most sexist comment I've heard regarding her came from someone she pals around with: Glenn Beck. Didn't he joke about her being in the kitchen or something? That's sexism, Sarah. Believing a woman is incapable of doing anything other than "be the little woman."

    As usual, of course, Sarah was too chicksh*t to call him on it, just like she was too chickensh*t to call out Rush. She needs them too much, so she'll let them badmouth her and then titter and laugh at it.

    I would also say that resorting to sexist name-calling does not help her cause at all. She makes a lot of sexist comments herself, and ironically she enjoys a lot of immunity because she's a woman.

  50. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LOL~~~~~~~~~~~

    $arah believes their is no such THING as "Neanderthals", dinosaurs etc.

    What will her Pastor say about this!!!

    She DOES go to church every Sunday doesn't she?


  51. Anonymous11:16 AM

    If the world started 6000 years ago, as Sarah Palin probably believes, there weren't any Neanderthals then.
    So, to what is she referring?
    Sorry, can't have it both ways.

  52. Anonymous11:27 AM

    She used her sex to get where she is. Indeed she did, and now wants to whine. Big girls do not whine.

  53. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "Gles said...

    I'm telling you, Sarah has been reading "Clan of the Cave Bear"...
    She envisions herself as "Ayla"..

    I've read the whole series so I look forward to Sarah's next chapter!

    8:42 AM"

    The whole Earth's Children series was about how cooperation and the ability to think intelligently allowed humans to develop the skills that put them at the apex of mammals.

    I would classify $carah and Todd as the Neaderthals (Clan)there.

  54. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Mommy grizzle unable to find theme for campaign, so juggles labels "feminist" with "victim" hoping one will make her less of a farce.

    Doing a really, really poor job at faking a pregnancy disqualifies Sarah Palin for political office. If she couldn't make even the simple Tale of Trig believable, she doesn't have the smarts to govern.

  55. Ma Olsen12:17 PM

    One of the most important moments for for Mama Grizzly was when she launched her daughter's make over in the press and started a new day for feminism. Bristol Palin was just another unwed girl withour an education. Look how far she has come now and all that she is doing for feminists everywhere. Women can do it all, have babies and be a leading voice for feminism. There will always be sexists, that is why it matters that more young women have a voice. Both sides of an issue should be heard. A healthy debate is good for all.

    Cover Story
    People magazine June 01, 2009 Bristol Palin 'My Life Comes Second Now'
    Breast-Feeding Before Classes, Staying in on Prom Night—the Alaska Teenager Graduates from High School and Talks Frankly About the Highs and Lows of Her New '24-Hour-a-Day Job'
    Does anyone realise how important that article is?

    One friend, fellow grad April Morlock, tiptoes over with a gift, a silver necklace with a mother-and-child charm. "In the Valley teen pregnancy is, like, huge," says April, referring to the Mat-Su Valley where Wasilla sits. "She's the best mom, really. Bristol's amazing. She's the same old Bristol."

    Bristol and her friends have alot to say and teen pregnancy is, like, huge. It is imperitive they continue the diaglogue. I know Mercede Johnston spoke on the subject and I would very much like to hear more of what she has to say. I do hope all is well with her, she is a good writer and I look forward to her in put. When Bristol completes her exhausting competion it would be wonderful if she would do more writing. She has many followers now that will listen to her.

  56. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Real feminists don't abandon their kids, become a brand, and simply go after the money. She has a very, very simplistic view of what a feminist really is.

    Twitler really believes she's a feminist ONLY because she has Toad's balls in a vise.

  57. The only way Sarah can get this woman behind her is for her to retire to some unknown backwoods location where she is never heard from again. I'd go for that!

  58. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Uh, WTF is wrong with Geraldine Ferraro? Going on Fox News to prop up a moron who exists solely b/c she IS a woman and a "good-lookin" one at that? Guess what, Geraldine, even Fox News viewers are laughing at you.

  59. Anonymous1:22 PM

    F-Sarah & F-Gerry Fererro (?)also, too.

    She was picked as Mondale's running mate. She jumped in with both feet, unfortunately she never asked hubby if his 'house' was in order. It wasn't. He was some corrupt businessman from Queens,N.Y. which blew her chances at being Vice Pres.
    She started as a Democrat, what is she doing on Fox. She is a nobody here in N.Y.

    Sarah & Gerry belong together, two phony bitches who talk & talk but don't say anything.

  60. but it's not sexist for this dingbat to genderize toughness by saying Jan Brewer has cojones?

    Her 12 year old mentality is tiresome.

  61. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I would assume that includes her good friend Dr. Dobson.

  62. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Ma Olsen, It's ironic you mention Bristol's friend April Morlock.

    Her brother is the Wasilla soldier being tried for killing Iraqi civilians for fun. And I believe it was her aunt's house that Willow Palin and friends partied in and vandalized while it was for sale. If I remember correctly, the Aunt was an old girlfriend of Todd's. There were rumors that Todd might have been having an affair with her. And that Willow was the one who got the kids into the house.

    Talk about palling around with.....

  63. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I find it ironic that someone who does not believe in evolution is accusing others of being "Neanderthals"

  64. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Are you saying that the folks at Vision Forum are now supporting Sarah Palin!?!

    This Vision Forum?

    "America’s cutest Republican has done something the enemies of the family have not been able to do for 150 years. Mrs. Palin has broken the Christian tradition and resolve that Karl Marx and his ugly, angry feminist followers could not break. In a few short days, Sarah Palin and her Republican handlers have made it conservatively fashionable to abandon home, children, husband and theological truth for the sake of careerism and the kind of glory Sarah finds in this poster, which shows her as strong, noble, and joyful as she lives the feminist dream."

  65. What a laughable lack of self awareness for a woman who depends on tits and ass to garner attention to claim she is victim of sexism. Hilarious.

  66. Chenagrrl4:07 PM

    WTF is Geraldine Ferraro doing there. She got to be VP candidate in 1984 because Tip O'Neill (may he rest in peace) thought she was cute.

    Geraldine busted nothing, she slipped through the hole busted for her by Jeannette Rankin of Montana, and because the DEms were afraid Walter Mondale (may he rest in peace) was not sexy enough to attract the women's vote.

    SP is babbling about suffrage, not political office.


  67. Yep, those Palin women certainly do it all. They manage to have fake careers where others do all the work and then quit those careers to embark on reality TV careers.

    They have babies, oh yes, they have babies and then make the men either pay financially for their fecundity or pay with their lives and souls and silence forever.

    Those Palin women, doin' it all and screwin' everyone else over while they do it. Wink and a smile, that's all it takes. That is the hillbilly way and that trait seems to run very strongly through this entire family. I guess it takes a good long time to dilute that sort of gene.

    I mean really, America has a first family that we can be proud of but instead these redneck hobos get attention for their lack of intelligence and their lying and overbreeding ways. I can only figure that it is the lowest common denominator in our country that is the most vocal, thus the popularity of these cretins.

  68. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Bit of s#it.

    That's all.

  69. Anonymous5:11 PM

    The Swag-Hag does present some interesting conspiracy theories which are clearly made up on her porch with mullet-man in tow by his short-hairs..

    Just imagine, with her way of governing, let's say if someone in Papua New Guinea happens to say that the Swag-Hag has been spoken of, in print, somewhere in Madagascar, and called the Swag-Hag a blistering MORONIC ASS from the article, she would nuke BOTH PLACES before sunset the same day !!

    This is ONE completely whack job.

  70. Anne In DC5:27 PM

    Sarah Palin is the last woman who should be complaining about sexism. For one thing, many of her policies have been anti-woman and she is interested only in herself. She is now being blamed by the GOP for their loss of the Senate, although that was because many people simply were not buying what they were selling. That goes to show that they were not entirely successful at buying elections with the deluge of outside money.

    In any case, I see her as a modern-day female neanderthal with her celebration of ignorance, her crass and sexist remarks about men, and her divisiveness. She is anything but a feminist, although she would not even be where she is now without the women's movement.

    As for her cozying up to Geraldine Ferraro, I don't care for either one. I remember only too well when Ferraro showed her behind by attacking Obama for being sexist toward Hillary Clinton, when it was no such thing. She had been assisting the Clinton campaign, and had to end up stepping down because of her remarks. Although I regretted that Walter Mondale didn't become our president instead of Ronald Reagan the 2nd time, I am glad she did not become our first female vice president. At least, Ferraro wasn't the attention-needy sociopath that Palin has exposed herself to be.

  71. As someone else noted, whatever happened to the Margaret Thatcher trip? Was the "invitation" rescinded?Did Ms. Mansour make a mistake? Was it just another lie? We want answers!!!

  72. mommom5:42 PM

    While I don't like Ferraro,I think everyone,Miss Quitty included,assumed she was speaking of Miss Quitty Palin.However,knowing Ferraro,she was alluding to Hillary,not Palin.


    How many 2 year olds have an agent? She must be doing something right. The kid is a success and will no doubt have a thriving career on stage, the big screen or television. Sarah and Bristol introduce Tripp Palin

  74. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Don't worry Quitter countries like UK, Canada, Australia, and NZD have all had women PM's.

    It's just that you're a RUBE!

  75. imnofred6:15 PM

    The fact that she is still whining about 2008 is unreal, but not unexpected. She only knows how to whine and blame everyone else.

  76. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Palin - what an idiot.

    Some people, don't think mother's should work outside of the home, period. And then there are those that think poorly of those women that think motherhood ends at birth....these are the women that are too self consumed to actually nuture their children.

  77. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.....

    Troopergate had already begun by the time you were selected as the VP candidate. THAT (and the fact that none of us knew who the hell you were)opened you to be scrutinized by the non-Alaskan populous

    I followed you the moment I learned of you. And ya know what? I voted for Hilary in the primary. I would love to see a woman in the WH. But it would be sexist of me (or anyone) to vote for any candidate because of their sex. McCain obviously felt that women aren't smart enough to realize that voting for him simply because you were a woman would be as sexist as voting against you because you are a woman.

    You opened yourself to scrutiny simply by accepting McCain's offer. It is that simple. As soon as the Branchflower investigation found you GUILTY of abusing your power as Gov, everyone became even more curious about you.

    You ran for the second highest FEDERAL office in the US. Few outside of Alaska knew who you were. McCain only told 4-5 of his staff that he selected you before he announcement that you were his selection for VP. His own campaign HQ had no idea you had been selected and hadn't prepared any press info about you because you were at the bottom of the "possible candidates to be selected". Once the press learned that McCain's own campaign knew NOTHING about you, they went hunting themselves. Which would have happened anyway because you ran for the 2nd highest FEDERAL office in the US.

    Unfortunately for you, you had a lot of skeletons hidden in your closet. More than many Alaskans were even aware of. God knows there are more to be discovered. (And the Repubs are digging, digging, digging for more, and they are going to share....giggle!)

    It was really ignorant of you to not bother cleaning up a bit before you were selected by the McCain campaign. You put your name in the hat months before you were selected. Any smart person would have started housecleaning even if they knew that it was very unlikely that they would be selected.

    And why do you finally call yourself a feminist? On the campaign trail, when asked on camera by a major tv news anchor is you were a feminist, you said no, that you didn't support the feminist movement! When pressed for a more complete answer, you said that you didn't identify yourself as a feminist!

    Take your own advice: quit whining. All candidates for the WH are painfully investigated. You were an unknown to the lower 48; you had to be intensely researched in a very short time because of that.

    One more thing. Even feminists take care of their children. You might want to put the kids on your To-Do list.

  78. Anonymous9:03 PM

    A "perfect storm" of Republican hate is coming Sarah's way. Of course she gets to play her favorite roll as "Victim". Wonder how long it will take her to realize her time is up?

  79. Anonymous4:59 AM

    And yet she constantly denigrates real feminists, with sexist insults like calling them a "cackle" of rads. Trying to equate them with witches, something women are constantly called if they are of a certain age and happen to have strong opinions.

  80. VOTE4BRISTOL said...
    How many 2 year olds have an agent? She must be doing something right. The kid is a success and will no doubt have a thriving career on stage, the big screen or television.



    Agencies have THOUSANDS of 2 year moronic.

    I don't know who you think the success is, Brisket or the 2 year old ........but in either case the idea is ridiculous and laughable.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.