Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pentagon survey released on military opinion of DADT. Guess what!

From the AP:
Gay troops can serve openly in the armed forces without harming the military's ability to fight, the Pentagon's top leaders said Tuesday. declaring the 17-year-old "don't ask, don't tell law" should be scrapped and pointing to a new survey to show most troops won't mind.

President Barack Obama, citing the troop poll, urged the Senate to repeal the ban before adjourning in the next few weeks, but there is still no indication GOP objections can be overcome with just a few weeks left in the postelection lame-duck session. Still, the survey did put new pressure on Republican opponents, led by Sen. John McCain, who say efforts to repeal the law are politically motivated and dangerous at a time of two wars.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the ban on openly gay military service "requires people to lie," and he called for quick Senate action.

"We spend a lot of time in the military talking about integrity and honor and values. Telling the truth is a pretty important value in that scale," Gates said as he released the Pentagon study showing that most people currently in uniform don't care about the ban.

Senate Democrats plan to force a vote in December. Senate Republicans were generally silent following release of the Pentagon recommendations for repealing the ban.

Okay now perhaps the Republicans will STOP pretending that the reason they were not prepared to vote on a repeal of DADT is that they were waiting to hear from the military?  Well now they have heard from them, so what will be their next excuse?

I hope that sometime today a reporter corners John McCain and makes the blithering old fool finally eat his words and admit that he no longer has any reason to resist repealing DADT.  And then I hope that Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert just play, and replay that clip endlessly on their programs.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    If Congress keeps DADT then they should make it apply to themselves as well.

  2. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The results are very hard to read, I had to highlight them just to see what they said. Please change the font, thanks.

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    yes Gryphen, you'd think McCain would be contacted for a statement asap.....the sooner the better, before they have time to put together another excuse.

    He should be ashamed of himself and Cindy should be dumping him asap.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    sorry OT, but does this not sound exactly like Scarah? what is it with these people? gah!

    This is about Steele.......


    The Washington Times first reported on Cook's salary -- which is nearly three times what her predecessor made -- earlier this month. Over two years ahead of the 2012 convention in Tampa, Steele signed a contract making Cook a "convention liaison" and paying her $15,000 per month.

    FEC records show that Cook was also paid $25,000 for "Political Strategy Consulting" back in July. Records reflect thousands of dollars in additional reimbursements made to Cook for travel, food and beverages.

    The Daily Caller reported that Cook's niece (Pamela Kesner), her son (Lee Cook), her son's college friend (Erik Rohrmann) her former assistant (Grace Cushing) are all on the RNC payroll. Cook's sister, Betina Barcus, has been paid over $25,000 for hotel management consulting, according to Federal Elections Commission records.

    The RNC is also renting for Cook a waterfront mansion that measures 3,200 square feet and comes with private pool and dock, the Daily Caller reported. All in all, "The extended Cook cabal took home a total of $139,923 in the three month reporting period from July 1 to Sept. 30," the Daily Caller wrote.

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    This isn't about DADT or gays. This is just another shell game, a red herring, put out by the shills that are running our country via corporations, to keep our eyes off of what is really happening.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Something is VERY wrong with this country when those that serve, and in some instances DIE FOR THIS COUNTRY, are required to LIE about who they are.

    For what reason? Because of hateful bigots that believe the words in a book that was written over 2,000 years ago. A book that was written by a bunch of bigots.

    If this is not repealed, then the U.S. is no longer "THE HOME OF THE BRAVE."

  7. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Has the lying idiot tweeted yet?

  8. How in the crap would repealing this law "in the middle of two wars" be dangerous? Oh wait, it wouldn't be, because that doesn't matter...

  9. If I was gay and wanting to serve my country in the military I'd really just have to say NO and choose a different path in life; one where I could have a job that respected my sexuality. No way no how would I even collect a paycheck from a company that discriminated against my sexuality, much less lay my life on the line for a military establishment that is homophobic.

  10. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Here's the thing about that stupid list. It's not correctly arranged. If one took Sarah's tweets, face book posts and comments from Fox and fed them into a computer and asked for a count on the top fifty names on the enemies list, I think that Obama would come up the most often. Letterman may be #1, but she hasn't mentioned him publicly for quite a while. If Sarah is still quietly stewing about Letterman's joke, then she is very mentally disturbed to carry the grudge for so long.

    Near the top ten would have to be poor Levi, who Sarah has attacked relentlessly. Is she still carrying a grudge against Trooper Wooten? How about that girl who "stole" young Curtis Menard from 13 year old Sarah? Kate from a brief appearance on that TLC show? I can't even decide if the enemies list is a joke list or a real sign of Sarah's mental instability. If that list is for real, it is much too short. She hates far more people than the few who were listed. Missing are the women who placed ahead of her in the Miss Alaska contest. The gal who did marry Curtis Menard.Everyone who posts comments here. Any and all of them.

  11. Anonymous1:24 PM

    McCain now wants a year long study to plan how to implement the end of DADT.
    Which is interesting since the military is not asking for a study to plan how to implement the end of DADT.

    Of course there dozens and dozens of models for McCain to go to from other countries which are not as sexually repressed as McCain.


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