Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Poll.

I created a little poll over there on the left so that all of you can give your opinion as to why we have received so much attention from Sarah Palin's flying monkeys lately.

I even included a choice for the Palin-bots because that is just how I roll.

I am interested in everybody's opinion so make sure to vote!  And no cheating!


  1. I would like to add my extra choices - Palinbots don't believe in freedom of anything except gun ownership, and they cannot stand the idea of someone having an opinion different from their own.
    - they are idiots


  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I think it's funny how palinbots are vicious yet people who call a woman they have never met words jews wouldnt describe Hitler with.

  3. Ted Powell11:47 AM

    The "Votes so far" and "Days left to vote" fields are in a colour that is practically invisible against the blue background. Do you have any control over this?

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    "hyocritical" [sic]?? My North Korean allies refudiate that!

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Interesting read of a new article on Huff: Sarah Palin - America's Full-Time Professional Duelist


    Love the last paragraph:

    "I've watched enough nature shows to know that if a real Mama Grizzly fought this much of the time -- we'd have to assume the beast was rabid."

  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    It's like they have nowhere else to go....

  7. I think the poll questions are juvenile, self serving, and pointless. My suggestion? Don't embarrass yourself Gryph.

    I think whatever viciousness you see here is a byproduct of the times and the product you are selling.

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Just Do it! : )

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'm lovin your poll. I can't wait to see the Palinbot trolls get all "wee-weed up".

  10. Anonymous12:08 PM

    My opinion is that many of the blogs have not been concentrating on her as much lately on day-to-day things and therefore the bots have fewer places to visit. Has to be 'fresh info' in that 'brain retention' -- not a bot characteristic.

    Her being on a book tour, there is less out there with media shut off, unless of course she appears on Faux or someone 'grows a set' to make comments. Like Morning Joe, Mrs. Bush, Keith, etc.

    Bots provide comic relief!!!

  11. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I have to say that I have seen few vicious comments. They're more "planned out", if you will. Like the 'bots are given a script. Such as: I know the Palins, they're a great family, everyone loves them. Sarah is the most modest, normal person out there.

    Or, my favorite: I'm no Palin fan, but..... here's why you are wrong about whatever you're criticizing her for.

    Anyway, I think they're afraid of the GOP taking her down and are venting here. IF you do know something, Gryphen, you should share it for the good of the country. You've said that you have peices of the babygate story that are missing, though, and have for a long time. So, although I'd like to believe they're scared of you, I doubt it. JMO.

  12. Forever Anonymous12:11 PM

    hahaha, you put so much gusto in the last option, I found it very appealing to vote for it. But, I have visited long enough to know your blog is closely monitored.

  13. Forever Anonymous12:17 PM

    @ 11:39AM

    Where did you meet Palin and what would you call her?

  14. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Because having Amurkcan rights only apply to the right- see how that works?
    You're either with us, or against us.. fool me once and I'll sick my FOX net-wreck on you!

  15. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I really wanted to vote for the first and second option...

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM



    Be sure to check out the Enemy List of Sarah's!!!

  17. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Goodness gracious me, the trolls are out trolling already.

    The survey is just for fun, guys.

  18. Forever Anonymous12:30 PM

    I think the poll is timely as well as the bot patrol. Their mission is to stop a negative narrative of sarah from taking hold. Just like the mission of crazy is to keep filing a leaking jar.

  19. Anonymous12:38 PM

    b/c the P'bots are full of hate and need a constant outlet of sewage from their toxic hearts and minds

    - kellygrrrl

  20. Have a heart!12:38 PM

    The Bots put a lot of time and $ into her. Of course they will attack. As they lose site of what they first saw in her and why they even liked her, it is hard to give up. Is there anyone else in the party that they support who they feel espouses what she initially did? Sarah Palin is breath of fresh air gone stale. Her fruit is rotting, not fermenting on the vine. It has probably been hard on people who have done without so they could donate to her see what she is becoming.

  21. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/30/christine-odonnell-hillary-clinton_n_789757.html

    Even mini me doesn't want her in the White House...heh

  22. Anonymous12:40 PM

    You left out all of the above!


  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I had the urge to check #3 - that it was all Palin and her blackberries, but that would require too much thought on her part.

  24. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think the "Church" of Scientology has made a deal with the Palins. They quickly get onto any website that puts down any of their members.

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Drop the poll thing

  26. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Rupert Murdock is in business with North Korea. They are making games to put on cell phones.

    Now we know that she did not misspeak when she referred to "our North Korean allies", she was referring to the relationship between Murdock (and Faux News) and North Korea not the United States.

  27. Yes I realize I left the "p" off of "hypocritical" but there is nothing I can do because once somebody votes I cannot correct it. And as for the background color, same problem.

  28. SME1311:02 PM

    I chose #2 but I think in addition to her having her spies watch for any real potential damage you may do there is also the fact that her followers (like her) love to show hate. Palin and her pathetic groupies are incapable of believing their queen idiot isn't perfect.

  29. I think there are a few reasons for the cult's new interest in IM. First there is Palin's overexposure with Bristol's "Dancing While Pregnant" show and Palin's "I am a Phony Wilderness Mama" show both revealing a great deal. It's getting harder and harder to deny that this is a crazy, pathologically lying woman leading a dysfunctional family. Secondly, certain members of the GOP are beginning to speak up against Palin-- they see how destructive she is to the party and the nation.
    Finally, if any members of the cult are awake and aware enough to actually listen to sista' Sarah's speeches, they'll have to admit that she says the same thing, over and over. There is nothing there-- nothing!
    So, with their dream vision slowly fading, it's extremely frightening for the Palinbots to imagine that, perhaps, all this chatter here about babygate and phony marriage-gate MIGHT BE TRUE!!

    They don't want to hear it!

  30. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Palin's a fad like hulu hoops, the Osmond Family or Brittany Spears. It always ends soon. What's more interesting is what she says or does that people can find appealing in any way, other than gawking at the wreckage. She's stupidly set herself up to peak too soon. Maybe not stupid. She wants to be the boss without the work. Running for President would get her close to hundreds of millions of dollars. That's a beauty queen's dream.

  31. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "I've watched enough nature shows to know that if a real Mama Grizzly fought this much of the time -- we'd have to assume the beast was rabid."

    LOVE THAT, THANK YOU!!! That should be bumper sticker.

  32. Anonymous1:18 PM

    anon 11:39 - Can you please diagram that sentence for me?

  33. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I agree with the observation that the comments seem "planned out." I know Palin is not known for running a particularly tight or conventional operation, but some of the comments I've seen lately seem more calculated and programatic. Maybe someone advised her or one of her people that it's a good idea to start pushing back on some of the more critical blogs as part of a more organized way of controlling her brand going into the next election. It's more of her/her people trying to tie up loose ends.

  34. Anonymous1:27 PM


    At this writing, just over 600 votes cast and exactly 2 - that's TWO - have chosen the obvious Palinbot option?

    If this is legit your poll might be serving a purpose that it (perhaps) was created for. So far, a clear indication that, in cyberspace, it can take just a few to make a whole lot of noise...

  35. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The trolls took so long to get here because the site does not have Palin's name in the title. They have been wandering in the cyber wilderness and just stumbled upon us.

  36. Anonymous1:31 PM

    anon@11:39, what words are those?

  37. Anonymous1:37 PM

    LOL all the questions are like, "so do you still beat your wife?"

  38. To the Editor:

    What do you vote, if you happen to think that Gryphen is a lying hyocritical son-of-a-bitch, but that's what makes him so endearing?

    Your fan base in Portland, Oregon, Ecotopia:

    Bill Abendroth

  39. Janet in Texas1:47 PM

    I did vote but off topic: Has anyone seen or heard how Palin's stupid Alaska show did on the rating after Sunday's episode?

  40. laprofesora1:51 PM

    Remember how in "The Wizard of Oz" the Wicked Witch melted when they poured water on her? Well I know another trick: confront 'bots with facts and POOF! they disappear.

  41. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Since the "real" republicans are starting to turn on her the bots are stepping it up a notch & getting their comments in everywhere they can before she fades away.

    After all her book isn't going anywhere, her show isn't really going anywhere & she has hardly anyone showing up at her book signings. They must be really frustrated about that also, too;)

  42. Anonymous2:01 PM

    One thing bots use is "I'm not a Palin supporter," and then go on to list accomplishments and defend. In some cases, the commenter may not be a supporter but many times they actually are bots trying to throw people off.

  43. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I want to vote for the first three choices. Sarah IS slipping. Her bots are the Hounds of Hell. Ask Joe McGinniss. Look how well that turned out for Bristol and DWTS. If you take away Sarah's Blackberry, she will curl up like a dead leaf; it is her life line. Sarah can only think in 140 characters at a time. That Blackberry is her brain.

    More polls: On what date will Sarah announce that she is running for President? (It will have to be after she has milked that Fox Show for everything that it's worth, and her TLC series is over. The book doesn't look as if it is doing all that well. She is currently #21 on Amazon's Best Sellers List: http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books#2,
    Sarah's book isn't in the top 35 at New York Times Non Fiction Best Sellers.

  44. newmom2:27 PM

    I think the poll is fun!

  45. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Humor always helps! Thank G

  46. Anonymous2:45 PM

    @ 1:51 p.m.. TY best laugh I had all day. Confront them with the facts & POOF, they disappear.


  47. Lynne2:48 PM

    I had a hard time choosing between the first two.

    Incidently, I predict that the "Grand Old Party" is going to take her down. It has already begun, and there's no doubt in my mind that the rest of the sourfaced robots will fall in line, lock step, for the attack. Is there enough popcorn out there?

  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Ratings rose 17% for Nov 28th episode of Alaska's Sarah Palin

    3.5 mil - up from 3 mil week before


  49. igettit23:02 PM

    The concern trolls are out in force and have been on several recent posts. So yes, I think someone smarter than Sarah is working hard to control the message/disarm criticism. I would have to assume that it's someone smarter and less reactive than RAM, as well. Interesting.

  50. Anonymous3:20 PM


    Best take down of Sarah ever.

  51. Anonymous3:22 PM

    They think she is perfect, so what could possibly be revealed? Do they really KNOW that she is a phony, and are embarassed for it to be shown?

  52. Anonymous3:37 PM

    3.5 million for week 3. basically flat with a little bump. i bet those people tuned in to see trig.

  53. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The Bots are realizing that Sarah Palin is the Bitch to Nowhere.

  54. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Conversation in our house:

    Barbara WaWa's show of the 10 Most Fascinating People (IMO in her mind and Bill Getty's) which includes Sarah Palin ('I can beat BO comment released' by Walters prior to Obama interview.)

    As she does not announce who is number 1 on the list. Topic arose that due to Wawa's support and feeling sorry for Bristol, her adding of ratings to DWTS and Wawa's habitual kicking Levi to the curb -- Bristol may be No. 1???

    Please no!!

    You have to realize, WaWa has been supportive of Paris Hilton and thinks she can do no wrong. Confirmation - WaWa IS brain dead!!

  55. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anon 12:11 PM of course the bots have a script, they use that one brain cell just to get to this site. Plus what if their queen got wind of them thinking on their own?

  56. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Anonymous 3:22:

    Exactly. And that is perhaps a core of her appeal: Since Sarah is being guided directly by God, anyone standing in her way must be sin itself.

    It's a pretty disgusting, but slick gig she's got going for herself.

    I, too, don't think Sarah's cult is out in force to prevent any dam from breaking. I think they truly fail to see that she is con artist.

  57. emrysa4:33 PM

    o/t gryphen but did you see this?

    Tea party leader: Restricting vote to property owners ‘makes a lot of sense’

    and who says that the tea partiers don't want to go back in time? yep let's go back to what the founding fathers wanted! ahh the salad days, when women and blacks were the property of the white man and only property owners could vote!

  58. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Her show is so insulting, like her holding a wolf pup, after she wanted to have them all killed in an inhumane way. I had her number the minute I saw her on stage at the convention, there was just something off about her. Guess I was right.

  59. I feel that Bristol's "middle finger" crack might just be the straw that breaks Rill Amerika's affection for SP..

  60. Wow - that little poll is so accurate. It's just amazing. 'Most Everyone is voting with me. I'm special.

    "Her fruit is rotting on the vine."

    Bears repeating: "Sarah Palin's fruit is rotting on the vine."

    $arah, you're not getting better, you're getting older.

  61. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anonymous at 4:47pm I felt exactly the same way at the same moment! I nearly fell of the bed in my hotel room in Tennessee where we had evacuated from Hurricane Gustave. I said out loud to the room OH HELL TO THE NO!!!! Of course I was by myself at the moment but it was an instant dislike/repulsion that I have never experienced before. That Matt guy at Rolling Stone called her the "Tea Party Death Star" which I find hilariously accurate.

  62. Anonymous5:57 PM

    ...Still think they were given walking orders last month at the See4Pee confab in Chicago to bombard your blog with all the sheer idiocy they can muster (which is sizable).

  63. Anonymous8:46 PM

    love the poll. excellent idea.

    totally voted and my choice was the first one listed. ive been thinking it for awhile and its nice to see that, at least you, think the same way...


    oh yeah. teabaggers can SUCK IT.

  64. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I've definitely seen the uptick of the Palin minions with their ridiculous posts here. Some even try the soft approach. As if! I picture them typing with horns.

  65. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Do you think the people that contributed to Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker felt duped? Think how the bots are going to feel one day.

  66. Anonymous at 11:39
    Surely you are not suggesting that Palin is being held in greater contempt and disgust than a man who was responsible for the murder of over six million jewish people.
    Dear God in heaven, you bots have a truly grandiose persecution complex. Not to mention an incredibly loose association with reality.
    FYI Some of my relatives were murdered in the holocaust. While I'm sure you thought you were being clever with your offensive Jewish/Hitler statement, you simply revealed yourself for the ignorant, pathetic, hateful person you truly are.

  67. What do you mean by no cheating? That I don't get five votes per email address and/or phone number?
    C'mon Gryph!

  68. Besides, once $ow PayMe sees it, she will be punching in immediately. $he will straighten out the order of who $he hates best in no time. That's what Junior High School girls do.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.