Monday, November 29, 2010

President Obama should use this Lame Duck session to repeal DADT and shove it right down John McCain's throat!

John McCain is a disgrace! 

I thought that pulling the Grizzled Mama out of anonymity and inflicting her on the American people would be the worst of his many sins, but it appears the son-of-a-bitch is trying his damnedest to screw up what's left of his political legacy even further.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    I, I just don't know what to say................

    PURE EVIL is what comes to mind

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    The man is such an ass! Changes his mind constantly and there is video to prove it! I don't think he fits the category of 'statesman' in any way shape or form. I have absolutely no respect for him.

  3. Anonymous3:27 AM

    He respects everyone but the President. Couldn't even let the lady get a word in edgewise.

  4. Anonymous4:20 AM

    McCain is a disgrace.

    I want to see DADT repealed before the end of the year.

    I want to see the nuclear arms treaty passed and signed as soon as possible.

    Doing both would honor everyone who has ever served, is serving or will serve in our military.

  5. McCain needs to go home and spend time in one of his 7 houses. What a jerk! I have a family member who served who was gay. His fellow troops had no problem with him whatsoever. You can take a bullet for this country but not be who you are?

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What a sad old man. He's so desperate to keep his senate seat that he's totally caved on everything. At one time I had some respect for the man - no longer. Obviously his own family don't agree with him any longer either. He's a bitter old dinosaur whose actions now are only ensuring that he'll only be remembered for bringing Sarah Palin into the limelight.

  7. jadez5:00 AM

    this joke mcshame was the worst pilot ever.
    he has traded on his name thanks to his father and grandfather.
    he was treated with kid gloves and told his captors everything he knew when shot down because he was flying against orders.
    shame this ewoman was so inept because he is a coward and if she knew what she was talking about could have made him look like a fool.
    imagine him with maddow on this issue......

  8. BAustin5:06 AM

    Waiting for Cindy to tale her money and leave his crazy old ass! He is a very angry little man who couldn't win the white house, and whose popularity was eclipsed by the caribou barbie that he thrust on us.

    Wonder what its like at chez McCain given the opposing positions of his wife and daughter

  9. Anonymous5:08 AM

    If Obama wants to get the START Treaty passed he's probably not going to be as aggressive during this lame-duck session as we all would like and hope (sigh).

  10. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Arguing in the face of logic makes one look insane. He clearly continues to look insane and I can't believe I actually liked this guy at one point. He is losing his mind. Scara rubbed off on him in more ways than one. What a joke he has become.

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I thank God for The Rolling Stone magazine. Their journalists have the cajones (as well as Vanity Fair) to take on these false narratives of big but empty personalities and bullshit resumes to expose what is underneath.

    McCain's stature under his father's career helped him through egregious performances as a pilot, bailed him out of trouble for his 'maverick' behavior when it wasn't political capital (yet) and let's not even touch his disgusting disposal of his first wife after all she did for him.

    Putting Sarah on his ticket was karma, revealing a egocentric, reckless and desperate power hungry septuagenarian; unfortunately, while it energized the base for the GOP ticket, it elevated that know-nothing Potemkin candidate and ignited the Tea Party movement.

    McCain will retire with little dignity, no matter how decorum is supposed to play out.

  12. Anonymous5:30 AM

    The new report shows that Alaska ranks ninth in the nation for its rate of gonorrhea, compared with its ranking in recent years in the mid-20s. Alaska also is second in the nation for its high rate of chlamydia, another sexually transmitted disease that often is transmitted along with gonorrhea.

    Another legacy, besides teenage pregnancy, of palin's abstinence only education.
    Only three states -- North Dakota, Rhode Island and New York -- and the District of Columbia saw significant declines in their teen birth rates. Alaska, Mississippi, Montana, Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, Louisiana and Oklahoma each saw double-digit increases.

  13. Anonymous5:38 AM

    McCain is much worse:


    shorter link:

  14. Anonymous5:44 AM

    He's an angry, bitter man. When I learned that he once referred to his present wife as the "c" word, (you know, the rich one he dumped his disabled wife for,) I lost what little respect I had for him. And, when he foisted Sarah Palin on America, he became, to me, the epitome of evil.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    honestly, at this point, I simply cannot imagine what purpose it serves for McInsane to keep up this campaign.

  16. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Songbird McCain is a disgrace to the uniform.

  17. Anonymous6:29 AM

    For all the years that many have praised and raised him to the 'hero' status' - I never have. Never have I trusted a word from his mouth. To hear the speeches from the Convention, it was a never ending praising of the man from everyone that spoke. I felt ill through the whole night.

    My family has heard me say many times and they have called me many names for doing so, quit talking to me, etc. - I wished they had finished him off at the Hanoi Hilton. Cruel as it may sound to many, I believe we are now seeing the 'real' McCain.

    He painted a picture of himself most everyone fell for. He had an agenda and it failed - twice. Now he has nothing to loose and we are seeing the 'real deal'. His record shows it as he really has done 'nothing' throughout his time in Washington. Check to see how many things have his name on it - McCain-Feingold and ...

    He's a mouthpiece. Talks and talks and does nothing but steal from the American taxpayers to warm a seat in DC.

    McCain has done no different than what BushBaby is doing now. They have both fabricated their legacy.

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    McShame should be in a nursing home.

  19. Erica from Dallas6:42 AM

    Free Cindy McCain!
    I do believe he is a pitiful man that has completely lost his mind.
    Only problem is that he still has power!
    There is an old video of him,in Congress being abusive and tearing into a mother of a dead service man.Horrible.
    I will see if I can find it on You Tube.I ran across it a few years ago

  20. Enjay in E MT6:47 AM

    Is anyone awestruck by the fact McCain doesn't want DADT repealed because it hasn't been "properly vetted" by the military - yet chose an unqualified unvetted air head whom he met maybe twice to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

  21. Anonymous6:51 AM

    So, is everyone going to call their senators and representatives and let them know enough is enough with this discrimination?

  22. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I suspect the only reason Cindy McCain campaigned for him was to make sure he stayed in D.C., away from her and her children.

  23. Are there any public stats reporting the assaults by military persons on opposite the gender in service compared to same gender assaults on miliary persons. I am guessing it is significant. I doubt that the "fear" of being "approached" by the same gender service personnel is valid.

  24. Anonymous7:27 AM

    He knows good and well she's not Reagan 2.0. He's trying to save face for picking her in the first place. There's no way he can separate his legacy from hers now, so he's doing his best to keep it from looking like the worst decision of his political career. He deserves the disgrace he's earned by being connected to her. He's been a rat his whole life, but people are just now noticing this.

  25. Randall7:32 AM

    McCain might just be the poster-boy for the argument of age limits on public servants.

  26. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Cindy McCain simply can't be banging this cretin. That shit-eating smile of his at the very end of the's classic McCain, bully then grin, bully then grin, dripping with condescension and misogyny and homophobia. This guy is depraved. Melly

  27. teutonic137:43 AM

    Well the ass fuck of a doddering idiot just proclaimed SP to be the reincarnation of Reagon.

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    McCain, McCain, McCain, you crashed two planes hot dogging in your youth (plus, I believe, hit power lines while hot dogging in another one of your "mavrick" moves).

    You should have gone to jail over the S&L scandal.

    Yes, you were shot down in Vietnam but I sometimes wonder if you were someplace you were not suppose to be.

    With all that said, you have seen men and women die. You often talk of honor. Yet you encourage and deny gays their right to serve openly and most importantly DIE openly for their country. DIE sir. You and your regressive friends are NOT Americans. You are cowards.

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Holy shit: to think this asshole came close to being the PRESIDENT!

  30. Anonymous9:14 AM

    McCain is worthless and deranged. It's time for a padded cell.

  31. pursang9:52 AM

    The media should be ashamed as well for having him on these pundit shows practically every week.

    All he does is use them for a bully pulpit to harangue President Obama. He treats the man this way after President Obama was gracious to him during a campaign where McCain let loose Palin to throw red meat to the bigots and haters. After how McCain treated then Senator Obama during the debates he shouldn't get one iota of face time on TV. Not to mention how each every idea McCain has/had would have been a disater to the country so why does the media treat him like a wisened elder statesman?

  32. Gasman9:35 PM

    Personally, Gryphen, I think that Obama should shove DADT in another of McCain's orifices. One more appropriate for the ocassion.

    McCain is an odious turd. He would whore out every female member of his family over the age of three if he thought it would profit him politically.

    McCain would gladly deny honorable servicemen and women their rights merely to ingratiate himself to the teabagger morons. Kind of ironic that McCain wants to screw the gay service men and women, n'est pas?

    Fuck John McCain and the batshit crazy moose he rode in on.

  33. DetroitSam4:28 PM

    Has McInsane told anyone how to find Osama bin Laden yet? Afterall, he claimes to know where he is hidding.

  34. DetroitSam4:38 PM

    John McCain really needs to sit down and shut up. His angry pablum has gotten old. Anyone who wants to know how much McCain supports "the troops" can read a comprehensive list of John McCain votes, statements, and positions at

    Senator John McCain's Record on Troop and Veterans' Issues
    by Brandon Friedman
    Oct 01, 2008

  35. DetroitSam4:41 PM

    Btw, John McCain has been on the Sunday gasbaggary tv show 26 times in the past 22 months.

    He is only brought on because what passes for media and journalism in this country is made up of hacks and shills for the republican party who want to undermine President Obama.


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