Saturday, November 06, 2010

Rachel Maddow addresses Keith Olbermann's suspension and makes a very important point about the difference between MSNBC and Fox News.


  1. We need Keith Olbermann to keep our sanity...Agree with Rachel - point has been made, so just bring him back.

  2. abo gato5:02 AM

    God, I love this woman.

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Obviously Comcast is the reason for this. It's such a joke that corporations can basically buy journalism today, and continue to bully their way in media. What true American would really be FOR big corporations to literally own you, lock stock and barrel? I mean, why would teabaggers theoretically even want this? I just don't understand it. I guess it proves that people are sheep, and they want hardship, and want fascism, just as long as they are allowed to hate the people they want to hate. It's a joke that teabaggers hold up signs about freedom or the constitution when they enjoy destroying both. The midterms were a joke. Who on earth would want to return a party back to power who left your country in ruin after 8 years?

    I was watching the Civil War series on public television and all I could do is shake my head. Why couldn't we have just let the South leave? Let them be the jackasses they are, and the rest of us could live in a free and fair America. Then we would have had a real country instead of having to share it with these ignoramuses.

  4. Randall5:49 AM

    There is no longer any pretense of doubt:
    Fox News is NOT "news" - it is a political machine.

    When anyone suggests to you that Fox News tells the truth - point out to them that it is propaganda - pure, unvarnished, crude, and very effective propaganda.

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Rachel is a class act. She handled the situation with her usual intelligent, carefully researched and presented commentary. She remained civil, but you could clearly she felt she passionate about these points.

    Having read about MSNBC Griffen, I worry that he will target her next. If he does, MSNBC is going down.

    Rachel and Keith are the premiere news commentators on MSNBC - heck, on any broadcast or cable news program. Keith has done more for the needy than any other host - given of his own money and time for Katrina refugees, for those without adequate access to health care, and to causes that Fox News celebrities have condemned such as Planned Parenthood or other social assistant organizations. He not only requests viewers to help those in need, he puts his own money where his mouth is - but he has never, to my memory, ever asked us to donate to particular candidates nor has he allowed candidates to ask for money on his show.

    Griffen is a power-hungry jerk who seems intent upon destroying the progressive-oriented voices on MSNBC. He's already lashed out at Ed Shultz and made other moves that I believe are unfriendly to moderates and progressives.

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "I was watching the Civil War series on public television and all I could do is shake my head. Why couldn't we have just let the South leave?"

    Simple answer Cheep Raw Materials, particularly cotton, for Northern Industry which sold the finished products at great profit.
    All wars are fought for economic reasons, the religion and governing styles and all the other bloody shirts are just the PR to rouse the rabble to a point when they will be willing cannon fodder.

    Why are we fighting in Iraq, oil,
    Why are we fighting in Afghanistan, miler wealth.
    Why are the RepoCons wanting war with Iran and Yemen etc. oil.
    Why did we fight in Vietnam? Rumors at the time was huge oil deposits off the coast. Now that the technology is available huge oil deposits off the coast of Vietnam are being tapped.

    Why did Germany and Japan start WWI "Lebens Raum." Germany needed access to new sources of oil, coal and steel. japan wanted to control the Pacific trade.

    Its always about money.

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I think Brian Williams could barely stomach reading the copy re: Keith Olbermann. I think these folks all know there is hypocrisy or worse operating here.

    Is it possible the right was making noises about creating a false controversy, and the network decided to beat them to it and control the story?

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    And we are supposed to believe the conservative hosts on MSNBC asked before they donated? Conservatives aren't noted for reading so who helped them?

    I only tune in to MSNBC to get the "straight skinny" on the news.

    Gryphen, with his great talent for entertaining us with the way he writes the facts and editorializes plus Olbermann and Maddow are all I can find time for, and since those are the truth bearers with pure motives for our country, that is all I need.

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anon @10:06

    I'm sure Williams had trouble with it precisely because he knows how close his own or any other news organization is right now to requiring anchors to subvert what they know is true and end up effectively lying to the American people in order to keep their jobs.

    I cringe when Limbaugh calls it the 'state-run media'. Truth could not be any further away. It is the corporate-owed media, and whoever owns the media owns the message.

    We were lucky in the early days of broadcasting that people (generally) valued truth and accuracy, and (generally) were intelligent enough to be able to easily differentiate between fact reporting and opinion.

    But now, people are happy to only hear what they want to hear, which, in and of itself is not a problem (I mean, who doesn't?) unless that results in just one source being used as one's window on the world. No one should use just one source of information, everyone should use several, different sources of information and compare and contrast, and ask what seems reasonable to them and their reality, and balance that with their own research ....

    Oh, yeah, that's way too much work. Easier if I just believe Fox is "Fair and Balanced" for no other reason than they keep saying so.


  10. Randall12:27 PM

    Actually, it's almost to the point where we all need to be writing, calling, emailing our own congress critters and demanding that Fox News change its slogan from "fair and balanced" to something else.

    "Fairly Unbalanced" perhaps?

    or just:

    "Right Wing Talking Points"

    or, what the hell, maybe just:

    "Fuck You if you're not Republican (and Fuck You Twice if You're POOR)"

    ...and for O'Reilly's little slime-fest:

    "No Spin My Ass"

  11. GE and Comcast make all sorts of contributions to the Republicans. But, Olbermann gets suspended for giving money to the Dems.

    You figure it out.

  12. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Personally, I'm boycotting MSNBC until Keith is given his job back. I'll miss Rachel.



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