Friday, November 12, 2010

Sarah Palin's Alaska may inadvertently reveal more about Sarah Palin, and her family, than she intended.

Finally it looks like people are beginning to see that Palin's supposedly non-candidate like decision to star in a reality show might in fact be a plan to wage a campaign using entirely different techniques than what we have ever seen before.

From USA Today:
It's unclear whether Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2008, will make a run at the White House in 2012. But if that's her plan, is an entertainment-oriented cable TV show an appropriate platform for a presidential contender? Skeptics, notably prominent Republicans such as strategist Karl Rove, have said Palin's TV foray is decidedly unpresidential.

"For many Americans, it's hard to take her seriously, politically," says Stuart Rothenberg, publisher of the "She doesn't do many things to demonstrate depth, seriousness and substance. She's not going that route with this TV show."

Even so, Rothenberg says, Alaska could help soften Palin's nails-tough, polarizing reputation and broaden her appeal beyond core conservatives. "She's a celebrity, a brand and a phenomenon — much bigger than she was as a vice presidential candidate," he says. "But this isn't really about politics. It's about pop culture. And this could show a dimension that could make her appealing to people who think she's just snarky and opinionated."

Ah NOW people are beginning to put two and two together. And Palin wastes little time in presenting herself as the victim of the vicious "Lamestream media" to an unsuspecting, and uninformed audience.

The University of Idaho journalism graduate says she's shocked at how she and her family have been portrayed. "We've been burned so many times. How else can they kick us? Can they keep saying Trig (her 2½-year-old son) is not really my child? That Track (her eldest son, 21 ) had to join the Army to avoid jail? That Todd and I are in the middle of a $20 million divorce?"

We may see this as the reflex of a habitual liar to constantly reexplain the lies, but to those who are hearing it for the first time this must come off as horribly insensitive and bizarre.  So Palin is already preparing people to dismiss those rumors when they reemerge during her 2012 campaign.  Isn't that tricky?

By the way it also looks like Palin did not find the letter from Joe McGinnisses lawyer very intimidating.

On Sunday's Alaska premiere, Palin gets to express some barely hidden contempt for author Joe McGinniss, whose pixilated image is seen from the home he rented next door while researching a Palin book due in 2011. "It's none of his flippin' business. ... It's an intrusion and an invasion of our privacy," Palin tells viewers. "If some dude you knew was out to get you, 15 feet away from your kids, how would you feel?"

(McGinniss asked TLC to remove his likeness from the show.)

Not that I have any special insight (wink, wink) but I think the decision to not to take the cease and desist order more seriously might end up biting the Grizzled Mama right in her ass.

However it is also important to keep in mind that this is not JUST a subversive approach to starting a Presidential campaign, it is also a chance to deflate some of the truths that Levi and others have told about Sarah, and which tarnished her carefully crafted image of a simple country gal, who likes huntin' and fishin' with her family, and who just happens to have the kind of common sense and Christian values that this ole country needs an injection of in their red, white and blue ass right about now. 

So toward that end of course there has to be a scene of Sarah Palin pretending to teach her little baby maker how to shoot a gun, whch of course is an opportunity for both Sarah and Bristol to deliver a big FU to Levi.

(BTW that was filmed somewhere in the late spring early summer,did anybody else notice that Bristol was a much, much slimmer young lady back then?  Are we really supposed to believe that she went from that size, to how we now see her on DWTS solely because of a new love for junk food?)

Update: You know Sister Sara hmay be asking a bit much of her new reality show considering that her unfavorable rating just hit an all time high.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I don't really think Bristol going shooting with them involves delivering an FU to Levi considering that it was a blatant lie he told that Sarah has never hunted or fished and can't work a gun.

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Oh my, where to begin? Sarah is so scary. Everything she says, what she does, her weird tension with her daughter. (Btw, who knows if it was Sarah who hit that clay thing - what's it called? They could have edited that in so easily.)

    I think Bristol feels her mother is a pain in the ass. And she would be right about that. Bristol shows subtle hostility towards her, joking aside. She seems to be uncomfortable that her mom is making her practice shooting.

    Bristol's midsection sure looks lean and toned. That's her baseline physique, right there for all to see. Seems like she has maintained that without even trying, even after having baby Tripp.

    Hmmmm. Like I've been saying, this TV stuff could all come back to haunt these Palins. If they stayed off the airwaves more, we wouldn't have so many opportunities to scrutinize them.

  3. 10catsinMD3:36 PM

    I don't believe she hit anything. Unless she practices often, she will lose her mark. Bristol talk backed like she probably always does. Snark, snark.

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Just saw a glimpse of Bristol rehearsing on tonight's "Insider", and she REALLY looked pregnant in her white T-shirt. Sorry, but she did.
    Second, Palin has been playing "offense", politically at least, her whole life...she strikes her enemy before her enemy can strike her. Pre-emptive strikes so far have worked for her , but if you and other bloggers keep hammering away, I guarantee her fans will get the message she's been lying to them all along. "THE TRUTH WILL OUT"*
    *from "The Merchant of Venice"

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    The quitter Governor's advisers have worshipped at the alter of Rove and Rethuglican electioneering. They have learned well.

    The tricks might be different, and there was no internet- but it is really more of the same. Fear, lies and and false accusations are the tools used.

    After 40 years of rethuglican electioneering- what is on the menu for 'Murrikan voters is a SHIT SANDWICH. Served with a hell yeah and a smile.


  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    New article at CNN--Palin's unfavorables are at an all time HIGH.

  7. Anonymous3:52 PM

    prom hair!LOL
    her kids seems to give her no respect.

  8. Can you believe someone that want to be our President, says "Hit the bird or I will give u the bird" what a slutty trashy person.

  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    O/T: TIME is taking votes for Person of the Year. Vote against Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck!,28804,2028734_2029036_2029037,00.html

  10. Anonymous4:00 PM

    UHh, let's see. First, notice how they don't actually show $carah dealing with the kickback, no long shots of her hitting target. But the brain works to make you think she does in that last one bny putitn ghtem together - I bet she completely misses all of them.

    Not only that, but if she was really into hunting and fishing, her 20 y o wouldn't be getting her first skeet lesson. Those would have happened at 10 or 12 (or even younger). Ther eare tons of those "grass roots" programs like the Appleseed program or conservation groups, like the Isaac Walton League who have tons of kids' events and lessons.

    $carah is a FAKE< FAKE< FAKE< FAKE.

  11. nswfm4:01 PM

    Grouse Ridge for all the grousing and whining from this "respect our privacy while I parade my entire family around, over and over and over again until my drop out kids have to be fake home schooled."

    Also, too, notice how flat chested this pre-pregnancy Bristol is. All the pregnant people I know get the big busts first, then the baby bump.

    You AK people and many bloggers:
    Too bad you didn't fully expose these frauds before this point.

    Happy group hunting.

  12. Anyone that watched that clip knows Sarah DID NOT hit any of those clay birds, they remind me of the "Beverly Hillbillys" Levi was right she does not know anything about a gun. How many people are going to come forward and say they have seen Sarah, and Todd at this shooting range before?

  13. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Yep @3:54. She's swearing at her kid on national TV. Trailer trash has more manners.

  14. Why yes, Sarah, we can. You did not give birth to Trig (BTW, would you get it right? "Trig Truthers" don't deny that you are Trig's mom via adoption. We deny that you gave birth to him.) Your son joined the service instead of going to jail for his "youthful indiscretions." Your mariage is shot, even if you don't go through a formal divorce.

  15. Anonymous4:06 PM

    What a goofball. SP is a walking cliché; there is no substance and no visible respect from her daughter or husband which is fine for a “mom” but not at all presidential. She shouldn’t be filmed being treated like a joke if she wants to be taken seriously.

  16. Oh, yeah. Champion skeet shooters. First time I've ever seen the clay pigeons launched so low.

    So fake; if Sarah had hit the target they wouldn't have had the scene cut the way it was.

  17. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I don't see a parent in Sarah I see an aging woman that wants to be her kids' friend---the older cool friend. My late Mother was a great, funny person and would kid/do things with all 5 of us but she was always MOM. We always had a blast but she wasn't trying to be my peer yet all my friends thought she rocked.

    As far as Sarah shootin', please. To anyone that does it's obvious she's seriously way out of practice. She's not the outdoorsy, shootin', fishin' tough Alaskan she pretends to be. I'd bet money she'd freak if her damn power went out.

  18. Anonymous4:11 PM

    She even wears her bumpit while shootin'.

  19. This scene proves the Palins aren't the outdoorsy hunting family of myth. Bristol can't even shoot. And constantly shouting directions to Bristol on how to shoot was beyond annoying and seemed quite defensive. I for one don't buy that Sarah ever hit the target.

    Levi is redeemed. Sarah is an irritating, bossy idiot. I'll save myself the aggravation and not watch the show.

    (Bristol also is on record with a MySpace comment a few years ago that showed she wasn't used to hunting.)

  20. Olivia4:21 PM

    She's 20, from a family of "gun lovers", and she has never shot clay pigeons before???? She looks completely new to this. Wouldn't you start your kids waaay earlier than that?

  21. Anon 3:57 - Even voting against someone can move them up the list. The order is a combination of rating AND number of votes. The last I looked Sarah was ranked higher than Pres. Obama because she had more votes even though her influence rating was lower .

  22. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I, myself, also too cannot wait for the SNL parodies. Too bad Mad TV is off the air, this nonsense would have been perfect fodder for them.

  23. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Comparing Bristol in this video to the DWTS. In this video she could be wearing a training bra as compared to the 'over-the-shoulder bolster holder' she needs on DWTS.

    Not much different than the pics not long before the VP campaign. Training Bra and then the onstage family pics where they were straining to burst out!!

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    If TLC decides to keep Mr. McGinniss on the show, I hope he sues the hell out of them.

    I have no interest in watching this piece of shit of a show. I'm done with politics until this show is off the air. The media will over expose the Palin B.S. and I don't think I can stomach it.

    I've always said if Palin was a woman of color, we would be saying Sarah who by now.

    As my mother used to say, this country is going to hell in a handbasket, all because we elected a black man to office.

    It's pretty sad the media continues to promote this trashy woman and give her creditability as the next leader of our country. You would think people would have learned from the horrors G.W. Bush.

    Gryph, you do great work exposing the fraud and I enjoy your writings, but I won't be visiting your blog for a while. I just can't take it anymore.

  25. justafarmer4:25 PM

    good grief...why on earth is Bristol looking back, laughing, with the gun pointing down and her finger ON THE TRIGGER????

  26. Olivia4:25 PM

    One more thing... In this clip Bristol's arms are thin, her face is thin, the boobs are tiny there. Who knew you could gain 50-70 pounds by dancing 6 days a week, 8 hours a day?

  27. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Can they keep saying Trig (her 2½-year-old son) is not really my child? That Track (her eldest son, 21 ) had to join the Army to avoid jail?


    One simple way to put a rest to those rumors Sarah - show us the proof that Trig is your son. Show us Track's military records, and explain why he did not serve a full hitch in the military. Show us the court's decision on Willow's $30,000 trashing of a house. Show us the mortgage on the 'compound', and prove that the building materials did not come from the Wasilla Hockey Complex.

    If there is nothing to hide (as you say) then this should be a simple matter for you to straighten out.

  28. justafarmer4:27 PM

    And, Sarah, clay thingie in skeet shooting isn't called a "bird", it's a clay pigeon.


  29. WHEN is Mercedes going to talk?!?

  30. Anonymous4:29 PM

    leu2500 - actually I don't remember scarah saying that she gave birth to trig, she just says that she's trig's mom. she's setting up for when the truth comes out.

  31. Anonymous4:30 PM

    If she was a serious contender for the presidential race, she would have a place on CNN with a serious show on family finance and how it relates to the economy.

  32. everyone keeps getting the name of the show wrong. Including TLC.

    Its "Alaskas $arah paylin".


  33. Anonymous4:41 PM

    How is this video a joke? Look at it objectively. There was no weird tension. The story in your head is affecting you all from seeing what's in front of you.

  34. Anonymous4:45 PM

    It might improve her overall appeal for a short time--until she opens her hate filled mouth during a campaign. She's a nasty mean girl and competition brings it out in spades.

  35. Anonymous4:45 PM

    She says clay pigeons in the beginning. She said bird to set up the bird joke.

  36. Anonymous4:50 PM

    OK, so I just saw the 3 or 4 little previews that they have on our Comcast system - they are about 4 minutes apiece.

    I swear, almost everything out of Sarah Palin's mouth could be analyzed, psychologically speaking. Calling Dr. Freud, seriously!

    So many things she says could be used against her at some point, as well. She's all about her Alaska, but she is sure to say she likes warmer climates were she ever to move (hello Arizona).

    The one where they are fishing by some grouchy bears is ridiculous. She keeps acting like she's in awe of them, all while telling her daughter that one false move and the bears might charge them. So reassuring, right? They were extremely (and unnecessarily) close to these animals, throwing fishing line and hooks within dangerous reach. It was so obvious they sought the bears out, probably knew this was the place they come down to the water to fish, and then set up their shots. My husband said likely there were crew with guns right behind the cameras.

    She may have some 'splainin to do about why she would bring Piper (crankly little thing) and a friend (!) so close to wild animals. It looks very risky and irresponsible, no matter what she says. Just keep exploiting any child within your grasp, Sarah. You are so good at that.

  37. Anonymous4:51 PM

    More clothes for the Palins to return!

    That pink underwear that Sheriff Joe claimed to have given Sarah a few weeks ago- well he might be needing them back...for himself!

    "Arizona Sheriff used hidden database to misspend up to $80 million, officials claim"

    Sarah Palin seen with all sorts of interesting people- like Sheriff Joe. BTW who's wearin the pink undies?

  38. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Im starting to think DWTS uses a wide angle lens for BRistol or something like that because in outside shots of her away from the taping, she's slim-faced and slim-figured. It's only when shes photographed by papps and on the show when she looks bigger. weird

  39. Anonymous4:55 PM

    What is next? Todd as Michael Landon in Little House on the Prarie or Dirty Harry?

    I forgot where I read there is a scene in which the freezer is empty so Sarah, her father and a friend of his drive 500 miles to hunt caribou.

    I would bet this is going to backfire on the Palins. They hardly use language the Duggars would (do it Bristol or F U with a smile)nor wear "prom hair" to activities.

    It is not the probale backlash, firing or scrapnel they'll be picking out of their butts but that they lack commonsnese actually believing this will endeaer them to people. I don't know anyone who's kids shove the other's face into a cake or in front of other adults (national tv)snipes "It sucks!" or laugh at school teachers to mock them.

    heh Gryphen, now the nation will see Bristol early or mid summer and see her big and round on DWTS and growing larger despite the presumed practice and rehearsals.

    I wonder if the second engagement broke because Bristol was pregnant by someone else and the Palins got Levi to gag himself by agreeing he not pay child support. Bristol beat Levi by doing what her mother does, calling the media, playing the victim in the preemptive strike.
    The Palin family may have erected their own self destructive collision course blinded by their own self deceptions seeking limelight for Bristol in two competing shows. Many more people will be wondering if the poster girl for abstinence is thinks they shot themselves in the foot!

  40. Anon @4:29. Perhaps this news report from the Anchorage Daily News will refresh your memory.

    "Palin said she's already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May."

    You might also want to read Going Rogue for the whole account straight from the horse's mouth.

  41. Anonymous5:00 PM

    NO family that is centered on guns as she claims would wait till now to teach Bristol to shoot. My son learned when he was 7. By now, Bristol should be so experienced that she would NOT be scared of recoil. This is a lie. A HUGE lie.

    Do the Christian families hear the language she uses? I know that the sweet, moral women in church do NOT say things "is it like lap dancing scandalous" or "I'll give you the bird." Not only do they not say such things in the privacy of their homes, the absolutely don't say such things on TV.

  42. Anonymous5:01 PM

    @anon 4:29: At some point she did say that she gave birth to Trig. I believe it was in that back-and-forth email correspondence between Palin and the newspaper editor in which they discuss trying to put the rumors to rest. You are right, though, as a rule, she does say "I am Trig's mom."
    If she didn't give birth to him and it comes out, she'll spin it as, "It's none of your business who his biological parents are and how dare you say my adopted son is not really my son!" Then she'll promote herself as the patron saint of adoption, as well as parents of children with DS.

  43. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I don't think that the United States has the stomach for another dumb president, the kind you want to have a beer with, George W. Bush. The first article at Huffington Post describes how George lifted phrases for his own book from the books already written by some of his advisers.

    Sarah has done nothing to develop the "gravitas" that some of the Republicans were looking for in their future nominee and leader. Lame TV show and lame ghost written book do not contribute to gravitas; they only contribute to the Palin Pocketbook. Sarah has done nothing to show that she has learned anything.

    That goes for her TV show too, where skilled fishermen are already commenting that she is using the wrong equipment and standing up in the boat. Real rifle experts will criticize her marksmanship.

    On a completely different subject, I hope that Gryphen will do a side by side photo display, showing what Bristol looked like during the summer while they were filming the show and a few months later, when that belly in the blue dancing outfit is out there on display for all to see.

    Just one question if Bristol is really pregnant. If she has the baby, it isn't going to be pretty for Sarah. One slip up, named Tripp, well, "Do as I say, not as I did." Good for speeches for thousands of dollars. She won't be able to make that speech any more.

    Maybe that's why Bristol is socking away a little nest egg at Dancing with the Stars, for the time when those abstinence speeches won't sell any more. That, or there may be an adorable child offered for adoption to a good Christian home in a few more months. What's the buzz in Alaska, Gryphen?

  44. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Bears near the fishing boat and Piper is still STANDING UP in the boat. Only on a "reality" show would people STAND in a boat that might move quickly.

    Sarah Palin is stuck selling her fake act to "real Americans" that never leave their couch. Her "mental instability" insulates her the truth, that she is stupid and ignorant. But TLC has hours of footage showing her mental defects. All nice and tidy, just like her political opposition needs.

    The REAL politicians are laughing all the way to the bank, Sarah.

  45. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Gryphen, you should check out this article that Matthew Gilbert from The Boston Globe wrote. He correctly interprets her show as a naked example of image crafting.

    I think you will enjoy it. Oh, and btw, don't worry about her getting the Republican nomination. You have to come in 1st or 2nd in NH to get it. She is currently polling about 10th. We NH people are not stupid, and we take our politics very seriously.

    Marie in NH

  46. SME1315:20 PM

    Take your prom hair and go home. LMAO That was the brightest thing Bristol has ever said.

    I doubt Palin actually hit that clay bird. If she had they would have shown her firing and it being hit in the same shot. Instead they show her and then show it getting hit....... but the question is who really shot it? This is a professional TV crew they know how to film so it is clear IF she was actually hitting anything and she didn't.

    She also doesn't look nearly as comfortable holding a gun as she is trying to appear.

    And one can know how to shoot without ever being a hunter.

    More phoniness from the Palin clan.

  47. Who, with a shred of self respect, would allow herself to be so publicly insulted by her daughter. I think we've had very brief flash of the interior of this family. I brushed off the Willow thing as rehearsed, but maybe not.

  48. Anonymous5:28 PM

    4:41 PM says "How is this video a joke? Look at it objectively."

    The video is a joke because the handling of the weapons indicates that the people need tutoring in the basics. For example, Bristol shooting without even looking through the gun sights.

    The "lines" in the script are just a setup for Sarah to bleat her tired "reload" slogan. The scriptwriters clearly hate the Palins, but the Palins are not smart enough to notice.

    But the best joke is Sarah Palin saying "I give you the bird". She couldn't even get it right. It's "flip you the bird".

  49. Anonymous5:30 PM

    4:51, LOLOLOLOL! What are you on? Can you share?!

    Bristol looks wiiiiiiide on the show and in "pap" shots because she IS wiiiiiide. She's got the moon face, tree trunk legs (those are thanks to Mommie Dearest - genetics at work, not weight) ..... belly. The whole nine. Width is due to either compulsive eating as a result of having a mother who suffers from NPD or to not being super abstinent. The jury's out on that one.

    But ok, sure, it's camera tricks that cause her to look fat. You sleep tight, 4:51.

  50. sewnup5:31 PM

    from Scarah's spiel above "That Todd and I are in the middle of a $20 million divorce?"

    So that is on the reality film? Thought she just found out about that "rumor" yest or the day before, at the supermarket.

    If she ever said 2 things that fit together I'd be darned surprised. She is incapable of getting her story straight, with so many lies she can't keep track of them.

    Can you imagine her negotiating with the likes of Hamid Karzai? Chilling thought.

  51. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I don't know about that anon 5:00. The women at my church used to remake dirty dancing on their vacations and my youth group would do similar things. Sarah just said in people mag she's never belonged to a church but has always believed in God's way

    Not a direct quote. Read people mag and get their quote.

  52. Hey G-Man....

    Is this something you can school me on, that maybe this is an alaska thing...I don't know.

    I'll burn in hell before I'd ever watch that Sarah Palin travesty--but in all the puff publicity pieces, Private Citizen Palin is going on (and on) about how cool it is to see mama bears & their cubs.

    Back in the day, I was schooled that the best remedy for one who (somehow) got between a mama bear & her cubs was to give your soul to Baby Jesus--because they'd be picking up what was left of your ass with a stick & a spoon.

    For my people, "looking for mama bears with cubs" was an activity not unlike playing "spin the bottle with a rattlesnake" or the chapter on scorpions for the game "Bet you can't shove this up your ass."

    I don't know...Maybe you people view bears with cubs differently than we did, back in California....

  53. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Methinks you all have overactive, evil imaginations. If there's one thing I've learned from the social network, it's that this family couldn't care less about the haters, which is why haters are avoided and disparaged with ease. This is a family who sticks up for each other, while not backing down from normal family moments. There was no disrespect in that shooting scene. Bristol herself has said in televised interviews this show is hilarious and shows her family in its true form. If they were ashamed and really hated each other, they wouldn't have done the show.

    Oh and Gryph, amongst you research, answer this question: how were the montana rumors true when they bought the adjacent lot before her last day?
    I would seriously rethink your sources credibility because you've now been wrong on some major issues, including having been told conflicting info from what Levi said. (it's been proven that Levi's a liar so maybe maybe you were right. idk, you never came out with what that info was). All I know is, this family relishes their time in D'ham, group snowmachining, and on lower48 trips when Sarah has a speech.

  54. Anonymous5:44 PM

    publicly insulted by her daughter
    I didn't see this, I saw Bristol joshing with her and smiling unmaliciously.Remember, if Sarah felt insulted, she wouldn't air it.

  55. Erica from Dallas5:44 PM

    OH MY GOD.Get the gun out of that woman's hands!!!!

  56. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Did anyone notice that you never really did see Sarah shoot the shotgun. She does not do any of these activities she claims to. she is a fraud. I know the Palins and she is just taking the money to the bank. Americans really are stupid.

  57. Anonymous5:59 PM

    google some pics of her. there are slim ones from the last 2 month (legs, stomach, and face) and there are not slim ones. Look at the Visalia pics. Her stomach is flatter than it was in March 09

  58. Anonymous6:00 PM

    There are a million ways to say give the finger.

  59. Anonymous6:01 PM

    @5:42 says "Methinks you all have overactive, evil imaginations."

    The McCain campaign staff discussed whether Sarah Palin was "mentally unstable" and they still ran her for VPOTUS. Until Sarah Palin is eliminated from consideration for POTUS, it is essential to continue to discuss her mental issues.

    On the other hand, pointing out the poor quality and feeble acting of clan Palin in their reality show attempt isn't essential. After all we can just revert to Bristol Palin's intellectual level and stick with "it sucks" for our critique.

  60. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Wow! Bristol had a nice, trim little
    body! What happened?

  61. Anonymous6:07 PM

    @5:44 "Remember, if Sarah felt insulted, she wouldn't air it."

    Your trust in Sarah Palin's editting skills is endearing. A daughter's face being shoved into a birthday cake is a scene many people would have left on the cutting room floor, but Sarah Palin "air"ed. Sarah Palin might not have the social awareness skills you attribute to her.

  62. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Did Joe Miller do any Family Law?

    When was Joe under stress at FNSB?

    When was Trig born?

    Just a few questions.

  63. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Okay, I've just watched this clip about 10 times (sound off, I'm not masochistic), and there's no way Sarah's shooting anything.

    You see her standing there with her finger on the trigger, but not a single cut shows her actually pulling it. Her jacket and shirt underneath aren't exactly adequate for handling the recoil either. And the way she's got that stock to her shoulder, she should be getting some kickback.

    re: Bristol, she looks like she's never held a gun in her life. I don't live in Alaska, but I do live where lots of folks hunt. All my children, both genders, took Hunter Safety classes before their teenage years. At age 3, my oldest son had a double-barreled toy shotgun that we insisted he treat as if it were real, i.e. barrel always pointed down, etc.

    I also noticed that although Bristol is right-handed, she is also shown shooting left. The position the gunstock in both instances relative to her shoulders should have caused some almighty bruising, too.

    As for Bristol's formerly trim figure, as we say up here in the mountains, somebody saw her coming down the road.

  64. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Todd and Bristol wear goggles.

    No goggles for Sarah Palin even when she is supposedly blasting away with her gun.

    Sarah Palin is correct. This is not a "reality" show, it's a new sport. The winner is the one that counts the most insanely stupid things can the Palins do in a single TV season.

  65. Anonymous6:17 PM

    OK, I watched the clip. I can't boycott the show because I don't have a TV, but I start my sponsor boycott NOW.

    Someone has to pay for inflicting this tripe on the public airwaves.

  66. Anon @ 4:51. And yet that wide lens does nothing to distort her partnerr's body.

  67. 10catsinMD6:18 PM

    Well, lets see. Just viewed again and caught the prom hair comment. Noticed that Sarah is not holding the gun correctly. My daughter has to retrain on handuns and shotguns every six months.

    She demonstrates her hold and Sarah's face is too close to the shotgun. She doesn't know what she is doing.

    A shotgun blast would shatter the clay pigeon into pieces. My hunting brothers used to take me with themn they went shooting.

    The clay pigeon is like a small inverted clay potting saucer. Hit with pellets it almost disintegrates.

    Fakies all over the place. Sooo obvious.

  68. Anonymous6:19 PM

    How come we never see that dimwit, I mean Sarah actually shoot the rifle. We see her hold the rifle then we see a target shatter? Hiding something? They show Bristol pulling the trigger.

  69. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The sins of sex are loudly denounced and frequently practiced by holier than thou types.

    For certain religious types-praying with deep regret and a splitting hangover is a well established tradition.

    Sometimes the regret is for the hangover, other times it is for the sins committed while having fun before the hangover came along.

    Old rule of thumb-guns,alcohol (or other substances) and wild sex. Prevent trouble by no more than two at one time.

    The gun handling skills illustrated tell anyone with an educated eye- that they do not have a clue. It is an embarrassment-they are lying poseurs. But they talk the talk so its all OK.

  70. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Since Sarah brought up Track in the Army, how long was he enlisted and how did he get out so fast? What was his job in the Army or was it the National Guard? What did he do in Iraq?

  71. Anonymous6:26 PM

    My wasn't Bristol thin then.

  72. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "We've been burned so many times. How else can they kick us? Can they keep saying Trig (her 2½-year-old son) is not really my child? That Track (her eldest son, 21 ) had to join the Army to avoid jail?

    Notice Sarah's statement above, she never said that Track "DID NOT" join the Army to avoid jail? Maybe she did not want to get caught in a lie. She only quoted what people were saying about Track. There is a difference in what she said and how she said it.

    Also Sarah never did say that Track did not tamper with school buses or damage them.

  73. The Palins are really just a working-class family who have been elevated by undeserved fame and fortune. It won't last much longer.

  74. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Notice Brizzle bear shooting right handed, except @47sec she's shooting left handed. wow!
    Mrs. Griz's shooting stance with feet so close together indicates this may be her first her first time as well.

  75. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I wonder when Levi's lawyer is going to remind the court that it ordered the families, both sides, of Tripp, to not bad mouth each other.

    Because that is far more important than what they think they are doing to McGinnis.

    And if Levi's lawyer isn't sticking up for him maybe its time he got a new lawyer.

  76. Anonymous6:36 PM

    If Sarah actually shot the target she would be so proud of it she would want her and the target shown together in the video to end all doubts.

  77. Anonymous6:38 PM

    They must be using a wide lense on DWTS because Bristol looks thinner in the Alaskan video.

  78. Aunt Snow6:40 PM

    It does make me wonder, if she and her family are such avid hunters, why Bristle is being taught as a novice now at the age of 18/19.

    Plus - "don't retreat, reload"??? She's scripting her best hits here?

    Pretty soon she's going to be a joke, like the character in "A Mighty Wind" with his "Wha Happened?" buzz word.

  79. Anonymous6:41 PM

    That bit at the end when she tells Bristol not to retreat, but reload was goofy, snarky, and rehearsed. Can anyone be more transparent in her nasty agenda than this woman?


  80. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Amazing that the kid that hacked Palin's personal email gets jailed for the same thing that Palin herself once did using state equipment -- the same as Joe Miller.

    Palin and Miller both should have been cooling their heals each a year and a day with a felony record to follow them.

  81. Anonymous6:44 PM

    hey 3:34, whada gotta say about the excellent point 4:00 makes?

    Hell, yeah! If this family was so into shooting, why is the 20 year old just learning how?????

    The Devil is in the details, friends, the Devil is in the details.

  82. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Somebody needs to tell St Sarah the Whiner that she and her family have not suffered nearly as much as Fararro, or Hillary even when Hillary was just the wife of a candidate, at the hands of the Republican Bastards PR Machine or as John Kerry at the hands of the Swift Boaters.

    Most of her whines she brings on her self by her own behavior, then when she gets slammed for being a mean girl, she whines.

  83. Anonymous6:47 PM

    @5:42, I could swear you must be a Palin yourself. Defensive, much?

    If my daughter (who is 21) dared to say such a nasty thing about my appearance I would tell her in no uncertain terms that it was unacceptable to speak to me in that way - just as it would be unacceptable, and unkind, for me to ever say anything like that to her. (Basically it's something siblings might say to one another.)

    Sarah can't do that, however, because she needs all of them for her public image and can't risk losing their participation in her various PR ploys. They all really have her over a barrel and she knows it. So do they!

  84. Anonymous6:48 PM

    How come Track came back so early from Iraq? Was he really in the Army or was he in one of those scared straight programs for cutting the school bus brake lines?

    When he first came back from Iraq, I thought he was on leave from the Army, but he never went back. I don't think he was in the Army, he was in the Alaskan national Guard and Sarah asked for him to return home. Did he receive special treatment? Did she use the excuse my son needs to come home because he is a target for the terrorist and a danger to his unit. Somebody knows the answer.

  85. FEC Letter to Sarah Palin Asks Her to Explain SarahPAC’s Spending

    By Jennifer Yachnin
    Roll Call Staff
    4:48 p.m.

    It looks like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R) political action committee needs a calculator.

    In a Nov. 11 letter, the Federal Election Commission writes that it is seeking a half-dozen clarifications from SarahPAC, including corrections to the political action committee’s year-to-date calculations of cash it received, as well as a cash-on-hand figure for the period.

    The FEC also seeks additional information on various expenditures made by the campaign and shown on its October quarterly report on fundraising services and “public communications … or vote drive activity.”

    Among those line items were photography, postage, printing, and media and political consulting.
    “Please clarify whether this activity contained express advocacy and amend your report to property disclose this activity, if necessary,” the FEC wrote.

    The November letter marks the sixth request for additional information the FEC has issued to the Palin campaign since it organized in January 2009.

    According to data compiled by CQ MoneyLine, SarahPAC has raised $4.9 million this cycle and spent nearly $3.6 million.

    The PAC has contributed $276,000 to candidates.

  86. Anonymous6:49 PM

    O/T: TIME is taking votes for Person of the Year. Vote against Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck!

    Remember that Time's person of the year is the person who has effected the new/history most.
    Hitler was person of the year in his time.
    So it isn't necessarily a complement to be person of the year.

    You'll be surprised some of the people on their list.

  87. Anonymous7:11 PM

    sjk from the belly of the plane said...

    everyone keeps getting the name of the show wrong. Including TLC.

    Its "Alaskas $arah paylin".


    Sorry, it's "Playin' Sarah in Alaska."

  88. "We've been burned so many times. How else can they kick us? Can they keep saying Trig (her 2½-year-old son) is not really my child?

    Not only that, but it's obvious that you didn't have TWINS either.

    Geesh, even in the "sneak peak" photo array, Sarah the Sneak, you're using BOTH Trigs, and most rubes watching your show won't even notice. But WE know.

    My Tweet to SarahPalinUSA: @SarahPalinUSA's Alaska: Look @left ear in 2 pictures & markedly different - 2 different Trigs?

    (neither picture has been flip-flopped/ ck license plate & writing on shirt - so pictures are indeed of LEFT ear)

  89. Anonymous7:34 PM

    1. Bristol is actually left handed. watch her sign autographs. ive seen her mainly use her left hand but a couple times shes used her right
    2. Bristol has shot a gun before. I'll email Gryph a picture. i believe it was from 2007
    3. Remember, this is a clip. clips offer suspense. the crew already said Todd's an expert shot, Sarahs pretty good and bristols, well, bristol.
    4. There is photogrpahic evidence that Sarah has hunted, fished, commerc fished... We know every summer the fam goes to Dillingham to commer. fish. from her finan disclosures and emails.
    5. theres really no way to prove the kids have never shot a gun previously, if only it was when the were 7. I was taught then and today if I were given a gun, I wouldnt know what to do with it.

    8 we cannot really judge this show until we see the final product. then judge away. as in people mag, they dont care and aren't trying to win anyone over. Theyre not stupid and know what people say.

  90. emrysa7:54 PM

    the people who think it's cool to shoot guns ALREADY LIKE PALIN. they are already her fan base. this little set-up of shooting guns is not going to win her any new fans.

    the people who already like her will watch her show, the people who don't like her aren't going to start liking her because of this show, and the people who have "no opinion" of her are obviously people who don't vote and don't pay attention to politics.

    this show will appeal only to those who like palin. most people have already seen the glorious landscapes of alaska in national geographic and other nature shows. there's nothing in this show that hasn't been seen somewhere else - other than the palins. in other words, there's no reason to watch unless you already like these dregs.

    no new fans. no worries for the sane. not good enough for america, and will never be good enough for america. the palins are hicks who glorify their ignorance and no attempts at rebranding are going to help them.

  91. Anonymous8:03 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    How is this video a joke? Look at it objectively. There was no weird tension. The story in your head is affecting you all from seeing what's in front of you.

    4:41 PM"

    Well here I go - putting a troll on the way to obesity.

    No long shots at all - that's such an old editing trick. See Sarah shoot. CUT. See target hit.

    Like I said. The brain puts it together as See Sarah hit the target. IN reality , that was more than likely someone else shooting, because if she was hitting target, there would have been a wide, all-encompassing view to show that.

    ANd the Bristol is twenty, but this looks like her first time shooting - WTF? I've lived with REAL hunters and outdoor people so this isn't just my individual experience. The kids are out from about the age of 10 or twelve. Often just walking with the hunters. (This is pheasant hunting) then, they carry an empty gun, then when they look like they are ready, it's a loaded gun. But in the meantime, mom or dad has them out at target practice, and skeet. Starting at 20? Tells me that hunting was not a frequent occurrence in the family, or that it was Dad off with his buddies.

  92. Anonymous8:11 PM

    5:42, You sure do care what "they" think, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

    You're barking up the wrong tree if you think people here are merely "haters." What we are is sick of this cheesy, hateful fraud and her equally cheesy, grifting family. We are sick of her jealousy and projections and we are sick of her running her mouth, disparaging our President.

    I don't care how many land deals don't come to fruition or how many times the Palins put off their divorce, Gryphen has always been right about the one thing i know is TRUE: That woman never gave birth to Trig.

    I'm sure the Palins have moments of genuine love. It's the crazy, over-the-top dysfunction in that family that chills.

    You should actually read some of the comments here. There are folks pointing out some mighty interesting things. You could learn something.

  93. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I think out job may be done, now it is time for the Rethugs to take her down.....and they will. Her usage date has expired...P.S not my quote...

  94. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Name one family that has not had family crisis from doing a reality show....3,2,1......

  95. Anonymous8:34 PM

    No hunting family teaches their adult children how to shoot, that is something they would have learned YEARS ago as a young child. Epic fail for Payland, any real hunter can see how phoney that is.

  96. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I would die first before I would watch one episode of this witch and her fake family.

  97. Anonymous8:35 PM

    5:44, i wouldn't put it past sarah to leave in bristles snarky comments as a way of telling other "moms", see, i'm just like you, struggling with a smart-mouthed teenager.

    this wouldn't be the first time sarah tried to get sympathy at brisles expense.

  98. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Well anon@7:34, here lies the flaw in your logic - photos of Sarah hunting - do you mean photos of her with game (like the ptarmigan) that someone else may have shot? As for going fishing - well gee I had aunts that talked about going fishing in da UP every year. Turns out the aunts stayed in the cabin and played canasta while the uncles fished. Then, they fired the catch. Those women wouldn't know a worm from a cricket, but they went fishing annually!

    ANd the lame explanation about the kids not being able to shoot - if you really do this stuff as a family, kids will be at ease with it. Heck, shooting is fun!! even just going to the range.

    I'll quote another famous comdian, George Carlin

    "This is bullshit!"

  99. Read this article...

  100. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Anon 4:50 pm - No Palins were anywhere near when the bears were filmed. It's all smoke 'n mirrors, no danger or the threat of any danger. The only real thing in this phoney 'reality' show is the Alaskan scenery. I sure hope Mr. McGinniss cleans her clock in court. I feel
    bad for him being the butt of her
    deranged mind & mouth.

    Sharon TN

  101. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Curiouser is right about the Time vote. Don't vote for Palin at all.

  102. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I thought the name of this show was Payin' Palin in Alaska but I've been wrong before.

    USA Today gives Karl what he wants- his name in print as an expert.

    Why anyone would trust that they are getting what he really thinks rather than spin... have you been paying attention?

    What does he really think about this show and Palin? If you are not a powerful Republican who he will do business with in the future- then even a lot of money won't get you the answer. That is because the answer can be shaped by where the money is for Karl.

    Karl's tactics and strategy made it look like Dubya had a successful business career, (the baseball team sucked the government tit for hundreds of millions of dollars) and got him elected Governor of Texas. And in violation of the Peter Principle he was then elected President.

    So whether Karl likes it or not (and whether he's getting paid or not) Palin may be using his book to run for President. She might have his help- but he deserves the blame either way.

  103. I remember a picture of Bristol on the front page of the Frontiersman newspaper for shooting when she was 7. It was some school program or hunting club bs.

  104. Well, it's been over 25 years since I did any skeet shooting, but all I see is 2 women awkwardly handling a gun and blasting shot directly into the ground.

  105. Anonymous10:08 PM

    This television show coincides with her upcoming book signing... all in Heartland America, and the election kick-off states, like Iowa...

    Are there any Rs, who can run against her and win in their primary?

  106. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I only saw a couple small ads for the show and Yes If people don't know her it would win her some supporters.

    Having said that my problem with the ads are how close they were to the bears while fishing. Not acceptable. It makes the bears use to human involvement. Maybe the bears in her neck of the woods communing with her or something but I would be seriously annoyed at anyone doing that in my part of the state.

    Another problem is the fact the little kid didn't know to be quiet around the bears instead of 'growling' at the bears. You make noise while walking in teh woods so not to startle them, while in a boat, stay your distance and shut up.

    I only saw a small section of the shooting and I wasn't impressed. My whole family knows how to shoot because we have guns in the house, in the cache, etc. It's a safety issue. You can't not grow up and know HOW TO STAND and BRACE. The recoil practically threw her around.

    Overall, looks interesting but there is no way she's an expert. She's like everyone else in Alaska, we all know a little bit but unlike Palin, we wouldn't try to scam the whole U.S. by acting like we do it all the time.

    And yes, I do live in a village, hunting and fishing with the seasons, so it's interesting to view the Quitters 'lifestyle'.

  107. Anonymous10:31 PM

    My husband is a shooter, although not a hunter. I target shoot some and we've both shot skeet. Our daughter is 26 and she only just allowed herself to be dragged to the range with her Dad. That being said, we don't claim to be a skilled family.

    This whole program is a farce. As someone else stated, TLC insiders have reported that the bear scenes were shot separately so none of the Palin clan was in any danger. I also agree that the broken pigeon was probably not hit by $P.

    Finally, I didn't want to buy into the "Bristol is pregnant again" meme on this site, but the video sure puts a reference point on her weight gain. Very interesting.

  108. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I don't shoot animals, but i am awesome at shooting skeet. Sarah was not shooting the skeet, if the film of her shooting the skeet was "authentic." The way she was holding the gun was awkward. No way she was hitting...this from one who HITS while shooting skeet. Also, if she is such a "hunter mom," her kids would be great shooters at a young age. I was taught- while I didn't shoot animals, at a very young age. She would NOT be teaching Bristol, at that age, to shoot. I'm from PA, and have never shot an animal - although I can shoot, I have an issue with shooting animals. I learned shooting at a young age - 13/14 - if Sarah would have truly been the"great shooter" she would have not been so awkward in video, and would not have been such a bad teacher - also, Bristol would have been shooting skeet from a very young age - 10? 12? no later than 14...that's when I learned, and I am totally against hunting!! (My dad /brothers were hunters, and I had to play along until I got old enough to say "I really don't want to hunt" - I could out-shoot all of them until that day!) HAHA

  109. Anonymous11:29 PM

    $arah hasn't been out to Grouse Ridge in a coon's age. She's not the rill dill folks; it's simply nauseating how phony this is.

  110. Tyroanee12:09 AM

    Call me silly but when you are born and raised in Alaska by the ex Gov. whom claims to be the all round package in outdoorsmanshit
    Why wouldn't your daughter already know how to shoot?
    And mostly why would Bristol need to change from right to left shoulder when shooting?
    Oh yeah, because this is a big fat lie of a show, reality yes, as in a complete farce.

  111. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I disagree about the bears. According to PIper in the MattLauer interview, they saw bears almost everyday in Juneau.

    Also, Sarah's never said she's an expert on any of this, though I wouldn't put it past Todd to be. but she's definitely hunted and fished before (there are public pics of her and the kids fishing) and we know that the whole fam commer fishes

  112. Anonymous3:32 AM

    To the genius who keeps coming on here, describing Bristol as being "slim": You might want to find another adjective. It's so obvious that it's YOU every time, you simpleton.

  113. I grew up with the most peace loving, hippy parents that you could have ever imagined in liberal N.Y. state; I STILL learned to shoot a shot gun at age 12!

    I have probably gone target shooting less then a dozen times in my entire life, and I can still handle a gun better then Sarah!

    Can her bots really be that gullible? What about all those that really do hunt and shoot? Aren't they seeing what we all are seeing? Explain how a woman who has supposedly hunted and fished her entire life could be so inept at it! Go ahead we're listening...

    EVERYthing about Sarah Palin seems to be a lie. :(

  114. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Sarah has been running for president since the day after SHE lost to Obama. But because she is afraid to go on the Sunday news shows (other than FOX) and isn't smart enough to discuss national and world issues with the press, she has chosen a different way to run a campaign.

    Writing her book amd going on the book tour was the first step. She has taken every opportunity to get her name in the news or her face in front of the camera. She's planning a second book tour, with stops with stops in Iowa, Ohio, South Carolina, and other states in the south, places she will need to do well in when primary time comes. And now her tv show will give her lots of new exposure, and I'm sure she's hoping, will show her in a more favorable light. Sarah's presidential campaign is in full swing.

    I can't imagine ANYONE taking her seriously when she plays the victim card and tries to paint McGinniss as the spying pedophile next door. Listening to her is repulsive - flippin' this and flippin' that.

    Later when she announces her intent to run, I hope her opponents repeatedly play the clip from her show where she says she'd much rather be outside than sitting in some stuffy political office because it's so flippin' fun.

  115. Anonymous4:25 AM

    there was not any scene showing kickback when Sarah was holding gun.. not one.

    Wonder if Sarah even fired a shot at all.. doubt it.

    Bristol changing position of gun from right shoulder to left is an indicator of NEVER having fired a gun before...

  116. my 8 year old cousin shoots better than that. actually, he might even shoot better than my uncle...

  117. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Sarah can't shoot or fish.

  118. I shoot thousands of clays targets a year. they arent shooting skeet. it looks like a typical small club clays setup. one was a rolling "rabbit" target and one was a crosser. $arah had a decent mount, your face should be ON the gunstock. bri$ket looked like she never touched one before and didnt want to be there. Of course we never see $arah even actually shooting and hitting at the same time. fake fake fake.....

  119. Olivia4:50 AM

    TWO TRIGS!!?
    I hope everyone caught what KAJo posted at 7:29
    I am reposting part of it because the links to the photos are crucial. Check them out closely.

    Blogger KaJo said...
    Geesh, even in the "sneak peak" photo array, Sarah the Sneak, you're using BOTH Trigs, and most rubes watching your show won't even notice. But WE know.

    My Tweet to SarahPalinUSA: @SarahPalinUSA's Alaska: Look @left ear in 2 pictures & markedly different - 2 different Trigs?

    (neither picture has been flip-flopped/ ck license plate & writing on shirt - so pictures are indeed of LEFT ear)

    7:29 PM

  120. Facebook Lurker5:04 AM

    Don't Sarah and Todd know about the reality show divorce curse...

    Jon & Kate
    Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey
    Hulk & Linda Hogan
    Carmen Electra & Dave Navarro
    Danny & Gretchen Bonaduce
    Britney Spears & Kevin Federline
    Travis Barker & Shana Moakler

    There are also countless "Real Housewives" who divorced AFTER appearing on sister network Bravo's show:

    Tamra Barney
    Lynne Custin
    Camille Grammer
    Luann De Lesseps
    Vicki Gunvalson
    Cat O'Manney
    Jeana Keogh

    There are more in the works, and a few I didn't even mention...this is who Sarah's peers are now, reality show women who are shallow, bitchy, and petty...whose kids are jailed for dui's, curse, are lazy, spoiled, and self entitled, just like hers. Sure the scenery is different, but the dynamic is EXACTLY the same. If you don't watch Real Housewives, just catch a couple of'll see what I mean.

    Good Luck Tood &'ll need it to outlast the curse.

  121. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Gryph: Her unfavorables among the general public slipped, but her sky-high favorability among the GOP is HIGHER...which matters most if she's going to be the nominee...And considering how crowded the field is going to be...

    Re: Bristol: My friend is 7 months along and I told her about Bristol's big belly on DWTS so we spent about 10 minutes looking at old pictures before going to her birthing class (I'm gonna be a coach!) She was convinced Bristol WASN'T pregnant, and said, several times: Oh, she just had a baby. I said, "TWO years ago. And she doesn't have a job. She could have lost weight." I knew there were skinny pictures of her out there, post-baby, but I thought going through the motions of finding them would make us late for class. And seem a little obsessive.

    Bristol, btw, is bigger than Friend was at five months.

  122. Anne In DC5:35 AM

    Not even the most benign interpretation of this show will make Palin seem presidential or bring her any more followers.

    It's one thing to have a particular lifestyle, outdoorsy or otherwise. It's another to pretend for even a moment that this show would do anything except attempt to burnish her self-created image as outdoorsy. That has absolutely nothing to do with her lack of qualifications. She may be trying to "soften" her abrasive image, but her willful ignorance and divisiveness are permanently documented. Only someone so enamored of her that they are willing to deny reality would buy it.

  123. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This is a great place to vent, but let's face it, Palin is the queen of having it both ways and so far she's winning. Only time will tell if the truth about her ever comes out. Micro-analysing her show isn't going to change anyone's mind, though. Her supporters will always blindly follow. The chances of people who haven't formed an opinion of her tuning into her show and coming away with a positive or negative impression are about 50/50: They'll either think, "Hey, they seem fun and nice" or "Oh, they're *that* family."-- the obnoxious ones who dominate every school/church/community event, that people tolerate because they just don't want to deal with them. In the end, I think it'll be a wash whether the show helps her or not.

  124. Anonymous5:45 AM

    This show scares me - regardless of her abilities to shoot a clay pigeon or catch a salmon. Her momentum seems unstoppable and at this point, I fear that even proof that Trig isn't her biological child is not enough to stop this train wreck. The scary part is that most people I talk to do not think there's any way she could become president. But I say she is too competitive not to run if she thinks there is a chance of success. For her, it's all about winning. She doesn't want the job, she just wants to know that everybody loves her. That is very, very sad. Nonetheless, it's scary that this fake, mean-spirited human being could possibly be the leader of this country, simply because her fans are more motivated voters than the rest.

    The action of 350,000 petitioners got Keith Olbermann back on the air. Is there any way to mobilize the masses to admonish TLC for promoting this crazy person? I'm sure there are people at the network rolling their eyes that they had to be involved in this project. Shame on Mark Burnett and TLC for promoting her fake image for the sake of ratings.

  125. Anonymous6:07 AM

    KAJo posted at 7:29 (The two trigs photos in the promo pictures)

    Ominous. The photos have been taken down. I hope someone has a copy of them.

  126. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "but she's definitely hunted and fished before (there are public pics of her and the kids fishing) and we know that the whole fam commer fishes"
    Slight correction there 3:10,

    (There are public pics of her and the kids holding fishing equipment at venues where fishing takes place)and we know that the whole fam holds a commer (sic)fishing licenses.

  127. I looked at the two Trig photos, following the links at Kajo's post (at 7:29 I believe).

    I could not find any "there" there. The two children's ears were identical to my (trained) eyes. In the second photo, Trig's hair was covering the top of his ear.

    Much more interesting to me is the video evidence of Sarah Palin's pathology.

  128. Facebook Lurker6:38 AM

    If I may just continue on the reality show theme..think about how much popular Kate Gosselin was before she became "tainted" by fame and fortune. Jon & Kate +8 was one of the highest rated TLC shows on the air.

    Kate's quest for more cash and prizes led to her downfall...the reports about her nannies, her $1.8 million home, her bodyguard, her plastic surgery, manicures, tanning, teeth whitening, and hair extensions all ruined her carefully crafted image. She used to sell hundreds of thousands of books, now her latest only sold about 20,000 copies. Her show is on the chopping block, and she's had to radically alter her lifestyle.

    Two of Kates kids were recently expelled from school for extreme behavior issues.

    The Palins are taking a page right from the reality tee vee handbook.

    Here's a good photo gallery to remind you of what Butterball looked like when she was actually 5 months pregnant at the 2008 RNC, and then post Tripp pregnancy:

    Her face and arms were thinner when she was actually publicly pregnant than they are now!

    This is why I have absolutely zero respect for this girl. She broke off her engagement with Levi claiming:

    “It’s over. I broke up with him,” Palin told the magazine, accusing Johnston of being obsessed with celebrity.

    “The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family,” she says. “He’s just obsessed with the limelight and I got played.”

    Anyone need a refresher? Seems like Palinbots have suffer from memory loss as well as delusion:

    This bitch is just as hypocritical, and lacking in self awreness as her mother. Bristol has used her child as a shield, pawn and publicity tool, just like her mother, time and time again. She has nothing positive to share with any girl her age....she should be ashamed of herself yet she sits on Larry King live, big as a whale, and talks about how proud she is of herself.

    Bristol is Sarah Palin Jr.

  129. Facebook Lurker6:41 AM

    Think about how much popular Kate Gosselin was before she became "tainted" by fame and fortune. Jon & Kate +8 was one of the highest rated TLC shows on the air.

    Kate's quest for more cash and prizes led to her downfall...the reports about her nannies, her $1.8 million home, her bodyguard, her plastic surgery, manicures, tanning, and hair extensions all ruined her carefully crafted image. She used to sell hundreds of thousands of books, now her latest only sold about 10,000 copies. Her show is on the chopping block, and she's had to radically alter her lifestyle.

    Two of Kates kids were recently expelled from school for extreme behavior issues.

    The Palins are taking a page right from the reality tee vee handbook.

    Here's a good photo gallery to remind you of what Butterball looked like when she was actually 5 months pregnant at the 2008 RNC, and then post Tripp pregnancy:

    Her face and arms were thinner when she was actually publicly pregnant than they are now!

    This is why I have absolutely zero respect for this girl. She broke off her engagement with Levi claiming:

    “It’s over. I broke up with him,” Palin told the magazine, accusing Johnston of being obsessed with celebrity.

    “The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family,” she says. “He’s just obsessed with the limelight and I got played.”

    Anyone need a refresher? Seems like Palinbots have suffer from memory loss as well as delusion:

    This bitch is just as hypocritical, and lacking in self awreness as her mother. Bristol has used her child as a shield, pawn and publicity tool, just like her mother, time and time again. She has nothing positive to share with any girl her age....she should be ashamed of herself yet she sits on Larry King live, big as a whale, and talks about how proud she is of herself.

    Bristol is Sarah Palin Jr.

  130. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You all need to relax and watch sarah's unfavorables steadily climb. They're more unstoppable than she is. Melly

  131. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Excellent that she did not edit out her whining about Joe. I thought that if she had to take it out it would actually make her look less petty, but NO! We can always count on her to do the petty thing.

    This makes her look very immature and I am pleased she left it in.

  132. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Dancing with the Stars, Marie Osmond, who knew about her marriage and how long it has been so bad? Who knew what she was going through while she performed on the show?

  133. imnofred8:47 AM

    This show is no more than an attempt to paint the Palins as a big happy family. Her speech and book tour itinerary paints a totally different picture...THE REAL TRUTH is that she is never home and that this big happy family stuff is mere bullshit.

  134. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I won't watch it but the "previews" do not look good...she is screeching to the choir and unlikely to win any new converts with her phonieness and non stop blabber. Also the clip of her "climing" (bing physically craned up the mountain by an unseen, probably pissed, guide) is hilarious to anyone who has ever been on an actual mountain, on an actual rope...very awkward.

  135. Anon@ 6:07 AM The photos are still there. I just checked. And yes, I have a copy of both, as I'm sure many other people do by now.


    Liz I. @ 6:25 AM, you may have a (trained) eye, but you entirely missed the fact that the two Trigs in the "sneak peak" TLC photos have

    1) different earlobes,
    2) markedly different shape to the external auditory meatus (one's larger than the other)
    3) enlarged triangular fossa and minimal to no concha in the plaid-jacket Trig
    4) while the seated Trig has a triangular fossa nearly covered by his helix (the "elf" look) but normally shaped-and-placed concha

    (see example @ )

    Really, the ears on these two kids are NOTHING alike.

    in SP's lap:
    w/TP outside:

  136. I respect your opinion, KaJo, but I do not see what you see. Those photos are not convincing to me at all. Sorry.

  137. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Anon at 3:34 - LOL, what a Troll and Lurker. Sitting there, staring at the screen with bleary eyes wide shut at the IM and waiting for a new posting so that you can be "first" to counter logic and the popular opinion against the quitting Governor.

  138. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hi KaJo -

    Agree with you about the 2 different Trigs.

    Look at

    Scroll down and look at RNC Trig - that ear looks like the match to green plaid Trig, don't you think?

  139. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I see what Kajo is saying. They are completely different ears.

  140. sewnup12:34 PM

    "..clip of her "climing" (bing physically craned up the mountain by an unseen, probably pissed, guide) is hilarious to anyone who has ever been on an actual mountain, on an actual rope...very awkward. "

    It actually looks like she's not accustomed to deep snow, just for beginners. Can't manage poles worth a toot: she thinks we might think she's ever climbed before? The gall! Even my autistic kid watched that and said "She's not doin' that, something is pulling her.", which comes pretty close to truth from the looks of things. How many times you suppose she put him on his butt, slogging along like that? Looks likely, at the very least.

  141. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Agree w/Kajo - 2 different sets of ears.

  142. "Can they keep saying Trig (her 2½-year-old son) is not really my child?"

    Once AGAIN...Sarah Palin refers to Trig Truthers as those who question whether Trig is "really her child". How transparent is she...?!? No, SARAH...we KNOW that Trig (unfortunately for him) is YOUR CHILD...what we're saying is that YOU DID NOT GIVE BIRTH TO HIM.

    Every time I see her mention this, I feel renewed patience that BabyGate WILL be exposed...because Sarah herself is obviously preparing for just that. She says it this way, (always! as in, DOZENS of times) mentions Truthers in the context of "they say he's not mine" or "the idea that Trig isn't my 'real' child is laughable" to ensure deniability later on.

    "Ah ah I never said 'I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM'...what I said was that Trig is my real child! And he adoption. It's not MY fault if you ASSUMED I meant something else!"

    She is un freaking believable.

  143. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Participating in a reality show provides her the experience to rival a Kardashian, not an Obama.

  144. cyndiak1:59 PM

    As another poster has noted, the major portion of the audience who will watch this show are already SP fans... Despite my morbid curiosity I still won't have the stomach to watch it. On a brighter side, we can only hope that the fan base who will be watching will start to shrink when those who are paying attention will see all the faux pas in various forms repeated over and over... Imagine watching a whole entire show of this bull??? Just one short video clip was enough to make me nauseated. Presidential material here... I think not. What a joke.

  145. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Someone may have brought this up already, but there is a website for the show,, and considering the great posts here, it would be great to post comments there too - it may shed some light to more of the general public who need to see the light.

  146. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Wasilla will freeze before I watch the grifter and her family. I do not understand how anybody can put up with that damn screeeeching voice of hers and then to hear ReTahhd's womanly voice is more than I can take. The script for that show is like something Peeper would of written. Bunch of retards that want America to believe what they see on tv.

  147. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Kajo, color me convinced also. I cropped the two photos and compared them side by side. Different ears. Also consider clearly visible opening of ear canal for plaid-shirt Trig. Very different from my ears, and I think most ears. Post-reconstruction Ruffles? (It would at least be reassuring to know that Ruffles is alive and well!)

  148. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Liza, Palin did tell Dougherty of the ADN that she gave birth to Trig. Quote: "I told you I gave birth to Trig."

    Here's the link:

  149. cyberpresident1:04 PM

    The Alaskan Hillbillies; they don't live in the trailer park, they OWN it.

  150. Anonymous6:23 PM

    i'm sold! can't wait to watch it on demand, she certainly made it easier for McGinnis to do his research!


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