Friday, November 19, 2010

Vice President Biden cannot keep a straight face when asked about Sarah Palin beating Obama in 2012.

I guess Biden needs to work on his poker face too.

I wonder why he says he does not want to get into trouble? 

Is President Obama telling his staff to treat Palin like the completely irrational mental patient that we all know she is?

Or does Biden want to spare his staff the days and weeks of wasted time it will take to remove the vitriolic screechings of the Palin-bots from his e-mail in-box?


  1. Pat in MA3:48 PM

    I LOVE Joe Biden. Saying "he doesn't want to get in trouble" speaks volumes. By saying 'she's always underestimated' he thwarts her ability to play the victim card.

  2. emrysa3:50 PM

    ha! well you know this pissed of the QUITTER. has biden ever quit on his constituents?

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The more I see of Biden, the more I like him.

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Well, he is already in trouble for smiling about it.

    I think Sarah counts on using her gender as weapon against opponents even more than ever before and if one the males reacts to her even on substance, she will squeal with faked pain and offense. It's kind of a no-win situation right now.

    Once the GOP starts attacking her, then all bets are off, and the other GOP candidates have to address her because her base is so close to their own.

    Remember, however, yesterday Vice President Biden said not to underestimate her and that stranger things have happened than someone like Scara winning the nomination.

  5. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I think he was joking about himself and his gaffs, when he said he didn't want to get into trouble. Although he couldn't hold in the laugh, he still was a gentleman and did not slam sp.

  6. He is such a great diplomat. How he didn't fall on the ground rolling with laughter, I can't imagine.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Whoa-de-doo-dah, Crazy is loose again.

    I love the part where the reviewers say, "In the mind's eye of the former governor, the founders, were they alive today, would be nothing short of Palin devotees . . . ."

    Then, they quote the former half-termer as saying in her book,
    "There is a narcissism in our leaders in Washington today . . . There's a quasi-religious feeling to the message coming from them. They are trying to convince us that not only are they our saviors, but that we are our saviors"

    Talk about projection! The woman is truly ill.

  8. SME1314:03 PM

    LMAO, no one could keep a straight face while being ask if Palin can beat Obama but I give him credit for trying.

    I seriously doubt Obama gives her ANY thought at all other than to laugh at her. Biden on the other hand would have a lot to say if it wasn't for the backlash he'd have to deal with.

    I'd pay good money to see her verbally spar with either of them - unrehearsed and no notes allowed. She'd go running for cover.

  9. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Oh, my, can you believe that self-righteous, holier-than-thou biatch is saying this in her book?

    "Most of those who write for the mainstream media and teach at universities and law schools don't share the religious faith of their fellow Americans. They seem to regard people who believe in God and regularly attend their church or synagogue as alien beings, people who are "largely poor, uneducated and easy to command," as the Washington Post once famously put it."

    How dare she presume people in the media and who teach are not spiritual or religious. She is the most vile person I have seen or her in all of my sixty years - and I have seen some real stinkers, but Sarah Palin is the rock-bottom stinkiest. May her God have mercy on her shriveled, ugly soul.

  10. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I HOPE he's saying he doesn't want to get in trouble because the Dems AND the GOP are playing their cards very close to the vest. I think they both have enough dirt on her to keep her from the White House, but are either being very cautious about releasing it or are hoping she and her family keep up the good work in discrediting themselves.

    Sarah goes on a twit-attack or facebook rant every time she disagrees with anything. We can't expect our elected leaders to follow her example. She is currently nothing more than a celebrity-activist, so for the White House to show her any attention wouldn't be much more presidential than, say, getting involved with the AI or DTWS voting process.

    Biden's reaction said to me "It'll never happen, but I'm not at liberty to say why." That works for me. Naturally I want all the dirt to come out soon, so I can stop worrying about a "President Palin". I have a feeling it'll happen before Griffin Dunne's or Joe McGinniss's books come out. But I'll buy them anyway.

  11. Anonymous4:37 PM

    this is funny and sad

  12. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Anon @4:10 -

    "teach at universities and law schools"...that was a very thinly veiled slam of President Obama AND higher education.

    If she were president and succeeded in the dumbing down of America, the only people buying her books won't be able to read them.

  13. Anonymous4:41 PM

    She truly believes that Liberals don't go to church, own guns and abort all their babies. Or she wants her followers to believe it. She really thinks she is a saint. I think she delusional, or David Frum is right, her ghost writers are making fun of her.

  14. I wonder if Vice President Biden was thinking; "She can't even get a Senator elected in her own state".
    That always gives me a big laugh.
    Run Sarah, run. We all need a laugh!

  15. I believe that $arah is mentally ill but, Not as ignorant as we may think. Afterall, she IS smart enough to make the REALLY STUPID PEOPLE believe her lies, and support her lifestyle.
    Wanna bet that she will play the VICTIM and the SEXIST card on this?
    Won't work on REAL women though. We can see through her stupidity.

  16. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Sarah didn't do what she does best, come out and berate the press for The National Enquirer Story on Willow's pregnanc. Any word?

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Oh jesus, that's priceless. I think I must have played that video 6 times just for the laughes.

    I loved that Biden laugh, he tried desperately to keep it

    Even the folks at Fox thinks that mama bear is a farce.

  18. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Here, Joe: I'll say what you really wanted to say, FOR ya:

    "This conceited retard couldn't beat Obama in a contest to see who could piss the straightest, much less at anything that would involve convincing the electorate of who has the better handle on reality, and the knowledge and ability to BE the President.

    Now, maybe if she makes a run for the President of FACEBOOK, she's got a good chance, with the kind of fanbase she has gathered."

    Izzat about right, Mr. VeePee?

  19. Anonymoose4:55 PM

    Ha well he debated her, and played nice and easy to avoid being called elitist/sexist by the repugs (though it was sexist to all the competent women out there who could debate alongside him and beat him fairly). Remember that grin when she called him O'Biden, but he didn't say anything? He was made to leave her alone, and knows the dems can destroy her if they have to. No more pussyfooting around Palin please! She claims everyone is out to get her, let's prove she's not delusional. You know she will love to tell us I told you so!

  20. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I know @4:03 - Stupid's like a less literate version of Kim Jong Il with her grandiose sense of self.

    I can foresee Stupid being a royal pouty mess when her insipid little show isn't shortlisted for the Emmys -- then again she'll just lie in her next tome and say she won the award for Best Documentary Ever.

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    OT - I just read about Scarborough's suspension over political donations (which were very modest). In his statement, he says: To be blunt, I had no interest in their campaigns other than being kind to longtime friends.

    The donations are said to have been to family and friends running for office.

    So Scarborough, who is very political, gave campaign donations to people who he didn't know if he liked what they stood for.

    I do lots of things for friends, but not donations to people, even if they are my friend, who don't represent the best choice.

    His donations really were very modest. I believe he got no personal or political gain. But it damages his credibility about hte importance of politics and political positions.


  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    $p told the men to put their big boy pants on. I do not see why any man thinks he has to treat her with kid gloves. If she wants to pretend she is tough, then all I can say is put your big girl panties on, and quit whining. If she can talk the talk, then lets see her walk the walk, without playing poor me. Real women do not play po me, little victim, crap. Stand up like Lisa Murkowski does. She does not play po me, and she is a winner.

  23. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I think that the WH is intentionally ignoring Palin.
    There are lots of good reasons to not engage in any discourse with her.
    Mainly because it would legitimize her.

    Also it is pointless to argue with some one who is irrational, who is frequently wrong and who likes to play the martyr card.

    And also too just because the Palins want to wallow in the gutter doesn't mean the WH needs to join them

    Somebody in DC has to show some class.

  24. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Daily Dish article that the PAC has hired a Dutch newspaper columnist to research and educate her on Europe's ecomony. In it it quotes David Frum.

    I need a Tylenol. I've shaken my head so much in disbelief of this bozo that I have a headache!!

  25. Probably the latter. Joe is one to occasionally put his foot in his mouth. He knows what it would cost his staff.

  26. Is Alaska WTF for real?

    Levi said "sons"!

  27. And if that is Levi's fb page, will he confirm it and what's written?

  28. Anonymous6:03 PM

    That was priceless and made me laugh out loud. I like Joe, I think he can see through Palin and knows how to handle her. The less attention you give her the louder she cries and stomps her feet. Thanks for sharing it!

  29. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Sarah 's family true colors ar out. My goodness...and their mother is seeking the highest office? God help us

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I think Sarah's days of using the vagina card are numbered.

    We women are bigger bitches than men and we are SICK of her crap.

    She makes us look like babies. Real women take as much shit as they give.

    And we love our kids and beat their asses if they act like heathens.

  31. Anonymous6:36 PM

    If there is anything that will unite Washington it is Sarah Palin.

    And it ain't in the way she thinks.

  32. Anonymous6:38 PM

    OT, but the soundtrack to Fred Claus is AWESOME.

  33. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Of course, Biden is amused. He has access to all the files on her. Has he read her new book? She is calling out the film industry and war movies. They just don't do propaganda like they use to. She is further exposing her poor education and this does not say much for her street smarts.

    President Obama has an intelligent staff. He doesn't have to say or explain anything about her to them. They can read the dossiers. I am with those that think he gives her very little thought. If an idiot puppet like a Palin is what he has to run against they will deal with that. She would use the sex card.

  34. Anonymous6:49 PM

    thanks for the heads up on the frum post.

    commenter nwahs has the best new name for $arah:

    The axis of ego

  35. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Perfect response - this woman is a joke.

  36. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! Would pay huge money to be a fly on the wall in a White House private chit-chat re anything Palin

    serious $$$$

    - kellygrrrl

  37. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I know Griffin Dunne's book is coming out in April. Word has it so is Joe McGinniss'. This is right around tax time. The perfect time for sarah to rile up rill 'Murikans with her announcement of a run for president, and a promise to cut taxes. I think Joe & Griffin have a heads-up; or she's just too predictable.

    I have a feeling this drama is going to stretch for another 5 months. I wish I was a Mama Grizzly so I could hibernate till then!

  38. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Totally off-topic. NHL coach Pat Burns has died. Look for a Tweeter about Coach Burns any moment now.
    Her kids probably played hockey for him, right? All of 'em.

  39. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Ah, Joe! What a guy! A gentleman and a diplomate.

    Love that smile!

    No need to say any more....but cover your ass.

  40. Anonymous7:30 PM

    So she is making this outrageous generalization that media types and those teaching in higher education are all atheists? That just makes her sound like an idiot. Nothing new there.

    I love Joe B. too, and I am actually glad he stopped himself from saying more because then she would probably have over-reacted and made it all about him - but also about herself, the poor victim, yet again.

    I think the consensus nowadays is that she is the biggest whiner anywhere, as well as the most paranoid. That book is just one endless rant. She is shrill beyond belief.

    I am afraid she truly is an ignorant woman. I am not sure if she is conscious of why she has this ability to get people whipped up and supporting her. She has a dangerous charisma; it's a mixture of sex appeal, anger and simplistic outlook. I don't think her style is intentional or methodical, borne of intelligence. It's accidental and it has worked thus far, but now it's backfiring. If she were truly smart she would shut her mouth and play nice. If she had the wherewithal to do so, she would have gotten much, much farther by now. God knows the bar was pretty low for the GOP.

    I am glad she is a stupid woman.

  41. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Juicy Palin tweeted, "Isn't that illegal?"

    Her publisher contends it is. The lawsuit asks that Gawker be banned from what it terms "further copyright infringement" and that Gawker deliver the source material to the publisher so it can be destroyed. HarperCollins is also seeking financial damages.

    The Associated Press bought a copy of the book ahead of its Nov. 23 release date.

    They want to destroy the source material that has no doubt been down loaded thousands of times and will be released in 4 days. How much financial damage was done?

  42. Folks that Levi Johnston Facebook page on AlaskaWTF is a parody.

    It is funny but don't take it seriously. I mean do you REALLY think Bristol uses words like "misogynist?"

  43. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Biden was just chuckling about what she said about being able to beat Obama. Nothing more, nothing less in that chuckle. Love the dear man!

  44. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Did you see "psycho Sarahs" tweets today??
    "Anyone want to see a Palin Mother-daughter day?"
    As if most of the country isn't sick of them yet!!!
    In her sickness, she actually thought all her over exposure would make people see the " real " Sarah! Yeah right!

  45. FEDUP!!!8:40 PM

    Someone linked to Alaska WTF, and a spoof of Levi's FB page.
    This spoof does not help levi, nor does it help anyone else than Bri$tol and Willow: Now they can claim that the other, *REAL* FB rants were fakes also, too!
    I wish people would THINK first, BEFORE acting!

    On another topic: Isn't it amazing that $arah can claim that all University professors are atheists and never go to church, all the while SHE HERSELF has not set a foot into any church for AGES! Oh, well, but $he can get away with it, because $he i$ $arah Payme!

  46. meena8:41 PM


    Sarah Palin's publisher sues Gawker for publishing leaked book excerpts, wants pages returned

  47. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Did you see "psycho Sarahs" tweets today??
    "Anyone want to see a Palin Mother-daughter day?"
    As if most of the country isn't sick of them yet!!!
    In her sickness, she actually thought all her over exposure would make people see the " real " Sarah! Yeah right!

  48. Haha I didn't think Bristol would use a word like misogynist, but I notice it was misspelled so I thought maybe, til "Todd" chimed in.

  49. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Is that the same Biden that said the Dems would definitely hold on to the House?

  50. Gryphen - " you REALLY think Bristol uses words like 'misogynist'?

    Mwaahaha! There were other things about the page that made me question it but I missed that one.

    There was a moment of fun imagining the fall-out were it the rill dill.

  51. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Joe's beautiful wife is a teacher. Nothing like Sarah wants to teach about our educational system. Sarah has gone so far into wing nuttery you can almost pity her.

    THAT IS NOT LEVI. IT IS PARODY. None of it was spelled like in Palinland.

    The FBI is investigating a threat at DWTS. Looks like another reaction to Bristol's dancing. They think she has improved. How does she bring out the worst in people if she is so good?

  52. DetroitSam10:39 PM

    Lucy @5:16 PM

    I read somewhere that Scarborough first said that he did not donate to any political candidate but that his wife donated $5,000 because the candidate was a friend.

    Also, too, regardless of the amount, it is still a political donation and it makes no difference whether if was for a non-competive office.

    No wonder old phoney joe had nothing to say about KO being suspended. He knew that he had done the same thing.

    The big wigs at NBC/MSNBC made donation in the BIG thousands of dollars to the republicans. So, how can they have a policy that no one who works for that network can make political donations if they do it?

  53. DetroitSam10:46 PM

    Also, too, can someone explain to me how Palin, in her new "not written by her book", can complain that the contestants on American Idol have no talent, when her daughter clearly and obviously has no talent?

    I just can't imagine that I would feel good about "winning" something that I did not win because of my talent. The world knows that she did not win.

    I would see this as a hollow victory. It would have no value.

  54. DetroitSam11:16 PM

    Why must this woman lie so much, especially when the lies can be debunked with very little effort?

    This is what Mrs. Obama said in Madison, Wisconsin, during the 2008 campaign.

    "What we have learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. It is making a comeback. And let me tell you something– for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am REALLY proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction, and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. I’ve seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic common issues, and it’s made me proud".

    Afterwards, the First Lady further clarified her remarks by noting that she was referencing the “record number” of young voters participating in the political process in the 2008 campaign:

    "For the first time in my lifetime, I am seeing people rolling up their sleeves in way that I haven’t seen and really trying to figure this out, and that’s the source of pride I was talking about".

    What I don't understand is why the publishers would allow this lie to be published.

  55. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I adore and love Joe Biden, a true Patriot and Real American who has served his country with great pride and accomplishment. His children didn't dance in their underware on TV.

  56. Anonymous1:49 AM

    OMG that Alaska WTF FaceBook spoof was so incredibly horribly disgustingly wrong, and I am going to hell because I'm laughing so hard I can't breath and tears are running down my face!



  57. Anonymous2:39 AM

    "...If she were truly smart she would shut her mouth and play nice. If she had the wherewithal to do so, she would have gotten much, much farther by now."

    I agree. And I think it's the mental illness that prevents that. It's wired into her and she just can't stop self destructing, or as she calls it, going rogue. She can't play on a team, which is why on Team GOP she'll never have the lead part, she'll just be an extra.

    Sarah Palin could have been phenomenal, because she created a persona that was relatable, she was fresh, outspoken, strong, and played that sexy-schoolteacher-in-heels role better than anyone I've seen. She always talks about her brand but imo she went beyond that, to tapping into a mythology.

    But when she came on the scene and engaged in her usual slash and burn tactics, and put down feminists and liberal women, and confined her ideas to a restricted ultra conservative, religous viewpoint, I was disappointed, even as a democrat, and I knew that her appeal and success would be limited.

    There's a scene in A Few Good Men, where two marines talk after the sentencing, and it's a sad moment because these are figures full of promise, and representing heroism, and yet are tragically flawed. One Marine said to the other, when he realized it, something to effect of "We should have protected Willie," referring to William Santiago, the private they in fact killed. The lesson learned was that it doesn't matter what your intentions are, or even what your values are. What matters is if you use Might for Right. It comes down to this. And that is why Sarah Palin never became a heroic, iconic leader, and never will, because she fails to stand up for what is right.

  58. Joe White4:03 AM

    I cant keep a straight face when I see Joe Biden.

  59. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Honestly, I wonder if she went offensive on American Idol because she's jealous of Bristol on DWTS? It doesn't take a genius to equate the two shows and everyone knows Bristol can't dance (except maybe Bristol). I really think it might be a sick jab at her daughter. Gah.


  60. Anne In DC5:56 AM

    I remember the Biden-Palin "debate" on Thursday, October 2, 2008, if you can call it one. Biden easily outclassed her, and her folksy, substance-free remarks did nothing to improve on the already solidified impage of ignorance she had then. At that time, it looked like Biden could barely keep from laughing at her. But being the gentleman he was, he refrained from saying what he really thought, just as he did this time.

  61. newmom6:08 AM

    2:39 am,

    I agree completely with your assessment.


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