Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Aaron Sorkin unleashes on Sarah Palin over the pathetic "hunting" episode of her un-reality show.

From the Huffington Post:

Like 95% of the people I know, I don't have a visceral (look it up) problem eating meat or wearing a belt. But like absolutely everybody I know, I don't relish the idea of torturing animals. I don't enjoy the fact that they're dead and I certainly don't want to volunteer to be the one to kill them and if I were picked to be the one to kill them in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn't do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the animal apart.

I'm able to make a distinction between you and me without feeling the least bit hypocritical. I don't watch snuff films and you make them. You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals. I can make the distinction between the two of us but I've tried and tried and for the life of me, I can't make a distinction between what you get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I'm able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho shitheads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face.

So I don't think I will save my condemnation, you phony pioneer girl. (I'm in film and television, Cruella, and there was an insert close-up of your manicure while you were roughing it in God's country. I know exactly how many feet off camera your hair and make-up trailer was.)

Gotta love it!


  1. i recommend reading the whole post. i love his personal disclosure it the end so sarah doesn't get to be the one to bast it all over he internet. brilliant!

  2. Pat in MA6:30 AM

    OUCH, tell us how you really feel Aaron,the manicure comment - priceless.

  3. Pat in MA6:35 AM

    OMG GrainneK, you're right, the complete post is great.... 'witless bully', 'Palin's Army of Arrogant Assholes' LOL

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    What a relief it is to see people like Aaron Sorkin come out with a post like this. I love it, especially the "faux-macho shitheads" label.

  5. BAustin6:39 AM

    Awesome! Can't wait for the quitters tweet.

    It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

  6. More west wing, less ding bat.

  7. KiheiKat6:56 AM

    The post is awesome. I just finished reading & commenting on it at HP. Loved it! Please do go over to HP & read, & thank Aaron for telling it like it is.

    And thanks Gryphen for sharing it! Yippee!

  8. Remember that Sorkin was the man behind The West Wing. He certainly knows his presidential stuff. And he's a brilliant writer. Nailed it! (tm Jon Stewart.) That picture of Sarah almost brought up my breakfast. Just appalling arrogance. A new AAA: Army of Arrogant Assholes. I believe he is right that she wants groups like PETA to come out against her. Then she can attack. Cruella indeed.

  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    We should all be thankful that the grifters don't have any dogs, or cats, or even hamsters in their house!

  10. Oh, gawd. He so nailed it. And in terms anyone could understand. Except maybe a drop-out 'washed 'bot. But then, they're irredeemable anyway.

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    A full ten points on that post!

    Hurray for Aaron Sorkin!

    I wondered if the film crews camped out too....know if seems fairly obvious that everyone drove to the site. ANyone in Alaska recognize the landscape?

  12. Bravo, Aaron Sorkin!!

    He has hit the nail(s) right on the head - rather, bitten off every 'point' of contention (lies), chewed them up, and spit them out!! Really left nothing out or unsaid. :o)

    Thanks, Gryph, for sharing this wonderful post by Aaron. I read the entire article, and the comments at the 'Huffington Post' are also good, to the point, and right-on!


  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    That's mighty expensive caribou meat; in fact the caribou Sarah bagged on her reality show cost $141.33 per lb. She's not so self sufficient, as she makes out.

  14. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "I know exactly how many feet off camera your hair and make-up trailer was" Burn! I was waiting for Larry O'Donnell to point this out as he was one of the producers/writers for West Wing.

  15. Anonymous7:26 AM

    "phoney pioneer girl"
    Ha, I loved that, it is priceless!

    It is a mystery that Palin's supporters believe this program and DWTS engagement is a launch into the oval office.

    ROFL- "snuff films"!

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I too liked his personal discloseure and it shows how predictable Palin is.

  17. Gasman7:29 AM

    I’ve contemplated how Palin’s quest for fame and power would come to an end. The most poetic way would probably be for people to lose interest and for her to simply become so boring that she couldn’t attract the attention of even a local news crew.

    Or, she could do or say something stupid. I mean REALLY stupid, even by Palin standards. Something so egregious that it would make even her most ardent sycophants pull their noses from Palin’s ass. Something offensive or so hopelessly, glaringly imbecilic that it simply would not be possible for any sane individual to take her seriously. Say, evidence of a faked pregnancy and delivery. I find that this scenario to be entirely within the realm of possibility. I have absolute faith that Palin is capable of inflicting such a wound upon herself, however, the one limiting factor would be that her feckless tribe of moronic goobers that worship her from afar might well be incapable of comprehension at any level.

    I see the most credible scenario to be like the one we have before us today: Palin will either intentionally or inadvertently piss off the wrong person who will deliver a rhetorical beating like she has never had. Something like Aaron Sorkin provided us with. Does Palin possess enough self restraint to walk away from this fight? I’d bet not. Will Sorkin want to further grind Palin into the dust?

    I think that at some point, Palin will try to go toe-to-toe with the wrong person, someone with enough public visibility that can garner national attention in a fight. Someone who has the resources, energy, and access to the national spotlight that is willing to metaphorically eviscerate Palin quite publicly. Someone like Aaron Sorkin, perhaps. Sorkin knows all too well the chicanery that goes into ALL TV production, so he is uniquely qualified to expose the fraud that is TLC’s paean to Palin.

    (I am quite taken with Sorkin’s phrase “faux-macho shitheads” and am stating publicly that I will shamelessly appropriate that term and use it as my own.)

    Sorkin appears to have the requisite huevos elefante needed to undertake such a battle. Now the question is, will Palin prove reckless enough to tilt at this windmill?

    I certainly hope so.

  18. Here is a post from Sarah FB page


    NOTE: Just a reminder, that Sarah's FB page is strictly monitored. Posts are promptly deleted and the poster is banned when something that Sarah doesn't approve of is posted. This particular post has been there for more than 14 hrs (Dec 7, 2010) It has been flagged.

    www.archiv­ist.leapse­ for more verbatim posts from her fans.

  19. laprofesora7:30 AM

    A war of words between Aaron Sorkin and the Twitler??? Oh, this is too good! C'mon, Scarah, unleash the learnin' you got in those five colleges, let him have it! Aaron Sorkin will chew you up and spit you out! Christmas has come early this year!

    Since he brought up the manicure, I was wondering how many women actually go hunting in full make-up...

  20. Eunice7:34 AM

    Good clean fun!

  21. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Does palin have a valid hunting license?
    Does she have a permit for Caribou?
    If not why not?
    Didn't she go after her brother in law for killing a moose on her sister's permit?

    Can somebody find out? Or how do you find out/

  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I have to share a story with you about "subsistence hunting."
    Years ago I was visiting friends in northern New England. They were out deer hunting because they really needed to score some meat for the freezer, as opposed to Wasilla's Peggy Bundy. They hunted for several days, no luck.
    Then the head of the family went back to his railroad job. That night his freight train hit a deer. The engineer pulled the emergency brake, and the crew came piling out with their knives and dressed the deer and took home cuts of meat. Waste not, want not. These were hard-working ordinary folks, not multimilionaire rabble-rousers and pretend outdoors folk like the Quitta' from Wasilla.

  23. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Ha! Comparing Sr. Sarah to Michael Vick. That's going to sting.

  24. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Take that bitch!

  25. Anonymous8:03 AM

    @anon 7:35. She got a valid license in May 2010 before filming the episode.

  26. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Laprofesora wrote: "A war of words between Aaron Sorkin and the Twitler???"

    To coin a new Palinism, in a war of words between those two, Sarah's got "ammunothin'".

  27. Molly8:13 AM

    Oh you KNOW what she'd say to this: He's just a Hollywood Elite, out of touch with Real America, and he should just "man up" and go shoot a large animal like she can do instead of eating effete arugula and being all jealous of Ms. Tundra's reign as Huntress.

    But actually, Sarah? Real People really kinda sorta think you are nasty enough to justify use of the words "shithead" and "asshole" as proper and accurate terms to be used to describe you, and possibly (OK--definitely) many other members of your family.

  28. Anonymous8:21 AM

    How about if we refer to Sarah as Mrs. Palin or Mrs. Todd Palin when we blog about her, to diffuse the "Sarah" rock star image (she's trying to be Cher/Madonna, etc.)?

  29. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Wow - not sure I would have seen that over at HP. Thanks for sharing it here. Sorkin nailed it.

  30. Anonymous8:49 AM

    add another to the flame list!

  31. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anon @ 8:21 am

    Or we could simply refer to Palin as the Half-Term Quitter.

  32. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Maureen Dowd called it to when she said Palin looked more like Private Benjamin out there than a pioneer. Anyway, Sorkin has it right. Palin kills animals because she enjoys feeling and looking "tough." She doesn't need 'em for subsistence at all.

  33. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I really wish this hadn't happened. I wish that Sorkin and all these others had not responded, just let it alone.
    With respect, Gryphen, even you.

    There was no "condemnation" of that episode of Sarah Palin's show. She created one more media moment for herself by preemptorily posting a "defense" on Twitter/Facebook. She was defending what? Nothing happened.
    But then it did. Everybody had to respond. She did that on purpose, dummies. She needed a publicity boost.
    She got it.

    Come on folks, Gryphen. Just say no.

  34. Bravo, Aaron Sorkin!!

    And if the bitch tweets, here's his answer:

    I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

  35. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Thank you Mr. Sorkin.

    This should be a nice reminder for Rebecca Mansor--a no talent hack, a failed screen writer who couldn't make it in Hollywood and now finds herself ghost writing 15-year-old references for an unintelligent 20-year-old who can buy and sell her--of her abject failure in the true artistic field.

  36. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Liked his post, but if Sorkin really doesn't relish the idea of animals being tortured, he should stop eating meat, period. Because the life of a factory farm animal is indeed a tortured one.

  37. Oooh. The failed screenwriter; Mansour, is going to be extra harsh when she writes $arah's FB page. Too bad she won't be able to use her normal foul language.

  38. Just one correction to an otherwise great piece... As Aaron correctly states in the beginning, it was a caribou. Later on he describes it as a moose. Vast difference in that a caribou is no real danger to hunt whereas a moose can do a lethal dance on one's bod and won't stand still while you keep firing. It's also much harder to hunt.
    Having hunted in my earlier years up here in Alaska I can safely say from what others who saw the episode have told me (I cannot watch her show anymore than I could one of Vick's dogfights) she has about as much knowledge of guns and hunting as a granny from inner city New York. Her daddy chose the gun, carried it for her, loaded it for her. Any intelligent hunter after a couple shots went nowhere near the animal would stop and check the gun but she kept on firing like she was filming "Predator".
    As a long-time Alaskan I can tell you many of us are heartily embarrassed by Sarah Palin and consider her in no way an example of a real Alaskan.

  39. Anonymous10:59 AM

    " Brittany said...
    The hunting episode of Sarah Palin's reality show reminds me of the King of the Hill episode where Hank takes Bobby to La Grunta Resort where the deer are fed underneath hunting stands for easy access.

    9:31 AM"

    La Grunta is a perfect nickname for Ms. Palin.

  40. Anonymous11:02 AM

    10:12: "She did that on purpose, dummies. She needed a publicity boost.
    She got it."

    You're assuming that there's no such thing as bad publicity. I think in this case there is.

  41. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Gryphen ,
    your title "Hunting" is spot on .As she is shooting, and then a senseless killing of a defenseless reindeer .There is no sporting here . It has to be a two way street to be called hunting .
    I am appalled .

  42. BTW, you can read an additional column in the Alaska Dispatch written by a long-time Alaskan and hunter, Craig Medred. He and I don't always see eye-to-eye on wildlife issues, but he has Palin pegged perfectly in his piece.

  43. Anonymous11:24 AM

    @anon 7:35AM:

    The following info is from Palingates.

    2006 - SP had a combo sport fishing/hunting license and a resident commercial crew license

    2007 - SP had a combo sport fishing/hunting license and a resident commercial crew license

    2008 - No record of a sport fishing, hunting or commercial crew license

    2009 - No record of a sport fishing or hunting license. SP had a resident commercial crew license

    2010 - SP has a combo sport fishing/hunting license (purchased on 7/2/2010) She has a full year commercial crew license (purchased on 6/30/2010)

    Both Willow and Bristol have 2010 sport and commercial crew licenses.

    Todd has had all licenses between 2006-2010

    Therefore, Sarah Palin purchased a hunting license on July 2, 2010, just in time for the filming of her (alternate) reality show, after she had no license in 2008 and 2009. Oh no, was her fridge empty in 2008 and 2009? Did her children starve?"

  44. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I have to take umbrage at the Michael Vick comparison.

    Unlike Sarah, Michael has admitted he made a mistake and didn't blame anyone else for his actions.

  45. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Sarah Palin, as Chuckie calls her, has gone down a treacherous, self-deluded, sel-serving, mean-spirited, ugly road. She is a pathological liar, a fraud, and, not only an uneducated hypocrite but, she holds the titles of The Worst Governor, The Worst Mother and The All Around Worst Person. Oh, and she is rilly, rilly Stupid also, too.

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    The only reason she killed that defenseless animal was to score some cheap political approval among her fans. Oh yeah, and ratings (which failed).

    She has zero respect for Alaska's wildlife and their habitat.

  47. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Gryphen ,
    You chose your title appropriately . It is certainly not "Hunting" . What she, is doing is more closer to senseless shooting and killing and mutilating a defenseless reindeer (caribou if you will).
    She may need to seek out professional help . Basking in delite of an animal death is not a normal behavior for an ethical hunter.

  48. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Is that Creepy Chuck's Pile-o-antlers I see on
    Google's Street View?:,+AK+99654&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=425+Klouda+Cir,+Wasilla,+AK+99654&gl=us&ei=9vz_TO3DIoHGsAPumeSvCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQ8gEwAA

    Lots of yard art for the Heaths! I think I see
    Winklebottom, stuffed & mounted, by the

  49. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I know absolutely nothing about hunting or hunted animals, so I have 2 questions. One, was that a moose or a deer? I have SEEN both, and that looked like a deer. But as I said, what do I know.

    My second question is more serious. That deer just appeared in glorious profile on the hilltop and stood there while Mrs. Palin shot at him several times. Wouldn't he have run away after the first shot? Any chance he was tethered? The film crews and animal handlers could easily been out of sight on the other side of that hill.

  50. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Here's how it could have gone: instead of filming a multi-millionaire killing an animal she didn't need to eat, the show should have featured a real Alaskan. Someone who's actual existence depended on the hunt. She could have just been a narrator, and that would have been fine. But no, Palin has to be the star. What a small, insecure little person she is.

  51. Anonymous1:35 PM

    @Anon 7:40

    This same sort of thing goes on in Alaska as one of the biggest "harvesters" of Moose is the Alaska Railroad.
    When possible the carcasses are retrieved and sent to food relief agencies.


    Bravo!!! Aron Sorkin


  52. Aunt Snow2:07 PM

    Actually, it's even worse than it appears.

    She's not hunting for subsistence. She's not even hunting for sport, as some of my friends have done, on a regular basis, as many other people do, which culls the herd and helps manage wildlife in these areas.

    What she's doing is killing an animal on camera for her fans' amusement, to enhance her image.

    I respect people who hunt - it's not something I want to do, but I respect the ones who do it - who hone their skills, who learn how to find the prey, who camp in the wilderness (instead of in a Star Wagon), who try to make a clean kill so the animal doesn't suffer, and who pack out and take home the meat and eat it.

    But this isn't something she does as a regular activity. She's playacting. It's no different from her play-acting to mountain climb (another activity she doesn't regularly do) except for the fact that a creature dies.

    The mainstream movie industry and network TV have standards regarding the treatment of animals that appear on camera. Perhaps the standards are lower in Cable TV.

    What Sarah Palin has done here is no different than the "crush" videos of women in stilettos stepping on small animals, for the purposes of titilating viewers.

  53. pursang3:24 PM

    I sense another Facebook post with the word canard in it again. Unless Mansour went out and bought a thesaurus that is.

  54. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "There are many reasons to hunt in Alaska; hers were faux. However unskilled her shooting, the butchering out of the animal was done very well. The meat looked clean.

    Don't fall into a trap of spending a lot of energy on this topic; there are many other reasons why she is unsuitable­; ignoring her, I believe, is the best strategy at this time.”

    My post in response to Mr Sorkin's article at HuffPo.

  55. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Finally, Blood Thirsty and Power Hungry Sarah is getting called out for her ridiculous behavior on this show.

    When she was filming the show she was probably on an all-time narcissistic high, thinking how everyone would see her as the most amazing woman who could do everything while looking good. She would show the haters what an awesome sportswoman she was, and the viewers would love it and her popularity would soar.

    I bet she watches every episode over and over, just loving every scene of her screeching idiotic behavior.

    If she didn't turn off viewers by bashing halibut or gleefully killing a beautiful caribou, this week they'll see her being rude and nasty to Kate, who will hopefully give the dirt on their rill time together after she relives the humiliating experience.

  56. Does anyone think Sarah's tirade over the faux attack on her by wikileaks is to deflect and misdirect from this piece?

  57. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I'm not a fan of Palin but lots and LOTS of people hunt (my husband and I included) and don't hunt because they need to eat. It's fun, it's a rush and a sport. And, I do it WITH my manicure! You can NOT compare this with the abuse Michael Vick inflicted on his poor dogs This whole post is stupid--you bunch of hippies!


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