Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Teen girls getting pregnant on purpose for shot at reality show.

From Popeater:

Now that 'Teen Mom' cast members like Amber Portwood are in their twenties, MTV is looking for a new crop of teenage girls to keep its monster hits 'Teen Mom' and '16 and Pregnant' alive, and [surprise!] industry insiders tell me young ladies are so eager to be on reality TV that they are actually getting pregnant just to score an audition. OK, not much of a surprise. Simply take a spin around the various Internet forums filled with young girls inquiring about what's required to score a role.

"This is yet another example of the desperation of fame," Matt Titus, a relationship expert from, tells me. "The sad state of reality television has created a lowbrow vehicle for untainted train wreck personalities to display their private lives.
(Who does THAT sound like?) Getting pregnant to be famous is like eating as many cockroaches as possible in a one minute period."

(Didn't they do that on 'Survivor'?)

Casting any reality show right is essential to whether it is a hit or not. Networks spend top dollar auditioning throughout the country to make sure they get the right mix. However, what makes 'Teen Mom' and '16 and Pregnant' both so difficult to cast is that, thankfully, the "talent pool" of potential stars that are both pregnant and teenagers is relatively small.

You know I do believe that somebody we know wrote about this very thing happening way back in September. Here is what Mercede wrote at the time.

I think that having Bristol on television dancing along with those other so-called celebrities is just going to reinforce the idea in the minds of many teens that having a baby can make you glamorous and famous, and you will get tons of attention. Which of course is absolutely ridiculous! Yet many of these girls are just screaming for attention and believe this is a way to get it.

I think that as a speaker for the Candie’s Foundation, and advocate for abstinence, that Bristol should be spreading a message that speaks to the difficulties of motherhood, and pounding home the idea that, yes she is now famous for being a teen mom, but THAT it is not the right decision for the majority of the teenage girls out there.

She should talk about just how hard it is to manage a “full time job and college” while being a “single mother”. Instead I believe she is focused on the opportunity to wear fancy gowns and jewelry, and appear fabulous on TV. Not exactly an opportunity offered to other single teenage mothers in this country.

Talk about hitting the nail right on the head!

And just in case you think I am exaggerating Bristol's negative influence in this matter, take a look at who pops up in almost every single one of the 61 images that were used to illustrate a "famous" teen moms.

This is the kind of impact that Sarah Palin and her brood are already having on this country.  Imagine how much worse it could be if she were ACTUALLY able to move that dysfunctional family of hers into the White House.

Anybody else get cold chills at the very thought?


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    This is horrible. I am not surprised, but I am horrified. The MTV show needs to be stopped. Talk about complaining to the FCC. I am most certainly going to write a letter and do what I can to spread this news. I have a daughter and she is exposed to this, although she thinks it is ridiculous, but after a while it starts to look normal, as your post points out. "Look, brisstal is doing it and getting kudos, it must be a good idea. SICK SICK SICK Thanks again scara for your real american christian values. Oh.....I am pissed!!

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Exactly. It's sick.

    Where is Bristol? I want to see her.

    Arizona? So do paparazzi just hang around LA?

    I want to see a recent photo of Bristol. This week.

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Todd Palin, his little wife, and his family, are the stupidest choice for anything requiring leadership and innovation.

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I do. The Palins are a dysfunctional, trashy family - period.

    I do not blame the children. The blame for their lack of values, discipline and purpose stem directly from Todd and Sarah. They have not provided stability, structure or guidance.

    As a former teacher I believe you can tell a lot from the behavior of the children. If they are acting out, it can usually be traced back to problems created or ignored by the parents.

    Children who do not feel well and truly loved are more likely to imitate the worse traits of their parents or generate problems as cries for attention and help.

    Todd and Sarah are not mature personalities in their own right. They cling to teenage values. Todd seems caught up in activities that are supposed to prop up his sense of manliness, while Sarah tries to cling to her fading beauty and retain a sense of superiority or worth by constantly berating others. How can these people be expected to raise children when they have yet to let go of their own childhood.

    They bring shame upon America as casting themselves as an average family. They shame Alaska through their pretense of living Alaskan values. The Palin family values are greed, self-interest, and cruelty.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Living in a county with a high teen birth rate, I see how unglamorous teen motherhood really is. I hate to say it, but the majority of these teen moms are gullible - that's what got them into the situation they are in. Now they can add "I'll be rich and famous if I have a baby" to their unrealistic fantasy....

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The American Psychiatric Assoc is considering dropping 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' from the DSM because believing you are entitled to fame and fortune despite having no skills is so pervasive in our culture now, it is the new norm--not a pathology. I think it's a mistake for them to do that. If anything it is more crucial now for some expert body to define this type of behavior as unhealthy than it ever was before. But, sadly, I understand it. We simply have become predominantly greedy, entitled and heartless. It's no longer good enough to just be good enough. We all have to be stars and, sadly, people like Sarah Palin who are mediocre in every respect and yet command the nation's attention, just make this fantasy seem like reality to too many.

  7. Molly8:47 AM

    Bristol is an excellent role model for the reality TV pregnant teens on how to talk about their baby daddies on the air--complain, make fun of them, keep them from seeing their child, and never ever admit that it took TWO of you to get pregnant.

    She even actually referred to Levi as her BABY DADDY when she and Willow on Facebook were bullying that guy about his comment that SP's show was "failing".

    And she's 20!! Much much older than the pregnant at 16 girls! Older but no wiser. And definitely bitchy.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    On top of these teen preg shows, we'll next hear a nightmare that Bristle Tart has been shopping around a talk show 'a la Oprah' fashion. She can be heard to say to teens only audience:

    'Everyone look under your seats. You get a prize, You get a prize - Everyone gets an all expense paid sperm injection'. Everyone enjoy the rest of your life. Don't call us, we'll call you' and 'Just so you know, it's not mine or the show's responsibility so you can't sue us if you use it - you're on your own'.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You gotta be fucking kidding me...

  10. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I was chilled when Mercede posted about Levi and Bristol actually trying to get pregnant. Something is so very wrong about this. She was sanguine and acted as if this was a normal expectation for kids she was raised with. Living in Alaska we all hear about how dysfunctional the Valley teens are and how much truly poor parenting is obvious. And how much meth is available. I have friends who teach in the schools there and they do everything in their power to get their kids in schools outside the area. It used to not be so, before the oil workers moved in it was a fantastic school system and many kids graduated and went to Ivy League colleges! Something just went terribly wrong. Maybe there is an incredible prevalence of SADD as so many people came from southern climes. Maybe the area grew too quickly. Who knows?

  11. Anonymous10:14 AM

    MTV has reached a new low with garbage reality show. They may claim that they are doing a sort of 'don't get pregnant or you could end up like these poor girls' public service announcement,but we all know what it really is: a cash cow reality show. And yeah I'm not surprised at all that young girls are trying to get pregnant just to be on this lame show.

    Who knows, maybe Bristol can be a guest star since she's pregnant? Oh wait, never mind she's not a teen anymore.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Dear Abby,

    I am 15 and want to get pregnant and rich and famous like Bristol.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I have been saying this since I first heard of Brisket being a spokesperson for candies. Utterly ridiculous and disgusting. The whole palin family is trash...why/who keeps putting them in the news? Wake up, Americans, we are much better than that, let's not give them anymore attention. I hope they fade away into oblivion.

  14. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Shame on DWTS for promoting (and paying) Bristol and perpetuating her undeserved "stardom."

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I gave up on '16 and Pregnant' and 'Teen Mom' the minute those young women started popping up on magazine covers and began making more money than most college graduates for having done nothing more than pump out a baby, pimp out said baby and showcase their 'struggling' circumstances. (Where have I heard this before?)

    I believe the initial intent for the show was good -- it really was a documentary about the woes teen parents face -- the unemployment, the childcare issues, the relationship problems, the lack of education, etc. When the girls became 'personalities,' I knew it was all downhill from there.

    The girls who are getting pregnant in the hopes of being on this show probably didn't have much motivation to do anything else anyway. It's amazing to me that there are so many young people who want everything in the world, but don't want to put in the work for it. Or, on the flip side, they don't want much of anything and will have a baby just to get government assistance (I went to school with plenty of girls like this -- they couldn't wait to get food stamps and Section-8 housing vouchers once they had babies.) I guess for some of them, it's either MTV or poverty -- there seems to be nothing else between that as far as they're concerned. (You know, like using birth control and getting an education...)

  16. Anon 8:38

    Do you have a reference for that? I am not a member of the APA, but I certainly would raise an objection. I am a former member of NASP which used to be a subset of APA.

  17. hipnessqueen11:08 AM

    Yikes, Gryphen, off-topic but did you read this?

    Agghhh! They're everywhere, aren't they? It never ceases to amaze me how many of these people are out there pretending to be rational, reasonable citizens . . . .

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    My 16 y/o 2nd cousin announced she was pregnant
    about the time Palin announced Bristol was (Aug 08). She had her baby & was pregnant again in a month. So she had 2 babies before she turned 18. The father of the 1st was older--like in his early 20s, and already had a kid with a woman who was almost
    30, and he didn't take care of it, either. Now he
    has 3 kids, and he has a new girlfriend & she is pregnant. What is going on with these girls? Why are they giving these guys the time of day? No way would I want to be with a man who already had 2 sets of kids he didn't take care of.

    I am generally very liberal, but, JFC, some
    people should be sterilized! Another generation

  19. SME13111:11 AM

    I am so glad you decided to post this. I wish parents would wake up and talk to their kids, and more importantly I wish the Palin's would STFU and quit pretending they are anything but the white trash they are.

    Kids cannot watch these shows without thinking they too can be stars and live a cushy life. By the time they realize it was all a pipe dream it is too late.

    We should all boycott TLC as a start and write a complaint against candies.

  20. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Consider how much criticism the religious right has for media. Specifically how the media encourages bad behavior by adolescents.

    The means this having babies to get on tv must be either the biggest non surprise, or proof that Clan Palin hasn't a clue about how media influences teen behavior.


    Quiverfull of gullible teens.

    Quiverfull of babies raised by children.

    A quiverfull of children raised without the proper love and parental resources.

    It is not a surprise.

    Don't forget to take credit Sarah. Bristol you now are old enough and involved enough to take your fair share of the credit too.

    If you really are waiting for another bun in the oven to rise ( I hope that for the sake of the child that really isn't true btw) then you have some time to figure out how to profit more. Because prevention does not seem to be working.

  21. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Do you think Pistol should make the 11 th?,28804,2032622_2032645_2032670,00.html

  22. Anonymous11:45 AM Bristle is just an old tired bitchy low-life hag with money, like her mother who has been pregnant 2,3,4 times now and having to hide 'pregnancies', WhiteOut or other, for not knowing of paternity ID or FAS; aka 'slut'...from her own mouth!

    She IS NO TEEN now...yes paparazzi: Where is a CURRENT photo of ol' Bristle?

  23. Enjay in E MT11:54 AM

    Another indication of the "dumming down" in America. It is just wrong on so many levels. No doubt it would be a fantastic career opportunity for a young cute enterprising teen. Wasn't it reported to be about $65K an episode?

    Bristol the Pistol better get to work with Candies on a new ad - the Situation one really sucked.

  24. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Where are the parents? THATS the important question. Parents should have a basic idea of what their kids are up to, even if they do not know all (knowing all is simply unrealistic for anyone)

    There are too many parents who are living vicariously through their kids (ie child stars). In the end, kids are going to do what they wish, always have.

    It's almost like we're reverting back to 1850 quicker than ever, when it was normal for people to marry at 16 and have 3 kids by 21. Having feelings of motherhood are natural for teen girls; they just need to be told they need to become financially and emotionally stable first.

    I'm 27 and about a third of my class (100 people) were married by 22, with a kid already. But they also have jobs and do not live off their parents. It's not a bad thing to marry right AFTER high school as long as you have a plan. Peer pressure concerning babies is HUGE and will never settle down - hasnt in the last 15 years. You wanna raise kids with your friends, even if theyre in a different place than you. NOthing Mercede wrote as new.

  25. Anonymous12:06 PM

    While Bristol isn;t helping to stop the problem, she definitely is not the cause or exacerbator. There are girls who are more driven to be a mother than others and NOTHING will stop their drive to have a baby. Trust me, NOTHING.

    I will say Mika B didn't help when she said on tv to not wait until things settle down, or you get a GREAT job...Because that time may never come.

    More people just need to be aware and willing to teach goal setting and financial indep above all else

  26. Anonymous12:09 PM

    As a former teacher I believe you can tell a lot from the behavior of the children. If they are acting out, it can usually be traced back to problems created or ignored by the parents.


    I one hundred percent disagree with this, for many reasons. more than 1/2 of one's development is influenced by peers and school settings. Look at how language changes and the trends that emerge. If you bully, you were probably bullied. Its all about ones environment.

  27. Anonymous12:13 PM

    In the valley, everyone knows everyone else. again, peer pressure is a big problem. In secluded areas, there are people who are dead set in getting out, and those who are family motivated and ready to settle down. Until opportunities popped up for BRistol, she was obviously the latter. Not a bad thing since her family loves and supports her, but thats typically how things work.

  28. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I do not think Bristle is a good representative for abstinence because of who she is, the daughter of Sowah Payme. She did not "abstain" and now she is being showered with attention and riches, when she has not one shred of talent or ability. She can "talk the talk" about how very difficult her life is, but in reality she is not "walking the walk." If a teenage girl in on the fence about abstinence, Bristle's celebrity is more apt to push her over the fence in the wrong direction, rather than in the right one.

  29. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Good old Bristol the Sex Pistol. Inspiring young girls everywhere on to fame and fortune.


  30. Anonymous12:38 PM

    From the article:
    However, what makes 'Teen Mom' and '16 and Pregnant' both so difficult to cast is that, thankfully, the "talent pool" of potential stars that are both pregnant and teenagers is relatively small.

    I don't really agree with the last part. Pregnant teenagers are a dime a dozen. I think what the writer really wanted to say, regarding MTV's selection process, is "pregnant, teenaged and PHOTOGENIC."

    Kind of like how the old 'Real World' cast members looked like real people and the new episodes casts all look like models.

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Wasn't it New hampshire where a group of girls made pregnancy pacts to have babies before their graduation? That was like 5ish years ago, maybe a little longer. I know it was New England. By the time teens reach high school, they've pretty much discovered what type of people they mesh well with. It doesn't surprise me that groups of teens and young adults make these decisions. Hopefully they also have drive to succeed and quickly become financially independent.

    The issues aren't with the act of getting pregnant. It's with teaching kids today what it takes to 100% support themselves and not relying on anyone else. The welfare system was THE SINGLE WORST THING to ever happen to this country.

    If you tweet, tweet out as often as possible that everyone should write/call to MTV to discourage these shows. They should have never been green lighted in the first place.

    What should have been done: for one season only, display a single teen mom, lving in a shithole apartment, with shitty hair, clothes and constant fatigue on her face. If every teen watches one episode of that, no one would want a baby.

  32. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If Bristol insists on talking about teen motherhood, she shouldn't talk about how hard her life is. It isn't hard.

    She should talk about how hard life is for her child, whose mother is so immature that she fights tooth and nail to keep his father out of his life, just because SHE doesn't like the father anymore.

    She should say that her natural teenage longing for a social life, romance, novelty, and glitter didn't magically disappear when she had her son, who is left to find affection where he can while she seeks after these things.

    She should mention how she feels it's necessary to drag him from state to state as she pursues her career in entertainment, being cared for by different people according to her convenience.

    She should talk about how bad it is for him to have one man after another brought into his life to bond with him, and then disappear when Bristol doesn't want the man anymore.

    She could talk about how she's dreading the wounded look on his face the day he realizes that she hates his father. Then there will be the day he understands that she's been telling the whole world that he, her baby, was the worst mistake she ever made.

    She should say that she was so young when Tripp was born that she hadn't figured out what she wanted to do with her life, so she hasn't been able to settle down to serious study for a career. She's just been going along with being a pawn on her mother's chessboard. It's been lucrative, but something you would be proud to tell your child.

    She should ask them to think enough of their children to get their own childhood over with before having them.

  33. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I just rewatched Bristols first interview with Greta. Yeah, Tripp definitely was NOT planned. Her response sounds pretty genuine.

  34. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It cracks me up that Sarah Palin ads run on this blog.

    Also, this is just a thought for everyone to consider. Mercede doesnt exactly have a lot of credibility considering first she stated pretty bluntly "Bristol was not pregnant before Tripp" then later said, "I don't know if Bristol was pregnant earlier"

    Just something to think about

  35. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Birth control is empowerment for women. Too bad these girls are so uneducated to understand it.

    The cycle continues.

  36. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The real travesty is the high percentage increase in teen pregnancies in Alaska since Bristol the Pistol glamorized teen pregnancy. At one time I heard that there was a 19% increase. What are the actual numbers?

  37. Anonymous2:18 PM

    1:04 pm and others have attempted to analyze whether a well known unmarried teen mom's pregnacy was planned or unplanned.

    Looking at what was said in one interview means nothing. Looking at what was said afterward also probably means nothing.

    One reason that most teens make poor mothers and fathers is that they are not mature.
    Maturity means understanding choices, and decisions, and how to make them. Immaturity is evidenced by poor or non existent skills in all the previous.

    Part of being mature is that decisions once reached are stuck with because they do not need to be changed (because they were reached by a mature decision making process).

    Many teen pregnancies occur where the mother has expressed different views on whether this was desired or a potentially good thing. Sometimes changing daily or more frequently. Just like the boyfriend they alternately hate and intend to marry.

    If they later state they did not 'plan' it- that does not make it so. These kids may wish it so, and actually believe it for various reasons. The new grandparents may also want to think it was all an accident. Living in denial is something that usually starts early, and is often passed from generation to generation. Unless it was coerced unprotected sex, it was not an unplanned pregnancy.

    There is only one possible exception: if both participants had a complete failure to understand how babies are made.

    Thank you religious right for your efforts to demonize proper sex education and contraceptive availability for our country's children and adolescents. The education does need to start with children.

  38. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Bill Maher addressed the problems of teaching abstinence only some time ago on his HBO show. Part of the abstinence only package is a lack of sex education, and of course, no condoms, no birth control, no information. As a result, teens chose a different form of sexual activity that won't risk an unwanted pregnancy, and there is an increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

    Glamoring unwed teen pregnancy isn't a message that should be resonating with Sarah's conservative religious right people. I thought that they were all about the importance of family. They deny adoption rights to gay couples, arguing that children need a mother and a father. That would go for those teen children, too. But, the Palins have made sure to excluded Levi and his family from Tripp's life.

    As part of Bristol's "message," saying that Tripp was a mistake will come back to haunt him all his life. Mercede's claim that they were trying to conceive is a nice way for Tripp to think that he was wanted and loved.

  39. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Bristol cannot talk about how hard her life was as a teen mom because her life is NOT HARD.

    Bristol is rich. Nothing for her is difficult.

    I'll never forget I was watching tv one day and I respect Oprah for this so much...she happened to be on David Letterman, and this was way before the economy crashed of course, and he made some comment about how we're ok in this country or something, and she corrected him and said, no Dave,..."WE" are ok, (her and him), and it's not so with others. I really, really respect rich people when they acknowledge that. In contrast, you have people like the Palins who continue to pretend they are living like regular people when they are filthy rich. Bristol can get away with what she does because she's wealthy and has a famous mother. Any other teen mom cannot.

  40. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Someone posted earlier for new pictures of Bristol, I'd like to see recent ones as well. Why has she all of a sudden disappeared?

    I think the issue was hit straight on the dot, the Christian right teaches (maybe at best) abstinence as the only way of birth control. Being from an extremely religious family, I know. I was handed a book, said "read it, know what the Bible says, here's a promise ring." Did I do any of it? Of course not, however I was smart enough to use protection, bcp and otherwise. I think anyone who does not use some form of contraception is accepting the fact that pregnancy is a likely factor, planned! There is no unplanned pregnancy if you are not using contraception, sorry!

    I am sad that these girls are getting all this attention. I will say one of the couples that moved on to teen mom at least shows the realities and gave their child up for adoption, knowing that they could not care for a baby at their young age! I give them props!

  41. Recently published statistic showed 19 percent increase in teen pregnancies in the last year, and a significant increase in sexually-transmitted diseases.

    I attribute this directly to $arah Palin's pimping her unwed teenage fornicator.

  42. Anonymous3:50 PM

    3:15 I confess. I have watched that show. I agree that the most mature couple was the one that gave the child up for adoption.

    It seems to me that they are portrayed as not being any happier than any of the other couples. As some one who is old enough to know why that might be, I fear that many of the impressionable teens viewing will not understand why.

    Thanks to creative editing and filming, not to mention all the money the teen moms get for being on the show-a pretty picture is presented. What impressionable viewers may think is 'as bad as it gets for teen moms' as viewed on the show- is far short of what bad is really like in reality.

    If you have ever seen poverty stricken (and all the rest of the problems that go along with real poverty) children having children you understand what a lie this 'reality' show is.

  43. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    It cracks me up that Sarah Palin ads run on this blog."

    When I see random/keyword ads like that, I click on them, so the advertisers have to pay the left-leaning bloggers. If it is a petition for something I always fill out the form using the email address ""

  44. Anonymous4:36 PM

    It's so sad that the abstinence crowd sends this completely inaccurate "sex is bad" message. Sex is great, sex is fun, our bodies are designed to enjoy it and seek it during our prime "mating" years. To repress this or hide it will always result in mayhem. If this young girls were encouraged to embrace their sexuality in an empowered way and to learn to use birth control (several methods, girls! Condoms ALWAYS for health reasons; spermicides as backup; and the pill if possible so you are not going to get preggers!) could be so glorious and mind-opening for these young women.

    Instead, they have all these sex-shaming and body-shaming messages going on.

    And when Sarah and her mother both got pregnant out of wedlock, these messages are especially ludicrous.

  45. Hannah_bell5:13 PM

    Gryphen, I am SO glad you've posted this item.

    Believe it or not, I just this morning came across one of the photos from this event...and upon further research, I was so livid I could barely see straight.

    This "event" at which BRISTOL "escalade, new condo, making $100,000 for ninety minutes of posing on a tabloid cover" PALIN was the star attraction?

    "THE HARSH TRUTH: what teen motherhood is really like".

    I was and remain completely agog. I cannot believe that even Candies with their insane hypocritical "don't have sex, and do it while wearing these slutty shoes" propaganda...had the raw nerve to say out loud, in public...that Bristol knows ANY "harsh truths" about teen parenting.

    Truth be told, I don't think Maci Bookout should have been there either. She's made $7,000+ per episode of "Teen Mom" plus all her tabloid ventures. Factor in her super supportive parents, her baby's father's parents...she has never had to pay for childcare or worry about where she's going to live. It's not that I WANT her to struggle-- I don't. But parading Maci and Bristol in front of a young and impressionable audience...what did MTV and Dr Drumbass THINK was going to happen?

    Sorry to prattle on. I am just SO angry that Bristol stood up to showcase how HARD it is to raise a baby...meanwhile her own baby was likely the same place he was during her DWTS run-- being cared for by a professional nanny...paid for with Sarah Palin's millions.

    Six figures for less than a day's work, luxury SUV, nicer dwelling than many have in their lives...this is the poster girl for "harsh truth"???

    Oh, I am just ILL.

  46. Anonymous6:17 PM

    4:36 PM

    >>>>>And when Sarah and her mother both got pregnant out of wedlock, these messages are especially ludicrous.

    Can you post a link for that?
    Not Sarah-Sarah's mother.

  47. So is this like Big Brother's House? Will Bristol try to get hired by either show as the den Mother or host or something.

    She can give them advice on stretch marks and foot massages. And how to milk your pregnancy and baby for every dollar you can.

    But this is nothing new. There was a group of girls in some school back east that made a pregnancy pact.

  48. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Wait till these unmarried teen mothers have their kids and they realize it is no walk in the park. Then we can blame Sarah.

  49. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hey dude. Bristol is making serious bank. Serious. Mercede is broke,living in a trailer. How long till she tires of giving it away and starts charging? Levi's next option is hustling on Santa Monica boulevard. And Bristol may never have to work again. Ever. And you feed her machine with every post. You don't realize all the attention, good and bad, means $$. Fools.

  50. We live in a "if it breeds, it leads" culture, and I'm not just talking about the Teen Moms and Bristol. Kate Gosselin is treated like she's a big celebrity. Our tabloids are on "bump" watches. My local paper published an opinion piece stating Sarah Palin would make the perfect VP because she didn't abort Trig. Barbara Curtis from the odious blog, Mommy Life, thinks she's an expert on everything because she's a mom of 12. And Michelle Duggar gets feted as some type of "mother of the year" even though she does more gestating than actual mothering.

    Having children used to be a natural part of life. Now it's a career move. Actual intelligence, education, skills and talent don't actually matter.


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