Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Big American flag in the background demonstrating patriotism? Check! Piper Palin prop to demonstrate family values? Check! Pretend to be interested in the lives of the book buying idiots to demonstrate accessibility? Double check!

"And what to do you do little girl?"

"My job is to stand here and look cute so Mommy can sell more books."

"Where is your your little brother Trig?"

"He got too big and fussy to bring out in public.  Mommy says that she wants a smaller one now, like Tripp!"

"Why aren't you in school?"

"According to Mommy school is for people without 'common sense'.  She says with enough of that 'common sense' stuff you could even be the President without really ever having to learn anything!"

"Are you wearing makeup?"

"Yes Mom says it is never too early to start covering up your flaws. Which reminds me, I really miss Bristol!"

Update: Here is a journalist's description of this same book signing event. 


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Sayruh looks pretty there. What happened?
    She is ugly & manly as hell on her TeeVee show.
    What is she doing differently?

  2. laprofesora2:54 PM

    That little girl looks miserable. Is the queen the only ones who's allowed to sit, everyone else has to stand in her presence? Even her kid?

    I guess this is what she meant in her book, when she said it's the "quantity" of time you spend with your kid that counts, not the "quality". So even if she never looks at or talks to Piper, at least they have "quantity" time together.

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Piper is the saddest child that I've ever seen. Kids in the ghetto have more spark.


  4. BAustin2:56 PM

    poor Piper...

  5. More like: "Mommy doesn't bring Trig out much now that that big meany Gryphen noticed that he has two different sets of ears!!"

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Sadly Bette Davis is not around anymore. Just who will play Piper Palin in the remake of ''Whatever Happened To Baby Piper ?"


  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    They couldn't find a chair or a stool for that poor child to sit on?

  8. Molly3:10 PM

    I am gonna have to start screenin' nurses now? If they're dumb enough to fall for Sarah Palin's crappola, then I think they're too dumb to be my nurse.

    Maybe that's just me, though.

    Perhaps Sarah Palin can personally thank me for being a clinical laboratory technologist as well. I work *just* so that I can be thanked by the likes of her. (snark)

  9. Molly3:16 PM

    Oh, and miss smarty-pants nurse, perhaps because you were wearin' SCRUBS, Sarah was able to deduce that you were either ON your way to work or COMING HOME FROM work.

    Oh that Sarah, she is SO OBSERVANT!!!!

    We just LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!!!

    (Sorry, I'm feeling very snarktastic after hearing all about that little encounter with a Genuine Goddess and her little sidekick Pipsqueak)

    And NO I am most definitely NOT jealous of either miss nurse, her sister, or Mrs. Palin!!!

  10. London Bridges3:17 PM

    Took over 2 years for someone to tell it straight:

    must read.

  11. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "Leadfoot said...
    More like: "Mommy doesn't bring Trig out much now that that big meany Gryphen noticed that he has two different sets of ears!!"

    ROFLOL, that was funny Leadfoot.

  12. Chenagrrl3:29 PM

    Sarah thanked the hometown Little Rock woman for being a nurse? What happened to "that's an important job, or some such." When will she debut the Queen Mum wave?

  13. Anonymous3:32 PM

    HP has a story about DWTS wanting Toad for next season. Is there a light at the end of this crazyass tunnel? The nuts are taking over the nuthouse!


  14. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I'm normally not one to get all snotty about petty forms of flag desecration, but that's pathetic.

  15. Lynne3:45 PM

    There's just something amusing about Palin being at Costco for her big book signing. I always think of Costco as a place where not-quite-up-to-par books go to die a lingering death. It is so very much a fitting image for her as she does her slow slide.

  16. Lynne3:49 PM

    Oh, that was Sam's Club. Well, no difference there.

  17. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sarah is a really beautiful woman, and when she turns on the charm, wow. I can see why people really want to like her.

    The sad part is that beautiful face is only one of her many faces she possesses, and many of the others are spiteful, insecure, hateful, and mean.

  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    That poor child, Piper, just breaks my heart.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Can you hardly wait? These upcoming SPAK episodes sound really exciting. NOT

    Sarah's freezer is almost empty and winter is approaching. She embarks on an epic caribou hunting trip with her father, Chuck and friend Steve Becker. They travel 500 miles from the nearest city, above the Arctic Circle, in search of a caribou for food.
    ( )

    Sarah welcomes Kate Gosselin and her children to Alaska. To prepare for a camping trip with the kids, Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class for rifle practice. Then Kate and the kids experience the wilderness braving the challenges of camping in Alaska.

    Sarah is packing the RV and taking her family on a weekend road trip of white water rafting, and ATV'ing. Later, Sarah and her youngest daughter, Piper, will meet some Iditarod champions and go dog sledding on a nearby glacier.

    Sarah along with her husband, Todd, and daughter, Willow, go to a remote logging camp on Alaska's Afognak Island to get a taste of the Alaskan logging industry. Sarah cuts down Sitka Spruce trees and operates dangerous logging equipment on the island.

    Sarah, her brother, Chuck, and their kids go to Nome hunting for gold. The plan: to find enough to make Sarah's mom an anniversary gift. Chuck leads the way panning for gold then to Valdez; kayaking a glacier that was once part of the 1890's Gold Route.

  20. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Piper is usually adorable, but she looks like a bouncer in this video, poor little girl - is she not eating well or something? And who are the God Squad twins - people like this seriously exist? Gah!

    -Elitist Northeasterner T

    (and friggin' proud of it!)

  21. Anonymous4:10 PM

    "Piper, do you EVER go to school??"

    "Not very often. My mom says when you have money, you don't need an education. You can buy anything you want, like a spot on DWTS for Bristol. Next Mom's going to buy Willow a reality show or something, and then it will be my turn. Why should I go to school when I'm going to be a star?"

  22. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I'm surprised that Piper hasn't been put to work as photographer -- earning her keep - food, lodging, travel, expenses. Without Trigg, she's not needed for her babysitting services.

    The last book tour there was video of Piper playing around with a camera.

    Appears they might not have sold as many pictures as they thought last tour with the 'resident photographer' travelling along.

  23. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Today, when I got my hair cut, everyone was talking about how they wish that McCain had been elected over Obama. I said I had voted for Obama and only one other person in the place spoke up saying they voted for Obama. Then I said I hope Palin does not run for president and everyone erupted and tried to talk at once about how crazy she is, how unfit to be president, how she is the one that ruined McCains chance to win and on and on. Not one person stood up for Sarah and each person, including the hair dressers and the men, had to add something they did not like about her. There may be hope.

  24. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Those two women were nurses?? I would say nurses aides at best. They both had dumb and dumber written all over their faces

  25. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Sarah dear,
    You are a whore,
    Nothing less -
    And nothing more.

  26. The girls being interviewed hurt my brain. My eye twitched the entire time as they praised Sarah for her lunacy.


    Aww... that didn't really help. I still feel nauseous.

  27. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Saw some pictures of Piper at a book signing that just creeped me out. She looks dead inside. Prob is.
    Poor kid never stood a chance in the Palin household.
    Where's Alaska CPS?

  28. Anonymous4:33 PM

    OMG poor Piper! That child does not stand a chance at a normal life.

  29. Anonymous4:37 PM

    This is video of her visit to Brentwood, TN:


  30. Anonymous5:00 PM

    From the journalist's description in the update.

    Piper leaned in at one point and told her mother something in a bossy tone and pointed toward the back of the store. The little girl looked angry as Palin smiled at her.

  31. Anonymous5:51 PM

    If there is one thing more pathetic than Palin, it is young aspirants who see her as a "rock star."

    Fucking sad. Hey girls, you DO know that if you are impregnated by rape you will not have the option of a safe abortion under the rule of this evangelical clown, don't you?

  32. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "We're her No. 1 fans," Susie Parkes said, clutching her signed book. "We love her values and what she stands for and what she has done for our country."

    What GOOD has she done for this country?

  33. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I currently live in Arkansas (on my way back to San Diego asap). This is a state that on average is dumber than dirt. Kids are proud they can't read. After Obama was elected president, kids at the local High School (Lake Hamilton [considered one of the best in the state])showed up wearing black t-shirts because their Babtist minister's told them the country was going to Hell.

    The state is at the bottom in almost all categories....

  34. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Piper's affect is scary. No expression, no reactions or interactions. Almost like she's drugged. The reporter says angry, somewhere else I read sullen. Both work for me. Strange. melly

  35. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Why is poor Piper out of school again? This is not an educational experience. Given the fact that Sarah was so worried about Joe McGinniss peeking into Piper's bedroom, I don't think that it's all that good an idea to put Piper on display and on view for 500 total strangers. She looks uncomfortable and unhappy. Is she there for Sarah to have companionship at dinner or in her room at night? Do they still pray together like they did before the debate? Or is Sarah still worried that if she doesn't keep Piper close, the kid might slip and say something by accident? (And Willow is always in the back, staking books, flipping them open to the correct page. Those kids belong in school).

  36. Anonymous6:32 PM

    On Amazon, the book dropped from #20 this a.m. to #25 in one day (PAC bought all they could afford with the new donations?). Also, the number of comments on this book, compared to the last, is way down and the percentage of negative ones is way up. Could be a reflection of what's going on with all-things-Palin in general.

  37. Anonymous7:09 PM

    #1 book? The one by that blue blood, George Bush.

    #20 book? The one by the guy that beat McCain.

    #21 *(&% My Dad Says

    #24 Priscilla from Wasilla

  38. 10catsinMD7:32 PM

    Prickly and cynical according to Nicole Wallace.
    Sounds about right.
    Prickly and cynical - nice to look at, but don't touch me.

    Prickly and cynical.

  39. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Piper does look strange. To me it looks she never lived like a little girl. If you look at their house you do not see balls, toys, swingsets or sandbox. Then Sarah takes her to places where people boo at her, why take your child to these places? We know why, she took Piper to the Philadelphia hockey game in hopes people won't boo at her with a child.

  40. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Hey Sarah, time for SarahPac to put in another order of your books so that it looks like they are selling.

  41. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I saw a photo of Palin without make-up
    & she is not at all pretty. The upswept hairdo does wonders for almost
    any woman & it sure helps her. She is
    far better looking wearing glasses
    than without. Odd, it's usually the other way around with nearly everyone.
    Over at c4p, they're in absolute,
    total & complete denial of all the recent negatives that have come out about 'her.' Those people are scary
    & let's not forget it!

    Sharon TN

  42. Ratfish8:34 PM

    What is the attendance policy in the Mat-su School District?

    How many days can kids like Piper and Willow miss?

    Or are there special rules in place for the Palins?

    Someone should ask the school district what their rules are.

  43. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Looks like the pus pocket is back on her cheek. Bigger and more disgusting than ever:

  44. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Free Piper! It worked well for Willy....

  45. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Those two girls should hold their heads real close together and see if they could create a synapse.

  46. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Sharon from Tn said:
    "I saw a photo of Palin without make-up
    & she is not at all pretty...

    Sharon TN"

    Well Sharon, have you seen the picture of Sarah when she was sitting on the beach in Hawaii with Todd and she had to quickly leave because Willow was in trouble for breaking and entering?
    She was wearing that blue McCain visor and the letters were blacked out. Well in the pictures of her in Hawaii, Sarah was without make up, no nylons, loose t-shirt and shorts. It was not a pretty sight. All her exposed skin looked blotchy and her color was not good. Believe me, you would not look twice at her. Totally different Sarah without make up, she is not a pretty sight.

  47. Anonymous12:36 AM

    okay, look at the two video cult fans they not jump out?

    ah, like we have the same daddy who does our mouth work, or else, we have a boss that did our same mouth work and he sent us here, and we all luv us some sarah.

  48. Anonymous2:07 AM

    The child should be in school.

  49. Randall6:49 AM

    Mark my words: that Piper Palin is one creepy little kid. Keep an eye on her, folks - she's going to do "something newsworthy" in a few years - you wait and see.


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