Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Bristol Palin continues to prove she is her mother's daughter (Or at least has access to her mother's ghostwriter) by issuing a response to Kathy Griffn's latest joke at her expense.

From the New York Daily News:

Calling her "the white Precious," Griffin said Palin was "the only contestant in the history of 'Dancing with the Stars' to gain weight on the show.

In response, Palin issued a statement on Monday slamming Griffin for the comment.

"The audience's reaction to this 'comedian' spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too," Palin told Fox News. "I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms."

According to PopEater's Rob Shuter, VH1 producers considered removing Griffin's joke from the broadcast, which was taped on Friday night.

"There was talk at VH1 about editing out the joke and the reaction to it but in the end we decided to leave it in," a network source told Shuter. "It made the event feel live and Kathy is a big girl. It's not the first time one of her jokes have failed."

Look I might also cringe a little at Griffin's joke, but THAT kind of take "no prisoners" type of humor is what she is famous for.  Besides surely Sarah realized that by sending Bristol out onto a nationally televised stage, while she continued to grow larger (with child) every week, she was going to draw some fairly nasty attention. I mean that's pretty obvious right?

Perhaps Kathy's joke did not go over as well as she had hoped, but we do have to admit her observation was dead on.

Just check out these pictures that our friend Curiouser put together for us of Bristol during week six of the competition combined with pictures of her in the same outfit on week ten of the competition.  You tell me what you see, and if you think it can be explained by too many Ho-Ho's and fast food. (Week six is on the left and week ten on the right.)

The lighting is not exactly perfect, but I think it is pretty apparent why everybody is shocked at Bristol's response to six to eight hours of exercise a day.

If Margaret Cho is telling the truth, and you all know where I side on that, then Sarah Palin may be one of the worst mother's/human beings on the planet!


  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    These are great shots. The baby bump is very clear. I am looking forward to seeing how the Palin camp explains this one away...should be entertaining, and a bit sad.

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Bristol should stop and think how "negativity" (plus racism) has enriched the entire Palin family. Her mother blasts the President of the USA on a daily basis and it has made her rich. Of course, she COULD explain why she porked up during DWTS but being honest is not a family trait with these people. Wasn't Mrs. Palin booed during DWTS and she had not even opened her mouth. Griffin got laughs and applause also too.

  3. Facebook Lurker2:46 AM

    If you noticed, the audience was filled withe a very diverse, multicultural audience of rank and file service members, who may not have like the "racial" tone of the White Precious comparison. I tried to watch "Precious" several times, and it is hard core....a very serious movie which exposes the sexual abuse and incest that goes on for many poor teen girls, black and white. The life of "Precious" as an unwed teen mother is in direct contrast to Bristol Palin's life.

    On the other hand, you see how the audience initially laughed when Kathy told the first part of the joke, because everyone who has eyes and half a brain knows it's true.

    If Bristol didn't want to judged, mocked and scrutinized, she should have kept her ass in Wasilla. This is the price you pay for all those six figure tabloid covers, reality show, and book deals bitchez.

    Again, Sarah makes the mistake of drawing more attention to Bristol's weight gain, by responding predictably. It's just too easy to fuck with the Palins and Becky Mansour isn't it? Good times...

  4. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Sarah Palin TV show is exposing her as a fake


  5. Anonymous2:53 AM

    As God is my witness, I do not understand where people hear booing. I really don't and maybe somebody can actually point out to me where they hear booing. I see people smiling that's about it. Tell me the actual word Kathy is saying when the booing starts, when they are booing her.

  6. Facebook Lurker2:58 AM

    He, he, this just popped up after I clicked your link:


    Carrie Anne says DWTS will take a Palin vacation, no Todd on next season

  7. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Wow, pretty funny for WGE and WGE's daughter to think they would talk-down two of the funniest (and perhaps crudest) comediennes. Kathy and Margaret will ultimately evicerate them, both on stage, on twitter/FB, and on TV.

  8. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Well, I hope people don't pay Sarah to hear HER negativity and criticism - I mean, really, Sarah, that's all you do is run off at the mouth with sour grapes and anger.

    If anyone should know negativity and criticism, it's Sarah. She's made her career on both (that and a push-up bra).

  9. 1) DOes Bristol know any decent people?

    2) Preggers.

    3) Kyle lost weight while still eating pizza. (And the 2 are almost the same age).

  10. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Sarah ought to be grateful that Kathy's remarks weren't harsher.

    After all, she could have said, "at least Bristol finished what she started, something her mother hasn't done for a long, long time."

  11. Anonymous4:04 AM

    If Bri$tle feels the need to respond to everything negative said @ her just like her momma, she's going to be one busy girl. HA HA HA never ending entertainment!

  12. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Well, too bad for you little miss brisket. You are now in the spot light and exposed for all to see. Kathy is good at telling jokes in poor taste, that's her thing. If you want the money, you have to do the job, honey. That means getting raked over the coals. Poor baby......you could have just gone to school and stayed behind closed doors, which would have been the prudent thing to do, especially for your child, but nahhhhhhh, you want to be just like your mom. Some one who dishes it out, but can't take it. Here's a tissue.......or perhaps a rubber room would be better??????

  13. Rick Hill4:09 AM

    I thought the reaction to the joke was because it was so cold, not out of bounds.

  14. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Since Bristol the Pistol has solidified her status as a celebrity, why haven't the paparazzi found her for the money shot, clearly revealing her pregnancy. And also, too, any news on where she may be hiding?

  15. Anonymous4:21 AM

    It's simply hilarious that the Palins cannot let any slight go unanswered. And, in the typical Palin hypocrisy, at the same time they insist they have thick skins. The stupidity is strong in this family.

  16. Honestly, I don't really think these people are coming out and saying these things to "be funny." I'm thinking that a lot of people are seeing the lies this family is telling, and they're finding their own ways to tell America. If Margaret, Kathy, or Keith had just come out and said, "Hey, Sarah is a liar, Bristol is probably pregnant again (or was pregnant again), and they're lying to you," the outcome would have probably been more drastic. Americans, for whatever reason, seem to need riddles given to them in order to learn the real story behind a situation.

    Besides, at this point the ghostwriters are just having fun getting everyone riled up when they post something for the family.

  17. Anonymous4:28 AM

    That's abdom. fat. I know, I've had a very defined ab roll since I was 16, despite my super active lifestyle. Plus, theres a month difference between those pictures.

    It's not uncommon to remain essentially the same size , especially if she ate takeout everyday. (which I am guessing she did since the fatigue from dancing everyday probably prevented her from cooking.) Also, my guess is Bristol is NOT a cook by any means. Contant takeout will prevent weight loss.

    Think about why starlets and even older stars weights fluctuate greatly. Not having a routine will do that. Bristol's weight has fluctuated from the beginning.

  18. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Kathy.. release a few of the secrets Levi told you.

  19. I am wondering if those outfits will end up in the secondhand store in Wasilla?

  20. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Levi.. who was better in bed? Kathy or Bristol?

    My bet is Kathy.

  21. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Those photographs certainly raise eyebrows and questions. No need to speculate because the photos speak for themselves.

  22. Anonymous4:39 AM

    My first question is why is the Palin statement worthy of news on Fox? Can anyone think of another celebrity who issues statements to news programs for any comment, criticisim or satirical joke about them?

    I laughed at the joke and winced. I winced due to Precious and how her abusive mother forced her to consume food brutalizing her with her verbal abuse.

    What the Palin twin Jekyll Hydes who have sick needs to be perceived in divine perfection do not realize is how they call attention to truth, Bristol's huge weight gain. This reminds me that Precious was pregnant also and the mother was abusive. I can give Griffin credit she may have hit the nail on the head in her reference meaning weight gain, pregnancy and an abusive exploitive parent.

    The Palin's mindset is to paint themselves decent and Griffin indecent to distract and divert attention that Bristol inexplicably gained so much weight.

    Given Sarah's narcissistic personality it could be she manipulated Bristol to sabbotage her potential success to lose weight and get buff during DWTS. For this is how pathalogic people roll and manipulate their spouse or family that it is everyone against them as they underhandedly sabbotage your success. Anyone who had a narcissist parent or spouse understands this.

    Bristol has my empathy for not losing weight she said she wanted to. As a woman and mother of three adult daughters this formerly unheard of big weight gain is cause for concern regardless of the reason why.

    I notice in family photos of the Palins, Sarah is center stage and her daughters are dressed down so she appears better looking.

  23. Anonymous4:42 AM

    "I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms."

    Is Palin referring to the gullible ones who paid to attend Sarah's speeches of negativity and criticisms?

  24. Anonymous4:42 AM

    The week of Bristol's first jive dance, when Willow and Lauden were in the audience, Willow (pissed at the others for something) wrote this about Bristol: "your face is like a basketball, huge, round and orange. and your body is unflattering"

    Yeah im thinking it's weight issues. We ALL know Sarah has massive ambition. She would not let Bristol go on a tv show pregnant.

    There's too much facebook evidence that shows Bristol wanting to go on dwts and actually wishing to not get voted off. Her friends even took gambles and bought their plane tickets at the beginning, with a warning from Bristol that if she did get voted off, theyd be coming to LA by themselves.

  25. Anonymous4:43 AM

    One thing has changed since 2009, though. Bristol has seemingly consumed tanks of the Kool-Aid and now mirrors her mother's classlessness.

    I can't figure out why Sarah has to respond to every slight. Does she not realize that by doing so, she magnifies whatever criticism that has been made and adds a new layer against herself or does she do this on purpose thinking it enhances her publicity?

    Either way, it is not Presidential. It is not even indicative of a mature adult.

    Sarah really is forever lost in middle school. I wonder what traumatic event froze her development into that adolescent mentality.

  26. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Sarah had the potential to go far in life: drive, dedication to a purpose, great looks. However, she threw it away by embracing a combative, negative outlook.

    Her voice and face now reflect that negativity and ruins whatever might have been.

    Hers is truly a tragic story already. I'm not saying she ever had any intellectual depth, but she was blessed with some talent and beauty. Why she did not chose to develop grace and civility is a question that can only be answered once we know her full story.

    Sarah Heath Palin - a life corroded by hate and blind ambition. I really do feel sorry for her and all those she has hurt.

  27. She looks fat in both of them. Sorry hate to make fun of a woman's weight but Bristol is becoming Sarah jr. Everything and anything that is said about her she is online responding to it. How many people call our President names and racial slurs? Even wish death on him? He doesn't lower himself to answer all the nonsense.

  28. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I really don't think the family knows what to do about this one so they are trying to buy time by denying everything... truth be damned.

  29. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I'm still confused. THe DWTS pictures suggest pregnancy. As do some of the "candids" when she goes out with friends during that time period. But in a recent picture (wish I could remember where I saw it) with a friend from Arizona, she didn't look pregnant.

  30. Anonymous4:59 AM

    For one thing, Palin doesn't know any decent people - at least people who would stand up for them in public.

    Second thing, ""I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms.""

    Wow. Haven't we learned that the fringe contingent of the U.S. have made Sarah a millionaire for exactly Sarah's brand of 'leadership?'

    M in BET

  31. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Does the grifter queen pay for anything??? And she obviously doesn't say thank you for her freebies...

    Adams and Harman, who are both shooters, formed a partnership in November 2008 and began selling their merchandise at trade shows and online.

    In February, the two attended the Shasta Cascade Logging conference, where Sarah Palin was a guest speaker, and at a friend's suggestion put together a package.

    Not knowing if the package made it to Palin, the girls were surprised and excited to get a call from Mark Burnett Productions to get their permission to use footage of Palin wearing their products in her new reality show.

    The show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska," featuring Palin wearing Girls with Guns clothing aired Sunday, Harman said.

  32. Anonymous5:02 AM

    To be honest, when I first heard Kathy use "Precious" I thought she meant the white yappy dog in Silence of the Lambs. Precious was plump and annoying.

    Either way, it works.

    And give us a break Sarah, you probably have talked about fat / overweight people all your life, especially in front of your children since you never watch your mouth around them. Parental guidance is not a virtue in the Heath / Palin clan.

  33. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I actually thought the audience was booing the show--DWTS--not Kathy and her joke.

  34. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Isn't Rebecca ( Becky) special? Defensive much?? To think this person is giving Palin advice and in charge of her communications.

    FYI: Rebecca Mansour, founder emeritus of Conservatives4Palin, and now communications director for SarahPAC

    From twitter: RAMansour

    A little twitter etiquette: If you're a batsnot crazy Trig Truther loon, don't call me by my 1st name as if we're on a 1st name basis. Thnx.
    about 6 hours ago via web

    Her rifle scope was off. When she switched guns, she bagged the caribou on the 1st shot. But now lefties claim she's a lousy shot.
    about 7 hours ago via web

    I wonder if anyone will correct the record now that we can all see that Palin a) hunts, b) fishes, c) is good at both?
    Sun Dec 05 2010 22:32:47 (EST) via web

    Oh I love it. The new PDS meme is that Palin is a terrible shot because the gun scope was off.
    Sun Dec 05 2010 22:27:19 (EST) via web

    PETA members are in a fetal position somewhere sobbing for the antlered puppies who are now Palin family hot dogs. #SPAlaska
    10:16 PM Dec 5th via web

  35. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Great insight here posted how Palin has made her money from constant negativity, insults, and criticisim of others. I'll add habitual lies demonizing people for things they have not done nor said.

    Decent people don't keep it up while people shout "KILL HIM"! as she lies so people will hate someone or demonize people as sexual perverts and keep that up knowing people are sending death threats either. Or pack up the clothing to take home or lie they can't find the clothes boasting of pulling one over on people.

  36. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Where is Bristol????? I hope these public fights get ratcheted up so it will start to seem strange that "she" only communicates through Facebook. Let media start hounding Bristol for an on-tape comment. Let's see the girl now, this week!

    This family truly has a pathological self-destructive streak. Why would they authorize this statement, knowing full well it puts the spotlight back on to Bristol. Bristol was almost free and clear, mysteriously absent from TV and the web, but far away from prying eyes.

    There are many photo comparisons out there that make it pretty clear that Bristol is pregnant right now.

  37. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Is thre a photo of Bristol from this summer for more contrast of her size pre DWTS?

    If Bristol is out of the limelight and if she is only heard from via FB that will lead me to believe she can't be seen in public due to a bun in the oven. It remains to be seen if she'll be in seclusion.

    The FB rants and missives remind me of the Wizard of Oz sounding all powerful behind a curtain. hahaha

  38. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The only downside to highlighting this is that those who aren't familiar with Palin will view Kathy's remarks as very cruel. I, of course, laughed out loud, but cringed at the same time. Comedians can be ruthless! The problem is that it allows Sarah to provide examples of how cruel people have been to her children which only helps her. The talk of Bristol being fat has always been a tough area for me. A pregnancy watch, absolutely. Cashing in on her celebrity status after calling Levi a famewhore, having the Palinbots unfairly fix the competition for her, and her stupid facebook battles are absolutely fair game. The weight of a girl who is still a teenager seems wrong to me. Bristol put herself out there, so she can and should be scrutinized, but the weight issue seems wrong.

  39. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Is "Bristol" some Alaskan word for "Bag of Donuts"?

  40. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Yes, it's very funny how the Palins (and by "the Palins", I mean Sarah) can't let anything go by. Even more hilarious is Sarah referring to herself as having a thick skin. She's said that more than once in interviews (with Fox News, natch). Anyway, though, I did notice, if I'm not mistaken, that she did NOT respond to Nicolle Wallace's appearance on Morning Joe last week... Interesting. I think she knows that Nicolle is ready to pull the trigger on Palin in the not too far future, if Palin doesn't mind her Ps and Qs...

    Honestly, I think that all of what has happened in the past 2 years and what will happen in the future has been on a timeline. I believe that the McCain campaign and the RNC informed Sarah Palin that she would be given a certain amount of time to fire up the "base" and make tons of money for herself. Now that we're getting close to when GOP players will announce their candidacies for 2012, though, I think Palin is under orders to STFU in the near future. She's been extra manic lately because her magical coach is about to turn back into a pumpkin. Gotta grab those last bucks!

  41. Anonymous5:41 AM

    O/T For anyone who wants to discover the REAL Alaska, this book sounds wonderful: "The Quiet World"

    Pristine Alaska, Pre-Palin—New Brinkley Book Lauds Eco-Heroes


    In The Quiet World: Saving Alaska’s Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960 (HarperCollins), Brinkley has written what you might call a “winter book”—the subtle, rich opposite of the page-flipping summer read. It’s a sprawling 600 pages on a place so immense and spectacular that it drew in its own all-star cast of high-impact, often manic, larger-than-life defenders...

    The Quiet World is something to settle down with on a succession of long winter’s nights, snifter of Yukon Jack tableside, to sip in small, thoughtful doses. It’s dark up there now. Try to imagine how a place as enormous and rich and beautiful as Alaska might have been plundered and trashed so easily. And toast the fact, as Brinkley does, that some big personalities stepped in to prevent it.

  42. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Cho has credibility. The Palins are notorious for promoting trash and lies. Both Cho and Griffin actually speak, NOT the Palin. With the Palin you get nothing now and a bad screenwriter with a machine to push out the crap. It is weird all the way around.

    Griffin getting boos goes with the territory, that is no big deal. She perfectly illustrated several points (someone recapped what Precious was really about, the weight was a minor part). So far the ghostwriter has come out to "admit" Bristol has a 15 pound weight gain (truth told it would be over 30 pounds while allegedly doing strenuous exercise). There is no public Bristol now and she says nothing, it is all smoke and mirrors and the failed screen or ghostwriter. Celebrities pay good money to generate this kind of controversy and keep their name in the entertainment news cycle. What better way to disappear or take a secret vacation? Bristol is a pawn for a political machine and the re-branded version isn't going to hold up. She is still that boring Mama's girl forced into a dancing bear routine. We are suppose to hang on to their fake image until the new body comes back out to promote abstinence and suicide prevention? How long will that take?

  43. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I think the Paylins are finally at an either/or point.

    Either Bristol eventually goes public about this new baby, which is the only way she will get the next $200,000 magazine photo shoot deal.....

    Or Sarah runs for office.

    Right now I'll bet Bristol is fighting tooth and nail to reserve the option of cashing in on this latest pregnancy, because it's the only way she'll ever make any money again and she's gotten used to the "high life."

    Meanwhile, Sarah's shitting bricks because there's very little spin that could be spun to make her look good if her abstinence-preaching, twice (thrice? five times?) pregnant daughter goes public with yet another bun in her over-used oven.

    I LOVE IT.

  44. Anonymous5:55 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Levi.. who was better in bed? Kathy or Bristol?

    My bet is Kathy.

    4:38 AM"

    Well, Mark had to do all the moves dragging that tub of lard aound. One thing about Brisket, during her air guitar routine she stuck out her tongue and it was very long like a serpent. Maybe Levi liked that.

    Wait a minute, that is why she talks funny, her tongue is too damn big for her mouth.

  45. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Anon 2:53

    Thanks for link to theawl.com site. It's good to read what hunters have to say. The comment I laughed at:

    Palin/Cheney .357

  46. Anonymous6:04 AM

    4:04 AM

    THAT IS NOT BRISTOL RESPONDING. THAT IS SARAH. Sarah barks orders and the script is written for her. They use Bristol's name. Margaret Cho is 1000% plus accurate. Kathy Griffin said it best when she said "the white Precious." I'm not talking about weight. When people stop cringing at the joke they will get the whole picture.

  47. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Sarah has not wished death upon Pres Obama. That allegation is uncalled for

  48. While they [Palins] do seem to over-respond to commentary about them, they never, ever, ever respond to anything having to do with pregnancy--faked, out-of-wedlock, terminated, whatever. Anyone ever notice that?

    Why would Bristol be more upset about Kathy Griffin's rude fat remarks than by the months' long and widespread comments everywhere about being pregnant? So weird.

  49. Anonymous6:19 AM

    All one has to do is look at that face book rant to know that Bristol did not "write" these two replies.

  50. Anonymous6:21 AM

    @Lauren. I agree that Kathy G. didn't care if the joke brought big laughs. She was defending Levi by telling the truth about Bristol.
    Bravo, Kathy!
    -Still TeamLevi

  51. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Photos do not speak. People form opinions based on their own machinations and biases.

  52. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Anon 4:19
    Someone posted on one of IM's blogs yesterday of a pic that appeared on a FB page and disappeared. Thankfully the person grabbed the pic before it disappeared!!!

    It was a pic of Bristle with Miss Teen Arizona IN Arizona.

  53. Kelly6:30 AM

    "Bristol is young and hard working. She could remain in high profile situations, or just take this experience back to Alaska and use it to highlight the issues she cares about."

    That ridiculous propaganda is still being crammed down the public throat until over 30% will believe it. It is simple, if she worked hard she would have lost weight! It did not happen. They never even backed up the bull about her job at the "dermatologist" office. All they did was change the story.

    Bristol never did anything in Alaska to address issues. Wasilla continues to have an abundance of unwed girls having babies et al. She has done zip. She escaped Alaska to make her fortune elsewhere.

    Now it is another tease. Will she remain in high profile situations, or just take this experience back to Alaska and use it to highlight the issues she cares about. Stay tuned suckers. Oh yeah, send money to poor Sarah.

    Seriously, how does someone who made under $500,000 afford all the publicity and benefits she is getting? By Hollywood standards Bristol is a pauper with a gazillionaires budget for press and PR.

  54. Anonymous6:32 AM

    "Where is Bristol?????" Indeed. Is her photo on a milk carton in Wasilla yet? Or is she in Arizona?

    I fear a nationwide single-mom baby boom without Bristol showing up in public for several months to charge fees to tell young women to stay abstinent,or "Don't do what I do." -B

  55. Pistol's Paunch6:33 AM

    Good screen captures, they really show her abdomen bulging out.
    If she's not pregnant, I will be very surprised.
    About the booing of Kathy Griffin's joke, I think some, if not most of it, were boos directed at Bristol being on the DWTS show.

  56. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "A little twitter etiquette: If you're a batsnot crazy Trig Truther loon, don't call me by my 1st name as if we're on a 1st name basis. Thnx.
    about 6 hours ago via web"

    Hello Rebecca! Or do you prefer Becky?

  57. @ facebook lurker @2:46 -
    that was my exact same impression - that the small amount of booing you hear is for the reference to precious herself/itself as a movie, which was a powerful, but sad and amazing movie. that girl goes through hell, and believe it or not, the movie still has joy in it. i cried my heart out, but i loved it. it was very dark, but went out of its way to be as real and yet creative as possible in the telling of this otherwise generally uncared for character's life, who is finally finds the love she needs and deserves in order to learn to love herself and others.
    and you are also right, that when kathy sets people up for the joke by saying that bristol is the only contestant to have gained weight, folks were laughing then.
    and good point - i get the joke on a level beyond weight now. precious was an african american teen victim of rape, incest, and aids by her father, while also suffering from a horribly abusive mother. she has at least two pregnancies. and yet she finds it in herself to keep going through her love for her babies and the help of an exceptional teacher. yet no one is paying her for speeches or dwts, or tabloid photo shoots, though precious daydreams about such things like any girl her age would. i doubt that it would be lost on kathy that bristol gets paid for all these things while precious does not, and race and money and power are the differences amongst these two (that and precious is definitely a bigger girl, though i think that's relative in this case, especially in looks obsessed hollywood). i think the joke went over people's heads, like it did over mine, because of the obvious reference to weight, but griffin is a really effective cultural critic, and i think there was more to it, as you have pointed out.

    just curious, i remember reading in a previous comment from you that you facebook back and forth with b palin once in a while? how is this possible (without giving away any of your secrets of the trade or private information, of course ;o)?

  58. --The problem is that it allows Sarah to provide examples of how cruel people have been to her children which only helps her.--

    That is getting old and Sarah is one to talk about cruel, now isn't she? She has not announced a celebrity run for a high office. The Palins made themselves into comedy fodder and reality show starlets. It is not cruel to have at them at this point. She will only be a chronic whiner the longer they use that ploy. They will man up or one day go away in shame and hopefully the law will step in and do something to make this country proud again when they lock up the frauds.

  59. Anonymous6:49 AM

    If she's the "white Precious" maybe there's a chance that she'll now take the opportunity to brush up on reading/writing, too.

  60. aj weishar7:12 AM

    Bristol needs more tweets and someone to catch the rest of the television people making jokes about her weight. George Lopez did a great routine one her right after the DWTS final voe.

  61. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Facebook Lurker - love the spirit of your comments!

    "It's just too easy to fuck with the Palins and Becky Mansour isn't it? Good times..."

  62. Anonymous7:23 AM

    If you need a good photo of Bristol, this picture will answer the question, "Is she or isn't she?" http://tinyurl.com/24mkw5m

    Just to be sure that you have the link: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_d4ad6QlLNEE/TM9jrqGsNXI/AAAAAAAAAsg/fXIFQOknCS4/s400/Bristol+DWTS.jpg

    PS To Gryphen: It wouldn't hurt to post this picture on the first page of your blog so the doubters can enjoy seeing it.

  63. Molly7:49 AM

    Anon at 4:28--

    OK, but then they have Spanx for that. We know she wears it, so why didn't it smooth out her abdomen if it was just fat????

    I totally believe that she is probably pregnant.

    Just like I totally believe that she has nothing to do with her FB responses. I think that is allllll Sarah's doing.

    Hey Gryph, any chance you and Kathy are related?

  64. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Where IS Bristol???

    She was all over LA, eating out, partying with friends. Now she is--where????

    If she isn't preggers, then let's see her still out and about.

  65. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Anon 4:48 am - Palin didn't adopt
    a negative combative attitude.From
    what I've read by those who've know &
    observed her since school days, she
    has ALWAYS that way.

    OT - Isn't it kind of odd that her father seemed so focused on her -
    taking her hunting with him instead of his only, older son? Palin, when
    she refers to her childhood only
    mentions HER experiences & interactions with her father, as if
    her brother & 2 sisters didn't exist.

    Sharon TN

  66. Molly8:05 AM

    "Why would Bristol be more upset about Kathy Griffin's rude fat remarks than by the months' long and widespread comments everywhere about being pregnant? So weird."

    Yes, indeedy. A very stern "I am not pregnant, I am just overweight, and you are all hurting my feelings so please stop" might have gone over a little better.

    Except she probably is pregnant, and Mama told her she better get on that damned show and dance anyway, and 'suck it in', you floozy.

  67. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Anon 7:23
    Your second link - I could not get it to work.

  68. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Link to the picture of Bristol with Sherri Shepherd the day the 3 finalist couples appeared on the View the morning after DWTS Finale. Pic taken after the show. Should be called 'let it all hang out'


  69. Anonymous8:23 AM

    For goodness sakes, there is no reason to display a pot belly on national television if you are a young woman of 19/20 staying in Hollywood, land of Pilates machines and personal trainers.

    And what's with the fast food? She couldn't afford to sit down at a restaurant with healthy food??

    Kathy G. was totally on target when she pointed out how completely weird it was that B. did not slim down, and quickly.

    The "white Precious" - now that is disturbing. What does Kathy know about this family?

    I hope it is nothing more sinister than B. being pregnant more than once, or that she is a person who is not really educated beyond a 5th or 6th grade level.

    If it is something darker.. well, secrets eventually get told. These girls may be in their 30's or 40's before they are emotionally free to be truthful about their lives with their crazy mom and enabling dad.

  70. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I still think this Bristol sideview pic taken Oct 19 shows too her hands under her 'bump'. This is a month before the finale.


  71. Gryphen -
    Was it you, or at least here on IM, that someone said about 2 years ago that when the truth comes out, it will be so gruesome that we will all feel sorry for Sarah and Bristol?

    Do you still believe that?

    Precious was impregnated as a teen by her father and gave birth to a DS baby.

    Would Levi have told Kathy Griffin secrets THAT personal?

    CBJ is a doctor that specializes in sexual abuse, after all.

    Just sayin'.

    (I do not believe Todd abused Bristol, he doesn't seem to have it in him. But another male relative, perhaps.)

  72. majii9:12 AM

    Anonymous said:

    Sarah has not wished death upon Pres Obama. That allegation is uncalled for

    6:16 AM

    Neither did she tell those who were saying it to knock it off, something an ethical person would have done. She heard it in 2008, allows the Bible to be used by her followers on FB to call for Obama's death, and has done nothing to stop it.

    She's just like you: good at ignoring the truth and willing to allow anything to go on as long as it promotes her personally in one way or another.

    No wonder you posted your comment under an anonymous moniker. If I were into defending Palin's serious flaws in the face of the facts, I'd comment as anonymous, too.

    You're no Christian and neither is Palin. No Christian would hear his/her followers call for the death of someone and say nothing. Since she allows it, she endorses it.

  73. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "The audience's reaction to this 'comedian' spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too,"

    Fa QUE Bristol u fat fu k and your dung asc mother! Here she is playing the victim, do you think we forgot how you and your mother treated the elderly school teacher in Anchorage?

  74. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "One thing about Brisket, during her air guitar routine she stuck out her tongue and it was very long like a serpent. "

    Aaahh! Thanks for the laugh!

  75. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The Palins are so predicatble, that any celebrity that needs to make the news only has to mention any palin and they are guaranteed news coverage because the Palins, ghost writers, or palinbots can't help but respond.

    Any publicity is good publicity.

  76. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Wonder how Tawd parents feel about his wife tarnishing the Palin name?

  77. Anonymous10:02 AM

    If Bristol is not pregnant then somebody better attach a wire to her fat ass so the blimp does not float away.

  78. Anonymous10:18 AM

    That "white Precious" remark really makes me sit up and go, "Huh?" We know Levi told Kathy some of the Palin secrets. I doubt Todd, but Creepy Chuck? Of course, Bristol aka Becky didn't touch that reference.

    So in the last week Bristol aka Becky has flamed Keith, Margaret, and Kathy. Wow, she's going to beat Sarah aka Becky's record.

  79. Anonymous10:50 AM

    9:01 AM

    Chuck Heath gives off a bad vibe but that he would do the deed. It can often be someone you would least expect. Could be an uncle.

  80. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "Leadfoot said...
    Gryphen -
    Was it you, or at least here on IM, that someone said about 2 years ago that when the truth comes out, it will be so gruesome that we will all feel sorry for Sarah and Bristol?

    Do you still believe that?

    Precious was impregnated as a teen by her father and gave birth to a DS baby.

    Would Levi have told Kathy Griffin secrets THAT personal?

    CBJ is a doctor that specializes in sexual abuse, after all.

    Just sayin'.

    (I do not believe Todd abused Bristol, he doesn't seem to have it in him. But another male relative, perhaps.)

    9:01 AM"

    Yikes! There is no telling what Levi told Kathy.
    He sure seemed to enjoy blabbing everything
    he knew to the press... He has the mind of a
    child, as they all seem to (including the vulgar Kathy), no telling what goes on.

  81. Anonymous11:04 AM

    for those of you not sure if weight issue or baby, this is the same photo some of you posted after The View interviews on 11/24. all I did was lighten and sharpen. IMO she is about 5 months pregnant. http://twitpic.com/39ul80

  82. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "That "white Precious" remark really makes me sit up and go, "Huh?" We know Levi told Kathy some of the Palin secrets."

    I hate that she said it & didn't say what she meant.
    Precious as in fat chick, or Precious as in incest victim?
    She has left us too much room to speculate.

  83. Anonymous12:12 PM

    OMG, RAM is one angry failed screenwriter. I would seriously distance myself from her if I was Palin. Someone who fights that hard for you (as if she was you) will not take kindly to you dumping her one day. And dump her you will have to do if you want the nomination. Because trust me, the GOP have their own ghostwriters and RAM will be nothing more than the failed manager who got her client's career going but is dumped once she moves to the next level. And if this happens, RAM has already burned ALL her bridges so good luck ever getting a job again. You will be broke and laughed at unless you can get Harpers Collins to bankroll your book about being thrown under the bus by Palin. As a failed screenwriter, you must know that you better always have a Plan B.

  84. Facebook Lurker12:43 PM

    GrainneKathleen...glad you got my point, and I agree with you that Kathy was making a joke (albeit cude, but that's what she is known for) about more than weight by calling Bristol white Precious. I don't think it was about incest, but most certainly in reference to the overeating and pregnancies.

    When Kathy appeared on either Joy Behar, or Larry King (I can't remember which) a few months ago, she stated that Levi told her things that would bring Sarah down, and these were much worse than what he had revealed in previous interviews. I'll have to google around to find it.

    As far as contacting Bristol on facebook, it is very simple. Most users have a "Send (Name) a message feature" on their page,. You don't have to "friend" them to send a message, and this goes right to their registered email address. So, I just did that to Bristol's private (Bristol Sheeran) facebook page. Right after I sent her the message about being pregnant, she changed her privacy settings, so this feature was no longer available, AND her page would not come up in search. Mind you, she never denied the pregnancy, just called me a loser whose life must suck. Knowing Bristol the way we do, it is safe to say she is pregnant and not fat, she would have thrown it back in my face if she wasn't... and even the statement put out in response to Kathy Griffin does not deny the weight gain, or admit to anything else. Needless to say, we are not friends on facebook

  85. Anonymous12:49 PM


    I hate that she said it & didn't say what she meant.
    Precious as in fat chick, or Precious as in incest victim?"

    Precious as in mother of a Down Syndrome baby. THAT was what Kathy was talking about.

  86. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I'm not kidding about Bristol's tongue, it is super long. If you think I'm kidding watch her DWTS video I believe it was her purple Barney outfit and she did the air guitar. Look at both video because she did the dance twice. When I first seen it I thought damn that girl's tongue is long, almost demonic looking. I'm sure Levi enjoyed it. If you listen to her it sounds like she has a speech impediment and I bet her long ass tongue has something to do with it.

  87. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    for those of you not sure if weight issue or baby, this is the same photo some of you posted after The View interviews on 11/24. all I did was lighten and sharpen. IMO she is about 5 months pregnant. http://twitpic.com/39ul80

    11:04 AM"

    One of the comments mentioned Photoshop--which
    means she does look pregnant.

    I went to The View webpage & took that same
    photo, lightened it & there was that belly.

  88. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Kathy Griffin is a danger to young viewers?

    The annual VH1 show, which was taped at San Diego’s Miramar Marine base and presented by the USO, also featured a slew of young performers such as Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj and Paramore. So could Griffin’s comments be potentially dangerous to the young viewers who tuned in to watch their idols on stage?

  89. Anonymous5:27 PM

    'It's written by a MAN and I think it speaks for all REAL men'

    Have you ever wondered what a real man would say?

  90. "do you think we forgot how you and your mother treated the elderly school teacher in Anchorage?"

    Sorry, I have to defend Sarah here. I just watched that clip yesterday. Sarah remains in campaign mode while that lady lambastes her for quitting as governor. Sarah tried and tried to say something to pacify the woman. As for what Bristol said, I couldn't make it out.

  91. Anonymous5:57 PM

    one thing, you are so full of it. a bit too early to rewrite history, huh?

    i watched that clip too, as did everyone reading here. palin and her goons ganged up on that woman just for posting a sign on her own property.

  92. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Kathy Griffin must be in heaven with this fuming Bristol Palin feud being pushed. Bristol did gain weight, RAM admitted to at least 15 of the 30 plus pounds. How stupid are they? It is time for Bristol to stop hiding and come out like the tough girl they are trying to pretend she is.

    Why is Bristol Palin afraid to come out in public now? How long after a WITE-OUT until she can look trim again? She said she is proud of her legs and likes her big body. It is too cowardly to hide until she can work off the belly and arms.

    How can the date this photo was taken be verified?
    Why does Tara Snapbacks Swan change her Facebook links and why does she change her profile picture? What is going on at the Official Bristol Palin Facebook to make it look like Bristol is in Phoenix?

    This is the last verified photo of Bristol? If that was a Spandex Free moment on November 24. Bristol was said to be photographed in Phoenix on December 5, how did she lose all the weight in her face?

  93. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Okay this is how dense I am: after reading the Kathy Griffin joke, I thought - huh? She's comparing B. to Gollum? WTF?

    Didn't see the movie "Precious" (obviously), but it sounded profound and very, very sad. One of those "must see" movies I'll never see because it's too emotionally fraught for me.

  94. Anonymous8:07 PM

    who is RAM?

  95. Anonymous7:17 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    who is RAM?

    8:07 PM"

    Sarah Palin's brown noser, Rebecca A Mansour.


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