Monday, December 06, 2010

My new imaginary girlfriend just sent this to me so of course I posted it.

I know a lot of you already sent me this video earlier, and I was probably going to post it, but then SHE sent it to me special (You know, along with everybody else on her e-mail list).

This may sound a little cocky, but I have to say I am pretty proud to have been one of the original 45 on that list.  Number 44 to be exact.

And speaking of cocky I would just like to point out that the entire time Ms. Dupuy is talking in this video she keeps staring right into my eyes.  Oh yeah, there's magic.


  1. I'd be friends with most of those on the list.

    You're more her enemy than Jeanne Devon - wow, I'm surprised.

  2. $he flamed Kate G? I thought they were camping buds?

    Or was $Palin gonna hunt Kate in the woods a la that Hanson dude?

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    down, boy

  4. Two flames a month - seemed like ten with the wind-chill factor.

  5. Joe Miller is on her list? I thought it was Todd who had the lover's spat with him?

  6. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I am sick in bed and that completely cheered me up .. She is hilarious! You are a lucky man, Gryph!


  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    But did you see starbursts Uncle G.?

  8. Enjay in E MT3:31 PM

    That is so comical - which I sorely needed on a Monday afternoon.

    Yes, 70 is MORE than a pattern!

  9. Anonymous3:31 PM

    That's how crazy people keep the drama going - pick fights.

  10. SME1313:41 PM

    LMAO up to 70 now. Amazing.

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Not a stretch to think she'll also
    take down fauxnews.

    "EXCLUSIVE: After Kathy Griffin's jokes about Bristol Palin being 'fat' are criticized at the VH1 Divas salute to the troops, Palin bites back, saying she hopes no one had to pay money to hear the remarks"

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    See fauxnews & sarah be exclusivitely fair & balanced. RARE footage and soundbites.

  12. London Bridges3:47 PM

    Is the school teacher who made up the big sign that the Palins tore down and with whom Sarah and Brislow rolled their eyes on the list? I forgot her name.

  13. OT - Joe Miller learned The Blame Game from Sarah and now he's blaming Alaskan Natives' corporations. It should also too be noted that Todd and Sarah's children are all shareholders of Bristol Bay Native Corporation.

  14. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sarah does have a complex - maybe two or three: inferiority, superiority(there's the good poor me Sarah and the I'm God's Chosen One Sarah), and oh, well, this could go on to several, but what's the point. Sarah is a sick puppy and needs help.

    Too bad her family, friends, and fans don't care enough to help her get that help. Must be lonely being Sarah.

  15. Anonymous4:00 PM

    >>This may sound a little cocky, but I have to say I am pretty proud to have been one of the original 45 on that list. Number 44 to be exact.

    1. David Letterman
    2. Wall Street Journal/Sudeep Reddy
    3. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R)
    4. Levi Johnston
    5. Shannyn Moore
    6. Katie Couric
    7. Nicolle Wallace
    8. Steve Schmidt
    9. Kate Gosselin
    10. The Fed/Ben Bernanke
    11. Pete Rouse
    12. Joe McGinniss
    13. Peggy Noonan
    14. Ashley Judd
    15. Congressman Spencer Bachus (R)
    16. Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten
    17. Joe Miller
    18. Politico
    19. Karl Rove
    20. State Department (Ahmadinejad’s birthday)
    21. Rahm Emanuel
    22. Family Guy/Seth MacFarlane
    23. Michelle Obama
    24. President Barack Obama
    25. Kathleen Gustafson
    26. Brian Williams
    27. Emily’s List
    28. Ed Gillespie
    29. Mayor Michael Bloomberg
    30. Environmentalists
    31. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)
    32. All “impotent” reporters
    33. Vice President Al Gore
    34. Charlie Gibson
    35. Maureen Dowd
    36. Bloggers
    37. Rachel Maddow
    38. 60 Minutes
    39. Mark Halperin
    40. John Heilemann
    41. Nick Denton/Gawker
    42. Barbara Bush
    43. U.S. Export Import Bank
    44. Blogger Jesse Griffin
    45. Blogger Dennis Zaki
    46. Andrew Sullivan/The Atlantic
    47. Keith Olbermann
    48. CSU students AKA “Dumpster Divers” Ashley Briggs and Alicia Lewis
    49. Blogger Jeanne Devon
    50. Palingates
    51. Linda Kellen Biegel AKA Celtic Diva
    52. Oliver Stone
    53. John Bitney
    54. Senator Scott Brown (R)
    55. Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green
    56. Andree McLeod
    57. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
    58. PolitiFact
    59. Bill Ayers
    60. Secretary Madeleine Albright
    61. Senator John Kerry (D)
    62. Jonathan Martin
    63. NPR
    64. Congressman Alan Grayson (D)
    65. Stephen Colbert
    66. Helen Thomas
    67. PETA
    68. Anchorage Daily News
    69. Tina Fey
    70. Andrew Halcro

    Honorable mentions (by popular demand): William Shakespeare, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy and American Idol contestants.

    These are media feuds former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has participated in from the last two years since she was launched from obscurity. It should be noted they’re in no particular order. I’ve also omitted people who just jab at her without her responding (e.g. Meghan McCain) but those are rare.

    This is a work in progress – including typos. Check back as more names are added. When I originally published the list there were under 50. I’ve added more as people have sent me links.

    Quick math: there are over 60 in the last two years – roughly 30 months- that’s over two feuds a month. She flames, on average, over two people or organizations a month. Every month. And they respond. Every month.

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Gaaa, think of the GLOBAL annhiliation that would happen with her 'spats'. Elevating them to a nuclear level...again, gaaaaaaaaaa!

  17. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Take a cold shower Gryphen!!! LOL

  18. slowhand4:07 PM

    Yeah, but in dog years, it's fourteen feuds a month!

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    London Bridges, that's Kathleen Gustafson, and yes, I believe she is on the list.

  20. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Any readers out there...

    If you have anything newsworthy to report that has the chance to get into the mainstream press, she has a big range of newspapers that she is published in, so here's that opportunity to put a bug in her ear about, well, you know...

    And if you find anyone left off the Enemy List, shoot her a line, she actually answers back!

    Gryph, you've got great taste! This woman is REAL star material, not one manufactured by the media. And LOTS easier on the eyes (and the ears).

  21. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Love it! She is smart, beautiful and after Ms. Quitty. I love it. She should add Keith Olbermann to that list. Sarah once said he scared her. Also, too Saturday Night Live for all the skits they did making fun of her.

  22. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Delightfully funny that the wingnuts actually thought SP would give up raising money for herself to raise money for the RNC.

  23. Anonymous4:28 PM

    @ 3:31 We have a student in my middle school who is just like her - picking fights for the drama.

    But she is getting help.

  24. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Ok...I read about Tina Dupuy, and really liked what she said.

    Then I saw your comment, Gryphen, about how she wasn't too hard on the eyes...and I thought "geez, man. C'mon. She's a little young, don't you think?"

    Then I watched her.

    Hmmm. Not too hard on the eyes, is she?

  25. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Just a beautiful piece. Yes 70 x is so much more than a pattern. 70 must be a personality trait.

  26. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bristol's enemies list..

    1. Levi Johnston
    2. Mercede Johnston
    3. Family Guy
    4. Lanesia Garcia
    5. Kathleen Gustafson
    6. All her haters from DWTS
    7. Facebook foes Tre, Imran, Matt
    8. Keith Olbermann
    9. Margaret Cho
    10. Kathy Griffin

  27. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I'd like to see the list split in two (I think there are two major groups)
    1. those that have been thrown under the bus
    2. those that she has publicly sparred with (e.g. David Letterman, Gryph)
    3. Those she dislikes on general principle (e.g. Obama, Michelle O.)
    Ooops I identified three groups.

    Did the guy who guessed who password get included?

    What about Anne Kilkenny. She spoke out early on. What happened to her? Was she ever punished for her insolence? I never saw anything.

  28. Bristol/Sarah are going after Kathy Griffin now.

    “The audience's reaction to this ‘comedian’ spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too,” Palin told Pop Tarts in an exclusive statement. “I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms.”

    Read more:

  29. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Bristol responding to all her haters/enemies... or should we say open wide!

  30. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I'm thinking she is going to have to add Tina Dupuy to that list. There is no way granny grifter is going to let this go.

  31. Anonymous5:15 PM

    margaret cho for exposing palin making Bristol do dancing with the stars.

  32. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Oliver Stone, who by the way is a decorated war hero.

  33. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Where's Hawk, the fellow from the Valdez airport. I think he deserves special a special commendation as a very valiant enemy in the teeth of the evil duo, Todd Palin and his wife, I mean Todd Palin and "Sarah Palin."

  34. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I don't want to spoil anyone's party, but the first time that I read the list, it wasn't ranked in any particular order. David Letterman may be #1, but Sarah hasn't ranted about him lately. Are people rated by how many face book posts Rebecca Mansour had to write? How many tweets were sent out? How many hate filled posts Sarah's fans posted?

    It's pretty clear that Sarah, and now Bristol, issue these hate filled posts when they need to attract media attention. I think that some of it is about the hating. Some of it is about the need to answer the person back. Let no criticism go unanswered. And the rest is about the attention it generates.

    It must be that no one is paying attention to Bristol anymore, so she really has to stir it up. Aw, come on, Bristol, please go out to some club and pose for the photographers so we can see what shape you are in.

  35. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The Palins use sex to attack Letterman and McGuiness. That doesn't work when another woman is attacking you. The more WOMEN come out against these pathetic Palin women, the better.

  36. Anonymous5:34 PM

    this did not take very long

  37. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I wish one of these comedians would just come out at tweet.... "BRISTOL is PREGNANT!!"

    Sarah must now want to be president. Think about it, picking fights with comedians??

  38. Anonymous5:47 PM

    So did RAM replace Meg?

  39. Anonymous5:47 PM

    For all of the the left leaning people who are panicking at the prospect of former half-term governor of Alaska and full-time Facebooker Sarah Palin being elected president of the United States in 2012, I have a simple message for you: relax.

    A recent poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) found that Palin is the one candidate Obama does not have to worry about.

  40. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I saw a character description in Time magazine's movie review by Mary Pols that could be easily used to describe Sarah.... she "has the arrogance of the oblivious".

  41. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I must say that nearly everyone on that list is a fine, upstanding, intelligent individual, doing their best to contribute to the world, often holding Sarah accountable for her shenanigans, quality, educated, experienced, accomplished people...and then there's Sarah(..and Todd)

    and shortly in her footsteps Bristol, Willow and you can be sure that Piper is not far behind, just give her a few more years, she's gonna be worse than the first two combined.

    This list will be PRICELESS if she 'plows right through that door' called an election.

  42. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Book update... #32 on Amazon... Wow, that's quite a plummet!

  43. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Oh, you are so cute :-) Gryphen,

  44. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday and Bill O´Reilly clearly can´t stomach sarah. They belong on the list. What it boils down to is anyone who has ever worked with sarah ends up on her enemy list.

  45. Interesting that the only two Wasilla residents on the list are Levi and Mike W. Both have been "family," at least at one point.

  46. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Ya know...this stirs a flash here.. Rep. Steve King (dumbass-Iowa) has proposed that the McCarthy committee be reinstated to do investigation into various individuals that probably represent anarchists according to tribal law in Iowa...

    Let's agree to this for King with ONE stipulation.. He can ONLY investigate Palin!!! FULL TIME.. As a communist, socialist, Nazi, critter-killing loon...

    The ONLY thing King can conclude is that she's guilty of all of these transgression.. and the only penalty is that she AND King live out in the backwoods of Alaska for 10 out of 12 months a year and hunt moose and caribou with ONE box of bullets..

  47. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Hey Gryph!

    Your new 'imaginary girlfriend' thinks your blog post is 'hilarious'. She just told me.


  48. Hi Gryphen,

    You will love this article:

    Sarah Palin the TV Star Exposes Sarah Palin the Fake Hunter

    For non-hunters like myself, this article does an excellent job explaining why Palin can't hunt to save her life.

  49. Anonymous9:02 PM

    5:22, absolutely, hawk must be on that list!

  50. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Curiouser, did the audience boo Kathy or erupt in boos because Palin was mentioned? Those soldiers have got to know Palin uses them as a political prop. If I heard the Palin name I'd boo too, just on general principle.

  51. Anonymous9:21 PM

    What about the Matanuska Maid Dairy board and management? They were some of Palin's very first victims. She trashed them in order to funnel money to her dairy farmer friends.
    Those dairy friends are now severely behind in their state loan payments.
    The collateral SP's NEW hand picked board required was 40,000 lbs of cheese the dairy had been unable to sell. So the only recourse the state has to recoup the last $200,0000+ loan is to seize the cheese. Good business practices, wouldn't you say?

  52. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Doesn't that family get worn out keeping track of all their enemies?

    Nutsy cuckoo lot.


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